GMP SPEED MEASURING AND PARAMETER TUNING The programs in this directory are for knowledgable users who want to make measurements of the speed of GMP routines on their machine, and perhaps tweak some settings or identify things that can be improved. The programs here are tools, not ready to run solutions. Nothing is built in a normal "make all", but various Makefile targets described below exist. Relatively few systems and CPUs have been tested, so be sure to verify that you're getting sensible results before relying on them. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES Don't configure with --enable-assert when using the things here, since the extra code added by assertion checking may influence measurements. Some effort has been made to accomodate CPUs with direct mapped caches, but it will depend on TMP_ALLOC using a proper alloca, and even then it may or may not be enough. The sparc32/v9 addmul_1 code runs at noticably different speeds on successive sizes, and this has a bad effect on the tune program's determinations of the multiply and square thresholds. PARAMETER TUNING The "tuneup" program runs some tests designed to find the best settings for various thresholds, like KARATSUBA_MUL_THRESHOLD. Its output can be put into gmp-mparam.h. The program can be built and run with make tune If the thresholds indicated are grossly different from the values in the selected gmp-mparam.h then you may get a performance boost in relevant size ranges by changing gmp-mparam.h accordingly. If your CPU has specific tuned parameters coming from a gmp-mparam.h in one of the mpn subdirectories then the values from "make tune" should be similar. You can submit new values if it looks like the current ones are out of date or wildly wrong. But check you're on the right CPU target and there aren't any machine-specific effects causing a difference. It's hoped the compiler and options used won't have too much effect on thresholds, since for most CPUs they ultimately come down to comparisons between assembler subroutines. Missing out on the longlong.h macros by not using gcc will probably have an effect. Some thresholds produced by the tune program are merely single values chosen from what's actually a range of sizes where two algorithms are pretty much the same speed. When this happens the program is likely to give slightly different values on successive runs. This is noticable on the toom3 thresholds for instance. SPEED PROGRAM The "speed" program can be used for measuring and comparing various routines, and producing tables of data or gnuplot graphs. Compile it with make speed Here are some examples of how to use it. Check the code for all the options. Draw a graph of mpn_mul_n, stepping through sizes by 10 or a factor of 1.05 (whichever is greater). ./speed -s 10-5000 -t 10 -f 1.05 -P foo mpn_mul_n gnuplot foo.gnuplot Compare mpn_add_n and mpn_lshift by 1, showing times in cycles and showing under mpn_lshift the difference between it and mpn_add_n. ./speed -s 1-40 -c -d mpn_add_n mpn_lshift.1 Using option -c for times in cycles is interesting but normally only necessary when looking carefully at assembler subroutines. You might think it would always give an integer value, but this doesn't happen in practice, probably due to overheads in the time measurements. In the free-form output the "#" symbol against a measurement means the corresponding routine is fastest at that size. This is a convenient visual cue when comparing different routines. The graph data files .data don't get this since it would upset gnuplot or other data viewers. TIME BASE The time measuring method is determined in time.c, based on what the configured target has available. A microsecond accurate gettimeofday() will work well, but there's code to use better methods, such as the cycle counters on various CPUs. Currently, all methods (except possibly the alpha cycle counter) depend on the machine being otherwise idle, or rather on other jobs not stealing CPU time from the measuring program. Short routines (that complete within a timeslice) should work even on a busy machine. Some trouble is taken by speed_measure() in common.c to avoid the ill effects of sporadic interrupts, or other intermittent things (like cron waking up every minute). But generally you'll want an idle machine to be sure of consistent results. The CPU frequency is needed if times in cycles are to be displayed, and it's always needed when using a cycle counter time base. time.c knows how to get the frequency on some systems, but when that fails, or needs to be overridden, an environment variable GMP_CPU_FREQUENCY can be used (in Hertz). For example in "bash" on a 650 MHz machine, export GMP_CPU_FREQUENCY=650e6 A high precision