# frozen_string_literal: true require 'gitlab-dangerfiles' require 'gitlab/dangerfiles/spec_helper' require_relative '../../../tooling/danger/changelog' require_relative '../../../tooling/danger/project_helper' RSpec.describe Tooling::Danger::Changelog do include_context "with dangerfile" let(:fake_danger) { DangerSpecHelper.fake_danger.include(described_class) } let(:fake_project_helper) { double('fake-project-helper', helper: fake_helper).tap { |h| h.class.include(Tooling::Danger::ProjectHelper) } } subject(:changelog) { fake_danger.new(helper: fake_helper) } before do allow(changelog).to receive(:project_helper).and_return(fake_project_helper) end describe '#check_changelog_trailer' do subject { changelog.check_changelog_trailer(commit) } context "when commit doesn't include a changelog trailer" do let(:commit) { double('commit', message: "Hello world") } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end context "when commit include a changelog trailer with no category" do let(:commit) { double('commit', message: "Hello world\n\nChangelog:") } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end context "when commit include a changelog trailer with an unknown category" do let(:commit) { double('commit', message: "Hello world\n\nChangelog: foo", sha: "abc123") } it { is_expected.to have_attributes(errors: ["Commit #{commit.sha} uses an invalid changelog category: foo"]) } end described_class::CATEGORIES.each do |category| context "when commit include a changelog trailer with category set to '#{category}'" do let(:commit) { double('commit', message: "Hello world\n\nChangelog: #{category}", sha: "abc123") } it { is_expected.to have_attributes(errors: []) } end end end describe '#check_changelog_yaml' do let(:changelog_path) { 'ee/changelogs/unreleased/entry.yml' } let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new(changelog_path, :added, :changelog)]) } let(:yaml_title) { 'Fix changelog Dangerfile to convert MR IID to a string before comparison' } let(:yaml_merge_request) { 60899 } let(:mr_iid) { '60899' } let(:yaml_type) { 'fixed' } let(:yaml) do <<~YAML --- title: #{yaml_title} merge_request: #{yaml_merge_request} author: type: #{yaml_type} YAML end before do allow(changelog).to receive(:present?).and_return(true) allow(changelog).to receive(:changelog_path).and_return(changelog_path) allow(changelog).to receive(:read_file).with(changelog_path).and_return(yaml) allow(fake_helper).to receive(:security_mr?).and_return(false) allow(fake_helper).to receive(:mr_iid).and_return(mr_iid) allow(fake_helper).to receive(:cherry_pick_mr?).and_return(false) allow(fake_helper).to receive(:stable_branch?).and_return(false) allow(fake_helper).to receive(:html_link).with(changelog_path).and_return(changelog_path) end subject { changelog.check_changelog_yaml } context "when changelog is not present" do before do allow(changelog).to receive(:present?).and_return(false) end it { is_expected.to have_attributes(errors: [], warnings: [], markdowns: [], messages: []) } end context "when YAML is invalid" do let(:yaml) { '{ foo bar]' } it { is_expected.to have_attributes(errors: ["#{changelog_path} isn't valid YAML! #{described_class::SEE_DOC}"]) } end context "when a StandardError is raised" do before do allow(changelog).to receive(:read_file).and_raise(StandardError, "Fail!") end it { is_expected.to have_attributes(warnings: ["There was a problem trying to check the Changelog. Exception: StandardError - Fail!"]) } end context "when YAML title is nil" do let(:yaml_title) { '' } it { is_expected.to have_attributes(errors: ["`title` should be set, in #{changelog_path}! #{described_class::SEE_DOC}"]) } end context "when YAML type is nil" do let(:yaml_type) { '' } it { is_expected.to have_attributes(errors: ["`type` should be set, in #{changelog_path}! #{described_class::SEE_DOC}"]) } end context "when on a security MR" do let(:yaml_merge_request) { '' } before do allow(fake_helper).to receive(:security_mr?).and_return(true) end it { is_expected.to have_attributes(errors: [], warnings: [], markdowns: [], messages: []) } end context "when MR IID is empty" do before do allow(fake_helper).to receive(:mr_iid).and_return("") end it { is_expected.to have_attributes(errors: [], warnings: [], markdowns: [], messages: []) } end context "when YAML MR IID is empty" do let(:yaml_merge_request) { '' } context "and YAML includes a merge_request: line" do it { is_expected.to have_attributes(markdowns: [{ msg: format(described_class::SUGGEST_MR_COMMENT, mr_iid: fake_helper.mr_iid), file: changelog_path, line: 