# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe ChatNotificationWorker do let(:worker) { described_class.new } let(:chat_build) do create(:ci_build, pipeline: create(:ci_pipeline, source: :chat)) end describe '#perform' do it 'does nothing when the build no longer exists' do expect(worker).not_to receive(:send_response) worker.perform(-1) end it 'sends a response for an existing build' do expect(worker) .to receive(:send_response) .with(an_instance_of(Ci::Build)) worker.perform(chat_build.id) end it 'reschedules the job if the trace sections could not be found' do expect(worker) .to receive(:send_response) .and_raise(Gitlab::Chat::Output::MissingBuildSectionError) expect(described_class) .to receive(:perform_in) .with(described_class::RESCHEDULE_INTERVAL, chat_build.id) worker.perform(chat_build.id) end end describe '#send_response' do context 'when a responder could not be found' do it 'does nothing' do expect(Gitlab::Chat::Responder) .to receive(:responder_for) .with(chat_build) .and_return(nil) expect(worker.send_response(chat_build)).to be_nil end end context 'when a responder could be found' do let(:responder) { double(:responder) } before do allow(Gitlab::Chat::Responder) .to receive(:responder_for) .with(chat_build) .and_return(responder) end it 'sends the response for a succeeded build' do output = double(:output, to_s: 'this is the build output') expect(chat_build) .to receive(:success?) .and_return(true) expect(responder) .to receive(:success) .with(an_instance_of(String)) expect(Gitlab::Chat::Output) .to receive(:new) .with(chat_build) .and_return(output) worker.send_response(chat_build) end it 'sends the response for a failed build' do expect(chat_build) .to receive(:success?) .and_return(false) expect(responder).to receive(:failure) worker.send_response(chat_build) end end end end