diff options
5 files changed, 12 insertions, 403 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index c426f75c..b0249612 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
2010-03-15 José Alburquerque <>
+ Revert accidentally pushed commits.
+ * ChangeLog-ValueArrayTest:
+ * ChangeLog.local:
+ * tests/glibmm_valuearray/
+ * tools/ Revert accidentally pushed commits which
+ should be pushed with bugs that were filed.
+2010-03-15 José Alburquerque <>
Regenerate defs files.
* gio/src/gio_enums.defs:
diff --git a/ChangeLog-ValueArrayTest b/ChangeLog-ValueArrayTest
deleted file mode 100644
index 60c15e15..00000000
--- a/ChangeLog-ValueArrayTest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-2010-02-23 José Alburquerque <>
- ValueArray Example: Get values as references in loops.
- * tests/glibmm_valuearray/ (main): Get values as references
- instead of copying them in both for loops.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.local b/ChangeLog.local
deleted file mode 100644
index e74055f0..00000000
--- a/ChangeLog.local
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-2010-01-07 José Alburquerque <>
- Add a tool to extract C documentation for gmmproc.
- * tools/ Add a tool to extract documentation from
- C source files. The processing of the description of C functions
- seems a little better than the script which is
- normally used. Since it is shorter, it might be a little easier to
- make changes to how the extracting of C docs is done for the
- convenience of *mm projects.
diff --git a/tests/glibmm_valuearray/ b/tests/glibmm_valuearray/
index 2fb3bd83..a9054601 100644
--- a/tests/glibmm_valuearray/
+++ b/tests/glibmm_valuearray/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ int main(int, char**)
- Glib::Value<int>& int_val = static_cast< Glib::Value<int>& >(value);
+ Glib::Value<int> int_val = static_cast< Glib::Value<int>& >(value);
std::cout << int_val.get() << " ";
std::cout << std::endl; // End of line for list of array elements.
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ int main(int, char**)
- Glib::Value<int>& int_val = static_cast< Glib::Value<int>& >(value);
+ Glib::Value<int> int_val = static_cast< Glib::Value<int>& >(value);
std::cout << int_val.get() << " ";
std::cout << std::endl; // End of line for list of array elements.
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2addd959..00000000
--- a/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# Read the gtk-doc comment blocks in the *.{c,h} source files converting them
-# to xml which gmmproc can use for the documentation of methods, signals,
-# properties and enums.
-# usage: ./ file.c [--help | -h] [--with-signals | -s] [--with-properties | -p] [--with-enums | -e ] file.[c|h| ... > output-file.xml
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-# Prototypes.
-sub print_usage();
-sub parse_command_line_options();
-sub process_file($);
-sub find_gtk_doc_comment_block($$$);
-sub get_param_section($$$);
-sub get_description($$$);
-sub get_return($$$);
-sub append_final_lines($$$);
-sub translate_text($);
-# Global variables.
-$main::with_signals = 0; # Don't print signal xml by default.
-$main::with_properties = 0; # Don't print property xml by default.
-$main::with_enums = 0; # Don't print enum xml by default.
-$main::is_enum = 0; # Tells whether current block is an enum block.
-# Begin by parsing command line.
-# Print initial <root> tag.
-print "<root>\n";
-while (@ARGV)
- # Open each file in the argument list and convert the gtk-doc comment blocks
- # to xml outputing to stdout.
- if (open(my $in_file, "<", $ARGV[0]))
- {
- print STDERR "Processing '$ARGV[0]'.\n";
- process_file($in_file);
- close $in_file;
- }
- else
- {
- # If file opening is not successful, print an error message but continue
- # processing the remaining files.
- print STDERR "Error trying to open file \"$ARGV[0]\"; skipping it.\n";
- }
- shift @ARGV;
-# Print final <root> tag.
-print "</root>\n";
-# Print usage information on error. Exits.
-sub print_usage()
- print STDERR "usage: $0 [--help | -h] [--with-signals | -s] [--with-properties | -p] [--with-enums | -e ] file.[c|h] ...\n";
- exit 1;
-# Parse command line arguments, if any.
-sub parse_command_line_options()
- print_usage() if (@ARGV == 0);
- while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/)
- {
- $_ = shift @ARGV;
- # Print help message for --help option.
- print_usage() if (/^-h$/ || /^--help$/);
- if (/^-s$/ || /^--with-signals$/)
- {
- $main::with_signals = 1;
- }
- elsif (/^-p$/ || /^--with-properties$/)
- {
- $main::with_properties = 1;
- }
- elsif (/^-e$/ || /^--with-enums$/)
- {
- $main::with_enums = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- print STDERR "$0: Unrecognized parameter: $_\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
-# Read through source file looking for gtk-doc comment blocks, testing if the
-# comment blocks are function, signal or property comment blocks and
-# converting the ones that are to xml for gmmproc to use to get documentation
-# for wrapped C functions or signals.
-sub process_file($)
- my ($in_file, $line) = @_;
- # Read through file by lines.
- while ($line = <$in_file>)
- {
- my $identifier = ""; # The identifier of the current comment block.
- my $parameters = ""; # The parameters.
- my $description = ""; # The description.
- my $return = ""; # The return
- # Always assume that current block is not an enum block. The parameter
- # parsing will determine whether it is or not based on whether the
- # parameters of the block are all caps (this is only true generally for
- # enums).
- $main::is_enum = 0;
- # Find the next comment block.
- $line = find_gtk_doc_comment_block($in_file, $line, $identifier);
- # Get the several sections of the comment block.
- $line = get_param_section($in_file, $line, $parameters) if $line;
- $line = get_description($in_file, $line, $description) if $line;
- $line = get_return($in_file, $line, $return) if $line;
- # Append the final lines of the comment block to the main description.
- # These lines could be "Since:" or "Deprecated:" lines.
- $line = append_final_lines($in_file, $line, $description) if $line;
- # Surround the description with the xml tags.
- $description = "<description>\n" . $description . "</description>\n";
- # Test to see if dealing with a function. If so print xml for it.
- if ($identifier =~ /^[a-z0-9_]+/)
- {
- print "<function name=\"$identifier\">\n";
- print "$description";
- print "$parameters";
- print "$return";
- print "</function>\n\n";
- }
- # Test to see if dealing with a signal. If so print xml for it if the
- # --with-signal option has been specified.
- elsif ($main::with_signals && $identifier =~ /^[A-Z]\w*::[a-z0-9-]+/)
- {
- print "<signal name=\"$identifier\">\n";
- print "$description";
- print "$parameters";
- print "$return";
- print "</signal>\n\n";
- }
- # Test to see if dealing with a property. If so print xml for it if the
- # --with-property option has been specified. Ignore possible
- # "SECTION:name" which is gtk-doc specific syntax. Properties don't have
- # parameters or returns so those are not printed.
- elsif ($main::with_properties && $identifier =~ /^[A-Z]\w*:[a-z0-9-]+/ &&
- !($identifier =~ /^SECTION/))
- {
- print "<property name=\"$identifier\">\n";
- print "$description";
- print "</property>\n\n";
- }
- # Test to see if dealing with an enum and print it out if it has been
- # specified. An enum has no return so it is not printed.
- elsif ($main::with_enums && $main::is_enum && $identifier =~ /^[A-Z]\w*/)
- {
- print "<enum name=\"$identifier\">\n";
- print "$description";
- print "$parameters";
- print "</enum>\n\n";
- }
- }
-# Searches for the next gtk-doc comment block. If a comment block is found,
-# returns the first line of the comment block (the line that contains the
-# identifier). Also returns the identifier in the third parameter.
-sub find_gtk_doc_comment_block($$$)
- my ($in_file, $line) = @_;
- # Find the beginning of a gtk-doc comment block. Also stop if end of file
- # is reached.
- $line = <$in_file> until (!$line || $line =~ /([ \t]*)\/\*\*([ \t]*)$/);
- # Try to read the line below the beginning of the comment block to attempt
- # to get the identifier if the end of file has not been reached.
- $line = <$in_file> if ($line);
- # If end of file is not reached.
- if ($line)
- {
- # Test for a function comment block and extract its identifier.
- if ($line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)([a-z0-9_]+)([ \t]*)(\(\))*:*([ \t]*)$/)
- {
- $_[2] = "$3";
- }
- # Test for a signal comment block and extract its identifier.
- elsif ($line =~
- /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)([A-Z]\w*::[a-z0-9-]+)([ \t]*)(\(\))*:*([ \t]*)$/)
- {
- $_[2] = "$3";
- }
- # Test for a property comment block and extract its identifier.
- elsif ($line =~
- /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)([A-Z]\w*:[a-z0-9-]+)([ \t]*):*([ \t]*)$/)
- {
- $_[2] = "$3";
- }
- # Anything else, just try to get an identifier.
- elsif ($line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)(\w+)([ \t]*):*/)
- {
- $_[2] = "$3";
- }
- }
- return $line;
-# Given an opened file and the line where the identifier of a gtk-doc comment
-# block is specified, store xml of the parameter descriptions (if there are
-# any) in the third parameter (as a string), and return the line in which the
-# parameter description section ends.
-sub get_param_section($$$)
- my ($in_file, $line) = @_;
- # Begin by reading the line below the identifier.
- $line = <$in_file>;
- # Assume this is an enum and disprove it in the processing. This is done if
- # any of the parameters have lowercase letters.
- $main::is_enum = 1;
- # Loop through all the parameter descriptions storing the xml for each one.
