diff options
authorMartin Baulig <>1998-05-22 23:22:03 +0000
committerMartin Baulig <>1998-05-22 23:22:03 +0000
commit26628a62149a950cc102a620d41cb43ddbe74038 (patch)
parent33f52f01b80b0a29ac57b025adb3b59240e8324b (diff)
New file. Uses the guile interface of libgtop to create docbook
* guile/make-docbook.scm: New file. Uses the guile interface of libgtop to create docbook documentation for all functions.
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/guile/make-docbook.scm b/guile/make-docbook.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b993db92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guile/make-docbook.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+;; $Id$
+(define sysdeps-list '())
+(define make-sysdeps-list
+ (lambda ()
+ (letrec ((names (glibtop-names-sysdeps))
+ (labels (glibtop-labels-sysdeps))
+ (descriptions (glibtop-descriptions-sysdeps))
+ )
+ (for-each (lambda (feature)
+ (let* ((label (car labels))
+ (description (car descriptions))
+ (list '())
+ )
+ (set! labels (cdr labels))
+ (set! descriptions (cdr descriptions))
+ (set! list (assoc-set! list 'name feature))
+ (set! list (assoc-set! list 'label label))
+ (set! list (assoc-set! list 'description description))
+ (set! sysdeps-list (assoc-set! sysdeps-list feature list))
+ )
+ )
+ names)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(define make-docbook
+ (lambda (feature)
+ (let* ((names (eval-string (string "(glibtop-names-" feature ")")))
+ (types (eval-string (string "(glibtop-types-" feature ")")))
+ (labels (eval-string (string "(glibtop-labels-" feature ")")))
+ (sysdeps (assoc-ref sysdeps-list feature)) (retval "void")
+ (name (assoc-ref sysdeps 'name))
+ (label (assoc-ref sysdeps 'label))
+ (description (assoc-ref sysdeps 'description))
+ (descriptions (eval-string (string "(glibtop-descriptions-" feature ")")))
+ (decl-list '()) (field-list '())
+ (synopsis-start-string
+ (string "<para>Automatically generated function synopsis:\n\n"))
+ (section-string
+ (string "<sect1>\n"
+ "<title><function>glibtop_get_" feature "()</function> - "
+ label "</title>\n\n")
+ )
+ (description-string
+ (string "<para>\nAutomatically generated description:\n\n"
+ "<blockquote>\n<literallayout>\n"
+ description "\n"
+ "</literallayout>\n</blockquote>\n\n")
+ )
+ (definition-start-string
+ (string "<para>Automatically generated declaration of "
+ "<structname>_glibtop_" feature "</structname>:\n\n")
+ )
+ (funcsynopsisinfo-string
+ (string "<funcsynopsisinfo>\n"
+ "#include &lt;glibtop.h&gt;\n"
+ "#include &lt;glibtop/" feature ".h&gt;"
+ "</funcsynopsisinfo>")
+ )
+ (funcdef-string
+ (string "<funcdef>" retval " "
+ "<function>glibtop_get_" feature "__r</function>"
+ "</funcdef>\n")
+ )
+ (paramdef-string
+ (string "<paramdef>glibtop *<parameter>server</parameter>, "
+ "glibtop_" feature " *<parameter>" feature "</parameter>\n"
+ "</paramdef>")
+ )
+ (funcdef-noserver-string
+ (string "<funcdef>" retval " "
+ "<function>glibtop_get_" feature "</function>"
+ "</funcdef>\n")
+ )
+ (paramdef-noserver-string
+ (string "<paramdef>glibtop_" feature " *"
+ "<parameter>" feature "</parameter>\n"
+ "</paramdef>")
+ )
+ (field-name-constant
+ (lambda (name field)
+ (string "GLIBTOP_"
+ (string-upcase! (string name))
+ "_"
+ (string-upcase! (string field)))
+ )
+ )
+ (make-struct-name
+ (lambda (type)
+ (string "glibtop_" (assoc-ref type "name"))
+ )
+ )
+ (tab-pad-string
+ (lambda (string tabs)
+ (let* ((slength (string-length string))
