require 'spec_helper' require 'rake' describe 'gitlab:users namespace rake task' do let(:enable_registry) { true } before :all do Rake.application.rake_require 'tasks/gitlab/helpers' Rake.application.rake_require 'tasks/gitlab/users' # empty task as env is already loaded Rake::Task.define_task :environment end def run_rake_task(task_name) Rake::Task[task_name].reenable Rake.application.invoke_task task_name end describe 'clear_all_authentication_tokens' do before do # avoid writing task output to spec progress allow($stdout).to receive :write end context 'gitlab version' do it 'clears the authentication token for all users' do create_list(:user, 2) expect(User.pluck(:authentication_token)).to all(be_present) run_rake_task('gitlab:users:clear_all_authentication_tokens') expect(User.pluck(:authentication_token)).to all(be_nil) end end end end