# Copyright (C) 1991-2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012
#	Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of the GNU C Library.

# The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#	Makefile configuration options for the GNU C library.
ifneq (,)
This makefile requires GNU Make.

all: # Make this the default goal

ifneq "$(origin +included-Makeconfig)" "file"

+included-Makeconfig := yes

ifdef subdir
.. := ../

# If config.make exists, the source directory was configured,
# so don't try to be clever and find another directory to build in.
ifneq (,$(wildcard $(..)config.make))
machine =
else	# Not configured.
ifndef ARCH
ifdef machine
ARCH = $(machine)
endif # machine
endif # ARCH
endif # config.make

# Directory for object files and libc.a.  If this is not defined, the
# object files live in the subdirectories where their sources live, and
# libc.a lives in the parent directory (this probably doesn't work any
# more).
ifdef ARCH
ifeq ($(filter /%,$(ARCH)),)
objdir := $(..)$(ARCH)
objdir = $(ARCH)

# $(common-objdir) is the place to put objects and
# such that are not specific to a single subdir.
ifdef objdir
objpfx := $(patsubst %//,%/,$(objdir)/$(subdir)/)
common-objpfx = $(objdir)/
common-objdir = $(objdir)
objpfx :=
ifdef ..
common-objpfx = $(..)
common-objdir = ..
# This is a kludge.  make wizards might grok.
common-objpfx = sysdeps/../
common-objdir = .

# Root of the sysdeps tree.
sysdep_dir := $(..)sysdeps
export sysdep_dir := $(sysdep_dir)

# Get the values defined by options to `configure'.
include $(common-objpfx)config.make

# What flags to give to sources which call user provided callbacks
uses-callbacks = $(exceptions)

# What flags to give to tests which test stack alignment
stack-align-test-flags =

# We have a special subdir for each binary format.
# For now, only ELF is fully supported.
binfmt-subdir = elf

# Complete path to sysdep dirs.
# `configure' writes a definition of `config-sysdirs' in `config.make'.
sysdirs := $(foreach D,$(config-sysdirs),$(firstword $(filter /%,$D) $(..)$D))

# Add-ons that contribute sysdeps trees get added to the include list
# after sysdeps/generic.  This makes #include <sysdeps/...> work right
# to find specific add-on files without assuming the add-on directory name.
# It also means that headers can go into an add-on's base directory
# instead of the add-on needing a sysdeps/generic of its own.
sysdeps-srcdirs := $(foreach add-on,$(sysdeps-add-ons),\
			     $(firstword $(filter /%,$(add-on)) \
+sysdep_dirs = $(sysdirs) $(sysdeps-srcdirs)
ifdef objdir
+sysdep_dirs := $(objdir) $(+sysdep_dirs)

# Run config.status to update config.make and config.h.  We don't show the
# dependence of config.h to Make, because it is only touched when it
# changes and so config.status would be run every time; the dependence of
# config.make should suffice to force regeneration and re-exec, and the new
# image will notice if config.h changed.
$(common-objpfx)config.make: $(common-objpfx)config.status \
			     $(..)config.make.in $(..)config.h.in
	cd $(<D); $(SHELL) $(<F)

# Find all the add-on and sysdeps configure fragments, to make sure we
# re-run configure when any of them changes.
$(common-objpfx)config.status: $(..)version.h $(..)configure \
			       $(foreach dir,$(sysdirs),\
					 $(wildcard $(dir)/Implies) \
					 $(patsubst %.in,%,\
						    $(firstword $(wildcard \
 $(addprefix $(dir)/,configure configure.in))))) \
			       $(patsubst %.in,%,\
					  $(foreach add-on,$(add-ons),\
						    $(firstword $(wildcard \
 $(addprefix $(firstword $(filter /%,$(add-on)) $(..)$(add-on))/,\
	     configure configure.in)))))
	@cd $(@D); if test -f $(@F); then exec $(SHELL) $(@F) --recheck; else \
	 echo The GNU C library has not been configured. >&2; \
	 echo Run \`configure\' to configure it before building. >&2; \
	 echo Try \`configure --help\' for more details. >&2; \
	 exit 1; fi

# We don't want CPPFLAGS to be exported to the command running configure.
unexport CPPFLAGS

# Get the user's configuration parameters.
ifneq ($(wildcard $(..)configparms),)
include $(..)configparms
ifneq ($(objpfx),)
ifneq ($(wildcard $(common-objpfx)configparms),)
include $(common-objpfx)configparms
####	These are the configuration variables.  You can define values for
####	the variables below in the file `configparms'.
####	Do NOT edit this file.