3 }]) } end context "and YAML does not include a merge_request: line" do let(:yaml) do <<~YAML --- title: #{yaml_title} author: type: #{yaml_type} YAML end it { is_expected.to have_attributes(messages: ["Consider setting `merge_request` to #{mr_iid} in #{changelog_path}. #{described_class::SEE_DOC}"]) } end end end describe '#check_changelog_path' do let(:changelog_path) { 'changelog-path.yml' } let(:foss_change) { nil } let(:ee_change) { nil } let(:changelog_change) { nil } let(:changes) { changes_class.new([foss_change, ee_change, changelog_change].compact) } before do allow(changelog).to receive(:present?).and_return(true) end subject { changelog.check_changelog_path } context "when changelog is not present" do before do allow(changelog).to receive(:present?).and_return(false) end it { is_expected.to have_attributes(errors: [], warnings: [], markdowns: [], messages: []) } end context "with EE changes" do let(:ee_change) { change_class.new('ee/app/models/foo.rb', :added, :backend) } context "and a non-EE changelog, and changelog not required" do let(:changelog_change) { change_class.new('changelogs/unreleased/entry.yml', :added, :changelog) } before do allow(changelog).to receive(:required?).and_return(false) end it { is_expected.to have_attributes(warnings: ["This MR has a Changelog file outside `ee/`, but code changes in `ee/`. Consider moving the Changelog file into `ee/`."]) } end end context "with no EE changes" do let(:foss_change) { change_class.new('app/models/foo.rb', :added, :backend) } context "and a non-EE changelog" do let(:changelog_change) { change_class.new('changelogs/unreleased/entry.yml', :added, :changelog) } it { is_expected.to have_attributes(errors: [], warnings: [], markdowns: [], messages: []) } end context "and a EE changelog" do let(:changelog_change) { change_class.new('ee/changelogs/unreleased/entry.yml', :added, :changelog) } it { is_expected.to have_attributes(warnings: ["This MR has a Changelog file in `ee/`, but no code changes in `ee/`. Consider moving the Changelog file outside `ee/`."]) } end end end describe '#required_reasons' do subject { changelog.required_reasons } context "removed files contains a feature flag" do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :deleted, :feature_flag)]) } it { is_expected.to include(:feature_flag_removed) } end context "removed files do not contain a feature flag" do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :deleted, :backend)]) } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end context "added files contain a migration" do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :added, :migration)]) } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end end describe '#required?' do subject { changelog.required? } context "removed files contains a feature flag" do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :deleted, :feature_flag)]) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context "removed files do not contain a feature flag" do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :deleted, :backend)]) } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context "added files contain a migration" do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :added, :migration)]) } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end describe '#optional?' do let(:category_with_changelog) { :backend } let(:label_with_changelog) { 'frontend' } let(:category_without_changelog) { Tooling::Danger::Changelog::NO_CHANGELOG_CATEGORIES.first } let(:label_without_changelog) { Tooling::Danger::Changelog::NO_CHANGELOG_LABELS.first } subject { changelog.optional? } context 'when MR contains only categories requiring no changelog' do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :modified, category_without_changelog)]) } it 'is falsey' do is_expected.to be_falsy end end context 'when MR contains a label that require no changelog' do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :modified, category_with_changelog)]) } let(:mr_labels) { [label_with_changelog, label_without_changelog] } it 'is falsey' do is_expected.to be_falsy end end context 'when MR contains a category that require changelog and a category that require no changelog' do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :modified, category_with_changelog), change_class.new('foo', :modified, category_without_changelog)]) } context 'with no labels' do it 'is truthy' do is_expected.to be_truthy end end context 'with changelog label' do let(:mr_labels) { ['feature'] } it 'is truthy' do is_expected.to be_truthy end