dnl $Id$ dnl This is just a hint to generate_wrap_init.pl. dnl It does not generate any code in the actual .h and .cc file. m4_define(`_GMMPROC_EXTRA_NAMESPACE',`') define(`_CLASS_START',`dnl _PUSH(SECTION_CLASS1) ') dnl dnl dnl define(`_H_VFUNCS_AND_SIGNALS',`dnl public: //C++ methods used to invoke GTK+ virtual functions: _IMPORT(SECTION_H_VFUNCS_CPPWRAPPER) protected: //GTK+ Virtual Functions (override these to change behaviour): _IMPORT(SECTION_H_VFUNCS) //Default Signal Handlers:: _IMPORT(SECTION_H_DEFAULT_SIGNAL_HANDLERS) ') dnl dnl dnl define(`_IMPLEMENTS_INTERFACE_CC',`dnl _PUSH(SECTION_CC_IMPLEMENTS_INTERFACES) ifelse(`$2',,,`#ifdef $2' )dnl $1`'::add_interface(get_type()); ifelse(`$2',,,` #endif // $2 ')dnl _POP() _PUSH(SECTION_CC_MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR_INTERFACES) ifelse(`$2',,,`#ifdef $2' )dnl , $1`'(std::move(src)) ifelse(`$2',,,` #endif // $2 ')dnl _POP() _PUSH(SECTION_CC_MOVE_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR_INTERFACES) ifelse(`$2',,,`#ifdef $2' )dnl $1`'::operator=(std::move(src)); ifelse(`$2',,,` #endif // $2 ')dnl _POP() ') dnl GVolumeMonitor can be broken/impeded by defining a sub-type. define(`_DO_NOT_DERIVE_GTYPE',`dnl _PUSH() dnl Define this macro to be tested for later. define(`__BOOL_DO_NOT_DERIVE_GTYPE__',`$1') _POP() ') dnl GVolumeMonitor can be broken/impeded by defining a sub-type. define(`_DYNAMIC_GTYPE_REGISTRATION',`dnl _PUSH() dnl Define this macro to be tested for later. define(`__BOOL_DYNAMIC_GTYPE_REGISTRATION__',`$1') _POP() ') dnl This macro inserts the supplied text as a Doxygen comment block before the dnl automatically generated declaration of a class' destructor. The inner dnl m4_ifelse() attempts to remove double quotes before and after the text if dnl it is a single line. If it is not, it returns the supplied lines, removing dnl trailing spaces from each of them (with an m4_patsubst()). The following dnl outer m4_patsubst() prepends possible multiple lines below the first one dnl with ' * ' by assuming that these lines are preceded by at least one space. dnl Finally, the outer m4_patsubst() inserts spaces after commas which are dnl removed by m4 in the processing. dnl dnl dnl dnl define(`_DOCUMENT_DTOR',`dnl _PUSH(SECTION_DTOR_DOCUMENTATION) m4_ifelse(`$*',,,`dnl m4_patsubst(`m4_patsubst(`/** m4_ifelse(m4_regexp(`$*',`".*"'),-1,`m4_patsubst(`$*',`\s*$')',`m4_regexp(`$*',`"\s*\(.*\)\(\S\)\s*"',`\1\2')')',`^\s+',` * ')',`,',`, ') */ ')dnl _POP() ') dnl dnl dnl define(`_PH_CLASS_DECLARATION',`dnl class __CPPNAME__`'_Class : public Glib::Class { public: #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS using CppObjectType = __CPPNAME__; using BaseObjectType = __REAL_CNAME__; ifdef(`__BOOL_DO_NOT_DERIVE_GTYPE__',`dnl using CppClassParent = __CPPPARENT__`'_Class; ',`dnl using BaseClassType = __REAL_CNAME__`'Class; using CppClassParent = __CPPPARENT__`'_Class; using BaseClassParent = __REAL_CPARENT__`'Class; ')dnl friend class __CPPNAME__; #endif /* DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS */ const Glib::Class& init(); ifdef(`__BOOL_DYNAMIC_GTYPE_REGISTRATION__',` const Glib::Class& init(GTypeModule* module); ',`') ifdef(`__BOOL_DO_NOT_DERIVE_GTYPE__',`dnl ',`dnl static void