# Common prefix for machine-independent installation directories.
ifeq ($(origin prefix),undefined) # ifndef would override explicit empty value.
prefix = /usr/local

# Decide whether we shall build the programs or not.  We always do this
# unless the user tells us (in configparms) or we are building for a
# standalone target.
ifndef build-programs
ifneq ($(config-os),none)

# Common prefix for machine-dependent installation directories.
ifeq ($(origin exec_prefix),undefined)
exec_prefix = $(prefix)

# Where to install the library and object files.
ifndef libdir
libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
inst_libdir = $(install_root)$(libdir)

# Where to install the shared library and dynamic linker.
ifndef slibdir
slibdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
inst_slibdir = $(install_root)$(slibdir)

# Prefix to put on files installed in $(libdir).  For libraries `libNAME.a',
# the prefix is spliced between `lib' and the name, so the linker switch
# `-l$(libprefix)NAME' finds the library; for other files the prefix is
# just prepended to the whole file name.
ifeq ($(origin libprefix),undefined)
libprefix =

# Where to install the header files.
ifndef includedir
includedir = $(prefix)/include
inst_includedir = $(install_root)$(includedir)

# Where to install machine-independent data files.
# These are the timezone database, and the locale database.
ifndef datadir
datadir = $(prefix)/share
inst_datadir = $(install_root)$(datadir)

# Where to install the timezone data files (which are machine-independent).
ifndef zonedir
zonedir = $(datadir)/zoneinfo
inst_zonedir = $(install_root)$(zonedir)

# Where to install the locale files.
ifndef localedir
localedir = $(libdir)/locale
inst_localedir = $(install_root)$(localedir)

# Where to install the message catalog data files (which are
# machine-independent).
ifndef msgcatdir
msgcatdir = $(datadir)/locale
inst_msgcatdir = $(install_root)$(msgcatdir)

# Where to install the locale charmap source files.
ifndef i18ndir
i18ndir = $(datadir)/i18n
inst_i18ndir = $(install_root)$(i18ndir)

# Where to install the shared object for charset transformation.
ifndef gconvdir
gconvdir = $(libdir)/gconv
inst_gconvdir = $(install_root)$(gconvdir)

# Where to install programs.
ifndef bindir
bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
inst_bindir = $(install_root)$(bindir)

# Where to install internal programs.
ifndef libexecdir
libexecdir = $(exec_prefix)/libexec
inst_libexecdir = $(install_root)$(libexecdir)

# Where to install administrative programs.
ifndef rootsbindir
rootsbindir = $(exec_prefix)/sbin
inst_rootsbindir = $(install_root)$(rootsbindir)

ifndef sbindir
sbindir = $(exec_prefix)/sbin
inst_sbindir = $(install_root)$(sbindir)

# Where to install the Info files.
ifndef infodir
infodir = $(prefix)/info
inst_infodir = $(install_root)$(infodir)

# Where to install audit libraries.
ifndef auditdir
auditdir = $(libdir)/audit
inst_auditdir = $(install_root)$(auditdir)

# Where to install default configuration files.  These include the local
# timezone specification and network data base files.
ifndef sysconfdir
sysconfdir = $(prefix)/etc
inst_sysconfdir = $(install_root)$(sysconfdir)

# Directory for the database files and Makefile for nss_db.
ifndef vardbdir
vardbdir = /var/db
inst_vardbdir = $(install_root)$(vardbdir)

# Where to install the "localtime" timezone file; this is the file whose
# contents $(localtime) specifies.  If this is a relative pathname, it is
# relative to $(zonedir).  It is a good idea to put this somewhere
# other than there, so the zoneinfo directory contains only universal data,
# localizing the configuration data elsewhere.
ifndef localtime-file
localtime-file = $(sysconfdir)/localtime

# What to use for leap second specifications in compiling the default
# timezone files.  Set this to `/dev/null' for no leap second handling as
# 1003.1 requires, or to `leapseconds' for proper leap second handling.
# Both zone flavors are always available as `posix/ZONE' and `right/ZONE'.
# This variable determines the default: if it's `/dev/null',
# ZONE==posix/ZONE; if it's `leapseconds', ZONE==right/ZONE.
ifndef leapseconds
leapseconds = /dev/null

