/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation * * Authors: Krzesimir Nowak * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later * */ #include #include #include #include #include /* creates an item described by: static const gchar * const didllite = "\n" "\n" "\n" "Try a little tenderness\n" "object.item.audioItem.musicTrack\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "Unknown\n" "\n" "\n"; */ static GUPnPDIDLLiteObject * get_item (GUPnPDIDLLiteWriter *writer, guint id, guint parent_id) { GUPnPDIDLLiteItem *item = gupnp_didl_lite_writer_add_item (writer); GUPnPDIDLLiteObject *object = GUPNP_DIDL_LITE_OBJECT (item); GUPnPDIDLLiteContributor *artist; GUPnPDIDLLiteResource *resource; GUPnPProtocolInfo *info; gchar *str_id = g_strdup_printf ("%u", id); gupnp_didl_lite_object_set_id (object, str_id); g_free (str_id); str_id = g_strdup_printf ("%u", parent_id); gupnp_didl_lite_object_set_parent_id (object, str_id); g_free (str_id); gupnp_didl_lite_object_set_restricted (object, FALSE); gupnp_didl_lite_object_set_title (object, "Try a little tenderness"); gupnp_didl_lite_object_set_upnp_class (object, "object.item.audioItem.musicTrack"); artist = gupnp_didl_lite_object_add_artist (object); gupnp_didl_lite_contributor_set_name (artist, "Unknown"); g_object_unref (artist); resource = gupnp_didl_lite_object_add_resource (object); info = gupnp_protocol_info_new (); gupnp_protocol_info_set_protocol (info, "http-get"); gupnp_protocol_info_set_network (info, "*"); gupnp_protocol_info_set_mime_type (info, "audio/mpeg"); gupnp_didl_lite_resource_set_protocol_info (resource, info); g_object_unref (info); gupnp_didl_lite_resource_set_size (resource, 3558000); gupnp_didl_lite_resource_set_uri (resource, ""); g_object_unref (resource); return object; } static const gchar *current_fragments[] = { /* 1 */ "object.item.audioItem.musicTrack", /* 2 */ "", /* 3 */ "Unknown", /* 4 */ "Try a little tenderness" }; static const gchar *new_fragments[] = { /* 1 */ "object.item.audioItem.musicTrack" "Obscure", /* 2 */ "Even more obscure", /* 3 */ "", /* 4 */ "Cthulhu fhtagn" }; static void debug_dump (GUPnPDIDLLiteObject *object) { xmlChar *dump = NULL; xmlNodePtr node = gupnp_didl_lite_object_get_xml_node (object); xmlDocPtr doc = node->doc; xmlDocDumpMemory (doc, &dump, NULL); g_debug ("Obj dump:\n%s", dump); xmlFree (dump); } int main (void) { GUPnPDIDLLiteObject *temp_object; GUPnPDIDLLiteObject *object; GUPnPDIDLLiteFragmentResult result; GUPnPDIDLLiteWriter *writer; int retval = 1; const gchar *value; GList* artists; GUPnPDIDLLiteContributor *artist; g_setenv ("GUPNP_AV_DATADIR", ABS_TOP_SRCDIR G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "data", FALSE); writer = gupnp_didl_lite_writer_new (NULL); temp_object = get_item (writer, 3, 2); object = get_item (writer, 18, 13); debug_dump (object); result = gupnp_didl_lite_object_apply_fragments (object, (char **) current_fragments, G_N_ELEMENTS (current_fragments), (char **) new_fragments, G_N_ELEMENTS (new_fragments)); debug_dump (object); if (result != GUPNP_DIDL_LITE_FRAGMENT_RESULT_OK) { g_warning ("Applying fragments failed."); goto out; } value = gupnp_didl_lite_object_get_title (object); if (g_strcmp0 (value, "Cthulhu fhtagn")) { g_warning ("Title is '%s', should be 'Cthulhu fhtagn'.", value); goto out; } artists = gupnp_didl_lite_object_get_artists (object); if (artists) { g_warning ("Should be no artists."); g_list_free_full (artists, g_object_unref); goto out; } value = gupnp_didl_lite_object_get_title (temp_object); if (g_strcmp0 (value, "Try a little tenderness")) { g_warning ("Title is '%s', should be 'Try a little tenderness'.", value); goto out; } artists = gupnp_didl_lite_object_get_artists (temp_object); if (!artists) { g_warning ("Should be one artist, there are none."); goto out; } if (artists->next) { g_list_free_full (artists, g_object_unref); g_warning ("Should be one artist, there are more."); goto out; } artist = g_object_ref (artists->data); g_list_free_full (artists, g_object_unref); value = gupnp_didl_lite_contributor_get_name (artist); if (g_strcmp0 (value, "Unknown")) { g_object_unref (artist); g_warning ("Artist is '%s', but should be 'Unknown'.", value); goto out; } g_object_unref (artist); retval = 0; out: g_object_unref (object); g_object_unref (temp_object); g_object_unref (writer); return retval; }