diff options
4 files changed, 472 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 2f37b02c..66d91ffb 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ AM_CXXFLAGS = $(GLIBMM_WXXFLAGS)
EXTRA_DIST = defs_gen/ \
defs_gen/ \
+ defs_gen/ \
defs_gen/ \
defs_gen/ \
defs_gen/ \
diff --git a/tools/defs_gen/ b/tools/defs_gen/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..eb1e879d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/defs_gen/
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Extracts enum definitions from C header files and writes a .defs file
+# that gmmproc can read.
+# [--module modname] [--omit-deprecated] header_files...
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+# Globals
+# dictionary with enum names and values.
+tokens = {}
+# A long warning is printed at most once.
+has_warned_unknown_token = False
+# Part of a regular expression.
+optional_cast = r'(?:\([a-z ]+\)\s*)?'
+# Compiled regular expressions.
+comment_begin = re.compile(r'^(.*)/\*')
+comment_end = re.compile(r'\*/(.*)')
+deprecate_if_begin = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*(:?if\s*!\s*defined|ifndef)\s*\(?\s*[A-Z_]+_DISABLE_DEPRECATED\s*\)?')
+if_begin = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*if')
+if_end = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*endif')
+pp_directive = re.compile(r'^\s*#')
+single_line_comment_c = re.compile(r'/\*.*?\*/')
+single_line_comment_cpp = re.compile(r'//.*$')
+enum_begin = re.compile(r'^\s*typedef\s+enum')
+deprecated_type = re.compile(r'[A-Z]+_DEPRECATED_TYPE')
+extract_enum_name = re.compile(r'^.*?(\w+)')
+white_spaces = re.compile(r'\s+')
+opening_bracket = re.compile(r'\s*{\s*')
+extract_module_name = re.compile(r'^([A-Z][a-z]*)')
+deprecated_enumerator = re.compile(r'[A-Z]+_DEPRECATED_ENUMERATOR')
+dep_or_avail_enumerator = re.compile(r'^\s*(\w+)\s+\w+?_(:?DEPRECATED|AVAILABLE)_ENUMERATOR\w*(:?\s*\(.*?\))?')
+parenthesis_value = re.compile(r"^\s*\S+\s*=\s*'[\(\)]'\s*$")
+only_name = re.compile(r'^\w+$')
+name_and_value1 = re.compile(r'^(\w+)\s*=?\s*(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+[\s0-9a-fx<-]*)$')
+name_and_value2 = re.compile(r'^(\w+)\s*=?\s*(-?\s*[0-9]+)$')
+name_and_value3 = re.compile(r'^(\w+)\s*=?\s*(' + optional_cast + r'\(?1[uU]?\s*<<\s*[0-9]+\s*\)?[\s0-9a-fx<-]*)$')
+cast_or_unsigned1 = re.compile(optional_cast + r'(\(?1)[uU]')
+cast_or_unsigned2 = re.compile(optional_cast + r'\(?1[uU]?\s*<<')
+name_with_other_name = re.compile(r'^(\w+)\s*=?\s*(-?[ _x0-9a-fA-Z|()<~,]+)$')
+other_name = re.compile(r'([A-Z][_A-Z0-9]+)')
+name_with_char = re.compile(r"^(\w+)\s*=\s*'(.)'$")
+comma_or_rbrace = re.compile(r'^(\w+)\s*=\s*(\%\%[A-Z]+\%\%)$')
+def parse(filepath, module, omit):
+ '''parse enums in a C file'''
+ with open(filepath, mode='r') as file:
+ # if we are inside enum.
+ in_enum = False
+ # 1 or more, if we are inside deprecated lines.
+ in_deprecated = 0
+ # if we are inside multiline comment.
+ in_comment = False
+ # line containing whole enum preprocessed definition to be processed.
+ line = ''
+ # line containing whole enum raw definition.
+ raw_line = ''
+ # if we already printed comment about basename of header file containing enums.
+ printed_from = False
+ # if only right bracket was found, not name.
+ rbracket_only = False
+ for current_rawline in file:
+ current_line = current_rawline
+ if in_enum:
+ raw_line += ';; ' + current_rawline
+ if in_comment:
+ # end of multiline comment.
+ is_comment_end =
+ if is_comment_end:
+ in_comment = False
+ if in_enum:
+ line +=
+ continue
+ # omit deprecated stuff.
