================= LibGFBGraph 0.2.4 ================= The changes include: - Change Facebook Graph API version to v2.10 by Álvaro Peña. - Fix memory leaks of GFBGraphNode class by Krzesimir Nowak. - Support g_autoptr for GFBGraphAlbum, GFBGraphNode, GFBGraphPhoto, GFBGraphUser by Leesoo Ahn. - Fix memory leaks of GFBGraphUser, GFBGraphSimpleAuthorizer, GFBGraphAlbum by Leesoo Ahn. ================= LibGFBGraph 0.2.3 ================= The major update in this version is the support fo the version 2.3 of the Facebook Graph API. The changes include: - The tests has been improved to use the Facebook test API (creating a test user). - A node now can be linked to other (if allowed). This allow to publish data to Facebook! For the moment just albums and photos. - Bug #752380 Updated the API of Facebook Graph to version 2.3 due deprecation of 1.0. - The documentation has been polished and now respect parallel installations. ================= LibGFBGraph 0.2.2 ================= Now with development documentation thanks to gtk-doc! Also the node base class includes the modification date. ================= LibGFBGraph 0.2.1 ================= This release is centered in a better control of the photos given by the Facebook Graph API in order a better integration in GNOME Photos. Now it's possible to: - Get all the available sizes of a given photo. - Get the higher resolution image available of a photo. - Get the available image with a width or height nearest a given number.. Also, the introspection annotations has been enhanced. =============== LibGFBGraph 0.2 =============== Just releasing under LGPG v2.1 =============== LibGFBGraph 0.1 =============== This is the first release of GFBGraph library. With this library you can get: * a user node, knowing his node ID, * the "me" user node. * all albums owned by a user. * all the photos in an album, and download the image default size. This version has a poor documentation and comes with a non-tested introspection.