diff options
authorDouwe Maan <>2018-01-12 14:23:15 +0000
committerDouwe Maan <>2018-01-12 14:23:15 +0000
commitfa2b35a72fd6b24d807916b786e3d53f57dd7312 (patch)
parentf8f314890758983e9d167529cb3a332a01262d5c (diff)
parent73e2cf531ca8b92dc48da5024c8095256aa10818 (diff)
Merge branch '113-remove-gitlab-projects' into 'master'
Resolve "Remove bin/gitlab_projects and lib/gitlab_projects.rb" Closes #113 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-shell!180
5 files changed, 24 insertions, 1267 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 43ae87f..ad76acc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -77,41 +77,6 @@ To install gitlab-shell you also need a Go compiler version 1.8 or newer. https:
-## Repos
-Add repo:
- ./bin/gitlab-projects add-project gitlab/gitlab-ci.git
-Remove repo:
- ./bin/gitlab-projects rm-project gitlab/gitlab-ci.git
-List repos:
- ./bin/gitlab-projects list-projects
-Import repo:
- # Default timeout is 2 minutes
- ./bin/gitlab-projects import-project randx/six.git
- # Override timeout in seconds
- ./bin/gitlab-projects import-project randx/six.git 90
-Fork repo:
- ./bin/gitlab-projects fork-project gitlab/gitlab-ci.git randx
-Create tag (lightweight & annotated):
- ./bin/gitlab-projects create-tag gitlab/gitlab-ci.git v3.0.0 3-0-stable
- ./bin/gitlab-projects create-tag gitlab/gitlab-ci.git v3.0.0 3-0-stable 'annotated message goes here'
-Gc repo:
- ./bin/gitlab-projects gc gitlab/gitlab-ci.git
## Keys
Add key:
diff --git a/bin/create-hooks b/bin/create-hooks
index d4111dc..e8b53c1 100755
--- a/bin/create-hooks
+++ b/bin/create-hooks
@@ -5,16 +5,38 @@
# This script is used when restoring a GitLab backup.
require_relative '../lib/gitlab_init'
-require File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'lib', 'gitlab_projects')
require File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'lib', 'gitlab_metrics')
+def create_hooks(path)
+ global_hooks_directory = File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'hooks')
+ local_hooks_directory = File.join(path, 'hooks')
+ real_local_hooks_directory = :not_found
+ begin
+ real_local_hooks_directory = File.realpath(local_hooks_directory)
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ # real_local_hooks_directory == :not_found
+ end
+ if real_local_hooks_directory != File.realpath(global_hooks_directory)
+ if File.exist?(local_hooks_directory)
+ $ "Moving existing hooks directory and symlinking global hooks directory for #{path}."
+, "#{local_hooks_directory}.old.#{}")
+ end
+ FileUtils.ln_sf(global_hooks_directory, local_hooks_directory)
+ else
+ $ "Hooks already exist for #{path}."
+ true
+ end
repository_storage_paths = ARGV
repository_storage_paths.each do |repo_path|
Dir["#{repo_path.chomp('/')}/**/*.git"].each do |repo|
GitlabMetrics.measure('command-create-hooks') do
- GitlabProjects.create_hooks(repo)
+ create_hooks(repo)
rescue Errno::ENOENT
# The user must have deleted their repository. Ignore.
diff --git a/bin/gitlab-projects b/bin/gitlab-projects
deleted file mode 100755
index 22b0022..0000000
--- a/bin/gitlab-projects
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_init'
-# GitLab Projects shell. Add/remove projects from /home/git/repositories
-# Ex.
-# /bin/gitlab-projects add-project gitlab/gitlab-ci.git
-# /bin/gitlab-projects rm-project gitlab/gitlab-ci.git
-# /bin/gitlab-projects list-projects
-# /bin/gitlab-projects mv-project gitlab/gitlab-ci.git randx/fork.git
-# /bin/gitlab-projects fork-project gitlab/gitlab-ci.git randx
-# /bin/gitlab-projects import-project randx/six.git
-require File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'lib', 'gitlab_projects')
-# Return non-zero if command execution was not successful
- exit 0
- exit 1
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_projects.rb b/lib/gitlab_projects.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6700735..0000000
--- a/lib/gitlab_projects.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'tempfile'
-require 'timeout'
-require 'open3'
-require_relative 'gitlab_config'
-require_relative 'gitlab_logger'
-require_relative 'gitlab_metrics'
-class GitlabProjects
- # Project name is a directory name for repository with .git at the end
- # It may be namespaced or not. Like repo.git or gitlab/repo.git
- attr_reader :project_name
- # Absolute path to directory where repositories stored
- # By default it is /home/git/repositories
- attr_reader :repos_path
- # Full path is an absolute path to the repository
- # Ex /home/git/repositories/test.git
- attr_reader :full_path
- def self.create_hooks(path)
- local_hooks_directory = File.join(path, 'hooks')
- real_local_hooks_directory = :not_found
- begin
- real_local_hooks_directory = File.realpath(local_hooks_directory)
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- # real_local_hooks_directory == :not_found
- end
- if real_local_hooks_directory != File.realpath(GLOBAL_HOOKS_DIRECTORY)
- if File.exist?(local_hooks_directory)
- $ "Moving existing hooks directory and symlinking global hooks directory for #{path}."