time base makes it possible to get accurate measurements in a shorter time. Support for systems and CPUs not already covered is wanted. When setting up a method, be sure not to claim a higher accuracy than is really available. For example the default gettimeofday() code is set for microsecond accuracy, but if only 10ms or 55ms is available then inconsistent results can be expected. EXAMPLE COMPARISONS Here are some ideas for things you can do with the speed program. There's always going to be a certain amount of overhead in the time measurements, due to reading the time base, and in the loop that runs a routine enough times to get a reading of the desired precision. Noop functions taking various arguments are available to measure this. The "overhead" printed by the speed program each time in its intro is the "noop" routine, but note that this is just for information, it isn't deducted from the times printed or anything. ./speed -s 1 noop noop_wxs noop_wxys If you want to know how many cycles per limb a routine is taking, look at the time increase when the size increments, using option -D. This avoids fixed overheads in the measuring. Also, remember many of the assembler routines have unrolled loops, so it might be necessary to compare times at, say, 16, 32, 48, 64 etc to see what the unrolled part is taking, as opposed to any finishing off. ./speed -s 16-64 -t 16 -C -D mpn_add_n The -C option on its own gives cycles per limb, but is really only useful at big sizes where fixed overheads are small compared to the code doing the real work. Remember of course memory caching and/or page swapping will affect results at large sizes. ./speed -s 500000 -C mpn_add_n Once a calculation stops fitting in the CPU data cache, it's going to start taking longer. Exactly where this happens depends on the cache priming in the measuring routines, and on what sort of "least recently used" the hardware does. Here's an example for a CPU with a 16kbyte L1 data cache and 32-bit limb, showing a suddenly steeper curve for mpn_add_n at about 2000 limbs. ./speed -s 1-4000 -t 5 -f 1.02 -P foo mpn_add_n gnuplot foo.gnuplot When a routine has an unrolled loop for, say, multiples of 8 limbs and then an ordinary loop for the remainder, it can happen that it's actually faster to do an operation on, say, 8 limbs than it is on 7 limbs. Here's an example drawing a graph of mpn_sub_n, which you can look at to see if times smoothly increase with size. ./speed -s 1-100 -c -P foo mpn_sub_n gnuplot foo.gnuplot If mpn_lshift and mpn_rshift for your CPU have special case code for shifts by 1, it ought to be faster (or at least not slower) than shifting by, say, 2 bits. ./speed -s 1-200 -c mpn_rshift.1 mpn_rshift.2 An mpn_lshift by 1 can be done by mpn_add_n adding a number to itself, and if the lshift isn't faster there's an obvious improvement that's possible. ./speed -s 1-200 -c mpn_lshift.1 mpn_add_n_self On some CPUs (AMD K6 for example) an "in-place" mpn_add_n where the destination is one of the sources is faster than a separate destination. Here's an example to see this. (mpn_add_n_inplace is a special measuring routine, not available for other operations.) ./speed -s 1-200 -c mpn_add_n mpn_add_n_inplace The gmp manual recommends divisions by powers of two should be done using a right shift because it'll be significantly faster. Here's how you can see by what factor mpn_rshift is faster, using division by 32 as an example. ./speed -s 10-20 -r mpn_rshift.5 mpn_divrem_1.32 mul_basecase takes an "r" parameter that's the first (larger) size parameter. For example to show speeds for 20x1 up to 20x15 in cycles, ./speed -s 1-15 -c mpn_mul_basecase.20 mul_basecase with no parameter does an NxN multiply, so for example to show speeds in cycles for 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, etc, up to 20x20, in cycles, ./speed -s 1-20 -c mpn_mul_basecase sqr_basecase is implemented by a "triangular" method on most CPUs, making it up to twice as fast as mul_basecase. In practice loop overheads and the products on the diagonal mean it falls short of this. Here's an example running the two and showing by what factor an NxN mul_basecase is slower than an NxN sqr_basecase. (Some versions of sqr_basecase only allow sizes below KARATSUBA_SQR_THRESHOLD, so if it crashes at that point don't worry.) ./speed -s 1-20 -r mpn_sqr_basecase mpn_mul_basecase The technique described above with -CD for showing the time difference in cycles per limb between two size operations can be done on an NxN mul_basecase using -E to change the basis for the size increment to N*N. For instance a 20x20 operation is taken to be doing 400 limbs, and a 16x16 doing 256 limbs. The following therefore shows the per crossproduct