+ if omit and
+ in_deprecated += 1
+ continue
+ if in_deprecated:
+ if
+ in_deprecated += 1
+ elif
+ in_deprecated -= 1
+ continue
+ # discard any preprocessor directives inside enums.
+ if
+ continue
+ # filter single-line comments.
+ current_line = single_line_comment_c.sub('', current_line)
+ current_line = single_line_comment_cpp.sub('', current_line, 1)
+ # beginning of multiline comment.
+ is_comment_begin =
+ if is_comment_begin:
+ in_comment = True
+ if in_enum:
+ line += + '\n'
+ continue
+ # Replace the enumerator values ',' and '}' by strings that won't confuse
+ # process(). They are reset to the original strings when they are written
+ # to the output file.
+ # typedef enum { V1 = ',', V2 = '}' } E1; // is a legal definition.
+ current_line = current_line.replace("','", r'\%\%COMMA\%\%', 1)
+ current_line = current_line.replace("'}'", r'\%\%RBRACE\%\%', 1)
+ # we have found an enum.
+ if
+ basename = os.path.basename(filepath)
+ if not printed_from:
+ print(';; From', basename, end='\n\n')
+ printed_from = True
+ in_enum = True
+ raw_line += ';; ' + current_rawline
+ continue
+ # we have found the end of an enum.
+ if (in_enum and ('}' in current_line)) or rbracket_only:
+ # if the same line also contains ';' - that means there is a typedef name
+ # between '}' and ';'.
+ if ';' in current_line:
+ if not (omit and
+ enum_def = '} ' if rbracket_only else ''
+ enum_def += current_line
+ print(';; Original typedef:')
+ print(raw_line)
+ process(line, enum_def, module, omit)
+ in_enum = False
+ line = ''
+ raw_line = ''
+ rbracket_only = False
+ # we assume there is no such definition formed like this:
+ # typedef enum
+ # {
+ # ...
+ # } MyTypedef
+ # ;
+ # that would be stupid.
+ else:
+ rbracket_only = True
+ # don't append useless lines to $line.
+ continue
+ if in_enum:
+ line += current_line
+def process(line, enum_def, module, omit):
+ '''convert enums to lisp'''
+ global tokens, has_warned_unknown_token
+ # The name is the first word after the closing bracket.
+ # The name can be followed by *_DEPRECATED_TYPE* or *_AVAILABLE_TYPE*
+ # before the semicolon.
+ is_enum_name =
+ if is_enum_name:
+ enum_def =
+ c_name = enum_def
+ # replace all excessive whitespaces with one space.
+ line = white_spaces.sub(' ', line)
+ # get rid of any comments.
+ line = single_line_comment_c.sub('', line)
+ # get rid of opening bracket.
+ line = opening_bracket.sub('', line, 1)
+ # lets employ some heuristics. :)
+ perhaps_enum = 0
+ perhaps_flags = 0
+ # c_name = module + enum_def.
+ if not module:
+ is_module_name =
+ if is_module_name:
+ module =
+ else:
+ module = ''
+ enum_def = enum_def.replace(module, '')
+ # names and their values.
+ c_names = []
+ values = []
+ # val - default value for enum, gets incremented after every value processed.
+ val = 0
+ # these are just for case when enum value is equal to some sort of unknown
+ # value - preprocessor define or other enum.
+ unknown_flag = False
+ unknown_val = ''
+ unknown_base = ''
+ unknown_increment = 0
+ lines = line.split(',')
+ iter = 0
+ while iter < len(lines):
+ # The enumerator name can be followed by *_DEPRECATED_ENUMERATOR*,
+ # before the equal sign or comma.
+ omit_enumerator = omit and[iter])
+ lines[iter] = dep_or_avail_enumerator.sub(r'\1', lines[iter], 1)
+ brackets_count = 0
+ begin = iter
+ # ignore ',' inside () brackets
+ # except '(' and ')' enum values
+ if[iter]):
+ iter += 1
+ else:
+ first = True
+ while first or (iter < len(lines) and brackets_count != 0):
+ first = False
+ brackets_count += lines[iter].count('(')
+ brackets_count -= lines[iter].count(')')
+ iter += 1
+ if omit_enumerator:
+ continue
+ # join with comma and remove leading and trailing spaces.
+ # also remove backslashes as some people like to add them before newlines...
+ i = ','.join(lines[begin:iter]).strip().replace('\\', '')
+ # if only name exists [like MY_ENUM_VALUE].
