diff options
authorZeger-Jan van de Weg <>2018-08-16 15:22:50 +0200
committerZeger-Jan van de Weg <>2018-08-24 10:29:41 +0200
commit911e49e1894060404d4400efe06203e9e747a9d8 (patch)
parentd856f300a99bc9786e717243378fd9c088d25db0 (diff)
Clean up cmd_exec execution environment
Given the gitaly-* now proxy the data from the client to the Gitaly server, the environment variables aren't used. Therefor we don't have to set them either. Only exception to the rule, is the GITALY_TOKEN. These changes also remove the `GIT_TRACE` options, introduced by 192e2bd367494bf66746c8971896a2d9cb84fc92. Part of:
4 files changed, 43 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/config.yml.example b/config.yml.example
index c616254..23743fd 100644
--- a/config.yml.example
+++ b/config.yml.example
@@ -49,10 +49,3 @@ log_level: INFO
# Set to true to see real usernames in the logs instead of key ids, which is easier to follow, but
# incurs an extra API call on every gitlab-shell command.
audit_usernames: false
-# Git trace log file.
-# If set, git commands receive GIT_TRACE* environment variables
-# See for documentation
-# An absolute path starting with / – the trace output will be appended to that file.
-# It needs to exist so we can check permissions and avoid to throwing warnings to the users.
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_config.rb b/lib/gitlab_config.rb
index 7645989..85aa889 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab_config.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab_config.rb
@@ -50,10 +50,6 @@ class GitlabConfig
@config['audit_usernames'] ||= false
- def git_trace_log_file
- @config['git_trace_log_file']
- end
def metrics_log_file
@config['metrics_log_file'] ||= File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'gitlab-shell-metrics.log')
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_shell.rb b/lib/gitlab_shell.rb
index 286a3d1..4d0b26f 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab_shell.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab_shell.rb
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ class GitlabShell # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
class DisallowedCommandError < StandardError; end
class InvalidRepositoryPathError < StandardError; end
'git-upload-pack' => File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'bin', 'gitaly-upload-pack'),
'git-upload-archive' => File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'bin', 'gitaly-upload-archive'),
'git-receive-pack' => File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'bin', 'gitaly-receive-pack')
- GIT_COMMANDS = GITALY_COMMAND.keys + ['git-lfs-authenticate']
+ GIT_COMMANDS = (GITALY_COMMANDS.keys + ['git-lfs-authenticate']).freeze
API_COMMANDS = %w(2fa_recovery_codes).freeze
- GL_PROTOCOL = 'ssh'.freeze
+ GL_PROTOCOL = 'ssh'
attr_accessor :gl_id, :gl_repository, :repo_name, :command, :git_access, :git_protocol
@@ -139,61 +139,31 @@ class GitlabShell # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
- # TODO happens only in testing as of right now
- return unless @gitaly
- # The entire gitaly_request hash should be built in gitlab-ce and passed
- # on as-is. For now we build a fake one on the spot.
- gitaly_request = {
+ # TODO: instead of building from pieces here in gitlab-shell, build the
+ # entire gitaly_request in gitlab-ce and pass on as-is here.
+ args = JSON.dump(
'repository' => @gitaly['repository'],
'gl_repository' => @gl_repository,
'gl_id' => @gl_id,
'gl_username' => @username,
'git_config_options' => @git_config_options,
'git_protocol' => @git_protocol
- }
- args = [@gitaly['address'], JSON.dump(gitaly_request)]
+ )
- executable = GITALY_COMMAND[@command]
- args_string = [File.basename(executable), *args].join(' ')
+ gitaly_address = @gitaly['address']
+ executable = GITALY_COMMANDS.fetch(@command)
+ gitaly_bin = File.basename(executable)
+ args_string = [gitaly_bin, gitaly_address, args].join(' ')
$'executing git command', command: args_string, user: log_username)
- exec_cmd(executable, *args)
+ exec_cmd(executable, gitaly_address: gitaly_address, token: @gitaly['token'], json_args: args)
# This method is not covered by Rspec because it ends the current Ruby process.
- def exec_cmd(*args)
- # If you want to call a command without arguments, use
- # exec_cmd(['my_command', 'my_command']) . Otherwise use
- # exec_cmd('my_command', 'my_argument', ...).
- if args.count == 1 && !args.first.is_a?(Array)
- raise DisallowedCommandError
- end
- env = {
- 'HOME' => ENV['HOME'],
- 'PATH' => ENV['PATH'],
- 'LANG' => ENV['LANG'],
- 'GL_ID' => @gl_id,
- 'GL_REPOSITORY' => @gl_repository,
- 'GL_USERNAME' => @username
- }
- # @gitaly is a thing, unless another code path exists that doesn't go through process_cmd
- if @gitaly&.include?('token')
- env['GITALY_TOKEN'] = @gitaly['token']
- end
- if git_trace_available?
