require 'net/http' require 'openssl' require 'json' require_relative 'gitlab_config' require_relative 'gitlab_logger' require_relative 'gitlab_access' require_relative 'gitlab_redis' require_relative 'gitlab_lfs_authentication' require_relative 'httpunix' class GitlabNet class ApiUnreachableError < StandardError; end CHECK_TIMEOUT = 5 READ_TIMEOUT = 300 def check_access(cmd, repo, actor, changes, protocol) changes = changes.join("\n") unless changes.kind_of?(String) params = { action: cmd, changes: changes, project: project_name(repo), protocol: protocol } if actor =~ /\Akey\-\d+\Z/ params.merge!(key_id: actor.gsub("key-", "")) elsif actor =~ /\Auser\-\d+\Z/ params.merge!(user_id: actor.gsub("user-", "")) end url = "#{host}/allowed" resp = post(url, params) if resp.code == '200' GitAccessStatus.create_from_json(resp.body) else, 'API is not accessible', nil) end end def discover(key) key_id = key.gsub("key-", "") resp = get("#{host}/discover?key_id=#{key_id}") JSON.parse(resp.body) rescue nil end def lfs_authenticate(key, repo) params = { project: project_name(repo), key_id: key.gsub('key-', '') } resp = post("#{host}/lfs_authenticate", params) if resp.code == '200' GitlabLfsAuthentication.build_from_json(resp.body) end end def broadcast_message resp = get("#{host}/broadcast_message") JSON.parse(resp.body) rescue {} end def merge_request_urls(repo_name, changes) changes = changes.join("\n") unless changes.kind_of?(String) changes = changes.encode('UTF-8', 'ASCII', invalid: :replace, replace: '') resp = get("#{host}/merge_request_urls?project=#{URI.escape(repo_name)}&changes=#{URI.escape(changes)}") JSON.parse(resp.body) rescue [] end def check get("#{host}/check", read_timeout: CHECK_TIMEOUT) end def authorized_key(key) resp = get("#{host}/authorized_keys?key=#{URI.escape(key, '+/=')}") JSON.parse(resp.body) if resp.code == "200" rescue nil end def two_factor_recovery_codes(key) key_id = key.gsub('key-', '') resp = post("#{host}/two_factor_recovery_codes", key_id: key_id) JSON.parse(resp.body) if resp.code == '200' rescue {} end def redis_client redis_config = config.redis database = redis_config['database'] || 0 params = { host: redis_config['host'] || '', port: redis_config['port'] || 6379, db: database } if redis_config.has_key?('sentinels') params[:sentinels] = redis_config['sentinels'] .select { |s| s['host'] && s['port'] } .map { |s| { host: s['host'], port: s['port'] } } end if redis_config.has_key?("socket") params = { path: redis_config['socket'], db: database } elsif redis_config.has_key?("pass") params[:password] = redis_config['pass'] end end protected def project_name(repo) project_name = repo.gsub("'", "") project_name = project_name.gsub(/\.git\Z/, "") project_name.gsub(/\A\//, "") end def config @config ||= end def host "#{config.gitlab_url}/api/v3/internal" end def http_client_for(uri, options={}) if uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPUNIX) http = else http =, uri.port) end http.read_timeout = options[:read_timeout] || read_timeout if uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPS) http.use_ssl = true http.cert_store = cert_store http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if config.http_settings['self_signed_cert'] end http end def http_request_for(method, uri, params = {}) request_klass = method == :get ? Net::HTTP::Get : Net::HTTP::Post request = user = config.http_settings['user'] password = config.http_settings['password'] request.basic_auth(user, password) if user && password request.set_form_data(params.merge(secret_token: secret_token)) request end def request(method, url, params = {}, options={}) $logger.debug "Performing #{method.to_s.upcase} #{url}" uri = URI.parse(url) http = http_client_for(uri, options) request = http_request_for(method, uri, params) begin start_time = response = http.start { http.request(request) } rescue => e $logger.warn "Failed to connect to internal API <#{method.to_s.upcase} #{url}>: #{e.inspect}" raise ApiUnreachableError ensure $ do sprintf('%s %s %0.5f', method.to_s.upcase, url, - start_time) end end if response.code == "200" $logger.debug "Received response #{response.code} => <#{response.body}>." else $logger.error "API call <#{method.to_s.upcase} #{url}> failed: #{response.code} => <#{response.body}>." end response end def get(url, options={}) request(:get, url, {}, options) end def post(url, params) request(:post, url, params) end def cert_store @cert_store ||= begin store = store.set_default_paths if ca_file = config.http_settings['ca_file'] store.add_file(ca_file) end if ca_path = config.http_settings['ca_path'] store.add_path(ca_path) end store end end def secret_token @secret_token ||= config.secret_file end def read_timeout config.http_settings['read_timeout'] || READ_TIMEOUT end end