# What timezone's DST rules should be used when a POSIX-style TZ
# environment variable doesn't specify any rules.  For 1003.1 compliance
# this timezone must use rules that are as U.S. federal law defines DST.
# Run `make -C time echo-zonenames' to see a list of available zone names.
# This setting can be changed with `zic -p TIMEZONE' at any time.
# If you want POSIX.1 compatibility, use `America/New_York'.
ifndef posixrules
posixrules = America/New_York

# Where to install the "posixrules" timezone file; this is file
# whose contents $(posixrules) specifies.  If this is a relative
# pathname, it is relative to $(zonedir).
ifndef posixrules-file
posixrules-file = posixrules

# Directory where your system's native header files live.
# This is used on Unix systems to generate some GNU libc header files.
ifndef sysincludedir
sysincludedir = /usr/include

# Commands to install files.
ifndef INSTALL
INSTALL = install

# The name of the C compiler.
# If you've got GCC, and it works, use it.
ifeq ($(origin CC),default)
CC := gcc

# The name of the C compiler to use for compilations of programs to run on
# the host that is building the library.  If you set CC to a
# cross-compiler, you must set this to the normal compiler.
ifndef BUILD_CC

# Default flags to pass the C compiler.
ifndef default_cflags
ifeq ($(release),stable)
default_cflags := -g -O2
default_cflags := -g -O

# Flags to pass the C compiler when assembling preprocessed assembly code
# (`.S' files).  On some systems the assembler doesn't understand the `#' line
# directives the preprocessor produces.  If you have troubling compiling
# assembly code, try using -P here to suppress these directives.
ifndef asm-CPPFLAGS

as-needed := -Wl,--as-needed
no-as-needed := -Wl,--no-as-needed

# Must be supported by the linker.
no-whole-archive = -Wl,--no-whole-archive
whole-archive = -Wl,--whole-archive

# Installed name of the startup code.
# The ELF convention is that the startfile is called crt1.o
start-installed-name = crt1.o
# On systems that do not need a special startfile for statically linked
# binaries, simply set it to the normal name.
ifndef static-start-installed-name
static-start-installed-name = $(start-installed-name)

ifeq (yesyes,$(build-shared)$(have-z-combreloc))
combreloc-LDFLAGS = -Wl,-z,combreloc
LDFLAGS.so += $(combreloc-LDFLAGS)
LDFLAGS-rtld += $(combreloc-LDFLAGS)

relro-LDFLAGS = -Wl,-z,relro
LDFLAGS.so += $(relro-LDFLAGS)
LDFLAGS-rtld += $(relro-LDFLAGS)

ifeq (yes,$(have-hash-style))
# For the time being we unconditionally use 'both'.  At some time we
# should declare statically linked code as 'out of luck' and compile
# with --hash-style=gnu only.
hashstyle-LDFLAGS = -Wl,--hash-style=both
LDFLAGS.so += $(hashstyle-LDFLAGS)
LDFLAGS-rtld += $(hashstyle-LDFLAGS)

