/* Test and measure STRCHR functions.
   Copyright (C) 1999, 2002, 2003, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
   Written by Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com>, 1999.
   Added wcschr support by Liubov Dmitrieva <liubov.dmitrieva@gmail.com>, 2011

   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */

#define TEST_MAIN
#include "test-string.h"

#ifndef WIDE
#  define STRCHR strchrnul
#  define stupid_STRCHR stupid_STRCHRNUL
#  define simple_STRCHR simple_STRCHRNUL
# else
#  define STRCHR strchr
# endif
# define STRLEN strlen
# define CHAR char
# define MIDDLE_CHAR 127
# define SMALL_CHAR 23
# define UCHAR unsigned char
# include <wchar.h>
# define STRCHR wcschr
# define STRLEN wcslen
# define CHAR wchar_t
# define MIDDLE_CHAR 1121
# define SMALL_CHAR 851
# define UCHAR wchar_t

# define NULLRET(endptr) endptr
# define NULLRET(endptr) NULL

typedef CHAR *(*proto_t) (const CHAR *, int);

simple_STRCHR (const CHAR *s, int c)
  for (; *s != (CHAR) c; ++s)
    if (*s == '\0')
      return NULLRET ((CHAR *) s);
  return (CHAR *) s;

stupid_STRCHR (const CHAR *s, int c)
  size_t n = STRLEN (s) + 1;

  while (n--)
    if (*s++ == (CHAR) c)
      return (CHAR *) s - 1;
  return NULLRET ((CHAR *) s - 1);

IMPL (stupid_STRCHR, 0)
IMPL (simple_STRCHR, 0)

static void
do_one_test (impl_t *impl, const CHAR *s, int c, const CHAR *exp_res)
  CHAR *res = CALL (impl, s, c);
  if (res != exp_res)
      error (0, 0, "Wrong result in function %s %#x %p %p", impl->name,
	     c, res, exp_res);
      ret = 1;

      hp_timing_t start __attribute ((unused));
      hp_timing_t stop __attribute ((unused));
      hp_timing_t best_time = ~ (hp_timing_t) 0;
      size_t i;

      for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
	  HP_TIMING_NOW (start);
	  CALL (impl, s, c);
	  HP_TIMING_NOW (stop);
	  HP_TIMING_BEST (best_time, start, stop);

      printf ("\t%zd", (size_t) best_time);

static void
do_test (size_t align, size_t pos, size_t len, int seek_char, int max_char)
/* For wcschr: align here means align not in bytes,
   but in wchar_ts, in bytes it will equal to align * (sizeof (wchar_t))
   len for wcschr here isn't in bytes but it's number of wchar_t symbols.  */
  size_t i;
  CHAR *result;
  CHAR *buf = (CHAR *) buf1;
  align &= 15;
  if ((align + len) * sizeof (CHAR) >= page_size)

  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
      buf[align + i] = 32 + 23 * i % max_char;
      if (buf[align + i] == seek_char)
	buf[align + i] = seek_char + 1;
      else if (buf[align + i] == 0)
	buf[align + i] = 1;
  buf[align + len] = 0;

  if (pos < len)
      buf[align + pos] = seek_char;
      result = buf + align + pos;
  else if (seek_char == 0)
    result = buf + align + len;
    result = NULLRET (buf + align + len);

    printf ("Length %4zd, alignment in bytes %2zd:",
	    pos, align * sizeof (CHAR));

  FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
    do_one_test (impl, buf + align, seek_char, result);

    putchar ('\n');

static void
do_random_tests (void)
  size_t i, j, n, align, pos, len;
  int seek_char;
  CHAR *result;
  UCHAR *p = (UCHAR *) (buf1 + page_size - 512 * sizeof (CHAR));

  for (n = 0; n < ITERATIONS; n++)
      /* For wcschr: align here means align not in bytes, but in wchar_ts,
	 in bytes it will equal to align * (sizeof (wchar_t)).  */
      align = random () & 15;
      pos = random () & 511;
      seek_char = random () & 255;
      if (pos + align >= 511)
	pos = 510 - align - (random () & 7);
      /* len for wcschr here isn't in bytes but it's number of wchar_t
	 symbols.  */
      len = random () & 511;
      if ((pos == len && seek_char)
	  || (pos > len && (random () & 1)))
	len = pos + 1 + (random () & 7);
      if (len + align >= 512)
	len = 511 - align - (random () & 7);
      if (pos == len && seek_char)
	len = pos + 1;
      j = (pos > len ? pos : len) + align + 64;
      if (j > 512)
	j = 512;

      for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
	  if (i == pos + align)
	    p[i] = seek_char;
	  else if (i == len + align)
	    p[i] = 0;
	      p[i] = random () & 255;
	      if (i < pos + align && p[i] == seek_char)
		p[i] = seek_char + 13;
	      if (i < len + align && !p[i])
		  p[i] = seek_char - 13;
		  if (!p[i])
		    p[i] = 140;

      if (pos <= len)
	result = (CHAR *) (p + pos + align);
      else if (seek_char == 0)
	result = (CHAR *) (p + len + align);
	result = NULLRET ((CHAR *) (p + len + align));

      FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 1)
	if (CALL (impl, (CHAR *) (p + align), seek_char) != result)
	    error (0, 0, "Iteration %zd - wrong result in function \
		   %s (align in bytes: %zd, seek_char: %d, len: %zd, pos: %zd) %p != %p, p %p",
		   n, impl->name, align * sizeof (CHAR), seek_char, len, pos,
		   CALL (impl, (CHAR *) (p + align), seek_char), result, p);
	    ret = 1;

test_main (void)
  size_t i;

  test_init ();

  printf ("%20s", "");
  FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
    printf ("\t%s", impl->name);
  putchar ('\n');

  for (i = 1; i < 8; ++i)
      do_test (0, 16 << i, 2048, SMALL_CHAR, MIDDLE_CHAR);
      do_test (i, 16 << i, 2048, SMALL_CHAR, MIDDLE_CHAR);

  for (i = 1; i < 8; ++i)
      do_test (i, 64, 256, SMALL_CHAR, MIDDLE_CHAR);
      do_test (i, 64, 256, SMALL_CHAR, BIG_CHAR);

  for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
      do_test (0, i, i + 1, SMALL_CHAR, MIDDLE_CHAR);
      do_test (0, i, i + 1, SMALL_CHAR, BIG_CHAR);

  for (i = 1; i < 8; ++i)
      do_test (0, 16 << i, 2048, 0, MIDDLE_CHAR);
      do_test (i, 16 << i, 2048, 0, MIDDLE_CHAR);

  for (i = 1; i < 8; ++i)
      do_test (i, 64, 256, 0, MIDDLE_CHAR);
      do_test (i, 64, 256, 0, BIG_CHAR);

  for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
      do_test (0, i, i + 1, 0, MIDDLE_CHAR);
      do_test (0, i, i + 1, 0, BIG_CHAR);

  do_random_tests ();
  return ret;

#include "../test-skeleton.c"