speed of mul_basecase and sqr_basecase at around 20x20 limbs. ./speed -s 16-20 -t 4 -CDE mpn_mul_basecase mpn_sqr_basecase Of course sqr_basecase isn't really doing NxN crossproducts, but it can be interesting to compare it to mul_basecase as if it was. For sqr_basecase the -F option can be used to base the deltas on N*(N+1)/2 operations, which is the triangular products sqr_basecase does. For example, ./speed -s 16-20 -t 4 -CDF mpn_sqr_basecase Both -E and -F are preliminary and might change. A consistent approach to using them when claiming certain per crossproduct or per triangularproduct speeds hasn't really been established, but the increment between speeds in the range karatsuba will call seems sensible, that being k to k/2. For instance, if the karatasuba threshold was 20 for the multiply and 30 for the square, ./speed -s 10-20 -t 10 -CDE mpn_mul_basecase ./speed -s 15-30 -t 15 -CDF mpn_sqr_basecase The gmp manual recommends application programs avoid excessive initializing and clearing of mpz_t variables (and mpq_t and mpf_t too). Every new variable will at a minimum go through an init, a realloc for its first store, and finally a clear. Quite how long that takes depends on the C library. The following compares an mpz_init/realloc/clear to a 10 limb mpz_add. ./speed -s 10 -c mpz_init_realloc_clear mpz_add The normal libtool link of the speed program does a static link to and, but will end up dynamic linked to libc. Depending on the system, a dynamic linked malloc may be noticably slower than static linked, and you may want to re-run the libtool link invocation to static link libc for comparison. The example below does a 10 limb malloc/free or malloc/realloc/free to test the C library. Of course a real world program has big problems if it's doing so many mallocs and frees that it gets slowed down by a dynamic linked malloc. ./speed -s 10 -c malloc_free malloc_realloc_free SPEED PROGRAM EXTENSIONS Potentially lots of things could be made available in the program, but it's been left at only the things that have actually been wanted and are likely to be reasonably useful in the future. Extensions should be fairly easy to make though. speed-ext.c is an example, in a style that should suit one-off tests, or new code fragments under development. THRESHOLD EXAMINING The speed program can be used to examine the speeds of different algorithms to check the tune program has done the right thing. For example to examine the karatsuba multiply threshold, ./speed -s 5-40 mpn_mul_basecase mpn_kara_mul_n When examining the toom3 threshold, remember it depends on the karatsuba threshold, so the right karatsuba threshold needs to be compiled into the library first. The tune program uses special recompiled versions of mpn/mul_n.c etc for this reason, but the speed program simply uses the normal Note further that the various routines may recurse into themselves on sizes far enough above applicable thresholds. For example, mpn_kara_mul_n will recurse into itself on sizes greater than twice the compiled-in KARATSUBA_MUL_THRESHOLD. When doing the above comparison between mul_basecase and kara_mul_n what's probably of interest is mul_basecase versus a kara_mul_n that does one level of Karatsuba then calls to mul_basecase, but this only happens on sizes less than twice the compiled KARATSUBA_MUL_THRESHOLD. A larger value for that setting can be compiled-in to avoid the problem if necessary. The same applies to toom3 and BZ, though in a trickier fashion. There are some upper limits on some of the thresholds, arising from arrays dimensioned according to a threshold (mpn_mul_n), or asm code with certain sized displacements (some x86 versions of sqr_basecase). So putting huge values for the thresholds, even just for testing, may fail. THINGS AFFECTING THRESHOLDS The following are some general notes on some things that can affect the various algorithm thresholds. KARATSUBA_MUL_THRESHOLD At size 2N, karatsuba does three NxN multiplies and some adds and shifts, compared to a 2Nx2N basecase multiply which will be roughly equivalent to four NxN multiplies. Fast mul - increases threshold If the CPU has a fast multiply, the basecase multiplies are going to stay faster than the karatsuba overheads for longer. Conversely if the CPU has a slow multiply the karatsuba method trading some multiplies for adds will become worthwhile sooner. Remember it's "addmul" performance that's of interest here. This may differ from a simple "mul" instruction in the CPU. For example K6 has a 3 cycle mul but takes nearly 8 cycles/limb for an addmul, and K7 has a 6 cycle mul latency but has a 4 cycle/limb addmul due to pipelining. Unrolled addmul - increases threshold If the CPU addmul routine (or