# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Projects::LfsPointers::LfsDownloadLinkListService do let(:import_url) { 'http://www.gitlab.com/demo/repo.git' } let(:lfs_endpoint) { "#{import_url}/info/lfs/objects/batch" } let!(:project) { create(:project, import_url: import_url) } let(:new_oids) { { 'oid1' => 123, 'oid2' => 125 } } let(:remote_uri) { URI.parse(lfs_endpoint) } let(:request_object) { HTTParty::Request.new(Net::HTTP::Post, '/') } let(:parsed_block) { lambda {} } let(:success_net_response) { Net::HTTPOK.new('', '', '') } let(:response) { Gitlab::HTTP::Response.new(request_object, net_response, parsed_block) } def objects_response(oids) body = oids.map do |oid, size| { 'oid' => oid, 'size' => size, 'actions' => { 'download' => { 'href' => "#{import_url}/gitlab-lfs/objects/#{oid}" } } } end Struct.new(:success?, :objects).new(true, body).to_json end def custom_response(net_response, body = nil) allow(net_response).to receive(:body).and_return(body) Gitlab::HTTP::Response.new(request_object, net_response, parsed_block) end let(:invalid_object_response) do [ 'oid' => 'whatever', 'size' => 123 ] end subject { described_class.new(project, remote_uri: remote_uri) } before do allow(project).to receive(:lfs_enabled?).and_return(true) response = custom_response(success_net_response, objects_response(new_oids)) allow(Gitlab::HTTP).to receive(:post).and_return(response) end describe '#execute' do it 'retrieves each download link of every non existent lfs object' do subject.execute(new_oids).each do |lfs_download_object| expect(lfs_download_object.link).to eq "#{import_url}/gitlab-lfs/objects/#{lfs_download_object.oid}" end end context 'when lfs objects size is larger than the batch size' do def stub_successful_request(batch) response = custom_response(success_net_response, objects_response(batch)) stub_request(batch, response) end def stub_entity_too_large_error_request(batch) entity_too_large_net_response = Net::HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge.new('', '', '') response = custom_response(entity_too_large_net_response) stub_request(batch, response) end def stub_request(batch, response) expect(Gitlab::HTTP).to receive(:post).with( remote_uri, { body: { operation: 'download', objects: batch.map { |k, v| { oid: k, size: v } } }.to_json, headers: subject.send(:headers) } ).and_return(response) end let(:new_oids) { { 'oid1' => 123, 'oid2' => 125, 'oid3' => 126, 'oid4' => 127, 'oid5' => 128 } } context 'when batch size' do before do stub_const("#{described_class.name}::REQUEST_BATCH_SIZE", 2) data = new_oids.to_a stub_successful_request([data[0], data[1]]) stub_successful_request([data[2], data[3]]) stub_successful_request([data[4]]) end it 'retreives them in batches' do subject.execute(new_oids).each do |lfs_download_object| expect(lfs_download_object.link).to eq "#{import_url}/gitlab-lfs/objects/#{lfs_download_object.oid}" end end end context 'when request fails with PayloadTooLarge error' do let(:error_class) { described_class::DownloadLinksRequestEntityTooLargeError } context 'when the smaller batch eventually works' do before do stub_const("#{described_class.name}::REQUEST_BATCH_SIZE", 5) data = new_oids.to_a # with the batch size of 5 stub_entity_too_large_error_request(data) # with the batch size of 2 stub_successful_request([data[0], data[1]]) stub_successful_request([data[2], data[3]]) stub_successful_request([data[4]]) end it 'retreives them eventually and logs exceptions' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_exception).with( an_instance_of(error_class), project_id: project.id, batch_size: 5, oids_count: 5 ) subject.execute(new_oids).each do |lfs_download_object| expect(lfs_download_object.link).to eq "#{import_url}/gitlab-lfs/objects/#{lfs_download_object.oid}" end end end context 'when batch size cannot be any smaller' do before do stub_const("#{described_class.name}::REQUEST_BATCH_SIZE", 5) data = new_oids.to_a # with the batch size of 5 stub_entity_too_large_error_request(data) # with the batch size of 2 stub_entity_too_large_error_request([data[0], data[1]]) end it 'raises an error and logs exceptions' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_exception).with( an_instance_of(error_class), project_id: project.id, batch_size: 5, oids_count: 5 ) expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_exception).with( an_instance_of(error_class), project_id: project.id, batch_size: 2, oids_count: 5 ) expect { subject.execute(new_oids) }.to raise_error(described_class::DownloadLinksError) end end end end context 'credentials' do context 'when the download link and the lfs_endpoint have the same host' do context 'when lfs_endpoint has credentials' do let(:import_url) { 'http://user:password@www.gitlab.com/demo/repo.git' } it 'adds credentials to the download_link' do result = subject.execute(new_oids) result.each do |lfs_download_object| expect(lfs_download_object.link.starts_with?('http://user:password@')).to be_truthy end end end context 'when lfs_endpoint does not have any credentials' do it 'does not add any credentials' do result = subject.execute(new_oids) result.each do |lfs_download_object| expect(lfs_download_object.link.starts_with?('http://user:password@')).to be_falsey end end end end context 'when the download link and the lfs_endpoint have different hosts' do let(:import_url_with_credentials) { 'http://user:password@www.otherdomain.com/demo/repo.git' } let(:lfs_endpoint) { "#{import_url_with_credentials}/info/lfs/objects/batch" } it 'downloads without any credentials' do result = subject.execute(new_oids) result.each do |lfs_download_object| expect(lfs_download_object.link.starts_with?('http://user:password@')).to be_falsey end end end end end describe '#get_download_links' do context 'if request fails' do before do request_timeout_net_response = Net::HTTPRequestTimeout.new('', '', '') response = custom_response(request_timeout_net_response) allow(Gitlab::HTTP).to receive(:post).and_return(response) end it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.send(:get_download_links, new_oids) }.to raise_error(described_class::DownloadLinksError) end end shared_examples 'JSON parse errors' do |body| it 'raises an error' do response = custom_response(success_net_response) allow(response).to receive(:body).and_return(body) allow(Gitlab::HTTP).to receive(:post).and_return(response) expect { subject.send(:get_download_links, new_oids) }.to raise_error(described_class::DownloadLinksError) end end it_behaves_like 'JSON parse errors', '{' it_behaves_like 'JSON parse errors', '{}' it_behaves_like 'JSON parse errors', '{ foo: 123 }' end describe '#parse_response_links' do it 'does not add oid entry if href not found' do expect(subject).to receive(:log_error).with("Link for Lfs Object with oid whatever not found or invalid.") result = subject.send(:parse_response_links, invalid_object_response) expect(result).to be_empty end end end