require 'spec_helper' describe RepositoryArchiveCleanUpService, services: true do describe '#execute' do subject(:service) { } context 'when the downloads directory does not exist' do it 'does not remove any archives' do path = '/invalid/path/' stub_repository_downloads_path(path) expect(File).to receive(:directory?).with(path).and_return(false) expect(service).not_to receive(:clean_up_old_archives) expect(service).not_to receive(:clean_up_empty_directories) service.execute end end context 'when the downloads directory exists' do shared_examples 'invalid archive files' do |dirname, extensions, mtime| it 'does not remove files and directoy' do in_directory_with_files(dirname, extensions, mtime) do |dir, files| service.execute files.each { |file| expect(File.exist?(file)).to eq true } expect( eq true end end end it 'removes files older than 2 hours that matches valid archive extensions' do in_directory_with_files('sample.git', %w[tar tar.bz2 tar.gz zip], 2.hours) do |dir, files| service.execute files.each { |file| expect(File.exist?(file)).to eq false } expect( eq false end end context 'with files older than 2 hours that does not matches valid archive extensions' do it_behaves_like 'invalid archive files', 'sample.git', %w[conf rb], 2.hours end context 'with files older than 2 hours inside invalid directories' do it_behaves_like 'invalid archive files', 'john_doe/sample.git', %w[conf rb tar tar.gz], 2.hours end context 'with files newer than 2 hours that matches valid archive extensions' do it_behaves_like 'invalid archive files', 'sample.git', %w[tar tar.bz2 tar.gz zip], 1.hour end context 'with files newer than 2 hours that does not matches valid archive extensions' do it_behaves_like 'invalid archive files', 'sample.git', %w[conf rb], 1.hour end context 'with files newer than 2 hours inside invalid directories' do it_behaves_like 'invalid archive files', 'sample.git', %w[conf rb tar tar.gz], 1.hour end end def in_directory_with_files(dirname, extensions, mtime) Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| stub_repository_downloads_path(tmpdir) dir = File.join(tmpdir, dirname) files = create_temporary_files(dir, extensions, mtime) yield(dir, files) end end def stub_repository_downloads_path(path) allow(Gitlab.config.gitlab).to receive(:repository_downloads_path).and_return(path) end def create_temporary_files(dir, extensions, mtime) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) FileUtils.touch( { |ext| File.join(dir, "sample.#{ext}") }, mtime: - mtime) end end end