class_init_function(void* g_class, void* class_data); ')dnl static Glib::ObjectBase* wrap_new(GObject*); protected: //Callbacks (default signal handlers): //These will call the *_impl member methods, which will then call the existing default signal callbacks, if any. //You could prevent the original default signal handlers being called by overriding the *_impl method. _IMPORT(SECTION_PH_DEFAULT_SIGNAL_HANDLERS) //Callbacks (virtual functions): _IMPORT(SECTION_PH_VFUNCS) }; ') dnl dnl dnl define(`_PCC_CLASS_IMPLEMENTATION',`dnl const Glib::Class& __CPPNAME__`'_Class::init() { if(!gtype_) // create the GType if necessary { ifdef(`__BOOL_DO_NOT_DERIVE_GTYPE__',`dnl // Do not derive a GType, or use a derived klass: gtype_ = CppClassParent::CppObjectType::get_type(); ',`dnl // Glib::Class has to know the class init function to clone custom types. class_init_func_ = &__CPPNAME__`'_Class::class_init_function; // This is actually just optimized away, apparently with no harm. // Make sure that the parent type has been created. //CppClassParent::CppObjectType::get_type(); // Create the wrapper type, with the same class/instance size as the base type. register_derived_type(_LOWER(__CCAST__)_get_type()); // Add derived versions of interfaces, if the C type implements any interfaces: _IMPORT(SECTION_CC_IMPLEMENTS_INTERFACES) ') } return *this; } ifdef(`__BOOL_DYNAMIC_GTYPE_REGISTRATION__',` const Glib::Class& __CPPNAME__`'_Class::init(GTypeModule* module) { if(!gtype_) // create the GType if necessary { ifdef(`__BOOL_DO_NOT_DERIVE_GTYPE__',`dnl // Do not derive a GType, or use a derived klass: gtype_ = CppClassParent::CppObjectType::get_type(); ',`dnl // Glib::Class has to know the class init function to clone custom types. class_init_func_ = &__CPPNAME__`'_Class::class_init_function; // This is actually just optimized away, apparently with no harm. // Make sure that the parent type has been created. //CppClassParent::CppObjectType::get_type(); // Create the wrapper type, with the same class/instance size as the base type. register_derived_type(_LOWER(__CCAST__)_get_type(), module); // Add derived versions of interfaces, if the C type implements any interfaces: _IMPORT(SECTION_CC_IMPLEMENTS_INTERFACES) ') } return *this; ',`') ifdef(`__BOOL_DO_NOT_DERIVE_GTYPE__',`dnl ',`dnl void __CPPNAME__`'_Class::class_init_function(void* g_class, void* class_data) { const auto klass = static_cast(g_class); CppClassParent::class_init_function(klass, class_data); _IMPORT(SECTION_PCC_CLASS_INIT_VFUNCS) _IMPORT(SECTION_PCC_CLASS_INIT_DEFAULT_SIGNAL_HANDLERS) } ')dnl _IMPORT(SECTION_PCC_VFUNCS) _IMPORT(SECTION_PCC_DEFAULT_SIGNAL_HANDLERS) ') dnl dnl dnl define(`_CC_CLASS_IMPLEMENTATION',`dnl __CPPNAME__::CppClassType __CPPNAME__::`'__BASE__`'_class_; // initialize static member GType __CPPNAME__::get_type() { return __BASE__`'_class_.init().get_type(); } ifdef(`__BOOL_DYNAMIC_GTYPE_REGISTRATION__',` GType __CPPNAME__::get_type(GTypeModule* module) { return __BASE__`'_class_.init(module).get_type(); } 'dnl ,`'dnl ) GType __CPPNAME__::get_base_type() { return _LOWER(__CCAST__)_get_type(); } _IMPORT(SECTION_CC) dnl _IMPORT(SECTION_CC_SIGNALPROXIES_CUSTOM) _IMPORT(SECTION_CC_SIGNALPROXIES) _IMPORT(SECTION_CC_PROPERTYPROXIES) _IMPORT(SECTION_CC_DEFAULT_SIGNAL_HANDLERS) _IMPORT(SECTION_CC_VFUNCS) _IMPORT(SECTION_CC_VFUNCS_CPPWRAPPER) ') dnl _PARENT_GCLASS_FROM_OBJECT(object_instance_name) define(`_PARENT_GCLASS_FROM_OBJECT',`dnl g_type_class_peek_parent`'(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS`'($1)) // Get the parent class of the object class (The original underlying C class). ') dnl _IFACE_PARENT_FROM_OBJECT(object_instance_name) define(`_IFACE_PARENT_FROM_OBJECT',`dnl g_type_interface_peek_parent`'( // Get the parent interface of the interface (The original underlying C interface). g_type_interface_peek`'(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS`'($1), CppObjectType::get_type`'()) // Get the interface. )dnl ') dnl Bonobo doesn't use the "typedef struct _somestruct struct" system. define(`_STRUCT_NOT_HIDDEN',`dnl _PUSH() dnl Define this macro to be tested for later. define(`__BOOL_STRUCT_NOT_HIDDEN__',`$1') _POP() ') dnl _STRUCT_PROTOTYPE() define(`_STRUCT_PROTOTYPE',`dnl #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS ifdef(`__BOOL_STRUCT_NOT_HIDDEN__',`dnl ',`dnl using __CNAME__ = struct _`'__CNAME__; using __CNAME__`'Class = struct _`'__CNAME__`'Class; ')dnl #endif /* DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS */ undefine(`__BOOL_STRUCT_NOT_HIDDEN__')dnl ') dnl _GTKMMPROC_WIN32_NO_WRAP dnl Just process it to remove it from the generated file. dnl generate_wrap_init.pl will look for this in the original .hg file. dnl define(`_GTKMMPROC_WIN32_NO_WRAP', dnl `//This is not available on Win32. //This source file will not be compiled on Win32, //and no class defined in it will be registered by wrap_init`'(). ')dnl dnl _GMMPROC_WRAP_CONDITIONALLY(preprocessor_if/ifdef/ifndef_directive_without_#) dnl Just process it to remove it from the generated file. dnl generate_wrap_init.pl will look for this in the original .hg file. dnl dnl Example calls: dnl _GMMPROC_WRAP_CONDITIONALLY(ifndef G_OS_WIN32) # Same as _GTKMMPROC_WIN32_NO_WRAP dnl _GMMPROC_WRAP_CONDITIONALLY(ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11) dnl _GMMPROC_WRAP_CONDITIONALLY(`if defined(GDK_WINDOWING_X11) || defined(GDK_WINDOWING_QUARTZ)') dnl define(`_GMMPROC_WRAP_CONDITIONALLY', dnl `//This is available only #$1. //Otherwise this source file will not be compiled, //and no class defined in it will be registered by wrap_init`'(). ')dnl dnl _INCLUDE_IN_WRAP_INIT(file) dnl Usually used in combination with _GMMPROC_WRAP_CONDITIONALLY. dnl It does not generate any code in the .h and .cc files. dnl generate_wrap_init.pl will look for this in the original .hg file. dnl define(`_INCLUDE_IN_WRAP_INIT',`')dnl dnl _IS_DEPRECATED dnl ifdef-out the whole .h and .cc files. dnl generate_wrap_init.pl will look for this in the original .hg file. define(`_IS_DEPRECATED',`dnl _PUSH() dnl Define this macro to be tested for later. See base.m4. define(`__BOOL_DEPRECATED__',`$1') _POP() ') dnl _NO_WRAP_INIT_REGISTRATION dnl Used to tag the classes in a file as one not be registered by the dnl wrap_init() function (all the classes in the file will not be registered). dnl This macro does not generate any code in the .h and .cc files. dnl generate_wrap_init.pl will look for this in the original .hg file. dnl define(`_NO_WRAP_INIT_REGISTRATION',`')dnl