# libgweather-locations' Portuguese translation. # Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 libgweather # This file is distributed under the same license as the libgweather package. # Duarte Loreto , 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014. # Pedro Albuquerque , 2015. # Juliano de Souza Camargo , 2020. # Hugo Carvalho , 2021. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 3.12\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-06-21 23:13+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-25 18:40+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Hugo Carvalho \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n" "Language: pt\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n" #. TRANSLATORS: This is the designation for the last (most west) timezone on Earth #. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anywhere_on_Earth msgid "Anywhere on Earth (AoE)" msgstr "Qualquer sítio na Terra (QsT)" msgid "Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)" msgstr "Tempo Universal Coordenado (UTC)" msgid "Africa" msgstr "África" msgctxt "Region" msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "Antártida" msgid "Asia" msgstr "Ásia" #. FIXME: rename this to Atlantic Ocean msgctxt "Region" msgid "Atlantic" msgstr "Atlântica" msgid "Australasia and Oceania" msgstr "Australásia e Oceânia" msgid "Central and South America" msgstr "América Central e do Sul" msgid "Europe" msgstr "Europa" msgid "Middle East" msgstr "Médio Oriente" msgid "North America" msgstr "América do Norte" #. AF - Afghanistan msgid "Afghanistan" msgstr "Afeganistão" #. AL - Albania msgid "Albania" msgstr "Albânia" #. DZ - Algeria msgid "Algeria" msgstr "Algéria" #. AS - American Samoa, a territory of the United States in the #. South Pacific, not to be confused with the separate nation #. of "Samoa". #. msgid "American Samoa" msgstr "Samoa Americana" #. AD - Andorra msgid "Andorra" msgstr "Andorra" #. AO - Angola msgid "Angola" msgstr "Angola" #. AI - Anguilla, a British territory in the Caribbean msgid "Anguilla" msgstr "Anguilla" #. AQ - Antarctica msgctxt "Country" msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "Antártida" #. AG - Antigua and Barbuda msgid "Antigua and Barbuda" msgstr "Antigua and Barbuda" #. AR - Argentina msgid "Argentina" msgstr "Argentina" #. AM - Armenia #. A city in Colombia msgid "Armenia" msgstr "Arménia" #. AW - Aruba, a Caribbean island that is one of the three #. constituent countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. #. msgid "Aruba" msgstr "Aruba" #. AU - Australia msgid "Australia" msgstr "Austrália" #. AT - Austria msgid "Austria" msgstr "Aústria" #. AZ - Azerbaijan msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "Azerbeijão" #. BS - Bahamas msgid "Bahamas" msgstr "Bahamas" #. BH - Bahrain msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "Barain" #. BD - Bangladesh msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "Bangladesh" #. BB - Barbados msgid "Barbados" msgstr "Barbados" #. BY - Belarus msgid "Belarus" msgstr "Bielorússia" #. BE - Belgium. The local names for the country are "België" #. (Dutch), Belgique (French), and Belgien (German). #. msgid "Belgium" msgstr "Bélgica" #. BZ - Belize msgid "Belize" msgstr "Belize" #. BJ - Benin msgid "Benin" msgstr "Benin" #. BM - Bermuda, a British territory off the coast of the #. United States #. msgid "Bermuda" msgstr "Bermuda" #. BT - Bhutan msgid "Bhutan" msgstr "Butão" #. BO - Bolivia msgid "Bolivia" msgstr "Bolívia" #. BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "Bósnia-Herzegovina" #. BW - Botswana msgid "Botswana" msgstr "Botswana" #. BR - Brazil msgid "Brazil" msgstr "Brasil" #. IO - British Indian Ocean Territory, which is exactly what #. it sounds like. #. msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgstr "Território Oceânico das Índias Inglesas" #. VG - British Virgin Islands, a British territory in the #. Caribbean #. msgid "British Virgin Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Virgens Inglesas" #. BN - Brunei Darussalam msgid "Brunei" msgstr "Brunei" #. BG - Bulgaria msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgária" #. BF - Burkina Faso msgid "Burkina Faso" msgstr "Burkina Faso" #. BI - Burundi msgid "Burundi" msgstr "Burundi" #. KH - Cambodia msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "Cambodja" #. CM - Cameroon msgid "Cameroon" msgstr "Camarões" #. CA - Canada msgid "Canada" msgstr "Canadá" #. CV - Cape Verde msgid "Cape Verde" msgstr "Cabo Verde" #. KY - Cayman Islands, a British territory in the Caribbean msgid "Cayman Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Caimão" #. CF - Central African Republic msgid "Central African Republic" msgstr "República Central Africana" #. TD - Chad msgid "Chad" msgstr "Chade" #. CL - Chile msgid "Chile" msgstr "Chile" #. CN - China. (The official ISO 3166 short English name does #. not include "The People's Republic of".) #. msgid "China" msgstr "China" #. CX - Christmas Island, a territory of Australia in the #. Indian Ocean, not to be confused with various other islands #. of the same name. #. msgid "Christmas Island" msgstr "Ilha do Natal" #. CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands, a territory of Australia in #. the Indian Ocean. The "(Keeling)" is to distinguish them #. from other "Cocos Island"s, and is part of the official name. #. msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" msgstr "Ilhas de Cocos (Keeling)" #. CO - Colombia msgid "Colombia" msgstr "Colômbia" #. KM - Comoros msgid "Comoros" msgstr "Comoros" #. CD - Democratic Republic of the Congo msgid "Congo, Democratic Republic of the" msgstr "Congo, República Democrática do" #. CG - Republic of the Congo. The official ISO 3166 short #. English name is simply "Congo"; we use the long name to #. better distinguish it from CD (The Democratic Republic of #. the Congo). #. msgid "Congo, Republic of the" msgstr "República do Congo" #. CK - Cook Islands msgid "Cook Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Cook" #. CR - Costa Rica msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "Costa Rica" #. HR - Croatia msgid "Croatia" msgstr "Croácia" #. CU - Cuba msgid "Cuba" msgstr "Cuba" #. CY - Cyprus msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "Chipre" #. CZ - Czech Republic msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "República Checa" #. CI - Côte d'Ivoire msgid "Côte d'Ivoire" msgstr "Costa do Marfim" #. DK - Denmark. The Danish name is "Danmark" msgid "Denmark" msgstr "Dinamarca" #. DJ - Djibouti msgctxt "Country" msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "Djibouti" #. DM - Dominica, a Caribbean island nation, not to be confused #. with the Domincan Republic. #. msgid "Dominica" msgstr "Dominica" #. DO - Dominican Republic msgid "Dominican Republic" msgstr "República Dominicana" #. EC - Ecuador msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "Equador" #. EG - Egypt msgid "Egypt" msgstr "Egipto" #. SV - El Salvador msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "El Salvador" #. GQ - Equatorial Guinea msgid "Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "Guiné Equatorial" #. ER - Eritrea msgid "Eritrea" msgstr "Eritreia" #. EE - Estonia msgid "Estonia" msgstr "Estónia" #. ET - Ethiopia msgid "Ethiopia" msgstr "Etiópia" #. FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas), a British territory in the #. South Atlantic also claimed by Argentina. (The British name #. is "Falkland Islands". The Argentine name is "Islas #. Malvinas". The parenthesized form is the compromise used by #. ISO and the UN.) #. msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" msgstr "Ilhas Malvinas (Falkland)" #. FO - Faroe Islands, an autonomous province of Denmark in the #. north Atlantic. #. msgid "Faroe Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Faroe" #. FJ - Fiji msgid "Fiji" msgstr "Fiji" #. FI - Finland msgid "Finland" msgstr "Finlândia" #. FR - France msgid "France" msgstr "França" #. GF - French Guiana, an overseas department of France on the #. northern coast of South America. #. msgid "French Guiana" msgstr "Guiana Francesa" #. PF - French Polynesia, a French territory in the South #. Pacific #. msgid "French Polynesia" msgstr "Polinésia Francesa" #. TF - French Southern Territories, a territory of France #. consisting of several mostly-uninhabited islands in the #. Indian Ocean. The French name is "Terres australes #. françaises". #. msgid "French Southern Territories" msgstr "Territórios do Sul Franceses" #. GA - Gabon msgid "Gabon" msgstr "Gabão" #. GM - Gambia msgid "Gambia" msgstr "Gambia" #. GE - Georgia (the country, not the US state) msgctxt "Country" msgid "Georgia" msgstr "Geórgia" #. DE - Germany msgid "Germany" msgstr "Alemanha" #. GH - Ghana msgid "Ghana" msgstr "Gana" #. GI - Gibraltar, a British overseas territory on the southern #. tip of Spain. #. msgctxt "Country" msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "Gibraltar" #. GR - Greece msgid "Greece" msgstr "Grécia" #. GL - Greenland, an autonomous province of Denmark in the #. North Atlantic. #. msgid "Greenland" msgstr "Gronelândia" #. GD - Grenada msgid "Grenada" msgstr "Grenada" #. GP - Guadeloupe, an overseas department of France in the #. Caribbean. #. msgid "Guadeloupe" msgstr "Guadeloupe" #. GU - Guam, a territory of the United States in the South #. Pacific. #. msgid "Guam" msgstr "Guam" #. GT - Guatemala msgctxt "Country" msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "Guatemala" #. GG - The Bailiwick of Guernsey, a British Crown dependency msgid "Guernsey" msgstr "Guernsey" #. GN - Guinea msgid "Guinea" msgstr "Guiné" #. GW - Guinea-Bissau msgid "Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "Guiné-Bissau" #. GY - Guyana msgid "Guyana" msgstr "Guiana" #. HT - Haiti msgid "Haiti" msgstr "Haiti" #. HN - Honduras msgid "Honduras" msgstr "Honduras" #. HK - Hong Kong, aka "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region #. of China" #. msgid "Hong Kong" msgstr "Hong Kong" #. HU - Hungary msgid "Hungary" msgstr "Hungria" #. IS - Iceland msgid "Iceland" msgstr "Islândia" #. IN - India msgid "India" msgstr "Índia" #. ID - Indonesia msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "Indonésia" #. IR - Islamic Republic of Iran msgid "Iran" msgstr "Irão" #. IQ - Iraq msgid "Iraq" msgstr "Iraque" #. IE - Ireland msgid "Ireland" msgstr "Irlanda" #. IM - Isle of Man, a British Crown dependency msgid "Isle of Man" msgstr "Ilha de Man" #. IL - Israel msgid "Israel" msgstr "Israel" #. IT - Italy msgid "Italy" msgstr "Itália" #. JM - Jamaica msgid "Jamaica" msgstr "Jamaica" #. JP - Japan msgid "Japan" msgstr "Japão" #. JE - The Bailiwick of Jersey, a British Crown dependency msgid "Jersey" msgstr "Jersey" #. JO - Jordan msgctxt "Country" msgid "Jordan" msgstr "Jordânia" #. KZ - Kazakhstan msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "Cazaquistão" #. KE - Kenya msgid "Kenya" msgstr "Kenya" #. KI - Kiribati msgid "Kiribati" msgstr "Kiribati" #. XK, Kosovo msgid "Kosovo" msgstr "Kosovo" #. KW - Kuwait msgctxt "Country" msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "Kuwait" #. KG - Kyrgyzstan msgid "Kyrgyzstan" msgstr "Kyrgyzstan" #. LA - Lao People's Democratic Republic msgid "Laos" msgstr "Laos" #. LV - Latvia msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Letónia" #. LB - Lebanon msgctxt "Country" msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "Líbano" #. LS - Lesotho msgid "Lesotho" msgstr "Lesoto" #. LR - Liberia msgctxt "Country" msgid "Liberia" msgstr "Libéria" #. LY - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya msgid "Libya" msgstr "Líbia" #. LI - Liechtenstien msgid "Liechtenstein" msgstr "Liechtenstein" #. LT - Lithuania msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "Lituânia" #. LU - Luxembourg msgctxt "Country" msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "Luxemburgo" #. MO - Macao, aka "Macao Special Administrative Region of #. China". (The spellings "Macao" and "Macau" are both widely #. used. The "u" spelling is currently slightly more popular in #. English.) #. msgctxt "Country" msgid "Macau" msgstr "Macau" #. MK - The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia msgid "Macedonia" msgstr "Macedonia" #. MG - Madagascar msgid "Madagascar" msgstr "Madagascar" #. MW - Malawi msgid "Malawi" msgstr "Malawi" #. MY - Malaysia msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "Malásia" #. MV - Maldives msgid "Maldives" msgstr "Maldivas" #. ML - Mali msgid "Mali" msgstr "Mali" #. MT - Malta msgctxt "Country" msgid "Malta" msgstr "Malta" #. MH - Marshall Islands msgid "Marshall Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Marshall" #. MQ - Martinique, an overseas department of France in the #. Caribbean. #. msgid "Martinique" msgstr "Martinique" #. MR - Mauritania msgid "Mauritania" msgstr "Mauritania" #. MU - Mauritius msgid "Mauritius" msgstr "Maurícia" #. YT - Mayotte msgid "Mayotte" msgstr "Mayotte" #. MX - Mexico msgid "Mexico" msgstr "México" #. FM - Federated States of Micronesia msgid "Micronesia, Federated States of" msgstr "Estado Federal da Micronésia" #. MD - Moldova msgid "Moldova" msgstr "Moldova" #. MC - Monaco msgctxt "Country" msgid "Monaco" msgstr "Mónaco" #. MN - Mongolia msgid "Mongolia" msgstr "Mongólia" #. ME - Montenegro msgid "Montenegro" msgstr "Montenegro" #. MS - Montserrat, a British territory in the Caribbean. msgid "Montserrat" msgstr "Montserrat" #. MA - Morocco msgid "Morocco" msgstr "Marrocos" #. MZ - Mozambique msgid "Mozambique" msgstr "Moçambique" #. MM - Myanmar (also known as Burma, but "Myanmar" is #. currently the official ISO 3166 short English name, and gets #. more Google hits in English) #. msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "Myanmar" #. NA - Namibia msgid "Namibia" msgstr "Namíbia" #. NR - Nauru msgid "Nauru" msgstr "Nauru" #. NP - Nepal msgid "Nepal" msgstr "Nepal" #. NL - Netherlands msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "Países Baixos" #. AN - Netherlands Antilles, a group of Caribbean islands; one #. of the three constituent countries of the Kingdom of the #. Netherlands. #. msgid "Netherlands Antilles" msgstr "Antilhas Holandesas" #. NC - New Caledonia, a French territory in the South Pacific. #. The French name is "Nouvelle-Calédonie". #. msgid "New Caledonia" msgstr "Nova Caledónia" #. NZ - New Zealand msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "Nova Zelândia" #. NI - Nicaragua msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "Nicarágua" #. NE - Niger msgid "Niger" msgstr "Niger" #. NG - Nigeria msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "Nigeria" #. NU - Niue msgid "Niue" msgstr "Niue" #. NF - Norfolk Island, a territory of Australia msgid "Norfolk Island" msgstr "Ilha de Norfolk" #. KP - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, aka North #. Korea #. msgid "North Korea" msgstr "Coreia do Norte" #. MP - Northern Mariana Islands, a semi-independent territory #. of the United States in the western Pacific Ocean. #. msgid "Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Mariana do Norte" #. NO - Norway msgid "Norway" msgstr "Noruega" #. OM - Oman msgid "Oman" msgstr "Oman" #. PK - Pakistan msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "Paquistão" #. PW - Palau msgid "Palau" msgstr "Palau" #. PS - Occupied Palestinian Territory msgid "Palestinian Territory" msgstr "Território Palestiniano" #. PA - Panama. The local (Spanish) name is "Panamá". In common #. English usage (and in ISO 3166) it does not have the accent. #. msgid "Panama" msgstr "Panama" #. PG - Papua New Guinea msgid "Papua New Guinea" msgstr "Papua Nova Guiné" #. PY - Paraguay msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "Paraguai" #. PE - Peru msgctxt "Country" msgid "Peru" msgstr "Perú" #. PH - Philippines msgid "Philippines" msgstr "Filipinas" #. PN - Pitcairn, a British territory in the South Pacific msgid "Pitcairn" msgstr "Pitcairn" #. PL - Poland msgid "Poland" msgstr "Polónia" #. PT - Portugal msgid "Portugal" msgstr "Portugal" #. PR - Puerto Rico, a territory of the United States in the #. Caribbean. #. msgid "Puerto Rico" msgstr "Porto Rico" #. QA - Qatar msgid "Qatar" msgstr "Catar" #. RO - Romania msgid "Romania" msgstr "Roménia" #. RU - Russian Federation msgid "Russia" msgstr "Rússia" #. RW - Rwanda msgid "Rwanda" msgstr "Ruanda" #. RE - Réunion, an overseas department of France in the Indian #. Ocean. #. msgid "Réunion" msgstr "Reunião" #. BL - Saint Barthélemy, an overseas territory of France in #. the Caribbean, formerly part of Guadeloupe. #. msgid "Saint Barthélemy" msgstr "Saint Barthélemy" #. SH - Saint Helena, a British territory in the South Atlantic msgid "Saint Helena" msgstr "Santa Helena" #. KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis" msgstr "Saint Kitts and Nevis" #. LC - Saint Lucia msgid "Saint Lucia" msgstr "Saint Lucia" #. MF - Saint Martin, the French half of the island of Saint #. Martin / Sint Maarten. (The Dutch half is considered part of #. the Netherlands Antilles.) #. msgid "Saint Martin" msgstr "Saint Martin" #. PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon, a French territory in North #. America (off the coast of Newfoundland). The French name is #. "Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon". #. msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" msgstr "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" #. VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" msgstr "Saint Vincent e as Grenadines" #. WS - Samoa, an independent nation not to be confused with #. "American Samoa" #. msgid "Samoa" msgstr "Samoa" #. SM - San Marino msgctxt "Country" msgid "San Marino" msgstr "São Marino" #. ST - Sao Tome and Principe. The local (Portuguese) name is #. "São Tomé and Príncipe". The official ISO 3166 short English #. name does not have the accents. #. msgid "Sao Tome and Principe" msgstr "São Tomé e Príncipe" #. SA - Saudi Arabia msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "Arábia Saudita" #. SN - Senegal msgid "Senegal" msgstr "Senegal" #. RS - Serbia msgid "Serbia" msgstr "Sérvia" #. SC - Seychelles msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "Seychelles" #. SL - Sierra Leone msgid "Sierra Leone" msgstr "Serra Leoa" #. SG - Singapore msgctxt "Country" msgid "Singapore" msgstr "Singapura" #. SK - Slovakia msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "Eslováquia" #. SI - Slovenia msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "Eslovénia" #. SB - Solomon Islands msgid "Solomon Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Salomão" #. SO - Somalia msgid "Somalia" msgstr "Somália" #. ZA - South Africa msgid "South Africa" msgstr "África do Sul" #. GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, a British #. territory in the South Atlantic. #. msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" msgstr "Geórgia do Sul e as Ilhas Sandwich Sul" #. KR - The Republic of Korea, aka South Korea msgid "South Korea" msgstr "Coreia do Sul" #. ES - Spain msgid "Spain" msgstr "Espanha" #. LK - Sri Lanka msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "Sri Lanka" #. SD - Sudan msgid "Sudan" msgstr "Sudão" #. SR - Suriname msgid "Suriname" msgstr "Suriname" #. SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen. Svalbard is an island in the #. Arctic Ocean which is a part of Norway with unusual status #. internationally. #. msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" msgstr "Svalbard e Jan Mayen" #. SZ - Swaziland msgid "Swaziland" msgstr "Swazilândia" #. SE - Sweden msgid "Sweden" msgstr "Suécia" #. CH - Switzerland msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "Suiça" #. SY - Syrian Arab Republic msgid "Syria" msgstr "Síria" #. TW - Taiwan, Province of China. (That's the official ISO #. 3166 short English name.) #. msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "Ilha Formosa" #. TJ - Tajikistan msgid "Tajikistan" msgstr "Tajiquistão" #. TZ - United Republic of Tanzania msgid "Tanzania" msgstr "Tanzânia" #. TH - Thailand msgid "Thailand" msgstr "Tailândia" #. TL - Timor-Leste (formerly known as "East Timor") msgid "Timor-Leste" msgstr "Timor-Leste" #. TG - Togo msgid "Togo" msgstr "Togo" #. TK - Tokelau, a territory of New Zealand msgid "Tokelau" msgstr "Tokelau" #. TO - Tonga msgid "Tonga" msgstr "Tonga" #. TT - Trinidad and Tobago msgid "Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "Trinidad e Tobago" #. TN - Tunisia msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "Tunísia" #. TR - Turkey msgid "Turkey" msgstr "Turquia" #. TM - Turkmenistan msgid "Turkmenistan" msgstr "Turqmenistão" #. TC - Turks and Caicos Islands, a British territory in the #. Caribbean #. msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Turks e Caicos" #. TV - Tuvalu msgid "Tuvalu" msgstr "Tuvalu" #. UG - Uganda msgid "Uganda" msgstr "Uganda" #. UA - Ukraine msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "Ucrânia" #. AE - United Arab Emirates msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "Emirados Árabes Unidos" #. GB - United Kingdom msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "Reino Unido" #. US - United States, aka United States of America msgid "United States" msgstr "Estados Unidos da América" #. UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands, a group of #. mostly-uninhabited United States territories in the South #. Pacific. #. msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Exteriores Menores dos Estados Unidos da América" #. VI - United States Virgin Islands, a territory of the United #. States in the Caribbean #. msgid "United States Virgin Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Virgens dos Estados Unidos da América" #. UY - Uruguay msgid "Uruguay" msgstr "Uruguai" #. UZ - Uzbekistan msgid "Uzbekistan" msgstr "Uzbequistão" #. VU - Vanuatu msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "Vanuatu" #. VA - Holy See (Vatican City State) msgid "Vatican City" msgstr "Cidade do Vaticano" #. VE - Venezuela msgid "Venezuela" msgstr "Venezuela" #. VN - Viet Nam (The official ISO 3166 short English name #. includes a space, though it is also frequently written #. without one.) #. msgid "Viet Nam" msgstr "Vietnam" #. WF - Wallis and Futuna, a French territory in the South #. Pacific #. msgid "Wallis and Futuna" msgstr "Wallis e Futuna" #. EH - Western Sahara, a disputed territory in western Africa msgid "Western Sahara" msgstr "Sahara Ocidental" #. YE - Yemen msgid "Yemen" msgstr "Yemen" #. ZM - Zambia msgid "Zambia" msgstr "Zambia" #. ZW - Zimbabwe msgid "Zimbabwe" msgstr "Zimbabué" #. AX - Åland Islands, an autonomous province of Finland msgid "Åland Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Åland" #. The time zone used in the western half of the Democratic #. Republic of the Congo. The string is only used in places #. where "Democratic Republic of the Congo" is already #. clear from context. FIXME: is there an official name for #. this zone? #. msgid "Western Congo" msgstr "Fuso Horário do Congo Ocidental" #. The time zone used in the eastern half of the Democratic #. Republic of the Congo. The string is only used in places #. where "Democratic Republic of the Congo" is already #. clear from context. FIXME: is there an official name for #. this zone? #. msgid "Eastern Congo" msgstr "Fuso Horário do Congo Oriental" #. An American research station in Antarctica, which keeps #. the same time as mainland Chile. The string is only used #. in places where "Antarctica" is already clear from #. context. #. msgid "Palmer Station (Chile Time)" msgstr "Estação Palmer (Fuso Horário do Chile)" #. A British research station in Antarctica. The string is #. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear #. from context. #. msgid "Rothera Research Station" msgstr "Estação de Pesquisa de Rothera" #. A Japanese research station in Antarctica. The string is #. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear #. from context. #. msgid "Showa Station" msgstr "Showa Station" #. An Australian research station in Antarctica. The string #. is only used in places where "Antarctica" is already #. clear from context. #. msgid "Mawson Station" msgstr "Estação Mawson" #. A Russian research station in Antarctica. The string is #. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear #. from context. #. msgid "Vostok Station" msgstr "Estação de Vostok" #. An Australian research station in Antarctica. The string #. is only used in places where "Antarctica" is already #. clear from context. #. msgid "Davis Station" msgstr "Estação de Davis" #. An Australian research station in Antarctica, which #. keeps the same time as Western Australia. The string is #. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear #. from context. #. msgid "Casey Station (Western Australia Time)" msgstr "Estação Casey (Fuso Horário da Austrália Ocidental)" #. A French research station in Antarctica. The string is #. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear #. from context. #. msgid "Dumont d'Urville Station" msgstr "Estação de Dumont d'Urville" #. An American research station in Antarctica, which keeps #. the same time as New Zealand. The string is only used in #. places where "Antarctica" is already clear from context. #. msgid "McMurdo Station (New Zealand Time)" msgstr "Estação McMurdo (Fuso Horário da Nova Zelândia)" #. An American research station in Antarctica, which keeps #. the same time as New Zealand. The string is only used in #. places where "Antarctica" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station (New Zealand Time)" msgstr "Estação do Pólo Sul Amundsen-Scott (Fuso Horário Neo-Zelandês)" #. The time zone used in the eastern half of Kazakhstan. #. FIXME: is there an official name for this zone? #. msgid "Eastern Kazakhstan" msgstr "Cazaquistão Oriental" #. The time zone used in the western half of Kazakhstan. #. FIXME: is there an official name for this zone? #. msgid "Western Kazakhstan" msgstr "Cazaquistão Ocidental" #. The time zone used in the eastern part of Mongolia. #. FIXME: Is there an official name for this zone? #. msgid "Eastern Mongolia" msgstr "Mongólia Oriental" #. The time zone used in the western part of Mongolia. #. FIXME: Is there an official name for this zone? #. msgid "Western Mongolia" msgstr "Mongólia Ocidental" #. The time zone used in the central part of Mongolia. #. FIXME: Is there an official name for this zone? #. msgid "Central Mongolia" msgstr "Mongólia Central" #. The timezone around Danmarkshavn station in Greenland. #. The string is only used in places where "Greenland" is #. already clear from context. #. msgid "Danmarkshavn" msgstr "Danmarkshavn" #. The primary timezone for Greenland, although sources #. seem to point towards calling the area "Western #. Greenland" rathern than just "Greenland". #. msgid "Western Greenland" msgstr "Gronelândia Ocidental" #. The timezone around Scoresbysund / Ittoqqortoormiit on #. the east coast of Greenland. #. msgid "Eastern Greenland" msgstr "Gronelândia Oriental" #. The timezone at the Thule US Air Force Base on the west #. coast of Greenland. #. msgid "Thule AFB" msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Thule" #. The time zone used on the east coast of Canada, in #. Bermuda, and on many Caribbean islands. In #. French-speaking parts of Canada it is called "Heure de #. l'Atlantique". The string is only used in places where a #. country is already clear from the context. #. msgid "Atlantic Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário Atlântico" #. The time zone used in Western Australia. The string is #. only used in places where "Australia" is already clear #. from context. #. msgid "Western Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário Ocidental" #. The commonly-used name for an unofficial time zone used #. in part of southwestern Australia. The string is only #. used in places where "Australia" is already clear from #. context. #. msgid "Central Western Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário do Centro-Ocidente" #. The time zone used in Central Australia. This string is #. specifically for the time zone as implemented in the #. state of South Australia, and is only used in places #. where "Australia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Central Time (South Australia)" msgstr "Fuso Horário do Centro (Austrália do Sul)" #. The time zone used in Central Australia. This string is #. specifically for the time zone as implemented in #. Yancowinna county in the state of New South Wales (NSW), #. which uses Central Time even though the rest of the #. state uses Eastern Time. This string is only used in #. places where "Australia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Central Time (Yancowinna, NSW)" msgstr "Fuso Horário do Centro (Yancowinna, NSW)" #. The time zone used in Central Australia. This string is #. specifically for the time zone as implemented in the #. Northern Territory, which does not use Summer Time. This #. string is only used in places where "Australia" is #. already clear from context. #. msgid "Central Time (Northern Territory)" msgstr "Fuso Horário do Centro (Territórios a Norte)" #. The time zone used in Eastern Australia. This string is #. specifically for the time zone as implemented in the #. state of Tasmania, and is only used in places where #. "Australia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Eastern Time (Tasmania)" msgstr "Fuso Horário Oriental (Tasmânia)" #. The time zone used in Eastern Australia. This string is #. specifically for the time zone as implemented in the #. state of Victoria, and is only used in places where #. "Australia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Eastern Time (Victoria)" msgstr "Fuso Horário Oriental (Victória)" #. The time zone used in Eastern Australia. This string is #. specifically for the time zone as implemented in the #. state of New South Wales, and is only used in places #. where "Australia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Eastern Time (New South Wales)" msgstr "Fuso Horário Oriental (Nova Gales do Sul)" #. The time zone used in Eastern Australia. This string is #. specifically for the time zone as implemented in the #. state of Queensland, which does not use Summer Time. #. This string is only used in places where "Australia" is #. already clear from context. #. msgid "Eastern Time (Queensland)" msgstr "Fuso Horário Oriental (Queensland)" #. The time zone used on Lord Howe Island, off the east #. coast of Australia. This string is only used in places #. where "Australia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Lord Howe Island" msgstr "Fuso Horário da Ilha de Lord Howe" #. This refers to the time zone in the Society Islands of #. French Polynesia (including in particular the island of #. Tahiti). This string is only used in places where #. "French Polynesia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Tahiti / Society Islands" msgstr "Tahiti / Ilhas Society" #. This refers to the time zone in the Marquesas Islands of #. French Polynesia. This string is only used in places #. where "French Polynesia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Marquesas Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Marquesas" #. This refers to the time zone in the Gambier Islands of #. French Polynesia. This string is only used in places #. where "French Polynesia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Gambier Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Gambier" #. The timezone on the western islands of Indonesia. The #. name in Indonesian is "Waktu Indonesia Bagian Barat". #. msgid "Western Indonesia Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário Indonésia Ocidental" #. The timezone on the central islands of Indonesia. The #. name in Indonesian is "Waktu Indonesia Bagian Tengah". #. msgid "Central Indonesia Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário da Indonésia Central" #. The timezone on the eastern islands of Indonesia. The #. name in Indonesian is "Waktu Indonesia Bagian Timur". #. msgid "Eastern Indonesia Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário da Indonésia Oriental" #. The time zone in the Gilbert Islands, one of the three #. main island groups of Kiribati. This string is only used #. in places where "Kiribati" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Gilbert Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Gilbert" #. The time zone in the Phoenix Islands, one of the three #. main island groups of Kiribati. This string is only used #. in places where "Kiribati" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Phoenix Islands" msgstr "Phoenix Islands" #. The time zone in the Line Islands, one of the three main #. island groups of Kiribati. This string is only used in #. places where "Kiribati" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Line Islands" msgstr "Fuso Horário das Ilhas Line" #. One of two time zones in the Federated States of #. Micronesia, including the islands of Pohnpei and Kosrae. #. The string is only used in places where "Micronesia" is #. already clear from context. #. msgid "Pohnpei / Kosrae" msgstr "Pohnpei / Kosrae" #. One of two time zones in the Federated States of #. Micronesia, including the islands of Yap and Chuuk. The #. string is only used in places where "Micronesia" is #. already clear from context. #. msgid "Yap / Chuuk" msgstr "Yap / Chuuk" #. This refers to the "mainland" of New Zealand (ie, North #. Island and South Island), to distinguish it from the #. Chatham Islands. The string is only used in places where #. "New Zealand" is already clear from context. FIXME: is #. there a better name for this? "Mainland" seems odd in #. reference to an island nation... #. msgid "Mainland New Zealand" msgstr "Nova Zelândia (Ilhas Principais)" #. This refers to the time zone in the Chatham Islands of #. New Zealand. #. msgid "Chatham Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Chatham" #. The time zone for the Johnston Atoll in the United #. States Minor Outlying Islands, which keeps the same time #. as the US state of Hawaii. The string is only used in #. places where "US Minor Outlying Islands" is already #. clear from context. #. msgid "Johnston Atoll (Hawaii Time)" msgstr "Fuso Horário do Atól de Johnston (Fuso Horário do Hawai)" #. The time zone for the Midway Atoll in the United States #. Minor Outlying Islands, which uses the same time as #. American Samoa (which is in fact also the same time zone #. as (non-American) Samoa). The string is only used in #. places where "US Minor Outlying Islands" is already #. clear from context. #. msgid "Midway Atoll (Samoa Time)" msgstr "Atól de Midway (Fuso Horário da Samoa)" #. The time zone for Wake Island in the United States Minor #. Outlying Islands. The string is only used in places #. where "US Minor Outlying Islands" is already clear from #. context. #. msgid "Wake Island" msgstr "Ilha Wake" #. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of #. Tocantins. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more #. details. This string is only used in places where #. "Brazil" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Tocantins" msgstr "Tocantins" #. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of #. Bahia. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more #. details. This string is only used in places where #. "Brazil" is already clear from context. #. msgctxt "Timezone" msgid "Bahia" msgstr "Bahia" #. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of #. Amapá and the eastern part of Pará. See the comment on #. "Brasília Time" for more details. This string is only #. used in places where "Brazil" is already clear from #. context. #. msgid "Amapá / East Pará" msgstr "Amapá / Pará Leste" #. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of #. Roraima. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more #. details. This string is only used in places where #. "Brazil" is already clear from context. #. msgctxt "Timezone" msgid "Roraima" msgstr "Roraima" #. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of #. Mato Grosso do Sul. See the comment on "Brasília Time" #. for more details. This string is only used in places #. where "Brazil" is already clear from context. #. msgctxt "Timezone" msgid "Mato Grosso do Sul" msgstr "Mato Grosso do Sul" #. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of #. Mato Grosso. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more #. details. This string is only used in places where #. "Brazil" is already clear from context. #. msgctxt "Timezone" msgid "Mato Grosso" msgstr "Mato Grosso" #. This represents the time zone in the western part of the #. Brazilian state of Amazonas. See the comment on #. "Brasília Time" for more details. This string is only #. used in places where "Brazil" is already clear from #. context. #. msgid "West Amazonas" msgstr "Fuso Horário do Amazonas Ocidental" #. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian states of #. Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Piauí, and Rio Grande do #. Norte. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more #. details. This string is only used in places where #. "Brazil" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte" msgstr "Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte" #. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian states of #. Alagoas and Sergipe. See the comment on "Brasília Time" #. for more details. This string is only used in places #. where "Brazil" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Alagoas, Sergipe" msgstr "Alagoas, Sergipe" #. This represents the time zone in the eastern part of the #. Brazilian state of Amazonas. See the comment on #. "Brasília Time" for more details. This string is only #. used in places where "Brazil" is already clear from #. context. #. msgid "East Amazonas" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Amazonas Leste" #. This represents the time zone on the Brazilian island of #. Fernando de Noronha. See the comment on "Brasília Time" #. for more details. This string is only used in places #. where "Brazil" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Fernando de Noronha" msgstr "Fernando de Noronha" #. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of #. Rondônia and the western part of Pará. See the comment #. on "Brasília Time" for more details. This string is only #. used in places where "Brazil" is already clear from #. context. #. msgid "West Pará, Rondônia" msgstr "Pará Ocidental, Rondônia" #. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of #. Pernambuco. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more #. details. This string is only used in places where #. "Brazil" is already clear from context. #. msgctxt "Timezone" msgid "Pernambuco" msgstr "Pernambuco" #. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of #. Acre. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more #. details. This string is only used in places where #. "Brazil" is already clear from context. #. msgctxt "Timezone" msgid "Acre" msgstr "Acre" #. This represents the official "base" time zone in Brazil, #. covering the capital city of Brasília, and those states #. that choose to follow it. Each Brazilian state decides #. on its own each year whether or not to observe Daylight #. Saving Time. The tzdata database breaks the states up #. into groups of states that generally make the same #. decision in a given year. Thus, in any given year, #. several of the time zones will appear to be redundant, #. but exactly which ones seem redundant may differ from #. year to year, and there's no good way to identify the #. zones other than by listing states. Anyway, "Brasília #. Time" is the most common timezone, being used by about a #. third of the states in Brazil (Distrito Federal, #. Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de #. Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and São #. Paulo). This string is only used in places where #. "Brazil" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Brasília Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Brasília" #. This refers to the time zone for mainland Chile (as #. opposed to the time zone for Easter Island). #. msgid "Mainland Chile" msgstr "Chile Continental" #. This refers to the time zone for Easter Island. The #. string is only used in places where "Chile" is already #. understood from context. #. msgid "Easter Island" msgstr "Ilha da Páscoa" #. This refers to the time zone for mainland Ecuador (as #. opposed to the time zone for the Galapagos Islands). #. msgid "Mainland Ecuador" msgstr "Equador Continental" #. The time zone for the Galapagos Islands. msgid "Galapagos Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Galapagos" #. The time zone in the UK (GMT in the winter, and British #. Summer Time in the summer.) #. msgid "GMT/BST" msgstr "GMT/BST" #. The time zone in Ireland (GMT in the winter, and Irish #. Summer Time in the summer.) #. msgid "GMT/IST" msgstr "GMT/IST" #. This refers to the time zone for the Azores. The string #. is only used in places where "Portugal" is already #. understood from context. #. msgid "Azores" msgstr "Açores" #. This refers to the time zone for the Portuguese island #. of Madeira. The string is only used in places where #. "Portugal" is already understood from context. #. msgid "Madeira" msgstr "Madeira" #. This refers to the time zone for mainland Portugal (as #. opposed to the time zone for the Azores). #. msgid "Mainland Portugal" msgstr "Portugal Continental" #. A Russian time zone, used in the city and oblast of #. Kaliningrad on the Baltic sea. The Russian name is #. "Калининградское время". This string is only used in #. places where "Russia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Kaliningrad Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Kaliningrad" #. A Russian time zone, used in most of the European part #. of Russia, including Moscow. The Russian name is #. "Московское время". This string is only used in places #. where "Russia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Moscow Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Moscovo" #. A Russian time zone, used in the Samara oblast and #. Udmurtia, on the eastern edge of European Russia. The #. Russian name is "Самарское время". This string is only #. used in places where "Russia" is already clear from #. context. #. msgid "Samara Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Samara" #. A Russian time zone, used along the Ural mountains, #. including the city of Yekaterinburg. The Russian name is #. "Екатеринбургское время". This string is only used in #. places where "Russia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Yekaterinburg Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Yekaterinburg" #. A Russian time zone, used in the Omsk oblast #. and surrounding areas of south-central Russia. #. The Russian name is "Омское время". This string is only #. used in places where "Russia" is already clear from #. context. #. msgid "Omsk Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Omsk" #. A Russian time zone, used in the Novosibirsk oblast. #. The Russian name is "Новосибирское время". #. This string is only used in places #. where "Russia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Novosibirsk Time" msgstr "Hora de Novosibirsk" #. A Russian time zone, used in the Krasnoyarsk krai and #. surrounding areas of central Russia. The Russian name is #. "Красноярское время". This string is only used in places #. where "Russia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Krasnoyarsk Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Krasnoyarsk" #. A Russian time zone, used in the Irkutsk oblast and #. surrounding areas of south-central Russia. The Russian #. name is "Иркутское время". This string is only used in #. places where "Russia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Irkutsk Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Irkutsk" #. A Russian time zone, used in the city of Yakutsk and #. surrounding areas of east-central Russia. The Russian #. name is "Якутское время". This string is only used in #. places where "Russia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Yakutsk Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Yakutsk" #. A Russian time zone, used in the city of Vladivostok and #. surrounding areas of eastern Russia. The Russian name is #. "Владивостокское время". This string is only used in #. places where "Russia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Vladivostok Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Vladivostok" #. A Russian time zone, used in the Magadan oblast and #. surrounding areas of eastern Russia. The Russian name is #. "Магаданское время". This string is only used in places #. where "Russia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Magadan Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Magadan" #. A Russian time zone, used in the Kamchatka krai and #. Chukotka okrug of far-eastern Russia. The Russian name #. is "Камчатское время". This string is only used in #. places where "Russia" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Kamchatka Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Kamchatka" #. This refers to the time zone for the Canary Islands. The #. string is only used in places where "Spain" is already #. clear from context. #. msgid "Canary Islands" msgstr "Ilhas Canárias" #. This refers to the time zone for mainland Spain (as #. opposed to the time zone for the Canary Islands). #. msgid "Mainland Spain" msgstr "Espanha Continental" #. The time zone for the Spanish cities of Ceuta and #. Melilla, on the coast of Africa. The string is only used #. in places where "Spain" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Ceuta and Melilla" msgstr "Ceuta e Melilla" #. The time zone used on most of the west coast of North #. America. In Mexico it is called "Tiempo del Pacífico" #. and in French-speaking parts of Canada it is called #. "Heure du Pacifique". The string is only used in places #. where "US", "Canada" or "Mexico" is already clear from #. the context. #. msgid "Pacific Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário do Pacífico" #. The time zone used in the central-west part of North #. America (ie, the Rocky Mountains). In Mexico it is #. called "Tiempo de la Montaña", and in French-speaking #. parts of Canada it is called "Heure des Rocheuses". The #. string is only used in places where "US", "Canada" or #. "Mexico" is already clear from the context. #. msgid "Mountain Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário da Zona Montanhosa" #. This represents the time zone in the northeastern part #. of the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC), which #. is part of the "Mountain Time" zone, but does not #. observe Daylight Saving Time with the rest of the zone. #. msgid "Mountain Time, no DST (Northeast BC)" msgstr "Fuso Horário da Zona Montanhosa, sem hora de Verão (BC Nordeste)" #. The time zone used in the central-east part of North #. America. In Mexico it is called "Tiempo del Centro", and #. in French-speaking parts of Canada it is called "Heure #. du Centre". The string is only used in places where #. "US", "Canada" or "Mexico" is already clear from the #. context. #. msgid "Central Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário do Centro" #. This represents the time zone in the Canadian province #. of Saskatchewan, which is part of the "Central Time" #. zone, but does not observe Daylight Saving Time with the #. rest of the zone. #. msgid "Central Time, no DST (Saskatchewan)" msgstr "Fuso Horário do Centro, sem hora de Verão (Saskatchewan)" #. The time zone used on the east coast of the United #. States, and the corresponding (non-coastal) part of #. Canada. In French-speaking parts of Canada it is called #. "Heure de l'Est". The string is only used in places #. where "US" or "Canada" is already clear from the context. #. msgid "Eastern Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário Oriental" #. This represents the time zone in certain parts of Canada #. (such as Southampton Island, Nunavut, and Atikokan, #. Ontario) which are part of the "Eastern Time" zone, but #. which do not observe Daylight Saving Time with the rest #. of the zone. #. msgid "Eastern Time, no DST (Southampton Island, etc)" msgstr "Fuso Horário Oriental, sem hora de Verão (Ilha Southampton, etc)" #. This represents the time zone in the far eastern portion #. of the Canadian province of Quebec, which is part of the #. "Atlantic Time" zone, but does not observe Daylight #. Saving Time with the rest of the zone. #. msgid "Atlantic Time, no DST (Eastern Quebec)" msgstr "Fuso Horário Atlântico, sem hora de verão (Quebeque Oriental)" #. The time zone used in the Canadian province of #. Newfoundland. In French-speaking parts of Canada it is #. called "Heure de Terre-Neuve". #. msgid "Newfoundland Time" msgstr "Fuso Horário de Newfoundland" #. "Hawaiian-Aleutian Time" is the official name of the #. time zone used in Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands of #. Alaska in the United States. This string is for the time #. zone as it is observed in the Aleutian Islands (with #. Daylight Saving Time). It is only used in places where #. "United States" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Hawaiian-Aleutian Time (Aleutian Islands)" msgstr "Fuso Horário das Aleutas do Hawai (Ilhas Aleutas)" #. "Hawaiian-Aleutian Time" is the official name of the #. time zone used in Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands of #. Alaska in the United States. This string is for the time #. zone as it is observed in Hawaii, where they do not use #. Daylight Saving Time. It is only used in places where #. "United States" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Hawaiian-Aleutian Time, no DST (Hawaii)" msgstr "Fuso Horário das Aleutas do Hawai, sem hora de Verão (Hawai)" #. The time zone used in the majority of Alaska in the #. United States. The string is only used in places where #. "United States" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Alaska Time" msgstr "Fuso-Horário do Alasca" #. This represents the time zone in the US state of #. Arizona, which is part of the "Mountain Time" zone, but #. does not observe Daylight Saving Time with the rest of #. the zone. The string is only used in places where #. "United States" is already clear from context. #. msgid "Mountain Time, no DST (Arizona)" msgstr "Fuso Horário da Zona Montanhosa, sem hora de Verão (Arizona)" #. A state/province/territory in Australia msgid "Australian Capital Territory" msgstr "Território da Capital Australiana" #. A state/province/territory in Australia msgid "New South Wales" msgstr "New South Wales" #. A state/province/territory in Australia msgid "Northern Territory" msgstr "Territórios a Norte" #. A state/province/territory in Australia msgid "Queensland" msgstr "Queensland" #. A state/province/territory in Australia msgid "South Australia" msgstr "Austrália do Sul" #. A state/province/territory in Australia msgid "Tasmania" msgstr "Tasmânia" #. A state/province/territory in Australia msgctxt "State in Australia" msgid "Victoria" msgstr "Victoria" #. A state/province/territory in Australia msgid "Western Australia" msgstr "Austrália Ocidental" #. A state in Belgium. local name (nl): Antwerpen. local name #. (fr): Anvers. local name (de): Antwerpen. #. msgctxt "State in Belgium" msgid "Antwerp" msgstr "Antuérpia" #. A state in Belgium. local name (nl): Brussel, Vlaams- en #. Waals-Brabant. local name (fr): Bruxelles, Brabant flamand #. et wallon. local name (de): Brüssel, Flämish- und #. Wallonisch-Brabant. #. msgid "Brussels, Flemish and Walloon Brabant" msgstr "Bruxelas, Brabant Flamengo e Walloon" #. A state/province/territory in Belgium msgid "East-Flanders" msgstr "Flandres Oriental" #. A state in Belgium. local name (fr): Hainaut. local name #. (fr_BE): Hinnot. local name (nl): Henegouwen. local name #. (de): Hennegau. #. msgid "Hainaut" msgstr "Hainaut" #. A state in Belgium. local name (nl): Limburg. local name #. (fr): Limbourg. local name (de): Limburg. #. msgid "Limburg" msgstr "Limburg" #. A state in Belgium. local name (fr): Liège. local name #. (fr_BE): Lîdje. local name (nl): Luik. local name (de): #. Lüttich. #. msgid "Liège" msgstr "Liège" #. A state/province/territory in Belgium msgctxt "State in Belgium" msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "Luxemburgo" #. A state/province/territory in Belgium msgid "Namur" msgstr "Namur" #. A state in Belgium. local name (nl): West-Vlaanderen. #. local name (fr): Flandre occidentale. local name (de): #. Westflandern. #. msgid "West-Flanders" msgstr "Flandres Ocidental" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgctxt "State in Brazil" msgid "Acre" msgstr "Acre" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Alagoas" msgstr "Alagoas" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Amapá" msgstr "Amapá" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Amazonas" msgstr "Amazonas" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgctxt "State in Brazil" msgid "Bahia" msgstr "Bahia" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Ceará" msgstr "Ceará" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgctxt "State in Brazil" msgid "Distrito Federal" msgstr "Distrito Federal" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Espírito Santo" msgstr "Espírito Santo" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Goiás" msgstr "Goiás" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Maranhão" msgstr "Maranhão" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgctxt "State in Brazil" msgid "Mato Grosso" msgstr "Mato Grosso" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgctxt "State in Brazil" msgid "Mato Grosso do Sul" msgstr "Mato Grosso do Sul" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Minas Gerais" msgstr "Minas Gerais" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil #. A city in Argentina msgid "Paraná" msgstr "Paraná" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Paraíba" msgstr "Paraíba" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Pará" msgstr "Pará" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgctxt "State in Brazil" msgid "Pernambuco" msgstr "Pernambuco" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Piauí" msgstr "Piauí" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Rio Grande do Norte" msgstr "Rio Grande do Norte" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Rio Grande do Sul" msgstr "Rio Grande do Sul" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgctxt "State in Brazil" msgid "Rio de Janeiro" msgstr "Rio de Janeiro" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Rondônia" msgstr "Rondônia" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgctxt "State in Brazil" msgid "Roraima" msgstr "Roraima" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Santa Catarina" msgstr "Santa Catarina" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Sergipe" msgstr "Sergipe" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgctxt "State in Brazil" msgid "São Paulo" msgstr "São Paulo" #. A state/province/territory in Brazil msgid "Tocantis" msgstr "Tocantis" #. A state/province/territory in Canada msgid "Alberta" msgstr "Alberta" #. A state/province/territory in Canada msgid "British Columbia" msgstr "British Columbia" #. A state/province/territory in Canada msgid "Manitoba" msgstr "Manitoba" #. A state/province/territory in Canada msgid "New Brunswick" msgstr "New Brunswick" #. A state/province/territory in Canada msgid "Newfoundland and Labrador" msgstr "Newfoundland e Labrador" #. A state/province/territory in Canada msgid "Northwest Territories" msgstr "Territórios do Noroeste" #. A state/province/territory in Canada msgid "Nova Scotia" msgstr "Nova Escócia" #. A state/province/territory in Canada msgid "Nunavut" msgstr "Nunavut" #. A state/province/territory in Canada msgctxt "State in Canada" msgid "Ontario" msgstr "Ontário" #. A state/province/territory in Canada msgid "Prince Edward Island" msgstr "Ilha Prince Edward" #. A state/province/territory in Canada msgctxt "State in Canada" msgid "Quebec" msgstr "Quebec" #. A state/province/territory in Canada msgid "Saskatchewan" msgstr "Saskatchewan" #. FIXME: rename this to Yukon msgid "Yukon Territory" msgstr "Território do Yukon" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Anhui" msgstr "Anhui" #. A state/province/territory in China msgctxt "State in China" msgid "Beijing" msgstr "Beijing" #. A state/province/territory in China msgctxt "State in China" msgid "Chongqing" msgstr "Chongqing" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Fujian" msgstr "Fujian" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Gansu" msgstr "Gansu" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Guangdong" msgstr "Guangdong" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Guangxi" msgstr "Guangxi" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Guizhou" msgstr "Guizhou" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Hainan" msgstr "Hainan" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Heilongjiang" msgstr "Heilongjiang" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Henan" msgstr "Henan" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Hubei" msgstr "Hubei" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Hunan" msgstr "Hunan" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Inner Mongolia" msgstr "Mongólia Interior" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Jiangsu" msgstr "Jiangsu" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Jilin" msgstr "Jilin" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Liaoning" msgstr "Liaoning" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Shaanxi" msgstr "Shaanxi" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Shandong" msgstr "Shandong" #. A state/province/territory in China msgctxt "State in China" msgid "Shanghai" msgstr "Xangai" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Shanxi" msgstr "Shanxi" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Sichuan" msgstr "Sichuan" #. A state/province/territory in China msgctxt "State in China" msgid "Tianjin" msgstr "Tianjin" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Xinjiang" msgstr "Xinjiang" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Yunnan" msgstr "Yunnan" #. A state/province/territory in China msgid "Zhejiang" msgstr "Zhejiang" msgid "Tbilisi" msgstr "Tbilisi" #. A state/province/territory in Germany msgid "Baden-Württemberg" msgstr "Baden-Württemberg" #. A state in Germany. The local name is "Bayern". Please #. use that unless you know that it has a different name in #. your language. #. msgid "Bavaria" msgstr "Bayern" #. A state/province/territory in Germany msgctxt "State in Germany" msgid "Berlin" msgstr "Berlim" #. A state/province/territory in Germany msgid "Brandenburg" msgstr "Brandenburg" #. A state/province/territory in Germany msgctxt "State in Germany" msgid "Bremen" msgstr "Bremen" #. A state/province/territory in Germany msgctxt "State in Germany" msgid "Hamburg" msgstr "Hamburgo" #. A state in Germany. The local name is "Hessen". Please #. use that unless you know that it has a different name in #. your language. #. msgid "Hesse" msgstr "Hesse" #. A state in Germany. The local name is "Niedersachsen". #. Please use that unless you know that it has a different #. name in your language. #. msgid "Lower Saxony" msgstr "Baixa Saxónia" #. A state in Germany. The local name is #. "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern". Please use that unless you know #. that it has a different name in your language. #. msgid "Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania" msgstr "Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania" #. A state in Germany. The local name is #. "Nordrhein-Westfalen". Please use that unless you know #. that it has a different name in your language. #. msgid "North Rhine-Westphalia" msgstr "North Rhine-Westphalia" #. A state in Germany. The local name is "Rheinland-Pfalz". #. Please use that unless you know that it has a different #. name in your language. #. msgid "Rhineland-Palatinate" msgstr "Rhineland-Palatinate" #. A state/province/territory in Germany msgid "Saarland" msgstr "Saarland" #. A state in Germany. The local name is "Sachsen". Please #. use that unless you know that it has a different name in #. your language. #. msgid "Saxony" msgstr "Saxony" #. A state in Germany. The local name is "Sachsen-Anhalt". #. Please use that unless you know that it has a different #. name in your language. #. msgid "Saxony-Anhalt" msgstr "Saxony-Anhalt" #. A state in Germany. The Danish name is "Slesvig-Holsten". msgid "Schleswig-Holstein" msgstr "Schleswig-Holstein" #. A state in Germany. The local name is "Thüringen". Please #. use that unless you know that it has a different name in #. your language. #. msgid "Thuringia" msgstr "Thuringia" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "Aguascalientes" msgstr "Aguascalientes" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Baja California" msgstr "Baja California" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Baja California Sur" msgstr "Baja California do Sul" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "Campeche" msgstr "Campeche" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Chiapas" msgstr "Chiapas" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "Chihuahua" msgstr "Chihuahua" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Coahuila" msgstr "Coahuila" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "Colima" msgstr "Colima" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "Distrito Federal" msgstr "Distrito Federal" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "Durango" msgstr "Durango" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Guanajuato" msgstr "Guanajuato" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Guerrero" msgstr "Guerrero" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Hidalgo" msgstr "Hidalgo" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Jalisco" msgstr "Jalisco" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Michoacán" msgstr "Michoacán" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Morelos" msgstr "Morelos" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "México" msgstr "México" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Nayarit" msgstr "Nayarit" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Nuevo León" msgstr "Nuevo León" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "Oaxaca" msgstr "Oaxaca" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "Puebla" msgstr "Puebla" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "Querétaro" msgstr "Querétaro" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Quintana Roo" msgstr "Quintana Roo" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "San Luis Potosí" msgstr "San Luis Potosí" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Sinaloa" msgstr "Sinaloa" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "Sonora" msgstr "Sonora" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Tabasco" msgstr "Tabasco" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Tamaulipas" msgstr "Tamaulipas" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Tlaxcala" msgstr "Tlaxcala" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "Veracruz" msgstr "Veracruz" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgid "Yucatán" msgstr "Yucatán" #. A state/province/territory in Mexico msgctxt "State in Mexico" msgid "Zacatecas" msgstr "Zacatecas" #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom msgid "East and South East England" msgstr "Inglaterra Leste e Sudeste" #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom msgid "Midlands" msgstr "Midlands" #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom msgid "North East England" msgstr "North East England" #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom msgid "North West England" msgstr "North West England" #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom msgid "Northern Ireland" msgstr "Irlanda do Norte" #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom msgid "Scotland" msgstr "Escócia" #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom msgid "South and South West England" msgstr "Inglaterra Sul e Sudeste" #. