project( 'network-manager-applet', 'c', version: '1.29.0', license: 'GPL2+', default_options: [ 'buildtype=debugoptimized', 'c_std=gnu99' ], meson_version: '>= 0.46.0' ) nma_name = 'nm-applet' nm_applet_version = meson.project_version() version_array = nm_applet_version.split('.') nm_applet_major_version = version_array[0].to_int() nm_applet_minor_version = version_array[1].to_int() nm_applet_micro_version = version_array[2].to_int() nma_gir_version = '1.0' nma_gir_prefix = 'NMA' nma_prefix = get_option('prefix') nma_bindir = join_paths(nma_prefix, get_option('bindir')) nma_datadir = join_paths(nma_prefix, get_option('datadir')) nma_includedir = join_paths(nma_prefix, get_option('includedir')) nma_libdir = join_paths(nma_prefix, get_option('libdir')) nma_libexecdir = join_paths(nma_prefix, get_option('libexecdir')) nma_localedir = join_paths(nma_prefix, get_option('localedir')) nma_mandir = join_paths(nma_prefix, get_option('mandir')) nma_sysconfdir = join_paths(nma_prefix, get_option('sysconfdir')) nma_appdir = join_paths(nma_datadir, 'applications') nma_autostartdir = join_paths(nma_sysconfdir, 'xdg', 'autostart') nma_icondir = join_paths(nma_datadir, 'icons') soversion = 0 current = 0 revision = 0 libversion = '@0@.@1@.@2@'.format(soversion, current, revision) nma_debug = get_option('buildtype').contains('debug') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') config_h = configuration_data() # defines config_h.set_quoted('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', nma_name) config_h.set_quoted('VERSION', nm_applet_version) # types if not cc.has_type('pid_t', prefix: '#include') config_h.set('pid_t', 'int') endif # compiler flags common_flags = [] common_ldflags = [] enable_ld_gc = get_option('ld_gc') if enable_ld_gc test_cflags = [ '-fdata-sections', '-ffunction-sections', ] test_ldflags = ['-Wl,--gc-sections'] assert(cc.has_multi_arguments(test_cflags), 'Unused symbol eviction requested but not supported. Use -Dld_gc=false to build without it.') assert(cc.has_multi_link_arguments(test_ldflags), 'Unused symbol eviction requested but not supported. Use -Dld_gc=false to build without it.') common_flags += test_cflags common_ldflags += test_ldflags endif if nma_debug test_cflags = [ '-Wdeclaration-after-statement', '-Wformat=2', '-Wimplicit-fallthrough', '-Winit-self', '-Wmissing-declarations', '-Wmissing-include-dirs', '-Wmissing-prototypes', '-Wno-duplicate-decl-specifier', '-Wno-format-truncation', '-Wno-format-y2k', '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', '-Wno-pragmas', '-Wno-sign-compare', '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wshadow', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-Wundef', '-Wvla', ] common_flags += cc.get_supported_arguments(test_cflags) endif add_project_arguments(common_flags, language: 'c') add_project_link_arguments(common_ldflags, language: 'c') linker_script_ver = join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'linker-script-binary.ver') gio_dep = dependency('gio-2.0', version: '>= 2.38') gmodule_export_dep = dependency('gmodule-export-2.0') libsecret_dep = dependency('libsecret-1', version: '>= 0.18') libnma_dep = dependency('libnma', version: '>= 1.8.27') m_dep = cc.find_library('m') # Check for gtk+ gtk_req_version = '>= 3.10' gtk_dep = declare_dependency( dependencies: dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: gtk_req_version), compile_args: [ '-DGDK_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=GDK_VERSION_3_10', '-DGDK_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED=GDK_VERSION_3_10' ] ) # Check for gudev gudev_dep = dependency('gudev-1.0', version: '>= 147') # Check for libnotify >= 0.7 libnotify_dep = dependency('libnotify', version: '>= 0.4.3') config_h.set10('HAVE_LIBNOTIFY_07', libnotify_dep.found() and libnotify_dep.version().version_compare('>= 0.7'), description: 'Define if you have libnotify 0.7 or later') # API documentation nm_req_version = '>= 1.7' deps = [ gio_dep, gmodule_export_dep, dependency('libnm', version: nm_req_version) ] cflags = [ '-DGLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=GLIB_VERSION_2_38', '-DGLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED=GLIB_VERSION_2_38', '-DNM_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=NM_VERSION_1_16', '-DNM_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED=NM_VERSION_1_16', '-DNMA_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=NMA_VERSION_1_8_28', ] libnm_dep = declare_dependency( dependencies: deps, compile_args: cflags ) # No such thing yet, just same lame duck placeholders. # it may actually end up being called differently. config_h.set10('WITH_GCR_GTK4', false) enable_appindicator = get_option('appindicator') if enable_appindicator == 'auto' or enable_appindicator == 'yes' appindicator_dep = dependency('ayatana-appindicator3-0.1', required: false) if appindicator_dep.found() enable_appindicator = 'ayatana' else appindicator_dep = dependency('appindicator3-0.1', required: false) if appindicator_dep.found() enable_appindicator = 'ubuntu' else assert(appindicator_dep.found(), 'Neither Ubuntu\'s AppIndicator nor Ayatana AppIndicator found.') endif endif elif enable_appindicator == 'ayatana' appindicator_dep = dependency('ayatana-appindicator3-0.1') elif enable_appindicator == 'ubuntu' appindicator_dep = dependency('appindicator3-0.1') endif if enable_appindicator == 'no' config_h.set('WITH_APPINDICATOR', false) config_h.set('USE_AYATANA_INDICATORS', false) elif enable_appindicator == 'ubuntu' dbusmenu_dep = dependency('dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4', version: '>= 16.04.0') config_h.set10('WITH_APPINDICATOR', true) config_h.set10('USE_AYATANA_INDICATORS', false) elif enable_appindicator == 'ayatana' dbusmenu_dep = dependency('dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4', version: '>= 16.04.0') config_h.set10('WITH_APPINDICATOR', true) config_h.set10('USE_AYATANA_INDICATORS', true) else error('Options allowed for -Dappindicator= are: no, yes|auto, ayatana, ubuntu.') endif # ModemManager1 with libmm-glib for WWAN support enable_wwan = get_option('wwan') if enable_wwan mm_glib_dep = dependency('mm-glib', required: false) assert(mm_glib_dep.found(), 'libmm-glib is needed for WWAN support. Use -Dwwan=false to build without it.') endif config_h.set10('WITH_WWAN', enable_wwan) # SELinux enable_selinux = get_option('selinux') if enable_selinux libselinux_dep = dependency('libselinux', required: false) assert(libselinux_dep.found(), 'libselinux is needed for SELinux label support in configuration editor. Use -Dselinux=false to build without it.') endif config_h.set10('WITH_SELINUX', enable_selinux) # Jansson for team configuration editing enable_team = get_option('team') if enable_team jansson_dep = dependency('jansson', version: '>= 2.7', required: false) assert(jansson_dep.found(), 'jansson is needed for team configuration editor. Use -Dteam=false to build without it.') endif config_h.set10('WITH_JANSSON', enable_team) more_asserts = get_option('more_asserts') if more_asserts == 'no' more_asserts = 0 elif more_asserts == 'yes' more_asserts = 100 else more_asserts = more_asserts.to_int() endif config_h.set('NM_MORE_ASSERTS', more_asserts) gnome = import('gnome') i18n = import('i18n') pkg = import('pkgconfig') po_dir = join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'po') top_inc = include_directories('.') subdir('po') subdir('icons') subdir('shared') subdir('src') subdir('src/tests') subdir('man') i18n = import('i18n') # FIXME: The same target can not be copied into two directories. # There is a workaround in until proper solution arises: #!topic/mesonbuild/3iIoYPrN4P0 desktop_files = [ 'nm-applet', 'nm-connection-editor', ] desktop_file_validate = find_program('desktop-file-validate', required: false) foreach desktop: desktop_files i18n.merge_file( input: desktop + '', output: desktop + '.desktop', install: true, install_dir: nma_appdir, po_dir: po_dir, type: 'desktop', ) if desktop_file_validate.found() test('validate-' + desktop + '-desktop', desktop_file_validate, args: desktop + '.desktop', workdir: meson.current_build_dir(), ) endif endforeach appdata = 'nm-connection-editor.appdata.xml' i18n.merge_file( input: appdata + '.in', output: appdata, install: true, install_dir: join_paths(nma_datadir, 'metainfo'), po_dir: po_dir, ) appstream_util = find_program('appstream-util', required: false) if appstream_util.found() test('validate-appdata', appstream_util, args: ['validate', '--nonet', appdata], workdir: meson.current_build_dir(), ) endif install_data( 'nm-applet.convert', install_dir: join_paths(nma_datadir, 'GConf', 'gsettings') ) config = 'config.h' configure_file( input: config + '.meson', output: config, configuration: config_h ) meson.add_install_script( '', nma_datadir, nma_sysconfdir ) output = '\n' output += ' LTO: ' + get_option('b_lto').to_string() + '\n' output += ' Linker garbage collection: ' + enable_ld_gc.to_string() + '\n' output += ' libappindicator: ' + enable_appindicator message(output)