-, "#{local_hooks_directory}.old.#{}")
- end
- FileUtils.ln_sf(GLOBAL_HOOKS_DIRECTORY, local_hooks_directory)
- else
- $ "Hooks already exist for #{path}."
- true
- end
- end
- def initialize
- @command = ARGV.shift
- @repos_path = ARGV.shift
- @project_name = ARGV.shift
- @full_path = File.join(@repos_path, @project_name) unless @project_name.nil?
- end
- def exec
- GitlabMetrics.measure("command-#{@command}") do
- case @command
- when 'create-tag';
- create_tag
- when 'add-project';
- add_project
- when 'list-projects';
- puts list_projects
- when 'rm-project';
- rm_project
- when 'mv-project';
- mv_project
- when 'mv-storage';
- mv_storage
- when 'import-project';
- import_project
- when 'fork-project';
- fork_project
- when 'fork-repository';
- fork_repository
- when 'fetch-remote';
- fetch_remote
- when 'push-branches';
- push_branches
- when 'delete-remote-branches';
- delete_remote_branches
- when 'list-remote-tags';
- list_remote_tags
- when 'gc';
- gc
- else
- $logger.warn "Attempt to execute invalid gitlab-projects command #{@command.inspect}."
- puts 'not allowed'
- false
- end
- end
- end
- protected
- def list_remote_tags
- remote_name = ARGV.shift
- tag_list, exit_code, error = nil
- cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} ls-remote --tags #{remote_name})
- Open3.popen3(*cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
- tag_list =
- error =
- exit_code = wait_thr.value.exitstatus
- end
- if
- puts tag_list
- true
- else
- puts error
- false
- end
- end
- def push_branches
- remote_name = ARGV.shift
- # timeout for push
- timeout = (ARGV.shift || 120).to_i
- # push with --force?
- forced = ARGV.delete('--force') if ARGV.include?('--force')
- $ "Pushing branches from #{full_path} to remote #{remote_name}: #{ARGV}"
- cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} push)
- cmd << forced if forced
- cmd += %W(-- #{remote_name}).concat(ARGV)
- pid = Process.spawn(*cmd)
- begin
- Timeout.timeout(timeout) do
- Process.wait(pid)
- end
- $?
- rescue => exception
- $logger.error "Pushing branches to remote #{remote_name} failed due to: #{exception.message}."
- Process.kill('KILL', pid)
- Process.wait
- false
- end
- end
- def delete_remote_branches
- remote_name = ARGV.shift
- branches = { |branch_name| ":#{branch_name}" }
- $ "Pushing deleted branches from #{full_path} to remote #{remote_name}: #{ARGV}"
- cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} push -- #{remote_name}).concat(branches)
- pid = Process.spawn(*cmd)
- begin
- Process.wait(pid)
- $?
- rescue => exception
- $logger.error "Pushing deleted branches to remote #{remote_name} failed due to: #{exception.message}"
- Process.kill('KILL', pid)
- Process.wait
- false
- end
- end
- def create_tag
- tag_name = ARGV.shift
- ref = ARGV.shift || "HEAD"
- cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} tag)
- if ARGV.size > 0
- msg = ARGV.shift
- cmd += %W(-a -m #{msg})
- end
- cmd += %W(-- #{tag_name} #{ref})
- system(*cmd)
- end
- def add_project
- $ "Adding project #{@project_name} at <#{full_path}>."
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(full_path, mode: 0770)
- cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} init --bare)
- system(*cmd) && self.class.create_hooks(full_path)
- end
- def list_projects
- $ 'Listing projects'
- Dir.chdir(repos_path) do
- next Dir.glob('**/*.git')
- end
- end
- def rm_project
- $ "Removing project #{@project_name} from <#{full_path}>."
- FileUtils.rm_rf(full_path)
- end
- def mask_password_in_url(url)
- result = URI(url)
- result.password = "*****" unless result.password.nil?
- result.user = "*****" unless result.user.nil? #it's needed for oauth access_token
- result
- rescue
- url
- end
- def fetch_remote
- @name = ARGV.shift
- # timeout for fetch
- timeout = (ARGV.shift || 120).to_i
- # fetch with --force ?
- forced = ARGV.include?('--force')
- # fetch with --tags or --no-tags
- tags_option = ARGV.include?('--no-tags') ? '--no-tags' : '--tags'
- $ "Fetching remote #{@name} for project #{@project_name}."
- cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} fetch #{@name} --prune --quiet)
- cmd << '--force' if forced
- cmd << tags_option
- setup_ssh_auth do |env|
- pid = Process.spawn(env, *cmd)
- begin
- _, status = Timeout.timeout(timeout) do
- Process.wait2(pid)
- end
- status.success?
- rescue => exception
- $logger.error "Fetching remote #{@name} for project #{@project_name} failed due to: #{exception.message}."
- Process.kill('KILL', pid)
- Process.wait
- false
- end
- end
- end
- def remove_origin_in_repo
- cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} remote rm origin)
- pid = Process.spawn(*cmd)
- Process.wait(pid)
- end
- # Import project via git clone --bare
- # URL must be publicly cloneable
- def import_project
- # Skip import if repo already exists
- return false if File.exists?(full_path)
- @source = ARGV.shift
- masked_source = mask_password_in_url(@source)
- # timeout for clone
- timeout = (ARGV.shift || 120).to_i
- $ "Importing project #{@project_name} from <#{masked_source}> to <#{full_path}>."
- cmd = %W(git clone --bare -- #{@source} #{full_path})
- pid = Process.spawn(*cmd)
- begin
- Timeout.timeout(timeout) do
- Process.wait(pid)
- end
- return false unless $?
- rescue Timeout::Error
- $logger.error "Importing project #{@project_name} from <#{masked_source}> failed due to timeout."
- Process.kill('KILL', pid)
- Process.wait
- FileUtils.rm_rf(full_path)
- return false
- end
- self.class.create_hooks(full_path)
- # The project was imported successfully.
- # Remove the origin URL since it may contain password.
- remove_origin_in_repo
- true
- end
- # Move repository from one directory to another
- #
- # Ex.
- # gitlab.git -> gitlabhq.git
- # gitlab/gitlab-ci.git -> randx/six.git
- #
- # Wont work if target namespace directory does not exist
- #
- def mv_project
- new_path = ARGV.shift
- unless new_path
- $logger.error "mv-project failed: no destination path provided."
- return false
- end
- new_full_path = File.join(repos_path, new_path)
- # verify that the source repo exists
- unless File.exists?(full_path)
- $logger.error "mv-project failed: source path <#{full_path}> does not exist."
- return false
- end
- # ...and that the target repo does not exist
- if File.exists?(new_full_path)
- $logger.error "mv-project failed: destination path <#{new_full_path}> already exists."
- return false
- end
- $ "Moving project #{@project_name} from <#{full_path}> to <#{new_full_path}>."
-, new_full_path)
- end
- # Move repository from one storage path to another
- #
- # Wont work if target namespace directory does not exist in the new storage path
- #
- def mv_storage
- new_storage = ARGV.shift
- unless new_storage
- $logger.error "mv-storage failed: no destination storage path provided."
- return false
- end
- new_full_path = File.join(new_storage, project_name)
- # verify that the source repo exists
- unless File.exists?(full_path)
- $logger.error "mv-storage failed: source path <#{full_path}> does not exist."
- return false
- end
- # Make sure the destination directory exists
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(new_full_path)
- # Make sure the source path ends with a slash so that rsync copies the
- # contents of the directory, as opposed to copying the directory by name
- source_path = File.join(full_path, '')
- if wait_for_pushes
- $ "Syncing project #{@project_name} from <#{full_path}> to <#{new_full_path}>."
- # Set a low IO priority with ionice to not choke the server on moves
- if rsync(source_path, new_full_path, 'ionice -c2 -n7 rsync')
- true
- else
- # If the command fails with `ionice` (maybe because we're on a OS X
- # development machine), try again without `ionice`.
- rsync(source_path, new_full_path)
- end
- else
- $logger.error "mv-storage failed: source path <#{full_path}> is waiting for pushes to finish."
- false
- end
- end
- def fork_repository
- from_path = full_path
- new_repos_path = ARGV.shift
- new_full_path = ARGV.shift
- unless new_repos_path && new_full_path
- $logger.error "fork-repository failed: no destination repository path provided."
- return false
- end
- to_path = File.join(new_repos_path, new_full_path)
- # The repository cannot already exist
- if File.exists?(to_path)
- $logger.error "fork-repository failed: destination repository <#{to_path}> already exists."
- return false
- end
- # Ensure the namepsace / hashed storage directory exists
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(to_path), mode: 0770)
- $ "Forking repository from <#{from_path}> to <#{to_path}>."
- cmd = %W(git clone --bare --no-local -- #{from_path} #{to_path})
- system(*cmd) && self.class.create_hooks(to_path)
- end
- # DEPRECATED in favour of fork_repository, which takes a source and destination
- # repository path and so can work with hashed storage. Remove in v6.0.0
- def fork_project
- destination_repos_path = ARGV.shift
- unless destination_repos_path
- $logger.error "fork-project failed: no destination repository path provided."
- return false
- end
- new_namespace = ARGV.shift
- # destination namespace must be provided
- unless new_namespace
- $logger.error "fork-project failed: no destination namespace provided."
- return false
- end
- # destination namespace must exist
- namespaced_path = File.join(destination_repos_path, new_namespace)
- unless File.exists?(namespaced_path)
- $logger.error "fork-project failed: destination namespace <#{namespaced_path}> does not exist."
- return false
- end
- # a project of the same name cannot already be within the destination namespace
- full_destination_path = File.join(namespaced_path, project_name.split('/')[-1])
- if File.exists?(full_destination_path)
- $logger.error "fork-project failed: destination repository <#{full_destination_path}> already exists."
- return false
- end
- $ "Forking project from <#{full_path}> to <#{full_destination_path}>."
- cmd = %W(git clone --bare --no-local -- #{full_path} #{full_destination_path})
- system(*cmd) && self.class.create_hooks(full_destination_path)
- end
- def gc
- $ "Running git gc for <#{full_path}>."
- unless File.exists?(full_path)
- $logger.error "gc failed: destination path <#{full_path}> does not exist."
- return false
- end
- cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} gc)
- system(*cmd)
- end
- def wait_for_pushes
- # Try for 30 seconds, polling every 10
- 3.times do
- return true if gitlab_reference_counter.value == 0
- sleep 10
- end
- false
- end
- # Builds a small shell script that can be used to execute SSH with a set of
- # custom options.
- #
- # Options are expanded as `'-oKey="Value"'`, so SSH will correctly interpret
- # paths with spaces in them. We trust the user not to embed single or double
- # quotes in the key or value.
- def custom_ssh_script(options = {})
- args = { |k, v| "'-o#{k}=\"#{v}\"'" }.join(' ')
- [
- "#!/bin/sh",
- "exec ssh #{args} \"$@\""
- ].join("\n")
- end
- # Known hosts data and private keys can be passed to gitlab-shell in the
- # environment. If present, this method puts them into temporary files, writes
- # a script that can substitute as `ssh`, setting the options to respect those
- # files, and yields: { "GIT_SSH" => "/tmp/myScript" }
- def setup_ssh_auth
- options = {}
- key_file ='gitlab-shell-key-file')
- key_file.chmod(0o400)
- key_file.write(ENV['GITLAB_SHELL_SSH_KEY'])
- key_file.close
- options['IdentityFile'] = key_file.path
- options['IdentitiesOnly'] = 'yes'
- end
- known_hosts_file ='gitlab-shell-known-hosts')
- known_hosts_file.chmod(0o400)
- known_hosts_file.write(ENV['GITLAB_SHELL_KNOWN_HOSTS'])
- known_hosts_file.close
- options['StrictHostKeyChecking'] = 'yes'
- options['UserKnownHostsFile'] = known_hosts_file.path
- end
- return yield({}) if options.empty?
- script ='gitlab-shell-ssh-wrapper')
- script.chmod(0o755)
- script.write(custom_ssh_script(options))
- script.close
- yield('GIT_SSH' => script.path)
- ensure
- key_file.close! unless key_file.nil?
- known_hosts_file.close! unless known_hosts_file.nil?
- script.close! unless script.nil?
- end
- def gitlab_reference_counter
- @gitlab_reference_counter ||= begin
- # Defer loading because this pulls in gitlab_net, which takes 100-200 ms
- # to load
- require_relative 'gitlab_reference_counter'
- end
- end
- def rsync(src, dest, rsync_path = 'rsync')
- command = rsync_path.split + %W(-a --delete --rsync-path="#{rsync_path}" #{src} #{dest})
- system(*command)
- end
diff --git a/spec/gitlab_projects_spec.rb b/spec/gitlab_projects_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cf408b..0000000
--- a/spec/gitlab_projects_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,683 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'spec_helper'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_projects'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_reference_counter'
-describe GitlabProjects do
- before do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_repos_path)
- $logger = double('logger').as_null_object
- end
- after do
- FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp_repos_path)
- end
- describe :create_hooks do
- let(:repo_path) { File.join(tmp_repos_path, 'hook-test.git') }
- let(:hooks_dir) { File.join(repo_path, 'hooks') }
- let(:target_hooks_dir) { File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'hooks') }
- let(:existing_target) { File.join(repo_path, 'foobar') }
- before do
- FileUtils.rm_rf(repo_path)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(repo_path)
- end
- context 'hooks is a directory' do
- let(:existing_file) { File.join(hooks_dir, 'my-file') }
- before do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(hooks_dir)
- FileUtils.touch(existing_file)
- GitlabProjects.create_hooks(repo_path)
- end
- it { File.readlink(hooks_dir).should == target_hooks_dir }
- it { Dir[File.join(repo_path, "hooks.old.*/my-file")].count.should == 1 }
- end
- context 'hooks is a valid symlink' do
- before do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p existing_target
- File.symlink(existing_target, hooks_dir)
- GitlabProjects.create_hooks(repo_path)
- end
- it { File.readlink(hooks_dir).should == target_hooks_dir }
- end
- context 'hooks is a broken symlink' do
- before do
- FileUtils.rm_f(existing_target)
- File.symlink(existing_target, hooks_dir)
- GitlabProjects.create_hooks(repo_path)
- end
- it { File.readlink(hooks_dir).should == target_hooks_dir }
- end
- end
- describe :initialize do
- before do
- argv('add-project', tmp_repos_path, repo_name)
- @gl_projects =
- end
- it { @gl_projects.project_name.should == repo_name }
- it { @gl_projects.repos_path.should == tmp_repos_path }
- it { @gl_projects.full_path.should == "#{tmp_repos_path}/gitlab-ci.git" }
- it { @gl_projects.instance_variable_get(:@command).should == 'add-project' }
- end
- describe :create_tag do
- let(:gl_projects_create) {
- build_gitlab_projects('import-project', tmp_repos_path, repo_name, '')
- }
- context "lightweight tag" do
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('create-tag', tmp_repos_path, repo_name, 'test_tag', 'master') }
- it "should create a tag" do
- gl_projects_create.exec
- gl_projects.exec
- tag_ref = capture_in_tmp_repo(%W(git rev-parse test_tag))
- master_ref = capture_in_tmp_repo(%W(git rev-parse master))
- tag_ref.should == master_ref
- end
- end
- context "annotated tag" do
- msg = 'some message'
- tag_name = 'test_annotated_tag'
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('create-tag', tmp_repos_path, repo_name, tag_name, 'master', msg) }
- it "should create an annotated tag" do
- gl_projects_create.exec
- system(*%W(git --git-dir=#{tmp_repo_path} config Joe))
- system(*%W(git --git-dir=#{tmp_repo_path} config
- gl_projects.exec
- tag_ref = capture_in_tmp_repo(%W(git rev-parse #{tag_name}^{}))
- master_ref = capture_in_tmp_repo(%W(git rev-parse master))
- tag_msg = capture_in_tmp_repo(%W(git tag -l -n1 #{tag_name}))
- tag_ref.should == master_ref
- tag_msg.should == tag_name + ' ' + msg
- end
- end
- end
- describe :add_project do
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('add-project', tmp_repos_path, repo_name) }
- it "should create a directory" do
- gl_projects.stub(system: true)
- GitlabProjects.stub(create_hooks: true)
- gl_projects.exec
- File.exists?(tmp_repo_path).should be_true
- end
- it "should receive valid cmd" do
- valid_cmd = ['git', "--git-dir=#{tmp_repo_path}", 'init', '--bare']
- gl_projects.should_receive(:system).with(*valid_cmd).and_return(true)
- GitlabProjects.should_receive(:create_hooks).with(tmp_repo_path)
- gl_projects.exec
- end
- it "should log an add-project event" do
- $logger.should_receive(:info).with("Adding project #{repo_name} at <#{tmp_repo_path}>.")