+ if
+ c_names.append(i)
+ if unknown_flag:
+ values.append(unknown_val)
+ tokens[i] = unknown_val
+ else:
+ values.append(str(val))
+ tokens[i] = val
+ perhaps_enum += 1
+ # if name with value exists [like MY_FLAG_VALUE = 0x2 or 0x5 << 22
+ # or 42 or -13 (in this case entity is still enum, not flags)
+ # or 1 << 2 or (1 << 4) or (1 << 5) - 1].
+ else:
+ m = or or
+ if m:
+ tmp1 =
+ tmp2 =
+ c_names.append(tmp1)
+ # I do not know who thought that writing '- 1' as enum value is grrreat
+ # idea - strip whitespaces between unary minus and a digit.
+ if tmp2.startswith('- '):
+ tmp2 = re.sub(r'^-\s+', '', tmp2)
+ tmp3 = tmp2
+ # Python does not understand C-style cast or the u suffix for unsigned.
+ tmp3 = cast_or_unsigned1.sub(r'\1', tmp3)
+ val = eval(tmp3)
+ if
+ perhaps_flags += 10
+ elif tmp2.startswith('0x'):
+ perhaps_flags += 1
+ else:
+ perhaps_enum += 1
+ values.append(tmp2)
+ tokens[tmp1] = val
+ unknown_flag = False
+ else:
+ # if name with other name exists [like MY_FLAG_VALUE = MY_PREV_FLAG_VALUE
+ # or ~(MY_PREV_FLAG_VALUE | MY_EARLIER_VALUE | (1 << 5) - 1 | 0x200)].
+ # [MY_FLAG MY_OTHER_FLAG is also supported - note lack of equal char.]
+ # [SOME_DEFINITION([X, [Y, [...]]]) definition is also supported.]
+ m =
+ if m:
+ tmp1 =
+ tmp2 =
+ c_names.append(tmp1)
+ # split r-values on "logical or" and for each splitted r-value check its
+ # numeric value and replace a name with it if possible.
+ tmps = tmp2.split('|')
+ # dont_eval is True if unknown token is found, so whole value is copied
+ # verbatim, without evaling.
+ dont_eval = False
+ if len(tmps) > 1:
+ perhaps_flags += 1
+ else:
+ perhaps_enum += 1
+ for tmpval in tmps:
+ # if r-value is something like MY_FLAG or MY_DEFINE_VALUE3.
+ m =
+ if m:
+ tmp3 =
+ if tmp3 not in tokens:
+ dont_eval = True
+ print('WARNING:', tmp3, 'value of', tmp1, "element in '", c_name,
+ "' enum is an unknown token.", file=sys.stderr)
+ if not has_warned_unknown_token:
+ has_warned_unknown_token = True
+ print("It probably is one of:",
+ " - preprocessor value - make sure that header defining this value is included in sources wrapping the enum.",
+ " - enum value from other header or module - see 'preprocessor value'.",
+ " - typo (happens rarely) - send a patch fixing this to maintainer of this module.",
+ sep='\n', file=sys.stderr)
+ # unknown value often makes a flag.
+ perhaps_flags += 1
+ else:
+ tmp2 = tmp2.replace(tmp3, str(tokens[tmp3]))
+ else:
+ # else is a numeric value, so we do not do anything.
+ pass
+ # check if there are still some non-numerical values.
+ if'[_A-Z]+', tmp2):
+ dont_eval = True
+ if not dont_eval:
+ val = eval(tmp2)
+ values.append(val)
+ tokens[tmp1] = val
+ unknown_flag = False
+ else:
+ values.append(tmp2)
+ unknown_flag = True
+ # wrapping in safety parens.
+ unknown_base = '(' + tmp2 + ')'
+ unknown_increment = 0
+ tokens[tmp1] = unknown_base
+ # if name with char exists (like MY_ENUM_VALUE = 'a').
+ else:
+ m =
+ if m:
+ c_names.append(
+ values.append("'" + + "'")
+ val = ord(
+ tokens[] = val
+ unknown_flag = False
+ perhaps_enum += 1
+ # if it's one of the char values that were replaced by
+ # %%COMMA%% or %%RBRACE%%.
+ else:
+ m =
+ if m:
+ c_names.append(
+ if == r'%%COMMA%%':
+ values.append("','")
+ val = ord(',')
+ elif == r'%%RBRACE%%':
+ values.append("'}'")
+ val = ord('}')
+ else:
+ values.append(
+ tokens[] = val
+ unknown_flag = False
+ perhaps_enum += 1
+ # it should not get here,
+ # except if the last enumerator is followed by a comma.
