project( 'cheese', ['c', 'vala'], version: '43.0', license: 'GPL2', default_options: 'buildtype=debugoptimized', meson_version: '>= 0.58.0', ) cheese_name = meson.project_name() cheese_version = meson.project_version() version_array = cheese_version.split('.') cheese_major_version = version_array[0].to_int() #cheese_api_version = cheese_major_version.to_string() + '.0' cheese_api_version = '3.0' cheese_prefix = get_option('prefix') cheese_bindir = get_option('bindir') cheese_datadir = get_option('datadir') cheese_includedir = get_option('includedir') cheese_localedir = get_option('localedir') cheese_mandir = get_option('mandir') cheese_namespace = 'org.gnome.Cheese' #******************************************************************************* # Libraries #******************************************************************************* # Before making a release, the CHEESE_LT_VERSION string should be modified. # The string is of the form C:R:A. # - If interfaces have been changed or added, but binary compatibility has # been preserved, change to C+1:0:A+1 # - If binary compatibility has been broken (eg removed or changed interfaces) # change to C+1:0:0 # - If the interface is the same as the previous version, change to C:R+1:A current = 8 revision = 18 age = 0 libcheese_version = '@0@.@1@.@2@'.format(current - age, age, revision) current = 26 revision = 6 age = 1 libcheese_gtk_version = '@0@.@1@.@2@'.format(current - age, age, revision) gnome = import('gnome') i18n = import('i18n') pkg = import('pkgconfig') source_root = meson.current_source_dir() po_dir = source_root / 'po' vapi_dir = source_root / 'src/vapi' top_inc = include_directories('.') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') valac = meson.get_compiler('vala') config_h = configuration_data() # defines set_defines = [ # package ['PACKAGE_LOCALEDIR', cheese_prefix / cheese_localedir], ['PACKAGE_NAME', 'Cheese'], ['PACKAGE_STRING', '@0@ @1@'.format(meson.project_name(), cheese_version)], ['PACKAGE_TARNAME', cheese_name], ['PACKAGE_URL', ''], ['PACKAGE_VERSION', cheese_version], # i18n ['GETTEXT_PACKAGE', cheese_name], ] foreach define: set_defines config_h.set_quoted(define[0], define[1]) endforeach # compiler flags common_flags = ['-DHAVE_CONFIG_H'] if get_option('buildtype').contains('debug') common_flags += cc.get_supported_arguments([ '-Wnested-externs', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-Werror=format=2', '-Werror=implicit-function-declaration', '-Werror=init-self', '-Werror=missing-include-dirs', '-Werror=missing-prototypes', '-Werror=pointer-arith', '-Werror=return-type', ]) endif add_project_arguments(common_flags, language: 'c') #******************************************************************************* # Check required libraries #******************************************************************************* clutter_dep = dependency('clutter-1.0', version: '>= 1.13.2') clutter_gst_dep = dependency('clutter-gst-3.0', version: '>= 3.0.0') clutter_gtk_dep = dependency('clutter-gtk-1.0') gdk_pixbuf_dep = dependency('gdk-pixbuf-2.0') gio_dep = dependency('gio-2.0') glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>= 2.38.0') gnome_desktop_dep = dependency('gnome-desktop-3.0') gstreamer_dep = dependency('gstreamer-1.0') gstreamer_pbutils_dep = dependency('gstreamer-pbutils-1.0') gstreamer_plugins_bad_dep = dependency('gstreamer-plugins-bad-1.0', version: '>= 1.4') gtk_dep = dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: '>= 3.13.4') libcanberra_dep = dependency('libcanberra') libcanberra_gtk_lib = meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('canberra-gtk3') libcanberra_gtk3_dep = declare_dependency(dependencies: [libcanberra_gtk_lib]) m_dep = cc.find_library('m') cheese_common_dep = valac.find_library('cheese-common', dirs: vapi_dir) cheese_thumbview_dep = valac.find_library('cheese-thumbview', dirs: vapi_dir) config_dep = valac.find_library('config', dirs: vapi_dir) eogthumbnav_dep = valac.find_library('eogthumbnav', dirs: vapi_dir) posix_dep = valac.find_library('posix') x11_dep = dependency('x11') have_xtest = false if cc.has_header('X11/extensions/XTest.h', dependencies: x11_dep) xtst_dep = dependency('xtst', required: false) have_xtest = xtst_dep.found() and cc.has_function('XTestFakeKeyEvent', dependencies: xtst_dep) endif dbus_session_bus_services_dir = dependency('dbus-1').get_variable( 'session_bus_services_dir', pkgconfig_define: ['datadir', cheese_prefix / cheese_datadir], ) gio_schemasdir = gio_dep.get_variable( 'schemasdir', pkgconfig_define: ['datadir', cheese_prefix / cheese_datadir], default_value: cheese_prefix / cheese_datadir / 'glib-2.0/schemas', ) gnome_video_effects_dep = dependency( 'gnome-video-effects', required: false, not_found_message: 'The gnome-video-effects package is required at runtime for effects', ) # Recommend some runtime GStreamer plugins. gst_inspect = find_program('gst-inspect-1.0', required: false) if gst_inspect.found() foreach plugin: ['camerabin', 'vp8enc', 'webmmux'] if run_command(gst_inspect, plugin, check: false).returncode() != 0 warning(plugin + ' was not found. It needs to be installed before Cheese is run') endif endforeach else warning('unable to check for runtime GStreamer plugin dependencies') endif # Check for GLib testing utilities. # FIXME: meson has its own test framework ''' gtester = find_program('gtester', required: false) enable_cheese_tests = gtester.found() if not enable_cheese_tests warning('testing disabled as the required utilities were not found') endif ''' # introspection support enable_gir = get_option('introspection') if enable_gir dependency('gobject-introspection-1.0', version: '>= 0.6.7') endif subdir('data') subdir('libcheese') subdir('src') if get_option('tests') subdir('tests') endif subdir('po') subdir('help') enable_gtk_doc = get_option('gtk_doc') enable_man = get_option('man') if enable_gtk_doc or enable_man subdir('docs/reference') endif configure_file( output: 'config.h', configuration: config_h, ) meson.add_install_script( '', cheese_datadir, gio_schemasdir, )