I cannot load subtitles. Marta Bogdanowicz majus85@gmail.com Andre Klapper ak-47@gmx.net

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Problem with loading subtitles

It may happen that, even though you follow instructions concerning subtitles from page or page, Videos still does not load subtitles. The reason for that may be:

Wrong name of the subtitles file - open the file chooser and check if the name of the subtitles file is the same as the name of the movie file.

Lack of the subtitles file - open the file chooser and check if there is also a file with the subtitles in the directory with the movie.

If you do not have a subtitles file for your movie, you can search for it via Videos:

Press the menu button in the top-right corner of the window and select Preferences.

In the General tab under Plugins, press Plugins….

In the Configure Plugins window, enable the Subtitle Downloader plugin. It will try to find and download subtitles for the currently played movie.

Please notice that to search for subtitles you need to be connected to the Internet.