require 'spec_helper' describe TodoService, services: true do let(:author) { create(:user) } let(:assignee) { create(:user) } let(:non_member) { create(:user) } let(:member) { create(:user) } let(:admin) { create(:admin) } let(:john_doe) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:mentions) { [author, assignee, john_doe, member, non_member, admin].map(&:to_reference).join(' ') } let(:service) { } before do << [author, :developer] << [member, :developer] << [john_doe, :developer] end describe 'Issues' do let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project, assignee: john_doe, author: author, description: mentions) } let(:unassigned_issue) { create(:issue, project: project, assignee: nil) } let(:confidential_issue) { create(:issue, :confidential, project: project, author: author, assignee: assignee, description: mentions) } describe '#new_issue' do it 'creates a todo if assigned' do service.new_issue(issue, author) should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: issue, action: Todo::ASSIGNED) end it 'does not create a todo if unassigned' do should_not_create_any_todo { service.new_issue(unassigned_issue, author) } end it 'does not create a todo if assignee is the current user' do should_not_create_any_todo { service.new_issue(unassigned_issue, john_doe) } end it 'creates a todo for each valid mentioned user' do service.new_issue(issue, author) should_create_todo(user: member, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_not_create_todo(user: author, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_not_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED) end it 'does not create todo for non project members when issue is confidential' do service.new_issue(confidential_issue, john_doe) should_create_todo(user: assignee, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::ASSIGNED) should_create_todo(user: author, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_create_todo(user: member, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_create_todo(user: admin, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_not_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED) end end describe '#update_issue' do it 'creates a todo for each valid mentioned user' do service.update_issue(issue, author) should_create_todo(user: member, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_not_create_todo(user: author, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED) end it 'does not create a todo if user was already mentioned' do create(:todo, :mentioned, user: member, project: project, target: issue, author: author) expect { service.update_issue(issue, author) }.not_to change(member.todos, :count) end it 'does not create todo for non project members when issue is confidential' do service.update_issue(confidential_issue, john_doe) should_create_todo(user: author, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_create_todo(user: assignee, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_create_todo(user: member, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_create_todo(user: admin, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_not_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED) end end describe '#close_issue' do it 'marks related pending todos to the target for the user as done' do first_todo = create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: issue, author: author) second_todo = create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: issue, author: author) service.close_issue(issue, john_doe) expect(first_todo.reload).to be_done expect(second_todo.reload).to be_done end end describe '#reassigned_issue' do it 'creates a pending todo for new assignee' do unassigned_issue.update_attribute(:assignee, john_doe) service.reassigned_issue(unassigned_issue, author) should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: unassigned_issue, action: Todo::ASSIGNED) end it 'does not create a todo if unassigned' do issue.update_attribute(:assignee, nil) should_not_create_any_todo { service.reassigned_issue(issue, author) } end it 'does not create a todo if new assignee is the current user' do unassigned_issue.update_attribute(:assignee, john_doe) should_not_create_any_todo { service.reassigned_issue(unassigned_issue, john_doe) } end end describe '#mark_pending_todos_as_done' do it 'marks related pending todos to the target for the user as done' do first_todo = create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: issue, author: author) second_todo = create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: issue, author: author) service.mark_pending_todos_as_done(issue, john_doe) expect(first_todo.reload).to be_done expect(second_todo.reload).to be_done end end describe '#new_note' do let!(:first_todo) { create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: issue, author: author) } let!(:second_todo) { create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: issue, author: author) } let(:confidential_issue) { create(:issue, :confidential, project: project, author: author, assignee: assignee) } let(:note) { create(:note, project: project, noteable: issue, author: john_doe, note: mentions) } let(:note_on_commit) { create(:note_on_commit, project: project, author: john_doe, note: mentions) } let(:note_on_confidential_issue) { create(:note_on_issue, noteable: confidential_issue, project: project, note: mentions) } let(:note_on_project_snippet) { create(:note_on_project_snippet, project: project, author: john_doe, note: mentions) } let(:award_note) { create(:note, :award, project: project, noteable: issue, author: john_doe, note: 'thumbsup') } let(:system_note) { create(:system_note, project: project, noteable: issue) } it 'mark related pending todos to the noteable for the note author as done' do first_todo = create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: issue, author: author) second_todo = create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: issue, author: author) service.new_note(note, john_doe) expect(first_todo.reload).to be_done expect(second_todo.reload).to be_done end it 'mark related pending todos to the noteable for the award note author