path: root/src/miners/fs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/miners/fs/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/src/miners/fs/ b/src/miners/fs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 44a7472d9..000000000
--- a/src/miners/fs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-Copyright (C) 2011, Nokia <>
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Lesser General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the
-Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- <schema id="org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files" path="/org/freedesktop/tracker/miner/files/" gettext-domain="tracker">
- <key name="verbosity" enum="org.freedesktop.Tracker.TrackerVerbosity">
- <default>'errors'</default>
- <_summary>Log verbosity</_summary>
- <_description>Log verbosity.</_description>
- </key>
- <key name="initial-sleep" type="i">
- <_summary>Initial sleep</_summary>
- <_description>Initial sleep time, in seconds.</_description>
- <range min="0" max="1000"/>
- <default>15</default>
- </key>
- <key name="sched-idle" enum="org.freedesktop.Tracker.TrackerSchedIdle">
- <default>'first-index'</default>
- <_summary>Scheduler priority when idle</_summary>
- <_description>
- The scheduler is the kernel component that decides which
- runnable application will be executed by the CPU next. Each
- application has an associated scheduling policy and priority.
- </_description>
- </key>
- <key name="throttle" type="i">
- <_summary>Throttle</_summary>
- <_description>Indexing speed, the higher the slower.</_description>
- <range min="0" max="20"/>
- <default>0</default>
- </key>
- <key name="low-disk-space-limit" type="i">
- <_summary>Low disk space limit</_summary>
- <_description>Disk space threshold in percent at which to pause indexing, or -1 to disable.</_description>
- <range min="-1" max="100"/>
- <default>-1</default>
- </key>
- <key name="crawling-interval" type="i">
- <_summary>Crawling interval</_summary>
- <_description>
- Interval in days to check whether the filesystem is up to date in the database.
- 0 forces crawling anytime, -1 forces it only after unclean shutdowns, and -2
- disables it entirely.
- </_description>
- <range min="-2" max="365"/>
- <default>-1</default>
- </key>
- <key name="removable-days-threshold" type="i">
- <_summary>Removable devices’ data permanence threshold</_summary>
- <_description>
- Threshold in days after which files from removables devices
- will be removed from database if not mounted. 0 means never,
- maximum is 365.
- </_description>
- <range min="0" max="365"/>
- <default>3</default>
- </key>
- <key name="enable-monitors" type="b">
- <_summary>Enable monitors</_summary>
- <_description>Set to false to completely disable any file monitoring</_description>
- <default>true</default>
- </key>
- <key name="enable-writeback" type="b">
- <_summary>Enable writeback</_summary>
- <_description>Set to false to completely disable any file writeback</_description>
- <default>true</default>
- </key>
- <key name="index-removable-devices" type="b">
- <_summary>Index removable devices</_summary>
- <_description>Set to true to enable indexing mounted directories for removable devices.</_description>
- <default>false</default>
- </key>
- <key name="index-optical-discs" type="b">
- <_summary>Index optical discs</_summary>
- <_description>
- Set to true to enable indexing CDs, DVDs, and generally optical media
- (if removable devices are not indexed, optical discs won’t be either)
- </_description>
- <default>false</default>
- </key>
- <key name="index-on-battery" type="b">
- <_summary>Index when running on battery</_summary>
- <_description>Set to true to index while running on battery</_description>
- <default>true</default>
- </key>
- <key name="index-on-battery-first-time" type="b">
- <_summary>Perform initial indexing when running on battery</_summary>
- <_description>Set to true to index while running on battery for the first time only</_description>
- <default>true</default>
- </key>
- <key name="index-recursive-directories" type="as">
- <_summary>Directories to index recursively</_summary>
- <_description>
- List of directories to index recursively, Special values include:
- See /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults and $HOME/.config/user-dirs.default
- </_description>
- <default>[ '&amp;DESKTOP', '&amp;DOCUMENTS', '&amp;DOWNLOAD', '&amp;MUSIC', '&amp;PICTURES', '&amp;VIDEOS' ]</default>
- </key>
- <key name="index-single-directories" type="as">
- <_summary>Directories to index non-recursively</_summary>
- <_description>
- List of directories to index without inspecting subfolders, Special values include:
- See /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults and $HOME/.config/user-dirs.default
- </_description>
- <default>[ '$HOME' ]</default>
- </key>
- <key name="ignored-files" type="as">
- <_summary>Ignored files</_summary>
- <_description>List of file patterns to avoid</_description>
- <default>[ '*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo' , '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf', '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', '*.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', '', 'libtool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot?', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*.ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory' ]</default>
- </key>
- <key name="ignored-directories" type="as">
- <_summary>Ignored directories</_summary>
- <_description>List of directories to avoid</_description>
- <default>[ 'po', 'CVS', 'core-dumps', 'lost+found' ]</default>
- </key>
- <key name="ignored-directories-with-content" type="as">
- <_summary>Ignored directories with content</_summary>
- <_description>Avoid any directory containing a file blacklisted here</_description>
- <default>[ '.trackerignore', '.git' ]</default>
- </key>
- </schema>