Authors of GNU MP (in chronological order of initial contribution) Torbjörn Granlund Main author John Amanatides Original version of mpz/pprime_p.c Paul Zimmermann mpn/generic/mul_fft.c, mpn/generic/dc_divrem_n.c, new mpz/powm.c, mpfr functions (with Guillaume Hanrot) Ken Weber mpn/generic/gcd.c mpn/generic/bdivmod.c Bennet Yee mpz/jacobi.c mpz/legendre.c Andreas Schwab mpn/m68k/lshift.S, mpn/m68k/rshift.S Robert Harley mpn/generic/mul_n.c, files in mpn/arm Linus Nordberg New random number framework, original autoconfery Kent Boortz MacOS 9 port Kevin Ryde Most x86 assembly, new autoconfery, and countless other things (please see the GMP manual for complete list) Guillaume Hanrot mpfr functions (with Paul Zimmermann) Gerardo Ballabio gmpxx.h and C++ istream input Pedro Gimeno Mersenne Twister random generator, other random number revisions Jason Moxham New mpz/fac_ui.c and gen-fac_ui.c See also mpfr/AUTHORS.