path: root/tests/functional-tests/
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authorIvan Frade <>2010-08-18 18:29:24 +0300
committerIvan Frade <>2010-08-18 18:36:29 +0300
commitb70e08895523000b497749fa515df39a94c52c21 (patch)
tree21c07c42bd6e405174fc281b85078d7a0be28b72 /tests/functional-tests/
parent2331040401e9e84179a7ed8d93d41d1c453f660f (diff)
New tests
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/functional-tests/')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/ b/tests/functional-tests/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..334ab88fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia (
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# TODO:
+# These tests are for files... we need to write them for folders!
+Monitor a directory, copy/move/remove/update text files and check that
+the text contents are updated accordingly in the indexes.
+import os
+import shutil
+import locale
+import unittest2 as ut
+from common.utils.minertest import CommonTrackerMinerTest, BASEDIR, uri, path, DEFAULT_TEXT
+from common.utils import configuration as cfg
+class CommonMinerFTS (CommonTrackerMinerTest):
+ """
+ Superclass to share methods. Shouldn't be run by itself.
+ """
+ def setUp (self):
+ self.testfile = "test-monitored/miner-fts-test.txt"
+ if os.path.exists (path (self.testfile)):
+ os.remove (path (self.testfile))
+ # Shouldn't we wait here for the miner to idle? (it works without it)
+ def tearDown (self):
+ #if os.path.exists (path (self.testfile)):
+ # os.remove (path (self.testfile))
+ pass
+ def set_text (self, text):
+ f = open (path (self.testfile), "w")
+ f.write (text)
+ f.close ()
+ self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+ def search_word (self, word):
+ """
+ Return list of URIs with the word in them
+ """
+ print word
+ results = self.tracker.query ("""
+ ?u a nfo:TextDocument ;
+ nie:url ?url ;
+ fts:match '%s'.
+ }
+ """ % (word))
+ return [r[0] for r in results]
+ def basic_test (self, text, word):
+ """
+ Save the text on the testfile, search the word
+ and assert the testfile is only result.
+ Be careful with the default contents of the text files
+ ( see common/utils/ DEFAULT_TEXT )
+ """
+ self.set_text (text)
+ results = self.search_word (word)
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
+ self.assertIn ( uri (self.testfile), results)
+class MinerFTSBasicTest (CommonMinerFTS):
+ """
+ Tests different contents in a single file
+ """
+ def test_01_single_word (self):
+ TEXT = "automobile"
+ self.basic_test (TEXT, TEXT)
+ def test_02_multiple_words (self):
+ TEXT = "automobile with unlimited power"
+ self.set_text (TEXT)
+ results = self.search_word ("automobile")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
+ self.assertIn (uri (self.testfile), results)
+ results = self.search_word ("unlimited")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
+ self.assertIn (uri (self.testfile), results)
+ def test_03_long_word (self):
+ # TEXT is longer than the 20 characters specified in the fts configuration
+ TEXT = "fsfsfsdfskfweeqrewqkmnbbvkdasdjefjewriqjfnc"
+ self.set_text (TEXT)
+ results = self.search_word (TEXT)
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+ def test_04_non_existent_word (self):
+ TEXT = "This a trick"
+ self.set_text (TEXT)
+ results = self.search_word ("trikc")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+ def test_05_word_in_multiple_files (self):
+ # Safeguard, in the case we modify the DEFAULT_TEXT later...
+ assert "content" in DEFAULT_TEXT
+ self.set_text (DEFAULT_TEXT)
+ results = self.search_word ("content")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 4)
+ self.assertIn ( uri (self.testfile), results)
+ self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/file1.txt"), results)
+ self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/file2.txt"), results)
+ self.assertIn ( uri ("test-monitored/dir1/dir2/file3.txt"), results)
+ def test_06_word_multiple_times_in_file (self):
+ TEXT = "automobile is red. automobile is big. automobile is great!"
+ self.basic_test (TEXT, "automobile")
+ def test_07_sentence (self):
+ TEXT = "plastic is fantastic"
+ self.basic_test (TEXT, TEXT)
+ def test_08_partial_sentence (self):
+ TEXT = "plastic is fantastic"
+ self.basic_test (TEXT, "is fantastic")
+ def test_09_strange_word (self):
+ # FIXME Not sure what are we testing here
+ TEXT = "'summer.time'"
+ self.basic_test (TEXT, "summer.time")
+ # Skip the test 'search for .'
+ def test_10_mixed_letters_and_numbers (self):
+ TEXT = "abc123"
+ self.basic_test (TEXT, "abc123")
+ def test_11_ignore_numbers (self):
+ TEXT = "palabra 123123"
+ self.set_text (TEXT)
+ results = self.search_word ("123123")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+class MinerFTSFileOperationsTest (CommonMinerFTS):
+ """
+ Move, update, delete the files and check the text indexes are updated accordingly.
+ """
+ def test_01_removal_of_file (self):
+ """
+ When removing the file, its text contents disappear from the index
+ """
+ TEXT = "automobile is red and big and whatnot"
+ self.basic_test (TEXT, "automobile")
+ os.remove ( path (self.testfile))
+ self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+ results = self.search_word ("automobile")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+ def test_02_empty_the_file (self):
+ """
+ Emptying the file, the indexed words are also removed
+ """
+ TEXT = "automobile is red and big and whatnot"
+ self.basic_test (TEXT, "automobile")
+ self.set_text ("")
+ results = self.search_word ("automobile")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+ def test_03_update_the_file (self):
+ """
+ Changing the contents of the file, updates the index
+ """
+ TEXT = "automobile is red and big and whatnot"
+ self.basic_test (TEXT, "automobile")
+ self.set_text ("airplane is blue and small and wonderful")
+ results = self.search_word ("automobile")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+ results = self.search_word ("airplane")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
+ # Skip the test_text_13... feel, feet, fee in three diff files and search feet
+ def __recreate_file (self, filename, content):
+ if os.path.exists (filename):
+ os.remove (filename)
+ f = open (filename, "w")
+ f.write (content)
+ f.close ()
+ def test_04_on_unmonitored_file (self):
+ """
+ Set text in an unmonitored file. There should be no results.
+ """
+ TEXT = "automobile is red"
+ TEST_15_FILE = "test-no-monitored/fts-indexing-test-15.txt"
+ self.__recreate_file (path (TEST_15_FILE), TEXT)
+ results = self.search_word ("automobile")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+ os.remove (path (TEST_15_FILE))
+ def test_05_move_file_unmonitored_monitored (self):
+ """
+ Move file from unmonitored location to monitored location and index should be updated
+ """
+ # Maybe the miner hasn't finished yet with the setUp deletion!
+ self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+ TEXT = "airplane is beautiful"
+ TEST_16_SOURCE = "test-no-monitored/fts-indexing-text-16.txt"
+ TEST_16_DEST = "test-monitored/fts-indexing-text-16.txt"
+ self.__recreate_file (path (TEST_16_SOURCE), TEXT)
+ results = self.search_word ("airplane")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+ shutil.copyfile ( path (TEST_16_SOURCE), path (TEST_16_DEST))
+ self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+ results = self.search_word ("airplane")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
+ os.remove ( path (TEST_16_SOURCE))
+ os.remove ( path (TEST_16_DEST))
+ # skip test for a file in a hidden directory
+class MinerFTSStopwordsTest (CommonMinerFTS):
+ """
+ Search for stopwords in a file
+ """
+ def __get_some_stopwords (self):
+ langcode, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale ()
+ if "_" in langcode:
+ langcode = langcode.split ("_")[0]
+ stopwordsfile = os.path.join (cfg.DATADIR, "tracker", "languages", "stopwords." + langcode)
+ if not os.path.exists (stopwordsfile):
+ self.skipTest ("No stopwords for the current locale ('%s' doesn't exist)" % (stopwordsfile))
+ return []
+ stopwords = []
+ counter = 0
+ for line in open (stopwordsfile, "r"):
+ if len (line) > 4:
+ stopwords.append (line[:-1])
+ counter += 1
+ if counter > 5:
+ break
+ return stopwords
+ def test_01_stopwords (self):
+ stopwords = self.__get_some_stopwords ()
+ TEXT = " ".join (["this a completely normal text automobile"] + stopwords)
+ self.set_text (TEXT)
+ results = self.search_word ("automobile")
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
+ print stopwords
+ for i in range (0, len (stopwords)):
+ results = self.search_word (stopwords[i])
+ self.assertEquals (len (results), 0)
+ ## FIXME add all the special character tests!
+ ##
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ut.main ()