/* Copyright (C) 2002 The gtkmm Development Team
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see .
#include // for std::size_t and optionally std::ptrdiff_t
#include // For std::move()
/* work around linker error on Visual Studio if we don't have GLIBMM_HAVE_ALLOWS_STATIC_INLINE_NPOS */
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1600 && !defined(GLIBMM_HAVE_ALLOWS_STATIC_INLINE_NPOS)
const std::basic_string::size_type std::basic_string::npos = (std::basic_string::size_type) -1;
namespace Glib
class ustring;
//********** Glib::StdStringView and Glib::UStringView *************
// It would be possible to replace StdStringView and UStringView with a
// template class BasicStringView + two type aliases defining StdStringView
// and UStringView. But Doxygen don't generate links to type aliases.
// It would also be possible to replace StdStringView and UStringView with
// a StringView class with 3 constructors, taking const std::string&,
// const Glib::ustring& and const char*, respectively. The split into two classes
// is by design. Using the wrong string class shall not be as easy as using
// the right string class.
/** Helper class to avoid unnecessary string copying in function calls.
* A %Glib::StdStringView holds a const char pointer. It can be used as an argument
* type in a function that passes a const char pointer to a C function.
* Unlike std::string_view, %Glib::StdStringView shall be used only for
* null-terminated strings.
* @code
* std::string f1(Glib::StdStringView s1, Glib::StdStringView s2);
* // can be used instead of
* std::string f2(const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2);
* @endcode
* The strings are not copied when f1() is called with string literals.
* @code
* auto r1 = f1("string 1", "string 2");
* @endcode
* To pass a Glib::ustring to a function taking a %Glib::StdStringView, you may have
* to use Glib::ustring::c_str().
* @code
* std::string str = "non-UTF8 string";
* Glib::ustring ustr = "UTF8 string";
* auto r1 = f1(str, ustr.c_str());
* @endcode
* @newin{2,64}
class GLIBMM_API StdStringView
StdStringView(const std::string& s) : pstring_(s.c_str()) {}
StdStringView(const char* s) : pstring_(s) {}
const char* c_str() const { return pstring_; }
const char* pstring_;
/** Helper class to avoid unnecessary string copying in function calls.
* A %Glib::UStringView holds a const char pointer. It can be used as an argument
* type in a function that passes a const char pointer to a C function.
* Unlike std::string_view, %Glib::UStringView shall be used only for
* null-terminated strings.
* @code
* Glib::ustring f1(Glib::UStringView s1, Glib::UStringView s2);
* // can be used instead of
* Glib::ustring f2(const Glib::ustring& s1, const Glib::ustring& s2);
* @endcode
* The strings are not copied when f1() is called with string literals.
* @code
* auto r1 = f1("string 1", "string 2");
* @endcode
* To pass a std::string to a function taking a %Glib::UStringView, you may have
* to use std::string::c_str().
* @code
* std::string str = "non-UTF8 string";
* Glib::ustring ustr = "UTF8 string";
* auto r1 = f1(str.c_str(), ustr);
* @endcode
* @newin{2,64}
class GLIBMM_API UStringView
inline UStringView(const Glib::ustring& s);
UStringView(const char* s) : pstring_(s) {}
const char* c_str() const { return pstring_; }
const char* pstring_;
struct IteratorTraits
using iterator_category = typename T::iterator_category;
using value_type = typename T::value_type;
using difference_type = typename T::difference_type;
using pointer = typename T::pointer;
using reference = typename T::reference;
struct IteratorTraits
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
using value_type = T;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
struct IteratorTraits
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
using value_type = T;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = const T*;
using reference = const T&;
/** The iterator type of Glib::ustring.
* Note this is not a random access iterator but a bidirectional one,
* since all index operations need to iterate over the UTF-8 data. Use
* std::advance() to move to a certain position. However, all of the
* relational operators are available:
* == != < > <= >=
* A writeable iterator isn't provided because: The number of bytes of
* the old UTF-8 character and the new one to write could be different.
* Therefore, any write operation would invalidate all other iterators
* pointing into the same string.
* The Glib::ustring iterated over must contain only valid UTF-8 data.
* If it does not, operator++(), operator-\-() and operator*() may make
* accesses outside the bounds of the string. A loop such as the following
* one would not stop at the end of the string.
* @code
* // Bad code! Don't do this!
* const char not_utf8[] = { '\x80', '\xef', '\x80', '\x80', '\xef', '\x80' };
* const Glib::ustring s(not_utf8, not_utf8 + sizeof not_utf8);
* for (Glib::ustring::const_iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it)
* std::cout << *it << std::endl;
* @endcode
* @tparam T std::string::iterator or std::string::const_iterator
class ustring_Iterator
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using value_type = gunichar;
using difference_type = std::string::difference_type;
using reference = value_type;
using pointer = void;
inline ustring_Iterator();
inline ustring_Iterator(const ustring_Iterator& other);
ustring_Iterator& operator=(const ustring_Iterator& other) = default;
inline value_type operator*() const;
inline ustring_Iterator& operator++();
inline const ustring_Iterator operator++(int);
inline ustring_Iterator& operator--();
inline const ustring_Iterator operator--(int);
explicit inline ustring_Iterator(T pos);
inline T base() const;
T pos_;
/** Extract a UCS-4 character from UTF-8 data.
* Convert a single UTF-8 (multibyte) character starting at @p pos to
* a UCS-4 wide character. This may read up to 6 bytes after the start
* position, depending on the UTF-8 character width. You have to make
* sure the source contains at least one valid UTF-8 character.
* This is mainly used by the implementation of Glib::ustring::iterator,
* but it might be useful as utility function if you prefer using
* std::string even for UTF-8 encoding.
gunichar get_unichar_from_std_iterator(std::string::const_iterator pos) G_GNUC_PURE;
/** %Glib::ustring has much the same interface as std::string, but contains
* %Unicode characters encoded as UTF-8.
* @par About UTF-8 and ASCII
* @par
* The standard character set ANSI_X3.4-1968 -- more commonly known as
* ASCII -- is a subset of UTF-8. So, if you want to, you can use
* %Glib::ustring without even thinking about UTF-8.
* @par
* Whenever ASCII is mentioned in this manual, we mean the @em real ASCII
* (i.e. as defined in ANSI_X3.4-1968), which contains only 7-bit characters.
* %Glib::ustring can @em not be used with ASCII-compatible extended 8-bit
* charsets like ISO-8859-1. It's a good idea to avoid string literals
* containing non-ASCII characters (e.g. German umlauts) in source code,
* or at least you should use UTF-8 literals.
* @par
* You can find a detailed UTF-8 and %Unicode FAQ here:
* http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html
* @par Glib::ustring vs. std::string
* @par
* %Glib::ustring has implicit type conversions to and from std::string.
* These conversions do @em not convert to/from the current locale (see
* Glib::locale_from_utf8() and Glib::locale_to_utf8() if you need that). You
* can always use std::string instead of %Glib::ustring -- however, using
* std::string with multi-byte characters is quite hard. For instance,
* std::string::operator[] might return a byte in the middle of a
* character, and std::string::length() returns the number of bytes
* rather than characters. So don't do that without a good reason.
* @par
* You cannot always use %Glib::ustring instead of std::string.
* @code
* Glib::ustring u("a_string_with_underscores");
* std::replace(u.begin(), u.end(), '_', ' '); // does not compile
* @endcode
* You can't use a Glib::ustring::iterator for writing to a %Glib::ustring.
* See the documentation of Glib::ustring_Iterator for differences between it
* and std::string::iterator.
* @par
* Many member functions and operators of %Glib::ustring and Glib::ustring_Iterator
* assume that the string contains only valid UTF-8 data. If it does not, memory
* outside the bounds of the string can be accessed. If you're uncertain, use
* validate() and/or make_valid().
* @par
* In a perfect world the C++ Standard Library would contain a UTF-8 string
* class. Unfortunately, the C++98 standard doesn't mention UTF-8 at all.
* C++11 has UTF-8 literals but no UTF-8 string class. Note
* that std::wstring is not a UTF-8 string class because it contains only
* fixed-width characters (where width could be 32, 16, or even 8 bits).
* @par Glib::ustring and stream input/output
* @par
* The stream I/O operators, that is operator<<() and operator>>(), perform
* implicit charset conversion to/from the current locale. If that's not
* what you intended (e.g. when writing to a configuration file that should
* always be UTF-8 encoded) use ustring::raw() to override this behaviour.
* @par
* If you're using std::ostringstream to build strings for display in the
* user interface, you must convert the result back to UTF-8 as shown below:
* @code
* std::locale::global(std::locale("")); // Set the global locale to the user's preferred locale.
* // Usually unnecessary here, because Glib::init()
* // does it for you.
* std::ostringstream output;
* output << percentage << " % done";
* label->set_text(Glib::locale_to_utf8(output.str()));
* @endcode
* @par Formatted output and internationalization
* @par
* The methods ustring::compose() and ustring::format() provide a convenient
* and powerful alternative to string streams, as shown in the example below.
* Refer to the method documentation of compose() and format() for details.
* @code
* using Glib::ustring;
* ustring message = ustring::compose("%1 is lower than 0x%2.",
* 12, ustring::format(std::hex, 16));
* @endcode
* @par Implementation notes
* @par
* %Glib::ustring does not inherit from std::string, because std::string was
* intended to be a final class. For instance, it does not have a virtual
* destructor. Also, a HAS-A relationship is more appropriate because
* ustring can't just enhance the std::string interface. Rather, it has to
* reimplement the interface so that all operations are based on characters
* instead of bytes.
class ustring
using size_type = std::string::size_type;
using difference_type = std::string::difference_type;
using value_type = gunichar;
using reference = gunichar&;
using const_reference = const gunichar&;
using iterator = ustring_Iterator;
using const_iterator = ustring_Iterator;
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator
typedef std::reverse_iterator
GLIBMM_API static const size_type npos = std::string::npos;
// The IRIX MipsPro compiler says "The indicated constant value is not known",
// so we need to initalize the static member data elsewhere.
GLIBMM_API static const size_type npos;
/*! Default constructor, which creates an empty string.
GLIBMM_API ustring();
GLIBMM_API ~ustring() noexcept;
/*! Construct a ustring as a copy of another ustring.
* @param other A source string.
GLIBMM_API ustring(const ustring& other);
/*! Construct a ustring by moving from another ustring.
* @param other A source string.
GLIBMM_API ustring(ustring&& other);
/*! Assign the value of another string by copying to this string.