- env.merge!(
- 'GIT_TRACE' => @config.git_trace_log_file,
- 'GIT_TRACE_PACKET' => @config.git_trace_log_file,
- 'GIT_TRACE_PERFORMANCE' => @config.git_trace_log_file
- )
- end
+ def exec_cmd(executable, gitaly_address:, token:, json_args:)
+ env = { 'GITALY_TOKEN' => token }
+ args = [executable, gitaly_address, json_args]
# We use 'chdir: ROOT_PATH' to let the next executable know where config.yml is.
Kernel.exec(env, *args, unsetenv_others: true, chdir: ROOT_PATH)
@@ -274,21 +244,4 @@ class GitlabShell # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
- def git_trace_available?
- return false unless @config.git_trace_log_file
- if Pathname(@config.git_trace_log_file).relative?
- $logger.warn('git trace log path must be absolute, ignoring', git_trace_log_file: @config.git_trace_log_file)
- return false
- end
- begin
-, 'a') { nil }
- return true
- rescue => ex
- $logger.warn('Failed to open git trace log file', git_trace_log_file: @config.git_trace_log_file, error: ex.to_s)
- return false
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/gitlab_shell_spec.rb b/spec/gitlab_shell_spec.rb
index 1841e1e..135a474 100644
--- a/spec/gitlab_shell_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/gitlab_shell_spec.rb
@@ -203,9 +203,11 @@ describe GitlabShell do
context 'gitaly-upload-pack' do
let(:ssh_cmd) { "git-upload-pack gitlab-ci.git" }
before do
allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_return(gitaly_check_access)
after { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }
it "should process the command" do
@@ -213,12 +215,13 @@ describe GitlabShell do
it "should execute the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:exec_cmd).with(File.join(ROOT_PATH, "bin/gitaly-upload-pack"), 'unix:gitaly.socket', gitaly_message)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:exec_cmd).with(File.join(ROOT_PATH, "bin/gitaly-upload-pack"), gitaly_address: 'unix:gitaly.socket', json_args: gitaly_message, token: nil)
it "should log the command execution" do
message = "executing git command"
user_string = "user with id #{gl_id}"
expect($logger).to receive(:info).with(message, command: "gitaly-upload-pack unix:gitaly.socket #{gitaly_message}", user: user_string)
@@ -230,6 +233,11 @@ describe GitlabShell do
context 'git-receive-pack' do
let(:ssh_cmd) { "git-receive-pack gitlab-ci.git" }
+ before do
+ allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_return(gitaly_check_access)
+ end
after { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }
it "should process the command" do
@@ -237,13 +245,13 @@ describe GitlabShell do
it "should execute the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:exec_cmd).with('git-receive-pack')
+ expect(subject).to receive(:exec_cmd).with(File.join(ROOT_PATH, "bin/gitaly-receive-pack"), gitaly_address: 'unix:gitaly.socket', json_args: gitaly_message, token: nil)
it "should log the command execution" do
message = "executing git command"
user_string = "user with id #{gl_id}"
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with(message, command: "git-receive-pack", user: user_string)
+ expect($logger).to receive(:info).with(message, command: "gitaly-receive-pack unix:gitaly.socket #{gitaly_message}", user: user_string)
@@ -259,7 +267,7 @@ describe GitlabShell do
it "should execute the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:exec_cmd).with(File.join(ROOT_PATH, "bin/gitaly-receive-pack"), 'unix:gitaly.socket', gitaly_message)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:exec_cmd).with(File.join(ROOT_PATH, "bin/gitaly-receive-pack"), gitaly_address: 'unix:gitaly.socket', json_args: gitaly_message, token: nil)
it "should log the command execution" do
@@ -276,7 +284,6 @@ describe GitlabShell do
shared_examples_for 'upload-archive' do |command|
let(:ssh_cmd) { "#{command} gitlab-ci.git" }
- let(:exec_cmd_params) { ['git-upload-archive'] }
let(:exec_cmd_log_params) { exec_cmd_params }
after { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }
@@ -311,8 +318,7 @@ describe GitlabShell do
let(:exec_cmd_params) do
File.join(ROOT_PATH, "bin", gitaly_executable),
