path: root/modules/overrides/Gio.js
diff options
authorEvan Welsh <>2022-05-08 15:06:06 -0700
committerEvan Welsh <>2022-05-08 15:06:06 -0700
commita06e890b8d06f019b49e5db29387df42547e8e6b (patch)
tree2d68c36342302a9bd4bfef535d5c00daf5f8da04 /modules/overrides/Gio.js
parent6ab6db38fe5a45979167d2b6f0cadd06a772798f (diff)
modules: Use ESM as the primary module systemewlsh/replace-internal-imports
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/overrides/Gio.js')
1 files changed, 634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/overrides/Gio.js b/modules/overrides/Gio.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d06eb0f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/overrides/Gio.js
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR LGPL-2.0-or-later
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Giovanni Campagna
+import * as Signals from '../deprecated/signals.js';
+const {Gio, GjsPrivate, GLib} = import.meta.importSync('gi');
+// Ensures that a Gio.UnixFDList being passed into or out of a DBus method with
+// a parameter type that includes 'h' somewhere, actually has entries in it for
+// each of the indices being passed as an 'h' parameter.
+function _validateFDVariant(variant, fdList) {
+ switch (String.fromCharCode(variant.classify())) {
+ case 'b':
+ case 'y':
+ case 'n':
+ case 'q':
+ case 'i':
+ case 'u':
+ case 'x':
+ case 't':
+ case 'd':
+ case 'o':
+ case 'g':
+ case 's':
+ return;
+ case 'h': {
+ const val = variant.get_handle();
+ const numFds = fdList.get_length();
+ if (val >= numFds) {
+ throw new Error(`handle ${val} is out of range of Gio.UnixFDList ` +
+ `containing ${numFds} FDs`);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case 'v':
+ _validateFDVariant(variant.get_variant(), fdList);
+ return;
+ case 'm': {
+ let val = variant.get_maybe();
+ if (val)
+ _validateFDVariant(val, fdList);
+ return;
+ }
+ case 'a':
+ case '(':
+ case '{': {
+ let nElements = variant.n_children();
+ for (let ix = 0; ix < nElements; ix++)
+ _validateFDVariant(variant.get_child_value(ix), fdList);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new Error('Assertion failure: this code should not be reached');
+function _proxyInvoker(methodName, sync, inSignature, argArray) {
+ var replyFunc;
+ var flags = 0;
+ var cancellable = null;
+ let fdList = null;
+ /* Convert argArray to a *real* array */
+ argArray =;
+ /* The default replyFunc only logs the responses */
+ replyFunc = _logReply;
+ var signatureLength = inSignature.length;
+ var minNumberArgs = signatureLength;
+ var maxNumberArgs = signatureLength + 4;
+ if (argArray.length < minNumberArgs) {
+ throw new Error(`Not enough arguments passed for method: ${methodName}. Expected ${minNumberArgs}, got ${argArray.length}`);
+ } else if (argArray.length > maxNumberArgs) {
+ throw new Error(`Too many arguments passed for method ${methodName}. ` +
+ `Maximum is ${maxNumberArgs} including one callback, ` +
+ 'Gio.Cancellable, Gio.UnixFDList, and/or flags');
+ }
+ while (argArray.length > signatureLength) {
+ var argNum = argArray.length - 1;
+ var arg = argArray.pop();
+ if (typeof arg === 'function' && !sync) {
+ replyFunc = arg;
+ } else if (typeof arg === 'number') {
+ flags = arg;
+ } else if (arg instanceof Gio.Cancellable) {
+ cancellable = arg;
+ } else if (arg instanceof Gio.UnixFDList) {
+ fdList = arg;
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(`Argument ${argNum} of method ${methodName} is ` +
+ `${typeof arg}. It should be a callback, flags, ` +
+ 'Gio.UnixFDList, or a Gio.Cancellable');
+ }
+ }
+ const inTypeString = `(${inSignature.join('')})`;
+ const inVariant = new GLib.Variant(inTypeString, argArray);
+ if (inTypeString.includes('h')) {
+ if (!fdList) {
+ throw new Error(`Method ${methodName} with input type containing ` +
+ '\'h\' must have a Gio.UnixFDList as an argument');
+ }
+ _validateFDVariant(inVariant, fdList);
+ }
+ var asyncCallback = (proxy, result) => {
+ try {
+ const [outVariant, outFdList] =
+ proxy.call_with_unix_fd_list_finish(result);
+ replyFunc(outVariant.deepUnpack(), null, outFdList);
+ } catch (e) {