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom msgid "Wales" msgstr "Gales" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Alabama" msgstr "Alabama" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Alaska" msgstr "Alasca" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Arizona" msgstr "Arizona" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Arkansas" msgstr "Arkansas" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "California" msgstr "Califórnia" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Colorado" msgstr "Colorado" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Connecticut" msgstr "Connecticut" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Delaware" msgstr "Delaware" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "District of Columbia" msgstr "District of Columbia" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Florida" msgstr "Flórida" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgctxt "State in United States" msgid "Georgia" msgstr "Georgia" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Hawaii" msgstr "Hawaii" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Idaho" msgstr "Idaho" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Illinois" msgstr "Illinois" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgctxt "State in United States" msgid "Indiana" msgstr "Indiana" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Iowa" msgstr "Iowa" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Kansas" msgstr "Kansas" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Kentucky" msgstr "Kentucky" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Louisiana" msgstr "Louisiana" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Maine" msgstr "Maine" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Maryland" msgstr "Maryland" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Massachusetts" msgstr "Massachusetts" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Michigan" msgstr "Michigan" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Minnesota" msgstr "Minnesota" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Mississippi" msgstr "Mississippi" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Missouri" msgstr "Missouri" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Montana" msgstr "Montana" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Nebraska" msgstr "Nebraska" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Nevada" msgstr "Nevada" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "New Hampshire" msgstr "New Hampshire" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "New Jersey" msgstr "New Jersey" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "New Mexico" msgstr "New Mexico" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgctxt "State in United States" msgid "New York" msgstr "Nova York" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "North Carolina" msgstr "Carolina do Sul" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "North Dakota" msgstr "Dakota do Norte" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Ohio" msgstr "Ohio" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Oklahoma" msgstr "Oklahoma" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Oregon" msgstr "Oregon" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Pennsylvania" msgstr "Pennsylvania" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Rhode Island" msgstr "Rhode Island" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "South Carolina" msgstr "Carolina do Sul" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "South Dakota" msgstr "Dakota do Sul" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Tennessee" msgstr "Tennessee" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Texas" msgstr "Texas" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Utah" msgstr "Utah" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Vermont" msgstr "Vermont" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Virginia" msgstr "Virginia" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgctxt "State in United States" msgid "Washington" msgstr "Washington" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "West Virginia" msgstr "Virginia Ocidental" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgid "Wisconsin" msgstr "Wisconsin" #. A state/province/territory in United States msgctxt "State in United States" msgid "Wyoming" msgstr "Wyoming" #. A city in Afghanistan msgid "Herat" msgstr "Herat" #. The capital of Afghanistan. #. "Kabul" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Persian is "Kabol". #. msgid "Kabul" msgstr "Kabul" #. The capital of Albania. #. "Tirana" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "Tiranë". #. msgid "Tirana" msgstr "Tirana" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Adrar" msgstr "Adrar" #. The capital of Algeria. #. "Algiers" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in French is "Alger". #. msgid "Algiers" msgstr "Alger" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Annaba" msgstr "Annaba" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Batna" msgstr "Batna" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Bechar" msgstr "Bechar" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Bejaia" msgstr "Bejaia" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Berriane" msgstr "Berriane" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Biskra" msgstr "Biskra" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Bou Saada" msgstr "Bou Saada" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Chlef" msgstr "Chlef" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Constantine" msgstr "Constantine" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Dar el Beida" msgstr "Dar el Beida" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Djanet" msgstr "Djanet" #. A city in Algeria msgid "El Golea" msgstr "El Golea" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Ghardaia" msgstr "Ghardaia" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Hassi Messaoud" msgstr "Hassi Messaoud" #. A city in Algeria msgid "I-n-Amenas" msgstr "I-n-Amenas" #. A city in Algeria msgid "I-n-Salah" msgstr "I-n-Salah" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Illizi" msgstr "Illizi" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Jijel" msgstr "Jijel" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Laghouat" msgstr "Laghouat" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Mascara" msgstr "Mascara" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Oran" msgstr "Oran" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Ouargla" msgstr "Ouargla" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Setif" msgstr "Setif" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Sidi Amrane" msgstr "Sidi Amrane" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Sidi Bel Abbes" msgstr "Sidi Bel Abbes" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Tamanrasset" msgstr "Tamanrasset" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Tebessa" msgstr "Tebessa" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Tiaret" msgstr "Tiaret" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Timimoun" msgstr "Timimoun" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Tindouf" msgstr "Tindouf" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Tlemcen" msgstr "Tlemcen" #. A city in Algeria msgid "Touggourt" msgstr "Touggourt" #. A city in American Samoa msgid "Pago Pago" msgstr "Pago Pago" #. The capital of Anguilla msgid "The Valley" msgstr "The Valley" msgid "Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station" msgstr "Estação do Pólo Sul Amundsen-Scott (Fuso Horário Neo-Zelandês)" #. A city in Antigua and Barbuda msgid "Fitches Creek" msgstr "Fitches Creek" #. The capital of Antigua and Barbuda msgctxt "City in Antigua and Barbuda" msgid "Saint John's" msgstr "Saint John's" #. The capital of Argentina msgid "Buenos Aires" msgstr "Buenos Aires" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Comodoro Rivadavia" msgstr "Comodoro Rivadavia" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Corrientes" msgstr "Corrientes" #. A city in Argentina msgctxt "City in Argentina" msgid "Córdoba" msgstr "Córdoba" #. A city in Argentina msgid "El Palomar" msgstr "El Palomar" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Ezeiza" msgstr "Ezeiza" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Formosa" msgstr "Formosa" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Mar del Plata" msgstr "Mar del Plata" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Mendoza" msgstr "Mendoza" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Neuquén" msgstr "Neuquén" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Posadas" msgstr "Posadas" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Puerto Iguazú" msgstr "Puerto Iguazú" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Reconquista" msgstr "Reconquista" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Resistencia" msgstr "Resistencia" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Rosario" msgstr "Rosário" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Río Gallegos" msgstr "Rio Gallegos" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Río Grande" msgstr "Rio Grande" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Salta" msgstr "Salta" #. A city in Argentina msgid "San Carlos de Bariloche" msgstr "San Carlos de Bariloche" #. A city in Argentina msgctxt "City in Argentina" msgid "San Fernando" msgstr "San Fernando" #. A city in Argentina msgid "San Salvador de Jujuy" msgstr "San Salvador de Jujuy" #. A city in Argentina #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Santa Fe" msgstr "Santa Fe" #. A city in Argentina msgid "Ushuaia" msgstr "Ushuaia" #. The capital of Armenia msgid "Yerevan" msgstr "Yerevan" #. A city in Aruba msgid "Camacuri" msgstr "Camacuri" #. The capital of Aruba msgid "Oranjestad" msgstr "Oranjestad" #. A city in South Australia in Australia msgid "Adelaide" msgstr "Adelaide" #. A city in Northern Territory in Australia msgid "Alice Springs" msgstr "Alice Springs" #. A city in Queensland in Australia msgid "Brisbane" msgstr "Brisbane" #. A city in Western Australia in Australia msgid "Broome" msgstr "Broome" #. A city in Western Australia in Australia msgid "Bullsbrook" msgstr "Bullsbrook" #. A city in Queensland in Australia msgid "Cairns" msgstr "Cairns" #. The capital of Australia msgid "Canberra" msgstr "Canberra" #. A city in Queensland in Australia msgid "Coolangatta" msgstr "Coolangatta" #. A city in Northern Territory in Australia msgid "Darwin" msgstr "Darwin" #. A city in New South Wales in Australia msgid "Dubbo" msgstr "Dubbo" #. A city in New South Wales in Australia msgid "Forest Hill" msgstr "Forest Hill" #. A city in Tasmania in Australia msgctxt "City in Tasmania, Australia" msgid "Hobart" msgstr "Hobart" #. A city in Western Australia in Australia msgid "Kalgoorlie" msgstr "Kalgoorlie" #. A city in Northern Territory in Australia msgid "Katherine" msgstr "Katherine" #. A city in Western Australia in Australia msgid "Kununurra" msgstr "Kununurra" #. A city in Victoria in Australia msgid "Lara" msgstr "Lara" #. A city in Tasmania in Australia msgid "Launceston" msgstr "Launceston" #. A city in Western Australia in Australia msgid "Learmonth" msgstr "Learmonth" #. A city in Victoria in Australia msgctxt "City in Victoria, Australia" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" #. A city in Queensland in Australia msgid "Mount Isa" msgstr "Mount Isa" #. A city in Western Australia in Australia msgid "Perth" msgstr "Perth" #. A city in New South Wales in Australia msgctxt "City in New South Wales, Australia" msgid "Richmond" msgstr "Richmond" #. A city in Queensland in Australia msgid "Rockhampton" msgstr "Rockhampton" #. A city in Western Australia in Australia msgid "Shellborough" msgstr "Shellborough" #. A city in New South Wales in Australia msgctxt "City in New South Wales, Australia" msgid "Sydney" msgstr "Sidnei" #. A city in New South Wales in Australia msgid "Tamworth" msgstr "Tamworth" #. A city in Queensland in Australia msgid "Townsville" msgstr "Townsville" #. A city in Victoria in Australia msgid "Wangaratta" msgstr "Wangaratta" #. A city in South Australia in Australia msgid "Woomera" msgstr "Woomera" #. A city in Austria. #. One of several cities in Austria called "Aigen". #. msgid "Aigen im Ennstal" msgstr "Aigen im Ennstal" #. A city in Austria msgid "Graz" msgstr "Graz" #. A city in Austria msgid "Hohenems" msgstr "Hohenems" #. A city in Austria msgid "Innsbruck" msgstr "Innsbruck" #. A city in Austria msgid "Klagenfurt" msgstr "Klagenfurt" #. A city in Austria msgid "Linz" msgstr "Linz" #. A city in Austria msgid "Salzburg" msgstr "Salzburgo" #. A city in Austria msgid "Teesdorf" msgstr "Teesdorf" #. A city in Austria msgid "Tulln" msgstr "Tulln" #. The capital of Austria. #. "Vienna" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in German is "Wien". #. msgid "Vienna" msgstr "Viena" #. A city in Austria msgid "Wiener Neustadt" msgstr "Wiener Neustadt" #. A city in Austria msgid "Zell am See" msgstr "Zell am See" #. A city in Austria msgid "Zeltweg" msgstr "Zeltweg" #. The capital of Azerbaijan. #. "Baku" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "Baki". #. msgid "Baku" msgstr "Baku" #. A city in Azerbaijan msgid "Ganca" msgstr "Ganca" #. A city in the Bahamas msgctxt "City in Bahamas" msgid "Freeport" msgstr "Freeport" #. A city in the Bahamas msgctxt "City in Bahamas" msgid "Georgetown" msgstr "Georgetown" #. The capital of the Bahamas msgid "Nassau" msgstr "Nassau" #. A city in Bahrain. #. The name is also written "الحد". #. msgid "Al Hadd" msgstr "Al Hadd" #. The capital of Bahrain. #. "Manama" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Manamah / المنامة". #. msgid "Manama" msgstr "Manama" #. A city in Bangladesh. #. The local name in Bengali is "চট্টগ্রাম". #. msgid "Chittagong" msgstr "Chittagong" #. The capital of Bangladesh. #. The local name in Bengali is "ঢাকা". #. msgid "Dhaka" msgstr "Dhaka" #. A city in Bangladesh msgid "Solpur" msgstr "Sola" #. The capital of Barbados msgid "Bridgetown" msgstr "Bridgetown" #. A city in Barbados msgid "Paragon" msgstr "Paragon" #. A city in Belarus msgctxt "City in Belarus" msgid "Brest" msgstr "Brest" #. A city in Belarus msgid "Homyel'" msgstr "Homyel'" #. A city in Belarus msgid "Hrodna" msgstr "Hrodna" #. The capital of Belarus msgid "Minsk" msgstr "Minsk" #. A city in Belarus msgid "Vitsyebsk" msgstr "Vitsyebsk" #. A city in Antwerp in Belgium. #. "Antwerp" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "Antwerpen". #. msgctxt "City in Antwerp, Belgium" msgid "Antwerp" msgstr "Antuérpia" #. A city in Brussels, Flemish and Walloon Brabant in #. Belgium #. msgid "Beauvechain" msgstr "Beauvechain" #. A city in Liège in Belgium msgid "Bierset" msgstr "Bierset" #. The capital of Belgium. #. "Brussels" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in French is "Bruxelles". #. The local name in Dutch is "Brussel". #. msgid "Brussels" msgstr "Bruxelas" #. A city in Hainaut in Belgium msgid "Chièvres" msgstr "Chièvres" #. A city in Liège in Belgium msgid "Elsenborn" msgstr "Elsenborn" #. A city in Namur in Belgium msgid "Florennes" msgstr "Florennes" #. A city in Hainaut in Belgium msgid "Gosselies" msgstr "Gosselies" #. A city in Limburg in Belgium msgid "Kleine-Brogel" msgstr "Kleine-Brogel" #. A city in West-Flanders in Belgium msgid "Koksijde" msgstr "Koksijde" #. A city in West-Flanders in Belgium msgid "Oostende" msgstr "Oostende" #. A city in Brussels, Flemish and Walloon Brabant in #. Belgium #. msgid "Schaffen" msgstr "Schaffen" #. A city in Belize msgid "Belize City" msgstr "Cidade de Belize" #. A city in Benin msgid "Cotonou" msgstr "Cotonou" #. The capital of Benin msgid "Porto-Novo" msgstr "Porto-Novo" #. The capital of Bermuda msgctxt "City in Bermuda" msgid "Hamilton" msgstr "Hamilton" #. A city in Bermuda msgctxt "City in Bermuda" msgid "Saint George" msgstr "Saint George" msgid "Jakar" msgstr "Jacar" msgid "Mongar" msgstr "Mongar" msgid "Paro" msgstr "Paro" #. The capital of Bhutan msgid "Thimphu" msgstr "Thimphu" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Camiri" msgstr "Camiri" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Cobija" msgstr "Cobija" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Cochabamba" msgstr "Cochabamba" #. A city in Bolivia msgctxt "City in Bolivia" msgid "Concepción" msgstr "Concepción" #. The capital of Bolivia msgctxt "City in Bolivia" msgid "La Paz" msgstr "La Paz" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Magdalena" msgstr "Magdalena" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Oruro" msgstr "Oruro" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Potosí" msgstr "Potosí" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Puerto Suárez" msgstr "Puerto Suárez" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Reyes" msgstr "Reyes" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Riberalta" msgstr "Riberalta" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Roboré" msgstr "Roboré" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Rurrenabaque" msgstr "Rurrenabaque" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "San Borja" msgstr "San Borja" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "San Ignacio de Velasco" msgstr "San Ignacio de Velasco" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "San Joaquín" msgstr "San Joaquín" #. A city in Bolivia. #. One of several cities in Bolivia called "San José". #. msgid "San José de Chiquitos" msgstr "San José de Chiquitos" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Santa Ana de Yacuma" msgstr "Santa Ana de Yacuma" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Santa Cruz" msgstr "Santa Cruz" #. The capital of Bolivia msgid "Sucre" msgstr "Sucre" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Tarija" msgstr "Tarija" #. A city in Bolivia msgctxt "City in Bolivia" msgid "Trinidad" msgstr "Trinidad" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Villamontes" msgstr "Villamontes" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Viro Viro" msgstr "Viro Viro" #. A city in Bolivia msgid "Yacuiba" msgstr "Yacuiba" #. A city in Bosnia and Herzegovina msgid "Banja Luka" msgstr "Banja Luka" #. A city in Bosnia and Herzegovina msgid "Mostar" msgstr "Mostar" #. The capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina msgid "Sarajevo" msgstr "Sarajevo" #. A city in Botswana msgid "Francistown" msgstr "Francistown" #. The capital of Botswana msgid "Gaborone" msgstr "Gaborone" #. A city in Botswana msgid "Ghanzi" msgstr "Ghanzi" #. A city in Botswana msgid "Kasane" msgstr "Kasane" #. A city in Botswana msgid "Letlhakane" msgstr "Letlhakane" #. A city in Botswana msgid "Lokerane" msgstr "Lokerane" #. A city in Botswana msgid "Maun" msgstr "Maun" #. A city in Botswana msgid "Mochudi" msgstr "Mochudi" #. A city in Botswana msgid "Selebi-Phikwe" msgstr "Selebi-Phikwe" #. A city in Botswana msgid "Tshabong" msgstr "Tshabong" #. A city in Mato Grosso in Brazil msgid "Alta Floresta" msgstr "Alta Floresta" #. A city in Pará in Brazil msgid "Altamira" msgstr "Altamira" #. A city in Goiás in Brazil msgid "Anápolis" msgstr "Anápolis" #. A city in Sergipe in Brazil msgid "Aracaju" msgstr "Aracaju" #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil msgid "Barbacena" msgstr "Barbacena" #. A city in Mato Grosso in Brazil msgid "Barra do Garças" msgstr "Barra do Garças" #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil msgid "Bauru" msgstr "Bauru" #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil msgid "Belo Horizonte" msgstr "Belo Horizonte" #. A city in Pará in Brazil msgid "Belém" msgstr "Belém" #. A city in Roraima in Brazil msgid "Boa Vista" msgstr "Boa Vista" #. A city in Bahia in Brazil msgid "Bom Jesus da Lapa" msgstr "Bom Jesus da Lapa" #. The capital of Brazil msgid "Brasília" msgstr "Brasília" #. A city in Pará in Brazil msgid "Cachimbo" msgstr "Cachimbo" #. A city in Paraíba in Brazil msgid "Campina Grande" msgstr "Campina Grande" #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil msgid "Campinas" msgstr "Campinas" #. A city in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil msgid "Campo Grande" msgstr "Campo Grande" #. A city in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil msgid "Campos" msgstr "Campos" #. A city in Pará in Brazil msgid "Conceição do Araguaia" msgstr "Conceição do Araguaia" #. A city in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil msgid "Corumbá" msgstr "Corumbá" #. A city in Acre in Brazil msgid "Cruzeiro do Sul" msgstr "Cruzeiro do Sul" #. A city in Mato Grosso in Brazil msgid "Cuiabá" msgstr "Cuiabá" #. A city in Paraná in Brazil msgid "Curitiba" msgstr "Curitiba" #. A city in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil msgid "Dourados" msgstr "Dourados" #. A city in Santa Catarina in Brazil msgid "Florianópolis" msgstr "Florianópolis" #. A city in Ceará in Brazil msgid "Fortaleza" msgstr "Fortaleza" #. A city in Paraná in Brazil msgid "Foz do Iguaçu" msgstr "Foz Do Iguaçu" #. A city in Goiás in Brazil msgid "Goiânia" msgstr "Goiânia" #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil msgid "Guaratinguetá" msgstr "Guaratinguetá" #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil msgid "Guarulhos" msgstr "Guarulhos" #. A city in Bahia in Brazil msgid "Ilhéus" msgstr "Ilhéus" #. A city in Maranhão in Brazil msgid "Imperatriz" msgstr "Imperatriz" #. A city in Pará in Brazil msgid "Itaituba" msgstr "Itaituba" #. A city in Pará in Brazil msgid "Jacareacanga" msgstr "Jacareacanga" #. A city in Paraíba in Brazil msgid "João Pessoa" msgstr "João Pessoa" #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil msgid "Juiz de Fora" msgstr "Juiz de Fora" #. A city in Paraná in Brazil msgid "Londrina" msgstr "Londrina" #. A city in Alagoas in Brazil msgid "Maceió" msgstr "Maceió" #. A city in Amazonas in Brazil msgid "Manaus" msgstr "Manaus" #. A city in Amazonas in Brazil msgid "Manicoré" msgstr "Manicoré" #. A city in Pará in Brazil msgid "Marabá" msgstr "Marabá" #. A city in Paraná in Brazil msgid "Maringá" msgstr "Maringá" #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil msgid "Montes Claros" msgstr "Montes Claros" #. A city in Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil msgid "Mossoró" msgstr "Mossoró" #. A city in Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil msgctxt "City in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil" msgid "Natal" msgstr "Natal" #. A city in Amapá in Brazil msgid "Oiapoque" msgstr "Oiapoque" #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil msgid "Palmeiras" msgstr "Palmeiras" #. A city in Piauí in Brazil msgid "Parnaíba" msgstr "Parnaíba" #. A city in Bahia in Brazil msgid "Paulo Afonso" msgstr "Paulo Afonso" #. A city in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil msgid "Pelotas" msgstr "Pelotas" #. A city in Pernambuco in Brazil msgid "Petrolina" msgstr "Petrolina" #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil msgid "Piracicaba" msgstr "Piracicaba" #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil msgid "Piraçununga" msgstr "Piraçununga" #. A city in Pará in Brazil msgid "Piri Grande" msgstr "Piri Grande" #. A city in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil msgid "Ponta Porã" msgstr "Ponta Porã" #. A city in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil msgid "Porto Alegre" msgstr "Porto Alegre" #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil msgid "Poços de Caldas" msgstr "Poços de Caldas" #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil msgid "Presidente Prudente" msgstr "Presidente Prudente" #. A city in Bahia in Brazil msgid "Pôrto Seguro" msgstr "Pôrto Seguro" #. A city in Rondônia in Brazil msgid "Pôrto Velho" msgstr "Pôrto Velho" #. A city in Pernambuco in Brazil msgid "Recife" msgstr "Recife" #. A city in Acre in Brazil msgid "Rio Branco" msgstr "Rio Branco" #. A city in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil msgctxt "City in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil" msgid "Rio de Janeiro" msgstr "Rio de Janeiro" #. A city in Bahia in Brazil msgid "Salvador" msgstr "Salvador" #. A city in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil msgctxt "City in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil" msgid "Santa Maria" msgstr "Santa Maria" #. A city in Pará in Brazil msgid "Santarém" msgstr "Santarém" #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil msgid "Santos" msgstr "Santos" #. A city in Amazonas in Brazil msgid "São Félix" msgstr "São Félix" #. A city in Amazonas in Brazil msgid "São Gabriel" msgstr "São Gabriel" #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil msgid "São José dos Campos" msgstr "São José dos Campos" #. A city in Maranhão in Brazil msgid "São Luís" msgstr "São Luís" #. A city in São Paulo in Brazil msgctxt "City in São Paulo, Brazil" msgid "São Paulo" msgstr "São Paulo" #. A city in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil msgid "São Pedro da Aldeia" msgstr "São Pedro da Aldeia" #. A city in Acre in Brazil msgid "Tarauacá" msgstr "Tarauacá" #. A city in Amazonas in Brazil msgid "Tefé" msgstr "Tefé" #. A city in Piauí in Brazil msgid "Teresina" msgstr "Teresina" #. A city in Pará in Brazil msgid "Tucuruí" msgstr "Tucuruí" #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil msgid "Uberaba" msgstr "Uberaba" #. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil msgid "Uberlândia" msgstr "Uberlândia" #. A city in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil msgid "Uruguaiana" msgstr "Uruguaiana" #. A city in Pernambuco in Brazil msgid "Vila dos Remédios" msgstr "Vila dos Remédios" #. A city in Rondônia in Brazil msgid "Vilhena" msgstr "Vilhena" #. A city in Espírito Santo in Brazil msgid "Vitória" msgstr "Vitória" #. A city in Bahia in Brazil msgid "Vitória da Conquista" msgstr "Vitória da Conquista" #. The capital of the British Virgin Islands msgid "Road Town" msgstr "Road Town" #. A city in the British Virgin Islands msgid "The Mill" msgstr "The Mill" #. The capital of Brunei msgid "Bandar Seri Begawan" msgstr "Bandar Seri Begawan" #. A city in Bulgaria msgid "Burgas" msgstr "Burgas" #. A city in Bulgaria msgid "Gorna Oryakhovitsa" msgstr "Gorna Oryakhovitsa" #. A city in Bulgaria msgid "Plovdiv" msgstr "Plovdiv" #. The capital of Bulgaria. #. "Sofia" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "Sofiya". #. msgid "Sofia" msgstr "Sofia" #. A city in Bulgaria msgid "Varna" msgstr "Varna" #. The capital of Burkina Faso msgid "Ouagadougou" msgstr "Ouagadougou" #. The capital of Burundi msgid "Bujumbura" msgstr "Bujumbura" #. The capital of Cambodia. #. "Phnom Penh" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Khmer is "Phnum Penh". #. msgid "Phnom Penh" msgstr "Phnom Penh" #. A city in Cambodia msgid "Siemreab" msgstr "Siemreab" #. A city in Cameroon msgid "Douala" msgstr "Douala" #. A city in Cameroon msgid "Garoua" msgstr "Garoua" #. A city in Cameroon msgid "Ngaoundere" msgstr "Ngaoundere" #. The capital of Cameroon msgid "Yaounde" msgstr "Yaounde" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Abbotsford" msgstr "Abbotsford" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Agassiz" msgstr "Agassiz" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Aklavik" msgstr "Aklavik" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Allison Harbour" msgstr "Porto de Allison" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Alta Lake" msgstr "Alta Lake" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Amqui" msgstr "Amqui" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Argentia" msgstr "Argentia" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Arviat" msgstr "Arviat" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Assiniboia" msgstr "Assiniboia" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Bagotville" msgstr "Bagotville" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Baie-Comeau" msgstr "Baie-Comeau" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Baie-Sainte-Catherine" msgstr "Baie-Sainte-Catherine" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Baie-de-la-Trinité" msgstr "Baie-de-la-Trinité" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Baker Lake" msgstr "Baker Lake" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Baldonnel" msgstr "Baldonnel" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Bancroft" msgstr "Bancroft" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Banff" msgstr "Banff" #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada msgid "Bathurst" msgstr "Bathurst" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Bay Saint Lawrence" msgstr "Baía de Saint Lawrence" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Beardmore" msgstr "Beardmore" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Beauceville" msgstr "Beauceville" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Beauport" msgstr "Beauport" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Beaver Harbour" msgstr "Porto de Beaver" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgctxt "City in Quebec, Canada" msgid "Bedford" msgstr "Bedford" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Bella Coola" msgstr "Bella Coola" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Bellin" msgstr "Bellin" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Berens River" msgstr "Rio Berens" #. A city in Alberta in Canada #. A city in Norway msgid "Bergen" msgstr "Bergen" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Blanc-Sablon" msgstr "Blanc-Sablon" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Blue River" msgstr "Blue River" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Boat Basin" msgstr "Boat Basin" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Borden" msgstr "Borden" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Bow Island" msgstr "Ilha Bow" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Brandon" msgstr "Brandon" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Broadview" msgstr "Broadview" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Brooks" msgstr "Brooks" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Buffalo Narrows" msgstr "Buffalo Narrows" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada" msgid "Burlington" msgstr "Burlington" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Burns Lake" msgstr "Lago Burns" #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada msgid "Burwash Landing" msgstr "Burwash Landing" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Caledonia" msgstr "Caledonia" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Calgary" msgstr "Calgary" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Cambridge Bay" msgstr "Baía Cambridge" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Campbell River" msgstr "Rio Campbell" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Canso" msgstr "Canso" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Canton-Bégin" msgstr "Canton-Bégin" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Cap-Chat" msgstr "Cap-Chat" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Cap-aux-Meules" msgstr "Cap-aux-Meules" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Cape Cove" msgstr "Cabo Cove" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Cape Dorset" msgstr "Cabo Dorset" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Cape Dyer" msgstr "Cabo Dyer" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Cape Parry" msgstr "Cabo Parry" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Cape Race" msgstr "Cabo Race" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Cardston" msgstr "Cardston" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Caribou Island" msgstr "Ilha Caribou" #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada msgid "Carmacks" msgstr "Carmacks" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Carman" msgstr "Carman" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Cartwright" msgstr "Cartwright" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Castlegar" msgstr "Castlegar" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Central Patricia" msgstr "Central Patricia" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Chapleau" msgstr "Chapleau" #. A city in Prince Edward Island in Canada msgid "Charlottetown" msgstr "Charlottetown" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Chesterfield Inlet" msgstr "Chesterfield Inlet" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Chibougamau" msgstr "Chibougamau" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Churchill" msgstr "Churchill" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Chéticamp" msgstr "Chéticamp" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Claresholm" msgstr "Claresholm" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada" msgid "Clinton" msgstr "Clinton" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Clyde River" msgstr "Rio Clyde" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Cobourg" msgstr "Cobourg" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Cold Lake" msgstr "Lago Cold" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Coleman" msgstr "Coleman" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Collingwood" msgstr "Collingwood" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Comox" msgstr "Comox" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Coppell" msgstr "Coppell" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Coral Harbour" msgstr "Porto Coral" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Coronation" msgstr "Coronation" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Cranbrook" msgstr "Cranbrook" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada" msgid "Creston" msgstr "Creston" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Dauphin" msgstr "Dauphin" #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada msgid "Dawson" msgstr "Dawson" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Dease Lake" msgstr "Lago Dease" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Deer Lake" msgstr "Lago Deer" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Delhi" msgstr "Delhi" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Dingwall" msgstr "Dingwall" #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada msgid "Dipper Harbour" msgstr "Porto Dipper" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Drumheller" msgstr "Drumheller" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada" msgid "Dryden" msgstr "Dryden" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Délįne" msgstr "Délįne" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Earlton" msgstr "Earlton" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "East Poplar" msgstr "East Poplar" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Eastend" msgstr "Eastend" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Edmonton" msgstr "Edmonton" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Edson" msgstr "Edson" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Elliot Lake" msgstr "Lago Elliot" #. A city in Prince Edward Island in Canada msgctxt "City in Prince Edward Island, Canada" msgid "Elmira" msgstr "Elmira" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Embarras Portage" msgstr "Embarras Portage" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Englee" msgstr "Englee" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Ennadai" msgstr "Ennadai" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Erieau" msgstr "Erieau" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Esquimalt" msgstr "Esquimalt" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Estevan" msgstr "Estevan" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Esther" msgstr "Esther" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgctxt "City in Nunavut, Canada" msgid "Eureka" msgstr "Eureka" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Ferolle Point" msgstr "Ferolle Point" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Flin Flon" msgstr "Flin Flon" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Fort Chipewyan" msgstr "Forte Chipewyan" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Fort Good Hope" msgstr "Forte Good Hope" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Fort Grahame" msgstr "Forte Grahame" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Fort McMurray" msgstr "Forte McMurray" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Fort Nelson" msgstr "Forte Nelson" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Fort Providence" msgstr "Forte Providence" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Fort Simpson" msgstr "Forte Simpson" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgctxt "City in Northwest Territories, Canada" msgid "Fort Smith" msgstr "Fort Smith" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Fort-Rupert" msgstr "Fort-Rupert" #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada msgid "Fredericton" msgstr "Fredericton" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Front of Escott" msgstr "Front of Escott" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Gabriola" msgstr "Gabriola" #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada msgid "Gagetown" msgstr "Gagetown" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Gander" msgstr "Gander" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Gaspé" msgstr "Gaspé" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Gatineau" msgstr "Gatineau" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Geraldton" msgstr "Geraldton" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Gillam" msgstr "Gillam" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Gimli" msgstr "Gimli" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Gjoa Haven" msgstr "Gjoa Haven" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Goderich" msgstr "Goderich" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Golden" msgstr "Golden" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Goose Bay" msgstr "Goose Bay" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Gore Bay" msgstr "Baía Gore" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgctxt "City in Manitoba, Canada" msgid "Grand Rapids" msgstr "Grand Rapids" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Grand-Etang" msgstr "Grand-Etang" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Grande Prairie" msgstr "Grande Prairie" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgctxt "City in Nova Scotia, Canada" msgid "Greenwood" msgstr "Greenwood" #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada msgid "Haines Junction" msgstr "Haines Junction" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Halifax" msgstr "Halifax" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Hall Beach" msgstr "Hall Beach" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Hallowell" msgstr "Hallowell" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada" msgid "Hamilton" msgstr "Hamilton" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Harbour Breton" msgstr "Harbour Breton" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Harrington Harbour" msgstr "Porto Harrington" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Havre-Saint-Pierre" msgstr "Havre-Saint-Pierre" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Hay River" msgstr "Rio Hay" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgctxt "City in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada" msgid "Hebron" msgstr "Hebron" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Heron Bay" msgstr "Baía Heron" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "High Level" msgstr "High Level" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Hollyburn" msgstr "Hollyburn" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Holman" msgstr "Holman" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Hope" msgstr "Hope" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Hopedale" msgstr "Hopedale" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Igloolik" msgstr "Igloolik" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Inoucdjouac" msgstr "Inoucdjouac" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Inuvik" msgstr "Inuvik" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Iqaluit" msgstr "Iqaluit" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Island Lake" msgstr "Lago Island" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Ivugivik" msgstr "Ivugivik" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Jacques-Cartier" msgstr "Jacques-Cartier" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgctxt "City in Alberta, Canada" msgid "Jasper" msgstr "Jasper" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Jonquière" msgstr "Jonquière" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Kamloops" msgstr "Kamloops" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Kapuskasing" msgstr "Kapuskasing" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Kelowna" msgstr "Kelowna" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Kenora" msgstr "Kenora" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Kentville" msgstr "Kentville" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Kindersley" msgstr "Kindersley" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada" msgid "Kingston" msgstr "Kingston" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Koartac" msgstr "Koartac" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Kugaaruk" msgstr "Kugaaruk" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Kugluktuk" msgstr "Kugluktuk" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Kuujjuaq" msgstr "Kuujjuaq" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "L'Anse-Saint-Jean" msgstr "L'Anse-Saint-Jean" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "L'Ascension" msgstr "L'Ascension" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "L'Assomption" msgstr "L'Assomption" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "La Baie" msgstr "La Baie" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "La Ronge" msgstr "La Ronge" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "La Tuque" msgstr "La Tuque" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Lac La Biche" msgstr "Lac La Biche" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Lasqueti" msgstr "Lasqueti" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Leader" msgstr "Leader" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Leaf River" msgstr "Rio Leaf" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Lennoxville" msgstr "Lennoxville" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Lethbridge" msgstr "Lethbridge" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Little Prairie" msgstr "Little Prairie" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgctxt "City in Nova Scotia, Canada" msgid "Liverpool" msgstr "Liverpool" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Lloydminster" msgstr "Lloydminster" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada" msgid "London" msgstr "London" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan" msgstr "Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Lucky Lake" msgstr "Lago Lucky" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Lynn Lake" msgstr "Lago Lynn" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Lytton" msgstr "Lytton" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Makkovik" msgstr "Makkovik" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Maniwaki" msgstr "Maniwaki" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Maple Creek" msgstr "Riacho Maple" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Maricourt" msgstr "Maricourt" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Mary's Harbour" msgstr "Porto de Mary" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Matagami" msgstr "Matagami" #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada msgid "Mayo" msgstr "Mayo" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "McLeod Lake" msgstr "Lago McLeod" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Meadow Lake" msgstr "Lago Meadow" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Medicine Hat" msgstr "Medicine Hat" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Melfort" msgstr "Melfort" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgctxt "City in Manitoba, Canada" msgid "Miami" msgstr "Miami" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Milk River" msgstr "Rio Milk" #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada msgid "Moncton" msgstr "Moncton" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Mont-Apica" msgstr "Mont-Apica" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Mont-Joli" msgstr "Mont-Joli" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Montmagny" msgstr "Montmagny" #. A city in Quebec in Canada. #. The local name in French is "Montréal". #. msgid "Montreal" msgstr "Montreal" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Moosonee" msgstr "Moosonee" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Morden" msgstr "Morden" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Mount Forest" msgstr "Mount Forest" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Mount Pearl Park" msgstr "Mount Pearl Park" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Muskoka Falls" msgstr "Muskoka Falls" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Nahanni Butte" msgstr "Nahanni Butte" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Nain" msgstr "Nain" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Nakusp" msgstr "Nakusp" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Nanaimo" msgstr "Nanaimo" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Nanoose Bay" msgstr "Nanoose Bay" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Nanticoke" msgstr "Nanticoke" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada" msgid "Natal" msgstr "Natal" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Natashquan" msgstr "Narsarsuaq" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Neddy Harbour" msgstr "Porto Neddy" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Nelson" msgstr "Nelson" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "New Carlisle" msgstr "New Carlisle" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Nicolet" msgstr "Nicolet" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Nipawin" msgstr "Nipawin" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Norman Wells" msgstr "Norman Wells" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Normandin" msgstr "Normandin" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "North Battleford" msgstr "North Battleford" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "North Bay" msgstr "Baía North" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "North Kamloops" msgstr "Kamloops Norte" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Norway House" msgstr "Residência na Noruega" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette" msgstr "Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Nouveau-Comptoir" msgstr "Nouveau-Comptoir" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Nutak" msgstr "Nutak" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Ocean Falls" msgstr "Ocean Falls" #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada msgid "Old Crow" msgstr "Old Crow" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Onefour" msgstr "Onefour" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Osoyoos" msgstr "Osoyoos" #. The capital of Canada msgid "Ottawa" msgstr "Ottawa" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Pangnirtung" msgstr "Pangnirtung" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Parent" msgstr "Parent" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Paulatuk" msgstr "Paulatuk" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Peace River" msgstr "Rio Peace" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Penticton" msgstr "Penticton" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Petawawa" msgstr "Petawawa" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Peterborough" msgstr "Peterborough" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Petite-Rivière" msgstr "Petite-Rivière" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Pilot Mound" msgstr "Pilot Mound" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Pincher Creek" msgstr "Riacho Pincher" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Pitt Meadows" msgstr "Pitt Meadows" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Pond Inlet" msgstr "Pond Inlet" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Port Hardy" msgstr "Port Hardy" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Port Simpson" msgstr "Port Simpson" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Port Weller" msgstr "Port Weller" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Port-Menier" msgstr "Port-Menier" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Portneuf" msgstr "Portneuf" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Poste-de-la-Baleine" msgstr "Poste-de-la-Baleine" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Powell River" msgstr "Rio Powell" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Prince Albert" msgstr "Prince Albert" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Prince George" msgstr "Prince George" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Prince Rupert" msgstr "Prince Rupert" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada" msgid "Princeton" msgstr "Princeton" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Puvirnituq" msgstr "Puvirnituq" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Qikiqtarjuaq" msgstr "Qikiqtarjuaq" #. A city in Quebec in Canada. #. The local name in French is "Québec". #. msgctxt "City in Quebec, Canada" msgid "Quebec" msgstr "Quebec" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Queen Charlotte" msgstr "Queen Charlotte" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Quesnel" msgstr "Quesnel" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Radisson" msgstr "Radisson" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Rankin Inlet" msgstr "Rankin Inlet" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Red Deer" msgstr "Red Deer" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Red Lake" msgstr "Lago Red" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Regina" msgstr "Regina" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Repulse Bay" msgstr "Baía Repulse" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Resolute" msgstr "Resolute" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Revelstoke" msgstr "Revelstoke" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Rivière-du-Loup" msgstr "Rivière-du-Loup" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Rivière-la-Madeleine" msgstr "Rivière-la-Madeleine" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Roberval" msgstr "Roberval" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Rockglen" msgstr "Rockglen" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Rocky Mountain House" msgstr "Rocky Mountain House" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Rocky Point" msgstr "Rocky Point" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Rosetown" msgstr "Rosetown" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Rouyn" msgstr "Rouyn" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Sachs Harbour" msgstr "Porto de Sachs" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Saint Anthony" msgstr "Saint Anthony" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Saint Catharines" msgstr "Saint Catharines" #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada msgid "Saint John" msgstr "Saint John" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgctxt "City in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada" msgid "Saint John's" msgstr "Saint John's" #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada msgid "Saint Leonard" msgstr "Saint Leonard" #. A city in New Brunswick in Canada msgid "Saint Stephen" msgstr "Saint Stephen" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Saint-Anicet" msgstr "Saint-Anicet" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Saint-Chrysostome" msgstr "Saint-Chrysostome" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Saint-Fabien" msgstr "Saint-Fabien" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Saint-François" msgstr "Saint-François" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Saint-Henri-de-Taillon" msgstr "Saint-Henri-de-Taillon" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Saint-Jean" msgstr "Saint-Jean" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Saint-Joachim" msgstr "Saint-Joachim" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Saint-Jovite" msgstr "Saint-Jovite" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière" msgstr "Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Salmon Arm" msgstr "Salmon Arm" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Sandspit" msgstr "Sandspit" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Sarnia" msgstr "Sarnia" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Saskatoon" msgstr "Saskatoon" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Sault Sainte Marie" msgstr "Sault Sainte Marie" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Schefferville" msgstr "Schefferville" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Seebe" msgstr "Seebe" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Senneville" msgstr "Senneville" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Sept-Îles" msgstr "Sept-Îles" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Shawinigan" msgstr "Shawinigan" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Sheet Harbour" msgstr "Sheet Harbour" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Sherbrooke" msgstr "Sherbrooke" #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada msgid "Shingle Point" msgstr "Shingle Point" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Sioux Lookout" msgstr "Sioux Lookout" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Slave Lake" msgstr "Lago Slave" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Smithers" msgstr "Smithers" #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada msgid "Snag" msgstr "Snag" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgctxt "City in Saskatchewan, Canada" msgid "Southend" msgstr "Southend" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Spirit River" msgstr "Spirit River" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Spiritwood" msgstr "Spiritwood" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Squamish" msgstr "Squamish" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Stephen" msgstr "Stephen" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgctxt "City in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada" msgid "Stephenville" msgstr "Stephenville" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Steveston" msgstr "Steveston" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Stewart" msgstr "Stewart" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Stoneham" msgstr "Stoneham" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Stony Rapids" msgstr "Stony Rapids" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Sudbury" msgstr "Sudbury" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Summerland" msgstr "Summerland" #. A city in Prince Edward Island in Canada msgid "Summerside" msgstr "Summerside" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Swan River" msgstr "Rio Swan" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Swift Current" msgstr "Swift Current" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgctxt "City in Nova Scotia, Canada" msgid "Sydney" msgstr "Sydney" #. A city in Nunavut in Canada msgid "Taloyoak" msgstr "Taloyoak" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Terra Nova" msgstr "Terra Nova" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Terrace" msgstr "Terrace" #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada msgid "Teslin" msgstr "Teslin" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "The Pas" msgstr "The Pas" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Thompson" msgstr "Thompson" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Three Hills" msgstr "Three Hills" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Thunder Bay" msgstr "Baía Thunder" #. A city in Prince Edward Island in Canada msgid "Tignish" msgstr "Tignish" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Timmins" msgstr "Timmins" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Tobermory" msgstr "Tobermory" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Tofino" msgstr "Tofino" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Toronto" msgstr "Toronto" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Tow Hill" msgstr "Tow Hill" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada" msgid "Trenton" msgstr "Trenton" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Trois-Rivières" msgstr "Trois-Rivières" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Trout Lake" msgstr "Lago Trout" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Tuktoyaktuk" msgstr "Tuktoyaktuk" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Tununuk" msgstr "Tununuk" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Twillingate" msgstr "Twillingate" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Upsala" msgstr "Upsala" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Uranium City" msgstr "Uranium City" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Val Marie" msgstr "Val Marie" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Val-d'Or" msgstr "Val-d'Or" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Valcartier Station" msgstr "Estação Valcartier" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada" msgid "Vancouver" msgstr "Vancouver" #. A city in Quebec in Canada msgid "Varennes" msgstr "Varennes" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Vegreville" msgstr "Vegreville" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada" msgid "Vernon" msgstr "Vernon" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada" msgid "Victoria" msgstr "Victoria" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Victoria Beach" msgstr "Victoria Beach" #. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada msgid "Wabush" msgstr "Wabush" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada" msgid "Waterloo" msgstr "Waterloo" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Watrous" msgstr "Watrous" #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada msgid "Watson Lake" msgstr "Lago Watson" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Wawa" msgstr "Wawa" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Westport" msgstr "Westport" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Weyburn" msgstr "Weyburn" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Wha Ti" msgstr "Wha Ti" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "White Rock" msgstr "White Rock" #. A city in Alberta in Canada msgid "Whitecourt" msgstr "Whitecourt" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Whitefish Falls" msgstr "Whitefish Falls" #. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada msgid "Whitehorse" msgstr "Whitehorse" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Wiarton" msgstr "Wiarton" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Williams Lake" msgstr "Lago Williams" #. A city in Ontario in Canada msgid "Windsor" msgstr "Windsor" #. A city in Manitoba in Canada msgid "Winnipeg" msgstr "Winnipeg" #. A city in British Columbia in Canada msgid "Winter Harbour" msgstr "Winter Harbour" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Wynyard" msgstr "Wynyard" #. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada msgid "Yarmouth" msgstr "Yarmouth" #. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada msgid "Yellowknife" msgstr "Yellowknife" #. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada msgid "Yorkton" msgstr "Yorkton" #. A city in Cape Verde msgid "Preguiça" msgstr "Preguiça" #. The capital of the Cayman Islands msgctxt "City in Cayman Islands" msgid "George Town" msgstr "George Town" #. A city in the Cayman Islands msgid "Knob Hill" msgstr "Knob Hill" #. A city in the Cayman Islands msgid "Red Bay Estate" msgstr "Red Bay Estate" #. A city in the Central African Republic msgid "Bangassou" msgstr "Bangassou" #. The capital of the Central African Republic msgid "Bangui" msgstr "Bangui" #. A city in the Central African Republic msgid "Berberati" msgstr "Berberati" #. A city in Chad msgid "Moundou" msgstr "Moundou" #. The capital of Chad msgid "N'Djamena" msgstr "N'Djamena" #. A city in Chad msgid "Sarh" msgstr "Sarh" #. A city in Chile msgid "Antofagasta" msgstr "Antofagasta" #. A city in Chile msgid "Arica" msgstr "Arica" #. A city in Chile msgid "Balmaceda" msgstr "Balmaceda" #. A city in Chile msgctxt "City in Chile" msgid "Concepción" msgstr "Concepción" #. A city in Chile msgid "Curico" msgstr "Curico" #. A city in Chile msgid "Hanga Roa" msgstr "Hanga Roa" #. A city in Chile msgid "Iquique" msgstr "Iquique" #. A city in Chile msgid "La Serena" msgstr "La Serena" #. A city in Chile msgid "Puerto Montt" msgstr "Puerto Montt" #. A city in Chile msgid "Punta Arenas" msgstr "Punta Arenas" #. A city in Chile msgid "Santa Teresa de Lo Ovalle" msgstr "Santa Teresa de Lo Ovalle" #. The capital of Chile msgctxt "City in Chile" msgid "Santiago" msgstr "Santiago" #. A city in Chile msgid "Temuco" msgstr "Temuco" #. The capital of China msgctxt "City in Beijing, China" msgid "Beijing" msgstr "Beijing" #. A city in Jilin in China. #. The name is also written "长春". #. msgid "Changchun" msgstr "Changchun" #. A city in Hunan in China. #. The name is also written "长沙". #. msgid "Changsha" msgstr "Changsha" #. A city in Sichuan in China. #. The name is also written "成都". #. msgid "Chengdu" msgstr "Chengdu" #. A city in Chongqing in China. #. The name is also written "重庆". #. msgctxt "City in Chongqing, China" msgid "Chongqing" msgstr "Chongqing" #. A city in Liaoning in China msgid "Dalian" msgstr "Dalian" #. A city in Fujian in China. #. The name is also written "福州". #. msgid "Fuzhou" msgstr "Fuzhou" #. A city in Guangdong in China. #. The name is also written "广州". #. msgid "Guangzhou" msgstr "Guangzhou" #. A city in Guangxi in China msgid "Guilin" msgstr "Guilin" #. A city in Zhejiang in China. #. The name is also written "杭州". #. msgid "Hangzhou" msgstr "Hangzhou" #. A city in Heilongjiang in China. #. The name is also written "哈尔滨". #. msgid "Harbin" msgstr "Harbin" #. A city in Anhui in China. #. The name is also written "合肥". #. msgid "Hefei" msgstr "Hefei" #. A city in Inner Mongolia in China. #. The name is also written "呼和浩特". #. msgid "Hohhot" msgstr "Hohhot" #. A city in Shandong in China. #. The name is also written "济南" msgid "Jinan" msgstr "Jinan" #. A city in Xinjiang in China msgid "Kashi" msgstr "Kashi" #. A city in Yunnan in China. #. The name is also written "昆明". #. msgid "Kunming" msgstr "Kunming" #. A city in Gansu in China. #. The name is also written "兰州". #. msgid "Lanzhou" msgstr "Lanzhou" #. A city in Jiangsu in China. #. The name is also written "南京". #. msgid "Nanjing" msgstr "Nanjing" #. A city in Guangxi in China. #. The name is also written "南宁". #. msgid "Nanning" msgstr "Nanning" #. A city in Shandong in China msgid "Qingdao" msgstr "Qingdao" #. A city in Hainan in China msgid "Sanya" msgstr "Sanya" #. A city in Shanghai in China. #. The name is also written "上海". #. msgctxt "City in Shanghai, China" msgid "Shanghai" msgstr "Xangai" #. A city in Guangdong in China msgid "Shantou" msgstr "Shantou" #. A city in Liaoning in China. #. The name is also written "沈阳". #. msgid "Shenyang" msgstr "Shenyang" #. A city in Guangdong in China msgid "Shenzhen" msgstr "Shenzhen" #. A city in Shanxi in China. #. The name is also written "太原". #. msgid "Taiyuan" msgstr "Taiyuan" #. A city in Tianjin in China. #. The name is also written "天津". #. msgctxt "City in Tianjin, China" msgid "Tianjin" msgstr "Tianjin" #. A city in Xinjiang in China. #. The name is also written "乌鲁木齐". #. msgid "Urumqi" msgstr "Urumqi" #. A city in Hubei in China. #. The name is also written "武汉". #. msgid "Wuhan" msgstr "Wuhan" #. A city in Shaanxi in China. #. The name is also written "西安". #. msgid "Xi'an" msgstr "Xi'an" #. A city in Fujian in China. #. The name is also written "厦门". #. msgid "Xiamen" msgstr "Xiamen" #. A city in Henan in China. #. The name is also written "郑州". #. msgid "Zhengzhou" msgstr "Zhengzhou" #. A city in Christmas Island msgid "Drumsite" msgstr "Drumsite" #. The capital of Christmas Island msgid "Flying Fish Cove" msgstr "Flying Fish Cove" #. A city in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands msgid "Bantam Village" msgstr "Bantam Village" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Barranquilla" msgstr "Barranquilla" #. The capital of Colombia msgid "Bogotá" msgstr "Bogotá" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Bucaramanga" msgstr "Bucaramanga" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Cali" msgstr "Cali" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Cartagena" msgstr "Cartagena" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Cúcuta" msgstr "Cúcuta" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Ibagué" msgstr "Ibagué" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Ipiales" msgstr "Ipiales" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Leticia" msgstr "Leticia" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Medellín" msgstr "Medellín" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Monteria" msgstr "Monteria" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Pasto" msgstr "Pasto" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Pereira" msgstr "Pereira" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Popayán" msgstr "Popayán" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Quibdó" msgstr "Quibdó" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Riohacha" msgstr "Riohacha" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Rionegro" msgstr "Rionegro" #. A city in Colombia msgid "San Andrés" msgstr "San Andrés" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Santa Marta" msgstr "Santa Marta" #. A city in Colombia msgid "Villavicencio" msgstr "Villavicencio" #. A city in Comoros msgid "Mbaléni" msgstr "Mbaléni" #. The capital of Comoros msgid "Moroni" msgstr "Moroni" #. The capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo msgid "Kinshasa" msgstr "Kinshasa" #. The capital of the Republic of the Congo msgid "Brazzaville" msgstr "Brazzaville" #. A city in the Republic of the Congo msgid "Pointe-Noire" msgstr "Pointe-Noire" #. The capital of the Cook Islands msgid "Avarua" msgstr "Avarua" #. A city in Costa Rica msgid "Alajuela" msgstr "Alajuela" #. A city in Costa Rica msgctxt "City in Costa Rica" msgid "Liberia" msgstr "Libéria" #. A city in Costa Rica msgid "Mata de Palo" msgstr "Mata de Palo" #. A city in Costa Rica msgid "Puerto Limón" msgstr "Puerto Limón" #. The capital of Costa Rica msgid "San José" msgstr "San José" #. A city in Croatia msgid "Bol" msgstr "Bol" #. A city in Croatia msgid "Dubrovnik" msgstr "Dubrovnik" #. A city in Croatia msgid "Jelovice" msgstr "Jelovice" #. A city in Croatia msgid "Liška" msgstr "Liška" #. A city in Croatia msgid "Osijek" msgstr "Osijek" #. A city in Croatia msgid "Rijeka" msgstr "Rijeka" #. A city in Croatia msgid "Split" msgstr "Split" #. A city in Croatia msgid "Zadar" msgstr "Zadar" #. The capital of Croatia msgid "Zagreb" msgstr "Zagreb" #. A city in Cuba msgid "Camagüey" msgstr "Camagüey" #. A city in Cuba msgid "Cienfuegos" msgstr "Cienfuegos" #. A city in Cuba msgid "Guantánamo" msgstr "Guantánamo" #. The capital of Cuba. #. "Havana" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Spanish is "La Habana". #. msgid "Havana" msgstr "Havana" #. A city in Cuba msgid "Holguín" msgstr "Holguín" #. A city in Cuba msgctxt "City in Cuba" msgid "Manzanillo" msgstr "Manzanillo" #. A city in Cuba msgid "Matanzas" msgstr "Matanzas" #. A city in Cuba msgid "Santiago de Cuba" msgstr "Santiago de Cuba" #. A city in Cyprus msgid "Akrotiri" msgstr "Akrotiri" #. A city in Cyprus msgid "Larnaca" msgstr "Larnaca" #. The capital of Cyprus msgid "Nicosia" msgstr "Nicosia" #. A city in Cyprus msgid "Paphos" msgstr "Paphos" #. A city in Cyprus msgid "Tymbou" msgstr "Tymbou" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "Brno" msgstr "Brno" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "Holešov" msgstr "Holešov" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "Hradec Králové" msgstr "Hradec Králové" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "Jihlava" msgstr "Jihlava" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "Karlovy Vary" msgstr "Karlovy Vary" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "Liberec" msgstr "Liberec" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "Olomouc" msgstr "Olomouc" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "Ostrava" msgstr "Ostrava" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "Pardubice" msgstr "Pardubice" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "Plzeň" msgstr "Plzeň" #. The capital of the Czech Republic. #. "Prague" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Czech is "Praha". #. msgid "Prague" msgstr "Praga" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "Zlín" msgstr "Zlín" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "Ústí nad Labem" msgstr "Ústí nad Labem" #. A city in the Czech Republic msgid "České Budějovice" msgstr "České Budějovice" #. A city in Côte d'Ivoire msgid "Abidjan" msgstr "Abidjan" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Billund" msgstr "Billund" #. The capital of Denmark. #. "Copenhagen" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "København". #. msgid "Copenhagen" msgstr "Copenhaga" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Esbjerg" msgstr "Esbjerg" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Karup" msgstr "Karup" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Kastrup" msgstr "Kastrup" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Mejlby" msgstr "Mejlby" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Odense" msgstr "Odense" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Roskilde" msgstr "Roskilde" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Rønne" msgstr "Rønne" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Skrydstrup" msgstr "Skrydstrup" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Sottrupskov" msgstr "Sottrupskov" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Tirstrup" msgstr "Tirstrup" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Vamdrup" msgstr "Vamdrup" #. A city in Denmark msgid "Ålborg" msgstr "Ålborg" #. The capital of Djibouti msgctxt "City in Djibouti" msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "Djibouti" #. A city in Dominica msgid "Marigot" msgstr "Marigot" #. The capital of Dominica msgctxt "City in Dominica" msgid "Roseau" msgstr "Roseau" #. A city in Dominica msgid "Saint Joseph" msgstr "Saint Joseph" #. A city in the Dominican Republic msgid "Barahona" msgstr "Barahona" #. A city in the Dominican Republic msgid "La Romana" msgstr "La Romana" #. A city in the Dominican Republic msgid "Mancha Nueva" msgstr "Mancha Nueva" #. A city in the Dominican Republic msgid "Pantanal" msgstr "Pantanal" #. A city in the Dominican Republic msgid "Puerto Plata" msgstr "Puerto Plata" #. A city in the Dominican Republic msgctxt "City in Dominican Republic" msgid "Santiago" msgstr "Santiago" #. The capital of the Dominican Republic msgid "Santo Domingo" msgstr "Santo Domingo" #. A city in Ecuador msgid "Guayaquil" msgstr "Guayaquil" #. A city in Ecuador msgid "Latacunga" msgstr "Latacunga" #. A city in Ecuador msgid "Manta" msgstr "Manta" #. The capital of Ecuador msgid "Quito" msgstr "Quito" #. A city in Egypt msgid "Al 'Arish" msgstr "Al 'Arish" #. A city in Egypt msgid "Al Ghardaqah" msgstr "Al Ghardaqah" #. A city in Egypt msgid "Al Qabuti" msgstr "Al Qabuti" #. A city in Egypt. #. "Alexandria" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Iskandariyah". #. msgctxt "City in Egypt" msgid "Alexandria" msgstr "Alexandria" #. A city in Egypt msgid "Aswan" msgstr "Aswan" #. A city in Egypt msgid "Asyut" msgstr "Asyut" #. The capital of Egypt. #. "Cairo" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Qahirah". #. msgctxt "City in Egypt" msgid "Cairo" msgstr "Cairo" #. A city in Egypt. #. "Luxor" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Uqsur". #. msgid "Luxor" msgstr "Luxor" #. A city in Egypt msgid "Marsa Matruh" msgstr "Marsa Matruh" #. A city in Egypt msgid "Sharm ash Shaykh" msgstr "Sharm ash Shaykh" #. A city in Egypt msgid "Taba" msgstr "Taba" #. A city in El Salvador msgid "Comalapa" msgstr "Comalapa" #. A city in El Salvador msgid "Ilopango" msgstr "Ilopango" #. The capital of El Salvador msgid "San Salvador" msgstr "San Salvador" #. The capital of Equatorial Guinea msgid "Malabo" msgstr "Malabo" #. A city in Estonia msgid "Kuressaare" msgstr "Kuressaare" #. A city in Estonia msgid "Kärdla" msgstr "Kärdla" #. A city in Estonia msgid "Pärnu" msgstr "Pärnu" #. The capital of Estonia msgid "Tallinn" msgstr "Tallinn" #. A city in Estonia msgid "Tartu" msgstr "Tartu" #. The capital of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) msgctxt "City in Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" msgid "Stanley" msgstr "Stanley" #. A city in the Faroe Islands msgid "Sørvágur" msgstr "Sørvágur" #. The capital of the Faroe Islands msgid "Tórshavn" msgstr "Tórshavn" #. The capital of Fiji msgid "Suva" msgstr "Suva" #. A city in Finland msgid "Enontekiö" msgstr "Enontekiö" #. A city in Finland msgid "Halli" msgstr "Halli" #. The capital of Finland. #. The local name in Swedish is "Helsingfors". #. msgid "Helsinki" msgstr "Helsínquia" #. A city in Finland msgid "Ivalo" msgstr "Ivalo" #. A city in Finland msgid "Joensuu" msgstr "Joensuu" #. A city in Finland msgid "Jyväskylä" msgstr "Jyväskylä" #. A city in Finland msgid "Kajaani" msgstr "Kajaani" #. A city in Finland msgid "Kauhava" msgstr "Kauhava" #. A city in Finland msgid "Kemi" msgstr "Kemi" #. A city in Finland msgid "Kittilä" msgstr "Kittilä" #. A city in Finland. #. The local name in Swedish is "Kronoby". #. msgid "Kruunupyy" msgstr "Kruunupyy" #. A city in Finland msgid "Kuopio" msgstr "Kuopio" #. A city in Finland msgid "Kuusamo" msgstr "Kuusamo" #. A city in Finland msgid "Lappeenranta" msgstr "Lappeenranta" #. A city in Finland msgid "Mikkeli" msgstr "Mikkeli" #. A city in Finland msgid "Oulu" msgstr "Oulu" #. A city in Finland msgid "Pori" msgstr "Pori" #. A city in Finland msgid "Rovaniemi" msgstr "Rovaniemi" #. A city in Finland msgid "Savonlinna" msgstr "Savonlinna" #. A city in Finland msgid "Seinäjoki" msgstr "Seinäjoki" #. A city in Finland msgid "Tampere" msgstr "Tampere" #. A city in Finland. #. The local name in Swedish is "Åbo". #. msgid "Turku" msgstr "Turku" #. A city in Finland msgid "Utti" msgstr "Utti" #. A city in Finland. #. The local name in Swedish is "Vasa". #. msgid "Vaasa" msgstr "Vaasa" #. A city in Finland. #. The local name in Swedish is "Vanda". #. msgid "Vantaa" msgstr "Vantaa" #. A city in Finland msgid "Varkaus" msgstr "Varkaus" #. A city in France msgid "Agen" msgstr "Agen" #. A city in France msgid "Ajaccio" msgstr "Ajaccio" #. A city in France msgid "Alençon" msgstr "Alençon" #. A city in France msgid "Amiens" msgstr "Amiens" #. A city in France msgid "Auch" msgstr "Auch" #. A city in France msgid "Aurillac" msgstr "Aurillac" #. A city in France msgid "Bastia" msgstr "Bastilha" #. A city in France msgid "Beauvais" msgstr "Beauvais" #. A city in France msgid "Bergerac" msgstr "Bergerac" #. A city in France msgid "Biarritz" msgstr "Biarritz" #. A city in France msgctxt "City in France" msgid "Bordeaux" msgstr "Bordeus" #. A city in France msgid "Bourg-en-Bresse" msgstr "Bourg-en-Bresse" #. A city in France msgid "Bourges" msgstr "Bourges" #. A city in France msgctxt "City in France" msgid "Brest" msgstr "Brest" #. A city in France msgid "Brive" msgstr "Brive" #. A city in France msgid "Béziers" msgstr "Béziers" #. A city in France msgid "Caen" msgstr "Caen" #. A city in France msgid "Calvi" msgstr "Calvi" #. A city in France msgid "Cambrai" msgstr "Cambrai" #. A city in France msgid "Cannes" msgstr "Cannes" #. A city in France msgid "Carcassonne" msgstr "Carcassonne" #. A city in France msgid "Chambéry" msgstr "Chambéry" #. A city in France msgid "Chartres" msgstr "Chartres" #. A city in France msgid "Cherbourg" msgstr "Cherbourg" #. A city in France msgid "Châteauroux" msgstr "Châteauroux" #. A city in France msgid "Clermont-Ferrand" msgstr "Clermont-Ferrand" #. A city in France msgid "Cognac" msgstr "Cognac" #. A city in France msgid "Colmar" msgstr "Colmar" #. A city in France msgid "Dax" msgstr "Dax" #. A city in France msgid "Dijon" msgstr "Dijon" #. A city in France msgid "Dinard" msgstr "Dinard" #. A city in France msgid "Dole" msgstr "Dole" #. A city in France msgid "Dollemard" msgstr "Dollemard" #. A city in France msgid "Grenoble" msgstr "Grenoble" #. A city in France msgid "Hoëricourt" msgstr "Hoëricourt" #. A city in France msgid "Hyères" msgstr "Hyères" #. A city in France msgid "Istres" msgstr "Istres" #. A city in France msgid "La Roche-sur-Yon" msgstr "La Roche-sur-Yon" #. A city in France msgid "La Rochelle" msgstr "La Rochelle" #. A city in France msgid "Lannion" msgstr "Lannion" #. A city in France msgid "Le Mans" msgstr "Le Mans" #. A city in France msgid "Le Puy" msgstr "Le Puy" #. A city in France msgid "Lille" msgstr "Lille" #. A city in France msgid "Limoges" msgstr "Limoges" #. A city in France msgid "Luxeuil-les-Bains" msgstr "Luxeuil-les-Bains" #. A city in France msgid "Lyon" msgstr "Lyon" #. A city in France msgid "Marseille" msgstr "Marselha" #. A city in France msgid "Melun" msgstr "Melun" #. A city in France msgid "Metz" msgstr "Metz" #. A city in France msgid "Mont-de-Marsan" msgstr "Mont-de-Marsan" #. A city in France msgid "Montgauch" msgstr "Montgauch" #. A city in France msgid "Montpellier" msgstr "Montpellier" #. A city in France msgid "Montélimar" msgstr "Montélimar" #. A city in France msgid "Mulhouse" msgstr "Mulhouse" #. A city in France msgid "Mâcon" msgstr "Mâcon" #. A city in France msgid "Méné Guen" msgstr "Méné Guen" #. A city in France msgid "Nancy" msgstr "Nancy" #. A city in France msgid "Nantes" msgstr "Nantes" #. A city in France msgid "Nevers" msgstr "Neuchatel" #. A city in France msgid "Nice" msgstr "Nice" #. A city in France msgid "Nîmes" msgstr "Nîmes" #. A city in France msgctxt "City in France" msgid "Orange" msgstr "Orange" #. A city in France msgid "Orléans" msgstr "Orléans" #. The capital of France msgctxt "City in France" msgid "Paris" msgstr "Paris" #. A city in France msgid "Pau" msgstr "Pau" #. A city in France msgid "Perpignan" msgstr "Perpignan" #. A city in France msgid "Poggiale" msgstr "Poggiale" #. A city in France msgid "Poitiers" msgstr "Poitiers" #. A city in France msgid "Quimper" msgstr "Quimper" #. A city in France msgid "Reims" msgstr "Reims" #. A city in France msgid "Rennes" msgstr "Rennes" #. A city in France msgid "Rodez" msgstr "Rodez" #. A city in France msgid "Romorantin" msgstr "Romorantin" #. A city in France msgid "Rouen" msgstr "Rouen" #. A city in France msgid "Saint-Brieuc" msgstr "Saint-Brieuc" #. A city in France msgid "Saint-Quentin" msgstr "Saint-Quentin" #. A city in France msgid "Saint-Yan" msgstr "Saint-Yan" #. A city in France msgid "Salon" msgstr "Salon" #. A city in France msgid "Strasbourg" msgstr "Estrasburgo" #. A city in France msgid "Tarbes" msgstr "Tarbes" #. A city in France msgid "Toulouse" msgstr "Toulouse" #. A city in France msgid "Tours" msgstr "Tours" #. A city in France msgid "Trignac" msgstr "Trignac" #. A city in France msgid "Troyes" msgstr "Troyes" #. A city in France msgid "Veauche" msgstr "Veauche" #. A city in France msgctxt "City in France" msgid "Vichy" msgstr "Vichy" #. A city in France msgid "Vélizy" msgstr "Vélizy" #. A city in France msgid "Évreux" msgstr "Évreux" #. The capital of French Guiana msgid "Cayenne" msgstr "Cayenne" #. The capital of French Polynesia msgid "Papeete" msgstr "Papeete" #. A city in Gabon msgid "Franceville" msgstr "Franceville" #. The capital of Gabon msgid "Libreville" msgstr "Libreville" #. A city in Gabon msgid "Port-Gentil" msgstr "Port-Gentil" #. The capital of Gambia msgid "Banjul" msgstr "Banjul" #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany msgid "Achum" msgstr "Achum" #. A city in Thuringia in Germany msgid "Altenburg" msgstr "Altenburg" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany msgid "Augsburg" msgstr "Augsburg" #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany msgid "Baal" msgstr "Baal" #. The capital of Germany msgctxt "City in Berlin, Germany" msgid "Berlin" msgstr "Berlim" #. A city in Thuringia in Germany msgid "Bindersleben" msgstr "Bindersleben" #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany msgid "Bonn" msgstr "Bona" #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany msgid "Braunschweig" msgstr "Braunschweig" #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany msgid "Bredeck" msgstr "Bredeck" #. A city in Bremen in Germany msgctxt "City in Bremen, Germany" msgid "Bremen" msgstr "Bremen" #. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany msgid "Büchel" msgstr "Büchel" #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany msgid "Celle" msgstr "Celle" #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany msgid "Donaueschingen" msgstr "Donaueschingen" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany msgid "Dorfgmünd" msgstr "Dorfgmünd" #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany msgid "Dortmund" msgstr "Dortmund" #. A city in Saxony in Germany msgid "Dresden" msgstr "Dresden" #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany msgid "Faßberg" msgstr "Faßberg" #. A city in Hesse in Germany msgid "Frankfurt" msgstr "Frankfurt" #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany msgid "Friedrichshafen" msgstr "Friedrichshafen" #. A city in Hesse in Germany msgid "Fritzlar" msgstr "Fritzlar" #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany msgid "Geilenkirchen" msgstr "Geilenkirchen" #. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany msgid "Hahn" msgstr "Hahn" #. A city in Hamburg in Germany msgctxt "City in Hamburg, Germany" msgid "Hamburg" msgstr "Hamburgo" #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany msgid "Hannover" msgstr "Hannover" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany msgid "Hof" msgstr "Hof" #. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany msgid "Hohn" msgstr "Hohn" #. A city in Saxony-Anhalt in Germany msgid "Holzdorf" msgstr "Holzdorf" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany msgid "Illesheim" msgstr "Illesheim" #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany msgid "Kalkar" msgstr "Kalkar" #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany msgid "Kalkum" msgstr "Kalkum" #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany msgid "Karlsruhe" msgstr "Karlsruhe" #. A city in Hesse in Germany msgid "Kassel" msgstr "Kassel" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany msgid "Katterbach" msgstr "Katterbach" #. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany msgid "Kiel" msgstr "Kiel" #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany msgid "Klemenshof" msgstr "Klemenshof" #. A city in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany msgid "Laage" msgstr "Laage" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany msgid "Lager Lechfeld" msgstr "Lager Lechfeld" #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany msgid "Lahr" msgstr "Lahr" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany msgid "Landsberg" msgstr "Landsberg" #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany msgid "Laupheim" msgstr "Laupheim" #. A city in Saxony in Germany msgid "Leipzig" msgstr "Leipzig" #. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany msgid "Liebenscheid" msgstr "Liebenscheid" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany msgid "Memmingen" msgstr "Memambetsu" #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany msgid "Meßstetten" msgstr "Meßstetten" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany. #. "Munich" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "München". #. msgid "Munich" msgstr "Munique" #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany msgid "Mönchengladbach" msgstr "Mönchengladbach" #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany msgid "Münster" msgstr "Münster" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany. #. One of several cities in Germany called "Neuburg". #. msgid "Neuburg an der Donau" msgstr "Neuburg an der Donau" #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany msgid "Neuostheim" msgstr "Neuostheim" #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany msgid "Niederstetten" msgstr "Niederstetten" #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany msgid "Nordholz" msgstr "Nordholz" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany. #. "Nuremberg" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "Nürnberg". #. msgid "Nuremberg" msgstr "Nuremberga" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany msgid "Oberpfaffenhofen" msgstr "Oberpfaffenhofen" #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany msgid "Paderborn" msgstr "Paderborn" #. A city in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany msgid "Parchim" msgstr "Parchim" #. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany msgid "Ramstein" msgstr "Ramstein" #. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany msgid "Rheine" msgstr "Rheine" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany msgid "Roth" msgstr "Roth" #. A city in Saarland in Germany msgid "Saarbrücken" msgstr "Saarbrücken" #. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany msgid "Schleswig" msgstr "Schkeuditz" #. A city in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany msgid "Seebad Heringsdorf" msgstr "Seebad Heringsdorf" #. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany msgid "Spangdahlem" msgstr "Spangdahlem" #. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany msgctxt "City in Baden-Württemberg, Germany" msgid "Stuttgart" msgstr "Estugarda" #. A city in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany msgid "Trollenhagen" msgstr "Trollenhagen" #. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany msgid "Ulstrupfeld" msgstr "Ulstrupfeld" #. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany msgid "Vorrade" msgstr "Vorrade" #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany msgid "Webershausen" msgstr "Webershausen" #. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany msgid "Westerland" msgstr "Westerland" #. A city in Hesse in Germany msgid "Wiesbaden" msgstr "Wiesbaden" #. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany msgid "Wunstorf" msgstr "Wunstorf" #. A city in Bavaria in Germany msgid "Würzburg" msgstr "Würzburg" #. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany msgid "Zweibrücken" msgstr "Zweibrücken" #. The capital of Ghana msgid "Accra" msgstr "Accra" #. The capital of Gibraltar msgctxt "City in Gibraltar" msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "Gibraltar" #. A city in Greece msgid "Alexandroúpolis" msgstr "Alexandroúpolis" #. A city in Greece msgid "Andravída" msgstr "Andravída" #. A city in Greece msgid "Argostólion" msgstr "Argostólion" #. The capital of Greece. #. "Athens" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Greek is "Athína / Αθήνα". #. msgctxt "City in Greece" msgid "Athens" msgstr "Atenas" #. A city in Greece msgid "Chrysoúpolis" msgstr "Chrysoúpolis" #. A city in Greece. #. The name is also written "Χίος". #. msgid "Chíos" msgstr "Chíos" #. A city in Greece msgid "Elefsís" msgstr "Elefsís" #. A city in Greece msgid "Irákleion" msgstr "Irákleion" #. A city in Greece. #. The name is also written "Καλαμάτα". #. msgid "Kalamáta" msgstr "Kalamáta" #. A city in Greece msgid "Karpásion" msgstr "Karpásion" #. A city in Greece msgid "Katomérion" msgstr "Katomérion" #. A city in Greece msgid "Kos" msgstr "Kos" #. A city in Greece msgid "Kozáni" msgstr "Kozáni" #. A city in Greece msgid "Kárpathos" msgstr "Kárpathos" #. A city in Greece. #. The name is also written "Κέρκυρα". #. msgid "Kérkyra" msgstr "Kérkyra" #. A city in Greece. #. The name is also written "Κύθηρα". #. msgid "Kýthira" msgstr "Kýthira" #. A city in Greece msgid "Lárisa" msgstr "Lárisa" #. A city in Greece msgid "Monólithos" msgstr "Monólithos" #. A city in Greece msgid "Mytilíni" msgstr "Mytilíni" #. A city in Greece. #. The name is also written "Μύκονος". #. msgid "Mýkonos" msgstr "Mýkonos" #. A city in Greece msgid "Náxos" msgstr "Náxos" #. A city in Greece msgid "Paradeísion" msgstr "Paradeísion" #. A city in Greece msgid "Páros" msgstr "Páros" #. A city in Greece msgid "Skíathos" msgstr "Skíathos" #. A city in Greece msgid "Soúda" msgstr "Soúda" #. A city in Greece msgid "Sámos" msgstr "Sámos" #. A city in Greece msgid "Tanágra" msgstr "Tanágra" #. A city in Greece msgid "Thessaloníki" msgstr "Thessaloníki" #. A city in Greece msgid "Zákynthos" msgstr "Zákynthos" #. A city in Greece msgid "Áno Síros" msgstr "Áno Síros" #. A city in Greece msgid "Áraxos" msgstr "Áraxos" #. A city in Greece msgid "Áyios Athanásios" msgstr "Áyios Athanásios" #. A city in Greenland. #. The local name in Kalaallisut is "Uummannaq". #. msgid "Dundas" msgstr "Dundas" #. The capital of Greenland. #. The local name in Kalaallisut is "Nuuk". #. msgid "Godthåb" msgstr "Godthåb" #. A city in Greenland msgid "Ittorisseq" msgstr "Ittorisseq" #. A city in Greenland. #. The local name in Kalaallisut is "Ilulissat". #. msgid "Jakobshavn" msgstr "Jakobshavn" #. A city in Greenland msgid "Kulusuk" msgstr "Kulusuk" #. A city in Greenland msgid "Narsarsuaq" msgstr "Narsarsuaq" #. A city in Greenland msgid "Søndre Strømfjord" msgstr "Søndre Strømfjord" #. A city in Grenada msgid "Bamboo" msgstr "Bamboo" #. The capital of Grenada msgid "Saint George's" msgstr "Saint George's" #. The capital of Guadeloupe msgid "Basse-Terre" msgstr "Basse-Terre" #. A city in Guadeloupe msgid "Les Abymes" msgstr "Les Abymes" #. A city in Guam msgid "Asatdas" msgstr "Asatdas" #. A city in Guam msgid "Hagåtña" msgstr "Hagåtña" #. The capital of Guatemala msgctxt "City in Guatemala" msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "Guatemala" #. A city in Guatemala msgid "Huehuetenango" msgstr "Huehuetenango" #. A city in Guatemala msgid "Puerto Barrios" msgstr "Puerto Barrios" #. A city in Guatemala msgid "Puerto San José" msgstr "Puerto San José" #. A city in Guatemala msgid "Retalhuleu" msgstr "Retalhuleu" #. A city in Guatemala msgid "Tikal" msgstr "Tikal" #. A city in Guernsey msgid "Hautnez" msgstr "Hautnez" #. The capital of Guernsey msgid "Saint Peter Port" msgstr "Saint Peter Port" #. The capital of Guinea msgid "Conakry" msgstr "Conacri" #. The capital of Guyana msgctxt "City in Guyana" msgid "Georgetown" msgstr "Georgetown" #. Capital of Haiti msgid "Port-au-Prince" msgstr "Port-au-Prince" #. A city in Honduras msgid "Amapala" msgstr "Amapala" #. A city in Honduras msgid "Catacamas" msgstr "Catacamas" #. A city in Honduras msgid "Ciudad Choluteca" msgstr "Ciudad Choluteca" #. A city in Honduras msgid "Comayagua" msgstr "Comayagua" #. A city in Honduras msgid "Guanaja" msgstr "Guanaja" #. A city in Honduras msgid "La Ceiba" msgstr "La Ceiba" #. A city in Honduras msgid "La Esperanza" msgstr "La Esperanza" #. A city in Honduras msgid "La Mesa" msgstr "La Mesa" #. A city in Honduras msgid "Puerto Lempira" msgstr "Puerto Lempira" #. A city in Honduras msgid "Roatán" msgstr "Roatán" #. A city in Honduras msgid "Santa Rosa de Copán" msgstr "Santa Rosa de Copán" #. The capital of Honduras msgid "Tegucigalpa" msgstr "Tegucigalpa" #. A city in Honduras msgid "Tela" msgstr "Tela" #. A city in Honduras msgid "Yoro" msgstr "Yoro" #. The capital of Hungary msgid "Budapest" msgstr "Budapeste" #. A city in Hungary msgid "Debrecen" msgstr "Debrecen" #. A city in Hungary msgid "Győr" msgstr "Győr" #. A city in Hungary msgid "Kecskemét" msgstr "Kecskemét" #. A city in Hungary msgid "Pápa" msgstr "Pápa" #. A city in Hungary msgid "Pécs" msgstr "Pécs" #. A city in Hungary msgid "Szeged" msgstr "Szeged" #. A city in Hungary msgid "Szolnok" msgstr "Szolnok" #. A city in Iceland msgid "Akureyri" msgstr "Akureyri" #. A city in Iceland msgid "Eiðar" msgstr "Eiðar" #. The capital of Iceland msgid "Reykjavík" msgstr "Reykjavík" #. A city in Iceland msgid "Ytri-Njarðvík" msgstr "Ytri-Njarðvík" #. A city in India #. the local name in Bengali is "আগরতলা/Agortôla" msgid "Agartala" msgstr "Agartala" #. A city in India #. the local name in Hindi is "आगरा" #. msgid "Agra" msgstr "Agra" #. A city in India msgid "Ahmadabad" msgstr "Ahmadabad" #. A city in India #. the local name in Hindi is "इलाहाबाद" msgid "Allahabad" msgstr "Allahabad" #. A city in India #. the local name in Punjabi is "ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਸਰ" #. msgid "Amritsar" msgstr "Amritsar" #. A city in India #. the local name in Marathi is "औरंगाबाद" msgid "Aurangabad" msgstr "Aurangabad" #. A city in India msgid "Bagdogra" msgstr "Bagdogra" #. A city in India - local airport #. "Bengaluru" is the new name #. msgid "Bangalore" msgstr "Bangalore" #. A city in India. #. "Benares" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "Varanasi". #. The local name in Hindi is "वाराणसी". #. msgid "Benares" msgstr "Benares" #. A city in India #. the local name in Gujrati is "ભાવનગર" #. the local name in Hindi is "भावनगर" msgid "Bhavnagar" msgstr "Bhavnagar" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Hindi is "भोपाल". #. msgid "Bhopal" msgstr "Bhopal" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Oriya is "ଭୁବେନଶ୍ବର". #. msgid "Bhubaneshwar" msgstr "Bhubaneshwar" #. A city in India. msgid "Bhuj" msgstr "Bhuj" #. A city in the Indian union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. msgid "Car Nicobar" msgstr "Car Nicobar" #. A union territory in India. #. The local name in Hindi is "चण्डीगढ़ / चंडीगढ़" #. The local name in Punjabi is "ਚੰਡੀਗੜ੍ਹ" msgid "Chandigarh" msgstr "Chandigarh" #. A city in India. #. "Madras" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Tamil is "Chennai / சென்னை". #. msgid "Chennai" msgstr "Chennai" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Tamil is "கோயம்புத்தூர்". #. msgid "Coimbatore" msgstr "Coimbatore" #. A city in India #. also known as Dehra Doon #. the local name in Hindi is "देहरादून" msgid "Dehradun" msgstr "Dehradun" #. A city in India msgid "Dibrugarh" msgstr "Dibrugarh" #. A city in India #. the local name in Hindi is "दीमापुर" msgid "Dimapur" msgstr "Dimapur" #. A city in India #. the local name in Telugu is "హైదరాబాద్" #. the local name in Urdu is "حیدرآباد" msgid "Hyderabad" msgstr "Hyderabad" #. A city in India msgid "Jaipur" msgstr "Jaipur" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Dogri is "जम्मू" msgid "Jammu" msgstr "Jammu" #. A city in India. #. The old name is "Cochin" #. A city in Japan msgid "Kochi" msgstr "Kochi" #. A city in India. #. "Calcutta" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Bengali is "Kolkata / কলকাতা". #. msgid "Kolkata" msgstr "Kolkata" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Hindi is "लेह" msgid "Leh" msgstr "Leh" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Hindi is "लखनऊ". #. msgid "Lucknow" msgstr "Lucknow" #. A city in India. #. "Bombay" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Marathi is "Mumbai / मुंबई". #. msgid "Mumbai" msgstr "Mumbai" #. A city in India msgid "Nagpur" msgstr "Nagpur" #. The capital of India. #. The local name in Urdu is "نئی دلی‎". #. The local name in Panjabi is "ਨਵੀਂ ਦਿੱਲੀ". #. The local name in Hindi is "नई दिल्ली". #. msgid "New Delhi" msgstr "Nova Delhi" #. A city in India msgid "Patna" msgstr "Patna" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Hindi is "पोर्ट ब्लेयर" msgid "Port Blair" msgstr "Port Blair" #. A city in India msgid "Pune" msgstr "Pune" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Hindi is "शिमला" msgid "Shimla" msgstr "Shimla" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Dogri is "श्रीनगर" #. The local name in Urdu is "شرینگر" msgid "Srinagar" msgstr "Srinagar" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Malayalam is "തിരുവനന്തപുരം". #. msgid "Thiruvananthapuram" msgstr "Thiruvananthapuram" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Tamil is "திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி". #. msgid "Tiruchchirappalli" msgstr "Tiruchchirappalli" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Telugu is "తిరుపతి". #. msgid "Tirupati" msgstr "Tirupati" #. A city in India. #. The local name in Telugu is "విజయవాడ". #. msgid "Vijayawada" msgstr "Vijayawada" #. A city in India. #. "Vizag" is other traditional name #. The local name in Telugu is "విశాఖపట్నం". #. msgid "Visakhapatnam" msgstr "Visakhapatnam" #. The capital of Indonesia msgid "Jakarta" msgstr "Jakarta" #. A city in Indonesia msgid "Makassar" msgstr "Makassar" #. A city in Indonesia msgid "Medan" msgstr "Medan" #. A city in Indonesia msgid "Palembang" msgstr "Palembang" #. A city in Indonesia msgid "Pekanbaru" msgstr "Pekanbaru" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "آبادان". #. msgid "Abadan" msgstr "Abadan" #. A city in Iran msgid "Abadeh" msgstr "Abadeh" #. A city in Iran msgid "Abū Mūsā" msgstr "Abū Mūsā" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "آغاجاری". #. msgid "Aghajari" msgstr "Aghajari" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "اهواز". #. msgid "Ahvaz" msgstr "Ahvaz" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "اردبيل". #. msgid "Ardabil" msgstr "Ardabil" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "بندر عباس". #. msgid "Bandar 'Abbas" msgstr "Bandar 'Abbas" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "بندر بوشهر". #. msgid "Bandar-e Bushehr" msgstr "Bandar-e Bushehr" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "بندر لنگه". #. msgid "Bandar-e Lengeh" msgstr "Bandar-e Lengeh" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "بندر ماهشهر". #. msgid "Bandar-e Mahshahr" msgstr "Bandar-e Mahshahr" #. A city in Iran msgid "Birjand" msgstr "Birjand" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "چاه بهار". #. msgid "Chah Bahar" msgstr "Chah Bahar" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "ديرستان". #. msgid "Dayrestan" msgstr "Dayrestan" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "دو گنبدان". #. msgid "Do Gonbadan" msgstr "Do Gonbadan" #. A city in Iran msgid "Esfahan" msgstr "Esfahan" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "فسا". #. msgid "Fasa" msgstr "Fasa" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "گرگان". #. msgid "Gorgan" msgstr "Gorgan" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "گوشه شاهزاده قاسم". #. msgid "Gusheh Shahzadeh Qasem" msgstr "Gusheh Shahzadeh Qasem" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "همدان". #. msgid "Hamadan" msgstr "Hamadan" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "يلام". #. msgid "Ilam" msgstr "Ilam" #. A city in Iran msgid "Iranshahr" msgstr "Iranshahr" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "كرج". #. msgid "Karaj" msgstr "Karaj" #. A city in Iran msgid "Kashan" msgstr "Kashan" #. A city in Iran msgid "Kerman" msgstr "Kerman" #. A city in Iran msgid "Kermanshah" msgstr "Kermanshah" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "خرم آباد". #. msgid "Khorramabad" msgstr "Khorramabad" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "كيش". #. msgid "Kish" msgstr "Kish" #. A city in Iran msgid "Lar" msgstr "Lar" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "مشهد". #. msgid "Mashhad" msgstr "Mashhad" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "مسجد سلیمان". #. msgid "Masjed Soleyman" msgstr "Masjed Soleyman" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "نو شهر". #. msgid "Now Shahr" msgstr "Now Shahr" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "ارومیه". #. msgid "Orumiyeh" msgstr "Orumiyeh" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "قزوین". #. msgid "Qazvin" msgstr "Qazvin" #. A city in Iran msgid "Rasht" msgstr "Rasht" #. A city in Iran msgid "Sabzevar" msgstr "Sabzevar" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "سخت سر". #. msgid "Sakht Sar" msgstr "Sakht Sar" #. A city in Iran msgid "Sanandaj" msgstr "Sanandaj" #. A city in Iran msgid "Sarakhs" msgstr "Sarakhs" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "سمنان". #. msgid "Semnan" msgstr "Semnan" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "شهر بالا". #. msgid "Shahr-e Bala" msgstr "Shahr-e Bala" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "شهر كرد". #. msgid "Shahr-e Kord" msgstr "Shahr-e Kord" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "شیراز". #. msgid "Shiraz" msgstr "Shiraz" #. A city in Iran msgid "Tabas" msgstr "Tabas" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "تبريز". #. msgid "Tabriz" msgstr "Tabriz" #. The capital of Iran. #. The name is also written "تهران". #. msgid "Tehran" msgstr "Tehran" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "يزد". #. msgid "Yazd" msgstr "Yazd" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "زابل". #. msgid "Zabol" msgstr "Zabol" #. A city in Iran. #. The name is also written "زاهدان (کي)". #. msgid "Zahedan-e (Yek)" msgstr "Zahedan-e (Yek)" msgid "Athlone" msgstr "Athlone" msgid "Bray" msgstr "Bray" msgid "Carlow" msgstr "Carlow" msgid "Carrick on Shannon" msgstr "Carrick on Shannon" msgid "Castlebar" msgstr "Castlebar" msgid "Cavan" msgstr "Cavan" msgid "Clonmel" msgstr "Clonmel" msgid "Cork" msgstr "Cork" msgid "Drogheda" msgstr "Drogheda" msgid "Dublin" msgstr "Dublin" msgid "Dundalk" msgstr "Dundalk" msgid "Ennis" msgstr "Ennis" msgid "Galway" msgstr "Galway" msgid "Kilkenny" msgstr "Kilkenny" msgid "Lifford" msgstr "Lifford" msgid "Limerick" msgstr "Limerick" msgid "Longford" msgstr "Longford" msgid "Mullingar" msgstr "Mullingar" msgid "Naas" msgstr "Naas" msgid "Navan" msgstr "Navan" msgid "Nenagh" msgstr "Nenagh" msgid "Newbridge" msgstr "Newbridge" msgid "Portlaoise" msgstr "Portlaoise" msgid "Roscommon" msgstr "Roscommon" msgid "Sligo" msgstr "Sligo" msgid "Swords" msgstr "Swords" msgid "Tallaght" msgstr "Tallaght" msgid "Tralee" msgstr "Tralee" msgid "Trim" msgstr "Trim" msgid "Tullamore" msgstr "Tullamore" msgid "Waterford" msgstr "Waterford" msgid "Wexford" msgstr "Wexford" msgid "Wicklow" msgstr "Wicklow" #. The capital of the Isle of Man msgctxt "City in Isle of Man" msgid "Douglas" msgstr "Douglas" #. A city in the Isle of Man msgid "Ronaldsway" msgstr "Ronaldsway" #. A city in Israel msgid "Eilat" msgstr "Eilat" #. A city in Israel msgid "Haifa" msgstr "Haifa" #. A city in Israel msgid "Lod" msgstr "Lod" #. A city in Israel msgid "Rosh Pina" msgstr "Rosh Pina" #. A city in Israel msgid "Shizzafon" msgstr "Shizzafon" #. A city in Israel msgid "Tel Aviv" msgstr "Tel Aviv" #. A city in Italy msgid "Agrigento" msgstr "Agrigento" #. A city in Italy msgid "Albenga" msgstr "Albenga" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Piedmont, Italy" msgid "Alessandria" msgstr "Alexandria" #. A city in Italy msgid "Alghero" msgstr "Alghero" #. A city in Italy msgid "Ancona" msgstr "Ancona" #. A city in Italy msgid "Andria" msgstr "Andria" #. A city in Italy msgid "Aosta" msgstr "Aosta" #. A city in Italy msgid "Arezzo" msgstr "Arezzo" #. A city in Italy msgid "Ascoli Piceno" msgstr "Ascoli Piceno" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Piedmont, Italy" msgid "Asti" msgstr "Asti" #. A city in Italy msgid "Avellino" msgstr "Avellino" #. A city in Italy msgid "Aviano" msgstr "Aviano" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Bari" msgstr "Bari" #. A city in Italy msgid "Barletta" msgstr "Barletta" #. A city in Italy msgid "Belluno" msgstr "Belluno" #. A city in Italy msgid "Benevento" msgstr "Benevento" #. A city in Italy msgid "Bergamo" msgstr "Bergamo" #. A city in Italy msgid "Biella" msgstr "Biella" #. A city in Italy msgid "Bologna" msgstr "Bolonha" #. A city in Italy msgid "Bolzano" msgstr "Bolzano" #. A city in Italy msgid "Brescia" msgstr "Brescia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Breuil-Cervinia" msgstr "Breuil-Cervinia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Brindisi" msgstr "Brindisi" #. A city in Italy msgid "Cagliari" msgstr "Cagliari" #. A city in Italy msgid "Caltanissetta" msgstr "Caltanissetta" #. A city in Italy msgid "Campobasso" msgstr "Campobasso" #. A city in Italy msgid "Capri" msgstr "Capri" #. A city in Italy msgid "Carbonia" msgstr "Carbonia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Case Arfel" msgstr "Case Arfel" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Caserta" msgstr "Caserta" #. A city in Italy msgid "Catania" msgstr "Catania" #. A city in Italy msgid "Catanzaro" msgstr "Catanzaro" #. A city in Italy msgid "Cervia" msgstr "Cervia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Chieti" msgstr "Chieti" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Como" msgstr "Como" #. A city in Italy msgid "Cosenza" msgstr "Cosenza" #. A city in Italy msgid "Crotone" msgstr "Crotone" #. A city in Italy msgid "Cuneo" msgstr "Cuneo" #. A city in Italy msgid "Decimomannu" msgstr "Decimomannu" #. A city in Italy msgid "Dobbiaco" msgstr "Dobbiaco" #. A city in Italy msgid "Enna" msgstr "Enna" #. A city in Italy msgid "Fermo" msgstr "Fermo" #. A city in Italy msgid "Ferrara" msgstr "Ferrara" #. A city in Italy. #. "Florence" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Italian is "Firenze". #. msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Florence" msgstr "Florença" #. A city in Italy msgid "Foggia" msgstr "Foggia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Forlì" msgstr "Forlì" #. A city in Italy msgid "Frosinone" msgstr "Frosinone" #. A city in Italy. #. "Genoa" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Italian is "Genova". #. msgid "Genoa" msgstr "Génova" #. A city in Italy msgid "Ginosa Marina" msgstr "Ginosa Marina" #. A city in Italy msgid "Gioia del Colle" msgstr "Gioia del Colle" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Gorizia" msgstr "Gorizia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Grazzanise" msgstr "Grazzanise" #. A city in Italy msgid "Grosseto" msgstr "Grosseto" #. A city in Italy msgid "Grottaglie" msgstr "Grottaglie" #. A city in Italy msgid "Isernia" msgstr "Isérnia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Isola del Cantone" msgstr "Isola del Cantone" #. A city in Italy msgid "L'Aquila" msgstr "L'Aquila" #. A city in Italy msgid "La Spezia" msgstr "La Spezia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Laigueglia" msgstr "Laigueglia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Lampedusa" msgstr "Lampedusa" #. A city in Italy msgid "Latina" msgstr "Latina" #. A city in Italy msgid "Lecce" msgstr "Lecce" #. A city in Italy msgid "Lecco" msgstr "Lecco" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "Italian city of Livorno" msgid "Leghorn" msgstr "Leghorn" #. A city in Italy msgid "Lucca" msgstr "Lucca" #. A city in Italy msgid "Macerata" msgstr "Macerata" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "Italian city of Mantova" msgid "Mantua" msgstr "Mântua" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Massa" msgstr "Massa" #. A city in Italy msgid "Matera" msgstr "Matera" #. A city in Italy msgid "Messina" msgstr "Messina" #. A city in Italy. #. "Milan" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Italian is "Milano". #. msgid "Milan" msgstr "Milão" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Modena" msgstr "Módena" #. A city in Italy msgid "Monza" msgstr "Monza" #. A city in Italy. #. "Naples" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Italian is "Napoli". #. msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Naples" msgstr "Nápoles" #. A city in Italy msgid "Novara" msgstr "Novara" #. A city in Italy msgid "Nuoro" msgstr "Nuoro" #. A city in Italy msgid "Olbia" msgstr "Olbia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Oristano" msgstr "Oristano" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "Italian city of Padova" msgid "Padua" msgstr "Pádua" #. A city in Italy msgid "Palazzo" msgstr "Palazzo" #. A city in Italy msgid "Palermo" msgstr "Palermo" #. A city in Italy msgid "Paneveggio" msgstr "Paneveggio" #. A city in Italy msgid "Pantelleria" msgstr "Pantelleria" #. A city in Italy msgid "Parma" msgstr "Parma" #. A city in Italy msgid "Pavia" msgstr "Pávia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Perugia" msgstr "Perugia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Pesaro" msgstr "Pesaro" #. A city in Italy msgid "Pescara" msgstr "Pescara" #. A city in Italy msgid "Piacenza" msgstr "Piacenza" #. A city in Italy msgid "Pisa" msgstr "Pisa" #. A city in Italy msgid "Pistoia" msgstr "Pistoia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Pontecagnano" msgstr "Pontecagnano" #. A city in Italy msgid "Pordenone" msgstr "Pordenone" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Potenza" msgstr "Potenza" #. A city in Italy msgid "Pratica di Mare" msgstr "Pratica di Mare" #. A city in Italy #| msgid "Pratt" msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Prato" msgstr "Prato" #. A city in Italy msgid "Ragusa" msgstr "Ragusa" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Ravenna" msgstr "Ravenna" #. A city in Italy msgid "Reggio Emilia" msgstr "Reggio Emilia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Reggio di Calabria" msgstr "Reggio di Calabria" #. A city in Italy msgid "Resia" msgstr "Resia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Rieti" msgstr "Rieti" #. A city in Italy msgid "Rimini" msgstr "Rimini" #. The capital of Italy. #. "Rome" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Italian is "Roma". #. msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Rome" msgstr "Roma" #. A city in Italy msgid "Ronchi dei Legionari" msgstr "Ronchi dei Legionari" #. A city in Italy msgid "Rovigo" msgstr "Rovigo" #. A city in Italy msgid "Salerno" msgstr "Salerno" #. A city in Italy msgid "Salignano" msgstr "Salignano" #. A city in Italy msgid "San Stèfano" msgstr "San Stèfano" #. A city in Italy msgid "Sant'Eufemia Lamezia" msgstr "Sant'Eufemia Lamezia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Sassari" msgstr "Sassari" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Savona" msgstr "Savona" #. A city in Italy msgid "Sondrio" msgstr "Sondrio" #. A city in Italy msgid "Sporminore" msgstr "Sporminore" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "Italian city of Siracusa" msgid "Syracuse" msgstr "Siracusa" #. A city in Italy msgid "Tamaricciola" msgstr "Tamaricciola" #. A city in Italy msgid "Taranto" msgstr "Taranto" #. A city in Italy msgid "Tarvisio" msgstr "Tarvisio" #. A city in Italy msgid "Teramo" msgstr "Téramo" #. A city in Italy #| msgid "Ternopol" msgid "Terni" msgstr "Terni" #. A city in Italy msgid "Trani" msgstr "Trani" #. A city in Italy msgid "Trapani" msgstr "Trapani" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Trento" msgstr "Trento" #. A city in Italy msgid "Trevico" msgstr "Trevico" #. A city in Italy msgid "Treviso" msgstr "Treviso" #. A city in Italy msgid "Trieste" msgstr "Trieste" #. A city in Italy. #. "Turin" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "Torino". #. msgid "Turin" msgstr "Turin" #. A city in Italy msgid "Udine" msgstr "Údine" #. A city in Italy msgid "Varese" msgstr "Varese" #. A city in Italy. #. "Venice" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Italian is "Venezia". #. msgid "Venice" msgstr "Veneza" #. A city in Italy msgid "Verbania" msgstr "Verbania" #. A city in Italy msgid "Vercelli" msgstr "Vercelli" #. A city in Italy msgctxt "City in Italy" msgid "Verona" msgstr "Verona" #. A city in Italy msgid "Vibo Valentia" msgstr "Vibo Valentia" #. A city in Italy msgid "Vicenza" msgstr "Vicenza" #. A city in Italy msgid "Viterbo" msgstr "Viterbo" #. A city in Italy msgid "Àrbatax" msgstr "Àrbatax" #. The capital of Jamaica msgctxt "City in Jamaica" msgid "Kingston" msgstr "Kingston" #. A city in Jamaica msgid "Montego Bay" msgstr "Baía Montego" #. A city in Japan msgid "Akita" msgstr "Akita" #. A city in Japan msgid "Ami" msgstr "Ami" #. A city in Japan msgid "Aomori" msgstr "Aomori" #. A city in Japan msgid "Asahikawa" msgstr "Asahikawa" #. A city in Japan msgid "Ashiya" msgstr "Ashiya" #. A city in Japan msgid "Chitose" msgstr "Chitose" #. A city in Japan msgid "Chofu" msgstr "Chofu" #. A city in Japan msgid "Fuji" msgstr "Fuji" #. A city in Japan msgid "Fukue" msgstr "Fukue" #. A city in Japan msgid "Fukuoka" msgstr "Fukuoka" #. A city in Japan msgid "Futemma" msgstr "Futemma" #. A city in Japan msgid "Gifu" msgstr "Gifu" #. A city in Japan msgid "Hakodate" msgstr "Hakodate" #. A city in Japan msgid "Hamamatsu" msgstr "Hamamatsu" #. A city in Japan msgid "Hamanaka" msgstr "Hamanaka" #. A city in Japan msgid "Hanamaki" msgstr "Hanamaki" #. A city in Japan msgid "Hiroshima" msgstr "Hiroshima" #. A city in Japan msgid "Hofu" msgstr "Hofu" #. A city in Japan msgid "Ishigaki" msgstr "Ishigaki" #. A city in Japan msgid "Iwakuni" msgstr "Iwakuni" #. A city in Japan msgid "Izumo" msgstr "Izumo" #. A city in Japan msgid "Janado" msgstr "Janado" #. A city in Japan msgid "Kadena" msgstr "Kadena" #. A city in Japan msgid "Kagoshima" msgstr "Kagoshima" #. A city in Japan msgid "Kanayama" msgstr "Kanayama" #. A city in Japan msgid "Kanoya" msgstr "Kanoya" #. A city in Japan msgid "Kashoji" msgstr "Kashoji" #. A city in Japan msgid "Kitakyushu" msgstr "Kitakyushu" #. A city in Japan msgid "Komatsu" msgstr "Komatsu" #. A city in Japan msgid "Komatsushima" msgstr "Komatsushima" #. A city in Japan msgid "Kumamoto" msgstr "Kumamoto" #. A city in Japan msgid "Kushiro" msgstr "Kushiro" #. A city in Japan msgid "Matsubara" msgstr "Matsubara" #. A city in Japan msgid "Matsumoto" msgstr "Matsumoto" #. A city in Japan msgid "Matsushima" msgstr "Matsushima" #. A city in Japan msgid "Matsuyama" msgstr "Matsuyama" #. A city in Japan msgid "Memambetsu" msgstr "Memambetsu" #. A city in Japan msgid "Mihonoseki" msgstr "Mihonoseki" #. A city in Japan msgid "Minami" msgstr "Minami" #. A city in Japan msgid "Misawa" msgstr "Misawa" #. A city in Japan msgid "Mito" msgstr "Mito" #. A city in Japan msgid "Miyazaki" msgstr "Miyazaki" #. A city in Japan msgid "Mombetsu" msgstr "Mombetsu" #. A city in Japan msgid "Nagasaki" msgstr "Nagasaki" #. A city in Japan msgid "Nagoya" msgstr "Nagoya" #. A city in Japan msgid "Naha" msgstr "Naha" #. A city in Japan msgid "Naka-shibetsu" msgstr "Naka-shibetsu" #. A city in Japan msgid "Niigata" msgstr "Niigata" #. A city in Japan msgid "Obihiro" msgstr "Obihiro" #. A city in Japan msgid "Odaira" msgstr "Odaira" #. A city in Japan msgid "Odaka" msgstr "Odaka" #. A city in Japan msgid "Odate" msgstr "Odate" #. A city in Japan msgid "Ofunakoshi" msgstr "Ofunakoshi" #. A city in Japan msgid "Ogimachiya" msgstr "Ogimachiya" #. A city in Japan msgid "Oita" msgstr "Oita" #. A city in Japan msgid "Okata" msgstr "Okata" #. A city in Japan msgid "Okayama" msgstr "Oita" #. A city in Japan msgid "Okazato" msgstr "Okazato" #. A city in Japan msgid "Osaka" msgstr "Osaka" #. A city in Japan msgid "Ozuki" msgstr "Ozuki" #. A city in Japan msgid "Saga" msgstr "Saga" #. A city in Japan msgid "Sanrizuka" msgstr "Sanrizuka" #. A city in Japan msgid "Sawada" msgstr "Sawada" #. A city in Japan msgid "Sendai" msgstr "Sendai" #. A city in Japan msgid "Shiroi" msgstr "Shiroi" #. A city in Japan msgid "Takamatsu" msgstr "Takamatsu" #. A city in Japan msgid "Takatsu" msgstr "Takatsu" #. A city in Japan msgid "Tateyama" msgstr "Tateyama" #. The capital of Japan msgid "Tokyo" msgstr "Tóquio" #. A city in Japan msgid "Tottori" msgstr "Tottori" #. A city in Japan msgid "Toyama" msgstr "Toyama" #. A city in Japan msgid "Toyooka" msgstr "Toyooka" #. A city in Japan msgid "Tsuiki" msgstr "Tsuiki" #. A city in Japan msgid "Ushuku" msgstr "Ushuku" #. A city in Japan msgid "Wakkanai" msgstr "Wakkanai" #. A city in Japan msgid "Yamagata" msgstr "Yamagata" #. A city in Japan msgid "Yamaguchi" msgstr "Yamaguchi" #. A city in Japan msgid "Yao" msgstr "Yao" #. A city in Japan msgid "Yokota" msgstr "Yokota" #. A city in Japan msgid "Yoshinaga" msgstr "Yoshinaga" #. A city in Jersey msgid "La Hougue" msgstr "La Hougue" #. The capital of Jersey msgid "Saint Helier" msgstr "Saint Helier" #. A city in Jordan msgid "Al 'Aqabah" msgstr "Al 'Aqabah" #. A city in Jordan msgid "Al Jizah" msgstr "Al Jizah" #. The capital of Jordan. #. "Amman" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "'Amman". #. msgid "Amman" msgstr "Amman" #. A city in Kazakhstan msgid "Almaty" msgstr "Almaty" #. A city in Kazakhstan. #. The local name in Russian is "Aktau". #. msgid "Aqtau" msgstr "Aqtau" #. A city in Kazakhstan. #. The local name in Russian is "Aktobe". #. msgid "Aqtöbe" msgstr "Aqtöbe" #. The capital of Kazakhstan msgid "Astana" msgstr "Astana" #. A city in Kazakhstan msgid "Atyrau" msgstr "Atyrau" #. A city in Kazakhstan. #. The local name in Russian is "Ural'sk". #. msgid "Oral" msgstr "Oral" #. A city in Kazakhstan. #. The local name in Russian is "Karaganda". #. msgid "Qaraghandy" msgstr "Qaraghandy" #. A city in Kazakhstan. #. The local name in Russian is "Kostanay". #. msgid "Qostanay" msgstr "Qostanay" #. A city in Kazakhstan. #. The local name in Russian is "Kyzylorda". #. msgid "Qyzylorda" msgstr "Qyzylorda" #. A city in Kazakhstan msgid "Shymkent" msgstr "Shymkent" #. A city in Kenya msgid "Eldoret" msgstr "Eldoret" #. A city in Kenya msgid "Kisumu" msgstr "Kisumu" #. A city in Kenya msgid "Mombasa" msgstr "Mombasa" #. The capital of Kenya msgid "Nairobi" msgstr "Nairobi" #. A city in Kiribati msgctxt "City in Kiribati" msgid "London" msgstr "London" #. A city in Kosovo: #. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pristina msgid "Pristina" msgstr "Pristina" #. The capital of Kuwait. #. "Kuwait" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Kuwayt / الكويت". #. msgctxt "City in Kuwait" msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "Kuwait" #. The capital of Kyrgyzstan msgid "Bishkek" msgstr "Bishkek" #. The capital of Laos. #. "Vientiane" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Lao is "Viangchan". #. msgid "Vientiane" msgstr "Vientiane" #. A city in Latvia msgid "Liepāja" msgstr "Liepāja" #. The capital of Latvia msgid "Rīga" msgstr "Rīga" #. The capital of Lebanon. #. "Beirut" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "Beyrouth". #. msgid "Beirut" msgstr "Beirute" #. A city in Libya msgid "Baninah" msgstr "Baninah" #. A city in Libya msgid "Sabha" msgstr "Sabha" #. The capital of Libya. #. "Tripoli" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Tarabulus / طرابلس". #. msgid "Tripoli" msgstr "Tripoli" #. The capital of Liechtenstein msgid "Vaduz" msgstr "Vaduz" #. A city in Lithuania msgid "Kaunas" msgstr "Kaunas" #. A city in Lithuania msgid "Palanga" msgstr "Palanga" #. The capital of Lithuania msgid "Vilnius" msgstr "Vilnius" #. A city in Lithuania msgid "Šiauliai" msgstr "Šiauliai" #. The capital of Luxembourg msgctxt "City in Luxembourg" msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "Luxemburgo" #. The capital of Macau. #. The local name in Chinese is "Aomen / 澳门". #. msgctxt "City in Macau" msgid "Macau" msgstr "Macau" #. A city in Macau. #. The local name in Chinese is "Dangzai / 氹仔". #. msgid "Taipa" msgstr "Taipa" #. A city in Macedonia msgid "Ohrid" msgstr "Ohrid" #. The capital of Macedonia msgid "Skopje" msgstr "Skopje" #. A city in Madagascar msgid "Ankarena" msgstr "Ankarena" #. The capital of Madagascar msgid "Antananarivo" msgstr "Antananarivo" #. A city in Madagascar msgid "Antsiranana" msgstr "Antsiranana" #. A city in Madagascar msgid "Fasenina-Ampasy" msgstr "Fasenina-Ampasy" #. A city in Madagascar msgid "Mahajanga" msgstr "Mahajanga" #. A city in Madagascar msgid "Toamasina" msgstr "Toamasina" #. A city in Madagascar msgid "Tolanaro" msgstr "Tolanaro" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Bintulu" msgstr "Bintulu" #. A city in Malaysia msgctxt "City in Malaysia" msgid "George Town" msgstr "George Town" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Johor Bahru" msgstr "Johor Bahru" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Klang" msgstr "Kjevik" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Kota Baharu" msgstr "Kota Baharu" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Kota Kinabalu" msgstr "Kota Kinabalu" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Kuah" msgstr "Kuah" #. The capital of Malaysia msgid "Kuala Lumpur" msgstr "Kuala Lumpur" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Kuantan" msgstr "Kuantan" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Kuching" msgstr "Kuching" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Kudat" msgstr "Kudat" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Melaka" msgstr "Melaka" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Miri" msgstr "Miri" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Sandakan" msgstr "Sandakan" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Sepang" msgstr "Sepang" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Sibu" msgstr "Sibu" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Sitiawan" msgstr "Sitiawan" #. A city in Malaysia msgid "Tawau" msgstr "Tawau" #. A city in Malaysia msgctxt "City in Malaysia" msgid "Victoria" msgstr "Victoria" #. The capital of the Maldives. #. "Male" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Dhivehi is "Maale". #. msgid "Male" msgstr "Male" #. A city in Malta msgid "Luqa" msgstr "Luqa" #. The capital of Malta msgid "Valletta" msgstr "Valletta" #. The capital of the Marshall Islands msgid "Majuro" msgstr "Majuro" #. The capital of Martinique msgid "Fort-de-France" msgstr "Fort-de-France" #. A city in Martinique msgid "Le Lamentin" msgstr "Le Lamentin" #. A city in Mauritania msgid "Nouadhibou" msgstr "Nouadhibou" #. The capital of Mauritania msgid "Nouakchott" msgstr "Nouakchott" #. A city in Mauritius msgid "Plaisance" msgstr "Plaisance" #. The capital of Mauritius msgid "Port Louis" msgstr "Port Louis" #. A city in Mauritius msgid "Port Mathurin" msgstr "Port Mathurin" #. A city in Mayotte msgid "Dzaoudzi" msgstr "Dzaoudzi" #. The capital of Mayotte msgid "Mamoudzou" msgstr "Mamoudzou" #. A city in Guerrero in Mexico msgid "Acapulco" msgstr "Acapulco" #. A city in Aguascalientes in Mexico msgctxt "City in Aguascalientes, Mexico" msgid "Aguascalientes" msgstr "Aguascalientes" #. A city in Campeche in Mexico msgctxt "City in Campeche, Mexico" msgid "Campeche" msgstr "Campeche" #. A city in Quintana Roo in Mexico msgid "Cancún" msgstr "Cancún" #. A city in Campeche in Mexico msgid "Carmen" msgstr "Carmen" #. A city in Quintana Roo in Mexico msgid "Chetumal" msgstr "Chetumal" #. A city in Yucatán in Mexico msgid "Chichén-Itzá" msgstr "Chichén-Itzá" #. A city in Chihuahua in Mexico msgctxt "City in Chihuahua, Mexico" msgid "Chihuahua" msgstr "Chihuahua" #. A city in Chihuahua in Mexico. #. One of several cities in Mexico called "Juárez". #. msgid "Ciudad Juárez" msgstr "Ciudad Juárez" #. A city in Sonora in Mexico msgid "Ciudad Obregón" msgstr "Ciudad Obregón" #. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico msgid "Ciudad Victoria" msgstr "Ciudad Victoria" #. A city in Colima in Mexico msgctxt "City in Colima, Mexico" msgid "Colima" msgstr "Colima" #. A city in Quintana Roo in Mexico msgid "Cozumel" msgstr "Cozumel" #. A city in Morelos in Mexico msgid "Cuernavaca" msgstr "Cuernavaca" #. A city in Sinaloa in Mexico msgid "Culiacán" msgstr "Culiacán" #. A city in Durango in Mexico msgctxt "City in Durango, Mexico" msgid "Durango" msgstr "Durango" #. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico msgid "El Zapote" msgstr "El Zapote" #. A city in Jalisco in Mexico msgid "Guadalajara" msgstr "Guadalajara" #. A city in Sonora in Mexico msgid "Guaymas" msgstr "Guaymas" #. A city in Sonora in Mexico msgid "Hermosillo" msgstr "Hermosillo" #. A city in Guerrero in Mexico msgid "Ixtapa" msgstr "Ixtapa" #. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico msgid "Ixtepec" msgstr "Ixtepec" #. A city in Baja California Sur in Mexico msgctxt "City in Baja California Sur, Mexico" msgid "La Paz" msgstr "La Paz" #. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico msgid "Laguna Tepic" msgstr "Laguna Tepic" #. A city in Guanajuato in Mexico msgctxt "City in Guanajuato, Mexico" msgid "León" msgstr "León" #. A city in Baja California Sur in Mexico msgid "Loreto" msgstr "Loreto" #. A city in Sinaloa in Mexico msgid "Los Mochis" msgstr "Los Mochis" #. A city in Colima in Mexico msgctxt "City in Colima, Mexico" msgid "Manzanillo" msgstr "Manzanillo" #. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico msgid "Matamoros" msgstr "Matamoros" #. A city in Sinaloa in Mexico msgid "Mazatlán" msgstr "Mazatlán" #. A city in Baja California in Mexico msgid "Mexicali" msgstr "Mexicali" #. The capital of Mexico. #. "Mexico City" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Spanish is "México". #. msgid "Mexico City" msgstr "Cidade do México" #. A city in Veracruz in Mexico msgid "Minatitlán" msgstr "Minatitlán" #. A city in Coahuila in Mexico msgid "Monclova" msgstr "Monclova" #. A city in Nuevo León in Mexico msgid "Monterrey" msgstr "Monterrey" #. A city in Michoacán in Mexico msgid "Morelia" msgstr "Morelia" #. A city in Yucatán in Mexico msgctxt "City in Yucatán, Mexico" msgid "Mérida" msgstr "Mérida" #. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico msgid "Nuevo Laredo" msgstr "Nuevo Laredo" #. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico msgctxt "City in Oaxaca, Mexico" msgid "Oaxaca" msgstr "Oaxaca" #. A city in Coahuila in Mexico msgid "Piedras Negras" msgstr "Piedras Negras" #. A city in Veracruz in Mexico. #. One of several cities in Mexico called "Poza Rica". #. msgid "Poza Rica de Hidalgo" msgstr "Poza Rica de Hidalgo" #. A city in Puebla in Mexico msgctxt "City in Puebla, Mexico" msgid "Puebla" msgstr "Puebla" #. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico msgid "Puerto Escondido" msgstr "Puerto Escondido" #. A city in Jalisco in Mexico msgid "Puerto Vallarta" msgstr "Puerto Vallarta" #. A city in Querétaro in Mexico msgctxt "City in Querétaro, Mexico" msgid "Querétaro" msgstr "Querétaro" #. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico msgid "Reynosa" msgstr "Reynosa" #. A city in Coahuila in Mexico msgid "Saltillo" msgstr "Saltillo" #. A city in Baja California Sur in Mexico msgid "San José del Cabo" msgstr "San José del Cabo" #. A city in San Luis Potosí in Mexico msgctxt "City in San Luis Potosí, Mexico" msgid "San Luis Potosí" msgstr "San Luis Potosí" #. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico msgid "Tampico" msgstr "Tampico" #. A city in Chiapas in Mexico msgid "Tapachula" msgstr "Tapachula" #. A city in Baja California in Mexico msgid "Tijuana" msgstr "Tijuana" #. A city in México in Mexico msgid "Toluca" msgstr "Toluca" #. A city in Coahuila in Mexico msgid "Torreón" msgstr "Torreón" #. A city in Chiapas in Mexico msgid "Tuxtla" msgstr "Tuxtla" #. A city in Michoacán in Mexico msgid "Uruapan" msgstr "Uruapan" #. A city in Veracruz in Mexico msgctxt "City in Veracruz, Mexico" msgid "Veracruz" msgstr "Veracruz" #. A city in Tabasco in Mexico msgid "Villahermosa" msgstr "Villahermosa" #. A city in Zacatecas in Mexico msgctxt "City in Zacatecas, Mexico" msgid "Zacatecas" msgstr "Zacatecas" #. The capital of the Federated States of Micronesia msgid "Palikir" msgstr "Palikir" #. The capital of Moldova msgid "Chişinău" msgstr "Chişinău" #. The capital of Monaco msgctxt "City in Monaco" msgid "Monaco" msgstr "Mónaco" #. The capital of Mongolia. #. The name is also written "Улаанбаатар". #. msgid "Ulaanbaatar" msgstr "Ulaanbaatar" #. A city in Montenegro msgid "Podgorica" msgstr "Podgorica" #. A city in Montenegro msgid "Tivat" msgstr "Tivat" #. A city in Morocco msgid "Agadir" msgstr "Agadir" #. A city in Morocco msgid "Al Hoceima" msgstr "Al Hoceima" #. A city in Morocco msgid "Fes" msgstr "Fes" #. A city in Morocco msgid "Marrakech" msgstr "Marrakech" #. A city in Morocco msgid "Meknes" msgstr "Meknes" #. A city in Morocco msgid "Nador" msgstr "Nador" #. A city in Morocco msgid "Nouaseur" msgstr "Nouaseur" #. A city in Morocco msgid "Ouarzazat" msgstr "Ouarzazat" #. A city in Morocco msgid "Oujda" msgstr "Oujda" #. The capital of Morocco msgid "Rabat" msgstr "Rabat" #. A city in Morocco. #. "Tangier" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "Tanger". #. msgid "Tangier" msgstr "Tânger" #. A city in Morocco msgid "Tetouan" msgstr "Tetouan" #. A city in Mozambique msgid "Beira" msgstr "Beira" #. A city in Mozambique msgid "Chimoio" msgstr "Chimoio" #. A city in Mozambique msgid "Lichinga" msgstr "Lichinga" #. The capital of Mozambique msgid "Maputo" msgstr "Maputo" #. A city in Mozambique msgid "Nampula" msgstr "Nampula" #. A city in Mozambique msgid "Pemba" msgstr "Pemba" #. A city in Mozambique msgid "Quelimane" msgstr "Quelimane" #. The capital of Myanmar. #. "Rangoon" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Burmese is "Yangon". #. msgid "Rangoon" msgstr "Rangoon" msgid "Windhoek" msgstr "Windhoek" #. The capital of Nepal. #. The local name in Nepali is "काठमाडौं". #. msgid "Kathmandu" msgstr "Kathmandu" #. The capital of the Netherlands msgid "Amsterdam" msgstr "Amsterdão" #. A city in the Netherlands msgid "De Kooy" msgstr "De Kooy" #. A city in the Netherlands msgid "Deelen" msgstr "Deelen" #. A city in the Netherlands msgid "Eindhoven" msgstr "Eindhoven" #. A city in the Netherlands msgid "Gilze" msgstr "Gilze" #. A city in the Netherlands msgid "Groningen" msgstr "Groningen" #. A city in the Netherlands msgid "Leeuwarden" msgstr "Leeuwarden" #. A city in the Netherlands msgid "Maastricht" msgstr "Maastricht" #. A city in the Netherlands msgid "Oost-Vlieland" msgstr "Oost-Vlieland" #. A city in the Netherlands msgid "Rotterdam" msgstr "Roterdão" #. The capital of the Netherlands. #. "The Hague" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Dutch is "'s-Gravenhage". #. msgid "The Hague" msgstr "The Hague" #. A city in the Netherlands msgid "Utrecht" msgstr "Utrecht" #. A city in the Netherlands msgid "Volkel" msgstr "Volkel" #. A city in the Netherlands msgid "Woensdrecht" msgstr "Woensdrecht" #. A city in the Netherlands Antilles msgid "Benners" msgstr "Benners" #. A city in the Netherlands Antilles msgid "Cupe Coy" msgstr "Cupe Coy" #. A city in the Netherlands Antilles msgid "Dorp Nikiboko" msgstr "Dorp Nikiboko" #. A city in the Netherlands Antilles msgid "Gato" msgstr "Gato" #. A city in New Caledonia msgid "Karenga" msgstr "Karenga" #. The capital of New Caledonia msgid "Nouméa" msgstr "Nouméa" #. A city in New Zealand msgid "Auckland" msgstr "Auckland" #. A city in New Zealand msgid "Christchurch" msgstr "Christchurch" #. A city in New Zealand msgid "New Plymouth" msgstr "New Plymouth" #. The capital of New Zealand msgid "Wellington" msgstr "Wellington" #. A city in Nicaragua msgid "Bluefields" msgstr "Bluefields" #. A city in Nicaragua msgid "Chinandega" msgstr "Chinandega" #. A city in Nicaragua msgid "Jinotega" msgstr "Jinotega" #. A city in Nicaragua msgid "Juigalpa" msgstr "Juigalpa" #. The capital of Nicaragua msgid "Managua" msgstr "Managua" #. A city in Nicaragua msgid "Puerto Cabezas" msgstr "Puerto Cabezas" #. A city in Nicaragua msgid "Rivas" msgstr "Rivas" #. A city in Niger msgid "Agadez" msgstr "Agadez" #. The capital of Niger msgid "Niamey" msgstr "Niamey" #. A city in Niger msgid "Zinder" msgstr "Zinder" msgid "Abuja" msgstr "Abuja" #. A city in the Lagos Metropolitan Area, in Nigeria msgid "Ikeja" msgstr "Ikeja" #. A city in Nigeria msgid "Ilorin" msgstr "Ilorin" #. A city in Nigeria msgid "Kaduna" msgstr "Kaduna" #. A city in Nigeria msgid "Kano" msgstr "Kano" #. A city and metropolitan area in Nigeria msgid "Lagos" msgstr "Lagos" #. A city in Nigeria msgid "Port Harcourt" msgstr "Port Harcourt" #. The capital of Niue msgid "Alofi" msgstr "Alofi" #. A city in Norfolk Island msgctxt "City in Norfolk Island" msgid "Kingston" msgstr "Kingston" #. The capital of North Korea. #. The local name in Korean is "평양". #. msgid "Pyongyang" msgstr "Pyongyang" #. A city in the Northern Mariana Islands msgid "Chalan Kanoa" msgstr "Chalan Kanoa" #. A city in Norway msgid "Alta" msgstr "Alta" #. A city in Norway msgid "Berlevåg" msgstr "Berlevåg" #. A city in Norway msgid "Bodø" msgstr "Bodø" #. A city in Norway msgid "Bolle" msgstr "Bolle" #. A city in Norway msgid "Boltåsen" msgstr "Boltåsen" #. A city in Norway msgid "Brønnøysund" msgstr "Brønnøysund" #. A city in Norway msgid "Båtsfjord" msgstr "Båtsfjord" #. A city in Norway msgid "Dalem" msgstr "Dalem" #. A city in Norway msgid "Djupdalen" msgstr "Djupdalen" #. A city in Norway msgid "Eldskog" msgstr "Eldskog" #. A city in Norway msgid "Fagernes" msgstr "Fagernes" #. A city in Norway msgid "Fiskenes" msgstr "Fiskenes" #. A city in Norway msgid "Florø" msgstr "Florø" #. A city in Norway msgid "Førde" msgstr "Førde" #. A city in Norway msgid "Gardermoen" msgstr "Gardermoen" #. A city in Norway msgid "Hammerfest" msgstr "Hammerfest" #. A city in Norway msgid "Hasvik" msgstr "Hasvik" #. A city in Norway msgid "Haugesund" msgstr "Haugesund" #. A city in Norway msgid "Holm" msgstr "Holm" #. A city in Norway msgid "Honningsvåg" msgstr "Honningsvåg" #. A city in Norway msgid "Kirkenes" msgstr "Kirkenes" #. A city in Norway msgid "Kjevik" msgstr "Kjevik" #. A city in Norway msgid "Kristiansund" msgstr "Kristiansund" #. A city in Norway msgid "Mehamn" msgstr "Mehamn" #. A city in Norway msgid "Molde" msgstr "Molde" #. A city in Norway msgid "Mosjøen" msgstr "Mosjøen" #. A city in Norway msgid "Namsos" msgstr "Namsos" #. A city in Norway msgid "Narvik" msgstr "Narvik" #. A city in Norway msgid "Notodden" msgstr "Notodden" #. A city in Norway msgid "Oseberg" msgstr "Oseberg" #. The capital of Norway msgid "Oslo" msgstr "Oslo" #. A city in Norway msgid "Rygge" msgstr "Rygge" #. A city in Norway msgid "Røros" msgstr "Røros" #. A city in Norway msgid "Rørvik" msgstr "Rørvik" #. A city in Norway msgid "Røssvoll" msgstr "Røssvoll" #. A city in Norway msgid "Røst" msgstr "Røst" #. A city in Norway msgid "Sandane" msgstr "Sandane" #. A city in Norway msgid "Skagen" msgstr "Skagen" #. A city in Norway msgid "Skien" msgstr "Skien" #. A city in Norway msgid "Sola" msgstr "Sola" #. A city in Norway msgid "Stokka" msgstr "Stokka" #. A city in Norway msgid "Svartnes" msgstr "Svartnes" #. A city in Norway msgid "Svolvær" msgstr "Svolvær" #. A city in Norway msgid "Sørkjosen" msgstr "Sørkjosen" #. A city in Norway msgid "Torp" msgstr "Torp" #. A city in Norway msgid "Tromsø" msgstr "Tromsø" #. A city in Norway msgid "Trondheim" msgstr "Trondheim" #. A city in Norway msgid "Vadsø" msgstr "Vadsø" #. A city in Norway msgid "Ålesund" msgstr "Ålesund" #. A city in Norway msgid "Ørsta" msgstr "Ørsta" #. A city in Oman msgid "Mu'askar al Murtafi'ah" msgstr "Mu'askar al Murtafi'ah" #. The capital of Oman. #. "Muscat" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Masqat". #. msgid "Muscat" msgstr "Muscat" #. A city in Oman msgid "Salalah" msgstr "Salalah" #. The capital of Pakistan msgid "Islamabad" msgstr "Islamabad" #. A city in Pakistan msgid "Karachi" msgstr "Karachi" #. A city in Pakistan msgid "Lahore" msgstr "Lahore" #. A city in Pakistan msgid "Multan" msgstr "Multan" #. A city in Pakistan msgid "Nawabshah" msgstr "Nawabshah" #. A city in Pakistan (KPK Capital) msgid "Peshawar" msgstr "Peshawar" #. A city in Pakistan (Balochistan Capital) msgid "Quetta" msgstr "Quetta" #. The capital of Palau msgid "Koror" msgstr "Koror" #. The capital of Palau msgid "Melekeok" msgstr "Melekeok" #. A city in Panama msgid "David" msgstr "David" #. A city in Panama msgid "Fuerte Kobbe" msgstr "Fuerte Kobbe" #. The capital of Panama msgid "Panamá" msgstr "Panamá" #. A city in Panama msgid "Tocumen" msgstr "Tocumen" #. The capital of Papua New Guinea msgid "Port Moresby" msgstr "Port Moresby" #. The capital of Paraguay msgid "Asunción" msgstr "Asunción" #. A city in Paraguay msgid "Colonia Félix de Azara" msgstr "Colonia Félix de Azara" #. A city in Peru msgid "Andahuaylas" msgstr "Andahuaylas" #. A city in Peru msgid "Arequipa" msgstr "Arequipa" #. A city in Peru msgid "Ayacucho" msgstr "Ayacucho" #. A city in Peru msgid "Chiclayo" msgstr "Chiclayo" #. A city in Peru msgid "Cusco" msgstr "Cusco" #. A city in Peru msgid "Iquitos" msgstr "Iquitos" #. A city in Peru msgid "Juliaca" msgstr "Juliaca" #. The capital of Peru msgctxt "City in Peru" msgid "Lima" msgstr "Lima" #. A city in Peru msgid "Pisco" msgstr "Pisco" #. A city in Peru msgid "Pucallpa" msgstr "Pucallpa" #. A city in Peru msgid "Puerto Maldonado" msgstr "Puerto Maldonado" #. A city in Peru msgid "Tacna" msgstr "Tacna" #. A city in Peru msgid "Talara" msgstr "Talara" #. A city in Peru msgid "Tarapoto" msgstr "Tarapoto" #. A city in Peru msgid "Trujillo" msgstr "Trujillo" #. A city in Peru msgid "Tumbes" msgstr "Tumbes" #. A city in the Philippines msgid "Angeles" msgstr "Angeles" #. A city in the Philippines msgid "Davao" msgstr "Davao" #. A city in the Philippines msgid "Laoag" msgstr "Laoag" #. The capital of the Philippines msgid "Manila" msgstr "Manila" #. A city in the Philippines msgid "Masbate" msgstr "Masbate" #. A city in the Philippines msgid "Pildira" msgstr "Pildira" #. A city in the Philippines msgid "Subic" msgstr "Subic" #. A city in the Philippines msgid "Zamboanga City" msgstr "Zamboanga City" #. A city in Poland: #. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bielsko-Bia%C5%82a msgid "Bielsko-Biala" msgstr "Bielsko-Biala" #. A city in Poland msgid "Bydgoszcz" msgstr "Bydgoszcz" #. A city in Poland msgid "Gdańsk" msgstr "Gdańsk" #. A city in Poland msgid "Katowice" msgstr "Katowice" #. A city in Poland msgid "Kraków" msgstr "Cracóvia" #. A city in Poland msgid "Lublin" msgstr "Lublin" #. A city in Poland msgid "Olsztyn" msgstr "Olsztyn" #. A city in Poland msgid "Poznań" msgstr "Poznań" #. A city in Poland msgid "Radom" msgstr "Radom" #. A city in Poland msgid "Rzeszów" msgstr "Rzeszów" #. A city in Poland msgid "Szczecin" msgstr "Szczecin" #. The capital of Poland. #. "Warsaw" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Polish is "Warszawa". #. msgctxt "City in Poland" msgid "Warsaw" msgstr "Varsóvia" #. A city in Poland msgid "Wrocław" msgstr "Wrocław" #. A city in Poland msgid "Zielona Góra" msgstr "Zielona Góra" #. A city in Poland msgid "Łódź" msgstr "Łódź" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Beja" msgstr "Beja" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Castelo Branco" msgstr "Castelo Branco" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Faro" msgstr "Faro" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Flor da Rosa" msgstr "Flor da Rosa" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Lajes" msgstr "Lajes" #. The capital of Portugal. #. "Lisbon" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Portuguese is "Lisboa". #. msgid "Lisbon" msgstr "Lisboa" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Monte Real" msgstr "Monte Real" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Montijo" msgstr "Montijo" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Ovar" msgstr "Ovar" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Ponta Delgada" msgstr "Ponta Delgada" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Porto" msgstr "Porto" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Porto Santo" msgstr "Porto Santo" #. A city in Portugal. #. One of several cities in Portugal called "Santa Cruz". #. msgid "Santa Cruz das Flores" msgstr "Santa Cruz das Flores" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Sintra" msgstr "Sintra" #. A city in Portugal msgid "Água de Pena" msgstr "Água de Pena" #. A city in Puerto Rico msgid "Carolina" msgstr "Carolina" #. A city in Puerto Rico msgid "Ponce" msgstr "Ponce" #. A city in Puerto Rico msgid "Rafael Hernandez" msgstr "Rafael Hernandez" #. A city in Puerto Rico msgid "San Juan" msgstr "San Juan" #. The capital of Qatar. #. "Doha" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Ad Dawhah / الدوحة". #. msgid "Doha" msgstr "Doha" #. A city in Romania msgid "Arad" msgstr "Arad" #. A city in Romania msgid "Bacău" msgstr "Bacău" #. A city in Romania msgid "Baia Mare" msgstr "Baia Mare" #. The capital of Romania. #. "Bucharest" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Romanian is "Bucureşti". #. msgid "Bucharest" msgstr "Bucareste" #. A city in Romania msgid "Cluj-Napoca" msgstr "Cluj-Napoca" #. A city in Romania msgid "Craiova" msgstr "Craiova" #. A city in Romania msgid "Iaşi" msgstr "Iaşi" #. A city in Romania msgid "Mihail Kogălniceanu" msgstr "Mihail Kogălniceanu" #. A city in Romania msgid "Oradea" msgstr "Oradea" #. A city in Romania msgid "Satu Mare" msgstr "Satu Mare" #. A city in Romania msgid "Sibiu" msgstr "Sibiu" #. A city in Romania msgid "Suceava" msgstr "Suceava" #. A city in Romania msgid "Timişoara" msgstr "Timişoara" #. A city in Romania msgid "Tulcea" msgstr "Tulcea" #. A city in Romania msgid "Târgu-Mureş" msgstr "Târgu-Mureş" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Абакан". #. msgid "Abakan" msgstr "Abakan" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Адлер". #. msgid "Adler" msgstr "Adler" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Анадырь". #. msgid "Anadyr'" msgstr "Anadyr'" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Анапа". #. msgid "Anapa" msgstr "Anapa" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Архангельск". #. msgid "Arkhangel'sk" msgstr "Arkhangel'sk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Астрахань". #. msgid "Astrakhan'" msgstr "Astrakhan'" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Барнаул". #. msgid "Barnaul" msgstr "Barnaul" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Братск". #. msgid "Bratsk" msgstr "Bratsk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Брянск". #. msgid "Bryansk" msgstr "Bryansk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Чебоксары". #. msgid "Cheboksary" msgstr "Cheboksary" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Челябинск". #. msgid "Chelyabinsk" msgstr "Chelyabinsk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Чита". #. msgid "Chita" msgstr "Chita" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Чульман". #. msgid "Chul'man" msgstr "Chul'man" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Энгельс". #. msgid "Engel's" msgstr "Engel's" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Иркутск". #. msgid "Irkutsk" msgstr "Irkutsk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Ижевск". #. msgid "Izhevsk" msgstr "Izhevsk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Калининград". #. msgid "Kaliningrad" msgstr "Kaliningrad" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Казань". #. msgid "Kazan'" msgstr "Kazan'" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Кемерово". #. msgid "Kemerovo" msgstr "Kemerovo" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Хабаровск". #. msgid "Khabarovsk" msgstr "Khabarovsk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Ханты-Мансийск". #. msgid "Khanty-Mansiysk" msgstr "Khanty-Mansiysk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Краснодар". #. msgid "Krasnodar" msgstr "Krasnodar" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Красноярск". #. msgid "Krasnoyarsk" msgstr "Krasnoyarsk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Магадан". #. msgid "Magadan" msgstr "Magadan" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Минеральные Воды". #. msgid "Mineral'nyye Vody" msgstr "Mineral'nyye Vody" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Мирный". #. msgid "Mirnyy" msgstr "Mirnyy" #. The capital of Russia. #. "Moscow" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Russian is "Moskva / Москва". #. msgctxt "City in Russia" msgid "Moscow" msgstr "Moscovo" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Мурманск". #. msgid "Murmansk" msgstr "Murmansk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Нальчик". #. msgid "Nal'chik" msgstr "Nal'chik" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Нижневартовск". #. msgid "Nizhnevartovsk" msgstr "Nizhnevartovsk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Нижний Новгород". #. msgid "Nizhny Novgorod" msgstr "Nizhny Novgorod" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Новокузнецк". #. msgid "Novokuznetsk" msgstr "Novokuznetsk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Новосибирск". #. msgid "Novosibirsk" msgstr "Novosibirsk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Омск". #. msgid "Omsk" msgstr "Omsk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Оренбург". #. msgid "Orenburg" msgstr "Orenburg" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Пенза". #. msgid "Penza" msgstr "Penza" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Пермь". #. msgid "Perm" msgstr "Perm" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Петропавловск-Камчатский". #. msgid "Petropavlovsk" msgstr "Petropavlovsk" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Ростов-на-Дону". #. msgid "Rostov" msgstr "Rostov" #. A city in Russia msgid "Rybinsk" msgstr "Rybinsk" #. A city in Russia. #. "Saint Petersburg" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Russian is "Sankt-Peterburg / #. Санкт-Петербург". #. msgid "Saint Petersburg" msgstr "São Petersburgo" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Самара". #. msgid "Samara" msgstr "Samara" #. A city in Russia msgid "Saratov" msgstr "Saratov" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Ставрополь". #. msgid "Stavropol'" msgstr "Stavropol'" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Сургут". #. msgid "Surgut" msgstr "Surgut" #. A city in Russia msgid "Syktyvkar" msgstr "Syktyvkar" #. A city in Russia msgid "Tiksi" msgstr "Tiksi" #. A city in Russia msgid "Tomsk" msgstr "Tomsk" #. A city in Russia msgid "Tyumen" msgstr "Tyumen" #. A city in Russia msgid "Udachnyy" msgstr "Udachnyy" #. A city in Russia msgid "Ufa" msgstr "Ufa" #. A city in Russia msgid "Ul'yanovsk" msgstr "Ul'yanovsk" #. A city in Russia msgid "Ulan-Ude" msgstr "Ulan-Ude" #. A city in Russia msgid "Velikiye Luki" msgstr "Velikiye Luki" #. A city in Russia msgid "Vladivostok" msgstr "Vladivostok" #. A city in Russia msgid "Volgograd" msgstr "Volgograd" #. A city in Russia msgid "Voronezh" msgstr "Voronezh" #. A city in Russia msgid "Yakutsk" msgstr "Yakutsk" #. A city in Russia msgid "Yaroslavl" msgstr "Yaroslavl" #. A city in Russia msgid "Yekaterinburg" msgstr "Yekaterinburg" #. A city in Russia. #. The local name in Russian is "Йошкар-Ола". #. msgid "Yoshkar-Ola" msgstr "Yoshkar-Ola" #. A city in Russia msgid "Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk" msgstr "Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk" #. The capital of Réunion msgid "Saint-Denis" msgstr "Saint-Denis" #. A city in Réunion msgctxt "City in Réunion" msgid "Saint-Pierre" msgstr "Saint-Pierre" #. A city in Saint Helena msgctxt "City in Saint Helena" msgid "Georgetown" msgstr "Georgetown" #. The capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis msgid "Basseterre" msgstr "Basseterre" #. A city in Saint Kitts and Nevis msgid "Golden Rock" msgstr "Golden Rock" #. A city in Saint Kitts and Nevis msgctxt "City in Saint Kitts and Nevis" msgid "Newcastle" msgstr "Newcastle" #. The capital of Saint Lucia msgid "Castries" msgstr "Castries" #. A city in Saint Lucia msgid "Pointe Sable" msgstr "Pointe Sable" #. A city in Saint Lucia msgid "Vigie" msgstr "Vigie" #. The capital of Saint Pierre and Miquelon msgctxt "City in Saint Pierre and Miquelon" msgid "Saint-Pierre" msgstr "Saint-Pierre" #. A city in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines msgid "Arnos Vale" msgstr "Arnos Vale" #. The capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines msgid "Kingstown" msgstr "Kingstown" #. The capital of Samoa msgid "Apia" msgstr "Apia" #. The capital of San Marino msgctxt "City in San Marino" msgid "San Marino" msgstr "São Marino" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "'Ar'ar" msgstr "Ar'ar" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Abha" msgstr "Abha" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Ad Dalfa'ah" msgstr "Ad Dalfa'ah" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Ad Dammam" msgstr "Ad Dammam" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Al 'Aqiq" msgstr "Al 'Aqiq" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Al Qaysumah" msgstr "Al Qaysumah" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Al Qurayyat" msgstr "Al Qurayyat" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Al Wajh" msgstr "Al Wajh" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Al Wuday'ah" msgstr "Al Wuday'ah" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Ar Ruqayyiqah" msgstr "Ar Ruqayyiqah" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "At Ta'if" msgstr "At Ta'if" #. A city in Saudi Arabia. #. "Dhahran" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Az Zahran". #. msgid "Dhahran" msgstr "Dhahran" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Ha'il" msgstr "Ha'il" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Jiddah" msgstr "Jiddah" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Jizan" msgstr "Jizan" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Khamis Mushayt" msgstr "Khamis Mushayt" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Masjid Ibn Rashid" msgstr "Masjid Ibn Rashid" #. A city in Saudi Arabia. #. "Mecca" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Makkah". #. msgid "Mecca" msgstr "Meca" #. A city in Saudi Arabia. #. "Medina" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Madinah al Munawwarah". #. msgid "Medina" msgstr "Medina" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Najran" msgstr "Najran" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Qal'at Bishah" msgstr "Qal'at Bishah" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Qara" msgstr "Qara" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Rafha" msgstr "Rafha" #. The capital of Saudi Arabia. #. "Riyadh" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Ar Riyad". #. msgid "Riyadh" msgstr "Riyadh" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Tabuk" msgstr "Tabuk" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Tamrah" msgstr "Tamrah" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Turayf" msgstr "Turayf" #. A city in Saudi Arabia msgid "Yanbu' al Bahr" msgstr "Yanbu' al Bahr" #. A city in Senegal msgid "Boukot Ouolof" msgstr "Boukot Ouolof" #. The capital of Senegal msgid "Dakar" msgstr "Dakar" #. A city in Senegal msgid "Saint-Louis" msgstr "Saint-Louis" #. A city in Senegal msgid "Tambacounda" msgstr "Tambacounda" #. A city in Senegal msgid "Ziguinchor" msgstr "Ziguinchor" #. The capital of Serbia. #. "Belgrade" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Serbian is "Beograd". #. msgid "Belgrade" msgstr "Belgrado" #. A city in Serbia msgid "Niš" msgstr "Niš" #. A city in Serbia msgid "Vršac" msgstr "Vršac" #. A city in Serbia msgid "Zemun" msgstr "Zemun" #. A city in the Seychelles msgid "Cascade" msgstr "Cascade" #. The capital of the Seychelles msgctxt "City in Seychelles" msgid "Victoria" msgstr "Victoria" #. The capital of Sierra Leone msgid "Freetown" msgstr "Freetown" #. A city in Sierra Leone msgid "Lungi" msgstr "Lungi" #. The capital of Singapore msgctxt "City in Singapore" msgid "Singapore" msgstr "Singapura" #. The capital of Slovakia msgid "Bratislava" msgstr "Bratislava" #. A city in Slovakia msgid "Dolný Hričov" msgstr "Dolný Hričov" #. A city in Slovakia msgid "Kamenica nad Cirochou" msgstr "Kamenica nad Cirochou" #. A city in Slovakia msgid "Košice" msgstr "Košice" #. A city in Slovakia msgid "Lučenec" msgstr "Lučenec" #. A city in Slovakia msgid "Piešťany" msgstr "Piešťany" #. A city in Slovakia msgid "Poprad" msgstr "Poprad" #. A city in Slovakia msgid "Prešov" msgstr "Prešov" #. A city in Slovakia msgid "Prievidza" msgstr "Prievidza" #. A city in Slovakia msgid "Sliač" msgstr "Sliač" #. A city in Slovakia msgid "Žilina" msgstr "Žilina" #. The capital of Slovenia msgid "Ljubljana" msgstr "Ljubljana" #. A city in Slovenia msgid "Maribor" msgstr "Maribor" #. A city in Slovenia msgid "Portorož" msgstr "Portorož" #. The capital of the Solomon Islands msgid "Honiara" msgstr "Honiara" #. A city in South Africa msgid "Bloemfontein" msgstr "Bloemfontein" #. A city in South Africa msgid "Cape Town" msgstr "Cidade do Cabo" #. A city in South Africa msgid "Durban" msgstr "Durban" #. A city in South Africa msgid "Johannesburg" msgstr "Joanesburgo" #. A city in South Africa msgid "Klerksdorp" msgstr "Klerksdorp" #. A city in South Africa msgid "Port Elizabeth" msgstr "Port Elizabeth" #. A city in South Africa msgid "Potchefstroom" msgstr "Potchefstroom" #. The capital of South Africa msgid "Pretoria" msgstr "Pretoria" #. A city in South Africa msgid "Springs" msgstr "Springs" #. A city in South Africa msgid "Upington" msgstr "Upington" #. A city in South Africa msgid "Vereeniging" msgstr "Vereeniging" #. A city in South Korea msgid "Ch'ongju" msgstr "Ch'ongju" #. A city in South Korea msgid "Cheju" msgstr "Cheju" #. A city in South Korea msgid "Inch'on" msgstr "Inch'on" #. A city in South Korea msgid "Kunsan" msgstr "Kunsan" #. A city in South Korea. #. The name is also written "오산". #. msgid "Osan" msgstr "Osan" #. A city in South Korea msgid "P'yongt'aek" msgstr "P'yongt'aek" #. A city in South Korea msgid "Pusan" msgstr "Pusan" #. The capital of South Korea. #. "Seoul" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Korean is "서울" (transliterated as "Soul"). #. msgid "Seoul" msgstr "Base Aérea de Seoul" #. A city in South Korea msgid "Taegu" msgstr "Taegu" #. A city in Spain msgid "A Coruña" msgstr "Corunha" #. A city in Spain msgid "Agoncillo" msgstr "Agoncillo" #. A city in Spain msgid "Albacete" msgstr "Albacete" #. A city in Spain msgid "Alcantarilla" msgstr "Alcantarilla" #. A city in Spain msgid "Alcorcón" msgstr "Alcorcón" #. A city in Spain msgid "Alicante" msgstr "Alicante" #. A city in Spain msgid "Almería" msgstr "Almería" #. A city in Spain msgid "Armilla" msgstr "Armilla" #. A city in Spain msgid "Atogo" msgstr "Atogo" #. A city in Spain msgid "Avilés" msgstr "Avilés" #. A city in Spain msgid "Badajoz" msgstr "Badajoz" #. A city in Spain msgid "Barajas" msgstr "Barajas" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Barcelona" msgstr "Barcelona" #. A city in Spain msgid "Bilbao" msgstr "Bilbau" #. A city in Spain msgid "Burgos" msgstr "Burgos" #. A city in Spain msgid "Castellón de la Plana" msgstr "Castellón de la Plana" #. A city in Spain msgid "Ciudad Real" msgstr "Cidade Real" #. A city in Spain msgid "Colmenar Viejo" msgstr "Colmenar Viejo" #. A city in Spain msgid "Corcovados" msgstr "Corcovados" #. A city in Spain msgid "Cuatro Vientos" msgstr "Cuatro Vientos" #. A city in Spain msgid "Cuenca" msgstr "Cuenca" #. A city in Spain msgid "Cáceres" msgstr "Cáceres" #. A city in Spain msgid "Cádiz" msgstr "Cádis" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Córdoba" msgstr "Córdoba" #. A city in Spain msgid "El Matorral" msgstr "El Matorral" #. A city in Spain msgid "Fuenlabrada" msgstr "Fuenlabrada" #. A city in Spain msgid "Fuenterrabía" msgstr "Fuenterrabía" #. A city in Spain msgid "Gando" msgstr "Gando" #. A city in Spain msgid "Gerona" msgstr "Gerona" #. A city in Spain msgid "Getafe" msgstr "Getafe" #. A city in Spain msgid "Gijón" msgstr "Gijón" #. A city in Spain msgid "Granada" msgstr "Granada" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Guadalajara" msgstr "Guadalajara" #. A city in Spain msgid "Güime" msgstr "Güime" #. A city in Spain msgid "Huelva" msgstr "Huelva" #. A city in Spain msgid "Huesca" msgstr "Huesca" #. A city in Spain msgid "Ibiza" msgstr "Ibiza" #. A city in Spain msgid "Jaén" msgstr "Jaén" #. A city in Spain msgid "Jerez" msgstr "Jerez" #. A city in Spain msgid "Las Palmas" msgstr "Las Palmas" #. A city in Spain msgid "Leganés" msgstr "Leganés" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "León" msgstr "León" #. A city in Spain msgid "Lleida" msgstr "Lleida" #. A city in Spain msgid "Logroño" msgstr "Logroño" #. A city in Spain msgid "Los Baldíos" msgstr "Los Baldíos" #. A city in Spain msgid "Los Llanos" msgstr "Los Llanos" #. A city in Spain msgid "Lugo" msgstr "Lugo" #. The capital of Spain msgid "Madrid" msgstr "Madrid" #. A city in Spain msgid "Mahón" msgstr "Mahón" #. A city in Spain msgid "Melilla" msgstr "Melilla" #. A city in Spain msgid "Morón" msgstr "Morón" #. A city in Spain msgid "Murcia" msgstr "Murcia" #. A city in Spain msgid "Málaga" msgstr "Málaga" #. A city in Spain msgid "Móstoles" msgstr "Móstoles" #. A city in Spain msgid "Noáin" msgstr "Noáin" #. A city in Spain msgid "Ourense" msgstr "Ourense" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Oviedo" msgstr "Oviedo" #. A city in Spain msgid "Palencia" msgstr "Palência" #. A city in Spain msgid "Palma" msgstr "Palma" #. A city in Spain msgid "Pamplona" msgstr "Pamplona" #. A city in Spain msgid "Pontevedra" msgstr "Pontevedra" #. A city in Spain msgid "Reus" msgstr "Reus" #. A city in Spain msgid "Rota" msgstr "Rota" #. A city in Spain msgid "Sabadell" msgstr "Sabadell" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Salamanca" msgstr "Salamanca" #. A city in Spain msgid "San Javier" msgstr "San Javier" #. A city in Spain msgid "San Pablo" msgstr "San Pablo" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "San Sebastián" msgstr "San Sebastián" #. A city in Spain msgid "Santa Cruz de Tenerife" msgstr "Santa Cruz de Tenerife" #. A city in Spain msgid "Santander" msgstr "Santander" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Santiago" msgstr "Santiago" #. A city in Spain msgid "Segovia" msgstr "Segóvia" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Seville" msgstr "Sevilha" #. A city in Spain msgid "Soria" msgstr "Sória" #. A city in Spain msgid "Talavera la Real" msgstr "Talavera la Real" #. A city in Spain msgid "Tamaduste" msgstr "Tamaduste" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Tarragona" msgstr "Tarragona" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Teruel" msgstr "Teruel" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Toledo" msgstr "Toledo" #. A city in Spain msgid "Torrejón del Rey" msgstr "Torrejón del Rey" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Valencia" msgstr "Valência" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Valladolid" msgstr "Valladolid" #. A city in Spain msgid "Vigo" msgstr "Vigo" #. A city in Spain msgid "Villanubla" msgstr "Villanubla" #. A city in Spain msgid "Vitoria-Gasteiz" msgstr "Vitoria-Gasteiz" #. A city in Spain msgid "Zamora" msgstr "Zamora" #. A city in Spain msgctxt "City in Spain" msgid "Zaragoza" msgstr "Saragoça" #. A city in Spain msgid "Ávila" msgstr "Ávila" #. The capital of Sri Lanka msgid "Colombo" msgstr "Colombo" #. A city in Sri Lanka msgid "Katunayaka" msgstr "Katunayaka" #. The capital of Sri Lanka msgid "Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte" msgstr "Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte" #. The capital of Sudan. #. "Khartoum" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Khartum". #. msgid "Khartoum" msgstr "Khartoum" #. The capital of Suriname msgid "Paramaribo" msgstr "Paramaribo" #. A city in Suriname msgid "Zanderij" msgstr "Zanderij" #. The capital of Svalbard and Jan Mayen msgid "Longyearbyen" msgstr "Longyearbyen" #. The capital of Swaziland msgid "Lobamba" msgstr "Lobamba" #. A city in Swaziland msgid "Manzini" msgstr "Manzini" #. The capital of Swaziland msgid "Mbabane" msgstr "Mbabane" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Borlänge" msgstr "Borlänge" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Gällivare" msgstr "Gällivare" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Göteborg" msgstr "Gotenburgo" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Halmstad" msgstr "Halmstad" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Jönköping" msgstr "Jönköping" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Kalmar" msgstr "Kalmar" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Karlstad" msgstr "Karlstad" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Kiruna" msgstr "Kiruna" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Kramfors" msgstr "Kramfors" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Kristianstad" msgstr "Kristianstad" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Linköping" msgstr "Linköping" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Ljungbyhed" msgstr "Ljungbyhed" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Luleå" msgstr "Luleå" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Lycksele" msgstr "Lycksele" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Malmö" msgstr "Malmö" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Norrköping" msgstr "Normandin" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Nyköping" msgstr "Nyköping" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Ronneby" msgstr "Ronneby" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Skellefteå" msgstr "Skellefteå" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Skövde" msgstr "Skövde" #. The capital of Sweden msgid "Stockholm" msgstr "Estocolmo" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Sundsvall" msgstr "Sundsvall" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Söderhamn" msgstr "Söderhamn" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Umeå" msgstr "Umeå" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Visby" msgstr "Visby" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Västerås" msgstr "Västerås" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Växjö" msgstr "Växjö" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Ängelholm" msgstr "Ängelholm" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Örebro" msgstr "Örebro" #. A city in Sweden msgid "Örnsköldsvik" msgstr "Örnsköldsvik" #. A city in Switzerland msgid "Basel" msgstr "Basel" #. The capital of Switzerland msgid "Bern" msgstr "Berna" #. A city in Switzerland. #. "Geneva" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "Genève". #. msgid "Geneva" msgstr "Geneva" #. A city in Switzerland msgid "Grenchen" msgstr "Grenchen" #. A city in Switzerland msgid "Lausanne" msgstr "Lausanne" #. A city in Switzerland msgid "Lugano" msgstr "Lugano" #. A city in Switzerland msgid "Neuchâtel" msgstr "Neuchâtel" #. A city in Switzerland msgid "Sankt Gallen" msgstr "Sankt Gallen" #. A city in Switzerland msgid "Sion" msgstr "Sion" #. A city in Switzerland msgid "St. Moritz" msgstr "St. Moritz" #. A city in Switzerland msgid "Zürich" msgstr "Zurique" #. A city in Syria msgid "Al Qamishli" msgstr "Al Qamishli" #. A city in Syria. #. "Aleppo" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Halab". #. msgid "Aleppo" msgstr "Aleppo" #. The capital of Syria. #. "Damascus" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Dimashq". #. msgid "Damascus" msgstr "Damasco" #. A city in Syria msgid "Dayr az Zawr" msgstr "Dayr az Zawr" #. A city in Syria. #. "Latakia" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Al Ladhiqiyah". #. msgid "Latakia" msgstr "Latakia" #. A city in Taiwan. #. The name is also written "高雄". #. msgid "Kaohsiung" msgstr "Kaohsiung" #. The capital of Taiwan. #. The name is also written "臺北". #. msgid "Taipei" msgstr "Taipei" #. A city in Taiwan. #. The name is also written "埔頂". #. msgid "Taoyuan" msgstr "Taoyuan" #. The capital of Tajikistan msgid "Dushanbe" msgstr "Dushanbe" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Arusha" msgstr "Arusha" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Bukoba" msgstr "Bukoba" #. The capital of Tanzania msgid "Dar es Salaam" msgstr "Dar es Salaam" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Dodoma" msgstr "Dodoma" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Iringa" msgstr "Iringa" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Kigoma" msgstr "Kigoma" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Mbeya" msgstr "Mbeya" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Morogoro" msgstr "Morogoro" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Moshi" msgstr "Moshi" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Mtwara" msgstr "Mtwara" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Musoma" msgstr "Musoma" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Mwanza" msgstr "Mwanza" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Songea" msgstr "Songea" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Tabora" msgstr "Tabora" #. A city in Tanzania msgid "Zanzibar" msgstr "Zanzibar" #. The capital of Thailand. #. "Bangkok" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Thai is "Krung Thep / กรุงเทพฯ". #. msgid "Bangkok" msgstr "Bangkok" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Chiang Mai" msgstr "Chiang Mai" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Chon Buri" msgstr "Chon Buri" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Hat Yai" msgstr "Hat Yai" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Hua Hin" msgstr "Hua Hin" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Khon Kaen" msgstr "Khon Kaen" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Lampang" msgstr "Lampang" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Mae Hong Son" msgstr "Mae Hong Son" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Nan" msgstr "Nan" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Phrae" msgstr "Phrae" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Phuket" msgstr "Phuket" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Ranong" msgstr "Ranong" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Rayong" msgstr "Rayong" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Surat Thani" msgstr "Surat Thani" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Trang" msgstr "Trang" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Ubon Ratchathani" msgstr "Ubon Ratchathani" #. A city in Thailand msgid "Udon Thani" msgstr "Udon Thani" #. The capital of Togo msgid "Lome" msgstr "Lome" #. A city in Togo msgid "Niamtougou" msgstr "Niamtougou" #. A city in Tonga msgid "Fua'amotu" msgstr "Fua'amotu" #. The capital of Tonga msgid "Nuku'alofa" msgstr "Nuku'alofa" #. A city in Trinidad and Tobago msgid "Bon Accord" msgstr "Bon Accord" #. A city in Trinidad and Tobago msgid "Piarco" msgstr "Piarco" #. The capital of Trinidad and Tobago msgid "Port-of-Spain" msgstr "Port-of-Spain" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "Bizerte" msgstr "Bizerte" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "El Borma" msgstr "El Borma" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "Gabes" msgstr "Gabes" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "Gafsa" msgstr "Gafsa" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "Houmt Souk" msgstr "Houmt Souk" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "Jendouba" msgstr "Jendouba" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "Kairouan" msgstr "Kairouan" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "Monastir" msgstr "Monastir" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "Qulaybiyah" msgstr "Qulaybiyah" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "Remada" msgstr "Remada" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "Sfax" msgstr "Sfax" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "Tabarka" msgstr "Tabarka" #. A city in Tunisia msgid "Tozeur" msgstr "Tozeur" #. The capital of Tunisia msgid "Tunis" msgstr "Tunis" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Adana" msgstr "Adana" #. The capital of Turkey msgid "Ankara" msgstr "Ankara" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Antalya" msgstr "Antalya" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Balikesir" msgstr "Balikesir" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Bandirma" msgstr "Bandirma" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Bodrum" msgstr "Bodrum" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Burdur" msgstr "Burdur" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Bursa" msgstr "Bursa" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Corlu" msgstr "Corlu" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Dalaman" msgstr "Dalaman" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Diyarbakir" msgstr "Diyarbakir" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Erzurum" msgstr "Erzurum" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Eskisehir" msgstr "Eskisehir" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Gaziantep" msgstr "Gaziantep" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Istanbul" msgstr "Istanbul" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Izmir" msgstr "Izmir" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Kars" msgstr "Kars" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Kayseri" msgstr "Kayseri" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Kislakoy" msgstr "Kislakoy" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Konya" msgstr "Konya" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Malatya" msgstr "Malatya" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Merzifon" msgstr "Merzifon" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Nevsehir" msgstr "Nevsehir" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Samsun" msgstr "Samsun" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Tepetarla" msgstr "Tepetarla" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Trabzon" msgstr "Trabzon" #. A city in Turkey msgid "Van" msgstr "Van" #. The capital of Turkmenistan. #. "Ashgabat" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Turkmen is "Asgabat". #. msgid "Ashgabat" msgstr "Ashgabat" #. The capital of Tuvalu msgid "Funafuti" msgstr "Funafuti" #. A city in Uganda msgid "Arua" msgstr "Arua" #. A city in Uganda msgid "Entebbe" msgstr "Entebbe" #. A city in Uganda msgid "Kabale" msgstr "Kabale" #. The capital of Uganda msgid "Kampala" msgstr "Kampala" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Boryspil'" msgstr "Boryspil'" #. A city in Ukraine: #. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernivtsi msgid "Chernivtsi" msgstr "Chernivtsi" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Dnipropetrovs'k" msgstr "Dnipropetrovs'k" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Donets'k" msgstr "Donets'k" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Hostomel'" msgstr "Hostomel'" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Ivano-Frankivs'k" msgstr "Ivano-Frankivs'k" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Kharkiv" msgstr "Kharkiv" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Kryvyy Rih" msgstr "Kryvyy Rih" #. The capital of Ukraine. #. "Kiev" is the old English name. The local name in #. Ukrainian is "Київ", which transliterates to "Kyiv". #. msgid "Kyiv" msgstr "Kyiv" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "L'viv" msgstr "L'viv" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Mokroye" msgstr "Mokroye" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Mykolayiv" msgstr "Mykolayiv" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Odesa" msgstr "Odesa" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Rivne" msgstr "Rivne" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Simferopol'" msgstr "Simferopol'" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Telichka" msgstr "Telichka" #. A city in Ukraine msgid "Uzhhorod" msgstr "Uzhhorod" #. The capital of the United Arab Emirates. #. "Abu Dhabi" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Abu Zaby". #. msgid "Abu Dhabi" msgstr "Abu Dhabi" #. A city in the United Arab Emirates msgid "Al 'Ayn" msgstr "Al 'Ayn" #. A city in the United Arab Emirates msgid "Al Fujayrah" msgstr "Al Fujayrah" #. A city in the United Arab Emirates. #. "Dubai" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Dubayy". #. msgid "Dubai" msgstr "Dubai" #. A city in the United Arab Emirates msgid "Ra's al Khaymah" msgstr "Ra's al Khaymah" #. A city in the United Arab Emirates. #. "Sharjah" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "Ash Shariqah". #. msgid "Sharjah" msgstr "Sharjah" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgctxt "City in Scotland, United Kingdom" msgid "Aberdeen" msgstr "Aberdeen" #. A city in Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom msgid "Belfast" msgstr "Belfast" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom" msgid "Benson" msgstr "Benson" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Biggin Hill" msgstr "Biggin Hill" #. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom msgctxt "City in Midlands, United Kingdom" msgid "Birmingham" msgstr "Birmingham" #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom msgid "Blackpool" msgstr "Blackpool" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Boscombe" msgstr "Boscombe" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Bournemouth" msgstr "Bournemouth" #. A city on the South East coast of England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Brighton" msgstr "Brighton" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Bristol" msgstr "Bristol" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Brize Norton" msgstr "Brize Norton" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Butes" msgstr "Butes" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom" msgid "Cambridge" msgstr "Cambridge" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Campbeltown" msgstr "Campbeltown" #. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom. #. The local name in Welsh is "Caerdydd". #. msgctxt "City in Wales, United Kingdom" msgid "Cardiff" msgstr "Cardiff" #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom msgid "Carlisle" msgstr "Carlisle" #. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom msgid "Castle Donington" msgstr "Castle Donington" #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom msgid "Church Fenton" msgstr "Church Fenton" #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom msgid "Coningsby" msgstr "Coningsby" #. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom msgid "Cottesmore" msgstr "Cottesmore" #. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom msgid "Coventry" msgstr "Coventry" #. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom msgid "Cranfield" msgstr "Cranfield" #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom msgid "Cranwell" msgstr "Cranwell" #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom msgid "Dishforth" msgstr "Dishforth" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Dundee" msgstr "Dundee" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Edinburgh" msgstr "Edimburgo" #. A city in Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom msgid "Eglinton" msgstr "Eglinton" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Exeter" msgstr "Exeter" #. A city in the United Kingdom msgid "Fairford" msgstr "Fairford" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Farnborough" msgstr "Farnborough" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Filton" msgstr "Filton" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgctxt "City in Scotland, United Kingdom" msgid "Glasgow" msgstr "Glasgow" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Gramisdale" msgstr "Gramisdale" #. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom msgid "Hawarden" msgstr "Hawarden" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Helston" msgstr "Helston" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Hugh Town" msgstr "Hugh Town" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Inverness" msgstr "Inverness" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Ipswich" msgstr "Ipswich" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Kilmoluag" msgstr "Kilmoluag" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Kinloss" msgstr "Kinloss" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Kintra" msgstr "Kintra" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Kirkwall" msgstr "Kirkwall" #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom msgid "Kirmington" msgstr "Kirmington" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Lakenheath" msgstr "Lakenheath" #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom msgid "Leeds" msgstr "Leeds" #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom msgid "Leeming Bar" msgstr "Leeming Bar" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Leuchars" msgstr "Leuchars" #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom msgid "Linton upon Ouse" msgstr "Linton upon Ouse" #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom msgctxt "City in North West England, United Kingdom" msgid "Liverpool" msgstr "Liverpool" #. The capital of the United Kingdom msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom" msgid "London" msgstr "Londres" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Lossiemouth" msgstr "Lossiemouth" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Luton" msgstr "Luton" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Lydd" msgstr "Lydd" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Lyneham" msgstr "Lyneham" #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom msgctxt "City in North West England, United Kingdom" msgid "Manchester" msgstr "Manchester" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Manston" msgstr "Manston" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Marham" msgstr "Marham" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Middle Wallop" msgstr "Médio Wallop" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Mildenhall" msgstr "Mildenhall" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Mossbank" msgstr "Mossbank" #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom msgctxt "City in North East England, United Kingdom" msgid "Newcastle" msgstr "Newcastle" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Northolt" msgstr "Northolt" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Norwich" msgstr "Norwich" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Odiham" msgstr "Odiham" msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom" msgid "Oxford" msgstr "Oxford" #. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom msgid "Pembrey" msgstr "Pembrey" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgctxt "City in South and South West England, United Kingdom" msgid "Plymouth" msgstr "Plymouth" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Prestwick" msgstr "Prestwick" #. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom msgid "Saint Athan" msgstr "Saint Athan" #. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom msgid "Shawbury" msgstr "Shawbury" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Shoreham-by-Sea" msgstr "Shoreham-by-Sea" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Southampton" msgstr "Southampton" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom" msgid "Southend" msgstr "Southend" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Stansted Mountfitchet" msgstr "Stansted Mountfitchet" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Staverton" msgstr "Staverton" #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom msgctxt "City in North East England, United Kingdom" msgid "Stockton" msgstr "Stockton" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Stornoway" msgstr "Stornoway" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Sumburgh" msgstr "Sumburgh" #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom msgid "Topcliffe" msgstr "Topcliffe" #. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom msgid "Valley" msgstr "Valley" #. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom msgid "Waddington" msgstr "Waddington" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Wainfleet" msgstr "Wainfleet" #. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom msgid "Wick" msgstr "Wick" #. A city in East and South East England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Wittering" msgstr "Wittering" #. A city in South and South West England in the United #. Kingdom #. msgid "Yeovilton" msgstr "Yeovilton" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgctxt "City in South Dakota, United States" msgid "Aberdeen" msgstr "Aberdeen" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Abilene" msgstr "Abilene" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Abingdon" msgstr "Abingdon" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Ada" msgstr "Ada" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Adak" msgstr "Adak" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Adamsville" msgstr "Adamsville" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Adrian" msgstr "Adrian" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Ahoskie" msgstr "Ahoskie" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Ainsworth" msgstr "Ainsworth" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Aitkin" msgstr "Aitkin" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States" msgid "Akron" msgstr "Akron" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States" msgid "Akron" msgstr "Akron" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Alabaster" msgstr "Alabaster" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Alamogordo" msgstr "Alamogordo" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Alamosa" msgstr "Alamosa" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "Albany" msgstr "Albany" #. A city in New York in the United States msgctxt "City in New York, United States" msgid "Albany" msgstr "Albany" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Albemarle" msgstr "Albemarle" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Albert Lea" msgstr "Albert Lea" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Albertville" msgstr "Albertville" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Albion" msgstr "Albion" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Albuquerque" msgstr "Albuquerque" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Alexander City" msgstr "Cidade Alexander" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgctxt "City in Louisiana, United States" msgid "Alexandria" msgstr "Alexandria" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Alexandria" msgstr "Alexandria" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Alexandria" msgstr "Alexandria" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Alice" msgstr "Alice" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Allentown" msgstr "Allentown" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Alliance" msgstr "Alliance" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "Alma" msgstr "Alma" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States" msgid "Alma" msgstr "Alma" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Alpena" msgstr "Alpena" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States" msgid "Alpine" msgstr "Alpine" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Alpine" msgstr "Alpine" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Alton" msgstr "Alton" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Altoona" msgstr "Altoona" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Alturas" msgstr "Alturas" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Altus" msgstr "Altus" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Alva" msgstr "Alva" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Amarillo" msgstr "Amarillo" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Ambler" msgstr "Ambler" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Amelia" msgstr "Amelia" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Ames" msgstr "Ames" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Anaheim" msgstr "Anaheim" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Anaktuvuk Pass" msgstr "Anaktuvuk Pass" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Anchorage" msgstr "Anchorage" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Andalusia" msgstr "Andalusia" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States" msgid "Anderson" msgstr "Anderson" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States" msgid "Anderson" msgstr "Anderson" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Andover" msgstr "Andover" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Andrews" msgstr "Andrews" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Angle Inlet" msgstr "Angle Inlet" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Angleton" msgstr "Angleton" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Angoon" msgstr "Angoon" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Aniak" msgstr "Aniak" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Ankeny" msgstr "Ankeny" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Ann Arbor" msgstr "Porto Ann" #. A city in Maryland in the United States msgid "Annapolis" msgstr "Annapolis" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Annette" msgstr "Annette" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Anniston" msgstr "Anniston" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Antigo" msgstr "Antigo" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Anvik" msgstr "Anvik" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Apalachicola" msgstr "Apalachicola" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Appleton" msgstr "Appleton" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States" msgid "Appleton" msgstr "Appleton" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Arcata" msgstr "Arcata" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Arctic Village" msgstr "Arctic Village" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Ardmore" msgstr "Ardmore" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Arkadelphia" msgstr "Arkadelphia" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Arlington" msgstr "Arlington" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgctxt "City in Washington, United States" msgid "Arlington" msgstr "Arlington" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Artesia" msgstr "Artesia" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Arvada" msgstr "Arvada" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Asheboro" msgstr "Asheboro" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Asheville" msgstr "Asheville" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Ashland" msgstr "Ashland" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States" msgid "Ashland" msgstr "Ashland" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgid "Ashtabula" msgstr "Ashtabula" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Aspen" msgstr "Aspen" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Astoria" msgstr "Astória" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "Athens" msgstr "Athens" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Atlanta" msgstr "Atlanta" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States" msgid "Atlantic" msgstr "Atlantic" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Atlantic City" msgstr "Atlantic City" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Atoka" msgstr "Atoka" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States" msgid "Auburn" msgstr "Auburn" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Auburn" msgstr "Auburn" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgctxt "City in Maine, United States" msgid "Auburn" msgstr "Auburn" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Audubon" msgstr "Audubon" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "Augusta" msgstr "Augusta" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgctxt "City in Maine, United States" msgid "Augusta" msgstr "Augusta" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States" msgid "Aurora" msgstr "Aurora" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Aurora" msgstr "Aurora" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States" msgid "Aurora" msgstr "Aurora" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States" msgid "Aurora" msgstr "Aurora" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Austin" msgstr "Austin" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Austin" msgstr "Austin" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Avalon" msgstr "Avalon" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Bad Axe" msgstr "Bad Axe" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Bainbridge" msgstr "Bainbridge" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Baker" msgstr "Baker" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Baker City" msgstr "Baker City" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Bakersfield" msgstr "Bakersfield" #. A city in Maryland in the United States msgid "Baltimore" msgstr "Baltimore" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgid "Bangor" msgstr "Bangor" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgid "Bar Harbor" msgstr "Porto Bar" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Baraboo" msgstr "Baraboo" #. A city in Vermont in the United States msgid "Barre" msgstr "Barre" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Barretts" msgstr "Barretts" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Barrow" msgstr "Barrow" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Bartlesville" msgstr "Bartlesville" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Bartow" msgstr "Bartow" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Batesville" msgstr "Batesville" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Baton Rouge" msgstr "Baton Rouge" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Battle Creek" msgstr "Riacho Battle" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Baudette" msgstr "Baudette" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Bay City" msgstr "Bay City" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Beatrice" msgstr "Beatrice" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Beaufort" msgstr "Beaufort" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States" msgid "Beaufort" msgstr "Beaufort" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Beaumont" msgstr "Beaumont" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Beaver Falls" msgstr "Cataratas de Beaver" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgid "Beckley" msgstr "Beckley" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States" msgid "Bedford" msgstr "Bedford" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Bellaire" msgstr "Bellaire" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Belleville" msgstr "Belleville" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Bellevue" msgstr "Bellevue" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Bellingham" msgstr "Bellingham" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Belmar" msgstr "Belmar" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Bemidji" msgstr "Bemidji" #. A city in Vermont in the United States msgid "Bennington" msgstr "Bennington" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Benson" msgstr "Benson" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Benton Harbor" msgstr "Porto Benton" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Bentonville" msgstr "Bentonville" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Berkeley" msgstr "Berkeley" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States" msgid "Berlin" msgstr "Berlin" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Bethel" msgstr "Bethel" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Bettles" msgstr "Bettles" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Beverly" msgstr "Beverly" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Big Piney" msgstr "Big Piney" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Big Rapids" msgstr "Big Rapids" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Big Spring" msgstr "Big Spring" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Bigfork" msgstr "Bigfork" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Billings" msgstr "Billings" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgid "Biloxi" msgstr "Biloxi" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Binghamton" msgstr "Binghamton" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Birchwood" msgstr "Birchwood" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States" msgid "Birmingham" msgstr "Birmingham" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Bishop" msgstr "Bishop" #. A city in North Dakota in the United States msgid "Bismarck" msgstr "Bismarck" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Black Eagle" msgstr "Black Eagle" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Black River" msgstr "Black River" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Blacksburg" msgstr "Blacksburg" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Bloomington" msgstr "Bloomington" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States" msgid "Bloomington" msgstr "Bloomington" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgid "Bluefield" msgstr "Bluefield" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Blythe" msgstr "Blythe" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Blytheville" msgstr "Blytheville" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Boca Raton" msgstr "Boca Raton" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Bogue" msgstr "Bogue" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Boise" msgstr "Boise" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States" msgid "Boone" msgstr "Boone" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Boone" msgstr "Boone" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Boothville" msgstr "Boothville" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States" msgid "Bordeaux" msgstr "Bordeaux" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Borger" msgstr "Borger" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Boscobel" msgstr "Boscobel" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Boston" msgstr "Boston" msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States" msgid "Boulder" msgstr "Boulder" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgid "Bowling Green" msgstr "Bowling Green" #. A city in North Dakota in the United States msgid "Bowman" msgstr "Bowman" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Box Elder" msgstr "Box Elder" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Bozeman" msgstr "Bozeman" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Bradford" msgstr "Bradford" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Brady" msgstr "Brady" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Brainerd" msgstr "Brainerd" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Bremerton" msgstr "Bremerton" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Brenham" msgstr "Brenham" #. A city in Connecticut in the United States msgid "Bridgeport" msgstr "Bridgeport" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Broken Bow" msgstr "Broken Bow" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States" msgid "Brookings" msgstr "Brookings" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgctxt "City in South Dakota, United States" msgid "Brookings" msgstr "Brookings" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Brooksville" msgstr "Brooksville" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Broomfield" msgstr "Broomfield" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Browning" msgstr "Browning" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Brownsville" msgstr "Brownsville" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Brownwood" msgstr "Brownwood" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "Brunswick" msgstr "Brunswick" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgctxt "City in Maine, United States" msgid "Brunswick" msgstr "Brunswick" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Bryce Canyon" msgstr "Bryce Canyon" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgid "Buckhannon" msgstr "Buckhannon" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Buckland" msgstr "Buckland" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Buffalo" msgstr "Buffalo" #. A city in New York in the United States msgctxt "City in New York, United States" msgid "Buffalo" msgstr "Buffalo" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgctxt "City in South Dakota, United States" msgid "Buffalo" msgstr "Buffalo" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States" msgid "Buffalo" msgstr "Buffalo" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Bullhead City" msgstr "Bullhead City" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Burbank" msgstr "Burbank" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Burley" msgstr "Burley" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States" msgid "Burlington" msgstr "Burlington" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States" msgid "Burlington" msgstr "Burlington" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Burlington" msgstr "Burlington" #. A city in Vermont in the United States msgctxt "City in Vermont, United States" msgid "Burlington" msgstr "Burlington" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgctxt "City in Washington, United States" msgid "Burlington" msgstr "Burlington" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States" msgid "Burlington" msgstr "Burlington" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Burnet" msgstr "Burnet" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Burns" msgstr "Burns" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Butler" msgstr "Butler" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Butte" msgstr "Butte" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Cadillac" msgstr "Cadillac" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Cahokia" msgstr "Cahokia" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Cairo" msgstr "Cairo" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States" msgid "Caldwell" msgstr "Caldwell" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgctxt "City in New Jersey, United States" msgid "Caldwell" msgstr "Caldwell" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Caldwell" msgstr "Caldwell" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Camarillo" msgstr "Camarillo" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States" msgid "Cambridge" msgstr "Cambridge" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Cambridge" msgstr "Cambridge" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Camden" msgstr "Camden" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Camp Douglas" msgstr "Camp Douglas" #. A city in Maryland in the United States msgid "Camp Springs" msgstr "Quartel Springs" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Campo" msgstr "Campo" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Canadian" msgstr "Canadiano" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Canton" msgstr "Canton" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Cape Canaveral" msgstr "Cabo Canaveral" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Cape Coral" msgstr "Cabo Coral" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Cape Girardeau" msgstr "Cabo Girardeau" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Carbondale" msgstr "Carbondale" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States" msgid "Cardiff" msgstr "Cardiff" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgid "Caribou" msgstr "Caribou" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Carlsbad" msgstr "Carlsbad" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgctxt "City in New Mexico, United States" msgid "Carlsbad" msgstr "Carlsbad" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Carmi" msgstr "Carmi" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Caro" msgstr "Caro" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Carroll" msgstr "Carroll" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Carrollton" msgstr "Carrollton" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Cartersville" msgstr "Cartersville" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Casa Grande" msgstr "Casa Grande" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Casper" msgstr "Casper" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Cedar City" msgstr "Cedar City" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Cedar Rapids" msgstr "Cedar Rapids" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Centralia" msgstr "Centralia" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Chadron" msgstr "Chadron" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Challis" msgstr "Challis" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Chama" msgstr "Chama" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Chamberlain" msgstr "Chamberlain" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Champaign" msgstr "Champaign" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Chandalar" msgstr "Chandalar" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgctxt "City in Arizona, United States" msgid "Chandler" msgstr "Chandler" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States" msgid "Chandler" msgstr "Chandler" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Chanute" msgstr "Chanute" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Chapel Hill" msgstr "Chapel Hill" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Chariton" msgstr "Chariton" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Charles City" msgstr "Charles City" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States" msgid "Charleston" msgstr "Charleston" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in West Virginia, United States" msgid "Charleston" msgstr "Charleston" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Charlevoix" msgstr "Charlevoix" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States" msgid "Charlotte" msgstr "Charlotte" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Charlotte" msgstr "Charlotte" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Charlottesville" msgstr "Charlottesville" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Chatham" msgstr "Chatham" #. A city in Tennessee in the United States msgid "Chattanooga" msgstr "Chattanooga" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Cheboygan" msgstr "Cheboygan" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Cherokee" msgstr "Cherokee" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Chesapeake" msgstr "Chesapeake" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Chesterfield" msgstr "Chesterfield" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Cheyenne" msgstr "Cheyenne" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Chicago" msgstr "Chicago" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Chickasha" msgstr "Chickasha" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Chico" msgstr "Chico" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Chicopee Falls" msgstr "Chicopee Falls" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Chignik" msgstr "Chignik" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Childress" msgstr "Childress" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Childs" msgstr "Childs" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Chillicothe" msgstr "Chillicothe" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "China Lake" msgstr "Lago China" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Chincoteague" msgstr "Chincoteague" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Chino" msgstr "Chino" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Chisana" msgstr "Chisana" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Chistochina" msgstr "Chistochina" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Chula Vista" msgstr "Chula Vista" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Chulitna" msgstr "Chulitna" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgid "Cincinnati" msgstr "Cincinnati" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Claremore" msgstr "Claremore" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Clarinda" msgstr "Clarinda" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Clarion" msgstr "Clarion" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgid "Clarksburg" msgstr "Clarksburg" #. A city in Tennessee in the United States msgctxt "City in Tennessee, United States" msgid "Clarksville" msgstr "Clarksville" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Clarksville" msgstr "Clarksville" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Clayton" msgstr "Clayton" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Clearfield" msgstr "Clearfield" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Clearwater" msgstr "Clearwater" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgid "Clemson" msgstr "Clemson" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgid "Cleveland" msgstr "Cleveland" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Clines Corners" msgstr "Clines Corners" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States" msgid "Clinton" msgstr "Clinton" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Clinton" msgstr "Clinton" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States" msgid "Clinton" msgstr "Clinton" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Clintonville" msgstr "Clintonville" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Cloquet" msgstr "Cloquet" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Clovis" msgstr "Clovis" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Cocoa" msgstr "Cocoa" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Cody" msgstr "Cody" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Coeur d'Alene" msgstr "Coeur d'Alene" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Coffeyville" msgstr "Coffeyville" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Cold Bay" msgstr "Baía Cold" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Coldwater" msgstr "Coldwater" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "College Station" msgstr "College Station" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Colorado Springs" msgstr "Colorado Springs" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States" msgid "Columbia" msgstr "Colúmbia" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States" msgid "Columbia" msgstr "Colúmbia" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "Columbus" msgstr "Columbus" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States" msgid "Columbus" msgstr "Columbus" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States" msgid "Columbus" msgstr "Columbus" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States" msgid "Columbus" msgstr "Columbus" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States" msgid "Columbus" msgstr "Columbus" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Concord" msgstr "Concord" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States" msgid "Concord" msgstr "Concord" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Concord" msgstr "Concord" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Concordia" msgstr "Concórdia" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Conroe" msgstr "Conroe" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Cook" msgstr "Cook" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Copper Harbor" msgstr "Porto Copper" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Cordova" msgstr "Cordova" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Corona" msgstr "Corona" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgctxt "City in New Mexico, United States" msgid "Corona" msgstr "Corona" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Corpus Christi" msgstr "Corpus Christi" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Corsicana" msgstr "Corsicana" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Cortez" msgstr "Cortez" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Corvallis" msgstr "Corvallis" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Costa Mesa" msgstr "Costa Mesa" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Cotulla" msgstr "Cotulla" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Council Bluffs" msgstr "Council Bluffs" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Craig" msgstr "Craig" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Crane Lake" msgstr "Lago Crane" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Crescent City" msgstr "Crescent City" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States" msgid "Creston" msgstr "Creston" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Crestview" msgstr "Crestview" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Crockett" msgstr "Crockett" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Crookston" msgstr "Crookston" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Cross City" msgstr "Cross City" #. A city in Tennessee in the United States msgid "Crossville" msgstr "Crossville" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Cullman" msgstr "Cullman" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Culpeper" msgstr "Culpeper" #. A city in Maryland in the United States msgid "Cumberland" msgstr "Cumberland" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Currituck" msgstr "Currituck" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Cushing" msgstr "Cushing" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Custer" msgstr "Custer" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Cut Bank" msgstr "Cut Bank" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Daggett" msgstr "Daggett" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Daleville" msgstr "Daleville" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Dalhart" msgstr "Dalhart" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Dallas" msgstr "Dallas" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Dalton" msgstr "Dalton" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Daly City" msgstr "Daly City" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgid "Dalzell" msgstr "Dalzell" #. A city in Connecticut in the United States msgid "Danbury" msgstr "Danbury" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Dansville" msgstr "Dansville" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Danville" msgstr "Danville" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Danville" msgstr "Danville" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgid "Darlington" msgstr "Darlington" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Davenport" msgstr "Davenport" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgid "Dayton" msgstr "Dayton" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Daytona Beach" msgstr "Daytona Beach" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "De Queen" msgstr "De Queen" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "DeKalb" msgstr "DeKalb" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "DeRidder" msgstr "DeRidder" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Deadhorse" msgstr "Deadhorse" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States" msgid "Decatur" msgstr "Decatur" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Decatur" msgstr "Decatur" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Decatur" msgstr "Decatur" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Decorah" msgstr "Decorah" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Deer Park" msgstr "Parque Deer" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgid "Defiance" msgstr "Defiance" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Del Rio" msgstr "Del Rio" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Delta" msgstr "Delta" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Delta Junction" msgstr "Delta Junction" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Deming" msgstr "Deming" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Denison" msgstr "Denison" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Denton" msgstr "Denton" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Denver" msgstr "Denver" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Des Moines" msgstr "Des Moines" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Destin" msgstr "Destin" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Detroit" msgstr "Detroit" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Detroit Lakes" msgstr "Lagos de Detroit" #. A city in North Dakota in the United States msgid "Devils Lake" msgstr "Lago de Devils" #. A city in North Dakota in the United States msgid "Dickinson" msgstr "Dickinson" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Dillingham" msgstr "Dillingham" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Dillon" msgstr "Dillon" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Dodge Center" msgstr "Dodge Center" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Dodge City" msgstr "Dodge City" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Dothan" msgstr "Dothan" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgctxt "City in Arizona, United States" msgid "Douglas" msgstr "Douglas" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "Douglas" msgstr "Douglas" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States" msgid "Douglas" msgstr "Douglas" #. A city in Delaware in the United States msgid "Dover" msgstr "Dover" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Doylestown" msgstr "Doylestown" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Drummond" msgstr "Drummond" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Dryden" msgstr "Dryden" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Du Bois" msgstr "Du Bois" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "Dublin" msgstr "Dublin" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Dublin" msgstr "Dublin" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Dubuque" msgstr "Dubuque" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Duluth" msgstr "Duluth" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Dumas" msgstr "Dumas" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Duncan" msgstr "Duncan" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Dunkirk" msgstr "Dunquerque" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States" msgid "Durango" msgstr "Durango" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Durant" msgstr "Durant" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Durham" msgstr "Durham" #. A city in Tennessee in the United States msgid "Dyersburg" msgstr "Dyersburg" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States" msgid "Eagle" msgstr "Eagle" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States" msgid "Eagle" msgstr "Eagle" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Eagle River" msgstr "Rio Eagle" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "East Hampton" msgstr "East Hampton" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "East Milton" msgstr "Milton Leste" #. A city in Maryland in the United States msgid "Easton" msgstr "Easton" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Eastsound" msgstr "Eastsound" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Eau Claire" msgstr "Eau Claire" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Edenton" msgstr "Edenton" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Edinburg" msgstr "Edimburgo" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Edwards" msgstr "Edwards" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Effingham" msgstr "Effingham" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Egegik" msgstr "Egegik" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "El Centro" msgstr "El Centro" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "El Dorado" msgstr "El Dorado" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "El Monte" msgstr "El Monte" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "El Paso" msgstr "El Paso" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "El Reno" msgstr "El Reno" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Elbert" msgstr "Elbert" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Elfin Cove" msgstr "Elfin Cove" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Elizabeth" msgstr "Elefsís" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Elizabeth City" msgstr "Elizabeth City" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Elizabethtown" msgstr "Elizabethtown" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States" msgid "Elkhart" msgstr "Elkhart" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States" msgid "Elkhart" msgstr "Elkhart" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgid "Elkins" msgstr "Elkins" #. A city in Nevada in the United States msgid "Elko" msgstr "Elko" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Ellensburg" msgstr "Ellensburg" #. A city in New York in the United States msgctxt "City in New York, United States" msgid "Elmira" msgstr "Elmira" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Elwood" msgstr "Elwood" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Ely" msgstr "Ely" #. A city in Nevada in the United States msgctxt "City in Nevada, United States" msgid "Ely" msgstr "Ely" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgid "Elyria" msgstr "Elyria" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Emigrant Gap" msgstr "Emigrant Gap" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Emmonak" msgstr "Emmonak" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States" msgid "Emporia" msgstr "Emporia" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Emporia" msgstr "Emporia" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Enid" msgstr "Enid" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Ephrata" msgstr "Ephrata" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Erie" msgstr "Erie" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Erwin" msgstr "Erwin" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Escanaba" msgstr "Escanaba" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Escondido" msgstr "Escondido" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Estherville" msgstr "Estherville" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Eugene" msgstr "Eugene" #. A city in Nevada in the United States msgctxt "City in Nevada, United States" msgid "Eureka" msgstr "Eureka" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Eureka Roadhouse" msgstr "Eureka Roadhouse" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Evanston" msgstr "Evanston" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgid "Evansville" msgstr "Evansville" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Eveleth" msgstr "Eveleth" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Everett" msgstr "Everett" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Evergreen" msgstr "Evergreen" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Fairbanks" msgstr "Fairbanks" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Fairchild" msgstr "Fairchild" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Fairfield" msgstr "Fairfield" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Fairfield" msgstr "Fairfield" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States" msgid "Fairfield" msgstr "Fairfield" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Fairmont" msgstr "Fairmont" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Faith" msgstr "Faith" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Falfurrias" msgstr "Falfurrias" #. A city in Nevada in the United States msgid "Fallon" msgstr "Fallon" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Falls City" msgstr "Falls City" #. A city in North Dakota in the United States msgid "Fargo" msgstr "Fargo" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Faribault" msgstr "Faribault" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Farmingdale" msgstr "Farmingdale" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States" msgid "Farmington" msgstr "Farmington" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgctxt "City in New Mexico, United States" msgid "Farmington" msgstr "Farmington" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Farmville" msgstr "Farmville" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States" msgid "Fayetteville" msgstr "Fayetteville" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Fayetteville" msgstr "Fayetteville" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Fergus Falls" msgstr "Cataratas Fergus" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgid "Findlay" msgstr "Findlay" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Fitchburg" msgstr "Fitchburg" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Flagstaff" msgstr "Flagstaff" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Flint" msgstr "Flint" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Flippin" msgstr "Flippin" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Flora" msgstr "Flora" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States" msgid "Florence" msgstr "Florence" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Fond du Lac" msgstr "Fond du Lac" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Fontana" msgstr "Fontana" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Fort Benning" msgstr "Forte Benning" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Fort Carson" msgstr "Fort Carson" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Fort Collins" msgstr "Fort Collins" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Fort Dodge" msgstr "Fort Dodge" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Fort Lauderdale" msgstr "Fort Lauderdale" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Fort Madison" msgstr "Fort Madison" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Fort Myers" msgstr "Fort Myers" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Fort Payne" msgstr "Fort Payne" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Fort Pierce" msgstr "Fort Pierce" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Fort Polk" msgstr "Fort Polk" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States" msgid "Fort Smith" msgstr "Fort Smith" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Fort Stockton" msgstr "Fort Stockton" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Fort Walton Beach" msgstr "Fort Walton Beach" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgid "Fort Wayne" msgstr "Fort Wayne" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Fort Worth" msgstr "Fort Worth" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Fort Yukon" msgstr "Fort Yukon" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Fosston" msgstr "Fosston" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States" msgid "Frankfort" msgstr "Frankfort" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States" msgid "Frankfort" msgstr "Frankfort" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Franklin" msgstr "Franklin" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States" msgid "Franklin" msgstr "Franklin" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Franklin" msgstr "Franklin" #. A city in Maryland in the United States msgctxt "City in Maryland, United States" msgid "Frederick" msgstr "Frederick" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States" msgid "Frederick" msgstr "Frederick" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Fredericksburg" msgstr "Fredericksburg" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Freeport" msgstr "Freeport" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Fremont" msgstr "Fremont" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States" msgid "Fremont" msgstr "Fremont" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgid "Frenchville" msgstr "Frenchville" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Fresno" msgstr "Fresno" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Friday Harbor" msgstr "Porto Friday" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgid "Fryeburg" msgstr "Fryeburg" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Fullerton" msgstr "Fullerton" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Fulton" msgstr "Fulton" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Gadsden" msgstr "Gadsden" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Gage" msgstr "Gage" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgctxt "City in Florida, United States" msgid "Gainesville" msgstr "Gainesville" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "Gainesville" msgstr "Gainesville" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Gainesville" msgstr "Gainesville" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Galena" msgstr "Galena" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Galesburg" msgstr "Galesburg" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Galliano" msgstr "Galliano" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Gallup" msgstr "Gallup" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Galveston" msgstr "Galveston" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Gambell" msgstr "Gambell" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States" msgid "Garden City" msgstr "Garden City" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgctxt "City in Louisiana, United States" msgid "Garden City" msgstr "Garden City" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Garden Grove" msgstr "Garden Grove" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Garland" msgstr "Garland" #. A city in North Dakota in the United States msgid "Garrison" msgstr "Garrison" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgid "Gary" msgstr "Gary" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Gastonia" msgstr "Gastonia" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Gatesville" msgstr "Gatesville" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Gaylord" msgstr "Gaylord" #. A city in Delaware in the United States msgctxt "City in Delaware, United States" msgid "Georgetown" msgstr "Georgetown" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Georgetown" msgstr "Georgetown" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Giddings" msgstr "Giddings" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Gilbert" msgstr "Gilbert" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Gillette" msgstr "Gillette" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Gilmer" msgstr "Gilmer" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States" msgid "Glasgow" msgstr "Glasgow" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgctxt "City in Montana, United States" msgid "Glasgow" msgstr "Glasgow" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Glencoe" msgstr "Glencoe" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgctxt "City in Arizona, United States" msgid "Glendale" msgstr "Glendale" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Glendale" msgstr "Glendale" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Glendive" msgstr "Glendive" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Glens Falls" msgstr "Cataratas de Glens" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Glenwood" msgstr "Glenwood" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Goldsboro" msgstr "Goldsboro" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Goodland" msgstr "Goodland" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Goodyear" msgstr "Goodyear" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Goosport" msgstr "Goosport" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgid "Gorham" msgstr "Gorham" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgid "Goshen" msgstr "Goshen" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Grafton" msgstr "Grafton" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Graham" msgstr "Graham" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Granbury" msgstr "Granbury" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Grand Canyon" msgstr "Grande Canyon" #. A city in North Dakota in the United States msgid "Grand Forks" msgstr "Grand Forks" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Grand Island" msgstr "Grand Island" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Grand Isle" msgstr "Grand Isle" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Grand Junction" msgstr "Grand Junction" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Grand Marais" msgstr "Grand Marais" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Grand Prairie" msgstr "Grand Prairie" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States" msgid "Grand Rapids" msgstr "Grand Rapids" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Grand Rapids" msgstr "Grand Rapids" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Granite Falls" msgstr "Cataratas Granite" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Grants" msgstr "Grants" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Grayling" msgstr "Grayling" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Great Bend" msgstr "Great Bend" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Great Falls" msgstr "Cataratas Great" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Green