# Command for linking programs with the C library.
ifndef +link
+link = $(CC) -nostdlib -nostartfiles -o $@ \
	      $(sysdep-LDFLAGS) $(config-LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS-$(@F)) \
	      $(combreloc-LDFLAGS) $(relro-LDFLAGS) $(hashstyle-LDFLAGS) \
	      $(addprefix $(csu-objpfx),$(start-installed-name)) \
	      $(+preinit) $(+prector) \
	      $(filter-out $(addprefix $(csu-objpfx),start.o \
			   $(+preinit) $(link-extra-libs) \
			   $(common-objpfx)libc% $(+postinit),$^) \
	      $(link-extra-libs) $(link-libc) $(+postctor) $(+postinit)
# Command for linking PIE programs with the C library.
ifndef +link-pie
+link-pie = $(CC) -pie -Wl,-O1 -nostdlib -nostartfiles -o $@ \
	     $(sysdep-LDFLAGS) $(config-LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS-$(@F)) \
	     $(combreloc-LDFLAGS) $(relro-LDFLAGS) $(hashstyle-LDFLAGS) \
	     $(addprefix $(csu-objpfx),S$(start-installed-name)) \
	     $(+preinit) $(+prectorS) \
	     $(filter-out $(addprefix $(csu-objpfx),start.o \
			  $(+preinit) $(link-extra-libs) \
			  $(common-objpfx)libc% $(+postinit),$^) \
	     $(link-extra-libs) $(link-libc) $(+postctorS) $(+postinit)
# Command for statically linking programs with the C library.
ifndef +link-static
+link-static = $(CC) -nostdlib -nostartfiles -static -o $@ \
	      $(sysdep-LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS-$(@F))  \
	      $(addprefix $(csu-objpfx),$(static-start-installed-name)) \
	      $(+preinit) $(+prector) \
	      $(filter-out $(addprefix $(csu-objpfx),start.o \
			   $(+preinit) $(link-extra-libs-static) \
			   $(common-objpfx)libc% $(+postinit),$^) \
	      $(link-extra-libs-static) $(link-libc-static) $(+postctor) $(+postinit)
# Command for statically linking bounded-pointer programs with the C library.
ifndef +link-bounded
+link-bounded = $(CC) -nostdlib -nostartfiles -static -fbounded-pointers -o $@ \
	      $(sysdep-LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)  \
	      $(addprefix $(csu-objpfx),b$(static-start-installed-name)) \
	      $(+preinit) $(+prector) \
	      $(filter-out $(addprefix $(csu-objpfx),start.ob \
			   $(+preinit) $(link-extra-libs-bounded) \
			   $(common-objpfx)libc% $(+postinit),$^) \
	      $(link-extra-libs-bounded) $(link-libc-bounded) $(+postctor) $(+postinit)
ifndef config-LDFLAGS
ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
config-LDFLAGS = -Wl,-dynamic-linker=$(slibdir)/$(rtld-installed-name)
ifndef link-libc
ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
# We need the versioned name of libc.so in the deps of $(others) et al
# so that the symlink to libc.so is created before anything tries to
# run the linked programs.
link-libc = -Wl,-rpath-link=$(rpath-link) \
	    $(common-objpfx)libc.so$(libc.so-version) \
	    $(common-objpfx)$(patsubst %,$(libtype.oS),c) \
	    $(as-needed) $(common-objpfx)elf/ld.so $(no-as-needed) $(gnulib)
# This is how to find at build-time things that will be installed there.
rpath-dirs = math elf dlfcn nss nis rt resolv crypt
rpath-link = \
$(common-objdir):$(subst $(empty) ,:,$(patsubst ../$(subdir),.,$(rpath-dirs:%=$(common-objpfx)%)))
elfobjdir := $(patsubst ../$(subdir),.,$(common-objpfx)elf)
nssobjdir := $(patsubst ../$(subdir),.,$(common-objpfx)nss)
resolvobjdir := $(patsubst ../$(subdir),.,$(common-objpfx)resolv)
link-libc = $(common-objpfx)libc.a $(otherlibs) $(gnulib) $(common-objpfx)libc.a $(gnulib)

# Differences in the linkers on the various platforms.
LDFLAGS-rpath-ORIGIN = -Wl,-rpath,'$$ORIGIN'
LDFLAGS-soname-fname = -Wl,-soname,$(@F)
LDFLAGS-rdynamic = -rdynamic
LDFLAGS-Bsymbolic = -Bsymbolic

# Choose the default search path for the dynamic linker based on
# where we will install libraries.
ifneq ($(libdir),$(slibdir))
default-rpath = $(slibdir):$(libdir)
default-rpath = $(libdir)

ifndef link-extra-libs
link-extra-libs = $(LDLIBS-$(@F))
link-extra-libs-static = $(link-extra-libs)
link-extra-libs-bounded = $(link-extra-libs)

# The static libraries.
link-libc-static = -Wl,--start-group $(common-objpfx)libc.a $(static-gnulib) -Wl,--end-group
link-libc-bounded = $(common-objpfx)libc_b.a $(gnulib) $(common-objpfx)libc_b.a

ifndef gnulib
ifneq ($(have-cc-with-libunwind),yes)
  libunwind =
  libunwind = -lunwind
libgcc_eh := -Wl,--as-needed -lgcc_s $(libunwind) -Wl,--no-as-needed
gnulib := -lgcc $(libgcc_eh)
static-gnulib := -lgcc -lgcc_eh $(libunwind)
libc.so-gnulib := -lgcc
+preinit = $(addprefix $(csu-objpfx),crti.o)
+postinit = $(addprefix $(csu-objpfx),crtn.o)
+prector = `$(CC) $(sysdep-LDFLAGS) --print-file-name=crtbegin.o`
+postctor = `$(CC) $(sysdep-LDFLAGS) --print-file-name=crtend.o`
# Variants of the two previous definitions for linking PIE programs.
+prectorS = `$(CC) $(sysdep-LDFLAGS) --print-file-name=crtbeginS.o`
+postctorS = `$(CC) $(sysdep-LDFLAGS) --print-file-name=crtendS.o`
+interp = $(addprefix $(elf-objpfx),interp.os)
csu-objpfx = $(common-objpfx)csu/
elf-objpfx = $(common-objpfx)elf/

