module KubernetesHelpers include Gitlab::Kubernetes def kube_response(body) { body: body.to_json } end def kube_pods_response kube_response(kube_pods_body) end def stub_kubeclient_discover(api_url) WebMock.stub_request(:get, api_url + '/api/v1').to_return(kube_response(kube_v1_discovery_body)) end def stub_kubeclient_pods(response = nil) stub_kubeclient_discover(service.api_url) pods_url = service.api_url + "/api/v1/namespaces/#{service.actual_namespace}/pods" WebMock.stub_request(:get, pods_url).to_return(response || kube_pods_response) end def stub_kubeclient_get_secrets(api_url, **options) WebMock.stub_request(:get, api_url + '/api/v1/secrets') .to_return(kube_response(kube_v1_secrets_body(options))) end def stub_kubeclient_get_secrets_error(api_url) WebMock.stub_request(:get, api_url + '/api/v1/secrets') .to_return(status: [404, "Internal Server Error"]) end def kube_v1_secrets_body(**options) { "kind" => "SecretList", "apiVersion": "v1", "items" => [ { "metadata": { "name": options[:metadata_name] || "default-token-1", "namespace": "kube-system" }, "data": { "token": options[:token] || Base64.encode64('token-sample-123') } } ] } end def kube_v1_discovery_body { "kind" => "APIResourceList", "resources" => [ { "name" => "pods", "namespaced" => true, "kind" => "Pod" }, { "name" => "secrets", "namespaced" => true, "kind" => "Secret" } ] } end def kube_pods_body { "kind" => "PodList", "items" => [kube_pod] } end # This is a partial response, it will have many more elements in reality but # these are the ones we care about at the moment def kube_pod(name: "kube-pod", app: "valid-pod-label") { "metadata" => { "name" => name, "creationTimestamp" => "2016-11-25T19:55:19Z", "labels" => { "app" => app } }, "spec" => { "containers" => [ { "name" => "container-0" }, { "name" => "container-1" } ] }, "status" => { "phase" => "Running" } } end def kube_terminals(service, pod) pod_name = pod['metadata']['name'] containers = pod['spec']['containers'] do |container| terminal = { selectors: { pod: pod_name, container: container['name'] }, url: container_exec_url(service.api_url, service.actual_namespace, pod_name, container['name']), subprotocols: [''], headers: { 'Authorization' => ["Bearer #{service.token}"] }, created_at: DateTime.parse(pod['metadata']['creationTimestamp']), max_session_time: 0 } terminal[:ca_pem] = service.ca_pem if service.ca_pem.present? terminal end end end