- gl_projects.exec
- end
- end
- describe :list_projects do
- let(:gl_projects) do
- build_gitlab_projects('add-project', tmp_repos_path, "list_test/#{repo_name}")
- end
- before do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_repos_path)
- end
- it 'should create projects and list them' do
- GitlabProjects.stub(create_hooks: true)
- gl_projects.exec
- gl_projects.send(:list_projects).should == ["list_test/#{repo_name}"]
- end
- end
- describe :mv_project do
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('mv-project', tmp_repos_path, repo_name, 'repo.git') }
- let(:new_repo_path) { File.join(tmp_repos_path, 'repo.git') }
- before do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_repo_path)
- end
- it "should move a repo directory" do
- File.exists?(tmp_repo_path).should be_true
- gl_projects.exec
- File.exists?(tmp_repo_path).should be_false
- File.exists?(new_repo_path).should be_true
- end
- it "should fail if no destination path is provided" do
- incomplete = build_gitlab_projects('mv-project', tmp_repos_path, repo_name)
- $logger.should_receive(:error).with("mv-project failed: no destination path provided.")
- incomplete.exec.should be_false
- end
- it "should fail if the source path doesn't exist" do
- bad_source = build_gitlab_projects('mv-project', tmp_repos_path, 'bad-src.git', 'dest.git')
- $logger.should_receive(:error).with("mv-project failed: source path <#{tmp_repos_path}/bad-src.git> does not exist.")
- bad_source.exec.should be_false
- end
- it "should fail if the destination path already exists" do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(tmp_repos_path, 'already-exists.git'))
- bad_dest = build_gitlab_projects('mv-project', tmp_repos_path, repo_name, 'already-exists.git')
- message = "mv-project failed: destination path <#{tmp_repos_path}/already-exists.git> already exists."
- $logger.should_receive(:error).with(message)
- bad_dest.exec.should be_false
- end
- it "should log an mv-project event" do
- message = "Moving project #{repo_name} from <#{tmp_repo_path}> to <#{new_repo_path}>."
- $logger.should_receive(:info).with(message)
- gl_projects.exec
- end
- end
- describe :rm_project do
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('rm-project', tmp_repos_path, repo_name) }
- before do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_repo_path)
- end
- it "should remove a repo directory" do
- File.exists?(tmp_repo_path).should be_true
- gl_projects.exec
- File.exists?(tmp_repo_path).should be_false
- end
- it "should log an rm-project event" do
- $logger.should_receive(:info).with("Removing project #{repo_name} from <#{tmp_repo_path}>.")
- gl_projects.exec
- end
- end
- describe :mv_storage do
- let(:alternative_storage_path) { File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'tmp', 'alternative') }
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('mv-storage', tmp_repos_path, repo_name, alternative_storage_path) }
- let(:new_repo_path) { File.join(alternative_storage_path, repo_name) }
- before do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_repo_path)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(tmp_repo_path, 'hooks')) # Add some contents to copy
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(alternative_storage_path)
- allow_any_instance_of(GitlabReferenceCounter).to receive(:value).and_return(0)
- end
- after { FileUtils.rm_rf(alternative_storage_path) }
- it "should rsync a repo directory" do
- File.exists?(tmp_repo_path).should be_true
- gl_projects.exec
- File.exists?(new_repo_path).should be_true
- # Make sure the target directory isn't empty (i.e. contents were copied)
- { Dir['**/*'].length.should_not be(0) }
- end
- it "should attempt rsync with ionice first" do
- expect(gl_projects).to receive(:system).with(
- 'ionice', '-c2', '-n7', 'rsync', '-a', '--delete', '--rsync-path="ionice -c2 -n7 rsync"',
- "#{tmp_repo_path}/", new_repo_path
- ).and_return(true)
- gl_projects.exec.should be_true
- end
- it "should attempt rsync without ionice if with ionice fails" do
- expect(gl_projects).to receive(:system).with(
- 'ionice', '-c2', '-n7', 'rsync', '-a', '--delete', '--rsync-path="ionice -c2 -n7 rsync"',
- "#{tmp_repo_path}/", new_repo_path
- ).and_return(false)
- expect(gl_projects).to receive(:system).with(
- 'rsync', '-a', '--delete', '--rsync-path="rsync"', "#{tmp_repo_path}/", new_repo_path
- ).and_return(true)
- gl_projects.exec.should be_true
- end
- it "should fail if both rsync attempts fail" do
- expect(gl_projects).to receive(:system).with(
- 'ionice', '-c2', '-n7', 'rsync', '-a', '--delete', '--rsync-path="ionice -c2 -n7 rsync"',
- "#{tmp_repo_path}/", new_repo_path
- ).and_return(false)
- expect(gl_projects).to receive(:system).with(
- 'rsync', '-a', '--delete', '--rsync-path="rsync"', "#{tmp_repo_path}/", new_repo_path
- ).and_return(false)
- gl_projects.exec.should be_false
- end
- it "should fail if no destination path is provided" do
- incomplete = build_gitlab_projects('mv-storage', tmp_repos_path, repo_name)
- $logger.should_receive(:error).with("mv-storage failed: no destination storage path provided.")
