path: root/sysdeps/guile/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sysdeps/guile/')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sysdeps/guile/ b/sysdeps/guile/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a272ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysdeps/guile/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+$[ = 1; # set array base to 1
+$, = ' '; # set output field separator
+$\ = "\n"; # set output record separator
+sub toupper {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+ return $_;
+sub tolower {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ return $_;
+print '/* guile.c */';
+print "/* This is a generated file. Please modify `' */";
+print '';
+print '#include <glibtop.h>';
+print '#include <glibtop/xmalloc.h>';
+print '#include <glibtop/sysdeps.h>';
+print '#include <glibtop/union.h>';
+print '';
+print '#include <guile/gh.h>';
+print '';
+$convert{'long'} = 'gh_long2scm ';
+$convert{'ulong'} = 'gh_ulong2scm ';
+$convert{'double'} = 'gh_double2scm';
+$convert{'str'} = 'gh_str02scm ';
+$convert{'char'} = 'gh_char2scm ';
+$backconv{'int'} = 'gh_scm2long';
+$backconv{'pid_t'} = 'gh_scm2ulong';
+$backconv{'long'} = 'gh_scm2long';
+$backconv{'ulong'} = 'gh_scm2ulong';
+$backconv{'unsigned'} = 'gh_scm2ulong';
+$feature_count = 0;
+while (<>) {
+ chop; # strip record separator
+ if (/^[^#]/) {
+ &make_output($_);
+ }
+$sep = '';
+$sysdeps = 'void|sysdeps|ulong(';
+for ($nr = 0; $nr < $feature_count; $nr++) {
+ $sysdeps = $sysdeps . '' . $sep . '' . $feature_field{$nr};
+ $sep = ',';
+$sysdeps = $sysdeps . ')';
+print 'void';
+print 'glibtop_boot_guile (void)';
+print '{';
+print "#include \"guile.x\"";
+print '}';
+sub make_output {
+ local($line) = @_;
+ @line_fields = split(/\|/, $line, 9999);
+ $retval = $line_fields[1];
+ $element_def = $line_fields[3];
+ $feature = $line_fields[2];
+ $param_def = $line_fields[4];
+ $feature =~ s/^@//;
+ $features{$feature} = $feature;
+ $feature_field{$feature_count} = $feature;
+ $feature_count = $feature_count + 1;
+ $total_nr_params = 0;
+ if ($param_def eq 'string') {
+ $call_param = ', gh_scm2newstr( ' . $line_fields[5] . ', NULL)';
+ $param_decl = 'SCM ' . $line_fields[5];
+ $total_nr_params = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $call_param = '';
+ $param_decl = '';
+ $nr_params = (@params = split(/:/, $param_def, 9999));
+ for ($param = 1; $param <= $nr_params; $param++) {
+ $list = $params[$param];
+ $type = $params[$param];
+ $type =~ s/\(.*//;
+ $list =~ s/^.*\(//;
+ $list =~ s/\)$//;
+ $count = (@fields = split(/,/, $list, 9999));
+ $total_nr_params = $total_nr_params + $count;
+ for ($field = 1; $field <= $count; $field++) {
+ if ($param_decl ne '') {
+ $param_decl = $param_decl . ', ';
+ }
+ $param_decl = $param_decl . 'SCM ' . $fields[$field];
+ $call_param = $call_param . ', ' . $backconv{$type} . ' (' .
+ $fields[$field] . ')';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($param_decl eq '') {
+ $param_decl = 'void';
+ }
+ }
+ $nr_params_field{$feature} = $total_nr_params;
+ $feature_name = $feature;
+ $feature_name =~ s/_/-/;
+ $output = 'SCM_PROC (s_' . $feature . ", \"glibtop-get-" . $feature_name .
+ "\",";
+ $output = $output . ' ' . $nr_params_field{$feature} . ', 0, 0, ';
+ $output = $output . 'glibtop_guile_get_' . $feature . ");\n\n";
+ $output = $output . "static SCM\nglibtop_guile_get_" . $feature . ' (' .
+ $param_decl . ")\n{\n";
+ $output = $output . "\tglibtop_" . $feature . ' ' . $feature . ";\n";
+ if ($retval ne 'void') {
+ $output = $output . "\t" . $retval . " retval;\n";
+ }
+ if ($feature =~ /^(proc(list|_map|_args))|mountlist$/) {
+ $output = $output . "\tunsigned i;\n";
+ }
+ if ($feature =~ /^proc_args$/) {
+ $output = $output . "\tSCM list, scm_args, args_list;\n";
+ $output = $output . "\tchar *start;\n\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $output = $output . "\tSCM list;\n\n";
+ }
+ if ($retval ne 'void') {
+ $prefix = 'retval = ';
+ }
+ else {
+ $prefix = '';
+ }
+ $output = $output . "\t" . $prefix . 'glibtop_get_' . $feature . ' (&' .
+ $feature . '' . $call_param . ");\n\n";
+ $output = $output . "\tlist = gh_list (gh_ulong2scm (" . $feature .