# How to run a program we just linked with our library.
# The program binary is assumed to be $(word 2,$^).
built-program-file = $(dir $(word 2,$^))$(notdir $(word 2,$^))
ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
comma = ,
sysdep-library-path = \
$(subst $(empty) ,:,$(strip $(patsubst -Wl$(comma)-rpath-link=%, %,\
				       $(filter -Wl$(comma)-rpath-link=%,\
run-program-prefix = $(if $(filter $(notdir $(built-program-file)),\
				   $(tests-static) $(xtests-static)),, \
			  $(elf-objpfx)$(rtld-installed-name) \
			  --library-path $(rpath-link)$(patsubst %,:%,$(sysdep-library-path)))
run-program-prefix =
# Never use $(run-program-prefix) for the statically-linked %-bp test programs
built-program-cmd = $(patsubst %,$(run-program-prefix),\
			$(filter-out %-bp,$(built-program-file))) \

ifndef LD
LD := ld -X

# Extra flags to pass to GCC.
ifeq ($(all-warnings),yes)
+gccwarn := -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Winline -Wcast-qual -Wbad-function-cast -Wmissing-noreturn -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wcomment -Wcomments -Wtrigraphs -Wsign-compare -Wfloat-equal -Wmultichar
+gccwarn := -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Winline
+gccwarn-c = -Wstrict-prototypes

# We do not depend on the address of constants in different files to be
# actually different, so allow the compiler to merge them all.
+merge-constants = -fmerge-all-constants

# We have to assume that glibc functions are called in any rounding
# mode and also change the rounding mode in a few functions. So,
# disable any optimization that assume default rounding mode.
+math-flags = -frounding-math

# This is the program that generates makefile dependencies from C source files.
# The -MP flag tells GCC >= 3.2 (which we now require) to produce dummy
# targets for headers so that removed headers don't break the build.
ifndef +mkdep
+mkdep = $(CC) -M -MP

# The program that makes Emacs-style TAGS files.
ETAGS	:= etags

# The `xgettext' program for producing .pot files from sources.
XGETTEXT = xgettext

# The `m4' macro processor; this is used by sysdeps/sparc/Makefile (and
# perhaps others) to preprocess assembly code in some cases.
M4 = m4

# To force installation of files even if they are older than the
# installed files.  This variable is included in the dependency list
# of all installation targets.
ifeq ($(force-install),yes)
+force = force-install
+force =

#### End of configuration variables.
# This tells some versions of GNU make before 3.63 not to export all variables.

# We want to echo the commands we're running without
# umpteen zillion filenames along with it (we use `...' instead)
# but we don't want this echoing done when the user has said
# he doesn't want to see commands echoed by using -s.
ifneq	"$(findstring s,$(MAKEFLAGS))" ""	# if -s
+cmdecho	:= echo >/dev/null
else						# not -s
+cmdecho	:= echo
endif	   					# -s

# These are the flags given to the compiler to tell
# it what sort of optimization and/or debugging output to do.
ifndef	+cflags
# If `CFLAGS' was defined, use that.
ifdef		CFLAGS
+cflags	:= $(filter-out -I%,$(CFLAGS))
endif		# CFLAGS
endif	# +cflags

# If none of the above worked, default to "-g -O".
ifeq	"$(strip $(+cflags))" ""
+cflags	:= $(default_cflags)
endif	# $(+cflags) == ""

+cflags += $(cflags-cpu) $(+gccwarn) $(+merge-constants) $(+math-flags)
+gcc-nowarn := -w

# Don't duplicate options if we inherited variables from the parent.
+cflags	:= $(sort $(+cflags))

# These are flags given to the C compiler to tell it to look for
# include files (including ones given in angle brackets) in the parent
# library source directory, in the include directory, and in the
# current directory.
+sysdep-includes = $(addprefix -I,$(+sysdep_dirs))
+includes = -I$(..)include $(if $(subdir),$(objpfx:%/=-I%)) \
	    $(+sysdep-includes) $(includes) \
	    $(patsubst %/,-I%,$(..)) $(libio-include) -I. $(sysincludes)

# Since libio has several internal header files, we use a -I instead
# of many little headers in the include directory.
libio-include = -I$(..)libio

# These are the variables that the implicit compilation rules use.
# Note that we can't use -std=* in CPPFLAGS, because it overrides
# the implicit -lang-asm and breaks cpp behavior for .S files--notably
# it causes cpp to stop predefining __ASSEMBLER__.
CPPFLAGS = $(CPPUNDEFS) $(CPPFLAGS-config) $($(subdir)-CPPFLAGS) \
	   $(+includes) $(defines) \
	   -include $(..)include/libc-symbols.h $(sysdep-CPPFLAGS) \
	   $(CPPFLAGS-$(suffix $@)) \
	   $(foreach lib,$(libof-$(basename $(@F))) \
			 $(libof-$(<F)) $(libof-$(@F)),$(CPPFLAGS-$(lib))) \
	   $(CPPFLAGS-$(<F)) $(CPPFLAGS-$(@F)) $(CPPFLAGS-$(basename $(@F)))
override CFLAGS	= -std=gnu99 $(gnu89-inline-CFLAGS) $(config-extra-cflags) \
		  $(filter-out %frame-pointer,$(+cflags)) $(+gccwarn-c) \
		  $(sysdep-CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS-$(suffix $@)) $(CFLAGS-$(<F)) \
		  $(CFLAGS-$(@F)) \
		  $(foreach lib,$(libof-$(basename $(@F))) \
				$(libof-$(<F)) $(libof-$(@F)),$(CFLAGS-$(lib)))
override CXXFLAGS = $(c++-sysincludes) \
		    $(filter-out %frame-pointer,$(+cflags)) $(sysdep-CFLAGS) \
		    $(CFLAGS-$(suffix $@)) $(CFLAGS-$(<F)) $(CFLAGS-$(@F))

# If everything is compiled with -fPIC (implicitly) we must tell this by
# defining the PIC symbol.
ifeq (yes,$(build-pic-default))
pic-default = -DPIC

# Enable object files for different versions of the library.
# Various things use $(object-suffixes) to know what all to make.
# The compilation rules use $(CPPFLAGS-${SUFFIX}) and $(CFLAGS-${SUFFIX})
# to pass different flags for each flavor.
libtypes = $(foreach o,$(object-suffixes-for-libc),$(libtype$o))
all-object-suffixes := .o .os .op .og .ob .oS
object-suffixes :=
CPPFLAGS-.o = $(pic-default)
CFLAGS-.o = $(filter %frame-pointer,$(+cflags))
libtype.o := lib%.a
object-suffixes += .o
ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
# Under --enable-shared, we will build a shared library of PIC objects.
# The PIC object files are named foo.os.
object-suffixes += .os
CFLAGS-.os = $(filter %frame-pointer,$(+cflags)) $(pic-ccflag)
libtype.os := lib%_pic.a
# This can be changed by a sysdep makefile
pic-ccflag = -fPIC
# This one should always stay like this unless there is a very good reason.
PIC-ccflag = -fPIC
# This can be changed by a sysdep makefile
pie-ccflag = -fpie
# This one should always stay like this unless there is a very good reason.
PIE-ccflag = -fPIE
ifeq (yes,$(build-profile))
# Under --enable-profile, we will build a static library of profiled objects.
# The profiled object files are named foo.op.
object-suffixes += .op
CPPFLAGS-.op = -DPROF $(pic-default)
CFLAGS-.op = -pg
libtype.op = lib%_p.a

# Convenience variable for when we want to treat shared-library cases
# differently from the rest.
object-suffixes-noshared := $(filter-out .os,$(object-suffixes))

bppfx = BP-
ifeq (yes,$(build-bounded))
# Under --enable-bounded, we build the library with `-fbounded-pointers -g'
# to runtime bounds checking.  The bounded-pointer objects are named foo.ob.
# We disable sibling-call optimizations so that stack traces will be complete
# and thus aid debugging, since after all, BPs are a debugging tool.
object-suffixes += .ob
CPPFLAGS-.ob = -fbounded-pointers $(pic-default)
CFLAGS-.ob = -g -O2 -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -fno-strict-aliasing
libtype.ob = lib%_b.a

object-suffixes-for-libc := $(object-suffixes)

ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
# Build special library that contains the static-only routines for libc.
object-suffixes-for-libc += .oS

# Must build the routines as PIC, though, because they can end up in (users')
# shared objects.  We don't want to use CFLAGS-os because users may, for
# example, make that processor-specific.
CFLAGS-.oS = $(CFLAGS-.o) $(PIC-ccflag)
libtype.oS = lib%_nonshared.a

# The assembler can generate debug information too.
ifndef ASFLAGS
ifeq ($(have-cpp-asm-debuginfo),yes)
ASFLAGS := $(filter -g% -fdebug-prefix-map=%,$(CFLAGS))
ASFLAGS += $(ASFLAGS-config) $(asflags-cpu)

ifndef BUILD_CC

move-if-change = $(SHELL) $(..)scripts/move-if-change
-include $(common-objpfx)sysd-sorted
subdirs = $(sorted-subdirs)
subdir-srcdirs = $(foreach dir,$(subdirs),\
			   $(firstword $($(dir)-srcdir) $(..)$(dir)))

ifeq (yes, $(build-shared))

# This is a pair of implicit rules to preprocess a file with # comments,
# %ifdef et al, based on config.h settings or other %include'd files.
# We use chained rules instead of a pipeline here so that we can properly
# check the exit status of cpp rather than using its bad output when there
# is a preprocessing error.  Another rule should depend on the output file
# `FOO.v', and along with that `FOO.v.i' should be given dependencies
# listing both its input files, and any header files that it may reference
# (but no commands).
%.v.i: $(common-objpfx)config.h $(..)Makeconfig
	sed '/^[ 	]*%/!s/#.*$$//;/^[ 	]*$$/d;s/^[ 	]*%/#/' \
	    $(filter-out FORCE %.h $(..)Makeconfig,$^) \
	| $(CC) -E -undef $(CPPFLAGS) -x assembler-with-cpp - \
		   > $@T
	mv -f $@T $@
%.v: %.v.i
	sed '/^[ 	]*#/d;/^[ 	]*$$/d' $< > $@T
	mv -f $@T $@

# To generate a header to support more than one ABI for different
# architecture variants, the CPU/Makefile defines abi-variants to be a
# list of names for those variants (e.g. 32 64), and, for each variant,
# defines abi-$(variant)-condition to be the condition for those options
# to use in a C #if condition.  abi-includes may be defined to a list of
# headers to include in the generated header, if the default does not
# suffice.  default-abi is defined to be the ABI for the current glibc
# build.

ifndef abi-includes
abi-includes := bits/wordsize.h

# Process the shlib-versions file, which tells us what shared library
# version numbers to use when we install shared objects on this system.
# We need to wait until $(subdirs) is complete.
ifeq ($(sysd-sorted-done),t)
-include $(common-objpfx)soversions.mk
ifndef avoid-generated
# This lets add-ons give more-specific matches that override defaults
# in the top-level file.
$(common-objpfx)shlib-versions.v.i: \
	$(wildcard $(+sysdep_dirs:=/shlib-versions) \
		   $(subdir-srcdirs:=/shlib-versions)) \

soversions-default-setname = $(patsubst %, %,\
					$(filter-out %_default,\
$(common-objpfx)soversions.i: $(..)scripts/soversions.awk \
	$(AWK) -v default_setname='$(soversions-default-setname)' \
	       -v cpu='$(config-machine)' \
	       -v vendor='$(config-vendor)' \
	       -v os='$(config-os)' \
	       -f $^ > $@T
	mv -f $@T $@
$(common-objpfx)soversions.mk: $(common-objpfx)soversions.i $(..)Makeconfig
	(while read which lib number setname; do \
	   eval seen_$$which=1; \
	   test x"$$which" != xABI || echo abi-name = "$$lib"; \
	   test x"$$which" = xDEFAULT || continue; \
	   case $$number in \
	     [0-9]*) echo "$$lib.so-version=.$$number"; \
		     echo "all-sonames+=$$lib=$$lib.so\$$($$lib.so-version)";;\
	     *)	     echo "$$lib.so-version=\$$(if \$$(abi-$(default-abi)-$$lib-soname),\$$(abi-$(default-abi)-$$lib-soname),$$number)"; \
		     echo "all-sonames+=$$lib=\$$($$lib.so-version)";;\
	   esac; \
	 done; \
	 echo soversions.mk-done = t;) < $< > $@T; exit 0
	mv -f $@T $@

postclean-generated += soversions.mk soversions.i \
		       shlib-versions.v shlib-versions.v.i

