diff options
authorDmitriy Zaporozhets <>2015-02-21 20:54:21 +0000
committerDmitriy Zaporozhets <>2015-02-21 20:54:21 +0000
commit926bef44f0c14a2ef22406c3fe885cd0be2903ae (patch)
parente780ba06da1c7f2ec475b26ccff9a947b0074fcd (diff)
parent9b089f955ff8df8ad3328ee0faa19acfcf8b05b4 (diff)
Merge branch 'better-readme' into 'master'
Update readme after Saturday morning conversation with Dmitriy. See merge request !61
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 3f04de9..5ee8623 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,8 +1,42 @@
-# gitlab-shell: ssh access and repository management
+# GitLab Shell
-GitLab Shell is an application that allows you to execute git commands
-and provide ssh access to git repositories.
-It is not a Unix shell nor a replacement for Bash or Zsh.
+## GitLab Shell handles git commands for GitLab
+GitLab Shell handles git commands for GitLab and modifies the list of authorized keys.
+GitLab Shell is not a Unix shell nor a replacement for Bash or Zsh.
+When you access the GitLab server over ssh then GitLab Shell will:
+1. Limits you to predefined git commands (git push, git pull, git annex).
+1. Call the GitLab Rails API to check if you are authorized
+1. It will execute the pre-receive hooks (called Git Hooks in GitLab Enterprise Edition)
+1. It will excute the action you requested
+1. Process the GitLab post-receive actions
+1. Process any custom post-receive actions
+If you access a GitLab server over http(s) what happens depends on if you pull from or push to the git repository.
+If you pull from git repositories over http(s) the GitLab Rails app will completely handle the authentication and execution.
+If you push to git repositories over http(s) the GitLab Rails app will not handle any authentication or execution but it will delegate the following to GitLab Shell:
+1. Call the GitLab Rails API to check if you are authorized
+1. It will execute the pre-receive hooks (called Git Hooks in GitLab Enterprise Edition)
+1. It will excute the action you requested
+1. Process the GitLab post-receive actions
+1. Process any custom post-receive actions
+Maybe you wonder why in the case of git push over http(s) the Rails app doesn't handle authentication before delegating to GitLab Shell.
+This is because GitLab Rails doesn't have the logic to interpret git push commands.
+The idea is to have these interpretation code in only one place and this is GitLab Shell so we can reuse it for ssh access.
+Actually GitLab Shell executes all git push commands without checking authorizations and relies on the pre-receive hooks to check authorizations.
+When you do a git pull command the authorizations are checked before executing the commands (either in GitLab Rails or GitLab Shell with an API call to GitLab Rails).
+The authorization checks for git pull are much simpler since you only have to check if a user can access the repo (no need to check branch permissions).
+An overview of the four cases described above:
+1. git pull over ssh -> gitlab-shell -> API call to gitlab-rails (Authorization) -> accept or decline -> execute git command
+1. git pull over http -> gitlab-rails (AUthorization) -> accept or decline -> execute git command
+1. git push over ssh -> gitlab-shell (git command is not executed yet) -> execute git command -> gitlab-shell pre-receive hook -> API call to gitlab-rails (authorization) -> accept or decline push
+1. git push over http -> gitlab-rails (git command is not executed yet) -> execute git command -> gitlab-shell pre-receive hook -> API call to gitlab-rails (authorization) -> accept or decline push
## Code status
@@ -11,7 +45,26 @@ It is not a Unix shell nor a replacement for Bash or Zsh.
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-**Requires ruby 1.9+**
+## Requirements
+**GitLab shell will always use your system ruby (normally located at /usr/bin/ruby) and will not use the ruby your installed with a ruby version manager (such as RVM).**
+It requires ruby 2.0 or higher.
+Please uninstall any old ruby versions from your system:
+sudo apt-get remove ruby1.8
+Download Ruby and compile it with:
+mkdir /tmp/ruby && cd /tmp/ruby
+curl -L --progress | tar xz
+cd ruby-2.1.5
+./configure --disable-install-rdoc
+sudo make install
## Setup