Bay" msgstr "Baía Green" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "Greensboro" msgstr "Greensboro" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Greensboro" msgstr "Greensboro" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgctxt "City in Maine, United States" msgid "Greenville" msgstr "Greenville" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States" msgid "Greenville" msgstr "Greenville" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States" msgid "Greenville" msgstr "Greenville" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Greenville" msgstr "Greenville" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States" msgid "Greenwood" msgstr "Greenwood" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States" msgid "Greenwood" msgstr "Greenwood" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgid "Greer" msgstr "Greer" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Greybull" msgstr "Greybull" #. A city in Connecticut in the United States msgid "Groton" msgstr "Groton" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Grove" msgstr "Grove" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgid "Gulfport" msgstr "Gulfport" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Gulkana" msgstr "Gulkana" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Gunnison" msgstr "Gunnison" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Gustavus" msgstr "Gustavus" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Guthrie" msgstr "Guthrie" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Guymon" msgstr "Guymon" #. A city in Maryland in the United States msgid "Hagerstown" msgstr "Hagerstown" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Hailey" msgstr "Hagåtña" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Haines" msgstr "Haines" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Haleyville" msgstr "Haleyville" msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Half Moon Bay" msgstr "Half Moon Bay" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Hallock" msgstr "Hallock" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States" msgid "Hamilton" msgstr "Hamilton" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Hammond" msgstr "Hammond" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Hampton" msgstr "Hampton" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Hancock" msgstr "Hancock" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Hanford" msgstr "Hanford" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgctxt "City in Washington, United States" msgid "Hanford" msgstr "Hanford" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Hanksville" msgstr "Hanksville" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Harbor Springs" msgstr "Harbor Springs" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Harlan" msgstr "Harlan" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Harlingen" msgstr "Harlingen" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Harrisburg" msgstr "Harrisburg" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States" msgid "Harrisburg" msgstr "Harrisburg" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Harrison" msgstr "Harrison" #. A city in Connecticut in the United States msgid "Hartford" msgstr "Hartford" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Hastings" msgstr "Hastings" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Hatteras" msgstr "Hatteras" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgid "Hattiesburg" msgstr "Hattiesburg" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Havelock" msgstr "Havelock" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Havre" msgstr "Havre" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Hawthorne" msgstr "Hawthorne" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Hayden" msgstr "Hayden" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Hays" msgstr "Hays" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Hayward" msgstr "Hayward" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States" msgid "Hayward" msgstr "Hayward" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Healy" msgstr "Healy" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Hearne" msgstr "Hearne" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Hebbronville" msgstr "Hebbronville" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States" msgid "Hebron" msgstr "Hebron" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Helena" msgstr "Helena" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States" msgid "Henderson" msgstr "Henderson" #. A city in Nevada in the United States msgctxt "City in Nevada, United States" msgid "Henderson" msgstr "Henderson" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Hermiston" msgstr "Hermiston" #. A city in North Dakota in the United States msgid "Hettinger" msgstr "Hettinger" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Hialeah" msgstr "Hialeah" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Hibbing" msgstr "Hibbing" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Hickory" msgstr "Hickory" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Hicks" msgstr "Hicks" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Hill City" msgstr "Hill City" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Hillsboro" msgstr "Hillsboro" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Hillsdale" msgstr "Hillsdale" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Hillsville" msgstr "Hillsville" #. A city in Hawaii in the United States msgid "Hilo" msgstr "Hilo" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgid "Hilton Head Island" msgstr "Ilha de Hilton Head" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Hinesville" msgstr "Hinesville" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States" msgid "Hobart" msgstr "Hobart" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Hobbs" msgstr "Hobbs" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Hoffman" msgstr "Hoffman" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Holdrege" msgstr "Holdrege" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Holland" msgstr "Holanda" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Hollywood" msgstr "Hollywood" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Homer" msgstr "Homer" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Homestead" msgstr "Homestead" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Hondo" msgstr "Hondo" #. A city in Hawaii in the United States msgid "Honolulu" msgstr "Honolulu" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Hoonah" msgstr "Hoonah" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Hooper Bay" msgstr "Baía Hooper" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Hoquiam" msgstr "Hoquiam" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States" msgid "Hot Springs" msgstr "Hot Springs" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Hot Springs" msgstr "Hot Springs" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Houghton Lake" msgstr "Lago Houghton" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgid "Houlton" msgstr "Houlton" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Houma" msgstr "Houma" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Houston" msgstr "Houston" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Howell" msgstr "Howell" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgid "Huntington" msgstr "Huntington" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Huntington Beach" msgstr "Huntington Beach" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States" msgid "Huntsville" msgstr "Huntsville" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Huntsville" msgstr "Huntsville" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Huron" msgstr "Huron" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Huslia" msgstr "Huslia" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States" msgid "Hutchinson" msgstr "Hutchinson" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Hutchinson" msgstr "Hutchinson" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Hyannis" msgstr "Hyannis" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Hydaburg" msgstr "Hydaburg" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Idabel" msgstr "Idabel" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Idaho Falls" msgstr "Cataratas do Idaho" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Imperial" msgstr "Imperial" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States" msgid "Imperial" msgstr "Imperial" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Imperial Beach" msgstr "Imperial Beach" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Independence" msgstr "Independence" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States" msgid "Indiana" msgstr "Indiana" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgid "Indianapolis" msgstr "Indianapolis" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Indiantown" msgstr "Indiantown" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Inglewood" msgstr "Inglewood" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "International Falls" msgstr "International Falls" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Inver Grove Heights" msgstr "Inver Grove Heights" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Inyokern" msgstr "Inyokern" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Iowa City" msgstr "Iowa City" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Iron Mountain" msgstr "Iron Mountain" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Ironwood" msgstr "Ironwood" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Irvine" msgstr "Irvine" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Irving" msgstr "Irving" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Islip" msgstr "Islip" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Ithaca" msgstr "Ithaca" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States" msgid "Jackson" msgstr "Jackson" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States" msgid "Jackson" msgstr "Jackson" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Jackson" msgstr "Jackson" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States" msgid "Jackson" msgstr "Jackson" #. A city in Tennessee in the United States msgctxt "City in Tennessee, United States" msgid "Jackson" msgstr "Jackson" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States" msgid "Jackson" msgstr "Jackson" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgctxt "City in Florida, United States" msgid "Jacksonville" msgstr "Jacksonville" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Jacksonville" msgstr "Jacksonville" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Jacksonville" msgstr "Jacksonville" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Jacksonville" msgstr "Jacksonville" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgid "Jaffrey" msgstr "Jaffrey" #. A city in New York in the United States msgctxt "City in New York, United States" msgid "Jamestown" msgstr "Jamestown" #. A city in North Dakota in the United States msgctxt "City in North Dakota, United States" msgid "Jamestown" msgstr "Jamestown" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Janesville" msgstr "Janesville" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Jasper" msgstr "Jasper" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Jefferson" msgstr "Jefferson" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Jefferson City" msgstr "Jefferson City" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Jerome" msgstr "Jerome" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Jersey City" msgstr "Jersey City" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Johnstown" msgstr "Johnstown" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Joliet" msgstr "Joliet" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Jonesboro" msgstr "Jonesboro" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Joplin" msgstr "Joplin" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgctxt "City in Montana, United States" msgid "Jordan" msgstr "Jordan" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Juliustown" msgstr "Juliustown" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Junction" msgstr "Junction" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Junction City" msgstr "Junction City" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States" msgid "Juneau" msgstr "Juneau" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States" msgid "Juneau" msgstr "Juneau" #. A city in Hawaii in the United States msgid "Kahului" msgstr "Kahului" #. A city in Hawaii in the United States msgid "Kailua" msgstr "Kailua" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Kaiser" msgstr "Kaiser" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Kake" msgstr "Kake" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Kaktovik" msgstr "Kaktovik" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Kalamazoo" msgstr "Kalamazoo" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Kalispell" msgstr "Kalispell" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Kaltag" msgstr "Kaltag" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Kankakee" msgstr "Kankakee" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States" msgid "Kansas City" msgstr "Kansas City" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States" msgid "Kansas City" msgstr "Kansas City" #. A city in Hawaii in the United States msgid "Kaumalapau" msgstr "Kaumalapau" #. A city in Hawaii in the United States msgid "Kaunakakai" msgstr "Kaunakakai" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Kearney" msgstr "Kearney" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgid "Keene" msgstr "Keene" #. A city in Hawaii in the United States msgid "Kekaha" msgstr "Kekaha" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Kelso" msgstr "Kelso" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Kenai" msgstr "Kenai" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Kenansville" msgstr "Kenansville" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Kenosha" msgstr "Kenosha" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Keokuk" msgstr "Keokuk" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Kerrville" msgstr "Kerrville" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Ketchikan" msgstr "Ketchikan" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Key West" msgstr "Key West" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Kill Devil Hills" msgstr "Kill Devil Hills" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Killeen" msgstr "Killeen" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Kimball" msgstr "Kimball" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "King Salmon" msgstr "King Salmon" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Kingman" msgstr "Kingman" #. A city in Tennessee in the United States msgid "Kingsport" msgstr "Kingsport" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Kingsville" msgstr "Kingsville" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Kinross" msgstr "Kinross" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Kinston" msgstr "Kinston" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Kipnuk" msgstr "Kipnuk" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Kirksville" msgstr "Kirksville" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Kivalina" msgstr "Kivalina" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Klamath Falls" msgstr "Klamath Falls" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Klawock" msgstr "Klawock" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Knob Noster" msgstr "Knob Noster" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States" msgid "Knoxville" msgstr "Knoxville" #. A city in Tennessee in the United States msgctxt "City in Tennessee, United States" msgid "Knoxville" msgstr "Knoxville" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Kodiak" msgstr "Kodiak" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgid "Kokomo" msgstr "Kokomo" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Kotzebue" msgstr "Kotzebue" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Koyuk" msgstr "Koyuk" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Kustatan" msgstr "Kustatan" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "La Crosse" msgstr "La Crosse" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "La Grande" msgstr "La Grande" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "La Grange" msgstr "La Grange" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "La Grange" msgstr "La Grange" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "La Junta" msgstr "La Junta" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "La Verne" msgstr "La Verne" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "La Veta" msgstr "La Veta" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Lacon" msgstr "Lacon" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgid "Laconia" msgstr "Laconia" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Ladysmith" msgstr "Ladysmith" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States" msgid "Lafayette" msgstr "Lafayette" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgctxt "City in Louisiana, United States" msgid "Lafayette" msgstr "Lafayette" #. A city in Hawaii in the United States msgid "Lahaina" msgstr "Lahaina" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Lake Charles" msgstr "Lago Charles" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Lake Minchumina" msgstr "Lago Minchumina" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Lakeland" msgstr "Lakeland" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Lakeview" msgstr "Lakeview" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Lakewood" msgstr "Lakewood" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Lamar" msgstr "Lamar" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Lambertville" msgstr "Lambertville" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Lamoni" msgstr "Lamoni" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Lancaster" msgstr "Lancaster" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States" msgid "Lancaster" msgstr "Lancaster" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States" msgid "Lancaster" msgstr "Lancaster" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Lancaster" msgstr "Lancaster" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Land O' Lakes" msgstr "Land O' Lakes" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Lander" msgstr "Lander" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Lansing" msgstr "Lansing" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Laramie" msgstr "Laramie" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Laredo" msgstr "Laredo" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Las Cruces" msgstr "Las Cruces" #. A city in Nevada in the United States msgctxt "City in Nevada, United States" msgid "Las Vegas" msgstr "Las Vegas" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgctxt "City in New Mexico, United States" msgid "Las Vegas" msgstr "Las Vegas" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Latrobe" msgstr "Latrobe" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States" msgid "Lawrence" msgstr "Lawrence" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States" msgid "Lawrence" msgstr "Lawrence" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "Lawrenceville" msgstr "Lawrenceville" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Lawrenceville" msgstr "Lawrenceville" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Lawton" msgstr "Lawton" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Le Mars" msgstr "Le Mars" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Leadville" msgstr "Leadville" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States" msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "Lebanon" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgctxt "City in Florida, United States" msgid "Leesburg" msgstr "Leesburg" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Leesburg" msgstr "Leesburg" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Leeville" msgstr "Leeville" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Lemoore" msgstr "Lemoore" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgid "Lewisburg" msgstr "Lewisburg" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Lewiston" msgstr "Lewiston" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Lewistown" msgstr "Lewistown" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States" msgid "Lexington" msgstr "Lexington" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States" msgid "Lexington" msgstr "Lexington" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Lexington" msgstr "Lexington" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Liberal" msgstr "Liberal" #. A city in Hawaii in the United States msgid "Lihue" msgstr "Lihue" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States" msgid "Lima" msgstr "Lima" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Lime Village" msgstr "Lime Village" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Limon" msgstr "Limon" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Lincoln" msgstr "Lincoln" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States" msgid "Lincoln" msgstr "Lincoln" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Litchfield" msgstr "Litchfield" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Litchfield" msgstr "Litchfield" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Little Falls" msgstr "Little Falls" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Little Rock" msgstr "Little Rock" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Livermore" msgstr "Livermore" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Livingston" msgstr "Livingston" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Livonia" msgstr "Livonia" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Llano" msgstr "Llano" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Logan" msgstr "Logan" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Lompoc" msgstr "Lompoc" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States" msgid "London" msgstr "London" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Lone Rock" msgstr "Lone Rock" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Long Beach" msgstr "Long Beach" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Longview" msgstr "Longview" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Longville" msgstr "Longville" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Los Alamitos" msgstr "Los Alamitos" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Los Alamos" msgstr "Los Alamos" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Los Angeles" msgstr "Los Angeles" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Louisa" msgstr "Louisa" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Louisburg" msgstr "Louisburg" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgid "Louisville" msgstr "Louisville" #. A city in Nevada in the United States msgid "Lovelock" msgstr "Lovelock" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States" msgid "Lowell" msgstr "Lowell" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States" msgid "Lowell" msgstr "Lowell" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Lubbock" msgstr "Lubbock" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Ludington" msgstr "Ludington" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Lufkin" msgstr "Lufkin" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Lumberton" msgstr "Lumberton" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Luverne" msgstr "Luverne" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Lynchburg" msgstr "Lynchburg" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Mackinac Island" msgstr "Ilha Mackinac" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Macomb" msgstr "Macomb" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Macon" msgstr "Macon" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Madera" msgstr "Madera" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Madison" msgstr "Madison" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States" msgid "Madison" msgstr "Madison" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States" msgid "Malta" msgstr "Malta" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Manassas" msgstr "Manassas" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States" msgid "Manchester" msgstr "Manchester" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Manhattan" msgstr "Manhattan" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Manistee" msgstr "Manistee" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Manistique" msgstr "Manistique" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Manitowoc" msgstr "Manitowoc" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Mankato" msgstr "Mankato" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Manley Hot Springs" msgstr "Manley Hot Springs" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgid "Mansfield" msgstr "Mansfield" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Manteo" msgstr "Manteo" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Maple Lake" msgstr "Lago Maple" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Marathon" msgstr "Marathon" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Marfa" msgstr "Marfa" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Marianna" msgstr "Marianna" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Marietta" msgstr "Marietta" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Marion" msgstr "Marion" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States" msgid "Marion" msgstr "Marion" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Marion" msgstr "Marion" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Marquette" msgstr "Marquette" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States" msgid "Marshall" msgstr "Marshall" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Marshall" msgstr "Marshall" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Marshalltown" msgstr "Marshalltown" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Marshfield" msgstr "Marshfield" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgid "Martinsburg" msgstr "Martinsburg" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Martinsville" msgstr "Martinsville" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Marysville" msgstr "Marysville" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States" msgid "Marysville" msgstr "Marysville" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Mason" msgstr "Mason" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Mason City" msgstr "Mason City" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Massena" msgstr "Massena" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Mattoon" msgstr "Mattoon" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Maxton" msgstr "Maxton" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Mayport" msgstr "Mayport" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "McAlester" msgstr "McAlester" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "McAllen" msgstr "McAllen" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "McCall" msgstr "McCall" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "McCarthy" msgstr "McCarthy" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgid "McComb" msgstr "McComb" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "McCook" msgstr "McCook" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "McGrath" msgstr "McGrath" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "McGregor" msgstr "McGregor" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "McKinley Park" msgstr "Parque McKinley" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "McKinney" msgstr "McKinney" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "McMinnville" msgstr "McMinnville" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Meacham" msgstr "Meacham" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Meadville" msgstr "Meadville" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States" msgid "Medford" msgstr "Medford" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States" msgid "Medford" msgstr "Medford" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Medicine Lodge" msgstr "Medicine Lodge" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Meeker" msgstr "Meeker" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Mekoryuk" msgstr "Mekoryuk" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgctxt "City in Florida, United States" msgid "Melbourne" msgstr "Melbourne" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Melfa" msgstr "Melfa" #. A city in Tennessee in the United States msgid "Memphis" msgstr "Memphis" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Mena" msgstr "Mena" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Menominee" msgstr "Menominee" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Menomonie" msgstr "Menomonie" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Merced" msgstr "Merced" #. A city in Nevada in the United States msgid "Mercury" msgstr "Mercury" #. A city in Connecticut in the United States msgid "Meriden" msgstr "Meriden" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgid "Meridian" msgstr "Meridian" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Merrill" msgstr "Merrill" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Mesa" msgstr "Mesa" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Mesquite" msgstr "Mesquite" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Metlakatla" msgstr "Metlakatla" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Metropolis" msgstr "Metropolis" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgctxt "City in Florida, United States" msgid "Miami" msgstr "Miami" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgid "Middlesboro" msgstr "Middlesboro" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Midland" msgstr "Midland" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Midlothian" msgstr "Midlothian" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Miles City" msgstr "Miles City" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Milford" msgstr "Milford" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Milledgeville" msgstr "Milledgeville" #. A city in Tennessee in the United States msgid "Millington" msgstr "Millington" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgid "Millinocket" msgstr "Millinocket" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Millville" msgstr "Millville" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Milton" msgstr "Milton" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Milwaukee" msgstr "Milwaukee" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Mineral Wells" msgstr "Mineral Wells" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Minneapolis" msgstr "Minneapolis" #. A city in North Dakota in the United States msgid "Minot" msgstr "Minot" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Missoula" msgstr "Missoula" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Mitchell" msgstr "Mitchell" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Moab" msgstr "Moab" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobile" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Mobridge" msgstr "Mobridge" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Modesto" msgstr "Modesto" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Moline" msgstr "Moline" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgctxt "City in Louisiana, United States" msgid "Monroe" msgstr "Monroe" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States" msgid "Monroe" msgstr "Monroe" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Monroe" msgstr "Monroe" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States" msgid "Monroe" msgstr "Monroe" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Montague" msgstr "Montague" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Montauk" msgstr "Montauk" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Monterey" msgstr "Monterey" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Montevideo" msgstr "Montevideo" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States" msgid "Montgomery" msgstr "Montgomery" #. A city in New York in the United States msgctxt "City in New York, United States" msgid "Montgomery" msgstr "Montgomery" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States" msgid "Monticello" msgstr "Monticello" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States" msgid "Monticello" msgstr "Monticello" #. A city in New York in the United States msgctxt "City in New York, United States" msgid "Monticello" msgstr "Monticello" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Montrose" msgstr "Montrose" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Moorhead" msgstr "Moorhead" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Moose Lake" msgstr "Lago Moose" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Mora" msgstr "Mora" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgid "Morgantown" msgstr "Morgantown" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Moriarty" msgstr "Moriarty" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Morris" msgstr "Morris" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Morris" msgstr "Morris" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Morristown" msgstr "Morristown" #. A city in Vermont in the United States msgid "Morrisville" msgstr "Morrisville" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States" msgid "Moscow" msgstr "Moscow" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Moses Lake" msgstr "Lago Moses" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Mosinee" msgstr "Mosinee" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Moultrie" msgstr "Moultrie" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Mount Airy" msgstr "Mount Airy" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Mount Carmel" msgstr "Mount Carmel" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Mount Holly" msgstr "Mount Holly" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Mount Ida" msgstr "Mount Ida" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States" msgid "Mount Pleasant" msgstr "Mount Pleasant" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States" msgid "Mount Pleasant" msgstr "Mount Pleasant" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Mount Pleasant" msgstr "Mount Pleasant" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Mount Pocono" msgstr "Mount Pocono" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Mount Shasta" msgstr "Mount Shasta" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Mount Vernon" msgstr "Mount Vernon" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Mount Wilson" msgstr "Mount Wilson" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States" msgid "Mountain Home" msgstr "Mountain Home" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States" msgid "Mountain Home" msgstr "Mountain Home" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Mountain View" msgstr "Mountain View" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgid "Muldraugh" msgstr "Muldraugh" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Mullan" msgstr "Mullan" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgid "Muncie" msgstr "Muncie" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Munising" msgstr "Munising" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Muscatine" msgstr "Muscatine" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Muscle Shoals" msgstr "Muscle Shoals" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Muskegon" msgstr "Muskegon" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Muskogee" msgstr "Muskogee" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgid "Myrtle Beach" msgstr "Myrtle Beach" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Nabesna" msgstr "Nabesna" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Nacogdoches" msgstr "Nacogdoches" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Nantucket" msgstr "Nantucket" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Napa" msgstr "Napa" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Naperville" msgstr "Naperville" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgctxt "City in Florida, United States" msgid "Naples" msgstr "Naples" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgid "Nashua" msgstr "Nashua" #. A city in Tennessee in the United States msgid "Nashville" msgstr "Nashville" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgid "Natchez" msgstr "Natchez" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Natchitoches" msgstr "Natchitoches" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Nebraska City" msgstr "Nebraska City" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Needles" msgstr "Needles" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Nenana" msgstr "Nenana" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "New Bedford" msgstr "New Bedford" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "New Bern" msgstr "New Bern" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "New Braunfels" msgstr "New Braunfels" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "New Castle" msgstr "New Castle" #. A city in Connecticut in the United States msgid "New Haven" msgstr "New Haven" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "New Iberia" msgstr "New Iberia" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "New Orleans" msgstr "Nova Orleães" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgid "New Philadelphia" msgstr "New Filadélfia" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "New Richmond" msgstr "New Richmond" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "New Smyrna Beach" msgstr "New Smyrna Beach" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "New Ulm" msgstr "New Ulm" #. A city in New York in the United States msgctxt "City in New York, United States" msgid "New York" msgstr "Nova York" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgctxt "City in New Jersey, United States" msgid "Newark" msgstr "Newark" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States" msgid "Newark" msgstr "Newark" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Newberry" msgstr "Newberry" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Newburgh" msgstr "Newburgh" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Newhalen" msgstr "Newhalen" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Newhall" msgstr "Newhall" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Newnan" msgstr "Newnan" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States" msgid "Newport" msgstr "Newport" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States" msgid "Newport" msgstr "Newport" #. A city in Rhode Island in the United States msgctxt "City in Rhode Island, United States" msgid "Newport" msgstr "Newport" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Newport News" msgstr "Newport News" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Newton" msgstr "Newton" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Niagara Falls" msgstr "Cataratas do Niagara" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Noatak" msgstr "Noatak" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Nogales" msgstr "Nogales" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Nome" msgstr "Nome" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States" msgid "Norfolk" msgstr "Norfolk" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Norfolk" msgstr "Norfolk" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Norman" msgstr "Normandia" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "North Adams" msgstr "North Adams" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "North Bend" msgstr "North Bend" #. A city in Nevada in the United States msgid "North Las Vegas" msgstr "Las Vegas a Norte" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgid "North Myrtle Beach" msgstr "North Myrtle Beach" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "North Platte" msgstr "Platte Norte" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "North Wilkesboro" msgstr "North Wilkesboro" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Northway" msgstr "Northway" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Norwalk" msgstr "Norwalk" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Norwood" msgstr "Norwood" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Nuiqsut" msgstr "Nuiqsut" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "O'Neill" msgstr "O'Neill" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Oak Harbor" msgstr "Porto de Oak" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Oak Island" msgstr "Ilha de Oak" #. A city in Tennessee in the United States msgid "Oak Ridge" msgstr "Oak Ridge" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Oakdale" msgstr "Oak Ridge" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Oakland" msgstr "Oakland" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Ocala" msgstr "Ocala" #. A city in Maryland in the United States msgid "Ocean City" msgstr "Ocean City" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Oceanside" msgstr "Oceanside" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Odessa" msgstr "Odessa" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Oelwein" msgstr "Oelwein" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Ogallala" msgstr "Ogallala" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Ogden" msgstr "Ogden" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Okeechobee" msgstr "Okeechobee" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Oklahoma City" msgstr "Oklahoma City" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Okmulgee" msgstr "Okmulgee" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Olathe" msgstr "Olathe" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgid "Olive Branch" msgstr "Olive Branch" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Olivia" msgstr "Olivia" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Olney" msgstr "Olney" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Olympia" msgstr "Olympia" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Omaha" msgstr "Omaha" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Omak" msgstr "Omak" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Ontario" msgstr "Ontário" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States" msgid "Ontario" msgstr "Ontário" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Orange" msgstr "Orange" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States" msgid "Orange" msgstr "Orange" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Orange" msgstr "Orange" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Orange" msgstr "Orange" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Orange City" msgstr "Orange City" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgid "Orangeburg" msgstr "Orangeburg" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Ord" msgstr "Ord" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Orlando" msgstr "Orlando" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Ormond Beach" msgstr "Ormond Beach" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Oroville" msgstr "Oroville" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Orr" msgstr "Orr" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Ortonville" msgstr "Ortonville" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Osceola" msgstr "Osceola" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Oscoda" msgstr "Oscoda" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Oshkosh" msgstr "Oshkosh" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Oskaloosa" msgstr "Osijek" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Ottumwa" msgstr "Ottumwa" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Overland Park" msgstr "Overland Park" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Owatonna" msgstr "Overberg" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgid "Owensboro" msgstr "Owensboro" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Owosso" msgstr "Owosso" #. A city in Connecticut in the United States msgctxt "City in Connecticut, United States" msgid "Oxford" msgstr "Oxford" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States" msgid "Oxford" msgstr "Oxford" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Oxford" msgstr "Oxford" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Oxnard" msgstr "Oxnard" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Ozark" msgstr "Ozark" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgid "Paducah" msgstr "Paducah" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Page" msgstr "Page" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Pagosa Springs" msgstr "Pagosa Springs" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Palacios" msgstr "Palacios" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Palestine" msgstr "Palestina" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Palm Springs" msgstr "Palm Springs" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Palmdale" msgstr "Palmdale" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Palmer" msgstr "Palmer" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Palo Alto" msgstr "Palo Alto" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Pampa" msgstr "Pampa" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Panama City" msgstr "Cidade do Panamá" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Paris" msgstr "Paris" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Paris" msgstr "Paris" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Park Rapids" msgstr "Park Rapids" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgid "Parkersburg" msgstr "Parkersburg" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Parsons" msgstr "Parsons" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Pasadena" msgstr "Pasadena" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Pasadena" msgstr "Pasadena" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgid "Pascagoula" msgstr "Parsons" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Pasco" msgstr "Pasco" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Paso Robles" msgstr "Paso Robles" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Paterson" msgstr "Paterson" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Patterson" msgstr "Patterson" #. A city in Maryland in the United States msgid "Patuxent" msgstr "Patuxent" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Pauls Valley" msgstr "Vale de Pauls" #. A city in Rhode Island in the United States msgid "Pawtucket" msgstr "Pawtucket" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Paxson" msgstr "Paxson" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Paynesville" msgstr "Paynesville" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Peason" msgstr "Peason" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Pecos" msgstr "Pecos" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Pella" msgstr "Pella" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Pellston" msgstr "Pellston" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Pembroke Pines" msgstr "Pembroke Pines" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Pendleton" msgstr "Pendleton" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Penn Yan" msgstr "Penn Yan" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Pensacola" msgstr "Pensacola" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgctxt "City in Arizona, United States" msgid "Peoria" msgstr "Peoria" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Peoria" msgstr "Peoria" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Perry" msgstr "Perry" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Perryton" msgstr "Perryton" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Peru" msgstr "Peru" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States" msgid "Peru" msgstr "Peru" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States" msgid "Petersburg" msgstr "Petersburg" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Petersburg" msgstr "Petersburg" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in West Virginia, United States" msgid "Petersburg" msgstr "Petersburg" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Philadelphia" msgstr "Filadélfia" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Philip" msgstr "Philip" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Phillips" msgstr "Phillips" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Phoenix" msgstr "Phoenix" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Pierre" msgstr "Pierre" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Pine Bluff" msgstr "Pine Bluff" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Pine Ridge" msgstr "Pine Ridge" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Pine River" msgstr "Pine River" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Pine Springs" msgstr "Pine Springs" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Pinedale" msgstr "Pinedale" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Pinehurst" msgstr "Pinehurst" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Pipestone" msgstr "Pipestone" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Pittsburgh" msgstr "Pittsburgh" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Pittsfield" msgstr "Pittsfield" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States" msgid "Pittsfield" msgstr "Pittsfield" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Placer" msgstr "Placer" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Plainview" msgstr "Plainview" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Plano" msgstr "Plano" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Platinum" msgstr "Platinum" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Plattsburgh" msgstr "Plattsburgh" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Plattsmouth" msgstr "Plattsmouth" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States" msgid "Plymouth" msgstr "Plymouth" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States" msgid "Plymouth" msgstr "Plymouth" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Pocatello" msgstr "Pocatello" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Pohick" msgstr "Pohick" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Point Hope" msgstr "Point Hope" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Point Lay" msgstr "Point Lay" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgid "Point Pleasant" msgstr "Point Pleasant" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Pomona" msgstr "Pomona" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Pompano Beach" msgstr "Pompano Beach" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Ponca City" msgstr "Ponca City" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Pontiac" msgstr "Pontiac" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States" msgid "Pontiac" msgstr "Pontiac" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Poplar Bluff" msgstr "Poplar Bluff" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Port Alexander" msgstr "Port Alexander" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Port Alsworth" msgstr "Port Alsworth" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Port Angeles" msgstr "Port Angeles" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Port Aransas" msgstr "Port Aransas" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Port Heiden" msgstr "Port Heiden" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Port Hope" msgstr "Port Hope" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Port Isabel" msgstr "Port Isabel" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Port Lavaca" msgstr "Port Lavaca" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Porterville" msgstr "Porterville" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgctxt "City in Maine, United States" msgid "Portland" msgstr "Portland" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States" msgid "Portland" msgstr "Portland" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States" msgid "Portsmouth" msgstr "Portsmouth" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Portsmouth" msgstr "Portsmouth" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Poteau" msgstr "Poteau" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Pottstown" msgstr "Pottstown" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Poughkeepsie" msgstr "Poughkeepsie" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Prairie du Chien" msgstr "Prairie du Chien" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Pratt" msgstr "Pratt" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Prescott" msgstr "Prescott" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgid "Presque Isle" msgstr "Presque Isle" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Preston" msgstr "Preston" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Price" msgstr "Price" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Princeton" msgstr "Princeton" #. A city in Rhode Island in the United States msgid "Providence" msgstr "Providence" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Provincetown" msgstr "Provincetown" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Provo" msgstr "Provo" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Pueblo" msgstr "Pueblo" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Punta Gorda" msgstr "Punta Gorda" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Quakertown" msgstr "Quakertown" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Quantico" msgstr "Quantico" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Quillayute" msgstr "Quillayute" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Quincy" msgstr "Quincy" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Racine" msgstr "Racine" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Raleigh" msgstr "Raleigh" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Ramona" msgstr "Ramona" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Rancho Cucamonga" msgstr "Rancho Cucamonga" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Rantoul" msgstr "Rantoul" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Rapid City" msgstr "Rapid City" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Raton" msgstr "Raton" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Rawlins" msgstr "Rawlins" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Reading" msgstr "Reading" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Red Bluff" msgstr "Red Bluff" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Red Oak" msgstr "Red Oak" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Red Wing" msgstr "Red Wing" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Redding" msgstr "Redding" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Redmond" msgstr "Redmond" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Redwood Falls" msgstr "Redwood Falls" #. A city in Nevada in the United States msgid "Reno" msgstr "Reno" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Renton" msgstr "Renton" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Rexburg" msgstr "Rexburg" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Rhinelander" msgstr "Rhinelander" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Rice Lake" msgstr "Lago Rice" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States" msgid "Richmond" msgstr "Richmond" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Rifle" msgstr "Rifle" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Riverside" msgstr "Riverside" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Riverton" msgstr "Riverton" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Roanoke" msgstr "Roanoke" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Roanoke Rapids" msgstr "Roanoke Rapids" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Robinson" msgstr "Robinson" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Rochelle" msgstr "Rochelle" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Rochester" msgstr "Rochester" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States" msgid "Rochester" msgstr "Rochester" #. A city in New York in the United States msgctxt "City in New York, United States" msgid "Rochester" msgstr "Rochester" #. A city in South Carolina in the United States msgid "Rock Hill" msgstr "Rock Hill" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Rock Springs" msgstr "Rock Springs" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Rockford" msgstr "Rockford" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgid "Rockland" msgstr "Rockland" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Rockport" msgstr "Rockport" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Rocksprings" msgstr "Rocksprings" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Rocky Mount" msgstr "Rocky Mount" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Roe" msgstr "Roe" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Rogers" msgstr "Rogers" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Rogers City" msgstr "Rogers City" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States" msgid "Rome" msgstr "Rome" #. A city in New York in the United States msgctxt "City in New York, United States" msgid "Rome" msgstr "Rome" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States" msgid "Rome" msgstr "Rome" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Roseau" msgstr "Roseau" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Roseburg" msgstr "Roseburg" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Roswell" msgstr "Roswell" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Roxboro" msgstr "Roxboro" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Ruidoso" msgstr "Ruidoso" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Rush City" msgstr "Rush City" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Russell" msgstr "Russell" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Russellville" msgstr "Russellville" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Ruston" msgstr "Ruston" #. A city in Vermont in the United States msgid "Rutland" msgstr "Rutland" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Sacramento" msgstr "Sacramento" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Safford" msgstr "Safford" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Saginaw" msgstr "Saginaw" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Saguache" msgstr "Saguache" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Saint Cloud" msgstr "Saint Cloud" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States" msgid "Saint George" msgstr "Saint George" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States" msgid "Saint James" msgstr "Saint James" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States" msgid "Saint James" msgstr "Saint James" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Saint Johns" msgstr "Saint Johns" #. A city in Vermont in the United States msgid "Saint Johnsbury" msgstr "Saint Johnsbury" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Saint Marys" msgstr "Saint Marys" #. A city in Maryland in the United States msgid "Saint Marys City" msgstr "Saint Marys City" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Saint Paul" msgstr "Saint Paul" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Salem" msgstr "Salem" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States" msgid "Salem" msgstr "Salem" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Salida" msgstr "Salida" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Salina" msgstr "Salina" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Salinas" msgstr "Salinas" #. A city in Maryland in the United States msgctxt "City in Maryland, United States" msgid "Salisbury" msgstr "Salisbury" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Salisbury" msgstr "Salisbury" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Sallisaw" msgstr "Sallisaw" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Salmon" msgstr "Salmon" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Salt Lake City" msgstr "Salt Lake City" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "San Angelo" msgstr "San Angelo" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "San Antonio" msgstr "San Antonio" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "San Bernardino" msgstr "San Bernardino" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "San Carlos" msgstr "San Carlos" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "San Diego" msgstr "San Diego" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "San Francisco" msgstr "São Francisco" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "San Jose" msgstr "San Jose" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "San Luis Obispo" msgstr "San Luis Obispo" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "San Marcos" msgstr "San Marcos" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Sand Point" msgstr "Sand Point" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Sandberg" msgstr "Sandberg" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Sandpoint" msgstr "Sandpoint" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Sandwich" msgstr "Sandwich" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgctxt "City in Maine, United States" msgid "Sanford" msgstr "Sanford" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Sanford" msgstr "Sanford" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Santa Ana" msgstr "Santa Ana" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Santa Barbara" msgstr "Santa Barbara" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Santa Clara" msgstr "Santa Clara" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgctxt "City in Utah, United States" msgid "Santa Clara" msgstr "Santa Clara" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Santa Maria" msgstr "Santa Maria" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Santa Monica" msgstr "Santa Monica" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Santa Rosa" msgstr "Santa Rosa" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Saranac Lake" msgstr "Lago Saranac" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Sarasota" msgstr "Sarasota" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Sault Ste. Marie" msgstr "Sault Ste. Marie" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Savanna" msgstr "Savanna" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Savannah" msgstr "Savannah" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Savoonga" msgstr "Savoonga" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Scammon Bay" msgstr "Scammon Bay" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "Scappoose" msgstr "Scappoose" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Scottsbluff" msgstr "Scottsbluff" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Scottsdale" msgstr "Scottsdale" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Searcy" msgstr "Searcy" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Seattle" msgstr "Seattle" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Sedalia" msgstr "Sedalia" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Selawik" msgstr "Selawik" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Seldovia" msgstr "Seldovia" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Selinsgrove" msgstr "Selinsgrove" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States" msgid "Seminole" msgstr "Seminole" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Seminole" msgstr "Seminole" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Seward" msgstr "Seward" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Shawnee" msgstr "Shawnee" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Sheboygan" msgstr "Sheboygan" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Shelby" msgstr "Shelby" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgid "Shelbyville" msgstr "Shelbyville" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Sheldon" msgstr "Sheldon" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Shelton" msgstr "Shelton" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Shenandoah" msgstr "Shenandoah" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Sheridan" msgstr "Sheridan" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Sherman" msgstr "Sherman" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Shirley" msgstr "Shirley" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Shishmaref" msgstr "Shishmaref" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Show Low" msgstr "Show Low" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Shreveport" msgstr "Shreveport" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgctxt "City in Montana, United States" msgid "Sidney" msgstr "Sidney" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States" msgid "Sidney" msgstr "Sidney" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Sierra Vista" msgstr "Sierra Vista" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Siloam Springs" msgstr "Siloam Springs" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Silver Bay" msgstr "Baía Silver" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Silver City" msgstr "Silver City" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Simi Valley" msgstr "Simi Valley" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Sioux City" msgstr "Sioux City" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Sioux Falls" msgstr "Cataratas Sioux" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Siren" msgstr "Siren" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Sisseton" msgstr "Sisseton" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Sitka" msgstr "Sitka" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Skagway" msgstr "Skagway" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Slayton" msgstr "Slayton" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Sleetmute" msgstr "Sleetmute" #. A city in Louisiana in the United States msgid "Slidell" msgstr "Slidell" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Smithfield" msgstr "Smithfield" #. A city in Tennessee in the United States msgid "Smyrna" msgstr "Smyrna" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Snyder" msgstr "Snyder" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Soda Springs" msgstr "Soda Springs" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Soldotna" msgstr "Soldotna" #. A city in Kentucky in the United States msgid "Somerset" msgstr "Somerset" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Somerville" msgstr "Somerville" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Sonora" msgstr "Sonora" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgid "South Bend" msgstr "South Bend" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "South Haven" msgstr "South Haven" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "South Hill" msgstr "South Hill" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "South Lake Tahoe" msgstr "South Lake Tahoe" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Sparta" msgstr "Sparta" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States" msgid "Sparta" msgstr "Sparta" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Spencer" msgstr "Spencer" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Spofford" msgstr "Spofford" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Spokane" msgstr "Spokane" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Springdale" msgstr "Springdale" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States" msgid "Springfield" msgstr "Springfield" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgctxt "City in Florida, United States" msgid "Springfield" msgstr "Springfield" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States" msgid "Springfield" msgstr "Springfield" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States" msgid "Springfield" msgstr "Springfield" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States" msgid "Springfield" msgstr "Springfield" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States" msgid "Springfield" msgstr "Springfield" #. A city in Vermont in the United States msgctxt "City in Vermont, United States" msgid "Springfield" msgstr "Springfield" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "St. Louis" msgstr "St. Louis" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Stafford" msgstr "Stafford" #. A city in Connecticut in the United States msgid "Stamford" msgstr "Stamford" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Stampede" msgstr "Stampede" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States" msgid "Stanley" msgstr "Stanley" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Stanton" msgstr "Stanton" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Staples" msgstr "Staples" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "State College" msgstr "State College" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Statesboro" msgstr "Statesboro" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Statesville" msgstr "Statesville" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Staunton" msgstr "Staunton" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Steamboat Springs" msgstr "Steamboat Springs" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Stephenville" msgstr "Stephenville" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Sterling" msgstr "Sterling" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Sterling Heights" msgstr "Sterling Heights" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Stevens Point" msgstr "Stevens Point" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Stillwater" msgstr "Stillwater" #. A city in California in the United States msgctxt "City in California, United States" msgid "Stockton" msgstr "Stockton" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Storm Lake" msgstr "Lago Storm" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Stuart" msgstr "Stuart" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Sturgeon Bay" msgstr "Sturgeon Bay" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Sturgis" msgstr "Sturgis" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States" msgid "Stuttgart" msgstr "Stuttgart" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Suffolk" msgstr "Suffolk" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Sulphur Springs" msgstr "Sulphur Springs" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Sunnyvale" msgstr "Sunnyvale" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Superior" msgstr "Superior" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Sussex" msgstr "Sussex" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States" msgid "Sutton" msgstr "Sutton" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgctxt "City in West Virginia, United States" msgid "Sutton" msgstr "Sutton" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Sweetwater" msgstr "Sweetwater" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Sylvania" msgstr "Sylvania" #. A city in New York in the United States msgctxt "City in New York, United States" msgid "Syracuse" msgstr "Siracusa" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Tacoma" msgstr "Tacoma" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Tahlequah" msgstr "Tahlequah" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Takotna" msgstr "Takotna" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Talkeetna" msgstr "Talkeetna" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Tallahassee" msgstr "Tallahassee" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Tampa" msgstr "Tampa" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Tanana" msgstr "Tanana" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Taos" msgstr "Taos" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Tarryall" msgstr "Tarryall" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Taylorville" msgstr "Taylorville" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Tekamah" msgstr "Tekamah" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Telluride" msgstr "Telluride" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Tempe" msgstr "Tempe" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Temple" msgstr "Temple" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgid "Terre Haute" msgstr "Terre Haute" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Terrell" msgstr "Terrell" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgid "Teterboro" msgstr "Teterboro" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Texarkana" msgstr "Texarkana" #. A city in Oregon in the United States msgid "The Dalles" msgstr "The Dalles" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "The Villages" msgstr "The Villages" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Thedford" msgstr "Thedford" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Thief River Falls" msgstr "Cataratas do Rio Thief" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Thomaston" msgstr "Thomaston" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Thomson" msgstr "Thompson" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Thousand Oaks" msgstr "Thousand