- incomplete.exec.should be_false
- end
- it "should fail if the source path doesn't exist" do
- bad_source = build_gitlab_projects('mv-storage', tmp_repos_path, 'bad-src.git', alternative_storage_path)
- $logger.should_receive(:error).with("mv-storage failed: source path <#{tmp_repos_path}/bad-src.git> does not exist.")
- bad_source.exec.should be_false
- end
- it "should fail if there are pushes ongoing" do
- allow_any_instance_of(GitlabReferenceCounter).to receive(:value).and_return(1)
- $logger.should_receive(:error).with("mv-storage failed: source path <#{tmp_repo_path}> is waiting for pushes to finish.")
- gl_projects.exec.should be_false
- end
- it "should log an mv-storage event" do
- message = "Syncing project #{repo_name} from <#{tmp_repo_path}> to <#{new_repo_path}>."
- $logger.should_receive(:info).with(message)
- gl_projects.exec
- end
- end
- describe :push_branches do
- let(:repos_path) { 'current/storage' }
- let(:project_name) { 'project/path.git' }
- let(:full_path) { File.join(repos_path, project_name) }
- let(:remote_name) { 'new/storage' }
- let(:pid) { 1234 }
- let(:branch_name) { 'master' }
- let(:cmd) { %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} push -- #{remote_name} #{branch_name}) }
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('push-branches', repos_path, project_name, remote_name, '600', 'master') }
- it 'executes the command' do
- expect(Process).to receive(:spawn).with(*cmd).and_return(pid)
- expect(Process).to receive(:wait).with(pid)
- expect(gl_projects.exec).to be true
- end
- it 'raises timeout' do
- expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).with(600).and_raise(Timeout::Error)
- expect(Process).to receive(:spawn).with(*cmd).and_return(pid)
- expect(Process).to receive(:wait)
- expect(Process).to receive(:kill).with('KILL', pid)
- expect(gl_projects.exec).to be false
- end
- context 'with --force' do
- let(:cmd) { %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} push --force -- #{remote_name} #{branch_name}) }
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('push-branches', repos_path, project_name, remote_name, '600', '--force', 'master') }
- it 'executes the command' do
- expect(Process).to receive(:spawn).with(*cmd).and_return(pid)
- expect(Process).to receive(:wait).with(pid)
- expect(gl_projects.exec).to be true
- end
- end
- end
- describe :fetch_remote do
- let(:repos_path) { 'current/storage' }
- let(:project_name) { 'project.git' }
- let(:full_path) { File.join(repos_path, project_name) }
- let(:remote_name) { 'new/storage' }
- let(:pid) { 1234 }
- let(:branch_name) { 'master' }
- def stub_spawn(*args, wait: true, success: true)
- expect(Process).to receive(:spawn).with(*args).and_return(pid)
- expect(Process).to receive(:wait2).with(pid).and_return([pid, double(success?: success)]) if wait
- end
- def stub_env(args = {})
- original = ENV.to_h
- args.each { |k, v| ENV[k] = v }
- yield
- ensure
- ENV.replace(original)
- end
- def stub_tempfile(name, filename, opts = {})
- chmod = opts.delete(:chmod)
- file =
- allow(file).to receive(:close!)