# Generate the header containing the names of all shared libraries.
# We use a stamp file to avoid unnecessary recompilations.
before-compile += $(common-objpfx)gnu/lib-names.h
ifeq ($(soversions.mk-done),t)
$(common-objpfx)gnu/lib-names.h: $(common-objpfx)gnu/lib-names.stmp; @:
$(common-objpfx)gnu/lib-names.stmp: $(..)scripts/lib-names.awk \
	{ \
	 echo '/* This file is automatically generated.';\
	 echo '   It defines macros to allow user program to find the shared'; \
	 echo '   library files which come as part of GNU libc.  */'; \
	 echo '#ifndef __GNU_LIB_NAMES_H'; \
	 echo '#define __GNU_LIB_NAMES_H	1'; \
	 echo ''; \
	 $(if $(abi-includes), \
	  $(foreach h,$(abi-includes), echo '#include <$(h)>';) \
	  echo '';) \
	 $(if $(abi-variants), \
	 $(foreach v,$(abi-variants),\
	 $(if $(abi-$(v)-condition),\
	 echo '#if $(abi-$(v)-condition)'; \
	 ($(foreach s,$(all-sonames), \
	   $(if $(abi-$(v)-$(firstword $(subst =, ,$(s)))-soname),\
	     echo $(firstword $(subst =, ,$(s)))=$(abi-$(v)-$(firstword $(subst =, ,$(s)))-soname);, \
	     echo $(s);))) \
	 | LC_ALL=C $(AWK) -v multi=1 -f $(firstword $^) | LC_ALL=C sort;) \
	 $(if $(abi-$(v)-condition),echo '#endif';)), \
	 ($(foreach s,$(all-sonames), echo $(s);)) \
	 | LC_ALL=C $(AWK) -f $(firstword $^) | LC_ALL=C sort;) \
	 echo ''; \
	 echo '#endif	/* gnu/lib-names.h */'; \
	} >  ${@:stmp=T}
	$(move-if-change) ${@:stmp=T} ${@:stmp=h}
	touch $@

common-generated += gnu/lib-names.h gnu/lib-names.stmp

# The name under which the run-time dynamic linker is installed.
# We are currently going for the convention that `/lib/ld.so.1'
# names the SVR4/ELF ABI-compliant dynamic linker.
ifndef rtld-installed-name
ifdef ld.so-version
rtld-installed-name = $(ld.so-version)
rtld-installed-name = ld.so.1

ifndef rtld-version-installed-name
rtld-version-installed-name = ld-$(version).so

endif # build-shared

dlfcn = dlfcn
ifeq ($(build-shared),yes)
libdl = $(common-objpfx)dlfcn/libdl.so$(libdl.so-version)
libdl = $(common-objpfx)dlfcn/libdl.a

ifeq ($(build-shared),yes)
libm = $(common-objpfx)math/libm.so$(libm.so-version)
libm = $(common-objpfx)math/libm.a

# These are the subdirectories containing the library source.  The order
# is more or less arbitrary.  The sorting step will take care of the
# dependencies.
all-subdirs = csu assert ctype locale intl catgets math setjmp signal	    \
	      stdlib stdio-common libio malloc string wcsmbs time dirent    \
	      grp pwd posix io termios resource misc socket sysvipc gmon    \
	      gnulib iconv iconvdata wctype manual shadow gshadow po argp   \
	      crypt nss localedata timezone rt conform debug		    \
	      $(add-on-subdirs) $(dlfcn) $(binfmt-subdir)

ifndef avoid-generated
all-Depend-files := $(wildcard $(foreach dir,$(all-subdirs),\
					 $(firstword $($(dir)-srcdir) \
$(common-objpfx)sysd-sorted: $(..)scripts/gen-sorted.awk \
			     $(common-objpfx)config.make $(..)Makeconfig \
			     $(wildcard $(sysdirs:=/Subdirs)) \
	$(AWK) -f $< \
	       -v subdirs='$(all-subdirs)' \
	       -v srcpfx='$(..)' \
	       $(filter %/Subdirs %/Depend,$^) > $@-tmp
	mv -f $@-tmp $@
$(all-Depend-files): ;

# This gives partial TARGET:SOURCE pattern pairs to have rules
# emitted into sysd-rules.  A sysdeps Makeconfig fragment can
# add its own special object file prefix to this list with e.g. foo-%:%
# to have foo-*.? compiled from *.? using $(foo-CPPFLAGS).
sysd-rules-patterns := %:% rtld-%:rtld-% rtld-%:% m_%:s_%

# Let sysdeps/ subdirs contain a Makeconfig fragment for us to include here.
sysdep-makeconfigs := $(wildcard $(+sysdep_dirs:=/Makeconfig))
ifneq (,$(sysdep-makeconfigs))
include $(sysdep-makeconfigs)

# Compute just the target patterns.  Makeconfig has set sysd-rules-patterns.
sysd-rules-targets := $(sort $(foreach p,$(sysd-rules-patterns),\
					 $(firstword $(subst :, ,$p))))

endif # Makeconfig not yet included

# Local Variables:
# mode: makefile
# End: