tag name3.7.91 (5fb71174630228d764c224c87eee6d77679ad00d)
tag date2013-03-04 20:45:03 +0100
tagged byStef Walter <>
tagged objectcommit 23802d3a4d...
Changes in version 3.7.91 are:
* Remove the roots-store module replaced by p11-kit 0.16+ trust module * Only return one object path list from Collection.SearchItems() [#695115] * Fix order of items returned from SearchItems() [#693884] * Build fixes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.13 (GNU/Linux) iEYEABECAAYFAlE0+cYACgkQe/sRCNknZa+fHQCg5cQ5hMNwH/vpt6IenGPxVPUc 3CQAoIi3hS5V9H17hD5Evv4+upt/ntX7 =XjrQ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----