/* -*- Mode: JS2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* vim: set et ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Marcus Lundblad * * GNOME Maps is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * GNOME Maps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with GNOME Maps; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Author: Marcus Lundblad */ import {Application} from './application.js'; import {OSMAccountDialog} from './osmAccountDialog.js'; import {OSMEditDialog} from './osmEditDialog.js'; import {OSMConnection} from './osmConnection.js'; import * as Utils from './utils.js'; export class OSMEdit { // minimum zoom level at which to offer adding a location static get MIN_ADD_LOCATION_ZOOM_LEVEL() { return 16; } constructor() { this._osmConnection = new OSMConnection(); this._osmObject = null; // currently edited object this._username = Application.settings.get('osm-username-oauth2'); this._isSignedIn = this._username !== null && this._username.length > 0; } get object() { return this._osmObject; } createEditDialog(parentWindow, place) { let dialog = new OSMEditDialog({ transient_for: parentWindow, modal: true, place: place }); return dialog; } createEditNewDialog(parentWindow, latitude, longitude) { let dialog = new OSMEditDialog({ transient_for: parentWindow, modal: true, addLocation: true, latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude }); return dialog; } createAccountDialog(parentWindow, closeOnSignIn) { let dialog = new OSMAccountDialog({ transient_for: parentWindow, modal: true, closeOnSignIn: closeOnSignIn }); return dialog; } fetchObject(place, callback, cancellable) { let osmType = Utils.osmTypeToString(place.osmType); /* reset currently edited object */ this._osmObject = null; this._osmConnection.getOSMObject(osmType, place.osm_id, (function(success, status, osmObject, osmType) { callback(success, status, osmObject, osmType); }), cancellable); } uploadObject(object, type, comment, callback) { this._openChangeset(object, type, comment, this._uploadObject.bind(this), callback); } _onChangesetOpened(success, status, changesetId, object, type, action, callback) { if (success) { let osmType = Utils.osmTypeToString(type); action(object, osmType, changesetId, callback); } else { callback(false, status); } } _openChangeset(object, type, comment, action, callback) { this._osmConnection.openChangeset(comment, (success, status, changesetId) => { this._onChangesetOpened(success, status, changesetId, object, type, action, callback); }); } _onObjectUploaded(success, status, response, changesetId, callback) { if (success) this._closeChangeset(changesetId, callback); else callback(false, status); } _uploadObject(object, type, changesetId, callback) { this._osmObject = object; this._osmConnection.uploadObject(object, type, changesetId, (success, status, response) => { this._onObjectUploaded(success, status, response, changesetId, callback); }); } deleteObject(object, type, comment, callback) { this._openChangeset(object, type, comment, this._deleteObject.bind(this), callback); } _onObjectDeleted(success, status, response, changesetId, callback) { if (success) this._closeChangeset(changesetId, callback); else callback(false, status); } _deleteObject(object, type, changesetId, callback) { this._osmObject = object; this._osmConnection.deleteObject(object, type, changesetId, (success, status, response) => { this._onObjectDeleted(success, status, response, changesetId, callback); }); } _closeChangeset(changesetId, callback) { this._osmConnection.closeChangeset(changesetId, callback); } performOAuthSignIn() { this._osmConnection.authorizeOAuthToken(); } requestOAuthAccessToken(code, callback) { this._osmConnection.requestOAuthAccessToken(code, (success, token) => { this._onOAuthAccessTokenRequested(success, callback); }); } _onOAuthAccessTokenRequested(success, callback) { if (success) { this._osmConnection.fetchLoggedInUser((username) => { this._isSignedIn = true; /* if we couldn't retrieve the logged-in username, * e.g. if the user de-selected the permission when * authorizing the OAuth token, use a dummy placeholder * username to signify that we are signed in */ this._username = username ?? '_unknown_'; Application.settings.set('osm-username-oauth2', this._username); callback(true); }); } else { callback(false); } } signOut() { this._username = null; this._isSignedIn = false; Application.settings.set('osm-username-oauth2', ''); this._osmConnection.signOut(); } get isSignedIn() { return this._isSignedIn; } get username() { return this._username; } }