path: root/16x16
diff options
authorLapo Calamandrei <>2007-06-25 23:36:18 +0000
committerLapo Calamandrei <>2007-06-25 23:36:18 +0000
commitbd840da4122a1de34e66534e3921e3424056e708 (patch)
treea02e4391d5c1921032372ad1f97146e943e29330 /16x16
parentcc7c69c8cb0c2e30eec7cca1dbfb28fbb73524f0 (diff)
new mouse design
svn path=/trunk/; revision=1468
Diffstat (limited to '16x16')
-rw-r--r--16x16/devices/input-mouse.pngbin503 -> 716 bytes
2 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/16x16/devices/input-mouse.png b/16x16/devices/input-mouse.png
index 81ea967d6..1c9be91b7 100644
--- a/16x16/devices/input-mouse.png
+++ b/16x16/devices/input-mouse.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/16x16/devices/input-mouse.svg b/16x16/devices/input-mouse.svg
new file mode 100644
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