# NMake Makefile portion for compilation rules # Items in here should not need to be edited unless # one is maintaining the NMake build files. The format # of NMake Makefiles here are different from the GNU # Makefiles. Please see the comments about these formats. # Inference rules for compiling the .obj files. # Used for libs and programs with more than a single source file. # Format is as follows # (all dirs must have a trailing '\'): # # {$(srcdir)}.$(srcext){$(destdir)}.obj:: # $(CC)|$(CXX) $(cflags) /Fo$(destdir) /c @<< # $< # << {vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\}.cc{vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\}.obj:: @if not exist glibmm\glibmm.rc $(MAKE) /f Makefile.vc CFG=$(CFG) prep-git-build $(CXX) $(LIBGLIBMM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_NOGL) /Fovs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\ /Fdvs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\ /c @<< $< << {..\glib\glibmm\}.cc{vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\}.obj:: @if not exist glibmm\glibmm.rc $(MAKE) /f Makefile.vc CFG=$(CFG) prep-git-build @if not exist vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\ md vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm $(CXX) $(LIBGLIBMM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_NOGL) /Fovs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\ /Fdvs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\ /c @<< $< << {..\untracked\glib\glibmm\}.cc{vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\}.obj:: @if not exist glibmm\glibmm.rc $(MAKE) /f Makefile.vc CFG=$(CFG) prep-git-build @if not exist vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\ md vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm $(CXX) $(LIBGLIBMM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_NOGL) /Fovs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\ /Fdvs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\ /c @<< $< << {..\glib\src\}.cc.m4{vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\glibmm\}.obj: @if not exist $(@D)\ md $(@D) @if not exist glibmm\glibmm.rc $(MAKE) /f Makefile.vc CFG=$(CFG) prep-git-build @for %%s in ($( $(@D)\%%~ns @if exist $(@D)\$(