# Tracker Tracker is an efficient search engine and [triplestore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triplestore) for desktop, embedded and mobile. The Tracker project is divided into two main repositories: * [Tracker core](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker) contains the database (*tracker-store*), the database ontologies, the commandline user interface (`tracker`), and several support libraries. * [Tracker Miners](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker-miners) contains the indexer daemon (*tracker-miner-fs*) and tools to extract metadata from many different filetypes. More information on Tracker can be found at: * Source code and issue tracking: * All discussion related to Tracker happens on: * IRC channel #tracker on: * [irc.gimp.net](irc://irc.gimp.net) Related projects: * [GNOME Online Miners](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-online-miners/) extends Tracker to allow searching and indexing some kinds of online content. # Developing Tracker If you want to help develop and improve Tracker, great! Remember that Tracker is a middleware component, designed to be integrated into larger codebases. To fully test a change you may need to build and test Tracker as part of another project. For the GNOME desktop, consider using the documented [Building a System Component](https://wiki.gnome.org/Newcomers/BuildSystemComponent) workflow. It's also possible to build Tracker on its own and install it inside your home directory for testing purposes. Read on for instructions on how to do this. ## Compilation Tracker uses the [Meson build system](http://mesonbuild.com), which you must have installed in order to build Tracker. We recommend that you build tracker core as a subproject of tracker-miners. You can do this by cloning both repos, then creating a symlink in the `subprojects/` directory of tracker-miners.git to the tracker.git checkout. git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker.git git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker-miners.git mkdir tracker-miners/subprojects ln -s ../../tracker tracker-miners/subprojects/ Now you can run the commands below to build Tracker and install it in a new, isolated prefix named `opt/tracker` inside your home folder. > NOTE: If you see 'dependency not found' errors from Meson, that means there > is a package missing on your computer that you need to install so you can > compile Tracker. On Ubuntu/Debian, you can run `apt build-dep tracker-miners` > and on Fedora `dnf build-dep tracker-miners` to install all the necessary > packages. cd tracker-miners meson ./build --prefix=$HOME/opt/tracker -Dtracker_core=subproject cd build ninja install ## Running the testsuite At this point you can run the Tracker test suite from the `build` directory: meson test --print-errorlogs ## Developing with tracker-sandbox Tracker normally runs automatically, indexing content in the background so that search results are available quickly when needed. When developing and testing Tracker you will normally want it to run in the foreground instead. The `tracker-sandbox` tool exists to help with this. You can run the tool directly from the tracker.git source tree. Ensure you are in the top of the tracker source tree and type this to see the --help output: ./utils/sandbox/tracker-sandbox.py --help You should always pass the `--prefix` option, which should be the same as the --prefix argument you passed to Meson. You may pass `--index` which to controls where Tracker's database is kept. You may also want to pass `--debug` to see detailed log output. The remaining arguments you pass to `tracker-sandbox` are shell commands which get run inside the sandbox. Use the `--` sentinel to ensure that the commandline arguments are processed correctly. First, let's see the status of the Tracker daemons: ./utils/sandbox/tracker-sandbox.py --prefix ~/opt/tracker -- tracker daemon status Let's try and index some content... ./utils/sandbox/tracker-sandbox.py --prefix ~/opt/tracker -- tracker index ~/Music ... let's see what files were found ... ./utils/sandbox/tracker-sandbox.py --prefix ~/opt/tracker -- tracker sparql --list-files ... run a full-text search ... ./utils/sandbox/tracker-sandbox.py --prefix ~/opt/tracker -- tracker search "bananas" ... or run a SPARQL query on the content: ./utils/sandbox/tracker-sandbox.py --prefix ~/opt/tracker -- tracker sparql --query "SELECT ?url { ?resource a nfo:FileDataObject ; nie:url ?url . }" If you run `tracker-sandbox` without a command argument, it will open an interactive shell inside the sandbox. From here you can use debugging tools such as GDB. For more information about developing Tracker, look at https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Tracker and HACKING.md.