Glade Commands An event filter to implement the Undo/Redo stack The Glade Command api allows us to view user actions as items and execute and undo those items; each #GladeProject has its own Undo/Redo stack. @project: @project: @project: @Returns: @project: @Returns: @description: @glade_widget: @name: @class: @parent: @placeholder: @project: @Returns: @widgets: #GladeProperties can be set in a list as one command, for Undo purposes; we store the list of #GCSetPropData with their old and new #GValue. @property: A #GladeProperty to set @new_value: The new #GValue to assign to @property @old_value: The old #GValue of @property @property: @value: @property: @old_value: @new_value: @Varargs: @project: @props: @widgets: @widgets: @widgets: @parent: @placeholder: @glade_widget: @signal: @glade_widget: @signal: @glade_widget: @old: @new: