require 'spec_helper' describe DynamicPathValidator do let(:validator) { [:path]) } # Pass in a full path to remove the format segment: # `/ci/lint(.:format)` -> `/ci/lint` def without_format(path) path.split('(', 2)[0] end # Pass in a full path and get the last segment before a wildcard # That's not a parameter # `/*namespace_id/:project_id/builds/artifacts/*ref_name_and_path` # -> 'builds/artifacts' def path_before_wildcard(path) path = path.gsub(STARTING_WITH_NAMESPACE, "") path_segments = path.split('/').reject(&:empty?) wildcard_index = path_segments.index { |segment| parameter?(segment) } segments_before_wildcard = path_segments[0..wildcard_index - 1] segments_before_wildcard.join('/') end def parameter?(segment) segment =~ /[*:]/ end # If the path is reserved. Then no conflicting paths can# be created for any # route using this reserved word. # # Both `builds/artifacts` & `build` are covered by reserving the word # `build` def wildcards_include?(path) described_class::WILDCARD_ROUTES.include?(path) || described_class::WILDCARD_ROUTES.include?(path.split('/').first) end def failure_message(missing_words, constant_name, migration_helper) missing_words = Array(missing_words) <<-MSG Found new routes that could cause conflicts with existing namespaced routes for groups or projects. Add <#{missing_words.join(', ')}> to `DynamicPathValidator::#{constant_name} to make sure no projects or namespaces can be created with those paths. To rename any existing records with those paths you can use the `Gitlab::Database::RenameReservedpathsMigration::.#{migration_helper}` migration helper. Make sure to make a note of the renamed records in the release blog post. MSG end let(:all_routes) do Rails.application.routes.routes.routes. map { |r| r.path.spec.to_s } end let(:routes_without_format) { { |path| without_format(path) } } # Routes not starting with `/:` or `/*` # all routes not starting with a param let(:routes_not_starting_in_wildcard) { { |p| p !~ %r{^/[:*]} } } let(:top_level_words) do do |route| route.split('/')[1] end.compact.uniq end # All routes that start with a namespaced path, that have 1 or more # path-segments before having another wildcard parameter. # - Starting with paths: # - `/*namespace_id/:project_id/` # - `/*namespace_id/:id/` # - Followed by one or more path-parts not starting with `:` or `*` # - Followed by a path-part that includes a wildcard parameter `*` # At the time of writing these routes match: STARTING_WITH_NAMESPACE = %r{^/\*namespace_id/:(project_)?id} NON_PARAM_PARTS = %r{[^:*][a-z\-_/]*} ANY_OTHER_PATH_PART = %r{[a-z\-_/:]*} WILDCARD_SEGMENT = %r{\*} let(:namespaced_wildcard_routes) do do |p| p =~ %r{#{STARTING_WITH_NAMESPACE}/#{NON_PARAM_PARTS}/#{ANY_OTHER_PATH_PART}#{WILDCARD_SEGMENT}} end end # This will return all paths that are used in a namespaced route # before another wildcard path: # # /*namespace_id/:project_id/builds/artifacts/*ref_name_and_path # /*namespace_id/:project_id/info/lfs/objects/*oid # /*namespace_id/:project_id/commits/*id # /*namespace_id/:project_id/builds/:build_id/artifacts/file/*path # -> ['builds/artifacts', 'info/lfs/objects', 'commits', 'artifacts/file'] let(:all_wildcard_paths) do do |route| path_before_wildcard(route) end.uniq end STARTING_WITH_GROUP = %r{^/groups/\*(group_)?id/} let(:group_routes) do do |path| path =~ STARTING_WITH_GROUP end end let(:paths_after_group_id) do do |route| route.gsub(STARTING_WITH_GROUP, '').split('/').first end.uniq end describe 'TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES' do it 'includes all the top level namespaces' do failure_block = lambda do missing_words = top_level_words - described_class::TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES failure_message(missing_words, 'TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES', 'rename_root_paths') end expect(described_class::TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES) .to include(*top_level_words), failure_block end end describe 'GROUP_ROUTES' do it "don't contain a second wildcard" do failure_block = lambda do missing_words = paths_after_group_id - described_class::GROUP_ROUTES failure_message(missing_words, 'GROUP_ROUTES', 'rename_child_paths') end expect(described_class::GROUP_ROUTES) .to include(*paths_after_group_id), failure_block end end describe 'WILDCARD_ROUTES' do it 'includes all paths that can be used after a namespace/project path' do aggregate_failures do all_wildcard_paths.each do |path| expect(wildcards_include?(path)) .to be(true), failure_message(path, 'WILDCARD_ROUTES', 'rename_wildcard_paths') end end end end describe '.without_reserved_wildcard_paths_regex' do subject { described_class.without_reserved_wildcard_paths_regex } it 'rejects paths starting with a reserved top level' do expect(subject).not_to match('dashboard/hello/world') expect(subject).not_to match('dashboard') end it 'matches valid paths with a toplevel word in a different place' do expect(subject).to match('parent/dashboard/project-path') end it 'rejects paths containing a wildcard reserved word' do expect(subject).not_to match('hello/edit') expect(subject).not_to match('hello/edit/in-the-middle') expect(subject).not_to match('foo/bar1/refs/master/logs_tree') end it 'matches valid paths' do expect(subject).to match('parent/child/project-path') end end describe '.regex_excluding_child_paths' do let(:subject) { described_class.without_reserved_child_paths_regex } it 'rejects paths containing a child reserved word' do expect(subject).not_to match('hello/group_members') expect(subject).not_to match('hello/activity/in-the-middle') expect(subject).not_to match('foo/bar1/refs/master/logs_tree') end it 'allows a child path on the top level' do expect(subject).to match('activity/foo') expect(subject).to match('avatar') end end describe ".valid?" do it 'is not case sensitive' do expect(described_class.valid?("Users")).to be_falsey end it "isn't valid when the top level is reserved" do test_path = 'u/should-be-a/reserved-word' expect(described_class.valid?(test_path)).to be_falsey end it "isn't valid if any of the path segments is reserved" do test_path = 'the-wildcard/wikis/is-not-allowed' expect(described_class.valid?(test_path)).to be_falsey end it "is valid if the path doesn't contain reserved words" do test_path = 'there-are/no-wildcards/in-this-path' expect(described_class.valid?(test_path)).to be_truthy end it 'allows allows a child path on the last spot' do test_path = 'there/can-be-a/project-called/labels' expect(described_class.valid?(test_path)).to be_truthy end it 'rejects a child path somewhere else' do test_path = 'there/can-be-no/labels/group' expect(described_class.valid?(test_path)).to be_falsey end it 'rejects paths that are in an incorrect format' do test_path = 'incorrect/format.git' expect(described_class.valid?(test_path)).to be_falsey end end describe '#path_reserved_for_record?' do it 'reserves a sub-group named activity' do group = build(:group, :nested, path: 'activity') expect(validator.path_reserved_for_record?(group, 'activity')).to be_truthy end it "doesn't reserve a project called activity" do project = build(:project, path: 'activity') expect(validator.path_reserved_for_record?(project, 'activity')).to be_falsey end end describe '#validates_each' do it 'adds a message when the path is not in the correct format' do group = build(:group) validator.validate_each(group, :path, "Path with spaces, and comma's!") expect(group.errors[:path]).to include(Gitlab::Regex.namespace_regex_message) end it 'adds a message when the path is not in the correct format' do group = build(:group, path: 'users') validator.validate_each(group, :path, 'users') expect(group.errors[:path]).to include('users is a reserved name') end end end