- while ($line && $line =~
- /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)@(\w+)([ \t]*):([ \t]*)(.*)$/)
- {
- $_[2] .= "<parameter name=\"$3\">\n";
- $_[2] .= "<parameter_description> " . translate_text($6) . "\n";
- # If a lowercase letter is found in the parameter name, it is not an enum.
- $main::is_enum = 0 if ($3 =~ /[a-z]/);
- # Continue reading lines and storing them as part of the current parameter
- # description as long the end of the file or end of the parameter
- # description section or a new parameter description or the end of the
- # comment block are not encountered.
- while (defined($line = <$in_file>) && !($line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)$/)
- && !($line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)@\w+([ \t]*):/) &&
- !($line =~ /\*\//))
- {
- $line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)(.*)$/;
- $_[2] .= translate_text($3) . "\n";
- }
- $_[2] .= "</parameter_description>\n";
- $_[2] .= "</parameter>\n";
- }
- # Assume that this was not an enum if there were no parameters.
- $main::is_enum = 0 if (!$_[2]);
- # Add the xml tags to the paramter list.
- $_[2] = "<parameters>\n" . $_[2] . "</parameters>\n";
- return $line;
-# Given an input file and the line just after the last parameter description
-# in a gtk-doc comment block, store all the non-empty lines up until
-# a return description in the third parameter as a string. If a "Since:"
-# line is encountered before a return description or the end of the comment
-# block, it is appended to the description. Likewise, if a "Deprecated:"
-# description is encountered. Returns the line that terminates the storing.
-sub get_description($$$)
- my ($in_file, $line) = @_;
- # If the end of the block has been encountered before processing the
- # description (in the paramter processing), return because there is no
- # description.
- return $line if ($line && $line =~ /\*\//);
- # Skip blank lines in the comment block as long as the end of file or the
- # end of the comment block are not reached.
- do
- {
- $line = <$in_file>;
- # Skip the line (by going to the next iteration) if the line only has an
- # asterisk.
- next if ($line && $line =~ /^([ \t]*)\*([ \t]*)$/);
- }
- until (!$line || $line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)(.+)$/ || $line =~ /\*\//);
- # Concatenate each line to the third parameter as long as the end of file or
- # the return description or the end of the comment block are not reached.
- until (!$line || $line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)Returns[ \t]*:/ ||
- $line =~ /\*\//)
- {
- $line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)(.*)$/;
- $_[2] .= translate_text($3) . "\n";
- $line = <$in_file>;
- }
- return $line;
-# Given an input file and the line ending the description in a gtk-doc
-# comment block, store all the non-empty lines as a return xml block up until
-# a "Since:" line or a "Deprecated:" description (if there are any) in the
-# third parameter. Returns the line that terminates the storing.
-sub get_return($$$)
- my ($in_file, $line) = @_;
- if ($line && $line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)Returns[ \t]*:([ \t]*)(.*)$/)
- {
- $_[2] .= translate_text($4) . "\n";
- # Concatenate each line to the third parameter as long as the end of file
- # or a "Since:" line or a "Deprecated:" section or the end of the comment
- # block are not reached.
- while (defined($line = <$in_file>) &&
- !($line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)Since[ \t]*:/) &&
- !($line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)@*Deprecated[ \t]*:/) &&
- !($line =~ /\*\//))
- {
- $line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)(.*)$/;
- $_[2] .= translate_text($3) . "\n";
- }
- }
- # Add the return tags.
- $_[2] = "<return>\n" . $_[2] . "</return>\n";
- return $line;
-# Given an input file and the line which stopped a return description
-# processing in a gtk-doc comment block, store all the remaining lines of the
-# gtk-doc comment block in the third parameter as a string. This subroutine
-# assumes that everything up until the return description in the current
-# gtk-doc comment block has already been processed. The only possible lines
-# remaining would be "Since:" or "Deprecated:" lines. Those lines should be
-# stored in the description. If this isn't so, appending the remaining lines
-# to the description still seems the sensible thing to do. Returns the line
-# that terminates the storing.
-sub append_final_lines($$$)
- my ($in_file, $line) = @_;
- # Concatenate each line to the third parameter as long as the end of file or
- # the end of the comment block are not reached.
- until (!$line || $line =~ /\*\//)
- {
- $line =~ /^([ \t]*)\**+([ \t]*)(.*)$/;
- $_[2] .= translate_text($3) . "\n";
- $line = <$in_file>;
- }
- return $line;
-# Takes given text and returns translated text that is Doxygen and xml
-# friendly.
-sub translate_text($)
- my $text = shift;
- if ($text)
- {
- $text =~ s/<note>/\@note\n/g; # Use Doxygen note directive.
- $text =~ s/<\/note>//g; # No need to close the Doxygen directive.
- $text =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
- $text =~ s/</&lt;/g;
- $text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
- $text =~ s/'/&apos;/g;
- }
- return $text;