#! /usr/bin/perl # The lisp definitions for flags does not include order. # thus we must extract it ourselves. # Usage: ./enum.pl /gnome/head/cvs/gconf/gconf/*.h > gconf_enums.defs use warnings; use strict; use File::Spec; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; # # globals. # # keeps enum values. my %tokens = (); # module name. my $module = "none"; # if user used --help option. my $help = 0; # if user wants to omit deprecated stuff. my $omit = 0; # # prototypes. # sub parse($); sub process($$); sub form_names($$); # # main. # GetOptions('module=s' => \$module, 'help' => \$help, 'omit-deprecated'=> \$omit); if ($help or not @ARGV) { print "enum.pl [--module modname][--omit-deprecated] header_files ...\n"; exit 0; } foreach my $file (@ARGV) { parse($file); } exit; # # parse enums from C. # sub parse($) { my ($file) = @_; my $fd = IO::File->new($file, "r"); unless (defined $fd) { print STDERR "WARNING: Unable to open file: '" . $file . "'.\n"; return; } # 1, if we are inside enum. my $enum = 0; # 1 or more, if we are inside deprecated lines. my $deprecated = 0; # 1, if we are inside multiline comment. my $comment = 0; # line containing whole enum preprocessed definition to be processed. my $line = ""; # line containing whole enum raw definition. my $raw_line = ""; # 1, if we already printed comment about basename of header file containing # enums. my $from = 0; # 1, if only right bracket was found, not name. my $rbracket_only = 0; while(<$fd>) { my $tmp_rawline = $_; if ($enum) { $raw_line .= ";; " . $tmp_rawline; } if($comment) { # end of multiline comment. if (m!\*/(.*)!) # / just to fix frigging highlighting in gedit { $comment = 0; if ($enum) { $line .= $1; } } next; } # omit deprecated stuff. if ($omit and /^\s*#.*(if\s*!\s*defined)|(ifndef)\s*\(?\s*[A-Z_]+_DISABLE_DEPRECATED\s*\)?/) { ++$deprecated; next; } ++$deprecated if ($deprecated > 0 and /^#\s*if/); if ($deprecated > 0 and /^#\s*endif/) { --$deprecated; next; } next if ($deprecated > 0); # discard any preprocessor directives inside enums. next if ($enum and /^\s*#/); # filter single-line comments. s!/\*.*?\*/!!g; s!//.*$!!; # beginning of multiline comment. if (m!^(.*)/\*!) { $comment = 1; if ($enum) { $line .= $1 . "\n"; } next; } # XXX: what does it do? s/','/\%\%COMMA\%\%/; s/'}'/\%\%RBRACE\%\%/; # we have found an enum. if (/^\s*typedef enum/ ) { my $basename = File::Spec->splitpath($file); print(';; From ', $basename, "\n\n") unless ($from); $from = 1; $enum = 1; $raw_line .= ";; " . $tmp_rawline; next; } # we have found end of an enum. if ($enum and /\}/ or $rbracket_only) { # if the same line also consists ';' - that means there is a typedef name # between '}' and ';'. if (/;/) { my $def = ($rbracket_only ? ("} " . $_) : ($_)); $enum = 0; print ";; Original typedef:\n"; print $raw_line . "\n"; process($line, $def); $line = ""; $raw_line = ""; $rbracket_only = 0; } # we assume there is no such definition formed like this: # typedef enum # { # ... # } MyTypedef # ; # that would be stupid. else { $rbracket_only = 1; # don't append useless lines to $line. next; } } $line .