Note that all schema supplied by the UPnP Forum AV WC committee are for informational use only and that the standardized DCPs describe the normative requirements for these schema. Some schema provided do not necessarily embody requirements regarding number of element occurrances allowed or their ordering. This pattern exactly matches the definition for class name syntax given in CDS:2 Section C.1.1. WC-defined structure for the Foreign Metadata property. Allow the Foreign Metadata tag to also hold vendor-defined elements. Foreign Metadata sub-elements defined by the WC. Contains the actual foreign metadata. Tags allowed inside a Foreign Metadata Body URI element. Tags allowed inside a Foreign Metadata Body URI element. Defines the permitted child elements of <resExt>. All children are optional and can be listed in any order in an unbounded manner. Must be child of <item> or <container>. Value must match the res@id value. Identifies the timestamp mechanism that will be used when the associated content-binary is streamed to the network by the device. Its value MUST equal the value of the associated deviceClockInfo@id in a <Feature> element. Identifies the timestamp mechanism that will be used when the associated content-binary is streamed to the network by the device. Its value MUST equal the value of the associated supportedTimestamps@id in a <Features> element. A 'res' element indentifies a resource. A resource is typically some type of binary asset, such as a photo, song, video, etc. A 'res' element contains a URI that identifies the resource