+ (tlength (* tabs 8)))
+ (string-append string
+ (make-string
+ (if (> tlength slength)
+ (- tlength slength)
+ 1
+ )
+ #\space))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (make-field-list
+ (lambda (name type fields)
+ (let* ((output (string)) (pos 1))
+ (map
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let* ((sep (if (= pos (length fields)) ";" ","))
+ (start (if (= pos 1)
+ (string "\t"
+ (tab-pad-string (string type) 2))
+ (string "\t\t"))
+ )
+ (comment (string (if (= pos 1) "" "\t") "/* "
+ (tab-pad-string
+ (field-name-constant name (car x)) 3)
+ " */"))
+ (field (tab-pad-string
+ (string-append (string (car x)) sep) 2))
+ )
+ (set! pos (+ pos 1))
+ (string-append start field comment "\n")
+ )
+ )
+ fields)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (init-field-list
+ (lambda ()
+ (let* ((old-type #f)
+ (type-list types)
+ (new-type #f)
+ (fields (list))
+ )
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (x)
+ (set! new-type (car type-list))
+ (set! type-list (cdr type-list))
+ (if (equal? old-type new-type)
+ (set-car! fields
+ (append (list new-type)
+ (cdr (car fields))
+ (list (list x))
+ )
+ )
+ (if (equal? old-type #f)
+ (set! fields (list (list new-type (list x))))
+ (set! fields (append (list (list new-type (list x))) fields))
+ )
+ )
+ (set! old-type new-type)
+ )
+ names)
+ fields)
+ )
+ )
+ (make-struct-body
+ (lambda (type)
+ (let* ((name (assoc-ref type "name"))
+ (data (assoc-ref type "fields"))
+ (output (string))
+ )
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (y)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (z)
+ (set! output (string-append output z))
+ )
+ y)
+ )
+ (map
+ (lambda (x) (make-field-list name (car x) (cdr x)))
+ data)
+ )
+ output)
+ )
+ )
+ (make-struct
+ (lambda (type)
+ (let* ((name (assoc-ref type "name"))
+ (data (assoc-ref type "fields"))
+ (output (string-append
+ (tab-pad-string
+ (string "typedef struct _glibtop_" name)
+ 5)
+ (string "glibtop_" name ";\n\n"
+ "struct glibtop_" name "\n{\n\t"
+ "unsigned long\tflags;\n")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (string-append output (make-struct-body type) "};\n")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (set! decl-list (assoc-set! decl-list "name" name))
+ (set! decl-list (assoc-set! decl-list "label" label))
+ (set! decl-list (assoc-set! decl-list "fields" (init-field-list)))
+ (string-append section-string
+ description-string
+ synopsis-start-string
+ (string "<blockquote>\n<funcsynopsis>\n")
+ funcsynopsisinfo-string
+ funcdef-noserver-string
+ paramdef-noserver-string
+ (string "</funcsynopsis>\n")
+ (string "<funcsynopsis>\n")
+ funcdef-string
+ paramdef-string
+ (string "</funcsynopsis>\n</blockquote>\n")
+ definition-start-string
+ (string "<blockquote>\n<literallayout>\n")
+ (make-struct decl-list)
+ (string "</literallayout>\n</blockquote>\n")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+;; <sect2 id="glibtop-get-cpu">
+;; <title><function>glibtop_get_cpu()</function> - get CPU usage</title>
+;; <funcsynopsis>
+;; <funcsynopsisinfo>
+;; #include &lt;glibtop.h>
+;; #include &lt;glibtop/cpu.h></funcsynopsisinfo>
+;; <funcdef>void <function>glibtop_get_cpu</function></funcdef>
+;; <paramdef>glibtop *<parameter>server</parameter>, glibtop_cpu *<parameter>cpu_usage</parameter>
+;; </paramdef></funcsynopsis>
+ (make-sysdeps-list)
+ (for-each (lambda (x)
+ (display (make-docbook x))
+ )
+ (glibtop-names-sysdeps))
+ )