end context 'with no changelog label' do let(:mr_labels) { ['tooling'] } it 'is truthy' do is_expected.to be_falsey end end end end describe '#present?' do subject { changelog.present? } context 'added files contain a changelog' do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :added, :changelog)]) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'added files do not contain a changelog' do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :added, :backend)]) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#ee_changelog?' do subject { changelog.ee_changelog? } context 'is ee changelog' do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('ee/changelogs/unreleased/entry.yml', :added, :changelog)]) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'is not ee changelog' do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('changelogs/unreleased/entry.yml', :added, :changelog)]) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#changelog_path' do subject { changelog.changelog_path } context 'added files contain a changelog' do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :added, :changelog)]) } it { is_expected.to eq('foo') } end context 'added files do not contain a changelog' do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :added, :backend)]) } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end describe '#modified_text' do subject { changelog.modified_text } context 'when in CI context' do shared_examples 'changelog modified text' do |key| specify do expect(subject).to include('CHANGELOG.md was edited') expect(subject).to include('bin/changelog -m 1234 "Fake Title"') expect(subject).to include('bin/changelog --ee -m 1234 "Fake Title"') end end before do allow(fake_helper).to receive(:ci?).and_return(true) end context "when title is not changed from sanitization", :aggregate_failures do let(:mr_title) { 'Fake Title' } it_behaves_like 'changelog modified text' end context "when title needs sanitization", :aggregate_failures do let(:mr_title) { 'DRAFT: Fake Title' } it_behaves_like 'changelog modified text' end end context 'when in local context' do let(:mr_title) { 'Fake Title' } before do allow(fake_helper).to receive(:ci?).and_return(false) end specify do expect(subject).to include('CHANGELOG.md was edited') expect(subject).not_to include('bin/changelog') end end end describe '#required_texts' do let(:mr_title) { 'Fake Title' } subject { changelog.required_texts } context 'when in CI context' do before do allow(fake_helper).to receive(:ci?).and_return(true) end shared_examples 'changelog required text' do |key| specify do expect(subject).to have_key(key) expect(subject[key]).to include('CHANGELOG missing') expect(subject[key]).to include('bin/changelog -m 1234 "Fake Title"') expect(subject[key]).not_to include('--ee') end end context 'with a removed feature flag file' do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :deleted, :feature_flag)]) } it_behaves_like 'changelog required text', :feature_flag_removed end end context 'when in local context' do before do allow(fake_helper).to receive(:ci?).and_return(false) end shared_examples 'changelog required text' do |key| specify do expect(subject).to have_key(key) expect(subject[key]).to include('CHANGELOG missing') expect(subject[key]).not_to include('bin/changelog') expect(subject[key]).not_to include('--ee') end end context 'with a removed feature flag file' do let(:changes) { changes_class.new([change_class.new('foo', :deleted, :feature_flag)]) } it_behaves_like 'changelog required text', :feature_flag_removed end end end describe '#optional_text' do subject { changelog.optional_text } context 'when in CI context' do shared_examples 'changelog optional text' do |key| specify do expect(subject).to include('CHANGELOG missing') expect(subject).to include('bin/changelog -m 1234 "Fake Title"') expect(subject).to include('bin/changelog --ee -m 1234 "Fake Title"') end end before do allow(fake_helper).to receive(:ci?).and_return(true) end context "when title is not changed from sanitization", :aggregate_failures do let(:mr_title) { 'Fake Title' } it_behaves_like 'changelog optional text' end context "when title needs sanitization", :aggregate_failures do let(:mr_title) { 'DRAFT: Fake Title' } it_behaves_like 'changelog optional text' end end context 'when in local context' do let(:mr_title) { 'Fake Title' } before do allow(fake_helper).to receive(:ci?).and_return(false) end specify do expect(subject).to include('CHANGELOG missing') expect(subject).not_to include('bin/changelog') end end end end