diff options
authorJakub Steiner <>2020-12-23 19:58:47 +0100
committerJakub Steiner <>2020-12-23 19:59:25 +0100
commit7ea98321b03c10f378dd3fdeef392b7816cdc299 (patch)
parent96a1afc495818c9a5ce8dcd639f8e7337166ef7c (diff)
symbolic: fix size/clipping chat-message-new
the beak was outside of the bouding rectangle, outputting !=16x16 resulting in fuzzy icon
2 files changed, 45 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/chat-message-new-symbolic.svg b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/chat-message-new-symbolic.svg
index a9adc1bab..e03c87245 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/chat-message-new-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/chat-message-new-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,41 @@
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diff --git a/src/symbolic/gnome-stencils.svg b/src/symbolic/gnome-stencils.svg
index 3f9176f00..6274cee2f 100644
--- a/src/symbolic/gnome-stencils.svg
+++ b/src/symbolic/gnome-stencils.svg
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
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+ inkscape:current-layer="layer4"
@@ -22062,9 +22062,10 @@
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