# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe OnboardingProgressService do describe '#execute' do let(:namespace) { create(:namespace, parent: root_namespace) } subject(:execute_service) { described_class.new(namespace).execute(action: :subscription_created) } context 'when the namespace is a root' do let(:root_namespace) { nil } it 'records a namespace onboarding progress action for the given namespace' do expect(NamespaceOnboardingAction).to receive(:create_action) .with(namespace, :subscription_created).and_call_original expect { execute_service }.to change(NamespaceOnboardingAction, :count).by(1) end end context 'when the namespace is not the root' do let_it_be(:root_namespace) { build(:namespace) } it 'records a namespace onboarding progress action for the root namespace' do expect(NamespaceOnboardingAction).to receive(:create_action) .with(root_namespace, :subscription_created).and_call_original expect { execute_service }.to change(NamespaceOnboardingAction, :count).by(1) end end end end