= $_ if ($enum); } $fd->close(); } # # convert enums to lisp. # sub process($$) { my ($line,$def) = @_; # strip whitespace and closing bracket before the name and whitespace and # colon after the name. $def =~ s/\s*\}\s*//g; $def =~ s/\s*;\s*$//; my $c_name = $def; # replace all excessive whitespaces with one space. $line =~ s/\s+/ /g; # get rid of any comments. $line =~ s!/\*.*\*/!!g; # get rid of opening bracket. $line =~ s/\s*{\s*//; # lets employ some heuristics. :) my %e_h = ("enum" => 0, "flags" => 0); # c_name = module + def. $c_name =~ /^([A-Z][a-z]*)/; $module = $1 if ($module eq "none"); $def =~ s/\Q$module\E//; # names and their values. my @c_names = (); my @numbers = (); # val - default value for enum, gets incremented after every value processed. my $val = 0; # these are just for case when enum value is equal to a some sort of unknown # value - preprocessor define or other enum. my $unknown_flag = 0; my $unknown_val = ""; my $unknown_base = ""; my $unknown_increment = 0; foreach my $i (split(/,/, $line)) { # remove leading and trailing spaces. $i =~ s/^\s+//; $i =~ s/\s+$//; # also remove backslashes as some people like to add them before newlines... $i =~ s/\\//g; # if only name exists [like MY_ENUM_VALUE]. if ($i =~ /^\S+$/) { push(@c_names, $i); if ($unknown_flag) { push(@numbers, $unknown_val); $tokens{$i} = $unknown_val; } else { push(@numbers, sprintf("%d", $val)); $tokens{$i} = $val; } $e_h{"enum"}++; } # if name with value exists [like MY_FLAG_VALUE = 0x2 or 0x5 << 22 # or 42 or -13 (in this case entity is still enum, not flags) # or 1 << 2 or (1 << 4) or (1 << 5) - 1]. elsif ($i =~ /^(\S+)\s*=?\s*(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+[\s0-9a-fx<-]*)$/ or $i =~ /^(\S+)\s*=?\s*(-?\s*[0-9]+)$/ or $i =~ /^(\S+)\s*=?\s*(\(?1\s*<<\s*[0-9]+\s*\)?[\s0-9a-fx<-]*)$/ ) { my ($tmp1, $tmp2) = ($1, $2); push(@c_names, $tmp1); # i do not know who thought that writing '- 1' as enum value is grrreat # idea - strip whitespaces between unary minus and a digit. if ($tmp2 =~ /^-\s+/) { $tmp2 =~ s/\s+//; } eval("\$val = $tmp2;"); if ($tmp2 =~ /^\(?1\s*< 1) { $e_h{"flags"}++; } else { $e_h{"enum"}++; } foreach my $tmpval (@tmps) { # if r-value is something like MY_FLAG or MY_DEFINE_VALUE3. if ($tmpval =~ /([_A-Z0-9]+)/) { my $tmp3 = $1; unless (defined($tokens{$tmp3})) { $dont_eval = 1; print STDERR "WARNING: " . $tmp3 . " value of " . $tmp1 . " element in '" . $c_name . "' enum is an unknown token.\n" . "It probably is one of below:\n" . " - preprocessor value - make sure that header defining this value is included in sources wrapping " . $c_name . ".\n" . " - enum value from other header or module - see 'preprocessor value'.\n" . " - typo (happens rarely) - send a patch fixing this to maintainer of this module.\n"; # unknown value often makes a flag. $e_h{"flags"}++; } else { $tmp2 =~ s/$tmp3/$tokens{$tmp3}/; } } # else is a numeric value, so we do not do anything. } # check if there are still same non-numerical values. if ($tmp2 =~ /[_A-Z]+/) { $dont_eval = 1; } unless ($dont_eval) { eval("\$val = $tmp2;"); # TODO: "0x%X" format should not be used if, in the end, parsed typedef # is an enum. # $val = sprintf("0x%X", $val); push(@numbers, $val); $tokens{$tmp1} = $val; $unknown_flag = 0; } else { push(@numbers, $tmp2); $unknown_flag = 1; # wrapping in safety parens. $unknown_base = "(" . $tmp2 . ")"; $unknown_increment = 0; $tokens{$tmp1} = $unknown_base; } } # if name with char exists (like MY_ENUM_VALUE = 'a'). elsif ($i =~ /^(\S+)\s*=\s*'(.)'