path: root/backgrounds/blobs-d.svg
diff options
authorJakub Steiner <>2022-08-04 14:10:18 +0200
committerJakub Steiner <>2022-08-04 14:10:18 +0200
commit38a3f4859feaec6add723de076b84ddc43acd71d (patch)
tree5432092c3932b7dc9245a5ea2734c7684ee29294 /backgrounds/blobs-d.svg
parent1b8d300c390bae0ec88061cda98e92c2cdb44cbc (diff)
compress SVGs with svgo
Diffstat (limited to 'backgrounds/blobs-d.svg')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 405 deletions
diff --git a/backgrounds/blobs-d.svg b/backgrounds/blobs-d.svg
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