Oaks" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Tillicum" msgstr "Tillicum" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Tin City" msgstr "Tin City" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Titusville" msgstr "Titusville" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Togiak" msgstr "Togiak" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States" msgid "Toledo" msgstr "Toledo" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Tomahawk" msgstr "Tomahawk" #. A city in Nevada in the United States msgid "Tonopah" msgstr "Tonopah" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Topeka" msgstr "Topeka" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Torrance" msgstr "Torrance" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Torreon" msgstr "Torreon" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Torrington" msgstr "Torrington" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Tracy" msgstr "Tracy" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Traverse City" msgstr "Traverse City" #. A city in New Jersey in the United States msgctxt "City in New Jersey, United States" msgid "Trenton" msgstr "Trenton" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States" msgid "Trinidad" msgstr "Trinidad" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States" msgid "Troy" msgstr "Troy" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States" msgid "Troy" msgstr "Troy" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Truckee" msgstr "Truckee" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Truth or Consequences" msgstr "Truth or Consequences" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Tucson" msgstr "Tucson" #. A city in New Mexico in the United States msgid "Tucumcari" msgstr "Tucumcari" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Tulsa" msgstr "Tulsa" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgid "Tunica" msgstr "Tunica" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgid "Tupelo" msgstr "Tupelo" #. A city in Alabama in the United States msgid "Tuscaloosa" msgstr "Tuscaloosa" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Twentynine Palms" msgstr "Twentynine Palms" #. A city in Idaho in the United States msgid "Twin Falls" msgstr "Cataratas Twin" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Two Harbors" msgstr "Two Harbors" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Tyler" msgstr "Tyler" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Ukiah" msgstr "Ukiah" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Unalakleet" msgstr "Unalakleet" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Unalaska" msgstr "Unalaska" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Unity Village" msgstr "Unity Village" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Universal City" msgstr "Universal City" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Uvalde" msgstr "Uvalde" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Vacaville" msgstr "Vacaville" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Valdez" msgstr "Valdez" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Valdosta" msgstr "Valdosta" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Valentine" msgstr "Valentine" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Vallejo" msgstr "Vallejo" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgctxt "City in Florida, United States" msgid "Valparaiso" msgstr "Valparaiso" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States" msgid "Valparaiso" msgstr "Valparaiso" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Van Nuys" msgstr "Van Nuys" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgctxt "City in Washington, United States" msgid "Vancouver" msgstr "Vancouver" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Ventura" msgstr "Ventura" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Vernal" msgstr "Vernal" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Vernon" msgstr "Vernon" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Vero Beach" msgstr "Vero Beach" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States" msgid "Vichy" msgstr "Vichy" #. A city in Mississippi in the United States msgid "Vicksburg" msgstr "Vicksburg" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgctxt "City in Texas, United States" msgid "Victoria" msgstr "Victoria" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Victorville" msgstr "Victorville" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Vidalia" msgstr "Vidalia" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Vilano Beach" msgstr "Vilano Beach" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Vineyard Haven" msgstr "Vineyard Haven" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Vinton" msgstr "Vinton" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Virginia Beach" msgstr "Virginia Beach" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Visalia" msgstr "Visalia" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Waco" msgstr "Waco" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Wadena" msgstr "Wadena" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Wadesboro" msgstr "Wadesboro" #. A city in Hawaii in the United States msgid "Wahiawā" msgstr "Wahiawā" #. A city in North Dakota in the United States msgid "Wahpeton" msgstr "Wahpeton" #. A city in Hawaii in the United States msgid "Waiki‘i" msgstr "Waiki‘i" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Wainwright" msgstr "Wainwright" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Wakefield" msgstr "Wakefield" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Walla Walla" msgstr "Walla Walla" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "Walnut Ridge" msgstr "Walnut Ridge" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Warner Robins" msgstr "Warner Robins" #. A city in Michigan in the United States msgid "Warren" msgstr "Warren" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Warroad" msgstr "Warroad" #. A city in Indiana in the United States msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States" msgid "Warsaw" msgstr "Warsaw" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Waseca" msgstr "Waseca" #. The capital of the United States msgctxt "City in District of Columbia, United States" msgid "Washington" msgstr "Washington" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States" msgid "Washington" msgstr "Washington" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Washington" msgstr "Washington" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States" msgid "Washington" msgstr "Washington" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Wasilla" msgstr "Wasilla" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Waskish" msgstr "Waskish" #. A city in Connecticut in the United States msgid "Waterbury" msgstr "Waterbury" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States" msgid "Waterloo" msgstr "Waterloo" #. A city in New York in the United States msgctxt "City in New York, United States" msgid "Watertown" msgstr "Watertown" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgctxt "City in South Dakota, United States" msgid "Watertown" msgstr "Watertown" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States" msgid "Watertown" msgstr "Watertown" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgid "Waterville" msgstr "Waterville" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "Watsonville" msgstr "Watsonville" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "Waukegan" msgstr "Waukegan" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Waukesha" msgstr "Waukesha" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Waupaca" msgstr "Waupaca" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Wausau" msgstr "Wausau" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Wautoma" msgstr "Wautoma" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Waycross" msgstr "Waycross" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgid "Wayne" msgstr "Wayne" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "Waynesville" msgstr "Waynesville" #. A city in Oklahoma in the United States msgid "Weatherford" msgstr "Weatherford" #. A city in Iowa in the United States msgid "Webster City" msgstr "Webster City" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Wellsville" msgstr "Wellsville" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Wenatchee" msgstr "Wenatchee" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "Wendover" msgstr "Wendover" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Weslaco" msgstr "Weslaco" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "West Bend" msgstr "Bend Ocidental" #. A city in Illinois in the United States msgid "West Chicago" msgstr "Chicago Ocidental" #. A city in California in the United States msgid "West Covina" msgstr "West Covina" #. A city in Arkansas in the United States msgid "West Memphis" msgstr "Memphis Ocidental" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "West Palm Beach" msgstr "Palm Beach Ocidental" #. A city in Missouri in the United States msgid "West Plains" msgstr "West Plains" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "West Point" msgstr "West Point" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "West Thumb" msgstr "West Thumb" #. A city in Utah in the United States msgid "West Valley City" msgstr "West Valley City" #. A city in Rhode Island in the United States msgid "Westerly" msgstr "Westerly" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Westfield" msgstr "Westfield" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Westhampton Beach" msgstr "Westhampton Beach" #. A city in Colorado in the United States msgid "Westminster" msgstr "Westminster" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Wharton" msgstr "Wharton" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Wheaton" msgstr "Wheaton" #. A city in West Virginia in the United States msgid "Wheeling" msgstr "Wheeling" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "White Plains" msgstr "White Plains" #. A city in New Hampshire in the United States msgid "Whitefield" msgstr "Whitefield" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Whittier" msgstr "Whittier" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Wichita" msgstr "Wichita" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Wichita Falls" msgstr "Wichita Falls" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Wilkes-Barre" msgstr "Wilkes-Barre" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Williamsburg" msgstr "Williamsburg" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgid "Williamsport" msgstr "Williamsport" #. A city in North Dakota in the United States msgid "Williston" msgstr "Williston" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Willow" msgstr "Willow" #. A city in Delaware in the United States msgctxt "City in Delaware, United States" msgid "Wilmington" msgstr "Wilmington" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States" msgid "Wilmington" msgstr "Wilmington" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States" msgid "Wilmington" msgstr "Wilmington" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Winchester" msgstr "Winchester" #. A city in Georgia in the United States msgid "Winder" msgstr "Winder" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Windom" msgstr "Windom" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Window Rock" msgstr "Window Rock" #. A city in Connecticut in the United States msgid "Windsor Locks" msgstr "Windsor Locks" #. A city in Kansas in the United States msgid "Winfield" msgstr "Winfield" #. A city in Texas in the United States msgid "Wink" msgstr "Wink" #. A city in Nevada in the United States msgid "Winnemucca" msgstr "Winnemucca" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Winona" msgstr "Winona" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Winslow" msgstr "Winslow" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Winston-Salem" msgstr "Winston-Salem" #. A city in Florida in the United States msgid "Winter Haven" msgstr "Winter Haven" #. A city in North Carolina in the United States msgid "Winterville" msgstr "Winterville" #. A city in Maine in the United States msgid "Wiscasset" msgstr "Wiscasset" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Wisconsin Rapids" msgstr "Wisconsin Rapids" #. A city in Virginia in the United States msgid "Wise" msgstr "Wise" #. A city in Montana in the United States msgid "Wolf Point" msgstr "Wolf Point" #. A city in Wisconsin in the United States msgid "Woodruff" msgstr "Woodruff" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgid "Wooster" msgstr "Wooster" #. A city in Massachusetts in the United States msgid "Worcester" msgstr "Worcester" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgid "Worland" msgstr "Worland" #. A city in Minnesota in the United States msgid "Worthington" msgstr "Worthington" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Wrangell" msgstr "Wrangell" #. A city in Wyoming in the United States msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States" msgid "Wyoming" msgstr "Wyoming" #. A city in Washington in the United States msgid "Yakima" msgstr "Yakima" #. A city in Alaska in the United States msgid "Yakutat" msgstr "Yakutat" #. A city in South Dakota in the United States msgid "Yankton" msgstr "Yankton" #. A city in New York in the United States msgid "Yonkers" msgstr "Yonkers" #. A city in Nebraska in the United States msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States" msgid "York" msgstr "York" #. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States" msgid "York" msgstr "York" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgid "Youngstown" msgstr "Youngstown" #. A city in Arizona in the United States msgid "Yuma" msgstr "Yuma" #. A city in Ohio in the United States msgid "Zanesville" msgstr "Zanesville" #. A city in the United States Minor Outlying Islands msgid "Wake Island, Wake Island Army Airfield Airport" msgstr "Ilha Wake, Aeroporto Militar da Ilha Wake" #. A city in the United States Virgin Islands msgid "Charlotte Amalie" msgstr "Charlotte Amalie" #. A city in the United States Virgin Islands msgid "Christiansted" msgstr "Christiansted" #. A city in Uruguay msgid "Carrasco" msgstr "Carrasco" #. A city in Uruguay msgid "Colonia" msgstr "Colónia" #. A city in Uruguay msgid "Durazno" msgstr "Durazno" #. A city in Uruguay msgid "Maldonado" msgstr "Maldonado" #. The capital of Uruguay msgctxt "City in Uruguay" msgid "Montevideo" msgstr "Montevideo" #. A city in Uzbekistan msgid "Nukus" msgstr "Nukus" #. A city in Uzbekistan msgid "Samarqand" msgstr "Samarqand" #. The capital of Uzbekistan. #. "Tashkent" is the traditional English name. #. The local name is "Toshkent". #. msgid "Tashkent" msgstr "Tashkent" #. A city in Uzbekistan msgid "Termiz" msgstr "Termiz" #. A city in Uzbekistan msgid "Urganch" msgstr "Urganch" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Acarigua" msgstr "Acarigua" #. A city in Venezuela msgctxt "City in Venezuela" msgid "Barcelona" msgstr "Barcelona" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Barinas" msgstr "Barinas" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Barquisimeto" msgstr "Barquisimeto" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Calabozo" msgstr "Calabozo" #. The capital of Venezuela msgid "Caracas" msgstr "Caracas" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Ciudad Bolívar" msgstr "Ciudad Bolívar" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Coro" msgstr "Coro" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "El Variante" msgstr "El Variante" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "El Vigía" msgstr "El Vigía" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Guanare" msgstr "Guanare" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Guaricure" msgstr "Guaricure" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Guasdalito" msgstr "Guasdalito" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Güiria" msgstr "Güiria" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "La Chica" msgstr "La Chica" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Maracaibo" msgstr "Maracaibo" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Maracay" msgstr "Maracay" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Maturín" msgstr "Maturín" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Mene Grande" msgstr "Mene Grande" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Morocure" msgstr "Morocure" #. A city in Venezuela msgctxt "City in Venezuela" msgid "Mérida" msgstr "Mérida" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Paramillo" msgstr "Paramillo" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Puerto Ayacucho" msgstr "Puerto Ayacucho" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Puerto Borburata" msgstr "Puerto Borburata" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "San Antonio del Táchira" msgstr "San Antonio del Táchira" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "San Felipe" msgstr "San Felipe" #. A city in Venezuela msgctxt "City in Venezuela" msgid "San Fernando" msgstr "San Fernando" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "San Juan de los Morros" msgstr "San Juan de los Morros" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "San Tomé" msgstr "San Tomé" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Santa Bárbara" msgstr "Santa Bárbara" #. A city in Venezuela msgctxt "City in Venezuela" msgid "Valencia" msgstr "Valência" #. A city in Venezuela msgid "Valera" msgstr "Valera" #. A city in Viet Nam msgid "Da Nang" msgstr "Da Nang" #. The capital of Viet Nam. #. "Hanoi" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Vietnamese is "Ha Noi". #. msgid "Hanoi" msgstr "Hanoi" #. A city in Viet Nam. #. "Ho Chi Minh City" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Vietnamese is "Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh". #. msgid "Ho Chi Minh City" msgstr "Cidade de Ho Chi Minh" #. A city in Wallis and Futuna msgid "Mata'utu" msgstr "Mata'utu" #. A city in Yemen msgid "'Adan" msgstr "'Adan" #. A city in Yemen msgid "'Ataq" msgstr "'Ataq" #. A city in Yemen msgid "Al Hudaydah" msgstr "Al Hudaydah" #. A city in Yemen msgid "Ma'rib" msgstr "Ma'rib" #. A city in Yemen msgid "Mori" msgstr "Mori" #. A city in Yemen msgid "Sa'dah" msgstr "Sa'dah" #. The capital of Yemen. #. "Sanaa" is the traditional English name. #. The local name in Arabic is "San'a'". #. msgid "Sanaa" msgstr "Sanaa" #. A city in Yemen msgid "Say'un" msgstr "Say'un" #. A city in Yemen msgid "Ta'izz" msgstr "Ta'izz" #. A city in Zambia msgid "Chinganze" msgstr "Chinganze" #. A city in Zambia msgid "Livingstone" msgstr "Livingstone" #. The capital of Zambia msgid "Lusaka" msgstr "Lusaka" #. A city in Zambia msgid "Ndola" msgstr "Ndola" #. A city in the Åland Islands. #. The local name in Finnish is "Maarianhamina". #. msgid "Mariehamn" msgstr "Mariehamn" #~ msgid "Abbeville" #~ msgstr "Abbeville" #~ msgid "Acon" #~ msgstr "Acon" #~ msgid "Ambérieu-en-Bugey" #~ msgstr "Ambérieu-en-Bugey" #~ msgid "Avord" #~ msgstr "Avord" #~ msgid "Cazaux" #~ msgstr "Cazaux" #~ msgid "Châlons-en-Champagne" #~ msgstr "Châlons-en-Champagne" #~ msgid "Châteaudun" #~ msgstr "Châteaudun" #~ msgid "Creil" #~ msgstr "Creil" #~ msgid "Kowloon" #~ msgstr "Kowloon" #~| msgid "Sharm ash Shaykh" #~ msgid "Shahin Shahr" #~ msgstr "Shahin Shahr" #~ msgid "Monaghan" #~ msgstr "Monaghan" #~ msgid "Elat" #~ msgstr "Elat" #~ msgid "Mahanayim" #~ msgstr "Mahanayim" #~ msgid "Mahane Yisra'el" #~ msgstr "Mahane Yisra'el" #~ msgid "Ramot Remez" #~ msgstr "Ramot Remez" #~ msgid "Valkenburg" #~ msgstr "Valkenburg" #~ msgid "Flesland" #~ msgstr "Flesland" #~ msgid "Strigino" #~ msgstr "Strigino" #~ msgid "Dubnica nad Váhom" #~ msgstr "Dubnica nad Váhom" #~ msgid "Martin" #~ msgstr "Martin" #~ msgid "Nové Zámky" #~ msgstr "Nové Zámky" #~ msgid "Partizánske" #~ msgstr "Partizánske" #~ msgid "Ružomberok" #~ msgstr "Ružomberok" #~ msgid "Spišská Nová Ves" #~ msgstr "Spišská Nová Ves" #~ msgid "Svidník" #~ msgstr "Svidník" #~ msgid "Trenčín" #~ msgstr "Trenčín" #~ msgid "Chagor" #~ msgstr "Chagor" #~ msgid "Kiev" #~ msgstr "Kiev" #~ msgid "Lakeside" #~ msgstr "Lakeside" #~ msgid "Willow Grove" #~ msgstr "Willow Grove" #~ msgid "Nitra" #~ msgstr "Nitra" #~ msgid "Dunleary" #~ msgstr "Dunleary" #~ msgid "Glentavraun" #~ msgstr "Glentavraun" #~ msgid "Shannon" #~ msgstr "Shannon" #~ msgid "Liguria" #~ msgstr "Liguria" #~ msgid "Sardinia" #~ msgstr "Sardenha" #~ msgid "Friuli-Venezia Giulia" #~ msgstr "Friuli-Venezia Giulia" #~ msgid "Puglia" #~ msgstr "Puglia" #~ msgid "Lombardy" #~ msgstr "Lombardia" #~ msgid "Emilia-Romagna" #~ msgstr "Emilia-Romagna" #~ msgid "Trentino-Alto Adige" #~ msgstr "Trentino-Alto Adige" #~ msgid "Val d'Aosta" #~ msgstr "Val d'Aosta" #~ msgid "Campania" #~ msgstr "Campania" #~ msgid "Piedmont" #~ msgstr "Piedmont" #~ msgid "Sicily" #~ msgstr "Sicília" #~ msgid "Calabria" #~ msgstr "Calabria" #~ msgid "Tuscany" #~ msgstr "Toscania" #~ msgid "Lazio" #~ msgstr "Lazio" #~ msgid "Marche" #~ msgstr "Marche" #~ msgid "Umbria" #~ msgstr "Umbria" #~ msgid "Abruzzo" #~ msgstr "Abruzzo" #~ msgid "Veneto" #~ msgstr "Veneto" #~ msgid "Ensheim" #~ msgstr "Ensheim" #~ msgid "Wattisham" #~ msgstr "Wattisham" #~ msgid "Molino di Ancona" #~ msgstr "Molino di Ancona" #~ msgid "Luanda" #~ msgstr "Luanda" #~ msgid "San Miguel de Tucumán" #~ msgstr "San Miguel de Tucumán" #~ msgid "Fox Bay" #~ msgstr "Fox Bay" #~ msgid "Malahat" #~ msgstr "Malahat" #~ msgid "Port Colborne" #~ msgstr "Port Colborne" #~ msgid "Nausori" #~ msgstr "Nausori" #~ msgid "Hésingue" #~ msgstr "Hésingue" #~ msgid "Calcutta" #~ msgstr "Calcutá" #~ msgid "Madras" #~ msgstr "Madras" #~ msgid "Manado" #~ msgstr "Manado" #~ msgid "Kunigami" #~ msgstr "Kunigami" #~ msgid "Casablanca" #~ msgstr "Casablanca" #~ msgid "Inhambane" #~ msgstr "Inhambane" #~ msgid "Tete" #~ msgstr "Tete" #~ msgid "Soesterberg" #~ msgstr "Soesterberg" #~ msgid "Ibadan" #~ msgstr "Ibadan" #~ msgid "Langenes" #~ msgstr "Langenes" #~ msgid "Wewak" #~ msgstr "Wewak" #~ msgid "Cajamarca" #~ msgstr "Cajamarca" #~ msgid "Juanjuí" #~ msgstr "Juanjuí" #~ msgid "Tingo María" #~ msgstr "Tingo María" #~ msgid "Yurimaguas" #~ msgstr "Yurimaguas" #~ msgid "Warszawa" #~ msgstr "Varsóvia" #~ msgid "Rustenburg" #~ msgstr "Rustenburg" #~ msgid "Standerton" #~ msgstr "Standerton" #~ msgid "P'ohang" #~ msgstr "P'ohang" #~ msgid "Sach'on" #~ msgstr "Sach'on" #~ msgid "Pu-ting" #~ msgstr "Pu-ting" #~ msgid "T'ai-pei Shih" #~ msgstr "T'ai-pei Shih (Taipé)" #~ msgid "Saint Mawgan" #~ msgstr "Saint Mawgan" #~ msgid "Cantwell" #~ msgstr "Cantwell" #~ msgid "Central" #~ msgstr "Central" #~ msgid "Deering" #~ msgstr "Deering" #~ msgid "Golovin" #~ msgstr "Golovin" #~ msgid "Green River" #~ msgstr "Rio Green" #~ msgid "Kremmling" #~ msgstr "Kremmling" #~ msgid "Lincolnton" #~ msgstr "Lincolnton" #~| msgid "Monticello" #~ msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States" #~ msgid "Monticello" #~ msgstr "Monticello" #~ msgid "New Shoreham" #~ msgstr "New Shoreham" #~ msgid "Red Cliff" #~ msgstr "Red Cliff" #~ msgid "Richlands" #~ msgstr "Richlands" #~ msgid "Robertson" #~ msgstr "Robertson" #~ msgid "Sabine Pass" #~ msgstr "Sabine Pass" #~ msgid "Taunton" #~ msgstr "Taunton" #~ msgid "West Yellowstone" #~ msgstr "Yellowstone Ocidental" #~ msgid "Whiteville" #~ msgstr "Whiteville" #~ msgid "Willimantic" #~ msgstr "Willimantic" #~ msgid "Woodward" #~ msgstr "Woodward" #~ msgid "Harare" #~ msgstr "Harare" #~ msgid "Abilene Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Abilene" #~ msgid "Abu Dhabi Bateen Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Bateen de Abu Dhabi" #~ msgid "Abu Dhabi International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Abu Dhabi" #~ msgid "Abumusa Island, Abumusa Airport" #~ msgstr "Ilha Abumusa, Aeroporto de Abumusa" #~ msgid "Adams Field" #~ msgstr "Adams Field" #~ msgid "Adana-Incirlik Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Adana-Incirlik" #~ msgid "Adana-Sakirpasa Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Adana-Sakirpasa" #~ msgid "Addison Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Addison" #~ msgid "Afonsos Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Afonsos" #~ msgid "Air Force Academy" #~ msgstr "Academia da Força Aérea" #~ msgid "Airlake Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Airlake" #~ msgid "Akron Fulton International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Akron Fulton" #~ msgid "Akron-Canton Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Akron-Canton" #~ msgid "Al Udeid" #~ msgstr "Al Udeid" #~ msgid "Alamogordo-White" #~ msgstr "Alamogordo-White" #~ msgid "Albuquerque International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Albuquerque" #~ msgid "Aldergrove Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Aldergrove" #~ msgid "Alexandria Borg El Arab" #~ msgstr "Alexandria Borg El Arab" #~ msgid "Alexandria Esler Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Alexandria Esler" #~ msgid "Alexandria International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Alexandria" #~ msgid "Allegheny County Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Allegheny County" #~ msgid "Altus / Quartz Mountain Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Altus / Montanha Quartz" #~ msgid "Altus Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Altus" #~ msgid "Ambouli" #~ msgstr "Ambouli" #~ msgid "Ankara-Esenboga Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Ankara-Esenboga" #~ msgid "Ankara-Etimesgut Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Ankara-Etimesgut" #~ msgid "Ankara-Guvercin Lik Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Ankara-Guvercin Lik" #~ msgid "Ansbach" #~ msgstr "Ansbach" #~ msgid "Aomen" #~ msgstr "Aomen" #~ msgid "Ardmore Downtown Executive Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Executivo de Ardmore Downtown" #~ msgid "Ardmore Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Ardmore" #~ msgid "Arkansas City" #~ msgstr "Cidade do Arkansas" #~ msgid "Austin City, Austin Camp Mabry" #~ msgstr "Austin City, Austin Camp Mabry" #~ msgid "Austin-Bergstrom International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Austin-Bergstrom" #~ msgid "Aviano US Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea dos EUA de Aviano" #~ msgid "Babelthuap Island, Babelthuap / Koror Airport" #~ msgstr "Ilha Babelthuap, Aeroporto de Babelthuap / Koror" #~ msgid "Baden-Baden" #~ msgstr "Baden-Baden" #~ msgid "Baltimore / Martin" #~ msgstr "Baltimore / Martin" #~ msgid "Baltimore, Inner Harbor" #~ msgstr "Baltimore, Porto Interior" #~ msgid "Baltimore-Washington International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Baltimore-Washington" #~ msgid "Banff Marine Aviation Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Marinha de Reporte à Aviação de Banff" #~ msgid "Barca" #~ msgstr "Barca" #~ msgid "Barksdale Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Barksdale" #~ msgid "Beale Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Beale" #~ msgid "Beldringe" #~ msgstr "Beldringe" #~ msgid "Belfast / Harbour" #~ msgstr "Porto de Belfast" #~ msgid "Belo Horizonte Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Belo Horizonte" #~ msgid "Berlin-Schoenefeld" #~ msgstr "Berlim-Schoenefeld" #~ msgid "Berlin-Tegel" #~ msgstr "Berlim-Tegel" #~ msgid "Berlin-Tempelhof" #~ msgstr "Berlim-Tempelhof" #~ msgid "Blaine" #~ msgstr "Blaine" #~ msgid "Bobby L Chain Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Bobby L Chain" #~ msgid "Bolton Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Bolton Field" #~ msgid "Bowman Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Bowman Field" #~ msgid "Bradenton" #~ msgstr "Bradenton" #~ msgid "Bratts Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Bratts" #~ msgid "Brown Field Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Brown Field" #~ msgid "Brunswick / Glynco" #~ msgstr "Brunswick / Glynco" #~ msgid "Bucharest / Imh" #~ msgstr "Bucareste / Imh" #~ msgid "Bucuresti Otopeni" #~ msgstr "Bucareste Otopeni" #~ msgid "Burke Lakefront Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Burke Lakefront" #~ msgid "Bush Field" #~ msgstr "Bush Field" #~ msgid "Cairns Army Air Field / Ozark" #~ msgstr "Aeródromo Militar de Cairns / Ozark" #~ msgid "Calden" #~ msgstr "Calden" #~ msgid "Calgary International" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Calgary" #~ msgid "Calgary-Springbank Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Calgary-Springbank" #~ msgid "Cannon Air Force Base / Clovis" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Cannon / Clovis" #~ msgid "Cape Newenham, Cape Newenham LRRS Airport" #~ msgstr "Cabo Newenham, Aeroporto LRRS de Cabo Newenham" #~ msgid "Capital City Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Capital City" #~ msgid "Cecil Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Cecil Field" #~ msgid "Centennial Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Centennial" #~ msgid "Changi Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Changi" #~ msgid "Charleroi" #~ msgstr "Charleroi" #~ msgid "Charles de Gaulle International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Charles de Gaulle" #~ msgid "Charlestown" #~ msgstr "Charlestown" #~ msgid "Chicago / Romeoville, Lewis University Airport" #~ msgstr "Chicago / Romeoville, Aeroporto da Universidade de Lewis" #~ msgid "Chicago / Wheeling, Pal-Waukee Airport" #~ msgstr "Chicago / Wheeling, Aeroporto de Pal-Waukee" #~ msgid "Chicago Midway Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Chicago Midway" #~ msgid "Chicago-O'Hare International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Chicago-O'Hare" #~ msgid "Chitose Air Base" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Chitose" #~ msgid "Chitose Japanese Air Self Defense Force" #~ msgstr "Força Aérea de Auto-Defesa Japonesa de Chitose" #~ msgid "Ciampino Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Ciampino" #~ msgid "Cincinnati Municipal Airport, Lunken Field" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Cincinnati, Lunken Field" #~ msgid "City of Colorado Springs Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal da Cidade de Colorado Springs" #~ msgid "Cleveland / Cuyahoga" #~ msgstr "Cleveland / Cuyahoga" #~ msgid "Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Cleveland-Hopkins" #~ msgid "Clinton Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Clinton" #~ msgid "Clinton-Sherman Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Clinton-Sherman" #~ msgid "Clovis Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Clovis" #~ msgid "Cobb County-McCollum Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Cobb County-McCollum Field" #~ msgid "Cocoa Beach" #~ msgstr "Cocoa Beach" #~ msgid "Cologne" #~ msgstr "Colónia" #~ msgid "Colonel James Jabara Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Colonel James Jabara" #~ msgid "Columbia Metropolitan Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Metropolitano de Columbia" #~ msgid "Columbia Owens Downtown Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Owens Downtown, Columbia" #~ msgid "Columbus / West Point / Starkville, Golden Triangle Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Golden Triangle, Columbus / West Point / Starkville" #~ msgid "Columbus Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Columbus" #~ msgid "Congonhas Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Congonhas" #~ msgid "Copper Mountain" #~ msgstr "Copper Mountain" #~ msgid "Corpus Christi International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Corpus Christi" #~ msgid "Corpus Christi Naval Air Station / Truax Field" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea da Marinha de Corpus Christi / Truax Field" #~ msgid "Covington" #~ msgstr "Covington" #~ msgid "Covington / Cincinnati, Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky International Airport" #~ msgstr "Covington / Cincinnati, Cincinnati / Aeroporto Internacional de Northern Kentucky" #~ msgid "Cox Dayton International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Cox Dayton" #~ msgid "Craig Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Craig" #~ msgid "Crystal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Crystal" #~ msgid "Curitiba Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Curitiba" #~ msgid "Cypress Hills Park" #~ msgstr "Parque Cypress Hills" #~ msgid "Dalcross" #~ msgstr "Dalcross" #~ msgid "Dallas / Fort Worth, Dallas / Fort Worth International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Dallas / Fort Worth" #~ msgid "Dallas Love Field" #~ msgstr "Dallas Love Field" #~ msgid "Dam Dam" #~ msgstr "Dam Dam" #~ msgid "Daniel Field" #~ msgstr "Daniel Field" #~ msgid "Dannelly Field" #~ msgstr "Dannelly Field" #~ msgid "Davis-Monthan Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Davis-Monthan" #~ msgid "Dayton / Wright-Patterson Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Dayton / Wright-Patterson" #~ msgid "Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Dayton-Wright Brothers" #~ msgid "De Kalb-Peachtree Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de De Kalb-Peachtree" #~ msgid "Denver International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Denver" #~ msgid "Denver NEXRAD Station" #~ msgstr "Estação NEXRAD de Denver" #~ msgid "Detroit / Grosse Ile, Grosse Ile Airport" #~ msgstr "Detroit / Grosse Ile, Aeroporto de Grosse Ile" #~ msgid "Detroit City Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto da Cidade de Detroit" #~ msgid "Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Wayne County, Detroit" #~ msgid "Deurne" #~ msgstr "Deurne" #~ msgid "Doha International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Doha" #~ msgid "Domodedovo Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Domodedovo" #~ msgid "Donji Zemunik" #~ msgstr "Donji Zemunik" #~ msgid "Double Eagle II Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Double Eagle II" #~ msgid "Drake Field" #~ msgstr "Drake Field" #~ msgid "Duke Field / Eglin Auxiliary" #~ msgstr "Duke Field / Eglin Auxiliary" #~ msgid "Duluth International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Duluth" #~ msgid "Dyce" #~ msgstr "Dyce" #~ msgid "Dyess Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Dyess" #~ msgid "Délįne Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Délįne" #~ msgid "Edmonton International" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto International de Edmonton" #~ msgid "Edmonton Municipal" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Edmonton" #~ msgid "Edmonton Municipal CR10" #~ msgstr "Radar Costeiro 10 Municipal de Edmonton" #~ msgid "Edmonton Namao" #~ msgstr "Edmonton Namao" #~ msgid "Eduardo Gomes International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto International Eduardo Gomes" #~ msgid "Edwards Air Force Auxiliary North Base" #~ msgstr "Base Auxiliar Norte da Força Aérea de Edwards" #~ msgid "Edwards Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Edwards" #~ msgid "Eielson Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Eielson" #~ msgid "El Cajon" #~ msgstr "El Cajon" #~ msgid "Elmendorf Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Elmendorf" #~ msgid "Enid Woodring Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Enid Woodring" #~ msgid "Es Senia Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Es Senia" #~ msgid "Eureka, Skelton Airport" #~ msgstr "Eureka, Aeroporto de Skelton" #~ msgid "Fairbanks International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Fairbanks" #~ msgid "Faleolo" #~ msgstr "Faleolo" #~ msgid "Fayetteville / Springdale, Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Fayetteville / Springdale, Aeroporto Regional de Northwest Arkansas" #~ msgid "Fayetteville Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Fayetteville" #~ msgid "Felts Field" #~ msgstr "Felts Field" #~ msgid "Flying Cloud Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Flying Cloud" #~ msgid "Fontanarossa Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Fontanarossa" #~ msgid "Forbes Field" #~ msgstr "Forbes Field" #~ msgid "Fort Bragg / Simmons Army Airfield" #~ msgstr "Fort Bragg / Aeródromo Militar de Simmons" #~ msgid "Fort Campbell U. S. Army Airfield" #~ msgstr "Aeródromo Militar dos E.U.A. de Forte Campbell" #~ msgid "Fort Eustis / Felker" #~ msgstr "Forte Eustis / Felker" #~ msgid "Fort Hood, Hood AAF Ft Hood" #~ msgstr "Forte Hood, Aeródromo Militar de Forte Hood" #~ msgid "Fort Hood, Robert Gray AAF Ft Hood" #~ msgstr "Forte Hood, Aeródromo Militar de Robert Gray" #~ msgid "Fort Lauderdale / Hollywood International Airport" #~ msgstr "Forte Lauderdale / Aeroporto Internacional de Hollywood" #~ msgid "Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Executivo de Forte Lauderdale" #~ msgid "Fort Meade / Tipton" #~ msgstr "Forte Meade / Tipton" #~ msgid "Fort Sill" #~ msgstr "Forte Sill" #~ msgid "Fort Wainwright AAF" #~ msgstr "Aeródromo Militar de Forte Wainwright" #~ msgid "Fort Worth Alliance Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto da Aliança de Forte Worth" #~ msgid "Fort Worth, Naval Air Station" #~ msgstr "Forte Worth, Estação Aérea da Marinha" #~ msgid "Forth Worth Spinks Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Forth Worth Spinks" #~ msgid "Fulton County Airport-Brown Field" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Fulton County - Brown Field" #~ msgid "Galeao" #~ msgstr "Galeao" #~ msgid "Gatwick Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Gatwick" #~ msgid "Gen Maria Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Gen Maria" #~ msgid "General Mitchell International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de General Mitchell" #~ msgid "Ghedi Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Ghedi" #~ msgid "Gillot" #~ msgstr "Gillot" #~ msgid "Glynco" #~ msgstr "Glynco" #~ msgid "Grand Forks Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Grand Forks" #~ msgid "Grand Forks International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Grand Forks" #~ msgid "Grand Marais / Cook County Airport" #~ msgstr "Grand Marais / Aeroporto de Cook County" #~ msgid "Grand Marais, The Bay of Grand Marais" #~ msgstr "Grand Marais, A Baía de Grand Marais" #~ msgid "Grosse Ile" #~ msgstr "Grosse Ile" #~ msgid "Göteborg-Landvetter Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Gotenburgo-Landvetter" #~ msgid "Göteborg-Save Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Gotenburgo-Save" #~ msgid "Halifax International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Halifax" #~ msgid "Hamburg-Finkenwerder" #~ msgstr "Hamburgo-Finkenwerder" #~ msgid "Hamburg-Fuhlsbuettel" #~ msgstr "Hamburgo-Fuhlsbuettel" #~ msgid "Hanchey AHP / Ozark" #~ msgstr "Hanchey AHP / Ozark" #~ msgid "Harrell" #~ msgstr "Harrell" #~ msgid "Harrisburg International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Harrisburg" #~ msgid "Hartsfield - Jackson Atlanta International Airport" #~ msgstr "Hartsfield - Aeroporto Internacional de Jackson Atlanta" #~ msgid "Hattiesburg / Laurel, Hattiesburg-Laurel Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Hattiesburg / Laurel, Aeroporto Regional de Hattiesburg-Laurel" #~ msgid "Hawkins Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Hawkins Field" #~ msgid "Heathrow Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Heathrow" #~ msgid "Helsinki-Malmi" #~ msgstr "Helsínquia-Malmi" #~ msgid "Helsinki-Vantaa" #~ msgstr "Helsínquia-Vantaa" #~ msgid "Henderson Executive Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Executivo de Henderson" #~ msgid "Hill Air Force Base / Ogden" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Hill / Ogden" #~ msgid "Hiroshima Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Hiroshima" #~ msgid "Hiroshimanishi" #~ msgstr "Hiroshimanishi" #~ msgid "Holloman Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Holloman" #~ msgid "Hongqiao Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Hongqiao" #~ msgid "Honolulu International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Honolulu" #~ msgid "Hooks Memorial Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Memorial de Hooks" #~ msgid "Horta" #~ msgstr "Horta" #~ msgid "Houston / Ellington" #~ msgstr "Houston / Ellington" #~ msgid "Houston Hobby Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Houston Hobby" #~ msgid "Houston Intercontinental Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Intercontinental de Houston" #~ msgid "Hunter U. S. Army Airfield" #~ msgstr "Aeródromo Militar dos E.U.A. de Hunter" #~ msgid "Huntsville International / Jones Field" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Huntsville / Jones Field" #~ msgid "Ile Aux Perroquets" #~ msgstr "Ile Aux Perroquets" #~ msgid "Iles de la Madeleineque." #~ msgstr "Iles de la Madeleineque." #~ msgid "Iles-De-La-Madelein" #~ msgstr "Iles-De-La-Madelein" #~ msgid "Indianapolis International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Indianapolis" #~ msgid "Indianapolis, Eagle Creek Airpark" #~ msgstr "Indianapolis, Parque Aéreo de Eagle Creek" #~ msgid "Istanbul-Ataturk Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Istanbul-Ataturk" #~ msgid "Istanbul-Sabiha Gokcen Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Istanbul-Sabiha Gokcen" #~ msgid "Istrana Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Istrana" #~ msgid "Izmir-Adnan Menderes Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Izmir-Adnan Menderes" #~ msgid "Izmir-Cigli Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Izmir-Cigli" #~ msgid "Jacarepagua Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Jacarepaguá" #~ msgid "Jackson International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Jackson" #~ msgid "Jacksonville International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Jacksonville" #~ msgid "Jacksonville, Naval Air Station" #~ msgstr "Jacksonville, Estação Aérea da Marinha" #~ msgid "Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Jacqueline Cochran" #~ msgid "Johnson County Executive Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Executivo de Johnson County" #~ msgid "Jones Jr. Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Jones Jr." #~ msgid "Kaneohe, Marine Corps Air Station" #~ msgstr "Kaneohe, Estação Aérea do Corpo de Fuzileiros dos E.U.A." #~ msgid "Kansas City Downtown Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Kansas City Downtown" #~ msgid "Kansas City International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Kansas City" #~ msgid "Kasuminome Air Base" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Kasuminome" #~ msgid "Kelly Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Kelly" #~ msgid "Kelp Reefs" #~ msgstr "Kelp Reefs" #~ msgid "Kendall-Tamiami Executive Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Executivo de Kendall-Tamiami" #~ msgid "Kennedy International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Kennedy" #~ msgid "Key Field" #~ msgstr "Key Field" #~ msgid "Key West International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Key West" #~ msgid "Key West, Naval Air Station" #~ msgstr "Key West, Estação Aérea da Marinha" #~ msgid "King Khaled International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de King Khaled" #~ msgid "Kisauni" #~ msgstr "Kisauni" #~ msgid "Kissimmee Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Kissimmee" #~ msgid "Koror, Palau" #~ msgstr "Koror, Palau" #~ msgid "La Carlota Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de La Carlota" #~ msgid "La Guardia Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de La Guardia" #~ msgid "La Veta Pass" #~ msgstr "La Veta Pass" #~ msgid "Lake Hood Seaplane Base" #~ msgstr "Base de Hidro-Aviões do Lago Hood" #~ msgid "Lake Jackson" #~ msgstr "Lago Jackson" #~ msgid "Lanseria" #~ msgstr "Lanseria" #~ msgid "Lansing Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Lansing" #~ msgid "Las Bajadas" #~ msgstr "Las Bajadas" #~ msgid "Laughlin" #~ msgstr "Laughlin" #~ msgid "Laurel" #~ msgstr "Laurel" #~ msgid "Lawton Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Lawton" #~ msgid "Linate Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Linate" #~ msgid "Lippstadt" #~ msgstr "Lippstadt" #~ msgid "Little Rock Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Little Rock" #~ msgid "Lompoc Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Lompoc" #~ msgid "London City Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto da Cidade de Londres" #~ msgid "Longue Point de Mingan" #~ msgstr "Longue Point de Mingan" #~ msgid "Lorain" #~ msgstr "Lorain" #~ msgid "Los Angeles / USC Campus Downtown" #~ msgstr "Los Angeles / USC Campus Downtown" #~ msgid "Los Angeles International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Los Angeles" #~ msgid "Loshitsa" #~ msgstr "Loshitsa" #~ msgid "Loshitsa / Minsk International" #~ msgstr "Loshitsa / Aeroporto Internacional de Minsk" #~ msgid "Loveland" #~ msgstr "Loveland" #~ msgid "Luke Air Force Base / Phoenix" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Luke / Phoenix" #~ msgid "Lyon-Bron Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Lyon-Bron" #~ msgid "Lyon-Satolas Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Lyon-Satolas" #~ msgid "MBS International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de MBS" #~ msgid "Macdill Air Force Base, Fl." #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Macdill, Fl." #~ msgid "Madison County Executive Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Executivo de Madison County" #~ msgid "Majuro Atoll" #~ msgstr "Atól de Majuro" #~ msgid "Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands International Airport" #~ msgstr "Atól de Majuro, Aeroporto Internacional das Ilhas Marshall" #~ msgid "Malcolm McKinnon Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Malcolm McKinnon" #~ msgid "Malpensa Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Malpensa" #~ msgid "Manaus Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Manaus" #~ msgid "Maplecreek Automatic Weather Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Reporte Metereológico de Maplecreek" #~ msgid "Marietta / Dobbins Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Marietta / Base da Força Aérea de Dobbins" #~ msgid "Marte Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Marte" #~ msgid "Maxwell Air Force Base / Montgomery" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Maxwell / Montgomery" #~ msgid "McCarran International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de McCarran" #~ msgid "McConnell Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de McConnell" #~ msgid "McEntire Air National Guard Weather Facility Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Estação Meterológica da Guarda Nacional de McEntire" #~ msgid "McGregor Executive Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Executivo de McGregor" #~ msgid "McNabs Island" #~ msgstr "Ilhas McNabs" #~ msgid "McTavish Automated Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Reporte de McTavish" #~ msgid "Meacham International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Meacham" #~ msgid "Merced / Castle Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Merced / Base da Força Aérea de Castle" #~ msgid "Merced Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Merced" #~ msgid "Meridian Naval Air Station - McCain Field" #~ msgstr "Estação Aérea da Marinha de Meridian - McCain Field" #~ msgid "Merrill Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Merrill Field" #~ msgid "Mesa / Falcon Field" #~ msgstr "Mesa / Falcon Field" #~ msgid "Metcalf Field" #~ msgstr "Metcalf Field" #~ msgid "Miami International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Miami" #~ msgid "Midland Airpark" #~ msgstr "Parque Aéreo de Midland" #~ msgid "Midland International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Midland" #~ msgid "Mikhaylovsk" #~ msgstr "Mikhaylovsk" #~ msgid "Millard Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Millard" #~ msgid "Milton, Whiting Field Naval Air Station North" #~ msgstr "Milton, Estação Aérea Norte da Marinha de Whiting Field" #~ msgid "Milton, Whiting Field South" #~ msgstr "Milton, Whiting Field Sul" #~ msgid "Milwaukee / Timmerman" #~ msgstr "Milwaukee / Timmerman" #~ msgid "Minneapolis / Blaine" #~ msgstr "Minneapolis / Blaine" #~ msgid "Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport" #~ msgstr "Minneapolis, Aeroporto Internacional de St. Paul" #~ msgid "Minocqua" #~ msgstr "Minocqua" #~ msgid "Minot Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Minot" #~ msgid "Minot International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Minot" #~ msgid "Miramar" #~ msgstr "Miramar" #~ msgid "Miramar MCAS / Mitscher Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Miramar MCAS / Aeroporto de Mitscher Field" #~ msgid "Mobile Downtown Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Mobile Downtown" #~ msgid "Mobile Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Mobile" #~ msgid "Monterrey International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Monterrey" #~ msgid "Montgomery Field" #~ msgstr "Montgomery Field" #~ msgid "Montichiara Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Montichiara" #~ msgid "Montpelier" #~ msgstr "Montpelier" #~ msgid "Montreal-Mirabel Airport" #~ msgstr "Montreal, Aeroporto de Mirabel" #~ msgid "Monument" #~ msgstr "Monument" #~ msgid "Muir" #~ msgstr "Muir" #~ msgid "Murphysboro" #~ msgstr "Murphysboro" #~ msgid "N. Kingston / Quonset" #~ msgstr "N. Kingston / Quonset" #~ msgid "Nancy-Essey Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Nancy-Essey" #~ msgid "Nancy-Ochey Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Nancy-Ochey" #~ msgid "Naval Air Station - Alvin Callender Field" #~ msgstr "Alvin Callender Field - Estação Aérea da Marinha" #~ msgid "New London" #~ msgstr "New London" #~ msgid "New Orleans International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Nova Orleães" #~ msgid "New Orleans Lakefront Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Nova Orleães Lakefront" #~ msgid "New River" #~ msgstr "New River" #~ msgid "New York City, Central Park" #~ msgstr "Nova York, Central Park" #~ msgid "Newport News / Williamsburg International Airport" #~ msgstr "Newport News / Aeroporto Internacional de Williamsburg" #~ msgid "Norfolk International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Norfolk" #~ msgid "Norfolk, Naval Air Station" #~ msgstr "Norfolk, Estação Aérea da Marinha" #~ msgid "Normal" #~ msgstr "Normal" #~ msgid "North Las Vegas Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Norte de Las Vegas" #~ msgid "Northeast Philadelphia Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Philadelphia Nordeste" #~ msgid "Nouzha Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Nouzha" #~ msgid "O. R. Tambo International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de O. R. Tambo" #~ msgid "Oahu, Kalaeloa Airport" #~ msgstr "Oahu, Aeroporto de Kalaeloa" #~ msgid "Obihiro Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Obihiro" #~ msgid "Oceana" #~ msgstr "Oceana" #~ msgid "Oceanside Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Oceanside" #~ msgid "Oceanside, Camp Pendleton, Marine Corps Air Station" #~ msgstr "Oceanside, Camp Pendleton, Estação Aérea dos Fuzileiros dos E.U.A." #~ msgid "Ogden-Hinckley Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Ogden-Hinckley" #~ msgid "Ohio State University Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto da Universidade Estatal do Ohio" #~ msgid "Olathe, New Century Aircenter" #~ msgstr "Olathe, Campo Aéreo New Century" #~ msgid "Old Yundum" #~ msgstr "Old Yundum" #~ msgid "Omaha / Offutt Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Omaha / Base da Força Aérea de Offutt" #~ msgid "Omaha, Eppley Airfield" #~ msgstr "Omaha, Aeródromo de Eppley" #~ msgid "Omišalj" #~ msgstr "Omišalj" #~ msgid "Opa Locka Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Opa Locka" #~ msgid "Orlando Executive Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Executivo de Orlando" #~ msgid "Orlando International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Orlando" #~ msgid "Oscar Macha Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Oscar Macha" #~ msgid "Outlaw Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Outlaw Field" #~ msgid "Oxnard Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Oxnard" #~ msgid "Page Field" #~ msgstr "Page Field" #~ msgid "Palam" #~ msgstr "Palam" #~ msgid "Palermo Boccadifalco" #~ msgstr "Palermo Boccadifalco" #~ msgid "Palm Springs Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Palm Springs" #~ msgid "Paris-Le Bourget Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Paris-Le Bourget" #~ msgid "Paris-Orly" #~ msgstr "Paris-Orly" #~ msgid "Paya Lebar Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Paya Lebar" #~ msgid "Peachtree City" #~ msgstr "Peachtree City" #~ msgid "Peachtree City-Falcon Field" #~ msgstr "Peachtree City-Falcon Field" #~ msgid "Pearland Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Pearland" #~ msgid "Pedras Rubras" #~ msgstr "Pedras Rubras" #~ msgid "Pensacola Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Pensacola" #~ msgid "Pensacola, Naval Air Station" #~ msgstr "Pensacola, Estação Aérea da Marinha" #~ msgid "Peter O Knight Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Peter O Knight" #~ msgid "Philadelphia International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Filadélfia" #~ msgid "Philip Billard Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Philip Billard" #~ msgid "Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport" #~ msgstr "Phoenix, Aeroporto Internacional de Sky Harbor" #~ msgid "Phoenix-Deer Valley Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Phoenix, Aeroporto Municipal de Deer Valley" #~ msgid "Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Pierre Elliot Trudeau" #~ msgid "Pirkkala" #~ msgstr "Pirkkala" #~ msgid "Pittsburgh International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Pittsburgh" #~ msgid "Pleso" #~ msgstr "Pleso" #~ msgid "Point Mugu, Naval Air Warfare Center" #~ msgstr "Point Mugu, Centro de Combate Aéreo da Marinha" #~ msgid "Pointe Noire" #~ msgstr "Pointe Noire" #~ msgid "Pope Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Pope" #~ msgid "Port Arthur" #~ msgstr "Port Arthur" #~ msgid "Port Columbus International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Port Columbus" #~ msgid "Portage, Portage Glacier" #~ msgstr "Portage, Glaciar de Portage" #~ msgid "Portland International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Portland" #~ msgid "Portland-Hillsboro Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Portland-Hillsboro" #~ msgid "Portland-Troutdale Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Portland-Troutdale" #~ msgid "Porto Alegre Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Porto Alegre" #~ msgid "Pouthichentong" #~ msgstr "Pouthichentong" #~ msgid "Pudong Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Pudong" #~ msgid "Pullman" #~ msgstr "Pullman" #~ msgid "Punta Raisi Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Punta Raisi" #~ msgid "Qikiqtarjuaq Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Qikiqtarjuaq" #~ msgid "Rancho Boyeros" #~ msgstr "Rancho Boyeros" #~ msgid "Redbird Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Redbird" #~ msgid "Regina University" #~ msgstr "Universidade de Regina" #~ msgid "Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea da Guarda Nacional de Rickenbacker" #~ msgid "Rio de Janeiro Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto do Rio de Janeiro" #~ msgid "Rio de Janeiro-Santa Cruz Air Base" #~ msgstr "Rio de Janeiro, Base Aérea de Santa Cruz" #~ msgid "Riverside / March Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Riverside / Base da Força Aérea de March" #~ msgid "Riverside Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Riverside" #~ msgid "Rolla" #~ msgstr "Rolla" #~ msgid "Roma Fiumicino" #~ msgstr "Roma Fiumicino" #~ msgid "Romeoville" #~ msgstr "Romeoville" #~ msgid "S. Angelo Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de S. Angelo" #~ msgid "Sacramento Executive Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Executivo de Sacramento" #~ msgid "Sacramento International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Sacramento" #~ msgid "Sacramento Mather Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Sacramento Mather" #~ msgid "Saginaw County H.W. Browne Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto H.W. Browne de Saginaw County" #~ msgid "Saint Leonard Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Saint Leonard" #~ msgid "Saipan Island, Saipan International Airport" #~ msgstr "Ilha Saipan, Aeroporto Internacional de Saipan" #~ msgid "Salcea" #~ msgstr "Salcea" #~ msgid "San Antonio International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de San Antonio" #~ msgid "San Diego / El Cajon, Gillespie Field Airport" #~ msgstr "San Diego / El Cajon, Aeródromo de Gillespie" #~ msgid "San Diego International-Lindbergh Field" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto International de San Diego - Lindbergh Field" #~ msgid "San Diego, North Island, Naval Air Station" #~ msgstr "San Diego, Ilha Norte, Estação Aérea da Marinha" #~ msgid "San Jose / Reid / Hillv" #~ msgstr "San Jose / Reid / Hillv" #~ msgid "San Jose International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de San Jose" #~ msgid "Sanford Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Sanford" #~ msgid "Sanganer" #~ msgstr "Sanganer" #~ msgid "Saturna Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System" #~ msgstr "Sistema de Apresentação Meteorológica Aeronáutica de Saturna Island" #~ msgid "Savannah International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Savannah" #~ msgid "Seattle Boeing Field" #~ msgstr "Seattle, Boeing Field" #~ msgid "Seattle-Tacoma International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Seattle-Tacoma" #~ msgid "Sendai Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Sendai" #~ msgid "Sheep Mountain, Sheep Mountain Airport" #~ msgstr "Sheep Mountain, Aeroporto de Sheep Mountain" #~ msgid "Sheremet'ye Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Sheremet'ye" #~ msgid "Sheringham Automatic Weather Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Reporte Meteorológico de Sheringham" #~ msgid "Shreveport Downtown Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Shreveport Downtown" #~ msgid "Shreveport Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Shreveport" #~ msgid "Sigonella Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Sigonella" #~ msgid "Sikes Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Sikes" #~ msgid "Simon Bolivar International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Simon Bolivar" #~ msgid "Sirri Island, Sirri Airport" #~ msgstr "Ilha Sirri, Aeroporto de Sirri" #~ msgid "Sky Harbor Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Sky Harbor" #~ msgid "Skylark Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Skylark Field" #~ msgid "Southern Pines" #~ msgstr "Southern Pines" #~ msgid "Southwest Florida International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional da Florida Sudoeste" #~ msgid "Spadeadam" #~ msgstr "Spadeadam" #~ msgid "Sparwood Automatic Weather Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Reporte Meteorológico de Sparwood" #~ msgid "Sparwood, Sparwood-Elk Valley Airport" #~ msgstr "Sparwood, Aeroporto de Sparwood-Elk Valley" #~ msgid "Spokane International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Spokane" #~ msgid "Springdale Municipal" #~ msgstr "Springdale Municipal" #~ msgid "St Leonard Automatic Weather Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Reporte Meteorológico de St Leonard" #~ msgid "St. Paul, St. Paul Downtown Holman Field" #~ msgstr "St. Paul, St. Paul Downtown Holman Field" #~ msgid "St. Petersburg, Whitted Airport" #~ msgstr "São Petersburgo, Aeroporto Whitted" #~ msgid "Standiford Field" #~ msgstr "Standiford Field" #~ msgid "Starkville" #~ msgstr "Starkville" #~ msgid "Stinson Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Stinson" #~ msgid "Stockholm-Arlanda Airport" #~ msgstr "Estocolmo, Aeroporto de Arlanda" #~ msgid "Stockholm-Bromma Airport" #~ msgstr "Estocolmo, Aeroporto de Bromma" #~ msgid "Sugar Land" #~ msgstr "Sugar Land" #~ msgid "Sugar Land Municipal / Hull Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Sugar Land / Aeródromo de Hull Field" #~ msgid "Sung-shan" #~ msgstr "Sung-shan" #~ msgid "Surčin" #~ msgstr "Surčin" #~ msgid "Swansboro" #~ msgstr "Swansboro" #~ msgid "Tacoma / McChord Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Tacoma, Base da Força Aérea de McChord" #~ msgid "Tacoma Narrows Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Tacoma Narrows" #~ msgid "Tafaraoui Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Tafaraoui" #~ msgid "Tampa International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Tampa" #~ msgid "Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Ted Stevens Anchorage" #~ msgid "Teslin Marine Aviation Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Marinha de Reporte à Aviação de Teslin" #~ msgid "Theodore Francis Green State Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Estatal de Theodore Francis Green" #~ msgid "Tinian Island, N. Mariana Is, West Tinian Airport" #~ msgstr "Ilha Tinian, Ilhas N. Mariana, Aeroporto de West Tinian" #~ msgid "Tinker Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Tinker" #~ msgid "Titusville, NASA Shuttle Landing Facility" #~ msgstr "Titusville, Instalação de Aterragem do Vai-vém Espacial da NASA" #~ msgid "Tokachi Japanese Ground Self Defense Force" #~ msgstr "Força Japonesa de Auto-Defesa Terrestre de Tokachi" #~ msgid "Tokyo Heliport" #~ msgstr "Heliporto de Tóquio" #~ msgid "Tokyo International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Tóquio" #~ msgid "Toledo Express Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Toledo Express" #~ msgid "Toronto Buttonville" #~ msgstr "Toronto Buttonville" #~ msgid "Toronto Island Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto da Ilha de Toronto" #~ msgid "Toronto Pearson International" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Toronto Pearson" #~ msgid "Toulouse-Blagnac Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Toulouse-Blagnac" #~ msgid "Toulouse-Francazal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Toulouse-Francazal" #~ msgid "Trail Valley" #~ msgstr "Trail Valley" #~ msgid "Tucson International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Tucson" #~ msgid "Tulsa International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Tulsa" #~ msgid "Urbe Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Urbe" #~ msgid "Vance Air Force Base / Enid" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Vance / Enid" #~ msgid "Vandenberg Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Vandenberg" #~ msgid "Vandenberg Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Vandenberg" #~ msgid "Varadero" #~ msgstr "Varadero" #~ msgid "Vic. Hartland Automatic Weather Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Reporte Meteorológico de Vic. Hartland" #~ msgid "Victoria Automatic Weather Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Reporte Meteorológico de Victoria" #~ msgid "Victoria Harbour" #~ msgstr "Porto de Victoria" #~ msgid "Victoria International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Victoria" #~ msgid "Victoria University" #~ msgstr "Universidade de Victoria" #~ msgid "Vnukovo Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Vnukovo" #~ msgid "Waco Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Waco" #~ msgid "Washington DC, Reagan National Airport" #~ msgstr "Washington DC, Aeroporto Nacional de Reagan" #~ msgid "Washington DC, Washington-Dulles International Airport" #~ msgstr "Washington DC, Aeroporto Internacional de Washington-Dulles" #~ msgid "Waxahachie" #~ msgstr "Waxahachie" #~ msgid "Whiteman Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Whiteman" #~ msgid "Wichita Mid-Continent Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Wichita Mid-Continent" #~ msgid "Wickede" #~ msgstr "Wickede" #~ msgid "Wiley Post Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Wiley Post" #~ msgid "Will Rogers World Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Will Rogers World" #~ msgid "Williams Gateway Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Williams Gateway" #~ msgid "Willow Run Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Willow Run" #~ msgid "Wings Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Wings Field" #~ msgid "Winnipeg International Airportman." #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Winnipeg" #~ msgid "Winnipeg The Forks" #~ msgstr "Winnipeg The Forks" #~ msgid "Wytheville" #~ msgstr "Wytheville" #~ msgid "Yuba County Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Yuba County" #~ msgid "Ülenurme" #~ msgstr "Ülenurme" #~ msgid "Čepin" #~ msgstr "Čepin" #~ msgid "Čilipi" #~ msgstr "Čilipi" #~ msgid "Abeche" #~ msgstr "Abeche" #~ msgid "Adak Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Adak" #~ msgid "Addis Ababa" #~ msgstr "Addis Ababa" #~ msgid "Addison" #~ msgstr "Addison" #~ msgid "Aeroparque" #~ msgstr "Aeroparque" #~ msgid "Aeroporto Da Madeira" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto da Madeira" #~ msgid "Agadir Al Massira" #~ msgstr "Agadir Al Massira" #~ msgid "Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea" #~ msgid "Airport" #~ msgstr "Airport" #~ msgid "Airport Jose Martí, Rancho-Boyeros, Habana" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Jose Martí, Rancho-Boyeros, Habana" #~ msgid "Aix-les-Bains" #~ msgstr "Aix-Les-Bains" #~ msgid "Akeno Ab" #~ msgstr "Akeno Ab" #~ msgid "Aktion" #~ msgstr "Aktion" #~ msgid "Aktjubinsk" #~ msgstr "Aktjubinsk" #~ msgid "Akulivik" #~ msgstr "Akulivik" #~ msgid "Al Ahsa" #~ msgstr "Al Ahsa" #~ msgid "Alacant/L'Altet" #~ msgstr "Alacant/L'Altet" #~ msgid "Albacete/Los Llanos" #~ msgstr "Albacete/Los Llanos" #~ msgid "Albuquerque Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Albuquerque" #~ msgid "Alderney" #~ msgstr "Alderney" #~ msgid "Alert" #~ msgstr "Alert" #~ msgid "Alexander Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Alexander" #~ msgid "Alexandria-Esler" #~ msgstr "Alexandria-Esler" #~ msgid "Alexandria/Nouzha" #~ msgstr "Alexandria/Nouzha" #~ msgid "Almería/Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto/Almería" #~ msgid "Alofi / Niue" #~ msgstr "Alofi / Niue" #~ msgid "Alor Setar" #~ msgstr "Alor Setar" #~ msgid "Alpine Airstrip" #~ msgstr "Pista Aérea de Alpine" #~ msgid "Altenstadt-Schongau" #~ msgstr "Altenstadt-Schongau" #~ msgid "Amasya" #~ msgstr "Amasya" #~ msgid "Amendola" #~ msgstr "Amendola" #~ msgid "Anapa/Vitiazevo" #~ msgstr "Anapa/Vitiazevo" #~ msgid "Andersen" #~ msgstr "Andersen" #~ msgid "Andøya" #~ msgstr "Andøya" #~ msgid "Antigua" #~ msgstr "Antigua" #~ msgid "Apartado/Los Cedros" #~ msgstr "Apartado/Los Cedros" #~ msgid "Aquadilla" #~ msgstr "Aquadilla" #~ msgid "Arauca/Santiago Pérez" #~ msgstr "Arauca/Santiago Pérez" #~ msgid "Arlanda" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Arlanda/Estocolmo" #~ msgid "Armenia/El Eden" #~ msgstr "Arménia/El Eden" #~ msgid "Armor" #~ msgstr "Armor" #~ msgid "Artigas" #~ msgstr "Artigas" #~ msgid "Arwi" #~ msgstr "Arwi" #~ msgid "Ascensión De Guarayos" #~ msgstr "Ascensión De Guarayos" #~ msgid "Ashburnam" #~ msgstr "Ashburnam" #~ msgid "Ashfield" #~ msgstr "Ashfield" #~ msgid "Asmara" #~ msgstr "Asmara" #~ msgid "Ataturk" #~ msgstr "Ataturk" #~ msgid "Atka" #~ msgstr "Atka" #~ msgid "Auburn-Lewiston" #~ msgstr "Auburn-Lewiston" #~ msgid "Audubon Park" #~ msgstr "Parque de Audubon" #~ msgid "Aurora Buckley Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Aurora Buckley" #~ msgid "Aurora State" #~ msgstr "Estado de Aurora" #~ msgid "Austin City" #~ msgstr "Austin City" #~ msgid "Australian External Territories" #~ msgstr "Territórios Externos Australianos" #~ msgid "Automatic Surface Observing System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Observação Terrestre" #~ msgid "Aviano Usaf" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea dos E.U.A. em Aviano" #~ msgid "Ayers Rock" #~ msgstr "Ayers Rock" #~ msgid "Babelthuap Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Babelthuap" #~ msgid "Bahia Blanca" #~ msgstr "Bahia Blanca" #~ msgid "Bahías de Huatulco" #~ msgstr "Baías de Huatulco" #~ msgid "Ball Mountain" #~ msgstr "Montanha Ball" #~ msgid "Bamako / Senou" #~ msgstr "Bamako / Senou" #~ msgid "Bamberg" #~ msgstr "Bamberg" #~ msgid "Banak" #~ msgstr "Banak" #~ msgid "Bangalore/Hindustan" #~ msgstr "Bangalore/Hindustan" #~ msgid "Barberey-Saint-Sulpice" #~ msgstr "Barberey-Saint-Sulpice" #~ msgid "Barbers Point" #~ msgstr "Barbers Point" #~ msgid "Barcelona/Airport" #~ msgstr "Barcelona/Aeroporto" #~ msgid "Bardufoss" #~ msgstr "Bardufoss" #~ msgid "Bari/Palese Macchie" #~ msgstr "Bari/Palese Macchie" #~ msgid "Bariloche" #~ msgstr "Bariloche" #~ msgid "Barking Sand" #~ msgstr "Barking Sand" #~ msgid "Barksdale" #~ msgstr "Barksdale" #~ msgid "Barkston Heath" #~ msgstr "Barkston Heath" #~ msgid "Barrancabermeja/Yariguies" #~ msgstr "Barrancabermeja/Yariguies" #~ msgid "Barranquilla/Ernesto Cortissoz" #~ msgstr "Barranquilla/Ernesto Cortissoz" #~ msgid "Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg" #~ msgstr "Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg" #~ msgid "Bastrop" #~ msgstr "Bastrop" #~ msgid "Battle Mountain" #~ msgstr "Montanhas Battle" #~ msgid "Bauerfield Efate" #~ msgstr "Bauerfield Efate" #~ msgid "Bayamo" #~ msgstr "Bayamo" #~ msgid "Bayreuth" #~ msgstr "Bayreuth" #~ msgid "Beaver Creek" #~ msgstr "Riacho de Beaver" #~ msgid "Beaver Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Beaver" #~ msgid "Beef Island, Tortola" #~ msgstr "Ilha Beef, Tortola" #~ msgid "Belfast/Aldergrove" #~ msgstr "Belfast/Aldergrove" #~ msgid "Belgorod" #~ msgstr "Belgorod" #~ msgid "Belmar-Farmingdale" #~ msgstr "Belmar-Farmingdale" #~ msgid "Belp" #~ msgstr "Belp" #~ msgid "Ben-Gurion" #~ msgstr "Ben-Gurion" #~ msgid "Benbecula" #~ msgstr "Benbecula" #~ msgid "Bentlage" #~ msgstr "Bentlage" #~ msgid "Berbera" #~ msgstr "Berbera" #~ msgid "Berens River Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto do Rio Berens" #~ msgid "Bergamo/Orio Al Serio" #~ msgstr "Bergamo/Orio Al Serio" #~ msgid "Bergen/Flesland" #~ msgstr "Bergen/Flesland" #~ msgid "Bergstrom Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea em Bergstrom" #~ msgid "Bethany" #~ msgstr "Bethany" #~ msgid "Biak / Mokmer" #~ msgstr "Biak / Mokmer" #~ msgid "Biarritz-Bayonne" #~ msgstr "Biarritz-Bayonne" #~ msgid "Big River Lake" #~ msgstr "Big River Lake" #~ msgid "Big Trout Lake" #~ msgstr "Big Trout Lake" #~ msgid "Bilbao/Sondika" #~ msgstr "Bilbao/Sondika" #~ msgid "Bitam" #~ msgstr "Bitam" #~ msgid "Blagoveschensk" #~ msgstr "Blagoveschensk" #~ msgid "Blakely" #~ msgstr "Blakely" #~ msgid "Blankensee" #~ msgstr "Blankensee" #~ msgid "Block Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Block" #~ msgid "Bloemfontein J. B. M. Hertzog" #~ msgstr "Bloemfontein J. B. M. Hertzog" #~ msgid "Blue Canyon" #~ msgstr "Blue Canyon" #~ msgid "Bobo-Dioulasso" #~ msgstr "Bobo-Dioulasso" #~ msgid "Bodrum Milas Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Bodrum Milas" #~ msgid "Boeing" #~ msgstr "Boeing" #~ msgid "Bogota/Eldorado" #~ msgstr "Bogota/Eldorado" #~ msgid "Bologna/Borgo Panigale" #~ msgstr "Bolonha/Borgo Panigale" #~ msgid "Bolshoe Savino" #~ msgstr "Bolshoe Savino" #~ msgid "Bombay/Santacruz" #~ msgstr "Bombaím/Santacruz" #~ msgid "Bonaire" #~ msgstr "Bonaire" #~ msgid "Boothville Heliport" #~ msgstr "Heliporto de Boothville" #~ msgid "Bordj El Amri" #~ msgstr "Bordj El Amri" #~ msgid "Bordj Mokhtar" #~ msgstr "Bordj Mokhtar" #~ msgid "Bornholm" #~ msgstr "Bornholm" #~ msgid "Bouthéon" #~ msgstr "Bouthéon" #~ msgid "Bradshaw Field" #~ msgstr "Bradshaw Field" #~ msgid "Bratsk/Irkutsk" #~ msgstr "Bratsk/Irkutsk" #~ msgid "Brazzaville / Maya-Maya" #~ msgstr "Brazzaville / Maya-Maya" #~ msgid "Brač" #~ msgstr "Brač" #~ msgid "Brescia/Ghedi" #~ msgstr "Brescia/Ghedi" #~ msgid "Brescia/Montichiari" #~ msgstr "Brescia/Montichiari" #~ msgid "Brevoort Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Brevoort" #~ msgid "Brewster" #~ msgstr "Brewster" #~ msgid "Bristol Filton" #~ msgstr "Bristol Filton" #~ msgid "Brnik" #~ msgstr "Brnik" #~ msgid "Broughton Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Broughton" #~ msgid "Brønnøysund/Brønnøy" #~ msgstr "Brønnøysund/Brønnøy" #~ msgid "Bucaramanga/Palonegro" #~ msgstr "Bucaramanga/Palonegro" #~ msgid "Buffalo Range" #~ msgstr "Buffalo Range" #~ msgid "Buhta Providenja" #~ msgstr "Buhta Providenja" #~ msgid "Bulawayo" #~ msgstr "Bulawayo" #~ msgid "Burao" #~ msgstr "Burao" #~ msgid "Bursa/Yenisehir" #~ msgstr "Bursa/Yenisehir" #~ msgid "Burwell" #~ msgstr "Burwell" #~ msgid "Bushehr Civ/Afb" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea Civil/Militar de Bushehr" #~ msgid "Butler County" #~ msgstr "Condado de Butler" #~ msgid "Bückeburg" #~ msgstr "Bückeburg" #~ msgid "Cali/Alfonso Bonilla Aragón" #~ msgstr "Cali/Alfonso Bonilla Aragón" #~ msgid "Camp Bondsteel" #~ msgstr "Quartel Bondsteel" #~ msgid "Campo dell'Oro" #~ msgstr "Campo dell'Oro" #~ msgid "Canaan" #~ msgstr "Canaan" #~ msgid "Cap-Haitien" #~ msgstr "Cabo Haitien" #~ msgid "Cap-Skirring" #~ msgstr "Cabo Skirring" #~ msgid "Cape Hooper" #~ msgstr "Cabo Hooper" #~ msgid "Cape Kiglapait" #~ msgstr "Cabo Kiglapait" #~ msgid "Cape Lisburne" #~ msgstr "Cabo Lisburne" #~ msgid "Cape Mercy" #~ msgstr "Cabo Mercy" #~ msgid "Cape Newenham" #~ msgstr "Cabo Newenham" #~ msgid "Cape Romanzof" #~ msgstr "Cabo Romanzof" #~ msgid "Cape Town D. F. Malan" #~ msgstr "Cidade do Cabo D. F. Malan" #~ msgid "Capitán Corbeta" #~ msgstr "Capitán Corbeta" #~ msgid "Capo Bellavista" #~ msgstr "Cabo Bellavista" #~ msgid "Caracas/La Carlota" #~ msgstr "Caracas/La Carlota" #~ msgid "Caracas/Maiquetia Aerop. Intl. Simon Bolivar" #~ msgstr "Caracas/Maiquetia Aeroporto Internacional Simon Bolivar" #~ msgid "Caracas/Oscar Macha" #~ msgstr "Caracas/Oscar Macha" #~ msgid "Carl's Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Carl's Field" #~ msgid "Carpiquet" #~ msgstr "Carpiquet" #~ msgid "Cartagena/Rafael Nuñez" #~ msgstr "Cartagena/Rafael Nuñez" #~ msgid "Carupano/Gen. Jose" #~ msgstr "Carupano/Gen. José" #~ msgid "Catamarca" #~ msgstr "Catamarca" #~ msgid "Cayenne / Rochambeau" #~ msgstr "Cayenne / Rochambeau" #~ msgid "Cayman Brac" #~ msgstr "Cayman Brac" #~ msgid "Cayo Coco/Jardines Del Rey" #~ msgstr "Cayo Coco/Jardines Del Rey" #~ msgid "Cayo Largo Del Sur" #~ msgstr "Cayo Largo Del Sur" #~ msgid "Cemetery Separa" #~ msgstr "Cemetery Separa" #~ msgid "Chachapoyas" #~ msgstr "Chachapoyas" #~ msgid "Champagne" #~ msgstr "Champagne" #~ msgid "Chandalar Lake" #~ msgstr "Chandalar Lake" #~ msgid "Changuinola/Capitán Manuel Niño" #~ msgstr "Changuinola/Capitán Manuel Niño" #~ msgid "Chapelco" #~ msgstr "Chapelco" #~ msgid "Charles De Gaulle" #~ msgstr "Charles De Gaulle" #~ msgid "Charlestown/Newcast" #~ msgstr "Charlestown/Newcast" #~ msgid "Charlottetown Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Charlottetown" #~ msgid "Chenault Airpark" #~ msgstr "Chenault Airpark" #~ msgid "Cherry Point" #~ msgstr "Cherry Point" #~ msgid "Chetwynd" #~ msgstr "Chetwynd" #~ msgid "Chiang Kai Shek" #~ msgstr "Chiang Kai Shek" #~ msgid "Chillán" #~ msgstr "Chillán" #~ msgid "Chingozi" #~ msgstr "Chingozi" #~ msgid "Chippewa" #~ msgstr "Chippewa" #~ msgid "Chongju Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Chongju" #~ msgid "Christmas/Cassidy" #~ msgstr "Christmas/Cassidy" #~ msgid "Churchill Falls" #~ msgstr "Cataratas de Churchill" #~ msgid "Cigli" #~ msgstr "Cigli" #~ msgid "Ciudad del Carmen" #~ msgstr "Ciudad del Carmen" #~ msgid "Clarkfield Pampanga" #~ msgstr "Clarkfield Pampanga" #~ msgid "Clayton Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Clayton" #~ msgid "Clover" #~ msgstr "Clover" #~ msgid "Cocobeach" #~ msgstr "Cocobeach" #~ msgid "Cointrin" #~ msgstr "Cointrin" #~ msgid "Coltishall" #~ msgstr "Coltishall" #~ msgid "Colville" #~ msgstr "Colville" #~ msgid "Conakry / Gbessia" #~ msgstr "Conakry / Gbessia" #~ msgid "Confins Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Confins" #~ msgid "Connaught" #~ msgstr "Connaught" #~ msgid "Constable Pynt" #~ msgstr "Constable Pynt" #~ msgid "Constanţa" #~ msgstr "Constanţa" #~ msgid "Converse County Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Converse County" #~ msgid "Coppermine" #~ msgstr "Coppermine" #~ msgid "Coronel Enrique Soto Cano Air Base" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Coronel Enrique Soto Cano" #~ msgid "Cosford" #~ msgstr "Cosford" #~ msgid "Crested Butte Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Crested Butte" #~ msgid "Croker River" #~ msgstr "Rio Croker" #~ msgid "Crown Pt./ Scarborou" #~ msgstr "Crown Pt./ Scarborou" #~ msgid "Cuba Awrs" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Reporte Meteorológico de Cuba" #~ msgid "Cucuta/Camilo Daza" #~ msgstr "Cucuta/Camilo Daza" #~ msgid "Culdrose" #~ msgstr "Culdrose" #~ msgid "Cumana" #~ msgstr "Cumana" #~ msgid "Cuneo/Levaldigi" #~ msgstr "Cuneo/Levaldigi" #~ msgid "Curacao" #~ msgstr "Curacao" #~ msgid "Custer County Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Custer County" #~ msgid "Cuxhaven" #~ msgstr "Cuxhaven" #~ msgid "Cuyahoga" #~ msgstr "Cuyahoga" #~ msgid "Cyclades Islands" #~ msgstr "Ilhas Cyclades" #~ msgid "Côte d'Azur" #~ msgstr "Côte d'Azur" #~ msgid "Dagoretti" #~ msgstr "Dagoretti" #~ msgid "Dakar / Yoff" #~ msgstr "Dakar / Yoff" #~ msgid "Dallas-Fort Worth" #~ msgstr "Dallas-Forte Worth" #~ msgid "Dawson Creek" #~ msgstr "Riacho de Dawson" #~ msgid "Deauville" #~ msgstr "Deauville" #~ msgid "Deering/New Airport" #~ msgstr "Deering/Novo Aeroporto" #~ msgid "Deir Ezzor" #~ msgstr "Deir Ezzor" #~ msgid "Del Bajío" #~ msgstr "Del Bajío" #~ msgid "Den Helder/De Kooy" #~ msgstr "Den Helder/De Kooy" #~ msgid "Desert Rock" #~ msgstr "Desert Rock" #~ msgid "Dewar Lakes" #~ msgstr "Lagos de Dewar" #~ msgid "Diego Garcia" #~ msgstr "Diego Garcia" #~ msgid "Diego-Suarez" #~ msgstr "Diego-Suarez" #~ msgid "Diepholz" #~ msgstr "Diepholz" #~ msgid "Djerba Mellita" #~ msgstr "Djerba Mellita" #~ msgid "Don Torcuato" #~ msgstr "Don Torcuato" #~ msgid "Dorval" #~ msgstr "Dorval" #~ msgid "Douala Obs." #~ msgstr "Observatório de Douala" #~ msgid "Downtown" #~ msgstr "Downtown" #~ msgid "Draugen" #~ msgstr "Draugen" #~ msgid "Dugway" #~ msgstr "Dugway" #~ msgid "Durban Louis Botha" #~ msgstr "Durban Louis Botha" #~ msgid "Dutch Harbor" #~ msgstr "Dutch Harbor" #~ msgid "Dzaoudzi / Pamanzi Mayotte" #~ msgstr "Dzaoudzi / Pamanzi Mayotte" #~ msgid "Düsseldorf" #~ msgstr "Düsseldorf" #~ msgid "Eaker" #~ msgstr "Eaker" #~ msgid "East Midlands" #~ msgstr "Midlands Leste" #~ msgid "East St Louis" #~ msgstr "St Louis Leste" #~ msgid "Eastmain" #~ msgstr "Eastmain" #~ msgid "Echterdingen" #~ msgstr "Echterdingen" #~ msgid "Egilsstaðir" #~ msgstr "Egilsstaðir" #~ msgid "Eglin" #~ msgstr "Eglin" #~ msgid "Eielson AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Fairbanks" #~ msgid "Ekati" #~ msgstr "Ekati" #~ msgid "Ekofisk" #~ msgstr "Ekofisk" #~ msgid "El Cerrito" #~ msgstr "El Cerrito" #~ msgid "El Oued" #~ msgstr "El Oued" #~ msgid "El Salvador/Comalapa" #~ msgstr "El Salvador/Comalapa" #~ msgid "Elazig" #~ msgstr "Elazig" #~ msgid "Elbert Mountain" #~ msgstr "Montanhas Elbert" #~ msgid "Eleftherios Venizelos" #~ msgstr "Eleftherios Venizelos" #~ msgid "Elista" #~ msgstr "Elista" #~ msgid "Elk City" #~ msgstr "Elk City" #~ msgid "Elkhart Automatic Weather Observing/Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Reporte Meteorológico de Elkhart" #~ msgid "Ellington Field" #~ msgstr "Ellington Field" #~ msgid "Ellsworth Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Ellsworth" #~ msgid "Elmendorf AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Elmendorf" #~ msgid "Embu" #~ msgstr "Embu" #~ msgid "Enosburg Falls" #~ msgstr "Catarátas Enosburg" #~ msgid "Enugu" #~ msgstr "Enugu" #~ msgid "Ercan" #~ msgstr "Ercan" #~ msgid "Erding" #~ msgstr "Erding" #~ msgid "Erfurt" #~ msgstr "Erfurt" #~ msgid "Erzincan" #~ msgstr "Erzincan" #~ msgid "Es Senia" #~ msgstr "Es Senia" #~ msgid "Esquel" #~ msgstr "Esquel" #~ msgid "Evenes/Harstad/Narvik" #~ msgstr "Evenes/Harstad/Narvik" #~ msgid "Everöd" #~ msgstr "Everöd" #~ msgid "Falconara" #~ msgstr "Falconara" #~ msgid "Faleolo Intl / Apia" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Faleolo / Apia" #~ msgid "Falmouth" #~ msgstr "Falmouth" #~ msgid "Farewell Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Farewell" #~ msgid "Farewell Lake Seaplane Base" #~ msgstr "Base Aéro-Marítima do Lago Farewell" #~ msgid "Fascene Nossi-Be" #~ msgstr "Fascene Nossi-Be" #~ msgid "Fauville" #~ msgstr "Fauville" #~ msgid "Fenghuang International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Fenghuang" #~ msgid "Ferihegy" #~ msgstr "Ferihegy" #~ msgid "Fes-Sais" #~ msgstr "Fes-Sais" #~ msgid "Figari" #~ msgstr "Figari" #~ msgid "Firenze/Peretola" #~ msgstr "Florença/Peretola" #~ msgid "Flag Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Flag" #~ msgid "Flensburg" #~ msgstr "Flensburg" #~ msgid "Formiga" #~ msgstr "Formiga" #~ msgid "Fort Belvoir" #~ msgstr "Forte Belvoir" #~ msgid "Fort Bragg" #~ msgstr "Forte Bragg" #~ msgid "Fort Campbell" #~ msgstr "Forte Campbell" #~ msgid "Fort Franklin" #~ msgstr "Forte Franklin" #~ msgid "Fort Hood" #~ msgstr "Forte Hood" #~ msgid "Fort Huachuca" #~ msgstr "Forte Huachuca" #~ msgid "Fort Knox" #~ msgstr "Forte Knox" #~ msgid "Fort Leonard" #~ msgstr "Forte Leonard" #~ msgid "Fort Lewis" #~ msgstr "Forte Lewis" #~ msgid "Fort Liard" #~ msgstr "Forte Liard" #~ msgid "Fort Mcpherson" #~ msgstr "Forte Mcpherson" #~ msgid "Fort Meade" #~ msgstr "Forte Meade" #~ msgid "Fort Norman" #~ msgstr "Forte Norman" #~ msgid "Fort Polk-Leesville" #~ msgstr "Forte Polk-Leesville" #~ msgid "Fort Resolution" #~ msgstr "Forte Resolution" #~ msgid "Fort St John" #~ msgstr "Forte St John" #~ msgid "Fort Stewart" #~ msgstr "Forte Stewart" #~ msgid "Fort-Dauphin" #~ msgstr "Fort-Dauphin" #~ msgid "Fourchon" #~ msgstr "Fourchon" #~ msgid "Franceville / Mvengue" #~ msgstr "Franceville / Mvengue" #~ msgid "Francisco Sá Carneiro" #~ msgstr "Francisco Sá Carneiro" #~ msgid "Frankfurt am Main" #~ msgstr "Frankfurt am Main" #~ msgid "Freistadt" #~ msgstr "Freistadt" #~ msgid "Frescaty" #~ msgstr "Frescaty" #~ msgid "Frigg" #~ msgstr "Frigg" #~ msgid "Frobisher" #~ msgstr "Frobisher" #~ msgid "Frontone" #~ msgstr "Frontone" #~ msgid "Frösön" #~ msgstr "Frösön" #~ msgid "Fuerteventura" #~ msgstr "Fuerteventura" #~ msgid "Fuji Ab" #~ msgstr "Fuji Ab" #~ msgid "Fukui" #~ msgstr "Fukui" #~ msgid "Fukushima" #~ msgstr "Fukushima" #~ msgid "Førde/Bringeland" #~ msgstr "Førde/Bringeland" #~ msgid "Gahanna" #~ msgstr "Gahanna" #~ msgid "Galax-Hillsville" #~ msgstr "Galax-Hillsville" #~ msgid "Galbraith Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Galbraith" #~ msgid "Galeão Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Galeão" #~ msgid "Galilee/Pina" #~ msgstr "Galilee/Pina" #~ msgid "Gambia, The" #~ msgstr "A Gambia" #~ msgid "Garissa" #~ msgstr "Garissa" #~ msgid "Garons" #~ msgstr "Garons" #~ msgid "Gassim" #~ msgstr "Gassim" #~ msgid "Gdańsk-Rebiechowo" #~ msgstr "Gdańsk-Rebiechowo" #~ msgid "Genova/Sestri" #~ msgstr "Génova/Sestri" #~ msgid "Georgetown, Exuma" #~ msgstr "Exuma, Georgetown" #~ msgid "Georgetown/Cheddi Jagan International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional Cheddi Jagan/Georgetown" #~ msgid "Ghedi" #~ msgstr "Ghedi" #~ msgid "Gila Bend" #~ msgstr "Gila Bend" #~ msgid "Gillespie" #~ msgstr "Gillespie" #~ msgid "Gilze-Rijen" #~ msgstr "Gilze-Rijen" #~ msgid "Girona/Costa Brava" #~ msgstr "Girona/Costa Brava" #~ msgid "Gladstone" #~ msgstr "Gladstone" #~ msgid "Glen Burnie" #~ msgstr "Glen Burnie" #~ msgid "Gloucestershire" #~ msgstr "Gloucestershire" #~ msgid "Glücksburg" #~ msgstr "Glücksburg" #~ msgid "Godthaab / Nuuk" #~ msgstr "Godthaab / Nuuk" #~ msgid "Golden Tri Auto Weather Observing/Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Observação Meteorológico de Golden Tri" #~ msgid "Granada/Airport" #~ msgstr "Granada/Aeroporto" #~ msgid "Granada/Armilla" #~ msgstr "Granada/Armilla" #~ msgid "Grand Bassa, Roberts Field" #~ msgstr "Grand Bassa, Roberts Field" #~ msgid "Grand Cayman" #~ msgstr "Grand Cayman" #~ msgid "Grantley Adams" #~ msgstr "Grantley Adams" #~ msgid "Gray Army Air Field" #~ msgstr "Aeródromo Militar de Gray" #~ msgid "Grayling Army Airfield (alternate)" #~ msgstr "Aeródromo Militar de Grayling (alternativo)" #~ msgid "Grayson County Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Grayson County" #~ msgid "Greeley" #~ msgstr "Greeley" #~ msgid "Green Canyon" #~ msgstr "Canyon Green" #~ msgid "Greenville-Spartanburg" #~ msgstr "Greenville-Spartanburg" #~ msgid "Grise Fiord" #~ msgstr "Fiorde de Grise" #~ msgid "Grodno" #~ msgstr "Grodno" #~ msgid "Guadalupe Pass" #~ msgstr "Guadalupe Pass" #~ msgid "Gualeguaychu" #~ msgstr "Gualeguaychu" #~ msgid "Guarany" #~ msgstr "Guarany" #~ msgid "Guayaquil/Simón Bolívar" #~ msgstr "Guayaquil/Simón Bolívar" #~ msgid "Guayaramerin" #~ msgstr "Guayaramerin" #~ msgid "Guidonia" #~ msgstr "Guidonia" #~ msgid "Guiyang" #~ msgstr "Guiyang" #~ msgid "Gullfax C" #~ msgstr "Gullfax C" #~ msgid "Gulu" #~ msgstr "Gulu" #~ msgid "Guriat" #~ msgstr "Guriat" #~ msgid "Gweru" #~ msgstr "Gweru" #~ msgid "Gwinn" #~ msgstr "Gwinn" #~ msgid "Gütersloh" #~ msgstr "Gütersloh" #~ msgid "Ha Noi" #~ msgstr "Ha Noi" #~ msgid "Haapai" #~ msgstr "Haapai" #~ msgid "Habib Bourguiba" #~ msgstr "Habib Bourguiba" #~ msgid "Hachijojima" #~ msgstr "Hachijojima" #~ msgid "Hachinohe" #~ msgstr "Hachinohe" #~ msgid "Hafr Al-Batin" #~ msgstr "Hafr Al-Batin" #~ msgid "Hahaya" #~ msgstr "Hahaya" #~ msgid "Hailey-Sun Valley" #~ msgstr "Hailey-Sun Valley" #~ msgid "Harare Kutsaga" #~ msgstr "Harare Kutsaga" #~ msgid "Hargeisa" #~ msgstr "Hargeisa" #~ msgid "Hartsfield Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Hartsfield" #~ msgid "Hat Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Hat" #~ msgid "Haugesund/Karmøy" #~ msgstr "Haugesund/Karmøy" #~ msgid "Havre St Pierre" #~ msgstr "Havre St Pierre" #~ msgid "Hayes River" #~ msgstr "Rio Hayes" #~ msgid "Heidrun" #~ msgstr "Heidrun" #~ msgid "Herrera" #~ msgstr "Herrera" #~ msgid "Hewanorra" #~ msgstr "Hewanorra" #~ msgid "Hierro/Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Hierro" #~ msgid "High Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha High" #~ msgid "Hihifo" #~ msgstr "Hihifo" #~ msgid "Hodeidah" #~ msgstr "Hodeidah" #~ msgid "Hofu Ab" #~ msgstr "Hofu Ab" #~ msgid "Holbeach" #~ msgstr "Holbeach" #~ msgid "Holman Island" #~ msgstr "Ilhas Holman" #~ msgid "Holtenau" #~ msgstr "Holtenau" #~ msgid "Hong Kong International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Hong Kong" #~ msgid "Honiara / Henderson" #~ msgstr "Honiara / Henderson" #~ msgid "Hopsten" #~ msgstr "Hopsten" #~ msgid "Huambo Nova Lisboa" #~ msgstr "Huambo / Nova Lisboa" #~ msgid "Hultsfred" #~ msgstr "Hultsfred" #~ msgid "Humberside" #~ msgstr "Humberside" #~ msgid "Hunter Army Air Field" #~ msgstr "Aeródromo do Exército de Hunter" #~ msgid "Huntingburg" #~ msgstr "Huntingburg" #~ msgid "Hurguada" #~ msgstr "Hurguada" #~ msgid "Hurlburt" #~ msgstr "Hurlburt" #~ msgid "Hwange National Park" #~ msgstr "Parque Nacional de Hwange" #~ msgid "Hyakuri Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Hyakuri" #~ msgid "Hässlö" #~ msgstr "Hässlö" #~ msgid "Ibague/Perales" #~ msgstr "Ibague/Perales" #~ msgid "Ibiza/Es Codolar" #~ msgstr "Ibiza/Es Codolar" #~ msgid "Ice Runway" #~ msgstr "Ice Runway" #~ msgid "Ichikawa" #~ msgstr "Ichikawa" #~ msgid "Iki" #~ msgstr "Iki" #~ msgid "Iliamna" #~ msgstr "Iliamna" #~ msgid "Imh" #~ msgstr "Imh" #~ msgid "In Guezzam" #~ msgstr "In Guezzam" #~ msgid "In Salah North" #~ msgstr "In Salah Norte" #~ msgid "Indian Springs" #~ msgstr "Indian Springs" #~ msgid "Ingenika Point" #~ msgstr "Ingenika Point" #~ msgid "Ingolstadt" #~ msgstr "Ingolstadt" #~ msgid "Ipiales/San Luis" #~ msgstr "Ipiales/San Luis" #~ msgid "Iquique/Diego Arac" #~ msgstr "Iquique/Diego Arac" #~ msgid "Iran, Islamic Republic of" #~ msgstr "Irão, República Islâmica do" #~ msgid "Iruma Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Iruma" #~ msgid "Isla De Pascua" #~ msgstr "Ilha da Páscoa" #~ msgid "Ivujivik Airport Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Complementar de Reporte Meteorológico para a Aviação de Ivujivik" #~ msgid "Iwojima" #~ msgstr "Iwojima" #~ msgid "J D Trissell Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de J D Trissell Field" #~ msgid "Jacobshavn Lufthavn" #~ msgstr "Jacobshavn Lufthavn" #~ msgid "Jagel" #~ msgstr "Jagel" #~ msgid "Jaipur/Sanganer" #~ msgstr "Jaipur/Sanganer" #~ msgid "Jakarta / Soekarno-Hatta" #~ msgstr "Jakarta / Soekarno-Hatta" #~ msgid "Jakutsk" #~ msgstr "Jakutsk" #~ msgid "Jeddah King Abdul Aziz International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional Jeddah King Abdul Aziz" #~ msgid "Jerez de la Frontera" #~ msgstr "Jerez de la Frontera" #~ msgid "Jever" #~ msgstr "Jever" #~ msgid "Jiangbe Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Jiangbe" #~ msgid "Jijel Achouat" #~ msgstr "Jijel Achouat" #~ msgid "Jinja" #~ msgstr "Jinja" #~ msgid "Johan A. Pengel" #~ msgstr "Johan A. Pengel" #~ msgid "Johannesburg Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Johannesburg" #~ msgid "John Day" #~ msgstr "John Day" #~ msgid "Jomo Kenyatta Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Jomo Kenyatta" #~ msgid "João Paulo II" #~ msgstr "João Paulo II" #~ msgid "Juan Santamaría" #~ msgstr "Juan Santamaría" #~ msgid "Jujuy" #~ msgstr "Jujuy" #~ msgid "Junin" #~ msgstr "Junin" #~ msgid "Jwaneng" #~ msgstr "Jwaneng" #~ msgid "Kadena Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Kadena" #~ msgid "Kailua-Kona" #~ msgstr "Kailua-Kona" #~ msgid "Kakamega" #~ msgstr "Kakamega" #~ msgid "Kallax" #~ msgstr "Kallax" #~ msgid "Kaneohe" #~ msgstr "Kaneohe" #~ msgid "Kangiqsualujjuaq" #~ msgstr "Kangiqsualujjuaq" #~ msgid "Kangiqsujuaq" #~ msgstr "Kangiqsujuaq" #~ msgid "Kangirsuk" #~ msgstr "Kangirsuk" #~ msgid "Kanoya Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Kanoya" #~ msgid "Kansai" #~ msgstr "Kansai" #~ msgid "Karaj/Payam" #~ msgstr "Karaj/Payam" #~ msgid "Kasese" #~ msgstr "Kasese" #~ msgid "Kasumigaura Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Kasumigaura" #~ msgid "Kayseri/Erkilet" #~ msgstr "Kayseri/Erkilet" #~ msgid "Kefalhnia" #~ msgstr "Kefalhnia" #~ msgid "Keflavík" #~ msgstr "Keflavík" #~ msgid "Kelibia" #~ msgstr "Kelibia" #~ msgid "Kendall" #~ msgstr "Kendall" #~ msgid "Kericho" #~ msgstr "Kericho" #~ msgid "Key West NAS" #~ msgstr "Key West NAS" #~ msgid "Khrabrovo" #~ msgstr "Khrabrovo" #~ msgid "Kilimanjaro" #~ msgstr "Kilimanjaro" #~ msgid "Kimberley" #~ msgstr "Kimberley" #~ msgid "Kingston/Norman Manley" #~ msgstr "Kingston/Norman Manley" #~ msgid "Kinshasa / N'Djili" #~ msgstr "Kinshasa / N'Djili" #~ msgid "Kisarazu Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Kisarazu" #~ msgid "Kish Island/Kish" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Kish/Kish" #~ msgid "Kisii" #~ msgstr "Kisii" #~ msgid "Kitale" #~ msgstr "Kitale" #~ msgid "Kitchener" #~ msgstr "Kitchener" #~ msgid "Klotzsche" #~ msgstr "Klotzsche" #~ msgid "Kogalym" #~ msgstr "Kogalym" #~ msgid "Kolding/Vamdrup" #~ msgstr "Kolding/Vamdrup" #~ msgid "Komakuk Beach" #~ msgstr "Komakuk Beach" #~ msgid "Kosrae Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Kosrae" #~ msgid "Krems" #~ msgstr "Krems" #~ msgid "Kristiansand/Kjevik" #~ msgstr "Kristiansand/Kjevik" #~ msgid "Kristiansund/Kvernberget" #~ msgstr "Kristiansund/Kvernberget" #~ msgid "Kryvyi Rihi/Dnipropetrovs'k" #~ msgstr "Kryvyi Rihi/Dnipropetrovs'k" #~ msgid "Kuala Terengganu" #~ msgstr "Kuala Terengganu" #~ msgid "Kumasi" #~ msgstr "Kumasi" #~ msgid "Kumejima" #~ msgstr "Kumejima" #~ msgid "Kurmitola, Dia" #~ msgstr "Kurmitola, Dia" #~ msgid "Kuujjuarapik" #~ msgstr "Kuujjuarapik" #~ msgid "Kwajalein" #~ msgstr "Kwajalein" #~ msgid "La Chaux-de-Fonds" #~ msgstr "La Chaux-de-Fonds" #~ msgid "La Coruña/Alvedro" #~ msgstr "La Coruña/Alvedro" #~ msgid "La Fría" #~ msgstr "La Fría" #~ msgid "La Mesa San Pedro Sula" #~ msgstr "La Mesa San Pedro Sula" #~ msgid "La Paz/Alto" #~ msgstr "La Paz/Alto" #~ msgid "La Rioja" #~ msgstr "La Rioja" #~ msgid "La Tontouta Nlle-Caledonie" #~ msgstr "La Tontouta Nova Caledónia" #~ msgid "La Veta Mountain" #~ msgstr "La Veta Mountain" #~ msgid "Laayoune/Hassan Isl" #~ msgstr "Laayoune/Ilha de Hassan" #~ msgid "Labuan" #~ msgstr "Labuan" #~ msgid "Lac La Martre" #~ msgstr "Lac La Martre" #~ msgid "Lagos / Ikeja" #~ msgstr "Lagos / Ikeja" #~ msgid "Lakeview Automatic Weather Observing/Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Observação/Reporte Meteorológico de Lakeview" #~ msgid "Lamap Malekula" #~ msgstr "Lamap Malekula" #~ msgid "Lambarene" #~ msgstr "Lambarene" #~ msgid "Lambert" #~ msgstr "Lambert" #~ msgid "Lamezia Terme" #~ msgstr "Lamezia Terme" #~ msgid "Lanai" #~ msgstr "Lanai" #~ msgid "Landsberg am Lech" #~ msgstr "Landsberg am Lech" #~ msgid "Landvetter" #~ msgstr "Landvetter" #~ msgid "Langkawi" #~ msgstr "Langkawi" #~ msgid "Langley AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Langley" #~ msgid "Lann-Bihoué" #~ msgstr "Lann-Bihoué" #~ msgid "Lanzarote" #~ msgstr "Lanzarote" #~ msgid "Las Américas" #~ msgstr "Las Américas" #~ msgid "Las Palmas de Gran Canaria/Gando" #~ msgstr "Las Palmas da Grande Canária/Gando" #~ msgid "Lastoursville" #~ msgstr "Lastoursville" #~ msgid "Lauderdale" #~ msgstr "Lauderdale" #~ msgid "Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de Laughlin/Bullhead" #~ msgid "Le Bourget" #~ msgstr "Le Bourget" #~ msgid "Le Havre" #~ msgstr "Le Havre" #~ msgid "Le Palyvestre" #~ msgstr "Le Palyvestre" #~ msgid "Le Raizet, Guadeloupe" #~ msgstr "Le Raizet, Guadeloupe" #~ msgid "Lee's Summit" #~ msgstr "Lee's Summit" #~ msgid "Leeds/Bradford" #~ msgstr "Leeds/Bradford" #~ msgid "Leknes" #~ msgstr "Leknes" #~ msgid "Lemmon" #~ msgstr "Lemmon" #~ msgid "Les Eplatures" #~ msgstr "Les Eplatures" #~ msgid "Lesvos" #~ msgstr "Lesvos" #~ msgid "Leticia/Vásquez Cobo" #~ msgstr "Leticia/Vásquez Cobo" #~ msgid "León/Virgen del Camino" #~ msgstr "León/Virgen del Camino" #~ msgid "Lima-Callao/Jorge Chávez" #~ msgstr "Lima-Callao/Jorge Chávez" #~ msgid "Limnos" #~ msgstr "Limnos" #~ msgid "Lira" #~ msgstr "Lira" #~ msgid "Litchfield Municipal Airport (alternate)" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Litchfield (alternativo)" #~ msgid "Little Rock, Adams Field" #~ msgstr "Little Rock, Adams Field" #~ msgid "Liverpool Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía de Liverpool" #~ msgid "Livingston County Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Livingston County" #~ msgid "Location 2" #~ msgstr "Location 2 (Portage Glacier)" #~ msgid "Lodwar" #~ msgstr "Lodwar" #~ msgid "Loei" #~ msgstr "Loei" #~ msgid "Londonderry" #~ msgstr "Londonderry" #~ msgid "Longstaff Bluff" #~ msgstr "Longstaff Bluff" #~ msgid "Lorient" #~ msgstr "Lorient" #~ msgid "Lubumbashi-Luano" #~ msgstr "Lubumbashi-Luano" #~ msgid "Lugansk" #~ msgstr "Lugansk" #~ msgid "Lutselk'e" #~ msgstr "Lutselk'e" #~ msgid "Lübeck" #~ msgstr "Lübeck" #~ msgid "Macapá" #~ msgstr "Macapá" #~ msgid "Macdill" #~ msgstr "Macdill" #~ msgid "Mackall Army Air Field" #~ msgstr "Aeródromo do Exército de Mackall" #~ msgid "Mackenzie" #~ msgstr "Mackenzie" #~ msgid "Madinah" #~ msgstr "Madinah" #~ msgid "Madras/Minambakkam" #~ msgstr "Madras/Minambakkam" #~ msgid "Mae Sot" #~ msgstr "Mae Sot" #~ msgid "Magdeburg" #~ msgstr "Magdeburg" #~ msgid "Maiduguri" #~ msgstr "Maiduguri" #~ msgid "Makedonia" #~ msgstr "Makedonia" #~ msgid "Makhachkala" #~ msgstr "Makhachkala" #~ msgid "Makindu" #~ msgstr "Makindu" #~ msgid "Makkah" #~ msgstr "Makkah" #~ msgid "Makokou" #~ msgstr "Makokou" #~ msgid "Malabo/Fernando Poo" #~ msgstr "Malabo/Fernando Poo" #~ msgid "Malargue" #~ msgstr "Malargue" #~ msgid "Malatya/Erhac" #~ msgstr "Malatya/Erhac" #~ msgid "Malindi" #~ msgstr "Malindi" #~ msgid "Malmi" #~ msgstr "Malmi" #~ msgid "Malmstrom" #~ msgstr "Malmstrom" #~ msgid "Mammoth/June Lakes" #~ msgstr "Mammoth/Lagos June" #~ msgid "Managua A. C. Sandino" #~ msgstr "Managua A. C. Sandino" #~ msgid "Mandelieu-la-Napoule" #~ msgstr "Mandelieu-la-Napoule" #~ msgid "Mandera" #~ msgstr "Mandera" #~ msgid "Mannheim" #~ msgstr "Mannheim" #~ msgid "Manteo / Dare County Regional" #~ msgstr "Manteo / Dare County Regional" #~ msgid "Manus Island/Momote" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Manus/Momote" #~ msgid "Manzanillo, Oriente" #~ msgstr "Manzanillo, Oriente" #~ msgid "Maputo / Mavalane" #~ msgstr "Maputo / Mavalane" #~ msgid "Maracaibo-La Chinita" #~ msgstr "Maracaibo-La Chinita" #~ msgid "Maracay-B. A. Sucre" #~ msgstr "Maracay-B. A. Sucre" #~ msgid "Marcos A. Gelabert" #~ msgstr "Marcos A. Gelabert" #~ msgid "Margarita/Del Caribe" #~ msgstr "Margarita/Del Caribe" #~ msgid "Maribo/Lolland Falster" #~ msgstr "Maribo/Lolland Falster" #~ msgid "Marignane" #~ msgstr "Marignane" #~ msgid "Marion-Wytheville" #~ msgstr "Marion-Wytheville" #~ msgid "Marsabit" #~ msgstr "Marsabit" #~ msgid "Martha's Vineyard" #~ msgstr "Martha's Vineyard" #~ msgid "Marysville-Beale AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Marysville-Beale" #~ msgid "Mascara-Ghriss" #~ msgstr "Mascara-Ghriss" #~ msgid "Masindi" #~ msgstr "Masindi" #~ msgid "Masvingo" #~ msgstr "Masvingo" #~ msgid "Maupertus-sur-Mer" #~ msgstr "Maupertus-sur-Mer" #~ msgid "Maxwell AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Maxwell" #~ msgid "Mayaguez" #~ msgstr "Mayaguez" #~ msgid "McCarran" #~ msgstr "McCarran" #~ msgid "McConnell AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de McConnell" #~ msgid "McEntire" #~ msgstr "McEntire" #~ msgid "Mecheria" #~ msgstr "Mecheria" #~ msgid "Medan / Polonia" #~ msgstr "Medan / Polónia" #~ msgid "Medellín/Olaya Herrera" #~ msgstr "Medellín/Olaya Herrera" #~ msgid "Mekambo" #~ msgstr "Mekambo" #~ msgid "Melville Hall Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Melville Hall" #~ msgid "Mendig" #~ msgstr "Mendig" #~ msgid "Menorca" #~ msgstr "Menorca" #~ msgid "Meppen" #~ msgstr "Meppen" #~ msgid "Mercedes" #~ msgstr "Mercedes" #~ msgid "Merida" #~ msgstr "Merida" #~ msgid "Merle K (Mudhole) Smith Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Merle K (Mudhole) Smith" #~ msgid "Merril Field" #~ msgstr "Merril Field" #~ msgid "Merrill Field" #~ msgstr "Merrill Field" #~ msgid "Merrill Pass West" #~ msgstr "Merrill Pass West" #~ msgid "Meru" #~ msgstr "Meru" #~ msgid "Metabaru Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Metabaru" #~ msgid "Metz-Nancy-Lorraine" #~ msgstr "Metz-Nancy-Lorraine" #~ msgid "Meyenheim" #~ msgstr "Meyenheim" #~ msgid "Mfuwe" #~ msgstr "Mfuwe" #~ msgid "Middleton Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Middleton" #~ msgid "Middletown" #~ msgstr "Middletown" #~ msgid "Midwest City" #~ msgstr "Midwest City" #~ msgid "Miho Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Miho" #~ msgid "Milano/Linate" #~ msgstr "Milão/Linate" #~ msgid "Milano/Malpensa" #~ msgstr "Milão/Malpensa" #~ msgid "Mineola/Quitman" #~ msgstr "Mineola/Quitman" #~ msgid "Mineral Point" #~ msgstr "Mineral Point" #~ msgid "Minot AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Minot" #~ msgid "Mirabel" #~ msgstr "Mirabel" #~ msgid "Mitzic" #~ msgstr "Mitzic" #~ msgid "Miyakojima" #~ msgstr "Miyakojima" #~ msgid "Mmabatho Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Mmabatho" #~ msgid "Mo i Rana/Rossvoll" #~ msgstr "Mo i Rana/Rossvoll" #~ msgid "Moa" #~ msgstr "Moa" #~ msgid "Moanda" #~ msgstr "Moanda" #~ msgid "Mobridge Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Mobridge" #~ msgid "Mogadiscio" #~ msgstr "Mogadiscio" #~ msgid "Mojave" #~ msgstr "Mojave" #~ msgid "Molde/Årø" #~ msgstr "Molde/Årø" #~ msgid "Moline-Quad Cities" #~ msgstr "Moline-Quad Cities" #~ msgid "Molokai" #~ msgstr "Molokai" #~ msgid "Monbaca Benguela" #~ msgstr "Monbaca Benguela" #~ msgid "Monte Argentario" #~ msgstr "Monte Argentario" #~ msgid "Monte Calamita" #~ msgstr "Monte Calamita" #~ msgid "Monte Cimone" #~ msgstr "Monte Cimone" #~ msgid "Monte Malanotte" #~ msgstr "Monte Malanotte" #~ msgid "Monte S. Angelo" #~ msgstr "Monte S. Angelo" #~ msgid "Monte Scuro" #~ msgstr "Monte Scuro" #~ msgid "Monte Terminillo" #~ msgstr "Monte Terminillo" #~ msgid "Montego Bay/Sangster" #~ msgstr "Baía Montego/Sangster" #~ msgid "Monteria/Los Garzones" #~ msgstr "Monteria/Los Garzones" #~ msgid "Montevideo/Carrasco" #~ msgstr "Montevideo/Carrasco" #~ msgid "Montoir-de-Bretagne" #~ msgstr "Montoir-de-Bretagne" #~ msgid "Moose Jaw" #~ msgstr "Moose Jaw" #~ msgid "Morganton" #~ msgstr "Morganton" #~ msgid "Morón de la Frontera" #~ msgstr "Morón de la Frontera" #~ msgid "Mouila" #~ msgstr "Mouila" #~ msgid "Mount Clemens" #~ msgstr "Mount Clemens" #~ msgid "Moyale" #~ msgstr "Moyale" #~ msgid "Mt Washington" #~ msgstr "Mt Washington" #~ msgid "Mudanjiang" #~ msgstr "Mudanjiang" #~ msgid "Mugla/Dalaman" #~ msgstr "Mugla/Dalaman" #~ msgid "Mullan Pass" #~ msgstr "Mullan Pass" #~ msgid "Municipal Automatic Weather Observing/Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Observação/Reporte Meteorológico Municipal" #~ msgid "Murted" #~ msgstr "Murted" #~ msgid "Méditerranée" #~ msgstr "Méditerranée" #~ msgid "Mühlhausen" #~ msgstr "Mühlhausen" #~ msgid "Münster/Osnabrück" #~ msgstr "Münster/Osnabrück" #~ msgid "NASA Shuttle" #~ msgstr "Nasa Shuttle" #~ msgid "Nagpur Sonegaon" #~ msgstr "Nagpur Sonegaon" #~ msgid "Nakuru" #~ msgstr "Nakuru" #~ msgid "Namao" #~ msgstr "Namao" #~ msgid "Nandi" #~ msgstr "Nandi" #~ msgid "Nanisivik" #~ msgstr "Nanisivik" #~ msgid "Nankishirahama" #~ msgstr "Nankishirahama" #~ msgid "Napoli/Capodichino" #~ msgstr "Napoli/Capodichino" #~ msgid "Narok" #~ msgstr "Narok" #~ msgid "National Aviation Center" #~ msgstr "Centro Nacional de Aviação" #~ msgid "Naval Air Facility" #~ msgstr "Instalação da Força Aérea da Marinha" #~ msgid "Naval Auxiliary Landing Field" #~ msgstr "Aeródromo Auxiliar da Marinha" #~ msgid "Nefta" #~ msgstr "Nefta" #~ msgid "Neiva/Benito Salas" #~ msgstr "Neiva/Benito Salas" #~ msgid "Nelspruit" #~ msgstr "Nelspruit" #~ msgid "Nemiscau" #~ msgstr "Nemiscau" #~ msgid "Neubrandenburg" #~ msgstr "Neubrandenburg" #~ msgid "New Orleans NAS" #~ msgstr "Estação Aérea Naval de Nova Orleães" #~ msgid "New River, Marine Corps Air Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Aérea do Corpo de Fuzileiros dos E.U.A. em New River" #~ msgid "New Tokyo International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de New Tokyo" #~ msgid "Ningbo" #~ msgstr "Ningbo" #~ msgid "Nobitz" #~ msgstr "Nobitz" #~ msgid "North Conway" #~ msgstr "North Conway" #~ msgid "North Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha do Norte" #~ msgid "North Kingston" #~ msgstr "Kingstown Norte" #~ msgid "Nueva Gerona, Isla De Pinos" #~ msgstr "Nueva Gerona, Isla De Pinos" #~ msgid "Nueva Ocotepeque" #~ msgstr "Nueva Ocotepeque" #~ msgid "Nukus / Karakalpakstan" #~ msgstr "Nukus / Karakalpakstan" #~ msgid "Nyutabaru Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Nyutabaru" #~ msgid "Nörvenich" #~ msgstr "Nörvenich" #~ msgid "OSU" #~ msgstr "OSU" #~ msgid "Oahu" #~ msgstr "Oahu" #~ msgid "Ochey" #~ msgstr "Ochey" #~ msgid "Octeville-sur-mer" #~ msgstr "Octeville-sur-mer" #~ msgid "Ogden-Hill AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Ogden-Hill" #~ msgid "Ogdensburg" #~ msgstr "Ogdensburg" #~ msgid "Ohakea" #~ msgstr "Ohakea" #~ msgid "Okinoerabu" #~ msgstr "Okinoerabu" #~ msgid "Olathe/Ind." #~ msgstr "Olathe/Ind." #~ msgid "Olbia/Costa Smeralda" #~ msgstr "Olbia/Costa Smeralda" #~ msgid "Olney-Noble" #~ msgstr "Olney-Noble" #~ msgid "Ominato Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Ominato" #~ msgid "Ondangwa" #~ msgstr "Ondangwa" #~ msgid "Opa Locka" #~ msgstr "Opa Locka" #~ msgid "Oporto" #~ msgstr "Porto" #~ msgid "Ord-Sharp" #~ msgstr "Ord-Sharp" #~ msgid "Osan Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Osan" #~ msgid "Oshima" #~ msgstr "Oshima" #~ msgid "Ossun" #~ msgstr "Ossun" #~ msgid "Otopeni" #~ msgstr "Otopeni" #~ msgid "Ovda" #~ msgstr "Ovda" #~ msgid "Paderborn/Lippstadt" #~ msgstr "Paderborn/Lippstadt" #~ msgid "Padova" #~ msgstr "Padova" #~ msgid "Paekado" #~ msgstr "Paekado" #~ msgid "Paganella" #~ msgstr "Paganella" #~ msgid "Palma de Mallorca/Son Sant Joan" #~ msgstr "Palma de Maiorca/Son Sant Joan" #~ msgid "Pamplona/Noain" #~ msgstr "Pamplona/Noain" #~ msgid "Panevėžys" #~ msgstr "Panevėžys" #~ msgid "Pangnirtung Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Pangnirtung" #~ msgid "Paraguana/Josefa" #~ msgstr "Paraguana/Josefa" #~ msgid "Paramillo Private" #~ msgstr "Paramillo Private" #~ msgid "Parauapebas" #~ msgstr "Parauapebas" #~ msgid "Paso De Los Libres" #~ msgstr "Paso De Los Libres" #~ msgid "Passo Dei Giovi" #~ msgstr "Passo Dei Giovi" #~ msgid "Passo Resia" #~ msgstr "Passo Resia" #~ msgid "Passo Rolle" #~ msgstr "Passo Rolle" #~ msgid "Passo della Cisa" #~ msgstr "Passo della Cisa" #~ msgid "Pasto/Antonio Narin" #~ msgstr "Pasto/Antonio Narin" #~ msgid "Patrick AFB" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Patrick" #~ msgid "Pattani" #~ msgstr "Pattani" #~ msgid "Paysandu" #~ msgstr "Paysandu" #~ msgid "Pearland" #~ msgstr "Pearland" #~ msgid "Pearson Int'l" #~ msgstr "Pearson Int'l" #~ msgid "Pecs/Pogany" #~ msgstr "Pecs/Pogany" #~ msgid "Pekoa Airport Santo" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Pekoa" #~ msgid "Pelly Bay" #~ msgstr "Pelly Bay" #~ msgid "Pelly Bay Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto da Baía Pelly" #~ msgid "Penang/Bayan Lepas" #~ msgstr "Penang/Bayan Lepas" #~ msgid "People's Republic of China" #~ msgstr "República Popular da China" #~ msgid "Pereira/Matecana" #~ msgstr "Pereira/Matecana" #~ msgid "Perry-Foley" #~ msgstr "Perry-Foley" #~ msgid "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky" #~ msgstr "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky" #~ msgid "Petrozavodsk-Kamchatskij" #~ msgstr "Petrozavodsk-Kamchatskij" #~ msgid "Philipsburg" #~ msgstr "Philipsburg" #~ msgid "Phnom-Penh / Pochentong" #~ msgstr "Phnom-Penh / Pochentong" #~ msgid "Phoenix-Deer Valley" #~ msgstr "Phoenix-Deer Valley" #~ msgid "Phoenix-Goodyear" #~ msgstr "Phoenix-Goodyear" #~ msgid "Phoenix-Luke AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Phoenix-Luke" #~ msgid "Pian Rosa" #~ msgstr "Pian Rosa" #~ msgid "Pickle Lake" #~ msgstr "Pickle Lake" #~ msgid "Pine Belt" #~ msgstr "Pine Belt" #~ msgid "Pineville" #~ msgstr "Pineville" #~ msgid "Pisa/S. Giusto" #~ msgstr "Pisa/S. Giusto" #~ msgid "Pitt-Greenville" #~ msgstr "Pitt-Greenville" #~ msgid "Piura" #~ msgstr "Pittsfield" #~ msgid "Plaisance Mauritius" #~ msgstr "Plaisance Mauritius" #~ msgid "Plattsburgh, Clinton County Airport" #~ msgstr "Plattsburgh, Aeroporto de Clinton County" #~ msgid "Pohnpei Island, Pohnpei Int. Airp." #~ msgstr "Ilha Pohnpei, Aeroporto Internacional de Pohnpei" #~ msgid "Pohnpei, NWS Office" #~ msgstr "Pohnpei, Escritório do Sistema de Reporte Meteorológico" #~ msgid "Point Mugu" #~ msgstr "Point Mugu" #~ msgid "Polyarny" #~ msgstr "Polyarny" #~ msgid "Poprad-Tatry" #~ msgstr "Poprad-Tatry" #~ msgid "Port Clarence" #~ msgstr "Port Clarence" #~ msgid "Port Hedland" #~ msgstr "Port Hedland" #~ msgid "Port Said" #~ msgstr "Port Said" #~ msgid "Portage Southport" #~ msgstr "Portage Southport" #~ msgid "Pownal" #~ msgstr "Pownal" #~ msgid "Prachuap Khirikhan" #~ msgstr "Prachuap Khirikhan" #~ msgid "Presque Isle / Rogers" #~ msgstr "Presque Isle / Rogers" #~ msgid "Preveza" #~ msgstr "Preveza" #~ msgid "Price-Carbon" #~ msgstr "Price-Carbon" #~ msgid "Princeton Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Princeton" #~ msgid "Prospect Creek" #~ msgstr "Riacho Prospect" #~ msgid "Providencia Isla/El Embrujo" #~ msgstr "Providencia Isla/El Embrujo" #~ msgid "Providenciales" #~ msgstr "Providenciales" #~ msgid "Pskov" #~ msgstr "Pskov" #~ msgid "Pto. Cabello" #~ msgstr "Pto. Cabello" #~ msgid "Pudahuel" #~ msgstr "Pudahuel" #~ msgid "Puerto Carreno/A. Guauquea" #~ msgstr "Puerto Carreno/A. Guauquea" #~ msgid "Puerto Madryn, CHT" #~ msgstr "Puerto Madryn, CHT" #~ msgid "Pumpkin Vine" #~ msgstr "Pumpkin Vine" #~ msgid "Punitz-Güssing" #~ msgstr "Punitz-Güssing" #~ msgid "Punta Cana" #~ msgstr "Punta Cana" #~ msgid "Punta Marina" #~ msgstr "Punta Marina" #~ msgid "Puntilla Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Puntilla" #~ msgid "Pusan/Kimhae" #~ msgstr "Pusan/Kimhae" #~ msgid "Pyrénées" #~ msgstr "Pinineus" #~ msgid "Quaqtaq" #~ msgstr "Quaqtaq" #~ msgid "Quebec City" #~ msgstr "Quebec City" #~ msgid "Queen Alia Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Queen Alia" #~ msgid "Queen Beatrix Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Queen Beatrix" #~ msgid "Quesnel Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Quesnel" #~ msgid "Quibdo/El Carano" #~ msgstr "Quibdo/El Carano" #~ msgid "Quito/Mariscal Sucre" #~ msgstr "Quito/Mariscal Sucre" #~ msgid "Rabat-Sale" #~ msgstr "Rabat-Sale" #~ msgid "Raduzhny" #~ msgstr "Raduzhny" #~ msgid "Ramsar" #~ msgstr "Ramsar" #~ msgid "Rand" #~ msgstr "Rand" #~ msgid "Rapid City-Ellsworth AFB" #~ msgstr "Rapid City-Base da Força Aérea de Ellsworth" #~ msgid "Rarotonga" #~ msgstr "Rarotonga" #~ msgid "Red Dog" #~ msgstr "Red Dog" #~ msgid "Redbird" #~ msgstr "Redbird" #~ msgid "Redig" #~ msgstr "Redig" #~ msgid "Regional" #~ msgstr "Regional" #~ msgid "Rendsburg" #~ msgstr "Rendsburg" #~ msgid "Resia Pass" #~ msgstr "Resia Pass" #~ msgid "Resolution Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Resolution" #~ msgid "Rhodes" #~ msgstr "Rhodes" #~ msgid "Ribeirão Preto" #~ msgstr "Ribeirão Preto" #~ msgid "Richard E. Fleming Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Richard E. Fleming" #~ msgid "Rickenbacker" #~ msgstr "Rickenbacker" #~ msgid "Riohacha/Almirante Padilla" #~ msgstr "Riohacha/Almirante Padilla" #~ msgid "Rionegro/J. M. Cordova" #~ msgstr "Rionegro/J. M. Cordova" #~ msgid "Rivera" #~ msgstr "Rivera" #~ msgid "Rivesaltes" #~ msgstr "Rivesaltes" #~ msgid "Rivolto" #~ msgstr "Rivolto" #~ msgid "Rockingham" #~ msgstr "Rockingham" #~ msgid "Rodrigues" #~ msgstr "Rodrigues" #~ msgid "Roma/Ciampino" #~ msgstr "Roma/Ciampino" #~ msgid "Roma/Urbe" #~ msgstr "Roma/Urbe" #~ msgid "Rome-Russell" #~ msgstr "Roma-Russell" #~ msgid "Roosevelt Roads" #~ msgstr "Roosevelt Roads" #~ msgid "Rostov-Na-Donu" #~ msgstr "Rostov-Na-Donu" #~ msgid "Rota Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Rota" #~ msgid "Rowley Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Rowley" #~ msgid "Ruidoso-Sierra Blanca" #~ msgstr "Ruidoso-Sierra Blanca" #~ msgid "Río Cuarto" #~ msgstr "Rio Cuarto" #~ msgid "S. Maria Di Leuca" #~ msgstr "S. Maria Di Leuca" #~ msgid "Saab" #~ msgstr "Saab" #~ msgid "Sabiha Gokcen" #~ msgstr "Sabiha Gokcen" #~ msgid "Sable Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Sable" #~ msgid "Sachs Harbour Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto do Porto de Sachs" #~ msgid "Saglek Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Saglek" #~ msgid "Saint Etienne de Saint Geoirs" #~ msgstr "Saint Etienne de Saint Geoirs" #~ msgid "Saint Eustatius" #~ msgstr "Saint Eustatius" #~ msgid "Saint Exupéry" #~ msgstr "Saint Exupéry" #~ msgid "Saint-Dizier" #~ msgstr "Saint-Dizier" #~ msgid "Saint-Gatien-des-Bois" #~ msgstr "Saint-Gatien-des-Bois" #~ msgid "Saint-Hubert" #~ msgstr "Saint-Hubert" #~ msgid "Saint-Nazaire" #~ msgstr "Saint-Nazaire" #~ msgid "Saint-Symphorien" #~ msgstr "Saint-Symphorien" #~ msgid "Saint-Étienne" #~ msgstr "Saint-Étienne" #~ msgid "Sainte-Marie Aerodrome" #~ msgstr "Aeródromo de Sainte-Marie" #~ msgid "Saipan Island" #~ msgstr "Ilhas Saipan" #~ msgid "Sal" #~ msgstr "Sal" #~ msgid "Salamanca/Matacán" #~ msgstr "Salamanca/Matacán" #~ msgid "Salida Mountain" #~ msgstr "Salida Mountain" #~ msgid "Salida-Harriet" #~ msgstr "Salida-Harriet" #~ msgid "Salliut" #~ msgstr "Salliut" #~ msgid "Salto" #~ msgstr "Salto" #~ msgid "Same" #~ msgstr "Same" #~ msgid "Samsun/Carsamba" #~ msgstr "Samsun/Carsamba" #~ msgid "San Andrés Isla/Sesquicentenario" #~ msgstr "San Andrés Isla/Sesquicentenario" #~ msgid "San Clemente" #~ msgstr "San Clemente" #~ msgid "San Fernando De Apure" #~ msgstr "San Fernando De Apure" #~ msgid "San Ignacio De Moxos" #~ msgstr "San Ignacio De Moxos" #~ msgid "San Luis" #~ msgstr "San Luis" #~ msgid "San Miguel/El Papalón" #~ msgstr "San Miguel/El Papalón" #~ msgid "San Nicholas Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de San Nicholas" #~ msgid "San Rafael" #~ msgstr "San Rafael" #~ msgid "San Salvador/Ilopango" #~ msgstr "San Salvador/Ilopango" #~ msgid "Sana'A" #~ msgstr "Sana'A" #~ msgid "Sandane/Anda" #~ msgstr "Sandane/Anda" #~ msgid "Sandnessjøen/Stokka" #~ msgstr "Sandnessjøen/Stokka" #~ msgid "Sanford-Lee County Regional Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Regional de Sanford-Lee County" #~ msgid "Sanikiluaq" #~ msgstr "Sanikiluaq" #~ msgid "Santa Barbara Zulia" #~ msgstr "Santa Barbara Zulia" #~ msgid "Santa Cruz/El Trompillo" #~ msgstr "Santa Cruz/El Trompillo" #~ msgid "Santa Marta/Simón Bolívar" #~ msgstr "Santa Marta/Simón Bolívar" #~ msgid "Santander/Parayas" #~ msgstr "Santander/Parayas" #~ msgid "Santiago Del Estero" #~ msgstr "Santiago Del Estero" #~ msgid "Santiago/Labacolla" #~ msgstr "Santiago/Labacolla" #~ msgid "Santorini" #~ msgstr "Santorini" #~ msgid "Santos Dumont Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Santos Dumont" #~ msgid "Sapporo Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Sapporo" #~ msgid "Sarajevo/Butmir" #~ msgstr "Sarajevo/Butmir" #~ msgid "Sarzana/Luni" #~ msgstr "Sarzana/Luni" #~ msgid "Sauce Viejo" #~ msgstr "Sauce Viejo" #~ msgid "Savannah-Hunter AAF" #~ msgstr "Savannah-Aeródromo do Exército de Hunter" #~ msgid "Sawyer Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Sawyer" #~ msgid "Scatsta" #~ msgstr "Scatsta" #~ msgid "Schenectady" #~ msgstr "Schenectady" #~ msgid "Schkeuditz" #~ msgstr "Schkeuditz" #~ msgid "Schoolcraft County Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Schoolcraft County" #~ msgid "Scilly St Mary's" #~ msgstr "Scilly St Mary's" #~ msgid "Scotts Seaplane Base" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea Marítima de Scotts" #~ msgid "Seoul/Kimp'O" #~ msgstr "Seoul/Kimp'O" #~ msgid "Serbia and Montenegro" #~ msgstr "Sérvia e Montenegro" #~ msgid "Seretse Khama" #~ msgstr "Seretse Khama" #~ msgid "Seville/San Pablo" #~ msgstr "Seville/San Pablo" #~ msgid "Sexton Summit" #~ msgstr "Sexton Summit" #~ msgid "Seymour" #~ msgstr "Seymour" #~ msgid "Sfax El-Maou" #~ msgstr "Sfax El-Maou" #~ msgid "Shakawe" #~ msgstr "Shakawe" #~ msgid "Sharurah" #~ msgstr "Sharurah" #~ msgid "Shaw Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Shaw" #~ msgid "Shearwater" #~ msgstr "Shearwater" #~ msgid "Sheep Mountain" #~ msgstr "Sheep Mountain" #~ msgid "Shelter Cove" #~ msgstr "Shelter Cove" #~ msgid "Shemya" #~ msgstr "Shemya" #~ msgid "Shenyang/Taokian" #~ msgstr "Shenyang/Taokian" #~ msgid "Shepherd Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Shepherd" #~ msgid "Sheremet'Ye" #~ msgstr "Sheremet'Ye" #~ msgid "Sherman/Denison" #~ msgstr "Sherman/Denison" #~ msgid "Shijiazhuang" #~ msgstr "Shijiazhuang" #~ msgid "Shimofusa Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Shimofusa" #~ msgid "Shimoji-Shima Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Shimoji-Shima" #~ msgid "Shizuhama Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea Shizuhama" #~ msgid "Shonai" #~ msgstr "Shonai" #~ msgid "Shpakovskoye" #~ msgstr "Shpakovskoye" #~ msgid "Sibley Peak" #~ msgstr "Sibley Peak" #~ msgid "Siegerland" #~ msgstr "Siegerland" #~ msgid "Sigonella" #~ msgstr "Sigonella" #~ msgid "Siljan/Mora" #~ msgstr "Siljan/Mora" #~ msgid "Singapore/Changi Airport" #~ msgstr "Singapura/Aeroporto Changi" #~ msgid "Singapore/Paya Lebar" #~ msgstr "Singapura/Paya Lebar" #~ msgid "Skavsta" #~ msgstr "Skavsta" #~ msgid "Skien-Geiteryggen" #~ msgstr "Skien-Geiteryggen" #~ msgid "Skiros" #~ msgstr "Skiros" #~ msgid "Skopje/Petrovec" #~ msgstr "Skopje/Petrovec" #~ msgid "Skwentna" #~ msgstr "Skwentna" #~ msgid "Slana" #~ msgstr "Slana" #~ msgid "Slivnica" #~ msgstr "Slivnica" #~ msgid "Snowshoe Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Snowshoe" #~ msgid "Socotra" #~ msgstr "Socotra" #~ msgid "Sogndal/Haukåsen" #~ msgstr "Sogndal/Haukåsen" #~ msgid "Sokoto" #~ msgstr "Sokoto" #~ msgid "Sola Vanua Lava" #~ msgstr "Sola Vanua Lava" #~ msgid "Songkhla" #~ msgstr "Songkhla" #~ msgid "Soroti" #~ msgstr "Soroti" #~ msgid "South St. Paul" #~ msgstr "St. Paul Sul" #~ msgid "South Timbalier" #~ msgstr "Timbalier Sul" #~ msgid "Spa" #~ msgstr "Spa" #~ msgid "Sparrevohn" #~ msgstr "Sparrevohn" #~ msgid "Spence Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Spence" #~ msgid "Spirit of St. Louis" #~ msgstr "Spirit of St. Louis" #~ msgid "Spokane-Parkwater" #~ msgstr "Spokane-Parkwater" #~ msgid "Springbank" #~ msgstr "Springbank" #~ msgid "St Joseph" #~ msgstr "St Joseph" #~ msgid "St Simon's Island" #~ msgstr "St Simon's Island" #~ msgid "St. Augustine" #~ msgstr "St. Augustine" #~ msgid "St. Catharines" #~ msgstr "St. Catharines" #~ msgid "St. Charles" #~ msgstr "St. Charles" #~ msgid "St. Clair" #~ msgstr "St. Clair" #~ msgid "St. Gallen-Altenrhein" #~ msgstr "St. Gallen-Altenrhein" #~ msgid "St. John's" #~ msgstr "St. John's" #~ msgid "St. Johns" #~ msgstr "St. Johns" #~ msgid "St. Lucie County International Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional de St. Lucie County" #~ msgid "St. Mary's" #~ msgstr "St. Mary's" #~ msgid "St. Paul Island" #~ msgstr "St. Paul Island" #~ msgid "Stanley Ranger Station" #~ msgstr "Estação dos Rangers de Stanley" #~ msgid "Stansted Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Stansted" #~ msgid "Stauning" #~ msgstr "Stauning" #~ msgid "Stavanger/Sola" #~ msgstr "Stavanger/Sola" #~ msgid "Sterling Rockfalls" #~ msgstr "Sterling Rockfalls" #~ msgid "Stinson" #~ msgstr "Stinson" #~ msgid "Stord/Sørstokken" #~ msgstr "Stord/Sørstokken" #~ msgid "Storkmarknes/Skagen" #~ msgstr "Storkmarknes/Skagen" #~ msgid "Storm Hills" #~ msgstr "Storm Hills" #~ msgid "Sturup" #~ msgstr "Sturup" #~ msgid "Sua-Pan" #~ msgstr "Sua-Pan" #~ msgid "Subang" #~ msgstr "Subang" #~ msgid "Suffield" #~ msgstr "Suffield" #~ msgid "Sukkur" #~ msgstr "Sukkur" #~ msgid "Suleyman Demirel" #~ msgstr "Suleyman Demirel" #~ msgid "Sumter" #~ msgstr "Sumter" #~ msgid "Sundsvall-Härnösand" #~ msgstr "Sundsvall-Härnösand" #~ msgid "Sungshan/Taipei" #~ msgstr "Sungshan/Taipei" #~ msgid "Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Suplementar de Reporte Meteorológico à Aviação" #~ msgid "Suwon Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Suwon" #~ msgid "Svalbard" #~ msgstr "Svalbard" #~ msgid "Syros" #~ msgstr "Syros" #~ msgid "Säve" #~ msgstr "Säve" #~ msgid "Sønderborg" #~ msgstr "Sønderborg" #~ msgid "Tabatinga" #~ msgstr "Tabatinga" #~ msgid "Tachikawa Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Tachikawa" #~ msgid "Tacuarembo" #~ msgstr "Tacuarembo" #~ msgid "Taegu Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Taegu" #~ msgid "Taejon" #~ msgstr "Taejon" #~ msgid "Tafaraoui" #~ msgstr "Tafaraoui" #~ msgid "Tahiti-Faaa" #~ msgstr "Tahiti-Faaa" #~ msgid "Tain" #~ msgstr "Tain" #~ msgid "Tajima" #~ msgstr "Tajima" #~ msgid "Tak" #~ msgstr "Tak" #~ msgid "Tanegashima" #~ msgstr "Tanegashima" #~ msgid "Tanga" #~ msgstr "Tanga" #~ msgid "Tanger Aerodrome" #~ msgstr "Aeródromo de Tanger" #~ msgid "Tarawa" #~ msgstr "Tarawa" #~ msgid "Tartagal" #~ msgstr "Tarbes/Ossun" #~ msgid "Tasiujaq" #~ msgstr "Tasiujaq" #~ msgid "Tavaux" #~ msgstr "Tavaux" #~ msgid "Taylor" #~ msgstr "Taylor" #~ msgid "Tchibanga" #~ msgstr "Tchibanga" #~ msgid "Teesside" #~ msgstr "Teesside" #~ msgid "Tegel" #~ msgstr "Tegel" #~ msgid "Tehran-Mehrabad" #~ msgstr "Tehran-Mehrabad" #~ msgid "Tenerife/Tenerife Norte (Los Rodeos) Airport" #~ msgstr "Tenerife/Aeroporto de Tenerife Norte (Los Rodeos)" #~ msgid "Tenerife/Tenerife Sur Airport" #~ msgstr "Tenerife/Aeroporto de Tenerife Sul" #~ msgid "Tepic" #~ msgstr "Tepic" #~ msgid "Termoli" #~ msgstr "Termoli" #~ msgid "Terrace Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Terrace" #~ msgid "Tetuan/Sania Ramel" #~ msgstr "Tetuan/Sania Ramel" #~ msgid "Thermal" #~ msgstr "Thermal" #~ msgid "Thisted" #~ msgstr "Thisted" #~ msgid "Tilrempt/Hassi R'mel" #~ msgstr "Tilrempt/Hassi R'mel" #~ msgid "Timmerman" #~ msgstr "Timmerman" #~ msgid "Tindal/Katherine" #~ msgstr "Tindal/Katherine" #~ msgid "Tinian Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Tinian" #~ msgid "Tiree" #~ msgstr "Tiree" #~ msgid "Tobias Bolanos" #~ msgstr "Tobias Bolanos" #~ msgid "Togiac Village" #~ msgstr "Togiac Village" #~ msgid "Tokushima Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Tokushima" #~ msgid "Topel" #~ msgstr "Topel" #~ msgid "Torino/Bric Della Croce" #~ msgstr "Turim/Bric Della Croce" #~ msgid "Torino/Caselle" #~ msgstr "Turim/Caselle" #~ msgid "Toussus-le-Noble" #~ msgstr "Toussus-le-Noble" #~ msgid "Trapani/Birgi" #~ msgstr "Trapani/Birgi" #~ msgid "Trelew" #~ msgstr "Trelew" #~ msgid "Treviso/Istrana" #~ msgstr "Treviso/Istrana" #~ msgid "Treviso/S.Angelo" #~ msgstr "Treviso/S.Angelo" #~ msgid "Trollhättan" #~ msgstr "Trollhättan" #~ msgid "Troutdale" #~ msgstr "Troutdale" #~ msgid "Tsentralny" #~ msgstr "Tsentralny" #~ msgid "Tsushima" #~ msgstr "Tsushima" #~ msgid "Tucson-Davis AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Tucson-Davis" #~ msgid "Tukialik Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Tukialik" #~ msgid "Tulip City Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Tulip City" #~ msgid "Tumeremo" #~ msgstr "Tumeremo" #~ msgid "Tunis-Carthage" #~ msgstr "Tunis-Cartago" #~ msgid "Tuxtla Gutiérrez" #~ msgstr "Tuxtla Gutiérrez" #~ msgid "Tuzla" #~ msgstr "Tuzla" #~ msgid "Tver" #~ msgstr "Tver" #~ msgid "Twenthe" #~ msgstr "Twenthe" #~ msgid "Tyndall AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Tyndall" #~ msgid "Udine/Rivolto" #~ msgstr "Udine/Rivolto" #~ msgid "Ujung Pandang / Hasanuddin" #~ msgstr "Ujung Pandang / Hasanuddin" #~ msgid "Umiujaq" #~ msgstr "Umiujaq" #~ msgid "United States Naval Academy" #~ msgstr "Academia Naval dos Estados Unidos da América" #~ msgid "Uralsk" #~ msgstr "Uralsk" #~ msgid "Uroševac" #~ msgstr "Uroševac" #~ msgid "Urum-Qi/Diwopu" #~ msgstr "Urum-Qi/Diwopu" #~ msgid "Utica" #~ msgstr "Utica" #~ msgid "Utopia Creek" #~ msgstr "Riacho Utopia" #~ msgid "Utrecht/Soesterberg" #~ msgstr "Utrecht/Soesterberg" #~ msgid "Utsunomiya Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Utsunomiya" #~ msgid "Valdivia" #~ msgstr "Valdivia" #~ msgid "Valle De La Pascua" #~ msgstr "Valle De La Pascua" #~ msgid "Valledupar/Alfonso López" #~ msgstr "Valledupar/Alfonso López" #~ msgid "Vallée de Seine" #~ msgstr "Vallée de Seine" #~ msgid "València/Manises" #~ msgstr "València/Manises" #~ msgid "Vandenberg" #~ msgstr "Vandenberg" #~ msgid "Vandenberg Range" #~ msgstr "Vandenberg Range" #~ msgid "Varadero, Matanzas" #~ msgstr "Varadero, Matanzas" #~ msgid "Varanasi/Babatpur" #~ msgstr "Varanasi/Babatpur" #~ msgid "Vatry" #~ msgstr "Vatry" #~ msgid "Vedauwoo" #~ msgstr "Vedauwoo" #~ msgid "Venezia/Tessera" #~ msgstr "Veneza/Tessera" #~ msgid "Venezuela, Ciego De Ávila" #~ msgstr "Venezuela, Ciego De Ávila" #~ msgid "Vermilion" #~ msgstr "Vermilion" #~ msgid "Verona/Villafranca" #~ msgstr "Verona/Villafranca" #~ msgid "Vias" #~ msgstr "Vias" #~ msgid "Vichy-Rolla" #~ msgstr "Vichy-Rolla" #~ msgid "Victoria Falls" #~ msgstr "Cataratas de Victoria" #~ msgid "Viedma" #~ msgstr "Viedma" #~ msgid "Vigo/Peinador" #~ msgstr "Vigo/Peinador" #~ msgid "Vilanculos" #~ msgstr "Vilanculos" #~ msgid "Villa Reynolds" #~ msgstr "Villa Reynolds" #~ msgid "Villafranca" #~ msgstr "Villafranca" #~ msgid "Vinnytsia" #~ msgstr "Vinnytsia" #~ msgid "Virgen María" #~ msgstr "Virgen María" #~ msgid "Virgin Islands" #~ msgstr "Ilhas Virgens" #~ msgid "Virginia Tech Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Virginia Tech" #~ msgid "Vladikavkaz" #~ msgstr "Vladikavkaz" #~ msgid "Vnukovo" #~ msgstr "Vnukovo" #~ msgid "Voi" #~ msgstr "Voi" #~ msgid "Volk" #~ msgstr "Volk" #~ msgid "Vologda" #~ msgstr "Vologda" #~ msgid "Vélizy-Villacoublay" #~ msgstr "Vélizy-Villacoublay" #~ msgid "Vöslau" #~ msgstr "Vöslau" #~ msgid "W Point - Starkville" #~ msgstr "W Point - Starkville" #~ msgid "Wabush Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Wabush" #~ msgid "Wadi Al Dawasser Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Wadi Al Dawasser" #~ msgid "Wagga Wagga" #~ msgstr "Wagga Wagga" #~ msgid "Wainwright U. S. Army Airfield" #~ msgstr "Aeródromo do Exército dos E.U.A. em Wainwright" #~ msgid "Wajir" #~ msgstr "Wajir" #~ msgid "Wallops Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Wallops" #~ msgid "Walvis Bay" #~ msgstr "Walvis Bay" #~ msgid "Warszawa-Okecie" #~ msgstr "Varsóvia-Okecie" #~ msgid "Waskaganish" #~ msgstr "Waskaganish" #~ msgid "Waterkloof Lmb" #~ msgstr "Waterkloof Lmb" #~ msgid "Weeze" #~ msgstr "Weeze" #~ msgid "Wejh" #~ msgstr "Wejh" #~ msgid "Wells" #~ msgstr "Wells" #~ msgid "Wemindji" #~ msgstr "Wemindji" #~ msgid "Weno Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Weno" #~ msgid "West Mifflin" #~ msgstr "West Mifflin" #~ msgid "West Yellowstone (2)" #~ msgstr "Yellowstone Ocidental (2)" #~ msgid "Wheeler" #~ msgstr "Wheeler" #~ msgid "Whenuapai" #~ msgstr "Whenuapai" #~ msgid "Whidbey Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Whidbey" #~ msgid "Whistler" #~ msgstr "Whistler" #~ msgid "Whiteman" #~ msgstr "Whiteman" #~ msgid "Wichita-McConnell AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Wichita-McConnell" #~ msgid "Wide Awake Field Ascension Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Wide Awake Field Ascension" #~ msgid "Wildhorse Reservation / Elko" #~ msgstr "Elko / Reserva de Cavalos Selvagens" #~ msgid "Wildwood" #~ msgstr "Wildwood" #~ msgid "Williams Field, Antarctica" #~ msgstr "Williams Field, Antártida" #~ msgid "Willmar" #~ msgstr "Willmar" #~ msgid "Wilson" #~ msgstr "Wilson" #~ msgid "Windhoek, Town MET" #~ msgstr "Estação Meteorológico de Windhoek" #~ msgid "Winner, Bob Wiley Field Airport" #~ msgstr "Winner, Aeroporto de Bob Wiley" #~ msgid "Wittmund" #~ msgstr "Wittmund" #~ msgid "Wittmundhaven" #~ msgstr "Wittmundhaven" #~ msgid "Woodland" #~ msgstr "Woodland" #~ msgid "Woong Cheon" #~ msgstr "Woong Cheon" #~ msgid "Wrigley" #~ msgstr "Wrigley" #~ msgid "Wyton" #~ msgstr "Wyton" #~ msgid "Xian/Xianyang" #~ msgstr "Xian/Xianyang" #~ msgid "Xichang" #~ msgstr "Xichang" #~ msgid "Xishuangbanna" #~ msgstr "Xishuangbanna" #~ msgid "Yakushima" #~ msgstr "Yakushima" #~ msgid "Yangon" #~ msgstr "Yangon" #~ msgid "Yanji" #~ msgstr "Yanji" #~ msgid "Yantai" #~ msgstr "Yantai" #~ msgid "Yap Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Yap" #~ msgid "Yellowstone" #~ msgstr "Yellowstone" #~ msgid "Yenbo" #~ msgstr "Yenbo" #~ msgid "Yokosuka Fwf" #~ msgstr "Yokosuka Fwf" #~ msgid "Yosu" #~ msgstr "Yosu" #~ msgid "Ypsilanti" #~ msgstr "Ypsilanti" #~ msgid "Zanzibar / Kisauni" #~ msgstr "Zanzibar / Kisauni" #~ msgid "Zaporizhzhia/Mokraya" #~ msgstr "Zaporizhzhia/Mokraya" #~ msgid "Zaventem" #~ msgstr "Zaventem" #~ msgid "Zhang Gui Zhuang" #~ msgstr "Zhang Gui Zhuang" #~ msgid "Zhongchuan Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Zhongchuan" #~ msgid "Zhuliany" #~ msgstr "Zhuliany" #~ msgid "Zuni Pueblo" #~ msgstr "Zuni Pueblo" #~ msgid "Ålesund/Vigra" #~ msgstr "Ålesund/Vigra" #~ msgid "Århus" #~ msgstr "Århus" #~ msgid "Île Wallis" #~ msgstr "Île Wallis" #~ msgid "Östersund" #~ msgstr "Östersund" #~ msgid "Ørsta-Volda/Hovden" #~ msgstr "Ørsta-Volda/Hovden" #~ msgid "Ülemiste Airport (alternate)" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Ülemiste (Alternativo)" #~ msgid "Forth Worth" #~ msgstr "Forth Worth" #~ msgid "Nottingham East Midlands" #~ msgstr "Nottingham East Midlands" #~ msgid "20 Mile Hill" #~ msgstr "20 Mile Hill" #~ msgid "ACC/FIC/RCC/MET/COM" #~ msgstr "ACC/FIC/RCC/MET/COM" #~ msgid "Aachen" #~ msgstr "Aachen" #~ msgid "Abong-Mbang" #~ msgstr "Abong-Mbang" #~ msgid "Addenbrooke" #~ msgstr "Addenbrooke" #~ msgid "Adiake" #~ msgstr "Adiake" #~ msgid "Afyon" #~ msgstr "Afyon" #~ msgid "Agordat" #~ msgstr "Agordat" #~ msgid "Aguni Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Aguni" #~ msgid "Ahtari" #~ msgstr "Ahtari" #~ msgid "Aioun El Atrouss" #~ msgstr "Aioun El Atrouss" #~ msgid "Airlake" #~ msgstr "Airlake" #~ msgid "Aix-en-Provence" #~ msgstr "Aix-en-Provence" #~ msgid "Ajo" #~ msgstr "Ajo" #~ msgid "Akhisar" #~ msgstr "Akhisar" #~ msgid "Akim Oda" #~ msgstr "Akim Oda" #~ msgid "Akjoujt" #~ msgstr "Akjoujt" #~ msgid "Akola" #~ msgstr "Akola" #~ msgid "Akuse" #~ msgstr "Akuse" #~ msgid "Al-Hazm" #~ msgstr "Al-Hazm" #~ msgid "Alameda" #~ msgstr "Alameda" #~ msgid "Albi" #~ msgstr "Albi" #~ msgid "Albrook Afs/Balboa" #~ msgstr "Albrook Afs/Balboa" #~ msgid "Albuquerque Radar Site" #~ msgstr "Radar de Albuquerque" #~ msgid "Albury" #~ msgstr "Albury" #~ msgid "Alexis River" #~ msgstr "Rio Alexis" #~ msgid "Alice Town, Bimini" #~ msgstr "Alice Town, Bimini" #~ msgid "Alindao" #~ msgstr "Alindao" #~ msgid "Aliwal North" #~ msgstr "Aliwal North" #~ msgid "Alki Point" #~ msgstr "Alki Point" #~ msgid "Allahabad/Bamhrauli" #~ msgstr "Allahabad/Bamhrauli" #~ msgid "Alor / Mali" #~ msgstr "Alor / Mali" #~ msgid "Am-Timan" #~ msgstr "Altenstadt/Schongau" #~ msgid "Amahai" #~ msgstr "Amahai" #~ msgid "Ambato/Chachoan" #~ msgstr "Ambato/Chachoan" #~ msgid "Amberley" #~ msgstr "Amberley" #~ msgid "Ambon / Pattimura" #~ msgstr "Ambon / Pattimura" #~ msgid "Ambrose / Ft. Tilden" #~ msgstr "Ambrose / Ft. Tilden" #~ msgid "Amherst" #~ msgstr "Amherst" #~ msgid "Ampenan / Selaparang" #~ msgstr "Ampenan / Selaparang" #~ msgid "Amphitrite Point" #~ msgstr "Amphitrite Point" #~ msgid "Anacapa Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Anacapa" #~ msgid "Analalava" #~ msgstr "Analalava" #~ msgid "Andong" #~ msgstr "Andong" #~ msgid "Angisoq" #~ msgstr "Angisoq" #~ msgid "Anholt Island" #~ msgstr "Anholt Island" #~ msgid "Annapolis Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Annapolis" #~ msgid "Anta Huaraz" #~ msgstr "Anta Huaraz" #~ msgid "Antalaha" #~ msgstr "Antalaha" #~ msgid "Anuradhapura" #~ msgstr "Anuradhapura" #~ msgid "Aoulef" #~ msgstr "Aoulef" #~ msgid "Aparri" #~ msgstr "Aparri" #~ msgid "Apia / Upolu Island" #~ msgstr "Apia / Ilha Upolu" #~ msgid "Apolo" #~ msgstr "Apolo" #~ msgid "Apple Valley" #~ msgstr "Apple Valley" #~ msgid "Aputiteeq" #~ msgstr "Aputiteeq" #~ msgid "Arak" #~ msgstr "Arak" #~ msgid "Aralskoe More" #~ msgstr "Aralskoe More" #~ msgid "Arba Minch" #~ msgstr "Arba Minch" #~ msgid "Archerfield" #~ msgstr "Archerfield" #~ msgid "Arlington Automatic Weather Observing/Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Sistema de Observação Atmosférica de Arlington" #~ msgid "Armstrong" #~ msgstr "Armstrong" #~ msgid "Arorae" #~ msgstr "Arorae" #~ msgid "Ashtabula Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Ashtabula" #~ msgid "Assab" #~ msgstr "Assab" #~ msgid "Assosa / Asosa" #~ msgstr "Assosa / Asosa" #~ msgid "Astor" #~ msgstr "Astor" #~ msgid "Atakpame" #~ msgstr "Atakpame" #~ msgid "Atalaya" #~ msgstr "Atalaya" #~ msgid "Atar" #~ msgstr "Atar" #~ msgid "Atbara" #~ msgstr "Atbara" #~ msgid "Athalassa" #~ msgstr "Athalassa" #~ msgid "Atikokan" #~ msgstr "Atikokan" #~ msgid "Atlantic City Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Atlantic City" #~ msgid "Attopeu" #~ msgstr "Attopeu" #~ msgid "Auburn University" #~ msgstr "Universidade de Auburn" #~ msgid "Augusto Vergara" #~ msgstr "Augusto Vergara" #~ msgid "Aupaluk" #~ msgstr "Aupaluk" #~ msgid "Aurangabad Chikalthan" #~ msgstr "Aurangabad Chikalthan" #~ msgid "Automatic Meteorological Observing System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Observação Meteorológico" #~ msgid "Auxerre" #~ msgstr "Auxerre" #~ msgid "Aviation Weather Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Estação de Reporte Meteorológico para a Aviação" #~ msgid "Aviation Weather Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Aérea para a Aviação" #~ msgid "Avnø" #~ msgstr "Avnø" #~ msgid "Avon Park" #~ msgstr "Parque Avon" #~ msgid "Awash" #~ msgstr "Awash" #~ msgid "Awassa" #~ msgstr "Awassa" #~ msgid "Axim" #~ msgstr "Axim" #~ msgid "Axum" #~ msgstr "Axum" #~ msgid "Aydin" #~ msgstr "Aydin" #~ msgid "Ayer" #~ msgstr "Ayer" #~ msgid "Azul" #~ msgstr "Azul" #~ msgid "Bachelors Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Bachelors" #~ msgid "Baco / Bako" #~ msgstr "Baco / Bako" #~ msgid "Bad Kreuznach" #~ msgstr "Bad Kreuznach" #~ msgid "Badger" #~ msgstr "Badger" #~ msgid "Bafata" #~ msgstr "Bafata" #~ msgid "Baghdad" #~ msgstr "Bagdade" #~ msgid "Baguio" #~ msgstr "Baguio" #~ msgid "Bahar Dar" #~ msgstr "Bahar Dar" #~ msgid "Bahía De Caraquez" #~ msgstr "Baía De Caraquez" #~ msgid "Baler" #~ msgstr "Baler" #~ msgid "Balikpapan / Sepinggan" #~ msgstr "Balikpapan / Sepinggan" #~ msgid "Ballenas Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Ballenas" #~ msgid "Bam" #~ msgstr "Bam" #~ msgid "Bambari" #~ msgstr "Bambari" #~ msgid "Bamenda" #~ msgstr "Bamenda" #~ msgid "Banda Aceh / Blangbintang" #~ msgstr "Banda Aceh / Blangbintang" #~ msgid "Bandundu" #~ msgstr "Bandundu" #~ msgid "Bandung / Husein" #~ msgstr "Bandung / Husein" #~ msgid "Banff AWRS" #~ msgstr "Estação Meteorológico de Banff" #~ msgid "Banjarmasin / Syamsuddin Noor" #~ msgstr "Banjarmasin / Syamsuddin Noor" #~ msgid "Bankstown" #~ msgstr "Bankstown" #~ msgid "Banyo" #~ msgstr "Banyo" #~ msgid "Barcelos" #~ msgstr "Barcelos" #~ msgid "Bareilly" #~ msgstr "Bareilly" #~ msgid "Barnegat" #~ msgstr "Barnegat" #~ msgid "Basco" #~ msgstr "Basco" #~ msgid "Batan, Sumatra" #~ msgstr "Batan, Sumatra" #~ msgid "Bath" #~ msgstr "Bath" #~ msgid "Batouri" #~ msgstr "Batouri" #~ msgid "Batticaloa" #~ msgstr "Batticaloa" #~ msgid "Bau-Bau / Beto Ambiri" #~ msgstr "Bau-Bau / Beto Ambiri" #~ msgid "Baucau" #~ msgstr "Baucau" #~ msgid "Bay Shore / Fire Island" #~ msgstr "Bay Shore / Ilha do Fogo" #~ msgid "Beartooth Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Beartooth" #~ msgid "Beaufort West" #~ msgstr "Beaufort Ocidental" #~ msgid "Beauport CS" #~ msgstr "Estação Costeira de Beaufort" #~ msgid "Beausoleil Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Beausoleil" #~ msgid "Beaven Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Beaven" #~ msgid "Beaver Rim" #~ msgstr "Beaver Rim" #~ msgid "Beaverlodge" #~ msgstr "Beaverlodge" #~ msgid "Beer-Sheva" #~ msgstr "Beer-Sheva" #~ msgid "Beitbridge" #~ msgstr "Beitbridge" #~ msgid "Belet Uen" #~ msgstr "Belet Uen" #~ msgid "Belgaum/Sambra" #~ msgstr "Belgaum/Sambra" #~ msgid "Belle Fourche" #~ msgstr "Belle Fourche" #~ msgid "Belle Isle" #~ msgstr "Ilha Belle" #~ msgid "Belle River" #~ msgstr "Rio Belle" #~ msgid "Bengkulu / Padangkemiling" #~ msgstr "Bengkulu / Padangkemiling" #~ msgid "Benjamin Constant" #~ msgstr "Benjamin Constant" #~ msgid "Bertrix" #~ msgstr "Bertrix" #~ msgid "Beru" #~ msgstr "Beru" #~ msgid "Besalampy" #~ msgstr "Besalampy" #~ msgid "Besançon" #~ msgstr "Besançon" #~ msgid "Betare-Oya" #~ msgstr "Betare-Oya" #~ msgid "Bethlehem" #~ msgstr "Belém" #~ msgid "Bhairawa" #~ msgstr "Bhairawa" #~ msgid "Bhamo" #~ msgstr "Bhamo" #~ msgid "Bhopal/Bairagarh" #~ msgstr "Bhopal/Bairagarh" #~ msgid "Bhuj-Rudramata" #~ msgstr "Bhuj-Rudramata" #~ msgid "Bicycle Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Bicycle" #~ msgid "Bida" #~ msgstr "Bida" #~ msgid "Bie Silva Porto" #~ msgstr "Bie Silva Porto" #~ msgid "Big Creek" #~ msgstr "Big Creek" #~ msgid "Big Delta Arctic Weather" #~ msgstr "Estação Meteorológico Ártica de Big Delta" #~ msgid "Biggs" #~ msgstr "Biggs" #~ msgid "Bihac" #~ msgstr "Bihac" #~ msgid "Billing Yell" #~ msgstr "Billing Yell" #~ msgid "Bima" #~ msgstr "Bima" #~ msgid "Binga" #~ msgstr "Binga" #~ msgid "Biorka Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Biorka" #~ msgid "Bir Moghrein" #~ msgstr "Bir Moghrein" #~ msgid "Birao" #~ msgstr "Birao" #~ msgid "Biratnagar" #~ msgstr "Biratnagar" #~ msgid "Birmingham NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Estação de Radar de Birmingham" #~ msgid "Birni-N'Konni" #~ msgstr "Birni-N'Konni" #~ msgid "Biscarosse" #~ msgstr "Biscarosse" #~ msgid "Bissau Aeroport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Bissau" #~ msgid "Bittercreek" #~ msgstr "Bittercreek" #~ msgid "Bjørnøya" #~ msgstr "Bjørnøya" #~ msgid "Blackburne/Plymouth" #~ msgstr "Blackburne/Plymouth" #~ msgid "Blue River MARS" #~ msgstr "Estação Meteorológico de Blue River" #~ msgid "Blunts Reef" #~ msgstr "Blunts Reef" #~ msgid "Bodajbo" #~ msgstr "Bodajbo" #~ msgid "Bodega Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Bodega" #~ msgid "Boende" #~ msgstr "Boende" #~ msgid "Bogalusa" #~ msgstr "Bogalusa" #~ msgid "Bohicon" #~ msgstr "Bohicon" #~ msgid "Bojnourd" #~ msgstr "Bojnourd" #~ msgid "Boke" #~ msgstr "Boke" #~ msgid "Bokoro" #~ msgstr "Bokoro" #~ msgid "Bol-Berim" #~ msgstr "Bol-Berim" #~ msgid "Bolton Field" #~ msgstr "Bolton Field" #~ msgid "Bonavista" #~ msgstr "Bonavista" #~ msgid "Bondoukou" #~ msgstr "Bondoukou" #~ msgid "Bonifati" #~ msgstr "Bonifati" #~ msgid "Bonilla Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Bonilla" #~ msgid "Bonilla Island Light" #~ msgstr "Farol da Ilha Bonilla" #~ msgid "Bonilla Island MAPS" #~ msgstr "Estação Meteorológica da Ilha Bonilla" #~ msgid "Bonnard" #~ msgstr "Bonnard" #~ msgid "Bora-Bora" #~ msgstr "Bora-Bora" #~ msgid "Boromo" #~ msgstr "Boromo" #~ msgid "Bossangoa" #~ msgstr "Bossangoa" #~ msgid "Bouake" #~ msgstr "Bouake" #~ msgid "Bouar" #~ msgstr "Bouar" #~ msgid "Bougouni" #~ msgstr "Bougouni" #~ msgid "Boutilimit" #~ msgstr "Boutilimit" #~ msgid "Bow Valley" #~ msgstr "Vale Bow" #~ msgid "Bradford / Rinkenberg" #~ msgstr "Bradford / Rinkenberg" #~ msgid "Bragança" #~ msgstr "Bragança" #~ msgid "Brant Point" #~ msgstr "Brant Point" #~ msgid "Brasschaat" #~ msgstr "Brasschaat" #~ msgid "Britt" #~ msgstr "Britt" #~ msgid "Brive-la-Gaillarde" #~ msgstr "Brive-la-Gaillarde" #~ msgid "Broadus" #~ msgstr "Broadus" #~ msgid "Broken Hill" #~ msgstr "Broken Hill" #~ msgid "Bronx / Execution Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Bronx" #~ msgid "Brénoux" #~ msgstr "Brénoux" #~ msgid "Budaors" #~ msgstr "Budaors" #~ msgid "Budapest Met Center" #~ msgstr "Centro Meteorológico de Budapeste" #~ msgid "Buffalo Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Buffalo" #~ msgid "Buhasa" #~ msgstr "Buhasa" #~ msgid "Bull Arm" #~ msgstr "Bull Arm" #~ msgid "Bullfrog" #~ msgstr "Bullfrog" #~ msgid "Buraimi" #~ msgstr "Buraimi" #~ msgid "Burgeo" #~ msgstr "Burgeo" #~ msgid "Burgos/Villafría" #~ msgstr "Burgos/Villafría" #~ msgid "Burney" #~ msgstr "Burney" #~ msgid "Burrows Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Burrows" #~ msgid "Butaritari" #~ msgstr "Butaritari" #~ msgid "Butembo" #~ msgstr "Butembo" #~ msgid "Butte La Rose" #~ msgstr "Butte La Rose" #~ msgid "Buzzards Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Buzzards" #~ msgid "Békéscsaba" #~ msgstr "Békéscsaba" #~ msgid "Bălţi-Leadoveni" #~ msgstr "Bălţi-Leadoveni" #~ msgid "Cabinda" #~ msgstr "Cabinda" #~ msgid "Cabiness Field" #~ msgstr "Cabiness Field" #~ msgid "Cabrillo Beach" #~ msgstr "Cabrillo Beach" #~ msgid "Cagayan De Oro" #~ msgstr "Cagayan De Oro" #~ msgid "Calamocha" #~ msgstr "Calamocha" #~ msgid "Calcasieu" #~ msgstr "Calcasieu" #~ msgid "Calexico" #~ msgstr "Calexico" #~ msgid "Caliente" #~ msgstr "Caliente" #~ msgid "Calopezzati" #~ msgstr "Calopezzati" #~ msgid "Calumet Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Calumet" #~ msgid "Calverton / Grumman" #~ msgstr "Calverton / Grumman" #~ msgid "Calvinia" #~ msgstr "Calvinia" #~ msgid "Cameron" #~ msgstr "Camarões" #~ msgid "Camp Canargus" #~ msgstr "Quartel Canargus" #~ msgid "Camp Casey/Tongduch" #~ msgstr "Quartel Casey/Tongduch" #~ msgid "Camp San Luis" #~ msgstr "Quartel San Luis" #~ msgid "Camp Stanley/H-207" #~ msgstr "Quartel Stanley/H-207" #~ msgid "Camp Walker H-805" #~ msgstr "Quartel Walker H-805" #~ msgid "Campo de Marte" #~ msgstr "São Paulo/Campo de Marte" #~ msgid "Camrose" #~ msgstr "Camrose" #~ msgid "Camsell River" #~ msgstr "Rio Camsell" #~ msgid "Canakkale" #~ msgstr "Canakkale" #~ msgid "Candle Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Candle" #~ msgid "Cap D'Espoir" #~ msgstr "Cap D'Espoir" #~ msgid "Cap Rouge" #~ msgstr "Cabo Rouge" #~ msgid "Cap Tourmente" #~ msgstr "Cabo das Tormentas" #~ msgid "Cape Charles" #~ msgstr "Cabo Charles" #~ msgid "Cape Disappointment" #~ msgstr "Cabo Disappointment" #~ msgid "Cape Flattery" #~ msgstr "Cabo Flattery" #~ msgid "Cape Hatteras" #~ msgstr "Cabo Hatteras" #~ msgid "Cape Henry" #~ msgstr "Cabo Henry" #~ msgid "Cape Lookout" #~ msgstr "Cabo Lookout" #~ msgid "Cape Mudge Light House" #~ msgstr "Farol do Cabo Mudge" #~ msgid "Cape Peel West" #~ msgstr "Cabo Peel West" #~ msgid "Cape Saint Elias" #~ msgstr "Cabo Saint Elias" #~ msgid "Cape San Blas" #~ msgstr "Cabo San Blas" #~ msgid "Cape Sarichef" #~ msgstr "Cabo Sarichef" #~ msgid "Cape Scott Light" #~ msgstr "Farol do Cabo Scott" #~ msgid "Cape Vincent" #~ msgstr "Cabo Vincent" #~ msgid "Cape Whittle" #~ msgstr "Cabo Whittle" #~ msgid "Capo Caccia" #~ msgstr "Cabo Caccia" #~ msgid "Capo Carbonara" #~ msgstr "Cabo Carbonara" #~ msgid "Capo Frasca" #~ msgstr "Cabo Frasca" #~ msgid "Capo Palinuro" #~ msgstr "Cabo Palinuro" #~ msgid "Capo S. Lorenzo" #~ msgstr "Cabo S. Lorenzo" #~ msgid "Caransebes" #~ msgstr "Caransebes" #~ msgid "Caravelas" #~ msgstr "Caravelas" #~ msgid "Carberry" #~ msgstr "Carberry" #~ msgid "Cardak" #~ msgstr "Cardak" #~ msgid "Caribou Point" #~ msgstr "Caribou Point" #~ msgid "Carp" #~ msgstr "Carp" #~ msgid "Cassagnes-Bégonhès" #~ msgstr "Cassagnes-Bégonhès" #~ msgid "Castle Hill" #~ msgstr "Castle Hill" #~ msgid "Castroville" #~ msgstr "Castroville" #~ msgid "Catamayo/Camilo Ponce Enríquez" #~ msgstr "Catamayo/Camilo Ponce Enríquez" #~ msgid "Catarman" #~ msgstr "Catarman" #~ msgid "Cathedral Point" #~ msgstr "Cathedral Point" #~ msgid "Cecil Field NAS" #~ msgstr "Cecil Field NAS" #~ msgid "Ceduna" #~ msgstr "Ceduna" #~ msgid "Centreville" #~ msgstr "Centreville" #~ msgid "Chacarita" #~ msgstr "Chacarita" #~ msgid "Chaiyaphum" #~ msgstr "Chaiyaphum" #~ msgid "Chalkida" #~ msgstr "Chalkida" #~ msgid "Chamouchouane" #~ msgstr "Chamouchouane" #~ msgid "Chanaral" #~ msgstr "Chanaral" #~ msgid "Channel Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Channel" #~ msgid "Chanthaburi" #~ msgstr "Chanthaburi" #~ msgid "Charleville-Mezières" #~ msgstr "Charleville-Mezières" #~ msgid "Charlevoix CS" #~ msgstr "Estação Costeira de Charlevoix" #~ msgid "Chatham AWRS" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Reporte Meteorológico de Chatham" #~ msgid "Chatham Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Chatham" #~ msgid "Chattanooga / Daisy" #~ msgstr "Chattanooga / Daisy" #~ msgid "Chaybukha" #~ msgstr "Chaybukha" #~ msgid "Chepes" #~ msgstr "Chepes" #~ msgid "Cherkasy" #~ msgstr "Cherkasy" #~ msgid "Chesapeak" #~ msgstr "Chesapeak" #~ msgid "Chetco River" #~ msgstr "Rio Chetco" #~ msgid "Chevery" #~ msgstr "Chevery" #~ msgid "Chia Tung" #~ msgstr "Chia Tung" #~ msgid "Chiang Rai" #~ msgstr "Chiang Rai" #~ msgid "Chiayi" #~ msgstr "Chiayi" #~ msgid "Chicago Weather Service Forecast Office" #~ msgstr "Escritório de Previsão Atmosférica de Chicago" #~ msgid "Chihhangs" #~ msgstr "Chihhangs" #~ msgid "Chile Chico" #~ msgstr "Chile Chico" #~ msgid "Chilecito" #~ msgstr "Chilecito" #~ msgid "Chileka" #~ msgstr "Chileka" #~ msgid "Chinmem/Shatou" #~ msgstr "Chinmem/Shatou" #~ msgid "Chipinge" #~ msgstr "Chipinge" #~ msgid "Chitipa" #~ msgstr "Chitipa" #~ msgid "Choctaw Pensacola" #~ msgstr "Choctaw Pensacola" #~ msgid "Choma" #~ msgstr "Choma" #~ msgid "Chumphon" #~ msgstr "Chumphon" #~ msgid "Chunchon Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Chunchon" #~ msgid "Chute Des Passes" #~ msgstr "Chute Des Passes" #~ msgid "Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban" #~ msgstr "Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban" #~ msgid "Châtillon-sur-Seine" #~ msgstr "Châtillon-sur-Seine" #~ msgid "Cilacap" #~ msgstr "Cilacap" #~ msgid "Circle City" #~ msgstr "Circle City" #~ msgid "Civitavecchia" #~ msgstr "Civitavecchia" #~ msgid "Claiborne Range" #~ msgstr "Claiborne Range" #~ msgid "Clark" #~ msgstr "Claresholm" #~ msgid "Cleveland Harbor Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Cleveland" #~ msgid "Clewiston" #~ msgstr "Clewiston" #~ msgid "Cluff Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Cluff" #~ msgid "Coast Guard Light Station" #~ msgstr "Farol da Estação da Guarda Costeira" #~ msgid "Coban" #~ msgstr "Coban" #~ msgid "Cochin/Willingdon" #~ msgstr "Cochin/Willingdon" #~ msgid "Cochrane" #~ msgstr "Cochrane" #~ msgid "Cockburn Town, San Salvador" #~ msgstr "Cockburn Town, San Salvador" #~ msgid "Coco Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Coco" #~ msgid "Coffs Harbour" #~ msgstr "Porto de Coffs" #~ msgid "Coimbatore/Peelamedu" #~ msgstr "Coimbatore/Peelamedu" #~ msgid "Collins Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Collins" #~ msgid "Colorado City" #~ msgstr "Cidade do Colorado" #~ msgid "Colville Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Colville" #~ msgid "Comanche" #~ msgstr "Comanche" #~ msgid "Combolcha" #~ msgstr "Combolcha" #~ msgid "Comfort Cove" #~ msgstr "Combolcha" #~ msgid "Comiso As Usaf" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea dos E.U.A. de Comiso" #~ msgid "Command Post Tango" #~ msgstr "Posto de Comando Tango" #~ msgid "Confederation Bridge" #~ msgstr "Confederation Bridge" #~ msgid "Congo Town, Antros Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Antros, Cidade do Congo" #~ msgid "Conne River" #~ msgstr "Rio Conne" #~ msgid "Continental Div" #~ msgstr "Continental Div" #~ msgid "Coos Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Coos" #~ msgid "Cop Upper" #~ msgstr "Cop Upper" #~ msgid "Copiapo" #~ msgstr "Copiapo" #~ msgid "Coronach" #~ msgstr "Coronach" #~ msgid "Coronation Automated Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Reporte de Coronation" #~ msgid "Coronation Marine Aviation Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Estação de Reporte da Aviação da Marinha de Coronation" #~ msgid "Cote-Ste-Cath Mot" #~ msgstr "Cote-Ste-Cath Mot" #~ msgid "Cotobato" #~ msgstr "Cotobato" #~ msgid "Courbessac" #~ msgstr "Courbessac" #~ msgid "Cove Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Cove" #~ msgid "Cove Point" #~ msgstr "Cove Point" #~ msgid "Cox's Bazar" #~ msgstr "Cox's Bazar" #~ msgid "Coyhaique" #~ msgstr "Coyhaique" #~ msgid "Cozad" #~ msgstr "Cozad" #~ msgid "Cozzo Spadaro" #~ msgstr "Cozzo Spadaro" #~ msgid "Crane Lake Automatic Weather Observing/Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Observação Meteorológica do Lago Crane" #~ msgid "Cree Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Cree" #~ msgid "Creil Fafb" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Creil" #~ msgid "Crows Landing" #~ msgstr "Crows Landing" #~ msgid "Crowsnest" #~ msgstr "Crowsnest" #~ msgid "Crozon" #~ msgstr "Crozon" #~ msgid "Cuamba" #~ msgstr "Cuamba" #~ msgid "Cuddapah" #~ msgstr "Cuddapah" #~ msgid "Cuddleback" #~ msgstr "Cuddleback" #~ msgid "Cuenca/Mariscal Lamar" #~ msgstr "Cuenca/Mariscal Lamar" #~ msgid "Cumshewa" #~ msgstr "Cumshewa" #~ msgid "Curug / Budiarto" #~ msgstr "Curug / Budiarto" #~ msgid "Curuzu Cuatia" #~ msgstr "Curuzu Cuatia" #~ msgid "Daet" #~ msgstr "Daet" #~ msgid "Dagali" #~ msgstr "Dagali" #~ msgid "Daloa" #~ msgstr "Daloa" #~ msgid "Damazine" #~ msgstr "Damazine" #~ msgid "Dana Point" #~ msgstr "Dana Point" #~ msgid "Daneborg" #~ msgstr "Daneborg" #~ msgid "Daniel's Harbour" #~ msgstr "Porto de Daniel" #~ msgid "Dare County" #~ msgstr "Dare County" #~ msgid "Dauphin Coastal Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Costeira de Dauphin" #~ msgid "Davis Point" #~ msgstr "Davis Point" #~ msgid "Dawadmi" #~ msgstr "Dawadmi" #~ msgid "Dawei" #~ msgstr "Dawei" #~ msgid "De Aar" #~ msgstr "De Aar" #~ msgid "De Bilt" #~ msgstr "De Bilt" #~ msgid "Dead Horse" #~ msgstr "Dead Horse" #~ msgid "Dease Lake Coastal Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Costeira do Lago Dease" #~ msgid "Debremarcos" #~ msgstr "Debremarcos" #~ msgid "Dedougou" #~ msgstr "Dedougou" #~ msgid "Dedza" #~ msgstr "Dedza" #~ msgid "Deer Creek" #~ msgstr "Riacho Deer" #~ msgid "Deerwood" #~ msgstr "Deerwood" #~ msgid "Deline" #~ msgstr "Deline" #~ msgid "Denpasar / Ngurah-Rai" #~ msgstr "Denpasar / Ngurah-Rai" #~ msgid "Dera Ismail Khan" #~ msgstr "Dera Ismail Khan" #~ msgid "Derby" #~ msgstr "Derby" #~ msgid "Des Moines NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Des Moines" #~ msgid "Deschambaults" #~ msgstr "Deschambaults" #~ msgid "Destruction Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Destruction" #~ msgid "Detroit NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Detroit" #~ msgid "Devils Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Devils" #~ msgid "Devils Lake (2)" #~ msgstr "Lago de Devils (2)" #~ msgid "Devonport" #~ msgstr "Devonport" #~ msgid "Diamond Shoals" #~ msgstr "Diamond Shoals" #~ msgid "Diffa" #~ msgstr "Diffa" #~ msgid "Digby" #~ msgstr "Digby" #~ msgid "Dilli" #~ msgstr "Dilli" #~ msgid "Dimbokro" #~ msgstr "Dimbokro" #~ msgid "Diourbel" #~ msgstr "Diourbel" #~ msgid "Dipolog" #~ msgstr "Dipolog" #~ msgid "Dire Dawa" #~ msgstr "Dire Dawa" #~ msgid "Distant Early Warning" #~ msgstr "Distant Early Warning" #~ msgid "Dixon" #~ msgstr "Dixon" #~ msgid "Djambala" #~ msgstr "Djambala" #~ msgid "Djelfa" #~ msgstr "Djelfa" #~ msgid "Dolores" #~ msgstr "Dolores" #~ msgid "Donggang" #~ msgstr "Donggang" #~ msgid "Dongola" #~ msgstr "Dongola" #~ msgid "Dongsha" #~ msgstr "Dongsha" #~ msgid "Dongshi" #~ msgstr "Dongshi" #~ msgid "Dori" #~ msgstr "Dori" #~ msgid "Dova" #~ msgstr "Dova" #~ msgid "Dubawnt Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Dubawnt" #~ msgid "Duluth Harbor" #~ msgstr "Porto de Duluth" #~ msgid "Dumaguete" #~ msgstr "Dumaguete" #~ msgid "Dunedin" #~ msgstr "Dunedin" #~ msgid "Durango AWRS" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Reporte Meteorológico de Durango" #~ msgid "Durban/Virginia" #~ msgstr "Durban/Virginia" #~ msgid "Dyrad Point" #~ msgstr "Dyrad Point" #~ msgid "Dzizak" #~ msgstr "Dzizak" #~ msgid "Eagle Harbor" #~ msgstr "Porto de Eagle" #~ msgid "Eagle Range" #~ msgstr "Eagle Range" #~ msgid "East Addition B323" #~ msgstr "East Addition B323" #~ msgid "East Cameron" #~ msgstr "Camarões Leste" #~ msgid "East Moriches" #~ msgstr "Maurícias Leste" #~ msgid "Eastend Cypress" #~ msgstr "Eastend Cypress" #~ msgid "Eastman" #~ msgstr "Eastman" #~ msgid "Eatons Neck" #~ msgstr "Eatons Neck" #~ msgid "Edmonton International CS" #~ msgstr "Estação Costeira International de Edmonton" #~ msgid "Egbert" #~ msgstr "Egbert" #~ msgid "Egedesminde" #~ msgstr "Egedesminde" #~ msgid "Egg Island Light" #~ msgstr "Farol da Ilha Egg" #~ msgid "Eggebek" #~ msgstr "Eggebek" #~ msgid "Egmont Key" #~ msgstr "Egmont Key" #~ msgid "Ekimchan" #~ msgstr "Ekimchan" #~ msgid "El Bolsón" #~ msgstr "El Bolsón" #~ msgid "El Fasher" #~ msgstr "El Fasher" #~ msgid "El Obeid" #~ msgstr "El Obeid" #~ msgid "El Tor" #~ msgstr "El Tor" #~ msgid "Elbow" #~ msgstr "Elbow" #~ msgid "Elk Island National Park" #~ msgstr "Parque Nacional da Ilha Elk" #~ msgid "Elko NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Elko" #~ msgid "Ellerslie" #~ msgstr "Ellerslie" #~ msgid "Ellice River" #~ msgstr "Rio Ellice" #~ msgid "Elliniko" #~ msgstr "Elliniko" #~ msgid "Ellisras" #~ msgstr "Ellisras" #~ msgid "Enarotali" #~ msgstr "Enarotali" #~ msgid "Encarnación" #~ msgstr "Encarnación" #~ msgid "Enisejsk" #~ msgstr "Enisejsk" #~ msgid "Entrance Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Entrance" #~ msgid "Erie Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Erie" #~ msgid "Ermelo" #~ msgstr "Ermelo" #~ msgid "Errachidia" #~ msgstr "Errachidia" #~ msgid "Esmeraldas-Tachina" #~ msgstr "Esmeraldas-Tachina" #~ msgid "Essaouira" #~ msgstr "Essaouira" #~ msgid "Essen" #~ msgstr "Essen" #~ msgid "Essey-les-Nancy" #~ msgstr "Essey-les-Nancy" #~ msgid "Estevan Point" #~ msgstr "Estevan Point" #~ msgid "Eugene Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Eugene" #~ msgid "Eureka NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Eureka" #~ msgid "Fada N'Gourma" #~ msgstr "Fada N'Gourma" #~ msgid "Fahud" #~ msgstr "Fahud" #~ msgid "Faizabad" #~ msgstr "Faizabad" #~ msgid "Fak-Fak / Torea" #~ msgstr "Fak-Fak / Torea" #~ msgid "Fanning Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Fanning" #~ msgid "Farafangana" #~ msgstr "Farafangana" #~ msgid "Farah" #~ msgstr "Farah" #~ msgid "Farallon Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Farallon" #~ msgid "Faranah / Badala" #~ msgstr "Faranah / Badala" #~ msgid "Faulkner Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Faulkner" #~ msgid "Faya" #~ msgstr "Faya" #~ msgid "Feng Nin" #~ msgstr "Feng Nin" #~ msgid "Fentress" #~ msgstr "Fentress" #~ msgid "Fianarantsoa" #~ msgstr "Fianarantsoa" #~ msgid "Fisher Branch" #~ msgstr "Fisher Branch" #~ msgid "Folly Beach" #~ msgstr "Folly Beach" #~ msgid "Fonni" #~ msgstr "Fonni" #~ msgid "Fornebu" #~ msgstr "Fornebu" #~ msgid "Forrest" #~ msgstr "Forrest" #~ msgid "Fort Chipewyan Automated Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Reporte de Forte Chipewyan" #~ msgid "Fort Irwin" #~ msgstr "Forte Irwin" #~ msgid "Fort Leavenworth" #~ msgstr "Forte Leavenworth" #~ msgid "Fort McMurray CS" #~ msgstr "Estação Costeira do Forte McMurray" #~ msgid "Fort Myers Beach" #~ msgstr "Praia do Forte Myers" #~ msgid "Fort Riley" #~ msgstr "Forte Riley" #~ msgid "Fort Ritchie" #~ msgstr "Forte Ritchie" #~ msgid "Fourchu Head" #~ msgstr "Fourchu Head" #~ msgid "Fowey Rocks" #~ msgstr "Fowey Rocks" #~ msgid "Francazal" #~ msgstr "Francazal" #~ msgid "Frank Elliott Field" #~ msgstr "Frank Elliott Field" #~ msgid "Frankfort Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Frankfort" #~ msgid "Fraserburg" #~ msgstr "Fraserburg" #~ msgid "Frederikshaab" #~ msgstr "Frederikshaab" #~ msgid "Frelighsburg" #~ msgstr "Frelighsburg" #~ msgid "Fresno-Chandler" #~ msgstr "Fresno-Chandler" #~ msgid "Ft Sherman Rocob" #~ msgstr "Forte Sherman Rocob" #~ msgid "Ft. Pickett" #~ msgstr "Forte Pickett" #~ msgid "Ft. Richardson" #~ msgstr "Forte Richardson" #~ msgid "Funchal" #~ msgstr "Funchal" #~ msgid "Gach Saran Du Gunbadan" #~ msgstr "Gach Saran Du Gunbadan" #~ msgid "Gagnoa" #~ msgstr "Gagnoa" #~ msgid "Galela / Gamarmalamu" #~ msgstr "Galela / Gamarmalamu" #~ msgid "Galviston NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Galveston" #~ msgid "Gama" #~ msgstr "Gama" #~ msgid "Gamboma" #~ msgstr "Gamboma" #~ msgid "Gaoua" #~ msgstr "Gaoua" #~ msgid "Gauhati" #~ msgstr "Gauhati" #~ msgid "Gaya" #~ msgstr "Gaya" #~ msgid "Gedaref" #~ msgstr "Gedaref" #~ msgid "Gela" #~ msgstr "Gela" #~ msgid "Gemena" #~ msgstr "Gemena" #~ msgid "Gen. Santos" #~ msgstr "Gen. Santos" #~ msgid "Geneina" #~ msgstr "Geneina" #~ msgid "General Pico" #~ msgstr "General Pico" #~ msgid "Genk" #~ msgstr "Genk" #~ msgid "Ghadames" #~ msgstr "Ghadames" #~ msgid "Ghasre-Shirin" #~ msgstr "Ghasre-Shirin" #~ msgid "Ghat" #~ msgstr "Ghat" #~ msgid "Ghent" #~ msgstr "Ghent" #~ msgid "Gheshm Island/Dayrestan" #~ msgstr "Ilha Gheshm/Dayrestan" #~ msgid "Ghinnir / Ginir" #~ msgstr "Ghinnir / Ginir" #~ msgid "Giebelstadt" #~ msgstr "Giebelstadt" #~ msgid "Gimli Industrial Park" #~ msgstr "Parque Industrial de Gimli" #~ msgid "Gisborne" #~ msgstr "Gisborne" #~ msgid "Gisenyi" #~ msgstr "Gisenyi" #~ msgid "Gloucester" #~ msgstr "Gloucester" #~ msgid "Goa/Dabolim" #~ msgstr "Goa/Dabolim" #~ msgid "Gobernador Gordillo" #~ msgstr "Gobernador Gordillo" #~ msgid "Gobernador Gregores" #~ msgstr "Gobernador Gregores" #~ msgid "Gode" #~ msgstr "Gode" #~ msgid "Goetsenhoven" #~ msgstr "Goetsenhoven" #~ msgid "Gokwe" #~ msgstr "Gokwe" #~ msgid "Golden Gate Bridge" #~ msgstr "Ponte de Golden Gate" #~ msgid "Golubovci" #~ msgstr "Golubovci" #~ msgid "Goma" #~ msgstr "Goma" #~ msgid "Gorakhpur" #~ msgstr "Gorakhpur" #~ msgid "Gordon" #~ msgstr "Gordon" #~ msgid "Gore" #~ msgstr "Gore" #~ msgid "Gorontalo / Jalaluddin" #~ msgstr "Gorontalo / Jalaluddin" #~ msgid "Gough Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Gough" #~ msgid "Goure" #~ msgstr "Goure" #~ msgid "Gove" #~ msgstr "Gove" #~ msgid "Graaff Reinet" #~ msgstr "Graaff Reinet" #~ msgid "Grafenwöhr" #~ msgstr "Grafenwöhr" #~ msgid "Gran Sasso Mountain Range" #~ msgstr "Gran Sasso Mountain Range" #~ msgid "Grand Canyon, Valle Airport" #~ msgstr "Grande Canyon, Aeroporto de Valle" #~ msgid "Grand Cayman City" #~ msgstr "Grand Cayman City" #~ msgid "Grand Island NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Grand Island" #~ msgid "Grandview" #~ msgstr "Grandview" #~ msgid "Grangeville" #~ msgstr "Grangeville" #~ msgid "Granite Peak" #~ msgstr "Granite Peak" #~ msgid "Grant Ice Cap" #~ msgstr "Zona Gelada Grant" #~ msgid "Grays Harbor" #~ msgstr "Porto Grays" #~ msgid "Great Duck Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Great Duck" #~ msgid "Great Falls NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar das Cataratas Great" #~ msgid "Green Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Green" #~ msgid "Gretna" #~ msgstr "Gretna" #~ msgid "Griffiss AFB" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Griffiss" #~ msgid "Groennedal" #~ msgstr "Groennedal" #~ msgid "Grímsey" #~ msgstr "Grímsey" #~ msgid "Guardiavecchia" #~ msgstr "Guardiavecchia" #~ msgid "Guayana/Manuel Car" #~ msgstr "Guayana/Manuel Car" #~ msgid "Guiuan" #~ msgstr "Guiuan" #~ msgid "Gunnarn" #~ msgstr "Gunnarn" #~ msgid "Gunung Sitoli / Binaka" #~ msgstr "Gunung Sitoli / Binaka" #~ msgid "Gusau" #~ msgstr "Gusau" #~ msgid "Gwalior" #~ msgstr "Gwalior" #~ msgid "Gypsumville" #~ msgstr "Gypsumville" #~ msgid "Gävle" #~ msgstr "Gävle" #~ msgid "H-4'Irwaished" #~ msgstr "H-4'Irwaished" #~ msgid "H-5'Safawi" #~ msgstr "H-5'Safawi" #~ msgid "Hae Mi" #~ msgstr "Hae Mi" #~ msgid "Hagshult" #~ msgstr "Hagshult" #~ msgid "Haikou" #~ msgstr "Haikou" #~ msgid "Hailuoto" #~ msgstr "Hailuoto" #~ msgid "Haldane River" #~ msgstr "Rio Haldane" #~ msgid "Hanau" #~ msgstr "Hanau" #~ msgid "Hanbury River" #~ msgstr "Rio Hanbury" #~ msgid "Hanchey" #~ msgstr "Hanchey" #~ msgid "Hanoi/Gialam" #~ msgstr "Hanoi/Gialam" #~ msgid "Harlowton" #~ msgstr "Harlowton" #~ msgid "Hartland" #~ msgstr "Hartland" #~ msgid "Hateruma" #~ msgstr "Hateruma" #~ msgid "Heath Point" #~ msgstr "Heath Point" #~ msgid "Heber" #~ msgstr "Heber" #~ msgid "Heidelberg" #~ msgstr "Heidelberg" #~ msgid "Helmcken Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Helmcken" #~ msgid "Hengchun" #~ msgstr "Hengchun" #~ msgid "Henryetta" #~ msgstr "Henryetta" #~ msgid "Hermosa Beach Pier" #~ msgstr "Hermosa Beach Pier" #~ msgid "Herschel Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Herschel" #~ msgid "Hetian" #~ msgstr "Hetian" #~ msgid "High Falls" #~ msgstr "Cataratas High" #~ msgid "Highvale" #~ msgstr "Highvale" #~ msgid "Higuerote" #~ msgstr "Higuerote" #~ msgid "Hiland" #~ msgstr "Hiland" #~ msgid "Hinojosa del Duque" #~ msgstr "Hinojosa del Duque" #~ msgid "Hissar" #~ msgstr "Hissar" #~ msgid "Ho" #~ msgstr "Ho" #~ msgid "Hoedspruit" #~ msgstr "Hoedspruit" #~ msgid "Hoengsong Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Hoengsong" #~ msgid "Hohenfels" #~ msgstr "Hohenfels" #~ msgid "Hokitika" #~ msgstr "Hokitika" #~ msgid "Holsteinsborg" #~ msgstr "Holsteinsborg" #~ msgid "Homalin" #~ msgstr "Homalin" #~ msgid "Hombori" #~ msgstr "Hombori" #~ msgid "Hominy" #~ msgstr "Hominy" #~ msgid "Hope Slide" #~ msgstr "Hope Slide" #~ msgid "Hopen" #~ msgstr "Hopen" #~ msgid "Horinsk" #~ msgstr "Horinsk" #~ msgid "Horsefly River" #~ msgstr "Rio Horsefly" #~ msgid "Hpa-An" #~ msgstr "Hpa-An" #~ msgid "Hsinchu" #~ msgstr "Hsinchu" #~ msgid "Huanuco" #~ msgstr "Huanuco" #~ msgid "Hudson Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Hudson" #~ msgid "Hulien" #~ msgstr "Hulien" #~ msgid "Hull Coast Guard Light Station" #~ msgstr "Farol da Guarda Costeira de Hull" #~ msgid "Hunters Point" #~ msgstr "Hunters Point" #~ msgid "Huntington B. Oil" #~ msgstr "Huntington B. Oil" #~ msgid "Hvar" #~ msgstr "Hvar" #~ msgid "Höfn í Hornafirði" #~ msgstr "Höfn í Hornafirði" #~ msgid "Iauaretê" #~ msgstr "Iauaretê" #~ msgid "Ibarra/Atahualpa" #~ msgstr "Ibarra/Atahualpa" #~ msgid "Idar-Oberstein" #~ msgstr "Idar-Oberstein" #~ msgid "Iejima Auxiliary Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea Auxiliar de Iejima" #~ msgid "Ilan" #~ msgstr "Ilan" #~ msgid "Ile Aux Grues" #~ msgstr "Ile Aux Grues" #~ msgid "Ile Bicquette" #~ msgstr "Ile Bicquette" #~ msgid "Ile Charron" #~ msgstr "Ile Charron" #~ msgid "Ile d'Orleans" #~ msgstr "Ile d'Orleans" #~ msgid "Ilebo" #~ msgstr "Ilebo" #~ msgid "Ilmajoki" #~ msgstr "Ilmajoki" #~ msgid "Iloilo" #~ msgstr "Iloilo" #~ msgid "Impfondo" #~ msgstr "Impfondo" #~ msgid "Imphal Tulihal" #~ msgstr "Imphal Tulihal" #~ msgid "Indian River" #~ msgstr "Rio Indian" #~ msgid "Indore" #~ msgstr "Indore" #~ msgid "Inga" #~ msgstr "Inga" #~ msgid "Inner Whalebacks" #~ msgstr "Inner Whalebacks" #~ msgid "Inukjuak" #~ msgstr "Inukjuak" #~ msgid "Invercargill" #~ msgstr "Invercargill" #~ msgid "Inyan Kara" #~ msgstr "Inyan Kara" #~ msgid "Irbid" #~ msgstr "Irbid" #~ msgid "Isachsen" #~ msgstr "Isachsen" #~ msgid "Ishurdi" #~ msgstr "Ishurdi" #~ msgid "Isiolo" #~ msgstr "Isiolo" #~ msgid "Iskenderun" #~ msgstr "Iskenderun" #~ msgid "Iskut River" #~ msgstr "Rio Iskut" #~ msgid "Isle Of Shoals" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Shoals" #~ msgid "Isoka" #~ msgstr "Isoka" #~ msgid "Isola Di Palmaria" #~ msgstr "Isola Di Palmaria" #~ msgid "Isparta" #~ msgstr "Isparta" #~ msgid "Ivvavik Park" #~ msgstr "Parque de Ivvavik" #~ msgid "J. G. Strijdom" #~ msgstr "J. G. Strijdom" #~ msgid "Jabul-Saraj" #~ msgstr "Jabul-Saraj" #~ msgid "Jachal" #~ msgstr "Jachal" #~ msgid "Jacobabad" #~ msgstr "Jacobabad" #~ msgid "Jakarta Halim Perdanakusuma" #~ msgstr "Jakarta Halim Perdanakusuma" #~ msgid "Jalalabad" #~ msgstr "Jalalabad" #~ msgid "Jambi / Sultan Taha" #~ msgstr "Jambi / Sultan Taha" #~ msgid "Jamshedpur" #~ msgstr "Jamshedpur" #~ msgid "Jan Mayen" #~ msgstr "Jan Mayen" #~ msgid "Jask" #~ msgstr "Jask" #~ msgid "Jasper Warden Automated Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Reporte de Jasper Warden" #~ msgid "Jayapura / Sentani" #~ msgstr "Jayapura / Sentani" #~ msgid "Jenny Lind Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Jenny Lind" #~ msgid "Jerusalem" #~ msgstr "Jerusalém" #~ msgid "Jessore" #~ msgstr "Jessore" #~ msgid "Jhansi" #~ msgstr "Jhansi" #~ msgid "Jharsuguda" #~ msgstr "Jharsuguda" #~ msgid "Jiggiga" #~ msgstr "Jiggiga" #~ msgid "Jimma" #~ msgstr "Jimma" #~ msgid "Jiuquan" #~ msgstr "Jiuquan" #~ msgid "Jiwani" #~ msgstr "Jiwani" #~ msgid "Jodhpur" #~ msgstr "Jodhpur" #~ msgid "Joe Williams Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Joe Williams" #~ msgid "Jogyakarta / Adisucipto" #~ msgstr "Jogyakarta / Adisucipto" #~ msgid "Johnston Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Johnston" #~ msgid "Johnstone Point" #~ msgstr "Johnstone Point" #~ msgid "Jokkmokk" #~ msgstr "Jokkmokk" #~ msgid "Jos" #~ msgstr "Jonquiere" #~ msgid "Juanda" #~ msgstr "Juanda" #~ msgid "Juba" #~ msgstr "Juba" #~ msgid "Jubail Naval" #~ msgstr "Jubail Naval" #~ msgid "Julianehaab" #~ msgstr "Julianehaab" #~ msgid "Jumla" #~ msgstr "Jumla" #~ msgid "Jung Won Rok-Ab" #~ msgstr "Jung Won Rok-Ab" #~ msgid "Jupiter Inlet" #~ msgstr "Jupiter Inlet" #~ msgid "Kabompo" #~ msgstr "Kabompo" #~ msgid "Kabre Dare Military" #~ msgstr "Kabre Dare Militar" #~ msgid "Kabwe" #~ msgstr "Kabwe" #~ msgid "Kadugli" #~ msgstr "Kadugli" #~ msgid "Kaedi" #~ msgstr "Kaedi" #~ msgid "Kaikoura" #~ msgstr "Kaikoura" #~ msgid "Kaimana / Utarom" #~ msgstr "Kaimana / Utarom" #~ msgid "Kaklic" #~ msgstr "Kaklic" #~ msgid "Kalemie" #~ msgstr "Kalemie" #~ msgid "Kalijati" #~ msgstr "Kalijati" #~ msgid "Kamigoto" #~ msgstr "Kamigoto" #~ msgid "Kamina / Base" #~ msgstr "Kamina / Base" #~ msgid "Kamuela" #~ msgstr "Kamuela" #~ msgid "Kananga" #~ msgstr "Kananga" #~ msgid "Kanchanaburi" #~ msgstr "Kanchanaburi" #~ msgid "Kandi" #~ msgstr "Kandi" #~ msgid "Kangnung Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Kangnung" #~ msgid "Kankan" #~ msgstr "Kankan" #~ msgid "Kanpur/Chakeri" #~ msgstr "Kanpur/Chakeri" #~ msgid "Kaolack" #~ msgstr "Kaolack" #~ msgid "Kaoma" #~ msgstr "Kaoma" #~ msgid "Kaposvar" #~ msgstr "Kaposvar" #~ msgid "Karoi" #~ msgstr "Karoi" #~ msgid "Kasempa" #~ msgstr "Kasempa" #~ msgid "Kassala" #~ msgstr "Kassala" #~ msgid "Katatota Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Katatota" #~ msgid "Katima Mulilo" #~ msgstr "Katima Mulilo" #~ msgid "Kautokeino" #~ msgstr "Kautokeino" #~ msgid "Kawambwa" #~ msgstr "Kawambwa" #~ msgid "Kaycee" #~ msgstr "Kaycee" #~ msgid "Kayes" #~ msgstr "Kayes" #~ msgid "Kedougou" #~ msgstr "Kedougou" #~ msgid "Kejimkujik" #~ msgstr "Kejimkujik" #~ msgid "Kendari / Woltermon-Ginsidi" #~ msgstr "Kendari / Woltermon-Ginsidi" #~ msgid "Kenge" #~ msgstr "Kenge" #~ msgid "Kengtung" #~ msgstr "Kengtung" #~ msgid "Kenieba" #~ msgstr "Kenieba" #~ msgid "Kenitra" #~ msgstr "Kenitra" #~ msgid "Kenosha Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Kenosha" #~ msgid "Keo Jin" #~ msgstr "Keo Jin" #~ msgid "Kerinci / Depati Parbo" #~ msgstr "Kerinci / Depati Parbo" #~ msgid "Ketapang / Rahadi Usmaman" #~ msgstr "Ketapang / Rahadi Usmaman" #~ msgid "Khandwa" #~ msgstr "Khandwa" #~ msgid "Khassab" #~ msgstr "Khassab" #~ msgid "Khoy" #~ msgstr "Khoy" #~ msgid "Kidal" #~ msgstr "Kidal" #~ msgid "Kiffa" #~ msgstr "Kiffa" #~ msgid "Kikai Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Kikai" #~ msgid "Kikwit" #~ msgstr "Kikwit" #~ msgid "Killarney" #~ msgstr "Killarney" #~ msgid "Killineq" #~ msgstr "Killineq" #~ msgid "Kilwa Masoko" #~ msgstr "Kilwa Masoko" #~ msgid "Kimmirut" #~ msgstr "Kimmirut" #~ msgid "Kinana" #~ msgstr "Kinana" #~ msgid "Kindakun Rocks" #~ msgstr "Kindakun Rocks" #~ msgid "Kindia" #~ msgstr "Kindia" #~ msgid "Kings Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Kings" #~ msgid "Kirensk" #~ msgstr "Kirensk" #~ msgid "Kirtland" #~ msgstr "Kirtland" #~ msgid "Kissidougou" #~ msgstr "Kissidougou" #~ msgid "Kita" #~ msgstr "Kita" #~ msgid "Kitadaito Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Kitadaito" #~ msgid "Kitimat" #~ msgstr "Kitimat" #~ msgid "Kitzingen" #~ msgstr "Kitzingen" #~ msgid "Knoxville-Downtown" #~ msgstr "Knoxville-Downtown" #~ msgid "Koforidua" #~ msgstr "Koforidua" #~ msgid "Kokonao / Timuka" #~ msgstr "Kokonao / Timuka" #~ msgid "Kolda" #~ msgstr "Kolda" #~ msgid "Kolwezi" #~ msgstr "Kolwezi" #~ msgid "Kompong-Cham" #~ msgstr "Kompong-Cham" #~ msgid "Kongolo" #~ msgstr "Kongolo" #~ msgid "Konstanz" #~ msgstr "Konstanz" #~ msgid "Koon-Ni Range" #~ msgstr "Koon-Ni Range" #~ msgid "Korhogo" #~ msgstr "Korhogo" #~ msgid "Kosrae Carolines / V" #~ msgstr "Kosrae Carolines / V" #~ msgid "Kosti" #~ msgstr "Kosti" #~ msgid "Koszalin" #~ msgstr "Koszalin" #~ msgid "Kotabaru" #~ msgstr "Kotabaru" #~ msgid "Kotar Range" #~ msgstr "Kotar Range" #~ msgid "Kotlas" #~ msgstr "Kotlas" #~ msgid "Koumac Nlle-Caledonie" #~ msgstr "Koumac Nova-Caledónia" #~ msgid "Koundja" #~ msgstr "Koundja" #~ msgid "Koutiala" #~ msgstr "Koutiala" #~ msgid "Kribi" #~ msgstr "Kribi" #~ msgid "Kufra" #~ msgstr "Kufra" #~ msgid "Kupang / El Tari" #~ msgstr "Kupang / El Tari" #~ msgid "Kwangju Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Kwangju" #~ msgid "Kyaukpyu" #~ msgstr "Kyaukpyu" #~ msgid "Kümmersbruck" #~ msgstr "Kümmersbruck" #~ msgid "L'Acadie" #~ msgstr "L'Acadie" #~ msgid "La Orchila" #~ msgstr "La Orchila" #~ msgid "La Plata" #~ msgstr "La Plata" #~ msgid "La Pocatiere" #~ msgstr "La Pocatiere" #~ msgid "La Quiaca Observatorio" #~ msgstr "Observatório de La Quiaca" #~ msgid "La Roche Ile Mare" #~ msgstr "La Roche Ile Mare" #~ msgid "La Scie" #~ msgstr "La Scie" #~ msgid "Laarbruch" #~ msgstr "Laarbruch" #~ msgid "Labe" #~ msgstr "Labe" #~ msgid "Laboulaye" #~ msgstr "Laboulaye" #~ msgid "Labuha / Taliabu" #~ msgstr "Labuha / Taliabu" #~ msgid "Lac Benoit" #~ msgstr "Lac Benoit" #~ msgid "Lac Eon" #~ msgstr "Lac Eon" #~ msgid "Lacombe" #~ msgstr "Lacombe" #~ msgid "Lady Franklin Point" #~ msgstr "Lady Franklin Point" #~ msgid "Lago Argentino" #~ msgstr "Lago Argentino" #~ msgid "Lagoon City" #~ msgstr "Lagoon City" #~ msgid "Lahore City" #~ msgstr "Lahore City" #~ msgid "Lake Havasu" #~ msgstr "Lago Havasu" #~ msgid "Lake Worth Inlet" #~ msgstr "Lago Worth Inlet" #~ msgid "Lan Yu" #~ msgstr "Lan Yu" #~ msgid "Landivisiau" #~ msgstr "Landivisiau" #~ msgid "Langebaanweg" #~ msgstr "Langebaanweg" #~ msgid "Lansdowne House" #~ msgstr "Lansdowne House" #~ msgid "Lanvéoc-Poulmic" #~ msgstr "Lanvéoc-Poulmic" #~ msgid "Larantuka" #~ msgstr "Larantuka" #~ msgid "Las Lomitas" #~ msgstr "Las Lomitas" #~ msgid "Las Vegas NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Las Vegas" #~ msgid "Lashio" #~ msgstr "Lashio" #~ msgid "Latronico" #~ msgstr "Latronico" #~ msgid "Lauzon" #~ msgstr "Lauzon" #~ msgid "Laverton" #~ msgstr "Laverton" #~ msgid "Lazy Mtn / Wolverine" #~ msgstr "Lazy Mtn / Wolverine" #~ msgid "Le Luc" #~ msgstr "Le Luc" #~ msgid "Le Puy-en-Velay" #~ msgstr "Le Puy-en-Velay" #~ msgid "Le Touquet-Paris-Plage" #~ msgstr "Le Touquet-Paris-Plage" #~ msgid "Leigh Creek" #~ msgstr "Riacho Leigh" #~ msgid "Lelystad" #~ msgstr "Lelystad" #~ msgid "Lemwerder" #~ msgstr "Lemwerder" #~ msgid "Les Milles" #~ msgstr "Les Milles" #~ msgid "Lethbridge Automated Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Reporte de Lethbridge" #~ msgid "Lexington / Creech" #~ msgstr "Lexington / Creech" #~ msgid "Lhasa" #~ msgstr "Lhasa" #~ msgid "Lhokseumawe / Malikussaleh" #~ msgstr "Lhokseumawe / Malikussaleh" #~ msgid "Lichtenburg" #~ msgstr "Lichtenburg" #~ msgid "Lidgerwood" #~ msgstr "Lidgerwood" #~ msgid "Lilongwe" #~ msgstr "Lilongwe" #~ msgid "Lindberg Landing" #~ msgstr "Lindberg Landing" #~ msgid "Lindtorp" #~ msgstr "Lindtorp" #~ msgid "Little Chicago" #~ msgstr "Little Chicago" #~ msgid "Little Gulf Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Little Gulf" #~ msgid "Little Mountain" #~ msgstr "Little Mountain" #~ msgid "Livno" #~ msgstr "Livno" #~ msgid "Location 3" #~ msgstr "Location 3 (Portage Glacier)" #~ msgid "Location 4" #~ msgstr "Location 4 (Portage Glacier)" #~ msgid "Lomie" #~ msgstr "Lomie" #~ msgid "Long Point" #~ msgstr "Long Point" #~ msgid "Longbawan / Juvai Semaring" #~ msgstr "Longbawan / Juvai Semaring" #~ msgid "Longreach" #~ msgstr "Longreach" #~ msgid "Lorain Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Lorain" #~ msgid "Los Angeles NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Los Angeles" #~ msgid "Loubomo" #~ msgstr "Loubomo" #~ msgid "Loudes" #~ msgstr "Loudes" #~ msgid "Louisville NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Louisville" #~ msgid "Lower Carp Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago de Lower Carp" #~ msgid "Luang-Prabang" #~ msgstr "Luang-Prabang" #~ msgid "Lucy Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Lucy" #~ msgid "Luderitz / Diaz Point" #~ msgstr "Luderitz / Diaz Point" #~ msgid "Lukeville" #~ msgstr "Lukeville" #~ msgid "Lumbo" #~ msgstr "Lumbo" #~ msgid "Lundazi" #~ msgstr "Lundazi" #~ msgid "Lupin" #~ msgstr "Lupin" #~ msgid "Lusambo" #~ msgstr "Lusambo" #~ msgid "Luwuk / Bubung" #~ msgstr "Luwuk / Bubung" #~ msgid "Lázaro Cárdenas" #~ msgstr "Lázaro Cárdenas" #~ msgid "M'Pouya" #~ msgstr "M'Pouya" #~ msgid "M. Calamita" #~ msgstr "M. Calamita" #~ msgid "M. O. Ranchi" #~ msgstr "M. O. Ranchi" #~ msgid "Ma'An" #~ msgstr "Ma'An" #~ msgid "Macara/J. M. Velasco I." #~ msgstr "Macara/J. M. Velasco I." #~ msgid "Macaé" #~ msgstr "Macaé" #~ msgid "Machala/General M. Serrano" #~ msgstr "Machala/General M. Serrano" #~ msgid "Macquarie Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Macquarie" #~ msgid "Mactan" #~ msgstr "Mactan" #~ msgid "Madang" #~ msgstr "Madang" #~ msgid "Madeleine Centre" #~ msgstr "Madeleine Centre" #~ msgid "Madiun / Iswahyudi" #~ msgstr "Madiun / Iswahyudi" #~ msgid "Madurai" #~ msgstr "Madurai" #~ msgid "Mae Sariang" #~ msgstr "Mae Sariang" #~ msgid "Maesanri" #~ msgstr "Maesanri" #~ msgid "Mafraq" #~ msgstr "Mafraq" #~ msgid "Mahanoro" #~ msgstr "Mahanoro" #~ msgid "Main Pass" #~ msgstr "Main Pass" #~ msgid "Maine-Soroa" #~ msgstr "Maine-Soroa" #~ msgid "Maintirano" #~ msgstr "Maintirano" #~ msgid "Makabana" #~ msgstr "Makabana" #~ msgid "Makale" #~ msgstr "Makale" #~ msgid "Makoua" #~ msgstr "Makoua" #~ msgid "Makung" #~ msgstr "Makung" #~ msgid "Makurdi" #~ msgstr "Makurdi" #~ msgid "Malakal" #~ msgstr "Malakal" #~ msgid "Malang / Abdul Rahkmansaleh" #~ msgstr "Malang / Abdul Rahkmansaleh" #~ msgid "Malay Falls" #~ msgstr "Cataratas Malay" #~ msgid "Malaybalay" #~ msgstr "Malaybalay" #~ msgid "Maldonado/Punta del Este" #~ msgstr "Maldonado/Punta del Este" #~ msgid "Malibu Beach" #~ msgstr "Malibu Beach" #~ msgid "Malloch" #~ msgstr "Malloch" #~ msgid "Malmen" #~ msgstr "Malmen" #~ msgid "Mamfe" #~ msgstr "Mamfe" #~ msgid "Mananjary" #~ msgstr "Mananjary" #~ msgid "Manasquan" #~ msgstr "Manasquan" #~ msgid "Mandalay" #~ msgstr "Mandalay" #~ msgid "Mangalore/Bajpe" #~ msgstr "Mangalore/Bajpe" #~ msgid "Mangilsan Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Mangilsan" #~ msgid "Mango" #~ msgstr "Mango" #~ msgid "Mangochi" #~ msgstr "Mangochi" #~ msgid "Manisa" #~ msgstr "Manisa" #~ msgid "Manning" #~ msgstr "Manning" #~ msgid "Manokwari / Rendani" #~ msgstr "Manokwari / Rendani" #~ msgid "Manono" #~ msgstr "Manono" #~ msgid "Manouane" #~ msgstr "Manouane" #~ msgid "Mansa" #~ msgstr "Mansa" #~ msgid "Maopoopo" #~ msgstr "Maopoopo" #~ msgid "Maradi" #~ msgstr "Maradi" #~ msgid "Maragheh/Sahand" #~ msgstr "Maragheh/Sahand" #~ msgid "Marathon Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Marathon" #~ msgid "Marblehead" #~ msgstr "Marblehead" #~ msgid "Marcos Juárez" #~ msgstr "Marcos Juárez" #~ msgid "Margate" #~ msgstr "Margate" #~ msgid "Marie Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Marie" #~ msgid "Marina Del Rey" #~ msgstr "Marina Del Rey" #~ msgid "Marinduque Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Marinduque" #~ msgid "Marion Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Marion" #~ msgid "Mariscal Estigarribia" #~ msgstr "Mariscal Estigarribia" #~ msgid "Maritsa" #~ msgstr "Maritsa" #~ msgid "Maroua-Salak" #~ msgstr "Maroua-Salak" #~ msgid "Marseilles" #~ msgstr "Marselha" #~ msgid "Maseru" #~ msgstr "Maseru" #~ msgid "Masirah" #~ msgstr "Masirah" #~ msgid "Masset" #~ msgstr "Masset" #~ msgid "Masslo / Meslo" #~ msgstr "Masslo / Meslo" #~ msgid "Matadi" #~ msgstr "Matadi" #~ msgid "Matam" #~ msgstr "Matam" #~ msgid "Matthew Town, Inagua" #~ msgstr "Matthew Town, Inagua" #~ msgid "Maumere / Wai Oti" #~ msgstr "Maumere / Wai Oti" #~ msgid "Mazar-I-Sharif" #~ msgstr "Mazar-I-Sharif" #~ msgid "Mazu" #~ msgstr "Mazu" #~ msgid "Mbala" #~ msgstr "Mbala" #~ msgid "Mbandaka" #~ msgstr "Mbandaka" #~ msgid "Mbuji-Mayi" #~ msgstr "Mbuji-Mayi" #~ msgid "McClellan" #~ msgstr "McClellan" #~ msgid "McMullen" #~ msgstr "McMullen" #~ msgid "Mcgill" #~ msgstr "Mcgill" #~ msgid "Mcinnes Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Mcinnes" #~ msgid "Medford NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Medford" #~ msgid "Meekatharra" #~ msgstr "Meekatharra" #~ msgid "Meiganga" #~ msgstr "Meiganga" #~ msgid "Meiktila" #~ msgstr "Meiktila" #~ msgid "Melita" #~ msgstr "Melita" #~ msgid "Melrose" #~ msgstr "Melrose" #~ msgid "Melsbroek" #~ msgstr "Melsbroek" #~ msgid "Menado / Dr. Sam Ratulangi" #~ msgstr "Menado / Dr. Sam Ratulangi" #~ msgid "Mende" #~ msgstr "Mende" #~ msgid "Menggala / Astra Ksetra" #~ msgstr "Menggala / Astra Ksetra" #~ msgid "Merauke / Mopah" #~ msgstr "Merauke / Mopah" #~ msgid "Mergui" #~ msgstr "Mergui" #~ msgid "Merrimac" #~ msgstr "Merrimac" #~ msgid "Merry Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Merry" #~ msgid "Merzbrück" #~ msgstr "Merzbrück" #~ msgid "Metropolitano Private" #~ msgstr "Metropolitano Private" #~ msgid "Meulaboh / Cut Nyak Dhien" #~ msgstr "Meulaboh / Cut Nyak Dhien" #~ msgid "Mia" #~ msgstr "Mia" #~ msgid "Miami Beach" #~ msgstr "Miami Beach" #~ msgid "Miami NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Miami" #~ msgid "Mianwali" #~ msgstr "Mianwali" #~ msgid "Michigan City" #~ msgstr "Michigan City" #~ msgid "Middelburg" #~ msgstr "Middelburg" #~ msgid "Mildred Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Mildred" #~ msgid "Milford Haven" #~ msgstr "Milford Haven" #~ msgid "Millbrook" #~ msgstr "Millbrook" #~ msgid "Milwaukee Coast Guard Light Station" #~ msgstr "Farol da Guarda Costeira de Milwaukee" #~ msgid "Milwaukee NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Milwaukee" #~ msgid "Minamidaitojima" #~ msgstr "Minamidaitojima" #~ msgid "Minamitorishima" #~ msgstr "Minamitorishima" #~ msgid "Mingaladon" #~ msgstr "Mingaladon" #~ msgid "Miscou Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Miscou" #~ msgid "Miskolc" #~ msgstr "Miskolc" #~ msgid "Mission Beach" #~ msgstr "Mission Beach" #~ msgid "Mississippi Canyon" #~ msgstr "Mississippi Canyon" #~ msgid "Missoula NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Missoula" #~ msgid "Mitu" #~ msgstr "Mitu" #~ msgid "Miyakejima" #~ msgstr "Miyakejima" #~ msgid "Mocimboa Da Praia" #~ msgstr "Mocimboa Da Praia" #~ msgid "Mokha" #~ msgstr "Mokha" #~ msgid "Mombo" #~ msgstr "Mombo" #~ msgid "Monastir-Skanes" #~ msgstr "Monastir-Skanes" #~ msgid "Mongu" #~ msgstr "Mongu" #~ msgid "Monkey Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Monkey" #~ msgid "Mont-Orford" #~ msgstr "Mont-Orford" #~ msgid "Montauk Point" #~ msgstr "Montauk Point" #~ msgid "Monte Bisbino" #~ msgstr "Monte Bisbino" #~ msgid "Monte Caseros" #~ msgstr "Monte Caseros" #~ msgid "Monterey NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Monterey" #~ msgid "Montluçon-Guéret" #~ msgstr "Montluçon-Guéret" #~ msgid "Montreal River" #~ msgstr "Rio de Montreal" #~ msgid "Montreal-Est" #~ msgstr "Montreal Oriental" #~ msgid "Moorabbin" #~ msgstr "Moorabbin" #~ msgid "Mopti" #~ msgstr "Mopti" #~ msgid "Morlaix" #~ msgstr "Morlaix" #~ msgid "Morombe" #~ msgstr "Morombe" #~ msgid "Morondava" #~ msgstr "Morondava" #~ msgid "Moroto" #~ msgstr "Moroto" #~ msgid "Moshoeshoe" #~ msgstr "Moshoeshoe" #~ msgid "Mossel Bay Cape Saint Blaize" #~ msgstr "Mossel Bay Cape Saint Blaize" #~ msgid "Mosul" #~ msgstr "Mosul" #~ msgid "Mosulpo Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Mosulpo" #~ msgid "Moue Ile Des Pins" #~ msgstr "Moue Ile Des Pins" #~ msgid "Mould Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Mould" #~ msgid "Mould Bay Camp" #~ msgstr "Acampamento da Baía Mould" #~ msgid "Mount Gambier" #~ msgstr "Mount Gambier" #~ msgid "Mouyondzi" #~ msgstr "Mouyondzi" #~ msgid "Mpika" #~ msgstr "Mpika" #~ msgid "Mt. Feltner" #~ msgstr "Mt. Feltner" #~ msgid "Muaratewe / Beringin" #~ msgstr "Muaratewe / Beringin" #~ msgid "Muhrani" #~ msgstr "Muhrani" #~ msgid "Mukdahan" #~ msgstr "Mukdahan" #~ msgid "Mullen" #~ msgstr "Mullen" #~ msgid "Muncho Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Muncho" #~ msgid "Munda" #~ msgstr "Munda" #~ msgid "Municipal" #~ msgstr "Municipal" #~ msgid "Munte" #~ msgstr "Munte" #~ msgid "Muroran" #~ msgstr "Muroran" #~ msgid "Murska Sobota" #~ msgstr "Murska Sobota" #~ msgid "Mururoa" #~ msgstr "Mururoa" #~ msgid "Mus" #~ msgstr "Mus" #~ msgid "Muskegon Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Muskegon" #~ msgid "Mutoko" #~ msgstr "Mutoko" #~ msgid "Mwinilunga" #~ msgstr "Mwinilunga" #~ msgid "Myitkyina" #~ msgstr "Myitkyina" #~ msgid "Mzimba" #~ msgstr "Mzimba" #~ msgid "Mzuzu" #~ msgstr "Mzuzu" #~ msgid "N'Dele" #~ msgstr "N'Dele" #~ msgid "N'Zerekore" #~ msgstr "N'Zerekore" #~ msgid "N. Bay" #~ msgstr "N. Bay" #~ msgid "NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "NEXRAD" #~ msgid "Nabire" #~ msgstr "Nabire" #~ msgid "Nachingwea" #~ msgstr "Nachingwea" #~ msgid "Naga/Luzon Island" #~ msgstr "Naga/Ilha Luzon" #~ msgid "Nagagami" #~ msgstr "Nagagami" #~ msgid "Nakhon Phanom" #~ msgstr "Nakhon Phanom" #~ msgid "Nakhon Ratchasima" #~ msgstr "Nakhon Ratchasima" #~ msgid "Nakhon Sawan" #~ msgstr "Nakhon Sawan" #~ msgid "Nakhon Si Thammarat" #~ msgstr "Nakhon Si Thammarat" #~ msgid "Namlea" #~ msgstr "Namlea" #~ msgid "Nanakwa Shoals" #~ msgstr "Nanakwa Shoals" #~ msgid "Nanchang" #~ msgstr "Nanchang" #~ msgid "Nanumea" #~ msgstr "Nanumea" #~ msgid "Nanyuki" #~ msgstr "Nanyuki" #~ msgid "Nashville NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Nashville" #~ msgid "National Aviation Center (alternate)" #~ msgstr "Centro Nacional de Aviação (alternativo)" #~ msgid "Natitingou" #~ msgstr "Natitingou" #~ msgid "Navelexcen" #~ msgstr "Navelexcen" #~ msgid "Navrongo" #~ msgstr "Navrongo" #~ msgid "Nechako River" #~ msgstr "Rio Nechako" #~ msgid "Nederland Mountain" #~ msgstr "Nederland Mountain" #~ msgid "Neenah" #~ msgstr "Neenah" #~ msgid "New Delhi/Safdarjung" #~ msgstr "Nova Delhi/Safdarjung" #~ msgid "New Dungeness" #~ msgstr "New Dungeness" #~ msgid "New Ferolle" #~ msgstr "New Ferolle" #~ msgid "New Haven Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de New Haven" #~ msgid "New Port Richey" #~ msgstr "New Port Richey" #~ msgid "Nha Trang" #~ msgstr "Nha Trang" #~ msgid "Niagara" #~ msgstr "Niagara" #~ msgid "Nicholson Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Nicholson" #~ msgid "Nightmare Range" #~ msgstr "Nightmare Range" #~ msgid "Nightmute" #~ msgstr "Nightmute" #~ msgid "Nikolski" #~ msgstr "Nikolski" #~ msgid "Nioro Du Sahel" #~ msgstr "Nioro Du Sahel" #~ msgid "Niort" #~ msgstr "Niort" #~ msgid "Nipissing" #~ msgstr "Nipissing" #~ msgid "Nise" #~ msgstr "Nise" #~ msgid "Nitinat Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Nitinat" #~ msgid "Nizhneudinsk" #~ msgstr "Nizhneudinsk" #~ msgid "Nkhota Kota" #~ msgstr "Nkhota Kota" #~ msgid "Nkongsamba" #~ msgstr "Nkongsamba" #~ msgid "Nong Khai" #~ msgstr "Nong Khai" #~ msgid "Nootka" #~ msgstr "Nong Khai" #~ msgid "Nordhorn" #~ msgstr "Nordholz" #~ msgid "North Lakhimpur" #~ msgstr "Lakhimpur ao Norte" #~ msgid "North Little Rock" #~ msgstr "North Little Rock" #~ msgid "North Manitou Shoal" #~ msgstr "North Manitou Shoal" #~ msgid "North Mountain" #~ msgstr "North Mountain" #~ msgid "North Point" #~ msgstr "North Point" #~ msgid "Northrup" #~ msgstr "Northrup" #~ msgid "Norton" #~ msgstr "Norton" #~ msgid "Noumea Nlle-Caledonie" #~ msgstr "Noumea Nova-Caledónia" #~ msgid "Nowra" #~ msgstr "Nowra" #~ msgid "Nueva Asunción" #~ msgstr "Nueva Asunción" #~ msgid "Nyala" #~ msgstr "Nyala" #~ msgid "Nyiregyhaza/Napkor" #~ msgstr "Nyiregyhaza/Napkor" #~ msgid "Oakey" #~ msgstr "Oakey" #~ msgid "Obo" #~ msgstr "Obo" #~ msgid "Oceanside Harbor" #~ msgstr "Porto de Oceanside" #~ msgid "Odienne" #~ msgstr "Odienne" #~ msgid "Oe-Cusse / Oe Cusse" #~ msgstr "Oe-Cusse / Oe Cusse" #~ msgid "Ojika Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Ojika" #~ msgid "Oki" #~ msgstr "Oki" #~ msgid "Oklahoma City NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Oklahoma City" #~ msgid "Okushiri Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Okushiri" #~ msgid "Olean" #~ msgstr "Olean" #~ msgid "Oliktok" #~ msgstr "Oliktok" #~ msgid "Oliphant" #~ msgstr "Oliphant" #~ msgid "Omidiyeh" #~ msgstr "Omidiyeh" #~ msgid "Onatchiway" #~ msgstr "Onatchiway" #~ msgid "Oracoke" #~ msgstr "Oracoke" #~ msgid "Orange Grove" #~ msgstr "Orange Grove" #~ msgid "Oregon Inlet" #~ msgstr "Oregon Inlet" #~ msgid "Oshogbo" #~ msgstr "Oshogbo" #~ msgid "Oswego" #~ msgstr "Oswego" #~ msgid "Ouahigouya" #~ msgstr "Ouahigouya" #~ msgid "Ouanaham Ile Lifou" #~ msgstr "Ouanaham Ile Lifou" #~ msgid "Ouani Anjouan" #~ msgstr "Ouani Anjouan" #~ msgid "Oudtshoorn" #~ msgstr "Oudtshoorn" #~ msgid "Ouesso" #~ msgstr "Ouesso" #~ msgid "Ouloup Ile Ouvea" #~ msgstr "Ouloup Ile Ouvea" #~ msgid "Outlook" #~ msgstr "Outlook" #~ msgid "Overberg" #~ msgstr "Overberg" #~ msgid "Owyhee" #~ msgstr "Owyhee" #~ msgid "Pa Kuei/Bakuai" #~ msgstr "Pa Kuei/Bakuai" #~ msgid "Padang / Tabing" #~ msgstr "Padang / Tabing" #~ msgid "Paengnyongdo Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Paengnyongdo" #~ msgid "Pakanbaru / Simpangtiga" #~ msgstr "Pakanbaru / Simpangtiga" #~ msgid "Pakse" #~ msgstr "Pakse" #~ msgid "Palangkaraya / Panarung" #~ msgstr "Palangkaraya / Panarung" #~ msgid "Palembang / Talangbetutu" #~ msgstr "Palembang / Talangbetutu" #~ msgid "Palmar Sur" #~ msgstr "Palmar Sur" #~ msgid "Palmyra" #~ msgstr "Palmyra" #~ msgid "Palu / Mutiara" #~ msgstr "Palu / Mutiara" #~ msgid "Pam Rocks" #~ msgstr "Pam Rocks" #~ msgid "Pampulha Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Pampulha" #~ msgid "Pangkalan Bun / Iskandar" #~ msgstr "Pangkalan Bun / Iskandar" #~ msgid "Pangkalpinang / Pangkalpinang" #~ msgstr "Pangkalpinang / Pangkalpinang" #~ msgid "Panjgur" #~ msgstr "Panjgur" #~ msgid "Parafield" #~ msgstr "Parafield" #~ msgid "Parakou" #~ msgstr "Parakou" #~ msgid "Paraparaumu" #~ msgstr "Paraparaumu" #~ msgid "Parc Des Laurentid" #~ msgstr "Parc Des Laurentid" #~ msgid "Paris Met Center" #~ msgstr "Centro Meteorológico de Paris" #~ msgid "Park Falls" #~ msgstr "Cataratas do Parque" #~ msgid "Parramore Beach" #~ msgstr "Parramore Beach" #~ msgid "Pascagoula Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Pascagoula" #~ msgid "Paso De Indios" #~ msgstr "Paso De Indios" #~ msgid "Passo Fundo" #~ msgstr "Passo Fundo" #~ msgid "Pathfinder Hill" #~ msgstr "Pathfinder Hill" #~ msgid "Paulatuk Automated Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Reporting de Paulatuk" #~ msgid "Payerne" #~ msgstr "Payerne" #~ msgid "Payson" #~ msgstr "Payson" #~ msgid "Peawanuck" #~ msgstr "Peawanuck" #~ msgid "Pehuajo" #~ msgstr "Pehuajo" #~ msgid "Pello" #~ msgstr "Pello" #~ msgid "Pelly Bay (alternate)" #~ msgstr "Pelly Bay (alternativa)" #~ msgid "Pelly Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Pelly" #~ msgid "Pemberton" #~ msgstr "Pemberton" #~ msgid "Pequot Lakes" #~ msgstr "Lagos Pequot" #~ msgid "Perdasdefogu" #~ msgstr "Perdasdefogu" #~ msgid "Perito Moreno" #~ msgstr "Perito Moreno" #~ msgid "Petauke" #~ msgstr "Petauke" #~ msgid "Peterson" #~ msgstr "Peterson" #~ msgid "Pferdsfeld" #~ msgstr "Pferdsfeld" #~ msgid "Phalaborwa" #~ msgstr "Phalaborwa" #~ msgid "Phetchaburi" #~ msgstr "Phetchaburi" #~ msgid "Philadelphia NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Filadélfia" #~ msgid "Phitsanulok" #~ msgstr "Phitsanulok" #~ msgid "Picayune" #~ msgstr "Picayune" #~ msgid "Pietermaritzburg" #~ msgstr "Pietermaritzburg" #~ msgid "Pietersburg" #~ msgstr "Pietersburgo" #~ msgid "Pigeon Point" #~ msgstr "Pigeon Point" #~ msgid "Pigue" #~ msgstr "Pigue" #~ msgid "Pikeville" #~ msgstr "Pikeville" #~ msgid "Pilar Observatorio" #~ msgstr "Observatório de Pilar" #~ msgid "Pillar Pt / El Granda" #~ msgstr "Pillar Pt / El Granda" #~ msgid "Pinar Del Río" #~ msgstr "Pinar Del Río" #~ msgid "Pinawa" #~ msgstr "Pinawa" #~ msgid "Piney Creek" #~ msgstr "Riacho de Piney" #~ msgid "Pingtung North" #~ msgstr "Pingtung North" #~ msgid "Pingtung South" #~ msgstr "Pingtung Sul" #~ msgid "Pittsburgh NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Pittsburgh" #~ msgid "Plains" #~ msgstr "Plains" #~ msgid "Pleasant" #~ msgstr "Pleasant" #~ msgid "Pleiku City" #~ msgstr "Pleiku City" #~ msgid "Plettenberg Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía de Plettenberg" #~ msgid "Ploujean" #~ msgstr "Ploujean" #~ msgid "Po" #~ msgstr "Po" #~ msgid "Podor" #~ msgstr "Podgorica/Golubovci" #~ msgid "Poinsett Range" #~ msgstr "Poinsett Range" #~ msgid "Point Arena" #~ msgstr "Point Arena" #~ msgid "Point Betsie / Frankfort" #~ msgstr "Point Betsie / Frankfort" #~ msgid "Point Blunt" #~ msgstr "Point Blunt" #~ msgid "Point Bonita" #~ msgstr "Point Bonita" #~ msgid "Point Cabrillo" #~ msgstr "Point Cabrillo" #~ msgid "Point Escuminac" #~ msgstr "Point Escuminac" #~ msgid "Point Judith" #~ msgstr "Point Judith" #~ msgid "Point Lepreau" #~ msgstr "Point Lepreau" #~ msgid "Point Loma / Cabrillo" #~ msgstr "Point Loma / Cabrillo" #~ msgid "Point No Point" #~ msgstr "Point No Point" #~ msgid "Point Petre" #~ msgstr "Point Petre" #~ msgid "Point Piedras Blanca" #~ msgstr "Point Piedras Blanca" #~ msgid "Point Pinos" #~ msgstr "Point Pinos" #~ msgid "Point Reyes" #~ msgstr "Point Reyes" #~ msgid "Point Robinson" #~ msgstr "Point Robinson" #~ msgid "Point Sur" #~ msgstr "Point Sur" #~ msgid "Point Vincente" #~ msgstr "Point Vincente" #~ msgid "Point Wilson" #~ msgstr "Point Wilson" #~ msgid "Pointe-Des-Monts" #~ msgstr "Pointe-Des-Monts" #~ msgid "Pokhara" #~ msgstr "Pokhara" #~ msgid "Ponce De Leon Inlet" #~ msgstr "Ponce De Leon Inlet" #~ msgid "Ponta Pelada Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Ponta Pelada" #~ msgid "Pontianak / Supadio" #~ msgstr "Pontianak / Supadio" #~ msgid "Popayán/Guillermo" #~ msgstr "Popayán/Guillermo" #~ msgid "Porretta Pass" #~ msgstr "Porretta Pass" #~ msgid "Port Alberni" #~ msgstr "Port Alberni" #~ msgid "Port Angeles Coast Guard Air Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Aérea da Guarda Costeira de Port Angeles" #~ msgid "Port Chicago" #~ msgstr "Port Chicago" #~ msgid "Port Hawkesbury" #~ msgstr "Port Hawkesbury" #~ msgid "Port Huron Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Port Huron" #~ msgid "Port St Johns" #~ msgstr "Port St Johns" #~ msgid "Port Sudan" #~ msgstr "Port Sudan" #~ msgid "Port Suden" #~ msgstr "Port Sudan" #~ msgid "Port-Aux-Basques" #~ msgstr "Port-Aux-Basques" #~ msgid "Portage Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Portage" #~ msgid "Porter Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Porter" #~ msgid "Portland NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Portland" #~ msgid "Porto Nacional" #~ msgstr "Porto Nacional" #~ msgid "Portsmouth Harbor" #~ msgstr "Porto de Portsmouth" #~ msgid "Poso / Kasiguncu" #~ msgstr "Poso / Kasiguncu" #~ msgid "Powder Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Powder" #~ msgid "Prachin Buri" #~ msgstr "Prachin Buri" #~ msgid "Preschen" #~ msgstr "Preschen" #~ msgid "Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña" #~ msgstr "Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña" #~ msgid "Pretoria Irene" #~ msgstr "Pretoria Irene" #~ msgid "Primrose Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Primrose" #~ msgid "Prins Christian Sund" #~ msgstr "Prins Christian Sund" #~ msgid "Prome" #~ msgstr "Prome" #~ msgid "Proserpine" #~ msgstr "Proserpine" #~ msgid "Pudasjärvi" #~ msgstr "Pudasjärvi" #~ msgid "Pueblo NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Pueblo" #~ msgid "Puerto Asís" #~ msgstr "Puerto Asís" #~ msgid "Puerto Deseado" #~ msgstr "Puerto Deseado" #~ msgid "Pukaskwa" #~ msgstr "Pukaskwa" #~ msgid "Puntzi Mountain" #~ msgstr "Puntzi Mountain" #~ msgid "Putao" #~ msgstr "Putao" #~ msgid "Pyoripsan" #~ msgstr "Pyoripsan" #~ msgid "Périgueux" #~ msgstr "Périgueux" #~ msgid "Qavvik Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Qavvik" #~ msgid "Qiqihar" #~ msgstr "Qiqihar" #~ msgid "Quatsino Light Station" #~ msgstr "Farol de Quatsino" #~ msgid "Quebec Fcst Office" #~ msgstr "Escritorio do FCST do Quebec" #~ msgid "Queenstown" #~ msgstr "Queenstown" #~ msgid "Quesnel Automatic Weather Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Reporte Meteorológico de Quesnel" #~ msgid "Quezaltenango" #~ msgstr "Quezaltenango" #~ msgid "Quillayute River Coast Guard Light Station" #~ msgstr "Farol da Guarda Costeira do Rio Quillayute" #~ msgid "Quy Nhon" #~ msgstr "Quy Nhon" #~ msgid "Rabbit Kettle" #~ msgstr "Rabbit Kettle" #~ msgid "Race Point" #~ msgstr "Race Point" #~ msgid "Radicofani" #~ msgstr "Radicofani" #~ msgid "Rae Lakes" #~ msgstr "Lagos Rae" #~ msgid "Rajkot" #~ msgstr "Rajkot" #~ msgid "Rajshahi" #~ msgstr "Rajshahi" #~ msgid "Raleigh NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Raleigh" #~ msgid "Rampart River" #~ msgstr "Rio Rampart" #~ msgid "Ranai / Ranai" #~ msgstr "Ranai / Ranai" #~ msgid "Rangiroa / Tuamoto Island" #~ msgstr "Rangiroa / Ilha de Tuamoto" #~ msgid "Ranohira" #~ msgstr "Ranohira" #~ msgid "Raoul Island, Kermadec Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Raoul, Ilha de Kermadec" #~ msgid "Raufarhöfn" #~ msgstr "Raufarhöfn" #~ msgid "Rebun Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Rebun" #~ msgid "Red Lodge" #~ msgstr "Red Lodge" #~ msgid "Red River County Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Red River County" #~ msgid "Reedsville" #~ msgstr "Reedsville" #~ msgid "Rengat / Japura" #~ msgstr "Rengat / Japura" #~ msgid "Renk" #~ msgstr "Renk" #~ msgid "Reno NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Reno" #~ msgid "Resende" #~ msgstr "Resende" #~ msgid "Rice Lake Municipal" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal do Lago Rice" #~ msgid "Richard Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Richard" #~ msgid "Richards-Gebaur Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Richards-Gebaur" #~ msgid "Rio Vista" #~ msgstr "Rio Vista" #~ msgid "Rioja" #~ msgstr "Rioja" #~ msgid "Risalpur" #~ msgstr "Risalpur" #~ msgid "Rishiri Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Rishiri" #~ msgid "Rivadavia" #~ msgstr "Rivadavia" #~ msgid "Riyan" #~ msgstr "Riyan" #~ msgid "Roanoke NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Roanoke" #~ msgid "Rocky Harbour" #~ msgstr "Porto Rocky" #~ msgid "Rocky House Marine Aviation Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Estação de Reporte à Aviação de Rocky House Marine" #~ msgid "Roi Et" #~ msgstr "Roi Et" #~ msgid "Romblon" #~ msgstr "Romblon" #~ msgid "Rome Automatic Meteorological Observing System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Observação Meteorológica de Roma" #~ msgid "Romorantin-Lanthenay" #~ msgstr "Romorantin-Lanthenay" #~ msgid "Rooikop Saaf / Civ" #~ msgstr "Rooikop Saaf / Civ" #~ msgid "Roosevelt" #~ msgstr "Roosevelt" #~ msgid "Roquemaure" #~ msgstr "Roquemaure" #~ msgid "Rose Point" #~ msgstr "Rose Point" #~ msgid "Roseglen" #~ msgstr "Roseglen" #~ msgid "Rosières-en-Haye" #~ msgstr "Rosières-en-Haye" #~ msgid "Ross River" #~ msgstr "Rio Ross" #~ msgid "Rote / Baa" #~ msgstr "Rote / Baa" #~ msgid "Rotorua" #~ msgstr "Rotorua" #~ msgid "Rotuma" #~ msgstr "Rotuma" #~ msgid "Rousse" #~ msgstr "Rotuma" #~ msgid "Rouyn-Noranda" #~ msgstr "Rouyn-Noranda" #~ msgid "Roxas" #~ msgstr "Roxas" #~ msgid "Rundu" #~ msgstr "Rundu" #~ msgid "Rusape" #~ msgstr "Rusape" #~ msgid "Rutshuru" #~ msgstr "Rutshuru" #~ msgid "Río Colorado" #~ msgstr "Rio Colorado" #~ msgid "Sabanettan" #~ msgstr "Sabanettan" #~ msgid "Sabang / Cut Bau" #~ msgstr "Sabang / Cut Bau" #~ msgid "Sabine Pass Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Sabine Pass" #~ msgid "Sable Island Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto da Ilha Sable" #~ msgid "Sable Island Man" #~ msgstr "Homem da Ilha de Sable" #~ msgid "Sabu / Tardamu" #~ msgstr "Sabu / Tardamu" #~ msgid "Sacramento NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Sacramento" #~ msgid "Saddam Irq-Afb / Civ" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea / Aeroporto Civil de Saddam Irq" #~ msgid "Sado" #~ msgstr "Sado" #~ msgid "Safi" #~ msgstr "Safi" #~ msgid "Saghez" #~ msgstr "Saghez" #~ msgid "Saginaw River Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira do Rio Saginaw" #~ msgid "Sagona Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Sagona" #~ msgid "Saint Clothilde" #~ msgstr "Saint Clothilde" #~ msgid "Saint Gedeon" #~ msgstr "Saint Gedeon" #~ msgid "Saint Henri" #~ msgstr "Saint Henri" #~ msgid "Saint Ignace" #~ msgstr "Saint Ignace" #~ msgid "Saint Paul Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Saint Paul" #~ msgid "Saint-Laurent-Du-Maroni" #~ msgstr "Saint-Laurent-Du-Maroni" #~ msgid "Saint-Raphaël" #~ msgstr "Saint-Raphaël" #~ msgid "Saint-Valery-en-Caux" #~ msgstr "Saint-Valery-en-Caux" #~ msgid "Saiq" #~ msgstr "Saiq" #~ msgid "Sakon Nakhon" #~ msgstr "Sakon Nakhon" #~ msgid "Salima" #~ msgstr "Salima" #~ msgid "Salinas/General Ulpiano Páez" #~ msgstr "Salinas/General Ulpiano Páez" #~ msgid "Salmon (2)" #~ msgstr "Salmon (2)" #~ msgid "Salon-de-Provence" #~ msgstr "Salon-de-Provence" #~ msgid "Salt Lake City Municipal Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Municipal de Salt Lake City" #~ msgid "Salt Lake NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Salt Lake" #~ msgid "Saltpond" #~ msgstr "Saltpond" #~ msgid "Samarinda / Temindung" #~ msgstr "Samarinda / Temindung" #~ msgid "Sambava" #~ msgstr "Sambava" #~ msgid "San" #~ msgstr "San" #~ msgid "San Antonio NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de San Antonio" #~ msgid "San Antonio Oeste" #~ msgstr "San Antonio Ocidental" #~ msgid "San Cristóbal Galápagos" #~ msgstr "San Cristóbal Galápagos" #~ msgid "San Francisco Pbs" #~ msgstr "São Francisco Pbs" #~ msgid "San Isidro" #~ msgstr "San Isidro" #~ msgid "San José Del Guaviare" #~ msgstr "San José Del Guaviare" #~ msgid "San Julián" #~ msgstr "San Julián" #~ msgid "San Marcos Automatic Weather Observing/Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Observação/Reporte Meteorológico de San Marcos" #~ msgid "San Martín" #~ msgstr "San Martín" #~ msgid "San Pedro" #~ msgstr "San Pedro" #~ msgid "San Tome Private" #~ msgstr "San Tome Private" #~ msgid "Sand Heads CS" #~ msgstr "Estação Costeira de Sand Heads" #~ msgid "Sanderson" #~ msgstr "Sanderson" #~ msgid "Sandoway" #~ msgstr "Sandoway" #~ msgid "Sandy Hook" #~ msgstr "Sandy Hook" #~ msgid "Sangju" #~ msgstr "Sangju" #~ msgid "Sangley Point" #~ msgstr "Sangley Point" #~ msgid "Sanliurfa" #~ msgstr "Sanliurfa" #~ msgid "Santa Barbara Harbor" #~ msgstr "Porto de Santa Barbara" #~ msgid "Santa Catalina Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Santa Catalina" #~ msgid "Santa Cruz Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Santa Cruz" #~ msgid "Santa Elena De Uairen" #~ msgstr "Santa Elena De Uairen" #~ msgid "Santa Monica Pier" #~ msgstr "Cais de Santa Monica" #~ msgid "Saravane" #~ msgstr "Saravane" #~ msgid "Sargodha" #~ msgstr "Sargodha" #~ msgid "Sarmi" #~ msgstr "Sarmi" #~ msgid "Sartine Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Sartine" #~ msgid "Sasebo Usn" #~ msgstr "Sasebo Usn" #~ msgid "Saskatoon Kernen" #~ msgstr "Saskatoon Kernen" #~ msgid "Satah River" #~ msgstr "Rio Satah" #~ msgid "Satna" #~ msgstr "Satna" #~ msgid "Satun" #~ msgstr "Satun" #~ msgid "Saturna Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Saturna" #~ msgid "Saumlaki" #~ msgstr "Saumlaki" #~ msgid "Savannakhet" #~ msgstr "Savannakhet" #~ msgid "Save" #~ msgstr "Save" #~ msgid "Sayaboury" #~ msgstr "Sayaboury" #~ msgid "Schwaz" #~ msgstr "Schwaz" #~ msgid "Scituate" #~ msgstr "Scituate" #~ msgid "Scoresbysund" #~ msgstr "Scoresbysund" #~ msgid "Scripps Pier / La Jol" #~ msgstr "Scripps Pier / La Jol" #~ msgid "Sde-Haifa Haifa" #~ msgstr "Sde-Haifa Haifa" #~ msgid "Seattle NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Seattle" #~ msgid "Sedona" #~ msgstr "Sedona" #~ msgid "Sefwi Bekwai" #~ msgstr "Sefwi Bekwai" #~ msgid "Segou" #~ msgstr "Segou" #~ msgid "Selma" #~ msgstr "Selma" #~ msgid "Semarang / Ahmadyani" #~ msgstr "Semarang / Ahmadyani" #~ msgid "Sembach" #~ msgstr "Sembach" #~ msgid "Senanga" #~ msgstr "Senanga" #~ msgid "Sennar" #~ msgstr "Sennar" #~ msgid "Seoul E Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea Oriental de Seoul" #~ msgid "Seoul/Yongdungp'O Rokaf Wc" #~ msgstr "Seoul/Yongdungp'O Rokaf Wc" #~ msgid "Serenje" #~ msgstr "Serenje" #~ msgid "Serui / Yendosa" #~ msgstr "Serui / Yendosa" #~ msgid "Sesheke" #~ msgstr "Sesheke" #~ msgid "Seul Choix Pt" #~ msgstr "Seul Choix Pt" #~ msgid "Seychelles International Airport Rawinsonde Station" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Internacional das Seychelles, Estação Rawinsonde" #~ msgid "Sečovlje" #~ msgstr "Sečovlje" #~ msgid "Shaibah / Basrah" #~ msgstr "Shaibah / Basrah" #~ msgid "Shebirghan" #~ msgstr "Shebirghan" #~ msgid "Sheboygan Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Sheboygan" #~ msgid "Sheppard Air Force Base" #~ msgstr "Base da Força Aérea de Sheppard" #~ msgid "Sheringham" #~ msgstr "Sheringham" #~ msgid "Sherman-Denison" #~ msgstr "Sherman-Denison" #~ msgid "Shindand" #~ msgstr "Shindand" #~ msgid "Ship Shoal" #~ msgstr "Ship Shoal" #~ msgid "Ship Shoal Platform" #~ msgstr "Plataforma Ship Shoal" #~ msgid "Shoal Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Shoal" #~ msgid "Short Beach" #~ msgstr "Short Beach" #~ msgid "Sibi" #~ msgstr "Sibi" #~ msgid "Sibiti" #~ msgstr "Sibiti" #~ msgid "Sibolga / Pinangsori" #~ msgstr "Sibolga / Pinangsori" #~ msgid "Sidi Ifni" #~ msgstr "Sidi Ifni" #~ msgid "Siguiri" #~ msgstr "Siguiri" #~ msgid "Sikanni Chief" #~ msgstr "Sikanni Chief" #~ msgid "Sikasso" #~ msgstr "Sikasso" #~ msgid "Simcoe" #~ msgstr "Simcoe" #~ msgid "Singkawang Ii" #~ msgstr "Singkawang Ii" #~ msgid "Singkep / Dabo" #~ msgstr "Singkep / Dabo" #~ msgid "Sint-Truiden" #~ msgstr "Sint-Truiden" #~ msgid "Sintang" #~ msgstr "Sintang" #~ msgid "Siofok" #~ msgstr "Siofok" #~ msgid "Sishen" #~ msgstr "Sishen" #~ msgid "Sisters Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Sisters" #~ msgid "Sittwe" #~ msgstr "Sittwe" #~ msgid "Siuslaw River" #~ msgstr "Rio Siuslaw" #~ msgid "Sivas" #~ msgstr "Sivas" #~ msgid "Sivrihisar" #~ msgstr "Sivrihisar" #~ msgid "Skikda" #~ msgstr "Skikda" #~ msgid "Skive" #~ msgstr "Skive" #~ msgid "Slavonski Brod" #~ msgstr "Slavonski Brod" #~ msgid "Slidell Radar Site" #~ msgstr "Radar de Slidell" #~ msgid "Smith Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Smith" #~ msgid "Smith Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Smith" #~ msgid "Smith Point" #~ msgstr "Smith Point" #~ msgid "Smithville / Wooster" #~ msgstr "Smithville / Wooster" #~ msgid "Socorro" #~ msgstr "Socorro" #~ msgid "Sodankylä" #~ msgstr "Sodankylä" #~ msgid "Sohar Majis" #~ msgstr "Sohar Majis" #~ msgid "Solwezi" #~ msgstr "Solwezi" #~ msgid "Songmu Ab" #~ msgstr "Base Aérea de Songmu" #~ msgid "Sorong / Jefman" #~ msgstr "Sorong / Jefman" #~ msgid "Souanke" #~ msgstr "Souanke" #~ msgid "South Brazos" #~ msgstr "South Brazos" #~ msgid "South Kona" #~ msgstr "South Kona" #~ msgid "South Marsh Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha South Marsh" #~ msgid "South Port / Oak Island" #~ msgstr "South Port / Ilha Oak" #~ msgid "Southwest Pass" #~ msgstr "Southwest Pass" #~ msgid "Spartanburg Memorial" #~ msgstr "Spartanburg Memorial" #~ msgid "Spearfish" #~ msgstr "Spearfish" #~ msgid "Spickard" #~ msgstr "Spickard" #~ msgid "Spirit River Auto Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Automóvel do Rio Spirit" #~ msgid "Springbok" #~ msgstr "Springbok" #~ msgid "St Charles Creek" #~ msgstr "Riacho St Charles" #~ msgid "St George Reef" #~ msgstr "St George Reef" #~ msgid "St. George Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha St. George" #~ msgid "St. Inigoes" #~ msgstr "St. Inigoes" #~ msgid "St. John's West" #~ msgstr "St. John's Ocidental" #~ msgid "St. Shotts" #~ msgstr "St. Shotts" #~ msgid "Stapleton International, Co." #~ msgstr "Stapleton International, Co." #~ msgid "State College NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de State College" #~ msgid "Ste Agathe des Mont" #~ msgstr "Ste Agathe des Mont" #~ msgid "Ste Foy CS" #~ msgstr "Estação Costeira de Ste Foy" #~ msgid "Stillpond" #~ msgstr "Stillpond" #~ msgid "Stony Plain" #~ msgstr "Stony Plain" #~ msgid "Strevell" #~ msgstr "Strevell" #~ msgid "Stumpy Point" #~ msgstr "Stumpy Point" #~ msgid "Stykkishólmur" #~ msgstr "Stykkishólmur" #~ msgid "Suippes" #~ msgstr "Suippes" #~ msgid "Suippes Range Met" #~ msgstr "Suippes Range Met" #~ msgid "Sullivans Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Sullivans" #~ msgid "Sulphur" #~ msgstr "Sulphur" #~ msgid "Sumbawa Besar / Sumbawa Besar" #~ msgstr "Sumbawa Besar / Sumbawa Besar" #~ msgid "Summerside Automatic Weather Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Reporte Meteorológico de Summerside" #~ msgid "Summerside Can-Mil" #~ msgstr "Summerside Can-Mil" #~ msgid "Sumter (2)" #~ msgstr "Sumter (2)" #~ msgid "Sundre" #~ msgstr "Sundre" #~ msgid "Sunriver" #~ msgstr "Sunriver" #~ msgid "Sunyani" #~ msgstr "Sunyani" #~ msgid "Suomussalmi" #~ msgstr "Suomussalmi" #~ msgid "Superior Valley" #~ msgstr "Superior Valley" #~ msgid "Sur" #~ msgstr "Sur" #~ msgid "Surabaya" #~ msgstr "Surabaya" #~ msgid "Surabaya / Perak" #~ msgstr "Surabaya / Perak" #~ msgid "Surakarta / Adisumarmo" #~ msgstr "Surakarta / Adisumarmo" #~ msgid "Surigao" #~ msgstr "Surigao" #~ msgid "Surkhet" #~ msgstr "Surkhet" #~ msgid "Sv Ri San" #~ msgstr "Sv Ri San" #~ msgid "Swift Current Automatic Weather Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Reporte Meteorológico de Swift Current" #~ msgid "Sydfyn Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Sydfyn" #~ msgid "Sylhet" #~ msgstr "Sylhet" #~ msgid "Szentkiralyszabadja" #~ msgstr "Szentkiralyszabadja" #~ msgid "Szombathely" #~ msgstr "Szombathely" #~ msgid "São Gabriel da Cachoeira" #~ msgstr "São Gabriel da Cachoeira" #~ msgid "Såtenäs" #~ msgstr "Såtenäs" #~ msgid "Słupsk" #~ msgstr "Słupsk" #~ msgid "Tabligbo" #~ msgstr "Tabligbo" #~ msgid "Tacloban" #~ msgstr "Tacloban" #~ msgid "Taejond" #~ msgstr "Taejond" #~ msgid "Taesong-San" #~ msgstr "Taesong-San" #~ msgid "Tagbilaran" #~ msgstr "Tagbilaran" #~ msgid "Tahoua" #~ msgstr "Tahoua" #~ msgid "Tahuna" #~ msgstr "Tahuna" #~ msgid "Taichung" #~ msgstr "Taichung" #~ msgid "Tainan" #~ msgstr "Tainan" #~ msgid "Takao Radar Site" #~ msgstr "Radar de Takao" #~ msgid "Takoradi" #~ msgstr "Takoradi" #~ msgid "Tamale" #~ msgstr "Tamale" #~ msgid "Tamdy" #~ msgstr "Tambacounda" #~ msgid "Tampa Bay Area" #~ msgstr "Área da Baía Tampa" #~ msgid "Tan-Tan" #~ msgstr "Tan-Tan" #~ msgid "Tanah Merah / Tanah Merah" #~ msgstr "Tanah Merah / Tanah Merah" #~ msgid "Tancos" #~ msgstr "Tancos" #~ msgid "Tandil" #~ msgstr "Tandil" #~ msgid "Tanjung Redep / Berau" #~ msgstr "Tanjung Redep / Berau" #~ msgid "Tanjung Selor" #~ msgstr "Tanjung Selor" #~ msgid "Tanjungpandan / Buluh Tumbang" #~ msgstr "Tanjungpandan / Buluh Tumbang" #~ msgid "Tanjungpinang / Kijang" #~ msgstr "Tanjungpinang / Kijang" #~ msgid "Taplejung" #~ msgstr "Taplejung" #~ msgid "Tarakan / Juwata" #~ msgstr "Tarakan / Juwata" #~ msgid "Tarama Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Tarama" #~ msgid "Tasiilaq" #~ msgstr "Tasiilaq" #~ msgid "Tasikmalaya / Cibeureum" #~ msgstr "Tasikmalaya / Cibeureum" #~ msgid "Taszár" #~ msgstr "Taszár" #~ msgid "Tawas Point" #~ msgstr "Tawas Point" #~ msgid "Taza" #~ msgstr "Taza" #~ msgid "Telukbetung / Beranti" #~ msgstr "Telukbetung / Beranti" #~ msgid "Tema" #~ msgstr "Tema" #~ msgid "Temblador" #~ msgstr "Temblador" #~ msgid "Tennant Creek" #~ msgstr "Riacho Tennant" #~ msgid "Tenneco Platform" #~ msgstr "Plataforma Tenneco" #~ msgid "Terminal Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Terminal" #~ msgid "Ternate / Babullah" #~ msgstr "Ternate / Babullah" #~ msgid "Tessalit" #~ msgstr "Tessalit" #~ msgid "Tessenei / Teseney" #~ msgstr "Tessenei / Teseney" #~ msgid "Thakhek" #~ msgstr "Thakhek" #~ msgid "Thiva" #~ msgstr "Thiva" #~ msgid "Thomas Point" #~ msgstr "Thomas Point" #~ msgid "Thompson Falls" #~ msgstr "Cataratas Thompson" #~ msgid "Thumrait" #~ msgstr "Thumrait" #~ msgid "Thunder Bay Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha da Baía Thunder" #~ msgid "Tidjikja" #~ msgstr "Tidjikja" #~ msgid "Tiko" #~ msgstr "Tiko" #~ msgid "Tillabery" #~ msgstr "Tillabery" #~ msgid "Tillamook Bay" #~ msgstr "Baía Tillamook" #~ msgid "Timehri" #~ msgstr "Timehri" #~ msgid "Tinogasta" #~ msgstr "Tinogasta" #~ msgid "Tiputini" #~ msgstr "Tiputini" #~ msgid "Tobago" #~ msgstr "Tobago" #~ msgid "Tok" #~ msgstr "Tok" #~ msgid "Tokunoshima Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Tokunoshima" #~ msgid "Toledo Coast Guard Station" #~ msgstr "Estação da Guarda Costeira de Toledo" #~ msgid "Toli-Toli / Lalos" #~ msgstr "Toli-Toli / Lalos" #~ msgid "Tombouctou" #~ msgstr "Tombouctou" #~ msgid "Tonghae" #~ msgstr "Tonghae" #~ msgid "Tonopah Test Range" #~ msgstr "Tonopah Test Range" #~ msgid "Tooele" #~ msgstr "Tooele" #~ msgid "Topeka NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Topeka" #~ msgid "Torbat-Heydarieh" #~ msgstr "Torbat-Heydarieh" #~ msgid "Toronto Aes Hq" #~ msgstr "Toronto Aes Hq" #~ msgid "Toronto Headland" #~ msgstr "Toronto Headland" #~ msgid "Toronto Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Toronto" #~ msgid "Tot'Ma" #~ msgstr "Tot'Ma" #~ msgid "Toul" #~ msgstr "Toul" #~ msgid "Treasure Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Treasure" #~ msgid "Treinta Y Tres" #~ msgstr "Treinta Y Tres" #~ msgid "Tres Arroyos" #~ msgstr "Tres Arroyos" #~ msgid "Trinidad Head" #~ msgstr "Trinidad Head" #~ msgid "Triple Island Light" #~ msgstr "Farol da Ilha Triple" #~ msgid "Tristan Da Cunha" #~ msgstr "Tristão Da Cunha" #~ msgid "Troickoe" #~ msgstr "Troickoe" #~ msgid "Truro" #~ msgstr "Truro" #~ msgid "Tshikapa" #~ msgstr "Tshikapa" #~ msgid "Tubuai" #~ msgstr "Tubuai" #~ msgid "Tuguegarao" #~ msgstr "Tuguegarao" #~ msgid "Tuktoyaktuk Automated Reporting Station" #~ msgstr "Estação Automática de Reporte Meteorológico de Tuktoyaktuk" #~ msgid "Tuktut Nogait" #~ msgstr "Tuktut Nogait" #~ msgid "Tulancingo" #~ msgstr "Tulancingo" #~ msgid "Tulcan/El Rosal" #~ msgstr "Tulcan/El Rosal" #~ msgid "Tulip City" #~ msgstr "Tulip City" #~ msgid "Tulsa NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Radar de Tulsa" #~ msgid "Two Rivers" #~ msgstr "Two Rivers" #~ msgid "Tybee" #~ msgstr "Tybee" #~ msgid "Tzaneen" #~ msgstr "Tzaneen" #~ msgid "Tököl" #~ msgstr "Tököl" #~ msgid "Udaipur Dabok" #~ msgstr "Udaipur Dabok" #~ msgid "Udine/Campoformido" #~ msgstr "Udine/Campoformido" #~ msgid "Ulsan" #~ msgstr "Ulsan" #~ msgid "Ulundi" #~ msgstr "Ulundi" #~ msgid "Umiat" #~ msgstr "Umiat" #~ msgid "Umpqua River" #~ msgstr "Rio Umpqua" #~ msgid "Umtata" #~ msgstr "Umtata" #~ msgid "Unst" #~ msgstr "Unst" #~ msgid "Upper Rideau Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago de Upper Rideau" #~ msgid "Uppsala" #~ msgstr "Uppsala" #~ msgid "Upsala Radar Site" #~ msgstr "Radar de Upsala" #~ msgid "Urfa" #~ msgstr "Urfa" #~ msgid "Usak" #~ msgstr "Usak" #~ msgid "Uspallata" #~ msgstr "Uspallata" #~ msgid "Ust'- Kulom" #~ msgstr "Ust'- Kulom" #~ msgid "Ust'Ordynskij" #~ msgstr "Ust'Ordynskij" #~ msgid "Ustica" #~ msgstr "Ustica" #~ msgid "Uttaradit" #~ msgstr "Uttaradit" #~ msgid "Valleyfield" #~ msgstr "Valleyfield" #~ msgid "Vandel" #~ msgstr "Vandel" #~ msgid "Varaždin" #~ msgstr "Varaždin" #~ msgid "Vauxhall" #~ msgstr "Vauxhall" #~ msgid "Vellore" #~ msgstr "Vellore" #~ msgid "Venice Heliport" #~ msgstr "Heliporto de Veneza" #~ msgid "Ventspils" #~ msgstr "Ventspils" #~ msgid "Ventura Harbor" #~ msgstr "Porto Ventura" #~ msgid "Vermillion Area" #~ msgstr "Vermillion Area" #~ msgid "Vestmannaeyjar" #~ msgstr "Vestmannaeyjar" #~ msgid "Victoria Marine" #~ msgstr "Marina de Victoria" #~ msgid "Vidsel" #~ msgstr "Vidsel" #~ msgid "Vigan" #~ msgstr "Vigan" #~ msgid "Vigna Di Valle" #~ msgstr "Vigna Di Valle" #~ msgid "Viitasaari" #~ msgstr "Viitasaari" #~ msgid "Villa Cisneros" #~ msgstr "Villa Cisneros" #~ msgid "Villa De María Del Río Seco" #~ msgstr "Villa De María Del Río Seco" #~ msgid "Villa Dolores" #~ msgstr "Villa Dolores" #~ msgid "Villa Gesell" #~ msgstr "Villa Gesell" #~ msgid "Villeneuve" #~ msgstr "Villeneuve" #~ msgid "Villeroy" #~ msgstr "Villeroy" #~ msgid "Vinh" #~ msgstr "Vinh" #~ msgid "Virac" #~ msgstr "Virac" #~ msgid "Virginia Falls" #~ msgstr "Cataratas de Virginia" #~ msgid "Vittefleur" #~ msgstr "Vittefleur" #~ msgid "Vohemar" #~ msgstr "Vohemar" #~ msgid "Volens" #~ msgstr "Volens" #~ msgid "Volos" #~ msgstr "Volos" #~ msgid "Volterra" #~ msgstr "Volterra" #~ msgid "Vopnafjörður" #~ msgstr "Vopnafjörður" #~ msgid "Voss/Bømoen" #~ msgstr "Voss/Bømoen" #~ msgid "Vredendal" #~ msgstr "Vredendal" #~ msgid "Vryburg" #~ msgstr "Vryburg" #~ msgid "Vryheid" #~ msgstr "Vryheid" #~ msgid "Værløse" #~ msgstr "Værløse" #~ msgid "Wa" #~ msgstr "Wa" #~ msgid "Wadi Halfa" #~ msgstr "Wadi Halfa" #~ msgid "Waingapu / Mau Hau" #~ msgstr "Waingapu / Mau Hau" #~ msgid "Waldron" #~ msgstr "Waldron" #~ msgid "Wamena / Wamena" #~ msgstr "Wamena / Wamena" #~ msgid "Warroad Automatic Weather Observing/Reporting System" #~ msgstr "Sistema Automático de Observação/Reporte Meteorológico de Warroad" #~ msgid "Wasaga Beach" #~ msgstr "Wasaga Beach" #~ msgid "Wasagaming" #~ msgstr "Wasagaming" #~ msgid "Waskesiu Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Waskesiu" #~ msgid "Weather Station Office" #~ msgstr "Escritório da Estação Meteorológica" #~ msgid "Weelde" #~ msgstr "Weelde" #~ msgid "Weipa" #~ msgstr "Weipa" #~ msgid "Weirwood" #~ msgstr "Weirwood" #~ msgid "Welcome Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Welcome" #~ msgid "Welkom" #~ msgstr "Welkom" #~ msgid "Wels" #~ msgstr "Wels" #~ msgid "Wenchi" #~ msgstr "Wenchi" #~ msgid "West Cameron" #~ msgstr "Camarões Ocidental" #~ msgid "West End, Grand Bahama" #~ msgstr "West End, Grand Bahama" #~ msgid "West Houston / Lakeside" #~ msgstr "Houston Ocidental / Lakeside" #~ msgid "West Vancouver" #~ msgstr "Vancouver Ocidental" #~ msgid "Whang Ryeong" #~ msgstr "Whang Ryeong" #~ msgid "Whitaker" #~ msgstr "Whitaker" #~ msgid "White Sands" #~ msgstr "White Sands" #~ msgid "White Sulphur" #~ msgstr "White Sulphur" #~ msgid "Whiteriver" #~ msgstr "Whiteriver" #~ msgid "Wichita-Jabara" #~ msgstr "Wichita-Jabara" #~ msgid "Willapa Harbor" #~ msgstr "Porto de Willapa" #~ msgid "Williamtown" #~ msgstr "Williamtown" #~ msgid "Willoughby" #~ msgstr "Willoughby" #~ msgid "Willow Creek" #~ msgstr "Riacho Willow" #~ msgid "Wilmette" #~ msgstr "Wilmette" #~ msgid "Wilmington NEXRAD" #~ msgstr "Estação de Radar de Wilmington" #~ msgid "Winner, Wiley Field" #~ msgstr "Winner, Wiley Field" #~ msgid "Winter Park" #~ msgstr "Winter Park" #~ msgid "Witbank" #~ msgstr "Witbank" #~ msgid "Wittstock" #~ msgstr "Wittstock" #~ msgid "Wonderboom/Pretoria" #~ msgstr "Wonderboom/Pretoria" #~ msgid "Wonju" #~ msgstr "Wonju" #~ msgid "Wrightsville Beach" #~ msgstr "Wrightsville Beach" #~ msgid "Wuchia Observatory" #~ msgstr "Observatório de Wuchia" #~ msgid "Wynyard Marine" #~ msgstr "Marina Wynyard" #~ msgid "Wynyard West" #~ msgstr "Wynyard West" #~ msgid "Xai Xai" #~ msgstr "Xai Xai" #~ msgid "Xavantina" #~ msgstr "Xavantina" #~ msgid "Xining" #~ msgstr "Xining" #~ msgid "Yalinga" #~ msgstr "Yalinga" #~ msgid "Yamoussoukro" #~ msgstr "Yamoussoukro" #~ msgid "Yan An" #~ msgstr "Yan An" #~ msgid "Yaquina Bay" #~ msgstr "Yaquina Bay" #~ msgid "Yasouj/National" #~ msgstr "Yasouj/Nacional" #~ msgid "Yathkyed Lake" #~ msgstr "Lago Yathkyed" #~ msgid "Yechon Ab" #~ msgstr "Yechon Ab" #~ msgid "Yendi" #~ msgstr "Yendi" #~ msgid "Yeoju Range" #~ msgstr "Yeoju Range" #~ msgid "Yeonpyeungdo" #~ msgstr "Yeonpyeungdo" #~ msgid "Yinchuan" #~ msgstr "Yinchuan" #~ msgid "Yining" #~ msgstr "Yining" #~ msgid "Yoho Park" #~ msgstr "Yoho Park" #~ msgid "Yoko" #~ msgstr "Yoko" #~ msgid "Yongsan/H-208 Hp" #~ msgstr "Yongsan/H-208 Hp" #~ msgid "Yoron Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha Yoron" #~ msgid "Younde Ii" #~ msgstr "Younde Ii" #~ msgid "Yulara" #~ msgstr "Yulara" #~ msgid "Zacapa" #~ msgstr "Zacapa" #~ msgid "Zambezi" #~ msgstr "Zambezi" #~ msgid "Zanjan" #~ msgstr "Zanjan" #~ msgid "Zapopan" #~ msgstr "Zapopan" #~ msgid "Zaranj" #~ msgstr "Zaranj" #~ msgid "Zaria" #~ msgstr "Zaria" #~ msgid "Zebak" #~ msgstr "Zebak" #~ msgid "Zhanjiang" #~ msgstr "Zhanjiang" #~ msgid "Zonguldak" #~ msgstr "Zonguldak" #~ msgid "Zuma Beach" #~ msgstr "Zuma Beach" #~ msgid "Île Futuna" #~ msgstr "Île Futuna" #~ msgid "Brüggen" #~ msgstr "Brüggen" #~ msgid "Changsha city" #~ msgstr "Cidade de Changsha" #~ msgid "Chantilly-Dulles Arpt" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto Chantilly-Dulles" #~ msgid "Cheung Chau" #~ msgstr "Cheung Chau" #~ msgid "Cottbus" #~ msgstr "Cottbus" #~ msgid "Fürstenfeldbruck" #~ msgstr "Fürstenfeldbruck" #~ msgid "Hailar Airport" #~ msgstr "Aeroporto de Hailar" #~ msgid "Hami" #~ msgstr "Hami" #~ msgid "Itzehoe" #~ msgstr "Itzehoe" #~ msgid "Jaimusi" #~ msgstr "Jaimusi" #~ msgid "Kimchaek" #~ msgstr "Kimchaek" #~ msgid "Meßstetten/Albstadt" #~ msgstr "Meßstetten/Albstadt" #~ msgid "Omidieh" #~ msgstr "Olney-Noble" #~ msgid "Aachen/Merzbruck" #~ msgstr "Aachen/Merzbruck" #~ msgid "Akurnes" #~ msgstr "Akurnes" #~ msgid "Altenburg-Nobitz" #~ msgstr "Altenburg-Nobitz" #~ msgid "Amberieu" #~ msgstr "Amberieu" #~ msgid "Beauvais-Tille" #~ msgstr "Beauvais-Tille" #~ msgid "Beograd/Surcin" #~ msgstr "Beograd/Surcin" #~ msgid "Bordeaux/Merignac" #~ msgstr "Bordeaux/Merignac" #~ msgid "Brac" #~ msgstr "Brac" #~ msgid "Cannes-Mandelieu" #~ msgstr "Cannes-Mandelieu" #~ msgid "Chalons-Vatry" #~ msgstr "Chalons-Vatry" #~ msgid "Cherbourg/Maupertus" #~ msgstr "Cherbourg/Maupertus" #~ msgid "Coleman Mannheim" #~ msgstr "Coleman Mannheim" #~ msgid "Deauville-Saint-Gatien" #~ msgstr "Deauville-Saint-Gatien" #~ msgid "Dole Tavaux" #~ msgstr "Dole Tavaux" #~ msgid "Evreux-Fauville" #~ msgstr "Evreux-Fauville" #~ msgid "Funchal/S. Catarina" #~ msgstr "Funchal/S. Catarina" #~ msgid "Geneve-Cointrin" #~ msgstr "Genebra-Cointrin" #~ msgid "Glücksburg/Meierwik" #~ msgstr "Glücksburg/Meierwik" #~ msgid "Habarovsk" #~ msgstr "Habarovsk" #~ msgid "Hailar" #~ msgstr "Hailar" #~ msgid "Kassel-Calden" #~ msgstr "Kassel-Calden" #~ msgid "Keflavikurflugvollur" #~ msgstr "Keflavikurflugvollur" #~ msgid "København" #~ msgstr "København" #~ msgid "Lannion/Servel" #~ msgstr "Lannion/Servel" #~ msgid "Le Havre/Octeville" #~ msgstr "Le Havre/Octeville" #~ msgid "Lisboa/Portela" #~ msgstr "Lisboa/Portela" #~ msgid "Lorient-Lann-Bihoue" #~ msgstr "Lorient-Lann-Bihoue" #~ msgid "Losinj Island" #~ msgstr "Ilha de Losinj" #~ msgid "Luxeuil" #~ msgstr "Luxeuil" #~ msgid "Lyon/Bron" #~ msgstr "Lyon/Bron" #~ msgid "Lyon/Satolas" #~ msgstr "Lyon/Satolas" #~ msgid "Maribor/Slivnica" #~ msgstr "Maribor/Slivnica" #~ msgid "Marseille/Marignane" #~ msgstr "Marselha/Marignane" #~ msgid "Mende/Brenoux" #~ msgstr "Mende/Brenoux" #~ msgid "Mont-De-Marsan" #~ msgstr "Mont-De-Marsan" #~ msgid "Nancy/Essey" #~ msgstr "Nancy/Essey" #~ msgid "Nancy/Ochey" #~ msgstr "Nancy/Ochey" #~ msgid "Neubrandenburg-Trollenhagen" #~ msgstr "Neubrandenburg-Trollenhagen" #~ msgid "Nimes/Garons" #~ msgstr "Nimes/Garons" #~ msgid "Nis" #~ msgstr "Nis" #~ msgid "Orenburg/Tsentralny" #~ msgstr "Orenburg/Tsentralny" #~ msgid "Paderborn-Haxterberg" #~ msgstr "Paderborn-Haxterberg" #~ msgid "Perpignan/Rivesaltes" #~ msgstr "Perpignan/Rivesaltes" #~ msgid "Perú" #~ msgstr "Perú" #~ msgid "Podgorica/Golubovci" #~ msgstr "Podgorica/Golubovci" #~ msgid "Portoroz/Secovlje" #~ msgstr "Portoroz/Secovlje" #~ msgid "Praha" #~ msgstr "Praha" #~ msgid "Reims/Champagne" #~ msgstr "Reims/Champagne" #~ msgid "Sanya/Fenghuang" #~ msgstr "Sanya/Fenghuang" #~ msgid "Shanghai/Hongqiao" #~ msgstr "Shanghai/Hongqiao" #~ msgid "Shanghai/Pudong" #~ msgstr "Shanghai/Pudong" #~ msgid "Skjaldthingsstadir" #~ msgstr "Skjaldthingsstadir" #~ msgid "Sochi" #~ msgstr "Sochi" #~ msgid "St-Auban-Sur-Durance" #~ msgstr "St-Auban-Sur-Durance" #~ msgid "St-Dizier/Robinson" #~ msgstr "St-Dizier/Robinson" #~ msgid "Suceava/Salcea" #~ msgstr "Suceava/Salcea" #~ msgid "Tarbes/Ossun" #~ msgstr "Tarbes/Ossun" #~ msgid "Tianjin/Zhangguizhu" #~ msgstr "Tianjin/Zhangguizhu" #~ msgid "Toul/Rosieres" #~ msgstr "Toul/Rosieres" #~ msgid "Troyes/Barberey" #~ msgstr "Troyes/Barberey" #~ msgid "Vichy/Charmeil" #~ msgstr "Vichy/Charmeil" #~ msgid "Vrsac" #~ msgstr "Vrsac" #~ msgid "Weeze/Niederrhein" #~ msgstr "Weeze/Niederrhein"