+ ".flags),\n\t\t\t";
+ $nr_elements = (@elements = split(/:/, $element_def, 9999));
+ for ($element = 1; $element <= $nr_elements; $element++) {
+ $list = $elements[$element];
+ $type = $elements[$element];
+ $type =~ s/\(.*//;
+ $list =~ s/^.*\(//;
+ $list =~ s/\)$//;
+ $count = (@fields = split(/,/, $list, 9999));
+ for ($field = 1; $field <= $count; $field++) {
+ if ($fields[$field] =~ /^(\w+)\[([0-9]+)\]$/) {
+ @field_parts = split(/\[/, $fields[$field], 9999);
+ $fields[$field] = $field_parts[1];
+ $field_parts[2] =~ s/\]//;
+ $number = $field_parts[2];
+ $output = $output . "gh_list\n\t\t\t(";
+ for ($nr = 0; $nr < $number; $nr++) {
+ $output = $output . '' . $convert{$type} . ' (' . $feature
+ . '.' . $fields[$field] . ' [' . $nr . "]),\n\t\t\t ";
+ }
+ $output = $output . "SCM_UNDEFINED),\n\t\t\t";
+ }
+ else {
+ $output = $output . '' . $convert{$type} . ' (' . $feature .
+ '.' . $fields[$field] . "),\n\t\t\t";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $output = $output . "SCM_UNDEFINED);\n";
+ print $output;
+ if ($feature =~ /^proclist$/) {
+ print "\tif (retval == NULL)";
+ print "\t\treturn list;";
+ print '';
+ print "\tfor (i = 0; i < proclist.number; i++)";
+ print "\t\tlist = scm_append";
+ print "\t\t\t(gh_list (list,";
+ print
+ "\t\t\t\t gh_list (gh_ulong2scm ((unsigned long) retval [i])),";
+ print "\t\t\t\t SCM_UNDEFINED));";
+ print '';
+ print "\tglibtop_free (retval);\n";
+ }
+ if ($feature =~ /^proc_map$/) {
+ print "\tif (retval == NULL)";
+ print "\t\treturn list;";
+ print '';
+ print "\tfor (i = 0; i < proc_map.number; i++) {";
+ print "\t\tglibtop_map_entry *entry = &(retval [i]);";
+ print "\t\tSCM scm_entry = gh_list";
+ print "\t\t\t(gh_ulong2scm ((unsigned long) entry->flags),";
+ print "\t\t\t gh_ulong2scm ((unsigned long) entry->start),";
+ print "\t\t\t gh_ulong2scm ((unsigned long) entry->end),";
+ print "\t\t\t gh_ulong2scm ((unsigned long) entry->offset),";
+ print "\t\t\t gh_ulong2scm ((unsigned long) entry->perm),";
+ print "\t\t\t gh_ulong2scm ((unsigned long) entry->inode),";
+ print "\t\t\t gh_ulong2scm ((unsigned long) entry->device),";
+ print "\t\t\t gh_str02scm (entry->filename), SCM_UNDEFINED);";
+ print "\t\tSCM entry_list = gh_list (scm_entry, SCM_UNDEFINED);\n";
+ print
+ "\t\tlist = scm_append (gh_list (list, entry_list, SCM_UNDEFINED));";
+ print "\t};\n";
+ print "\tglibtop_free (retval);\n";
+ }
+ if ($feature =~ /^proc_args$/) {
+ print "\tif (retval == NULL)";
+ print "\t\treturn list;";
+ print '';
+ print "\tstart = retval;";
+ print "\tscm_args = gh_list (SCM_UNDEFINED);\n";
+ print "\tfor (i = 0; i <= proc_args.size; i++) {";
+ print "\t\tSCM arg_list;\n";
+ print "\t\tif (retval [i]) continue;\n";
+ print "\t\targ_list = gh_list (gh_str02scm (start), SCM_UNDEFINED);";
+ print "\t\tscm_args = scm_append";
+ print "\t\t\t(gh_list (scm_args, arg_list, SCM_UNDEFINED));\n;";
+ print "\t\tstart = &(retval [i+1]);";
+ print "\t};\n";
+ print "\targs_list = gh_list (scm_args, SCM_UNDEFINED);";
+ print
+ "\tlist = scm_append (gh_list (list, args_list, SCM_UNDEFINED));\n";
+ print "\tglibtop_free (retval);\n";
+ }
+ if ($feature =~ /^mountlist$/) {
+ print "\tif (retval == NULL)";
+ print "\t\treturn list;";
+ print '';
+ print "\tfor (i = 0; i < mountlist.number; i++) {";
+ print "\t\tglibtop_mountentry *entry = &(retval [i]);";
+ print "\t\tSCM scm_entry = gh_list";
+ print "\t\t\t(gh_ulong2scm ((unsigned long) entry->dev),";
+ print "\t\t\t gh_str02scm (entry->devname),";
+ print "\t\t\t gh_str02scm (entry->mountdir),";
+ print "\t\t\t gh_str02scm (entry->type), SCM_UNDEFINED);";
+ print "\t\tSCM entry_list = gh_list (scm_entry, SCM_UNDEFINED);\n";
+ print
+ "\t\tlist = scm_append (gh_list (list, entry_list, SCM_UNDEFINED));";
+ print "\t};\n";
+ print "\tglibtop_free (retval);\n";
+ }
+ print "\treturn list;";
+ print '}';
+ print '';