as done' do service.new_note(award_note, john_doe) expect(first_todo.reload).to be_done expect(second_todo.reload).to be_done end it 'does not mark related pending todos it is a system note' do service.new_note(system_note, john_doe) expect(first_todo.reload).to be_pending expect(second_todo.reload).to be_pending end it 'creates a todo for each valid mentioned user' do service.new_note(note, john_doe) should_create_todo(user: member, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note) should_create_todo(user: author, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note) should_not_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note) should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note) end it 'does not create todo for non project members when leaving a note on a confidential issue' do service.new_note(note_on_confidential_issue, john_doe) should_create_todo(user: author, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note_on_confidential_issue) should_create_todo(user: assignee, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note_on_confidential_issue) should_create_todo(user: member, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note_on_confidential_issue) should_create_todo(user: admin, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note_on_confidential_issue) should_not_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note_on_confidential_issue) end it 'creates a todo for each valid mentioned user when leaving a note on commit' do service.new_note(note_on_commit, john_doe) should_create_todo(user: member, target_id: nil, target_type: 'Commit', commit_id: note_on_commit.commit_id, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note_on_commit) should_create_todo(user: author, target_id: nil, target_type: 'Commit', commit_id: note_on_commit.commit_id, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note_on_commit) should_not_create_todo(user: john_doe, target_id: nil, target_type: 'Commit', commit_id: note_on_commit.commit_id, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note_on_commit) should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target_id: nil, target_type: 'Commit', commit_id: note_on_commit.commit_id, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note_on_commit) end it 'does not create todo when leaving a note on snippet' do should_not_create_any_todo { service.new_note(note_on_project_snippet, john_doe) } end end end describe 'Merge Requests' do let(:mr_assigned) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, author: author, assignee: john_doe, description: mentions) } let(:mr_unassigned) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, author: author, assignee: nil) } describe '#new_merge_request' do it 'creates a pending todo if assigned' do service.new_merge_request(mr_assigned, author) should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::ASSIGNED) end it 'does not create a todo if unassigned' do should_not_create_any_todo { service.new_merge_request(mr_unassigned, author) } end it 'does not create a todo if assignee is the current user' do should_not_create_any_todo { service.new_merge_request(mr_unassigned, john_doe) } end it 'creates a todo for each valid mentioned user' do service.new_merge_request(mr_assigned, author) should_create_todo(user: member, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_not_create_todo(user: author, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_not_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED) end end describe '#update_merge_request' do it 'creates a todo for each valid mentioned user' do service.update_merge_request(mr_assigned, author) should_create_todo(user: member, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_not_create_todo(user: author, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED) should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED) end it 'does not create a todo if user was already mentioned' do create(:todo, :mentioned, user: member, project: project, target: mr_assigned, author: author) expect { service.update_merge_request(mr_assigned, author) }.not_to change(member.todos, :count) end end describe '#close_merge_request' do it 'marks related pending todos to the target for the user as done' do first_todo = create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: mr_assigned, author: author) second_todo = create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: mr_assigned, author: author) service.close_merge_request(mr_assigned, john_doe) expect(first_todo.reload).to be_done expect(second_todo.reload).to be_done end end describe '#reassigned_merge_request' do it 'creates a pending todo for new assignee' do mr_unassigned.update_attribute(:assignee, john_doe) service.reassigned_merge_request(mr_unassigned, author) should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: mr_unassigned, action: Todo::ASSIGNED) end it 'does not create a todo if unassigned' do mr_assigned.update_attribute(:assignee, nil) should_not_create_any_todo { service.reassigned_merge_request(mr_assigned, author) } end it 'does not create a todo if new assignee is the current user' do mr_assigned.update_attribute(:assignee, john_doe) should_not_create_any_todo { service.reassigned_merge_request(mr_assigned, john_doe) } end end describe '#merge_merge_request' do it 'marks related pending todos to the target for the user as done' do first_todo = create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: mr_assigned, author: author) second_todo = create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: mr_assigned, author: author) service.merge_merge_request(mr_assigned, john_doe) expect(first_todo.reload).to be_done expect(second_todo.reload).to be_done end end end def should_create_todo(attributes = {}) attributes.reverse_merge!( project: project, author: author, state: :pending ) expect(Todo.where(attributes).count).to eq 1 end def should_not_create_todo(attributes = {}) attributes.reverse_merge!( project: project, author: author, state: :pending ) expect(Todo.where(attributes).count).to eq 0 end def should_not_create_any_todo expect { yield }.not_to change(Todo, :count) end end