* @param other A source string.
GLIBMM_API ustring& operator=(const ustring& other);
/*! Assign the value of another string by moving to this string.
* @param other A source string.
GLIBMM_API ustring& operator=(ustring&& other);
/*! Swap contents with another string.
* @param other String to swap with.
GLIBMM_API void swap(ustring& other);
/*! Construct a ustring as a copy of a std::string.
* @param src A source std::string containing text encoded as UTF-8.
GLIBMM_API ustring(const std::string& src);
/*! Construct a ustring by moving from a std::string.
* @param src A source std::string containing text encoded as UTF-8.
GLIBMM_API ustring(std::string&& src);
/*! Construct a ustring as a copy of a substring.
* @param src %Source ustring.
* @param i Index of first character to copy from.
* @param n Number of UTF-8 characters to copy (defaults to copying the remainder).
GLIBMM_API ustring(const ustring& src, size_type i, size_type n = npos);
/*! Construct a ustring as a partial copy of a C string.
* @param src %Source C string encoded as UTF-8.
* @param n Number of UTF-8 characters to copy.
GLIBMM_API ustring(const char* src, size_type n);
/*! Construct a ustring as a copy of a C string.
* @param src %Source C string encoded as UTF-8.
GLIBMM_API ustring(const char* src);
/*! Construct a ustring as multiple characters.
* @param n Number of characters.
* @param uc UCS-4 code point to use.
GLIBMM_API ustring(size_type n, gunichar uc);
/*! Construct a ustring as multiple characters.
* @param n Number of characters.
* @param c ASCII character to use.
GLIBMM_API ustring(size_type n, char c);
/*! Construct a ustring as a copy of a range.
* @param pbegin Start of range.
* @param pend End of range.
ustring(In pbegin, In pend);
//! @name Assign new contents.
//! @{
GLIBMM_API ustring& operator=(const std::string& src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& operator=(std::string&& src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& operator=(const char* src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& operator=(gunichar uc);
GLIBMM_API ustring& operator=(char c);
GLIBMM_API ustring& assign(const ustring& src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& assign(ustring&& src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& assign(const ustring& src, size_type i, size_type n);
GLIBMM_API ustring& assign(const char* src, size_type n);
GLIBMM_API ustring& assign(const char* src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& assign(size_type n, gunichar uc);
GLIBMM_API ustring& assign(size_type n, char c);
ustring& assign(In pbegin, In pend);
//! @}
//! @name Append to the string.
//! @{
GLIBMM_API ustring& operator+=(const ustring& src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& operator+=(const char* src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& operator+=(gunichar uc);
GLIBMM_API ustring& operator+=(char c);
GLIBMM_API void push_back(gunichar uc);
GLIBMM_API void push_back(char c);
GLIBMM_API ustring& append(const ustring& src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& append(const ustring& src, size_type i, size_type n);
GLIBMM_API ustring& append(const char* src, size_type n);
GLIBMM_API ustring& append(const char* src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& append(size_type n, gunichar uc);
GLIBMM_API ustring& append(size_type n, char c);
ustring& append(In pbegin, In pend);
//! @}
//! @name Insert into the string.
//! @{
GLIBMM_API ustring& insert(size_type i, const ustring& src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& insert(size_type i, const ustring& src, size_type i2, size_type n);
GLIBMM_API ustring& insert(size_type i, const char* src, size_type n);
GLIBMM_API ustring& insert(size_type i, const char* src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& insert(size_type i, size_type n, gunichar uc);
GLIBMM_API ustring& insert(size_type i, size_type n, char c);
GLIBMM_API iterator insert(iterator p, gunichar uc);
GLIBMM_API iterator insert(iterator p, char c);
GLIBMM_API void insert(iterator p, size_type n, gunichar uc);
GLIBMM_API void insert(iterator p, size_type n, char c);
void insert(iterator p, In pbegin, In pend);
//! @}
//! @name Replace sub-strings.
//! @{
GLIBMM_API ustring& replace(size_type i, size_type n, const ustring& src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& replace(size_type i, size_type n, const ustring& src, size_type i2, size_type n2);
GLIBMM_API ustring& replace(size_type i, size_type n, const char* src, size_type n2);
GLIBMM_API ustring& replace(size_type i, size_type n, const char* src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& replace(size_type i, size_type n, size_type n2, gunichar uc);
GLIBMM_API ustring& replace(size_type i, size_type n, size_type n2, char c);
GLIBMM_API ustring& replace(iterator pbegin, iterator pend, const ustring& src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& replace(iterator pbegin, iterator pend, const char* src, size_type n);
GLIBMM_API ustring& replace(iterator pbegin, iterator pend, const char* src);
GLIBMM_API ustring& replace(iterator pbegin, iterator pend, size_type n, gunichar uc);
GLIBMM_API ustring& replace(iterator pbegin, iterator pend, size_type n, char c);
ustring& replace(iterator pbegin, iterator pend, In pbegin2, In pend2);
//! @}
//! @name Erase sub-strings.
//! @{
GLIBMM_API void clear();
GLIBMM_API ustring& erase(size_type i, size_type n = npos);
GLIBMM_API ustring& erase();
GLIBMM_API iterator erase(iterator p);
GLIBMM_API iterator erase(iterator pbegin, iterator pend);
//! @}
//! @name Compare and collate.
//! @{
GLIBMM_API int compare(UStringView rhs) const;
GLIBMM_API int compare(size_type i, size_type n, UStringView rhs) const;
GLIBMM_API int compare(size_type i, size_type n, const ustring& rhs, size_type i2, size_type n2) const;
GLIBMM_API int compare(size_type i, size_type n, const char* rhs, size_type n2) const;
/*! Create a unique sorting key for the UTF-8 string. If you need to
* compare UTF-8 strings regularly, e.g. for sorted containers such as
* std::set<>, you should consider creating a collate key first
* and compare this key instead of the actual string.
* The ustring::compare() methods as well as the relational operators
* == != < > <= >= are quite costly
* because they have to deal with %Unicode and the collation rules defined by
* the current locale. Converting both operands to UCS-4 is just the first
* of several costly steps involved when comparing ustrings. So be careful.
GLIBMM_API std::string collate_key() const;
/*! Create a unique key for the UTF-8 string that can be used for caseless
* sorting. ustr.casefold_collate_key() results in the same string
* as ustr.casefold().collate_key(), but the former is likely more
* efficient.
GLIBMM_API std::string casefold_collate_key() const;
//! @}
//! @name Extract characters and sub-strings.
//! @{
/*! No reference return; use replace() to write characters. */
GLIBMM_API value_type operator[](size_type i) const;
/*! No reference return; use replace() to write characters. @throw std::out_of_range */
GLIBMM_API value_type at(size_type i) const;
GLIBMM_API inline ustring substr(size_type i = 0, size_type n = npos) const;
//! @}
//! @name Access a sequence of characters.
//! @{
GLIBMM_API iterator begin();
GLIBMM_API iterator end();
GLIBMM_API const_iterator begin() const;
GLIBMM_API const_iterator end() const;
GLIBMM_API reverse_iterator rbegin();
GLIBMM_API reverse_iterator rend();
GLIBMM_API const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
GLIBMM_API const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
* @newin{2,52}
GLIBMM_API const_iterator cbegin() const;
* @newin{2,52}
GLIBMM_API const_iterator cend() const;
//! @}
//! @name Find sub-strings.
//! @{
GLIBMM_API size_type find(const ustring& str, size_type i = 0) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find(const char* str, size_type i, size_type n) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find(const char* str, size_type i = 0) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find(gunichar uc, size_type i = 0) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find(char c, size_type i = 0) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type rfind(const ustring& str, size_type i = npos) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type rfind(const char* str, size_type i, size_type n) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type rfind(const char* str, size_type i = npos) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type rfind(gunichar uc, size_type i = npos) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type rfind(char c, size_type i = npos) const;
//! @}
//! @name Match against a set of characters.
//! @{
GLIBMM_API size_type find_first_of(const ustring& match, size_type i = 0) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_first_of(const char* match, size_type i, size_type n) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_first_of(const char* match, size_type i = 0) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_first_of(gunichar uc, size_type i = 0) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_first_of(char c, size_type i = 0) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_last_of(const ustring& match, size_type i = npos) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_last_of(const char* match, size_type i, size_type n) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_last_of(const char* match, size_type i = npos) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_last_of(gunichar uc, size_type i = npos) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_last_of(char c, size_type i = npos) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_first_not_of(const ustring& match, size_type i = 0) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_first_not_of(const char* match, size_type i, size_type n) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_first_not_of(const char* match, size_type i = 0) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_first_not_of(gunichar uc, size_type i = 0) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_first_not_of(char c, size_type i = 0) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_last_not_of(const ustring& match, size_type i = npos) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_last_not_of(const char* match, size_type i, size_type n) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_last_not_of(const char* match, size_type i = npos) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_last_not_of(gunichar uc, size_type i = npos) const;
GLIBMM_API size_type find_last_not_of(char c, size_type i = npos) const;
//! @}
//! @name Retrieve the string's size.
//! @{
/** Returns true if the string is empty. Equivalent to *this == "".
* @result Whether the string is empty.
GLIBMM_API bool empty() const;
/** Returns the number of characters in the string, not including any null-termination.
* @result The number of UTF-8 characters.
* @see bytes(), empty()
GLIBMM_API size_type size() const;
// We have length() as well as size(), because std::string has both.
/** This is the same as size().
GLIBMM_API size_type length() const;
/** Returns the number of bytes in the string, not including any null-termination.
* @result The number of bytes.
* @see size(), empty()
GLIBMM_API size_type bytes() const;
//! @}
//! @name Change the string's size.
//! @{
GLIBMM_API void resize(size_type n, gunichar uc);
GLIBMM_API void resize(size_type n, char c = '\0');
//! @}
//! @name Control the allocated memory.
//! @{
GLIBMM_API size_type capacity() const;
GLIBMM_API size_type max_size() const;
GLIBMM_API void reserve(size_type n = 0);
//! @}
//! @name Get a per-byte representation of the string.
//! @{
GLIBMM_API inline operator std::string() const; // e.g. std::string str = ustring();
GLIBMM_API inline const std::string& raw() const;
/*! Return the stored string, moved from the %ustring.
* @newin{2,74}
GLIBMM_API inline std::string release();
// Not necessarily an ASCII char*. Use g_utf8_*() where necessary.
GLIBMM_API const char* data() const;
GLIBMM_API const char* c_str() const;
/*! @return Number of copied @em bytes, not characters. */
GLIBMM_API size_type copy(char* dest, size_type n, size_type i = 0) const;
//! @}
//! @name UTF-8 utilities.
//! @{
/*! Check whether the string is valid UTF-8. */
GLIBMM_API bool validate() const;
/*! Check whether the string is valid UTF-8. */
GLIBMM_API bool validate(iterator& first_invalid);
/*! Check whether the string is valid UTF-8. */
GLIBMM_API bool validate(const_iterator& first_invalid) const;
/*! Return a copy that is a valid UTF-8 string replacing invalid bytes in the
* original with %Unicode replacement character (U+FFFD).
* If the string is valid, return a copy of it.
GLIBMM_API ustring make_valid() const;
/*! Check whether the string is plain 7-bit ASCII. @par
* Unlike any other ustring method, is_ascii() is safe to use on invalid
* UTF-8 strings. If the string isn't valid UTF-8, it cannot be valid
* ASCII either, therefore is_ascii() will just return @c false then.
* @return Whether the string contains only ASCII characters.
GLIBMM_API bool is_ascii() const;
/*! "Normalize" the %Unicode character representation of the string. */
GLIBMM_API ustring normalize(NormalizeMode mode = NormalizeMode::DEFAULT_COMPOSE) const;
//! @}
//! @name Character case conversion.
//! @{
/*! Returns a new UTF-8 string with all characters characters converted to
* their uppercase equivalent, while honoring the current locale. The
* resulting string may change in the number of bytes as well as in the
* number of characters. For instance, the German sharp s
* "ß" will be replaced by two characters
* "SS" because there is no capital "ß".
GLIBMM_API ustring uppercase() const;
/*! Returns a new UTF-8 string with all characters characters converted to
* their lowercase equivalent, while honoring the current locale. The
* resulting string may change in the number of bytes as well as in the
* number of characters.
GLIBMM_API ustring lowercase() const;
/*! Returns a caseless representation of the UTF-8 string. The resulting
* string doesn't correspond to any particular case, therefore the result
* is only useful to compare strings and should never be displayed to the
* user.
GLIBMM_API ustring casefold() const;
//! @}
//! @name Message formatting.
//! @{
/* Returns fmt as is, but checks for invalid references in the format string.
* @newin{2,18}
GLIBMM_API static inline ustring compose(const ustring& fmt);
/*! Substitute placeholders in a format string with the referenced arguments.
* The template string uses a similar format to Qt’s QString class, in that
* %1, %2, and so on to %9 are used as placeholders
* to be substituted with the string representation of the @a args 1–9, while
* %% inserts a literal % in the output. Placeholders do not
* have to appear in the same order as their corresponding function arguments.
* @par Example:
* @code
* using Glib::ustring;
* const int percentage = 50;
* const ustring text = ustring::compose("%1%% done", percentage);
* @endcode
* @param fmt The template string, in the format described above.
* @param args 1 to 9 arguments to substitute for %1 to %9
* respectively.
* @return The substituted message string.
* @throw Glib::ConvertError
* @newin{2,58}
static inline ustring compose(const ustring& fmt, const Ts&... args);
/*! Format the argument(s) to a string representation.
* Applies the arguments in order to an std::wostringstream and returns the
* resulting string. I/O manipulators may also be used as arguments. This
* greatly simplifies the common task of converting a number to a string, as
* demonstrated by the example below. The format() methods can also be used
* in conjunction with compose() to facilitate localization of user-visible
* messages.
* @code
* using Glib::ustring;
* double value = 22.0 / 7.0;
* ustring text = ustring::format(std::fixed, std::setprecision(2), value);
* @endcode
* @note The use of a wide character stream in the implementation of format()
* is almost completely transparent. However, one of the instances where the
* use of wide streams becomes visible is when the std::setfill() stream
* manipulator is used. In order for std::setfill() to work the argument
* must be of type wchar_t. This can be achieved by using the
* L prefix with a character literal, as shown in the example.
* @code
* using Glib::ustring;
* // Insert leading zeroes to fill in at least six digits
* ustring text = ustring::format(std::setfill(L'0'), std::setw(6), 123);
* @endcode
* @param args One or more streamable values or I/O manipulators.
* @return The string representation of the argument stream.
* @throw Glib::ConvertError
* @newin{2,58}
static inline ustring format(const Ts&... args);
/*! Substitute placeholders in a format string with the referenced arguments.
* This function takes a template string in the format used by C’s
* printf() family of functions and an arbitrary number of arguments,
* replaces each placeholder in the template with the formatted version of its
* corresponding argument at the same ordinal position in the list of
* subsequent arguments, and returns the result in a new Glib::ustring.
* Note: You must pass the correct count/types/order of arguments to match
* the format string, as when calling printf() directly. glibmm does
* not check this for you. Breaking this contract invokes undefined behavior
* and is a security risk.
* The exception is that glibmm special-cases std::string and Glib::ustring,
* so you can pass them in positions corresponding to %s placeholders
* without having to call their .c_str() functions; glibmm does that for you.
* glibmm also overloads sprintf() with @p fmt but no @p args to avoid risks.
* Said restriction also makes sprintf() unsuitable for translatable strings,
* as translators cannot reorder the placeholders to suit their language. If
* you wish to support translation, you should instead use compose(), as its
* placeholders are numbered rather than ordinal, so they can be moved freely.