- allow(file).to receive(:path).and_return(name)
- expect(Tempfile).to receive(:new).with(filename).and_return(file)
- expect(file).to receive(:chmod).with(chmod) if chmod
- file
- end
- describe 'with default args' do
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('fetch-remote', repos_path, project_name, remote_name, '600') }
- let(:cmd) { %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} fetch #{remote_name} --prune --quiet --tags) }
- it 'executes the command' do
- stub_spawn({}, *cmd)
- expect(gl_projects.exec).to be true
- end
- it 'raises timeout' do
- stub_spawn({}, *cmd, wait: false)
- expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).with(600).and_raise(Timeout::Error)
- expect(Process).to receive(:kill).with('KILL', pid)
- expect(gl_projects.exec).to be false
- end
- end
- describe 'with --force' do
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('fetch-remote', repos_path, project_name, remote_name, '600', '--force') }
- let(:env) { {} }
- let(:cmd) { %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} fetch #{remote_name} --prune --quiet --force --tags) }
- it 'executes the command with forced option' do
- stub_spawn({}, *cmd)
- expect(gl_projects.exec).to be true
- end
- end
- describe 'with --no-tags' do
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('fetch-remote', repos_path, project_name, remote_name, '600', '--no-tags') }
- let(:cmd) { %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} fetch #{remote_name} --prune --quiet --no-tags) }
- it 'executes the command' do
- stub_spawn({}, *cmd)
- expect(gl_projects.exec).to be true
- end
- end
- describe 'with GITLAB_SHELL_SSH_KEY' do
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('fetch-remote', repos_path, project_name, remote_name, '600') }
- let(:cmd) { %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} fetch #{remote_name} --prune --quiet --tags) }
- around(:each) do |example|
- stub_env('GITLAB_SHELL_SSH_KEY' => 'SSH KEY') { }
- end
- it 'sets GIT_SSH to a custom script' do
- script = stub_tempfile('scriptFile', 'gitlab-shell-ssh-wrapper', chmod: 0o755)
- key = stub_tempfile('/tmp files/keyFile', 'gitlab-shell-key-file', chmod: 0o400)
- stub_spawn({ 'GIT_SSH' => 'scriptFile' }, *cmd)
- expect(gl_projects.exec).to be true
- expect(script.string).to eq("#!/bin/sh\nexec ssh '-oIdentityFile=\"/tmp files/keyFile\"' '-oIdentitiesOnly=\"yes\"' \"$@\"")
- expect(key.string).to eq('SSH KEY')
- end
- end
- describe 'with GITLAB_SHELL_KNOWN_HOSTS' do
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('fetch-remote', repos_path, project_name, remote_name, '600') }
- let(:cmd) { %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} fetch #{remote_name} --prune --quiet --tags) }
- around(:each) do |example|
- end
- it 'sets GIT_SSH to a custom script' do
- script = stub_tempfile('scriptFile', 'gitlab-shell-ssh-wrapper', chmod: 0o755)
- key = stub_tempfile('/tmp files/knownHosts', 'gitlab-shell-known-hosts', chmod: 0o400)
- stub_spawn({ 'GIT_SSH' => 'scriptFile' }, *cmd)
- expect(gl_projects.exec).to be true
- expect(script.string).to eq("#!/bin/sh\nexec ssh '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=\"yes\"' '-oUserKnownHostsFile=\"/tmp files/knownHosts\"' \"$@\"")
- expect(key.string).to eq('KNOWN HOSTS')
- end
- end
- end
- describe :import_project do
- context 'success import' do
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('import-project', tmp_repos_path, repo_name, '') }
- it { gl_projects.exec.should be_true }
- it "should import a repo" do
- gl_projects.exec
- File.exists?(File.join(tmp_repo_path, 'HEAD')).should be_true
- end
- it "should log an import-project event" do
- message = "Importing project #{repo_name} from <> to <#{tmp_repo_path}>."
- $logger.should_receive(:info).with(message)
- gl_projects.exec
- end
- end
- context 'already exists' do
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('import-project', tmp_repos_path, repo_name, '') }
- it 'should import only once' do
- gl_projects.exec.should be_true
- gl_projects.exec.should be_false
- end
- end
- context 'timeout' do
- let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects('import-project', tmp_repos_path, repo_name, '', '1') }
- it { gl_projects.exec.should be_false }
- it "should not import a repo" do
- gl_projects.exec
- File.exists?(File.join(tmp_repo_path, 'HEAD')).should be_false
- end
- it "should log an import-project event" do
- message = "Importing project #{repo_name} from <> failed due to timeout."
- $logger.should_receive(:error).with(message)
- gl_projects.exec
- end
- end
- end
- describe :fork_repository do
- let(:source_repos_path) { tmp_repos_path }
- let(:dest_repos_path) { tmp_repos_path }
- let(:source_repo_name) { File.join('source-namespace', repo_name) }
- let(:dest_repo_name) { File.join('@hashed', 'aa', 'bb', 'xyz.git') }
- let(:dest_repo) { File.join(dest_repos_path, dest_repo_name) }
- let(:dest_namespace) { File.dirname(dest_repo) }
- let(:gl_repo_fork) { build_gitlab_projects('fork-repository', source_repos_path, source_repo_name, dest_repos_path, dest_repo_name) }
- let(:gl_projects_import) { build_gitlab_projects('import-project', source_repos_path, source_repo_name, '') }
- before do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest_repos_path)
- gl_projects_import.exec
- end
- after do
- FileUtils.rm_rf(dest_repos_path)
- end
- it "should not fork without a source repository path" do
- missing_arg = build_gitlab_projects('fork-repository', tmp_repos_path, source_repo_name)
- expect($logger).to receive(:error).with("fork-repository failed: no destination repository path provided.")
- expect(missing_arg.exec).to be_false
- end
- it "should not fork without a destination repository path" do
- missing_arg = build_gitlab_projects('fork-repository', tmp_repos_path, source_repo_name, tmp_repos_path)
- $logger.should_receive(:error).with("fork-repository failed: no destination repository path provided.")
- expect(missing_arg.exec).to be_false
- end
- it "should fork the repository" do
- expect(gl_repo_fork.exec).to be_true
- expect(File.exists?(dest_repo)).to be_true
- expect(File.exists?(File.join(dest_repo, 'hooks', 'pre-receive'))).to be_true
- expect(File.exists?(File.join(dest_repo, 'hooks', 'post-receive'))).to be_true
- end
- it "should not fork if a project of the same name already exists" do
- # create a fake project at the intended destination
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest_repo)
- # trying to fork again should fail as the repo already exists
- message = "fork-repository failed: destination repository <#{dest_repo}> already exists."