the addmul part of the mul_basecase routine) is unrolled it can mean that a 2Nx2N multiply is a bit faster than four NxN multiplies, due to proportionally less looping overheads. This can be thought of as the addmul warming to its task on bigger sizes, and keeping the basecase better than karatsuba for longer. Karatsuba overheads - increases threshold Fairly obviously anything gained or lost in the karatsuba extra calculations will translate directly to the threshold. But remember the extra calculations are likely to always be a relatively small fraction of the total multiply time and in that sense the basecase code is the best place to be looking for optimizations. KARATSUBA_SQR_THRESHOLD Squaring is essentially the same as multiplying, so the above applies to squaring too. Overheads will, proportionally, be slightly bigger. mpn/generic/sqr_basecase.c This relies on a reasonable umul_ppmm, and if the generic C code is being used it may badly affect the speed. Don't bother paying attention to the square thresholds until you have either a good umul_ppmm or an assembler sqr_basecase. TOOM3_MUL_THRESHOLD At size N, toom3 does five (N/3)x(N/3) multiplies and some extra calculations, compared to karatasuba doing three (N/2)x(N/2) multiplies and some extra calculations (fewer). Toom3 will become better before long, being O(n^1.465) versus karatsuba at O(n^1.585), but exactly where depends a great deal on the implementations of all the relevant bits of extra calculation. In practice the curves for time versus size on toom3 and karatsuba have similar slopes near their crossover, leading to a range of sizes where there's very little difference between the two. Choosing a single value from the range is a bit arbitrary and will lead to slightly different values on successive runs of the tune program. divexact_by3 - used by toom3 Toom3 does a divexact_by3 which at size N is roughly equivalent to N successively dependent multplies with a further couple of extra instructions in between. CPUs with a low latency multiply and good divexact_by3 implementation should see the toom3 threshold lowered. But note this is unlikely to have much effect on total multiply times. Asymptotic behaviour At the fairly small sizes where the thresholds occur it's worth remembering that the asymptotic behaviour expected for karatsuba and toom3 can't be expected to make accurate predictions, due of course to the big influence of all sorts of overheads, and the fact that only a few recursions of each are being performed. Even at large sizes there's a good chance machine dependent effects like cache architecture will mean actual performance deviates from what might be predicted. This is why the rather positivist approach of just measuring things has been adopted, in general. TOOM3_SQR_THRESHOLD The same factors apply to squaring as to multiplying, though with overheads being proportionally a bit bigger. BZ_THRESHOLD The B-Z division algorithm rearranges a traditional multi-precision long division so that NxN multiplies can be done rather than repeated Nx1 multiplies, thereby exploiting the algorithmic advantages of karatsuba and toom3, and leading to a significant speedup. fast mul_basecase - decreases threshold CPUs with an optimized mul_basecase can expect a lower B-Z threshold due to the helping hand such a mul_basecase will give to B-Z as compared to submul_1 used in the schoolbook method. FUTURE Add versions of the toom3 multiplication using either the mpn calls or the open-coded style, so the two can be compared. Add versions of the generic C mpn_divrem_1 using straight division versus a multiply by inverse, so the two can be compared. Include the branch-free version of multiply by inverse too. Add measuring of udiv_qrnnd, udiv_qrnnd_preinv and udiv_qrnnd_preinv2norm to see which is better. Watch out for function call overhead when udiv_qrnnd is actually an mpn_udiv_qrnnd subroutine. Make an option in struct speed_parameters to specify the overlap, perhaps 0 for none, 1 for dst=src1, 2 for dst=src2, 3 for dst1=src1 dst2=src2, 4 for dst1=src2 dst2=src1. This is done for addsub_n with the r parameter (though addsub_n isn't yet enabled), and could be done for add_n, xor_n, etc too. When speed_measure() divides the total time measured by repetitions performed, it divides the fixed overheads imposed by speed_starttime() and speed_endtime(). When different routines are run with different repetitions the overhead will then be differently counted. It would improve precision to try to avoid this. Currently the idea is just to set speed_precision big enough that the effect is insignificant compared to the routines being measured. ---------------- Local variables: mode: text fill-column: 76 End: