// -*- Mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- /* Copyright (C) 2010 The giomm Development Team * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include _DEFS(giomm,gio) namespace Gio { namespace DBus { _WRAP_ENUM(BusNameOwnerFlags, GBusNameOwnerFlags, s#^DBUS_##) /** For example, * void on_bus_acquired(const Glib::RefPtr& connection, * const Glib::ustring& name); * @newin{2,28} * @ingroup DBus */ typedef sigc::slot&, Glib::ustring> SlotBusAcquired; /** For example, * void on_name_acquired(const Glib::RefPtr& connection, * const Glib::ustring& name); * @ingroup DBus */ typedef sigc::slot&, Glib::ustring> SlotNameAcquired; /** For example, * void on_name_lost(const Glib::RefPtr& connection, * const Glib::ustring& name); * @ingroup DBus */ typedef sigc::slot&, Glib::ustring> SlotNameLost; //TODO: See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=646427 about the apparent uselessness of SlotNameAcquired. //TODO: Add example from C API in class docs. /** Starts acquiring @a name on the bus specified by @a bus_type and calls @a * name_acquired_slot and name_@a lost_slot when the name is acquired * respectively lost. Slots will be invoked in the thread-default main * loop of the thread you are calling this function from. * * You are guaranteed that one of the @a name_acquired_slot and @a * name_lost_slot slots will be invoked after calling this function - there * are three possible cases: * * - @a name_lost_slot with a NULL connection (if a connection to the bus * can't be made). * - @a bus_acquired_slot then @a name_lost_slot (if the name can't be * obtained) * - @a bus_acquired_slot then @a name_acquired_slot (if the name was * obtained). * * When you are done owning the name, just call unown_name() with the owner id * this function returns. * * If the name is acquired or lost (for example another application could * acquire the name if you allow replacement or the application currently * owning the name exits), the slots are also invoked. If the * Connection that is used for attempting to own the name closes, then * @a name_lost_slot is invoked since it is no longer possible for other * processes to access the process. * * You cannot use own_name() several times for the same name (unless * interleaved with calls to unown_name()) - only the first call will work. * * Another guarantee is that invocations of name_@a acquired_slot and * @a name_lost_slot are guaranteed to alternate; that is, if * @a name_acquired_slot is invoked then you are guaranteed that the next * time one of the slots is invoked, it will be @a name_lost_slot. The * reverse is also true. * * If you plan on exporting objects (using e.g. * Gio::DbusConnection::register_object()), note that it is generally too late * to export the objects in @a name_acquired_slot. Instead, you can do this * in @a bus_acquired_slot since you are guaranteed that this will run * before name is requested from the bus. * * This behavior makes it very simple to write applications that wants to own * names and export objects. * * @param bus_type The type of bus to own a name on. * @param name The well-known name to own. * @param bus_acquired_slot Slot to invoke when connected to the bus of * type bus_type. * @param name_acquired_slot Slot to invoke when name is acquired. * @param name_lost_slot Slot to invoke when name is lost. * @param flags A set of flags from the BusNameOwnerFlags enumeration. * @return An identifier (never 0) that an be used with unown_name() to stop * owning the name. * * @newin{2,28} * @ingroup DBus */ guint own_name( BusType bus_type, const Glib::ustring& name, const SlotBusAcquired& bus_acquired_slot = SlotBusAcquired(), const SlotNameAcquired& name_acquired_slot = SlotNameAcquired(), const SlotNameLost& name_lost_slot = SlotNameLost(), BusNameOwnerFlags flags = Gio::DBus::BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_NONE ); _IGNORE(g_bus_own_name) /** Stops owning a name. * @param owner_id An identifier obtained from own_name(). */ void unown_name(guint owner_id); _IGNORE(g_bus_unown_name) } // namespace DBus } // namespace Gio