written by daniel g. siegel , Jaap A. Haitsma , Filippo Argiolas , Yuvaraj Pandian T , and Luciana Fujii Pontello the following people contributed to cheese: - Aidan Delaney - Alex "weej" Jones - Andrea Cimitan - Baptiste Mille-Mathias - Cosimo Cecchi - Diego Escalante Urrelo - Felix Kaser - Fabio Tomat - Gintautas Miliauskas - Hans de Goede - James Liggett - Luca Ferretti - Mirco "MacSlow" Müller - Patryk Zawadzki - Ryan Zeigler - Sebastian Keller - Steve Magoun - Thomas Perl - Tim Philipp Müller - Todd Eisenberger - Tommi Vainikainen icon-work - cheese icons by Andreas Nilsson , Josef Vybíral , and Ulisse Perusin , published under the GPL - effect icons by Lapo Calamandrei and Or Dvory - photo and burst icons by Ulisse Perusin