# Endeavour Endeavour is an intuitive and powerful application to manage your personal tasks. It uses GNOME technologies and has complete integration with the GNOME desktop environment. ## Getting Involved If you want to contribute, please check the [Contributions Guidelines][contribution-guidelines]. If you want to contribute with code, also check the [Code Style Guidelines][code-style]. It is expected that contributions follow these guidelines, so it is important to read them **before** submitting your contribution. All contributions should follow the GNOME Code of Conduct. You can read more at our [Contribution Guidelines][contribution-guidelines]. To reduce the overload of the maintainers, full code reviews only happen under the following conditions: * The proposed changes don't break the build. * Commit messages strictly follows the [documented style][contribution-guidelines]. * Code strictly follows [the documented code style][code-style]. Should these conditions aren't met, the contributor will be pointed out and asked to review their code. ## Getting In Touch We use IRC as the main form of real-time communication. Asynchronous communication happens on [Endeavour GitLab Project][gitlab]. You can join us at the [#endeavour:gnome.org][matrix-channel] room on the [GNOME Matrix channels][matrix-wiki-page]. All communications should follow the GNOME Code of Conduct. You can read more at our [Contribution Guidelines][contribution-guidelines]. It is expected from everyone to always be respectful and kind. Stop by and say hello! [code-style]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Endeavour/blob/main/doc/HACKING.md [contribution-guidelines]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Endeavour/blob/main/doc/CONTRIBUTING.md [gitlab]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Endeavour [matrix-channel]: https://matrix.to/#/#endeavour:gnome.org [matrix-wiki-page]: https://wiki.gnome.org/GettingInTouch/Matrix ## Download