+ replyFunc([], e, null);
+ }
+ };
+ if (sync) {
+ const [outVariant, outFdList] = this.call_with_unix_fd_list_sync(
+ methodName, inVariant, flags, -1, fdList, cancellable);
+ if (fdList)
+ return [outVariant.deepUnpack(), outFdList];
+ return outVariant.deepUnpack();
+ }
+ return this.call_with_unix_fd_list(methodName, inVariant, flags, -1, fdList,
+ cancellable, asyncCallback);
+function _logReply(result, exc) {
+ if (exc !== null)
+ log(`Ignored exception from dbus method: ${exc}`);
+function _makeProxyMethod(method, sync) {
+ var i;
+ var name =;
+ var inArgs = method.in_args;
+ var inSignature = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < inArgs.length; i++)
+ inSignature.push(inArgs[i].signature);
+ return function (...args) {
+ return, name, sync, inSignature, args);
+ };
+function _convertToNativeSignal(proxy, senderName, signalName, parameters) {
+, signalName, senderName, parameters.deepUnpack());
+function _propertyGetter(name) {
+ let value = this.get_cached_property(name);
+ return value ? value.deepUnpack() : null;
+function _propertySetter(name, signature, value) {
+ let variant = new GLib.Variant(signature, value);
+ this.set_cached_property(name, variant);
+ new GLib.Variant('(ssv)', [this.g_interface_name, name, variant]),
+ Gio.DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1, null,
+ (proxy, result) => {
+ try {
+ this.call_finish(result);
+ } catch (e) {
+ log(`Could not set property ${name} on remote object ${this.g_object_path}: ${e.message}`);
+ }
+ });
+function _addDBusConvenience() {
+ let info = this.g_interface_info;
+ if (!info)
+ return;
+ if (info.signals.length > 0)
+ this.connect('g-signal', _convertToNativeSignal);
+ let i, methods = info.methods;
+ for (i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
+ var method = methods[i];
+ let remoteMethod = _makeProxyMethod(methods[i], false);
+ this[`${}Remote`] = remoteMethod;
+ this[`${}Sync`] = _makeProxyMethod(methods[i], true);
+ this[`${}Async`] = function (...args) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ args.push((result, error, fdList) => {
+ if (error)
+ reject(error);
+ else if (fdList)
+ resolve([result, fdList]);
+ else
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+, ...args);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ let properties =;
+ for (i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
+ let name = properties[i].name;
+ let signature = properties[i].signature;
+ let flags = properties[i].flags;
+ let getter = () => {
+ throw new Error(`Property ${name} is not readable`);
+ };
+ let setter = () => {
+ throw new Error(`Property ${name} is not writable`);
+ };
+ if (flags & Gio.DBusPropertyInfoFlags.READABLE)
+ getter = _propertyGetter.bind(this, name);
+ if (flags & Gio.DBusPropertyInfoFlags.WRITABLE)
+ setter = _propertySetter.bind(this, name, signature);
+ Object.defineProperty(this, name, {
+ get: getter,
+ set: setter,
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ });
+ }
+function _makeProxyWrapper(interfaceXml) {
+ var info = _newInterfaceInfo(interfaceXml);
+ var iname =;
+ return function (bus, name, object, asyncCallback, cancellable,
+ flags = Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE) {
+ var obj = new Gio.DBusProxy({
+ g_connection: bus,
+ g_interface_name: iname,
+ g_interface_info: info,
+ g_name: name,
+ g_flags: flags,
+ g_object_path: object,
+ });
+ if (!cancellable)
+ cancellable = null;
+ if (asyncCallback) {
+ obj.init_async(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, (initable, result) => {
+ let caughtErrorWhenInitting = null;
+ try {
+ initable.init_finish(result);
+ } catch (e) {
+ caughtErrorWhenInitting = e;
+ }
+ if (caughtErrorWhenInitting === null)
+ asyncCallback(initable, null);
+ else
+ asyncCallback(null, caughtErrorWhenInitting);
+ });
+ } else {
+ obj.init(cancellable);
+ }
+ return obj;
+ };
+function _newNodeInfo(constructor, value) {
+ if (typeof value === 'string')
+ return constructor(value);
+ throw TypeError(`Invalid type ${}`);
+function _newInterfaceInfo(value) {
+ var nodeInfo = Gio.DBusNodeInfo.new_for_xml(value);
