/* * original Glib::Dispatcher example -- cross thread signalling * by Daniel Elstner * * Modified by Stephan Puchegger * to contain 2 mainloops in 2 different threads, that communicate * via cross thread signalling in both directions. The timer thread * sends the UI thread a cross thread signal every second, which in turn * updates the label stating how many seconds have passed since the start * of the program. * * Modified by J. Abelardo Gutierrez * to cast all gtkmm out and make it glibmm only * * Note: This example is special stuff that's seldomly needed by the * vast majority of applications. Don't bother working out what this * code does unless you know for sure you need 2 main loops running in * 2 distinct main contexts. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { Glib::RefPtr main_loop; class ThreadTimer : public sigc::trackable { public: ThreadTimer(); ~ThreadTimer(); void launch(); void signal_finished_emit(); void print() const; using type_signal_end = sigc::signal; static type_signal_end& signal_end(); private: unsigned int time_; Glib::Dispatcher signal_increment_; const Glib::Dispatcher* signal_finished_ptr_; std::mutex startup_mutex_; std::condition_variable startup_cond_; std::thread* thread_; static type_signal_end signal_end_; void timer_increment(); bool timeout_handler(); static void finished_handler(Glib::RefPtr mainloop); void thread_function(); }; class ThreadDispatcher : public sigc::trackable { public: ThreadDispatcher(); void launch_thread(); void end(); private: ThreadTimer* timer_; }; ThreadTimer::ThreadTimer() : time_(0), // Create a new Glib::Dispatcher that is attached to the default main context, signal_increment_(), // This pointer will be initialized later by the 2nd thread. signal_finished_ptr_(nullptr), thread_(nullptr) { // Connect the cross-thread signal. signal_increment_.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ThreadTimer::timer_increment)); } void ThreadTimer::launch() { // Unfortunately, the thread creation has to be fully synchronized in // order to access the Glib::Dispatcher object instantiated by the 2nd thread. // So, let's do some kind of hand-shake using a mutex and a condition // variable. std::unique_lock lock(startup_mutex_); // Create a joinable thread -- it needs to be joined, otherwise its destructor will block. thread_ = new std::thread([this]() { thread_function(); }); // Wait for the 2nd thread's startup notification. startup_cond_.wait(lock, [this]() -> bool { return signal_finished_ptr_; }); } void ThreadTimer::signal_finished_emit() { // Cause the 2nd thread's main loop to quit. signal_finished_ptr_->emit(); // wait for the thread to join if (thread_) { thread_->join(); delete thread_; thread_ = nullptr; } signal_finished_ptr_ = nullptr; } void ThreadTimer::print() const { std::cout << time_ << " seconds since start" << std::endl; } sigc::signal& ThreadTimer::signal_end() { return signal_end_; } void ThreadTimer::timer_increment() { // another second has passed since the start of the program ++time_; print(); if (time_ >= 10) signal_finished_emit(); } // static void ThreadTimer::finished_handler(Glib::RefPtr mainloop) { // quit the timer thread mainloop mainloop->quit(); std::cout << "timer thread mainloop finished" << std::endl; ThreadTimer::signal_end().emit(); } bool ThreadTimer::timeout_handler() { // inform the printing thread that another second has passed signal_increment_(); // this timer should stay alive return true; } void ThreadTimer::thread_function() { // create a new Main Context auto context = Glib::MainContext::create(); // create a new Main Loop auto mainloop = Glib::MainLoop::create(context, true); // attach a timeout handler, that is called every second, to the // newly created MainContext context->signal_timeout().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ThreadTimer::timeout_handler), 1000); // We need to lock while creating the Glib::Dispatcher instance, // in order to ensure memory visibility. std::unique_lock lock(startup_mutex_); // create a new dispatcher, that is connected to the newly // created MainContext Glib::Dispatcher signal_finished(context); signal_finished.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(&ThreadTimer::finished_handler), mainloop)); signal_finished_ptr_ = &signal_finished; // Tell the launcher thread that everything is in place now. // We unlock before notifying, because that is what the documentation suggests: // http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/condition_variable lock.unlock(); startup_cond_.notify_one(); // start the mainloop mainloop->run(); } // initialize static member: ThreadTimer::type_signal_end ThreadTimer::signal_end_; ThreadDispatcher::ThreadDispatcher() : timer_(nullptr) { std::cout << "Thread Dispatcher Example #2" << std::endl; timer_ = new ThreadTimer(); timer_->signal_end().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ThreadDispatcher::end)); timer_->print(); } void ThreadDispatcher::launch_thread() { // launch the timer thread timer_->launch(); } void ThreadDispatcher::end() { // quit the main mainloop main_loop->quit(); } } // anonymous namespace int main(int, char**) { Glib::init(); main_loop = Glib::MainLoop::create(); ThreadDispatcher dispatcher; // Install a one-shot idle handler to launch the threads Glib::signal_idle().connect_once(sigc::mem_fun(dispatcher, &ThreadDispatcher::launch_thread)); main_loop->run(); return 0; }