#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'fileutils' REPO = 'spec/support/gitlab-git-test.git'.freeze PACK_DIR = REPO + '/objects/pack' GIT = %W[git --git-dir=#{REPO}].freeze BASE_PACK = 'pack-691247af2a6acb0b63b73ac0cb90540e93614043'.freeze def main unpack # We want to store the refs in a packed-refs file because if we don't # they can get mangled by filesystems. abort unless system(*GIT, *%w[pack-refs --all]) abort unless system(*GIT, 'fsck') end # We don't want contributors to commit new pack files because those # create unnecessary churn. def unpack pack_files = Dir[File.join(PACK_DIR, '*')].reject do |pack| pack.start_with?(File.join(PACK_DIR, BASE_PACK)) end return if pack_files.empty? pack_files.each do |pack| unless pack.end_with?('.pack') FileUtils.rm(pack) next end File.open(pack, 'rb') do |open_pack| File.unlink(pack) abort unless system(*GIT, 'unpack-objects', in: open_pack) end end end main