# frozen_string_literal: true # This module tries to discover and prevent cross-joins across tables # This will forbid usage of tables between CI and main database # on a same query unless explicitly allowed by. This will change execution # from a given point to allow cross-joins. The state will be cleared # on a next test run. # # This method should be used to mark METHOD introducing cross-join # not a test using the cross-join. # # class User # def ci_owned_runners # ::Gitlab::Database.allow_cross_joins_across_databases(url: link-to-issue-url) # # ... # end # end module Database module PreventCrossJoins CrossJoinAcrossUnsupportedTablesError = Class.new(StandardError) ALLOW_THREAD_KEY = :allow_cross_joins_across_databases def self.validate_cross_joins!(sql) return if Thread.current[ALLOW_THREAD_KEY] # Allow spec/support/database_cleaner.rb queries to disable/enable triggers for many tables # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/339396 return if sql.include?("DISABLE TRIGGER") || sql.include?("ENABLE TRIGGER") # PgQuery might fail in some cases due to limited nesting: # https://github.com/pganalyze/pg_query/issues/209 # # Also, we disable GC while parsing because of https://github.com/pganalyze/pg_query/issues/226 begin GC.disable tables = PgQuery.parse(sql).tables ensure GC.enable end schemas = Database::GitlabSchema.table_schemas(tables) if schemas.include?(:gitlab_ci) && schemas.include?(:gitlab_main) Thread.current[:has_cross_join_exception] = true raise CrossJoinAcrossUnsupportedTablesError, "Unsupported cross-join across '#{tables.join(", ")}' modifying '#{schemas.to_a.join(", ")}' discovered " \ "when executing query '#{sql}'. Please refer to https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/database/multiple_databases.html#removing-joins-between-ci_-and-non-ci_-tables for details on how to resolve this exception." end end module SpecHelpers def with_cross_joins_prevented subscriber = ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('sql.active_record') do |event| ::Database::PreventCrossJoins.validate_cross_joins!(event.payload[:sql]) end Thread.current[ALLOW_THREAD_KEY] = false yield ensure ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe(subscriber) if subscriber end end module GitlabDatabaseMixin def allow_cross_joins_across_databases(url:) old_value = Thread.current[ALLOW_THREAD_KEY] Thread.current[ALLOW_THREAD_KEY] = true yield ensure Thread.current[ALLOW_THREAD_KEY] = old_value end end end end Gitlab::Database.singleton_class.prepend( Database::PreventCrossJoins::GitlabDatabaseMixin) ALLOW_LIST = Set.new(YAML.load_file(File.join(__dir__, 'cross-join-allowlist.yml'))).freeze RSpec.configure do |config| config.include(::Database::PreventCrossJoins::SpecHelpers) config.around do |example| Thread.current[:has_cross_join_exception] = false if ALLOW_LIST.include?(example.file_path) example.run else with_cross_joins_prevented { example.run } end end end