- expect($logger).to receive(:error).with(message)
- expect(gl_repo_fork.exec).to be_false
- end
- it "should log a fork-project event" do
- message = "Forking repository from <#{File.join(tmp_repos_path, source_repo_name)}> to <#{dest_repo}>."
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with(message)
- expect(gl_repo_fork.exec).to be_true
- end
- context 'different storages' do
- let(:dest_repos_path) { File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'tmp', 'alternative') }
- it "should fork the repo" do
- expect(gl_repo_fork.exec).to be_true
- expect(File.exists?(dest_repo)).to be_true
- expect(File.exists?(File.join(dest_repo, 'hooks', 'pre-receive'))).to be_true
- expect(File.exists?(File.join(dest_repo, 'hooks', 'post-receive'))).to be_true
- end
- end
- end
- describe :fork_project do
- let(:source_repo_name) { File.join('source-namespace', repo_name) }
- let(:dest_repo) { File.join(tmp_repos_path, 'forked-to-namespace', repo_name) }
- let(:gl_projects_fork) { build_gitlab_projects('fork-project', tmp_repos_path, source_repo_name, tmp_repos_path, 'forked-to-namespace') }
- let(:gl_projects_import) { build_gitlab_projects('import-project', tmp_repos_path, source_repo_name, '') }
- before do
- gl_projects_import.exec
- end
- it "should not fork without a source repository path" do
- missing_arg = build_gitlab_projects('fork-project', tmp_repos_path, source_repo_name)
- $logger.should_receive(:error).with("fork-project failed: no destination repository path provided.")
- missing_arg.exec.should be_false
- end
- it "should not fork without a destination namespace" do
- missing_arg = build_gitlab_projects('fork-project', tmp_repos_path, source_repo_name, tmp_repos_path)
- $logger.should_receive(:error).with("fork-project failed: no destination namespace provided.")
- missing_arg.exec.should be_false
- end
- it "should not fork into a namespace that doesn't exist" do
- message = "fork-project failed: destination namespace <#{tmp_repos_path}/forked-to-namespace> does not exist."
- $logger.should_receive(:error).with(message)
- gl_projects_fork.exec.should be_false
- end
- it "should fork the repo" do
- # create destination namespace
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(tmp_repos_path, 'forked-to-namespace'))
- gl_projects_fork.exec.should be_true
- File.exists?(dest_repo).should be_true
- File.exists?(File.join(dest_repo, '/hooks/pre-receive')).should be_true
- File.exists?(File.join(dest_repo, '/hooks/post-receive')).should be_true
- end
- it "should not fork if a project of the same name already exists" do
- # create a fake project at the intended destination
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(tmp_repos_path, 'forked-to-namespace', repo_name))
- # trying to fork again should fail as the repo already exists
- message = "fork-project failed: destination repository <#{tmp_repos_path}/forked-to-namespace/#{repo_name}> "
- message << "already exists."
- $logger.should_receive(:error).with(message)
- gl_projects_fork.exec.should be_false
- end
- it "should log a fork-project event" do
- message = "Forking project from <#{File.join(tmp_repos_path, source_repo_name)}> to <#{dest_repo}>."
- $logger.should_receive(:info).with(message)
- # create destination namespace
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(tmp_repos_path, 'forked-to-namespace'))
- gl_projects_fork.exec.should be_true
- end
- context 'different storages' do
- let(:alternative_repos_path) { File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'tmp', 'alternative') }
- let(:dest_repo) { File.join(alternative_repos_path, 'forked-to-namespace', repo_name) }
- let(:gl_projects_fork) { build_gitlab_projects('fork-project', tmp_repos_path, source_repo_name, alternative_repos_path, 'forked-to-namespace') }
- before do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(alternative_repos_path)
- end
- after do
- FileUtils.rm_rf(alternative_repos_path)
- end
- it "should fork the repo" do
- # create destination namespace
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(alternative_repos_path, 'forked-to-namespace'))
- gl_projects_fork.exec.should be_true
- File.exists?(dest_repo).should be_true
- File.exists?(File.join(dest_repo, '/hooks/pre-receive')).should be_true
- File.exists?(File.join(dest_repo, '/hooks/post-receive')).should be_true
- end
- end
- end
- describe :exec do
- it 'should puts message if unknown command arg' do
- gitlab_projects = build_gitlab_projects('edit-project', tmp_repos_path, repo_name)
- gitlab_projects.should_receive(:puts).with('not allowed')
- gitlab_projects.exec
- end
- it 'should log a warning for unknown commands' do
- gitlab_projects = build_gitlab_projects('hurf-durf', tmp_repos_path, repo_name)
- $logger.should_receive(:warn).with('Attempt to execute invalid gitlab-projects command "hurf-durf".')
- gitlab_projects.exec
- end
- end
- def build_gitlab_projects(*args)
- argv(*args)
- end
- def argv(*args)
- args.each_with_index do |arg, i|
- ARGV[i] = arg
- end
- end
- def tmp_repos_path
- File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'tmp', 'repositories')
- end
- def tmp_repo_path
- File.join(tmp_repos_path, repo_name)
- end
- def repo_name
- 'gitlab-ci.git'
- end
- def capture_in_tmp_repo(cmd)
- IO.popen([*cmd, {chdir: tmp_repo_path}]).read.strip
- end