- 'unix:gitaly.socket',
- gitaly_message
+ { gitaly_address: 'unix:gitaly.socket', json_args: gitaly_message, token: nil }
let(:exec_cmd_log_params) do
@@ -408,6 +414,19 @@ describe GitlabShell do
let(:ssh_cmd) { "git-upload-pack gitlab-ci.git" }
describe 'check access with api' do
+ before do
+ allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_return(
+ false,
+ 'denied',
+ gl_repository: nil,
+ gl_id: nil,
+ gl_username: nil,
+ git_config_options: nil,
+ gitaly: nil,
+ git_protocol: nil))
+ end
after { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }
it "should call api.check_access" do
@@ -415,126 +434,10 @@ describe GitlabShell do
it "should disallow access and log the attempt if check_access returns false status" do
- allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_return(
- false,
- 'denied',
- gl_repository: nil,
- gl_id: nil,
- gl_username: nil,
- git_config_options: nil,
- gitaly: nil,
- git_protocol: nil))
message = 'Access denied'
user_string = "user with id #{gl_id}"
- expect($logger).to receive(:warn).with(message, command: 'git-upload-pack gitlab-ci.git', user: user_string)
- end
- end
- end
- describe :exec_cmd do
- let(:shell) { }
- let(:env) do
- {
- 'HOME' => ENV['HOME'],
- 'PATH' => ENV['PATH'],
- 'LANG' => ENV['LANG'],
- 'GL_ID' => gl_id,
- 'GL_PROTOCOL' => 'ssh',
- 'GL_REPOSITORY' => gl_repository,
- 'GL_USERNAME' => 'testuser'
- }
- end
- let(:exec_options) { { unsetenv_others: true, chdir: ROOT_PATH } }
- before do
- allow(Kernel).to receive(:exec)
- shell.gl_repository = gl_repository
- shell.git_protocol = git_protocol
- shell.instance_variable_set(:@username, gl_username)
- end
- it "uses Kernel::exec method" do
- expect(Kernel).to receive(:exec).with(env, 1, 2, exec_options).once
- shell.send :exec_cmd, 1, 2
- end
- it "refuses to execute a lone non-array argument" do
- expect { shell.send :exec_cmd, 1 }.to raise_error(GitlabShell::DisallowedCommandError)
- end
- it "allows one argument if it is an array" do
- expect(Kernel).to receive(:exec).with(env, [1, 2], exec_options).once
- shell.send :exec_cmd, [1, 2]
- end
- context "when specifying a git_tracing log file" do
- let(:git_trace_log_file) { '/tmp/git_trace_performance.log' }
- before do
- allow_any_instance_of(GitlabConfig).to receive(:git_trace_log_file).and_return(git_trace_log_file)
- shell
- end
- expected_hash = hash_including(
- 'GIT_TRACE' => git_trace_log_file,
- 'GIT_TRACE_PACKET' => git_trace_log_file,
- 'GIT_TRACE_PERFORMANCE' => git_trace_log_file
- )
- expect(Kernel).to receive(:exec).with(expected_hash, [1, 2], exec_options).once
- shell.send :exec_cmd, [1, 2]
- end
- context "when provides a relative path" do
- let(:git_trace_log_file) { 'git_trace_performance.log' }
- it "does not uses GIT_TRACE*" do
- # If we try to use it we'll show a warning to the users
- expected_hash = hash_excluding(
- )
- expect(Kernel).to receive(:exec).with(expected_hash, [1, 2], exec_options).once
- shell.send :exec_cmd, [1, 2]
- end
- it "writes an entry on the log" do
- message = 'git trace log path must be absolute, ignoring'
- expect($logger).to receive(:warn).
- with(message, git_trace_log_file: git_trace_log_file)
- expect(Kernel).to receive(:exec).with(env, [1, 2], exec_options).once
- shell.send :exec_cmd, [1, 2]
- end
- end
- context "when provides a file not writable" do
- before do
- expect(File).to receive(:open).with(git_trace_log_file, 'a').and_raise(Errno::EACCES)
- end
- it "does not uses GIT_TRACE*" do
- # If we try to use it we'll show a warning to the users
- expected_hash = hash_excluding(
- )
- expect(Kernel).to receive(:exec).with(expected_hash, [1, 2], exec_options).once
- shell.send :exec_cmd, [1, 2]
- end
- it "writes an entry on the log" do
- message = 'Failed to open git trace log file'
- error = 'Permission denied'
- expect($logger).to receive(:warn).
- with(message, git_trace_log_file: git_trace_log_file, error: error)
- expect(Kernel).to receive(:exec).with(env, [1, 2], exec_options).once
- shell.send :exec_cmd, [1, 2]
- end
+ expect($logger).to receive(:warn).with(message, command: 'git-upload-pack gitlab-ci.git', user: user_string)