* @par Example:
* @code
* const auto greeting = std::string{"Hi"};
* const auto name = Glib::ustring{"Dennis"};
* const auto your_cows = 3;
* const auto my_cows = 11;
* const auto cow_percentage = 100.0 * your_cows / my_cows;
* const auto text = Glib::ustring::sprintf(
* "%s, %s! You have %d cows. That's about %0.2f%% of the %d cows I have.",
* greeting, name, your_cows, cow_percentage, my_cows);
* std::cout << text;
* // Hi, Dennis! You have 3 cows. That's about 27.27% of the 11 cows I have.
* @endcode
* @param fmt The template string, in the format used by printf() et al.
* @param args A set of arguments having the count/types/order required by @a fmt.
* @return The substituted string.
* @newin{2,62}
static inline ustring sprintf(const ustring& fmt, const Ts&... args);
/*! Overload of sprintf() taking a string literal.
* The main benefit of this is not constructing a temporary ustring if @p fmt
* is a string literal. A secondary effect is that it might encourage compilers
* to check if the given format @p fmt matches the variadic arguments @p args.
* The latter effect is a convenience at best; you must not rely on it to find
* errors in your code, as your compiler might not always be able to do so.
* @param fmt The template string, in the format used by printf() et al.
* @param args A set of arguments having the count/types/order required by @a fmt.
* @return The substituted string.
* @newin{2,62}
static inline ustring sprintf(const char* fmt, const Ts&... args);
/*! Overload of sprintf() for a format string only, which returns it unchanged.
* If no @p args to be substituted are given, there is nothing to do, so the
* @p fmt string is returned as-is without substitution. This is an obvious
* case of mismatched format/args that we can check. Not doing so causes
* warnings/errors with common compiler options, as it is a security risk.
* @param fmt The string
* @return The same string.
* @newin{2,62}
GLIBMM_API static inline ustring sprintf(const ustring& fmt);
/*! Overload of sprintf() for a format string only, which returns it unchanged
* and avoids creating a temporary ustring as the argument.
* @param fmt The string
* @return The same string, as a ustring.
* @newin{2,62}
GLIBMM_API static inline ustring sprintf(const char* fmt);
//! @}
template ::value_type>
template ::value_type>
struct SequenceToString;
// The Tru64 compiler needs these partial specializations to be declared here,
// as well as defined later. That's probably correct. murrayc.
struct SequenceToString;
struct SequenceToString;
class Stringify;
GLIBMM_API static ustring compose_private(const ustring& fmt, std::initializer_list ilist);
class FormatStream;
template static inline const T& sprintify(const T& arg);
GLIBMM_API static inline const char* sprintify(const ustring& arg);
GLIBMM_API static inline const char* sprintify(const std::string& arg);
std::string string_;
struct ustring::SequenceToString
struct ustring::SequenceToString : public std::string
SequenceToString(In pbegin, In pend);
struct ustring::SequenceToString : public std::string
SequenceToString(In pbegin, In pend);
template <>
struct ustring::SequenceToString : public std::string
GLIBMM_API SequenceToString(Glib::ustring::iterator pbegin, Glib::ustring::iterator pend);
template <>
struct ustring::SequenceToString : public std::string
GLIBMM_API SequenceToString(Glib::ustring::const_iterator pbegin, Glib::ustring::const_iterator pend);
class ustring::FormatStream
// noncopyable
FormatStream(const ustring::FormatStream&) = delete;
FormatStream& operator=(const ustring::FormatStream&) = delete;
using StreamType = std::wostringstream;
using StreamType = std::ostringstream;
StreamType stream_;
GLIBMM_API FormatStream();
GLIBMM_API ~FormatStream() noexcept;
inline void stream(const T& value);
GLIBMM_API inline void stream(const char* value);
// This overload exists to avoid the templated stream() being called for non-const char*.
GLIBMM_API inline void stream(char* value);
GLIBMM_API ustring to_string() const;
/** Stream input operator.
* @relates Glib::ustring
* @throw Glib::ConvertError
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Glib::ustring& utf8_string);
/** Stream output operator.
* @relates Glib::ustring
* @throw Glib::ConvertError
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Glib::ustring& utf8_string);
/** Wide stream input operator.
* @relates Glib::ustring
* @throw Glib::ConvertError
std::wistream& operator>>(std::wistream& is, ustring& utf8_string);
/** Wide stream output operator.