+ return nodeInfo.interfaces[0];
+function _injectToMethod(klass, method, addition) {
+ var previous = klass[method];
+ klass[method] = function (...args) {
+ addition.apply(this, args);
+ return previous.apply(this, args);
+ };
+function _injectToStaticMethod(klass, method, addition) {
+ var previous = klass[method];
+ klass[method] = function (...parameters) {
+ let obj = previous.apply(this, parameters);
+ addition.apply(obj, parameters);
+ return obj;
+ };
+function _wrapFunction(klass, method, addition) {
+ var previous = klass[method];
+ klass[method] = function (...args) {
+ args.unshift(previous);
+ return addition.apply(this, args);
+ };
+function _makeOutSignature(args) {
+ var ret = '(';
+ for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
+ ret += args[i].signature;
+ return `${ret})`;
+function _handleMethodCall(info, impl, methodName, parameters, invocation) {
+ // prefer a sync version if available
+ if (this[methodName]) {
+ let retval;
+ try {
+ const fdList = invocation.get_message().get_unix_fd_list();
+ retval = this[methodName](...parameters.deepUnpack(), fdList);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof GLib.Error) {
+ invocation.return_gerror(e);
+ } else {
+ let name =;
+ if (!name.includes('.')) {
+ // likely to be a normal JS error
+ name = `org.gnome.gjs.JSError.${name}`;
+ }
+ logError(e, `Exception in method call: ${methodName}`);
+ invocation.return_dbus_error(name, e.message);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (retval === undefined) {
+ // undefined (no return value) is the empty tuple
+ retval = new GLib.Variant('()', []);
+ }
+ try {
+ let outFdList = null;
+ if (!(retval instanceof GLib.Variant)) {
+ // attempt packing according to out signature
+ let methodInfo = info.lookup_method(methodName);
+ let outArgs = methodInfo.out_args;
+ let outSignature = _makeOutSignature(outArgs);
+ if (outSignature.includes('h') &&
+ retval[retval.length - 1] instanceof Gio.UnixFDList) {
+ outFdList = retval.pop();
+ } else if (outArgs.length === 1) {
+ // if one arg, we don't require the handler wrapping it
+ // into an Array
+ retval = [retval];
+ }
+ retval = new GLib.Variant(outSignature, retval);
+ }
+ invocation.return_value_with_unix_fd_list(retval, outFdList);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // if we don't do this, the other side will never see a reply
+ invocation.return_dbus_error('org.gnome.gjs.JSError.ValueError',
+ 'Service implementation returned an incorrect value type');
+ }
+ } else if (this[`${methodName}Async`]) {
+ const fdList = invocation.get_message().get_unix_fd_list();
+ this[`${methodName}Async`](parameters.deepUnpack(), invocation, fdList);
+ } else {
+ log(`Missing handler for DBus method ${methodName}`);
+ invocation.return_gerror(new Gio.DBusError({
+ code: Gio.DBusError.UNKNOWN_METHOD,
+ message: `Method ${methodName} is not implemented`,
+ }));
+ }
+function _handlePropertyGet(info, impl, propertyName) {
+ let propInfo = info.lookup_property(propertyName);
+ let jsval = this[propertyName];
+ if (jsval !== undefined)
+ return new GLib.Variant(propInfo.signature, jsval);
+ else
+ return null;
+function _handlePropertySet(info, impl, propertyName, newValue) {
+ this[propertyName] = newValue.deepUnpack();
+function _wrapJSObject(interfaceInfo, jsObj) {
+ var info;
+ if (interfaceInfo instanceof Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo)
+ info = interfaceInfo;
+ else
+ info = Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo.new_for_xml(interfaceInfo);
+ info.cache_build();
+ var impl = new GjsPrivate.DBusImplementation({g_interface_info: info});
+ impl.connect('handle-method-call', function (self, methodName, parameters, invocation) {
+ return, info, self, methodName, parameters, invocation);
+ });
+ impl.connect('handle-property-get', function (self, propertyName) {
+ return, info, self, propertyName);
+ });
+ impl.connect('handle-property-set', function (self, propertyName, value) {
+ return, info, self, propertyName, value);
+ });
+ return impl;
+function* _listModelIterator() {
+ let _index = 0;
+ const _len = this.get_n_items();
+ while (_index < _len)
+ yield this.get_item(_index++);
+function _promisify(proto, asyncFunc,
+ finishFunc = `${asyncFunc.replace(/_(begin|async)$/, '')}_finish`) {
+ if (proto[asyncFunc] === undefined)
+ throw new Error(`${proto} has no method named ${asyncFunc}`);
+ if (proto[finishFunc] === undefined)
+ throw new Error(`${proto} has no method named ${finishFunc}`);
+ if (proto[`_original_${asyncFunc}`] !== undefined)
+ return;
+ proto[`_original_${asyncFunc}`] = proto[asyncFunc];
+ proto[asyncFunc] = function (...args) {
+ if (!args.every(arg => typeof arg !== 'function'))
+ return this[`_original_${asyncFunc}`](...args);
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const callStack = new Error().stack.split('\n').filter(line => !line.match(/promisify/)).join('\n');
+ this[`_original_${asyncFunc}`](...args, function (source, res) {
+ try {
+ const result = source !== null && source[finishFunc] !== undefined
+ ? source[finishFunc](res)
+ : proto[finishFunc](res);
+ if (Array.isArray(result) && result.length > 1 && result[0] === true)
+ result.shift();
+ resolve(result);
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error.stack)
+ error.stack += `### Promise created here: ###\n${callStack}`;
+ else
+ error.stack = callStack;
+ reject(error);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ };
+(function () {
+ Gio.DBus = {
+ get session() {
+ return Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, null);
+ },
+ get system() {
+ return Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SYSTEM, null);
+ },
+ // Namespace some functions
+ get: Gio.bus_get,
+ get_finish: Gio.bus_get_finish,
+ get_sync: Gio.bus_get_sync,
+ own_name: Gio.bus_own_name,
+ own_name_on_connection: Gio.bus_own_name_on_connection,
+ unown_name: Gio.bus_unown_name,
+ watch_name: Gio.bus_watch_name,
+ watch_name_on_connection: Gio.bus_watch_name_on_connection,
+ unwatch_name: Gio.bus_unwatch_name,
+ };
+ Gio.DBusConnection.prototype.watch_name = function (name, flags, appeared, vanished) {
+ return Gio.bus_watch_name_on_connection(this, name, flags, appeared, vanished);
+ };
+ Gio.DBusConnection.prototype.unwatch_name = function (id) {
+ return Gio.bus_unwatch_name(id);
+ };
+ Gio.DBusConnection.prototype.own_name = function (name, flags, acquired, lost) {
+ return Gio.bus_own_name_on_connection(this, name, flags, acquired, lost);
+ };
+ Gio.DBusConnection.prototype.unown_name = function (id) {
+ return Gio.bus_unown_name(id);
+ };
+ _injectToMethod(Gio.DBusProxy.prototype, 'init', _addDBusConvenience);
+ _injectToMethod(Gio.DBusProxy.prototype, 'init_async', _addDBusConvenience);
+ _injectToStaticMethod(Gio.DBusProxy, 'new_sync', _addDBusConvenience);
+ _injectToStaticMethod(Gio.DBusProxy, 'new_finish', _addDBusConvenience);
+ _injectToStaticMethod(Gio.DBusProxy, 'new_for_bus_sync', _addDBusConvenience);
+ _injectToStaticMethod(Gio.DBusProxy, 'new_for_bus_finish', _addDBusConvenience);
+ Gio.DBusProxy.prototype.connectSignal = Signals._connect;
+ Gio.DBusProxy.prototype.disconnectSignal = Signals._disconnect;
+ Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper = _makeProxyWrapper;
+ // Some helpers
+ _wrapFunction(Gio.DBusNodeInfo, 'new_for_xml', _newNodeInfo);
+ Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo.new_for_xml = _newInterfaceInfo;
+ Gio.DBusExportedObject = GjsPrivate.DBusImplementation;
+ Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject = _wrapJSObject;
+ // ListStore
+ Gio.ListStore.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = _listModelIterator;
+ Gio.ListStore.prototype.insert_sorted = function (item, compareFunc) {
+ return GjsPrivate.list_store_insert_sorted(this, item, compareFunc);
+ };
+ Gio.ListStore.prototype.sort = function (compareFunc) {
+ return GjsPrivate.list_store_sort(this, compareFunc);
+ };
+ // Promisify
+ Gio._promisify = _promisify;
+ // Temporary Gio.File.prototype fix
+ Gio._LocalFilePrototype = Gio.File.new_for_path('/').constructor.prototype;
+ Gio.File.prototype.replace_contents_async = function replace_contents_async(contents, etag, make_backup, flags, cancellable, callback) {
+ return this.replace_contents_bytes_async(contents, etag, make_backup, flags, cancellable, callback);
+ };
+ // Override Gio.Settings and Gio.SettingsSchema - the C API asserts if
+ // trying to access a nonexistent schema or key, which is not handy for
+ // shell-extension writers
+ Gio.SettingsSchema.prototype._realGetKey = Gio.SettingsSchema.prototype.get_key;
+ Gio.SettingsSchema.prototype.get_key = function (key) {
+ if (!this.has_key(key))
+ throw new Error(`GSettings key ${key} not found in schema ${this.get_id()}`);
+ return this._realGetKey(key);
+ };
+ Gio.Settings.prototype._realMethods = Object.assign({}, Gio.Settings.prototype);
+ function createCheckedMethod(method, checkMethod = '_checkKey') {
+ return function (id, ...args) {
+ this[checkMethod](id);
+ return this._realMethods[method].call(this, id, ...args);
+ };
+ }
+ Object.assign(Gio.Settings.prototype, {
+ _realInit: Gio.Settings.prototype._init, // add manually, not enumerable
+ _init(props = {}) {
+ // 'schema' is a deprecated alias for schema_id
+ const schemaIdProp = ['schema', 'schema-id', 'schema_id',
+ 'schemaId'].find(prop => prop in props);
+ const settingsSchemaProp = ['settings-schema', 'settings_schema',
+ 'settingsSchema'].find(prop => prop in props);
+ if (!schemaIdProp && !settingsSchemaProp) {
+ throw new Error('One of property \'schema-id\' or ' +
+ '\'settings-schema\' are required for Gio.Settings');
+ }
+ const source = Gio.SettingsSchemaSource.get_default();
+ const settingsSchema = settingsSchemaProp
+ ? props[settingsSchemaProp]
+ : source.lookup(props[schemaIdProp], true);
+ if (!settingsSchema)
+ throw new Error(`GSettings schema ${props[schemaIdProp]} not found`);
+ const settingsSchemaPath = settingsSchema.get_path();
+ if (props['path'] === undefined && !settingsSchemaPath) {
+ throw new Error('Attempting to create schema ' +
+ `'${settingsSchema.get_id()}' without a path`);
+ }
+ if (props['path'] !== undefined && settingsSchemaPath &&
+ props['path'] !== settingsSchemaPath) {
+ throw new Error(`GSettings created for path '${props['path']}'` +
+ `, but schema specifies '${settingsSchemaPath}'`);
+ }
+ return this._realInit(props);
+ },
+ _checkKey(key) {
+ // Avoid using has_key(); checking a JS array is faster than calling
+ // through G-I.
+ if (!this._keys)
+ this._keys = this.settings_schema.list_keys();
+ if (!this._keys.includes(key))
+ throw new Error(`GSettings key ${key} not found in schema ${this.schema_id}`);
+ },
+ _checkChild(name) {
+ if (!this._children)
+ this._children = this.list_children();
+ if (!this._children.includes(name))
+ throw new Error(`Child ${name} not found in GSettings schema ${this.schema_id}`);
+ },
+ get_boolean: createCheckedMethod('get_boolean'),
+ set_boolean: createCheckedMethod('set_boolean'),
+ get_double: createCheckedMethod('get_double'),
+ set_double: createCheckedMethod('set_double'),
+ get_enum: createCheckedMethod('get_enum'),
+ set_enum: createCheckedMethod('set_enum'),
+ get_flags: createCheckedMethod('get_flags'),
+ set_flags: createCheckedMethod('set_flags'),
+ get_int: createCheckedMethod('get_int'),
+ set_int: createCheckedMethod('set_int'),
+ get_int64: createCheckedMethod('get_int64'),
+ set_int64: createCheckedMethod('set_int64'),
+ get_string: createCheckedMethod('get_string'),
+ set_string: createCheckedMethod('set_string'),
+ get_strv: createCheckedMethod('get_strv'),
+ set_strv: createCheckedMethod('set_strv'),
+ get_uint: createCheckedMethod('get_uint'),
+ set_uint: createCheckedMethod('set_uint'),
+ get_uint64: createCheckedMethod('get_uint64'),
+ set_uint64: createCheckedMethod('set_uint64'),
+ get_value: createCheckedMethod('get_value'),
+ set_value: createCheckedMethod('set_value'),
+ bind: createCheckedMethod('bind'),
+ bind_writable: createCheckedMethod('bind_writable'),
+ create_action: createCheckedMethod('create_action'),
+ get_default_value: createCheckedMethod('get_default_value'),
+ get_user_value: createCheckedMethod('get_user_value'),
+ is_writable: createCheckedMethod('is_writable'),
+ reset: createCheckedMethod('reset'),
+ get_child: createCheckedMethod('get_child', '_checkChild'),
+ });