$/) { push(@c_names, $1); push(@numbers, "\'$2\'"); $val = ord($2); $tokens{$1} = $val; $unknown_flag = 0; $e_h{"enum"}++; } # if... XXX: I do not know what is matched here. elsif ($i =~ /^(\S+)\s*=\s*(\%\%[A-Z]+\%\%)$/) { my $tmp = $1; $_ = $2; s/\%\%COMMA\%\%/,/; s/\%\%RBRACE\%\%/]/; push(@c_names, $tmp); push(@numbers, "\'$_\'"); $val = ord($_); $tokens{$tmp} = $val; $unknown_flag = 0; $e_h{"enum"}++; } # it should not get here. else { print STDERR "WARNING: I do not know how to parse it: '" . $i . "' in '" . $c_name . "'.\n"; } if ($unknown_flag) { $unknown_increment++; $unknown_val = $unknown_base . " + " . $unknown_increment; } else { $val++; } } my $entity; # if there are 'Flags' at the end of C name, they are flags. if not, let # heuristics decide. if ($c_name =~ /Flags$/ or $e_h{"flags"} >= $e_h{"enum"}) { $entity = "flags"; } else { $entity = "enum"; } # get nicks. my $ref_names = form_names($c_name, \@c_names); # set format - decimal for enums, hexadecimal for flags. my $format = "%d"; $format = "0x%X" if ($entity eq "flags"); # evaluate any unevaluated values and format them properly, if applicable. for (my $j = 0; $j < @numbers; $j++) { if ($numbers[$j] =~ /\$/) { $numbers[$j] = eval($numbers[$j]); } if ($numbers[$j] =~ /[0-9a-fA-F]+/ and $numbers[$j] !~ /[_G-Zg-z<]/) { $numbers[$j] = sprintf($format, $numbers[$j]); } } # print the defs. print "(define-$entity-extended $def\n"; print " (in-module \"$module\")\n"; print " (c-name \"$c_name\")\n"; print " (values\n"; for (my $j = 0; $j < @c_names; $j++) { print " \'(\"$ref_names->[$j]\" \"$c_names[$j]\""; print " \"$numbers[$j]\"" if ($numbers[$j] ne ""); print ")\n"; } print " )\n"; print ")\n\n"; } # # form nicks from C names. # sub form_names($$) { my ($c_name, $c_names) = @_; my @names = (); # search for length of a prefix. my $len = length($c_names->[0]) - 1; # if there is more than one value in enum, just search for a common part. if (@{$c_names} > 1) { NAME: for (my $j = 0; $j < @{$c_names} - 1; $j++) { while (substr($c_names->[$j], $len - 1, 1) ne "_" or substr($c_names->[$j], 0, $len) ne substr($c_names->[$j + 1], 0, $len)) { $len--; last NAME if ($len <= 0); } } } # if there is only one value in enum, we have to use name of the enum. elsif (@{$c_names} == 1) { my @subvals = split(/_/, lc($c_names->[0])); foreach my $subval (@subvals) { $subval = ucfirst($subval); } my $false_c_name = join("", @subvals); while (substr($c_name, 0, $len) ne substr($false_c_name, 0, $len)) { $len--; last if ($len <= 0); } my $tmplen = $len; foreach my $subval (@subvals) { $len++; my $l = length($subval); last if ($tmplen <= $l); $tmplen -= $l; } } # no values in enum means no names. else { return \@names; } # get prefix with given length. my $prefix = substr($c_names->[0], 0, $len); # generate names. for (my $j = 0; $j < @{$c_names}; $j++) { $_ = $c_names->[$j]; s/^$prefix//; tr/A-Z_/a-z-/; push(@names, $_); } return \@names; }