* @relates Glib::ustring
* @throw Glib::ConvertError
std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream& os, const ustring& utf8_string);
/* Inline implementation */
/**** Glib::ustring_Iterator<> *********************************************/
inline ustring_Iterator::ustring_Iterator(T pos) : pos_(pos)
inline T
ustring_Iterator::base() const
return pos_;
inline ustring_Iterator::ustring_Iterator() : pos_()
inline ustring_Iterator::ustring_Iterator(const ustring_Iterator& other)
: pos_(other.base())
inline typename ustring_Iterator::value_type ustring_Iterator::operator*() const
return Glib::get_unichar_from_std_iterator(pos_);
inline ustring_Iterator& ustring_Iterator::operator++()
pos_ += g_utf8_skip[static_cast(*pos_)];
return *this;
inline const ustring_Iterator ustring_Iterator::operator++(int)
const ustring_Iterator temp(*this);
return temp;
inline ustring_Iterator& ustring_Iterator::operator--()
while ((static_cast(*--pos_) & 0xC0u) == 0x80)
return *this;
inline const ustring_Iterator ustring_Iterator::operator--(int)
const ustring_Iterator temp(*this);
return temp;
/** @relates Glib::ustring_Iterator */
inline bool
operator==(const Glib::ustring::const_iterator& lhs, const Glib::ustring::const_iterator& rhs)
return (lhs.base() == rhs.base());
/** @relates Glib::ustring_Iterator */
inline bool
operator!=(const Glib::ustring::const_iterator& lhs, const Glib::ustring::const_iterator& rhs)
return (lhs.base() != rhs.base());
/** @relates Glib::ustring_Iterator */
inline bool
operator<(const Glib::ustring::const_iterator& lhs, const Glib::ustring::const_iterator& rhs)
return (lhs.base() < rhs.base());
/** @relates Glib::ustring_Iterator */
inline bool
operator>(const Glib::ustring::const_iterator& lhs, const Glib::ustring::const_iterator& rhs)
return (lhs.base() > rhs.base());
/** @relates Glib::ustring_Iterator */
inline bool
operator<=(const Glib::ustring::const_iterator& lhs, const Glib::ustring::const_iterator& rhs)
return (lhs.base() <= rhs.base());
/** @relates Glib::ustring_Iterator */
inline bool
operator>=(const Glib::ustring::const_iterator& lhs, const Glib::ustring::const_iterator& rhs)
return (lhs.base() >= rhs.base());
/**** Glib::ustring::SequenceToString **************************************/
ustring::SequenceToString::SequenceToString(In pbegin, In pend)
: std::string(pbegin, pend)
ustring::SequenceToString::SequenceToString(In pbegin, In pend)
char utf8_buf[6]; // stores a single UTF-8 character
for (; pbegin != pend; ++pbegin)
const std::string::size_type utf8_len = g_unichar_to_utf8(*pbegin, utf8_buf);
this->append(utf8_buf, utf8_len);
/**** Glib::ustring::FormatStream ******************************************/
inline void
ustring::FormatStream::stream(const T& value)
stream_ << value;
inline void
ustring::FormatStream::stream(const char* value)
stream_ << ustring(value);
inline void
ustring::FormatStream::stream(char* value)
stream_ << ustring(value);
/**** Glib::ustring ********************************************************/
ustring::ustring(In pbegin, In pend) : string_(Glib::ustring::SequenceToString(pbegin, pend))
ustring::assign(In pbegin, In pend)
Glib::ustring::SequenceToString temp_string(pbegin, pend);
string_.swap(temp_string); // constant-time operation
return *this;
ustring::append(In pbegin, In pend)
string_.append(Glib::ustring::SequenceToString(pbegin, pend));
return *this;
ustring::insert(ustring::iterator p, In pbegin, In pend)
size_type pos = p.base() - string_.begin();
string_.insert(pos, Glib::ustring::SequenceToString(pbegin, pend));
ustring::replace(ustring::iterator pbegin, ustring::iterator pend, In pbegin2, In pend2)
string_.replace(pbegin.base(), pend.base(), Glib::ustring::SequenceToString(pbegin2, pend2));
return *this;
// The ustring methods substr() and operator std::string() are inline,
// so that the compiler has a fair chance to optimize the copy ctor away.
inline ustring
ustring::substr(ustring::size_type i, ustring::size_type n) const
return ustring(*this, i, n);
inline ustring::operator std::string() const
return string_;
inline const std::string&
ustring::raw() const
return string_;
inline std::string
return std::move(string_);
inline // static
ustring::format(const Ts&... args)
ustring::FormatStream buf;
(buf.stream(args), ...);
return buf.to_string();
/** An inner class used by ustring.
class ustring::Stringify
const ustring string_;
explicit inline Stringify(const T& arg) : string_(ustring::format(arg)) {}
// noncopyable
Stringify(const ustring::Stringify&) = delete;
Stringify& operator=(const ustring::Stringify&) = delete;
inline const ustring& ref() const { return string_; }
/// A template specialization for Stringify:
template <>
class ustring::Stringify
const ustring& string_;
explicit inline Stringify(const ustring& arg) : string_(arg) {}
// noncopyable
Stringify(const ustring::Stringify&) = delete;
Stringify& operator=(const ustring::Stringify&) = delete;
inline const ustring& ref() const { return string_; }
/** A template specialization for Stringify,
* because the regular template has ambiguous constructor overloads for char*.
template <>
class ustring::Stringify
const ustring string_;
explicit inline Stringify(const char* arg) : string_(arg) {}
// noncopyable
Stringify(const ustring::Stringify&) = delete;
Stringify& operator=(const ustring::Stringify&) = delete;
inline const ustring& ref() const { return string_; }
/** A template specialization for Stringify (for string literals),
* because the regular template has ambiguous constructor overloads for char*.
class ustring::Stringify
const ustring string_;
explicit inline Stringify(const char arg[N]) : string_(arg) {}
// noncopyable
Stringify(const ustring::Stringify&) = delete;
Stringify& operator=(const ustring::Stringify&) = delete;
inline const ustring& ref() const { return string_; }
/** A template specialization for Stringify (for string literals),
* because the regular template has ambiguous constructor overloads for char*
* on later versions of Visual C++ (2008 and later at least).