+ elif not(not i and iter == len(lines)):
+ print("WARNING: I do not know how to parse it: '", i, "' in '", c_name, "'.",
+ sep='', file=sys.stderr)
+ if unknown_flag:
+ unknown_increment += 1
+ unknown_val = unknown_base + ' + ', + unknown_increment
+ else:
+ val += 1
+ entity = 'flags' if c_name.endswith('Flags') or perhaps_flags >= perhaps_enum else 'enum'
+ # get nick names.
+ ref_names = form_names(c_name, c_names)
+ # set format - decimal for enums, hexadecimal for flags.
+ vformat = '{0:d}' if entity == 'enum' else '{0:#x}'
+ # evaluate any unevaluated values and format them properly, if applicable.
+ for j in range(len(values)):
+ # if values[j] is a string that can be interpreted as a decimal integer,
+ # convert it to an integer, so the format (decimal or hexadecimal)
+ # can be selected by vformat.
+ if isinstance(values[j], str):
+ try:
+ values[j] = int(values[j])
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ if isinstance(values[j], int):
+ values[j] = vformat.format(values[j])
+ # print the defs.
+ print('(define-', entity, '-extended ', enum_def, sep='')
+ print(' (in-module "', module, '")', sep='')
+ print(' (c-name "', c_name, '")', sep='')
+ print(' (values')
+ for j in range(len(c_names)):
+ value = ''
+ if values[j]:
+ value = ' "' + values[j] + '"'
+ print(' \'("', ref_names[j], '" "', c_names[j], '"', value, ')', sep='')
+ print(' )')
+ print(')\n')
+def form_names(c_name, c_names):
+ '''form nick names from C names'''
+ names = []
+ # no values in enum means no names.
+ if not c_names:
+ return names
+ # search for length of a prefix.
+ leng = len(c_names[0]) - 1
+ # if there is more than one value in enum, search for a common part.
+ if len(c_names) > 1:
+ for j in range(len(c_names)-1):
+ while c_names[j][leng-1] != '_' or c_names[j][0:leng] != c_names[j+1][0:leng]:
+ leng -= 1
+ if leng <= 0:
+ break
+ if leng <= 0:
+ break
+ # if there is only one value in enum, we have to use name of the enum.
+ else:
+ subvals = c_names[0].split('_')
+ for j in range(len(subvals)):
+ subvals[j] = subvals[j].capitalize()
+ false_c_name = ''.join(subvals)
+ while leng > 0 and c_name[0:leng] != false_c_name[0:leng]:
+ leng -= 1
+ tmpleng = leng
+ for subval in subvals:
+ leng += 1
+ l = len(subval)
+ if tmpleng <= l:
+ break
+ tmpleng -= l
+ # get prefix with given length.
+ prefix = c_names[0][0:leng]
+ # generate names.
+ for c_n in c_names:
+ if c_n[0:len(prefix)] == prefix:
+ # remove prefix.
+ c_n = c_n[len(prefix):]
+ c_n = c_n.lower().replace('_', '-')
+ names.append(c_n)
+ return names
+# ----- Main -----
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Extract enum definitions from C/C++ header files and write a .defs file.')
+ parser.add_argument('--module', help='module name')
+ parser.add_argument('--omit-deprecated', action='store_true', dest='omit',
+ help='omit deprecated enums and enum values')
+ parser.add_argument('header_files', nargs='+', help='header file(s) to parse')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ exitcode = 0
+ for filepath in args.header_files:
+ try:
+ parse(filepath, args.module, args.omit)
+ except FileNotFoundError as err:
+ exitcode = 1
+ print(err, file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(exitcode)
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 3091f113..10d12830 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
+# glibmm/tools/defs_gen/ is a Python script with almost
+# the same functionality as this Perl script.
+# is newer and recommended.
# The lisp definitions for flags does not include order.
# thus we must extract it ourselves.
# Usage: ./ /gnome/head/cvs/gconf/gconf/*.h > gconf_enums.defs
diff --git a/tools/gen_scripts/ b/tools/gen_scripts/
index 5ce3895e..97a695a0 100755
--- a/tools/gen_scripts/
+++ b/tools/gen_scripts/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ fi
# Scripts in glibmm. These are source files.
# Where to find executables that generate extra defs (signals and properties).
# glibmm is built with autotools.