/* Copyright (C) 2017 The giomm Development Team
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see .
namespace Gio
/** An Action reflecting a Glib::Object property.
* A %PropertyAction is a way to get an Action with a state value
* reflecting and controlling the value of a Glib::Object property.
* The state of the action will correspond to the value of the property.
* Changing it will change the property (assuming the requested value
* matches the requirements as specified in the GParamSpec, used when the
* property was installed).
* Only the most common types are presently supported. Booleans are
* mapped to booleans, strings to strings, signed/unsigned integers to
* int32/uint32 and floats and doubles to doubles.
* If the property is an enum then the state will be string-typed and
* conversion will automatically be performed between the enum value and
* "nick" string as per the GEnumValue table.
* Flags types are not currently supported.
* Properties of object types, boxed types and pointer types are not
* supported and probably never will be.
* Properties of Glib::Variant types are not currently supported.
* If the property is boolean-valued then the action will have a nullptr
* parameter type, and activating the action (with no parameter) will
* toggle the value of the property.
* In all other cases, the parameter type will correspond to the type of
* the property.
* The general idea here is to reduce the number of locations where a
* particular piece of state is kept (and therefore has to be synchronised
* between). %PropertyAction does not have a separate state that is kept
* in sync with the property value -- its state is the property value.
* For example, it might be useful to create an Action corresponding to
* property_visible_child_name() of a Gtk::Stack so that the current
* page can be switched from a menu. The active radio indication in the
* menu is then directly determined from the active page of the Gtk::Stack.
* An anti-example would be binding property_active_id() on a Gtk::ComboBox.
* This is because the state of the combobox itself is probably uninteresting
* and is actually being used to control something else.
* Another anti-example would be to bind to property_visible_child_name()
* of a Gtk::Stack if this value is actually stored in Gio::Settings.
* In that case, the real source of the value is
* Gio::Settings. If you want an Action to control a setting stored in
* Gio::Settings, see Gio::Settings::create_action() instead, and possibly
* combine its use with Gio::Settings::bind().
* @newin{2,58}
class GIOMM_API PropertyAction : public Glib::Object, public Action
_CLASS_GOBJECT(PropertyAction, GPropertyAction, G_PROPERTY_ACTION, Glib::Object, GObject, , , GIOMM_API)
PropertyAction(const Glib::ustring& name, const Glib::PropertyProxy_Base& property_proxy,
bool invert_boolean = false);
/** Creates an Action corresponding to the value of property @a property_proxy.
* The property must be existent and readable and writable (and not construct-only).
* This function takes a reference on the property's object and doesn't
* release it until the action is destroyed.
* @param name The name of the action to create.
* @param property_proxy The property to bind.
* @param invert_boolean If true, the state of the action will be
* the negation of the property value, provided the property is boolean.
* @return A new %PropertyAction.
* @newin{2,58}
_WRAP_CREATE(const Glib::ustring& name, const Glib::PropertyProxy_Base& property_proxy,
bool invert_boolean = false)
_WRAP_PROPERTY("name", Glib::ustring, newin "2,58")
_WRAP_PROPERTY("parameter-type", Glib::VariantType, newin "2,58")
_WRAP_PROPERTY("enabled", bool, newin "2,58")
_WRAP_PROPERTY("state-type", Glib::VariantType, newin "2,58")
_WRAP_PROPERTY("state", Glib::VariantBase, newin "2,58")
//_WRAP_PROPERTY("object", Glib::ObjectBase) // write-only, construct-only
//_WRAP_PROPERTY("property-name", Glib::ustring) // write-only, construct-only
_WRAP_PROPERTY("invert-boolean", bool, newin "2,58")
// There are no methods (apart from ctor and create), signals or vfuncs.
} // namespace Gio