class ustring::Stringify
const ustring string_;
explicit inline Stringify(const char arg[N]) : string_(arg) {}
// noncopyable
Stringify(const ustring::Stringify&) = delete;
Stringify& operator=(const ustring::Stringify&) = delete;
inline const ustring& ref() const { return string_; }
/* These helper functions used by ustring::sprintf() let users pass C++ strings
* to match %s placeholders, without the hassle of writing .c_str() in user code
inline // static
const T&
ustring::sprintify(const T& arg)
return arg;
inline // static
const char*
ustring::sprintify(const ustring& arg)
return arg.c_str();
inline // static
const char*
ustring::sprintify(const std::string& arg)
return arg.c_str();
// Public methods
inline // static
ustring::compose(const ustring& fmt)
return ustring::compose_private(fmt, {});
inline // static
ustring::compose(const ustring& fmt, const Ts&... args)
static_assert(sizeof...(Ts) <= 9,
"ustring::compose only supports up to 9 placeholders.");
return compose_private(fmt, {&Stringify(args).ref()...});
inline // static
ustring::sprintf(const ustring& fmt, const Ts&... args)
return sprintf(fmt.c_str(), args...);
inline // static
ustring::sprintf(const char* fmt, const Ts&... args)
auto c_str = g_strdup_printf(fmt, sprintify(args)...);
Glib::ustring ustr(c_str);
return ustr;
inline // static
ustring::sprintf(const ustring& fmt)
return fmt;
inline // static
ustring::sprintf(const char* fmt)
return ustring(fmt);
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline void
swap(ustring& lhs, ustring& rhs)
/**** Glib::ustring -- comparison operators ********************************/
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
template >>
inline bool
operator==(const ustring& lhs, const T& rhs)
return (lhs.compare(rhs) == 0);
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline bool
operator==(UStringView lhs, const ustring& rhs)
return (rhs.compare(lhs) == 0);
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
template >>
inline bool
operator!=(const ustring& lhs, const T& rhs)
return (lhs.compare(rhs) != 0);
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline bool
operator!=(UStringView lhs, const ustring& rhs)
return (rhs.compare(lhs) != 0);
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
template >>
inline bool
operator<(const ustring& lhs, const T& rhs)
return (lhs.compare(rhs) < 0);
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline bool
operator<(UStringView lhs, const ustring& rhs)
return (rhs.compare(lhs) > 0);
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
template >>
inline bool
operator>(const ustring& lhs, const T& rhs)
return (lhs.compare(rhs) > 0);
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline bool
operator>(UStringView lhs, const ustring& rhs)
return (rhs.compare(lhs) < 0);
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
template >>
inline bool
operator<=(const ustring& lhs, const T& rhs)
return (lhs.compare(rhs) <= 0);
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline bool
operator<=(UStringView lhs, const ustring& rhs)
return (rhs.compare(lhs) >= 0);
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
template >>
inline bool
operator>=(const ustring& lhs, const T& rhs)
return (lhs.compare(rhs) >= 0);
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline bool
operator>=(UStringView lhs, const ustring& rhs)
return (rhs.compare(lhs) <= 0);
// Don't allow implicit conversion of integer 0 to nullptr in the relational operators.
// If the int versions of the relational operators are not deleted, attempts to
// compare with other integer values than 0 can result in really unexpected behaviour.
// See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=572978#c10
bool operator==(const ustring& lhs, int rhs) = delete;
bool operator==(int lhs, const ustring& rhs) = delete;
bool operator!=(const ustring& lhs, int rhs) = delete;
bool operator!=(int lhs, const ustring& rhs) = delete;
bool operator<(const ustring& lhs, int rhs) = delete;
bool operator<(int lhs, const ustring& rhs) = delete;
bool operator>(const ustring& lhs, int rhs) = delete;
bool operator>(int lhs, const ustring& rhs) = delete;
bool operator<=(const ustring& lhs, int rhs) = delete;
bool operator<=(int lhs, const ustring& rhs) = delete;
bool operator>=(const ustring& lhs, int rhs) = delete;
bool operator>=(int lhs, const ustring& rhs) = delete;
/**** Glib::ustring -- concatenation operators *****************************/
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline ustring
operator+(const ustring& lhs, const ustring& rhs)
ustring temp(lhs);
temp += rhs;
return temp;
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline ustring
operator+(const ustring& lhs, const char* rhs)
ustring temp(lhs);
temp += rhs;
return temp;
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline ustring
operator+(const char* lhs, const ustring& rhs)
ustring temp(lhs);
temp += rhs;
return temp;
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline ustring
operator+(const ustring& lhs, gunichar rhs)
ustring temp(lhs);
temp += rhs;
return temp;
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline ustring
operator+(gunichar lhs, const ustring& rhs)
ustring temp(1, lhs);
temp += rhs;
return temp;
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline ustring
operator+(const ustring& lhs, char rhs)
ustring temp(lhs);
temp += rhs;
return temp;
/** @relates Glib::ustring */
inline ustring
operator+(char lhs, const ustring& rhs)
ustring temp(1, lhs);
temp += rhs;
return temp;
//********** Glib::StdStringView and Glib::UStringView *************
inline UStringView::UStringView(const ustring& s) : pstring_(s.c_str()) {}
} // namespace Glib
#endif /* _GLIBMM_USTRING_H */