project('tracker', 'c', 'vala', 'cpp', version: '1.99.1') gnome = import('gnome') i18n = import('i18n') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') # This is the X.Y used in -llibtracker-FOO-X.Y tracker_api_version = '2.0' glib_required = '2.40.0' # 3.6.11 for sqlite_backup API # 3.6.16 to fix test failures # 3.6.17 for shared cache mode with virtual tables # 3.7.0 for WAL # 3.7.9 for FTS4 content= support sqlite_required = '3.7.9' avcodec = dependency('libavcodec', version: '>= 0.8.4', required: false) avformat = dependency('libavformat', version: '>= 0.8.4', required: false) avutil = dependency('libavutil', version: '>= 0.8.4', required: false) cairo = dependency('cairo', version: '> 1.0') camel = dependency('camel-1.2', version: '> 2.32.0', required: false) dbus = dependency('dbus-1', version: '> 1.3.1') exempi = dependency('exempi-2.0', version: '> 2.1.0', required: false) flac = dependency('flac', version: '> 1.2.1', required: false) gio = dependency('gio-2.0', version: '>' + glib_required) gio_unix = dependency('gio-unix-2.0', version: '>' + glib_required) glib = dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>' + glib_required) gmodule = dependency('gmodule-2.0', version: '>' + glib_required) gobject = dependency('gobject-2.0', version: '>' + glib_required) gobject_introspection = dependency('gobject-introspection-1.0') gstreamer = dependency('gstreamer-1.0', required: false) gstreamer_pbutils = dependency('gstreamer-pbutils-1.0', required: false) gstreamer_tag = dependency('gstreamer-tag-1.0', required: false) gtk3 = dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: '> 3.0.0', required: false) gupnp_dlna = dependency('gupnp-dlna-2.0', version: '> 0.9.4', required: false) gupnp_dlna_gst = dependency('gupnp-dlna-gst-2.0', version: '> 0.9.4', required: false) icu_i18n = dependency('icu-i18n', version: '>', required: false) icu_uc = dependency('icu-uc', version: '>', required: false) json_glib = dependency('json-glib-1.0', version: '>= 1.0', required: true) libcue = dependency('libcue', required: false) libemail_utils = dependency('libemail-utils', required: false) libemail_engine = dependency('libemail-engine', required: false) libexif = dependency('libexif', version: '> 0.6', required: false) libgrss = dependency('libgrss', version: '> 0.7', required: false) libgsf = dependency('libgsf-1', version: '> 1.14.24', required: false) libgxps = dependency('libgxps', required: false) libiptcdata = dependency('libiptcdata', required: false) libosinfo = dependency('libosinfo', version: '> 0.2.9', required: false) libpng = dependency('libpng', version: '> 0.89', required: false) libsoup = dependency('libsoup-2.4', version: '> 2.40', required: true) libtiff = dependency('libtiff-4', required: false) libxml2 = dependency('libxml-2.0', version: '> 2.6') libvorbis = dependency('vorbisfile', version: '> 0.22') network_manager = dependency('libnm') poppler = dependency('poppler-glib', version: '> 0.16.0', required: false) sqlite = dependency('sqlite3', version: '>' + sqlite_required) taglib = dependency('taglib_c', version: '> 1.6', required: false) totem_plparser = dependency('totem-plparser', required: false) upower = dependency('upower-glib', version: '> 0.9.0', required: false) zlib = dependency('zlib') libgif = cc.find_library('libgif', required: false) libjpeg = cc.find_library('libjpeg', required: false) libmath = cc.find_library('m') # FIXME: here we work around a quirk todo with Meson and Vala: the 'uuid' # pkg-config component corresponds to 'libuuid.vapi', but Meson assumes that # .vapi name always matches pkg-config name, and will add `--pkg uuid` to the # Vala commandline. By finding 'uuid' using find_library() instead, we get # a dependency object back that won't cause any `--pkg` arguments to be added # to the Vala commandline, but still works as expected for C code. uuid = cc.find_library('uuid') # There are various gchar vs. unsigned char warnings that occur in extract # modules, it's not worth adding casts everywhere so we disable the warning. add_project_arguments('-Wno-pointer-sign', language: 'c') add_project_arguments('-DTRACKER_COMPILATION', language: 'c') enable_fts = get_option('fts') enable_extract = get_option('extract') enable_writeback = get_option('writeback') ################################################################## # Check for libtracker-common, make sure libstemmer exists ################################################################## have_libstemmer = false if get_option('stemmer') != 'no' stemmer = cc.find_library('stemmer') if stemmer.found() have_libstemmer = true elif get_option('stemmer') == 'yes' error('stemmer support explicitly requested, but stemmer library couldn\'t be found') endif endif ################################################################## # Check for tracker-fts, allow disabling FTS support ################################################################## if enable_fts sqlite3_builtin_fts5_test = ''' #include sqlite3 *db; int rc; rc = sqlite3_open(":memory:", &db); if (rc!=SQLITE_OK) return -1; rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "create table a(text)", 0, 0, 0); if (rc!=SQLITE_OK) return -1; rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "create virtual table t using fts5(content='a',text)", 0, 0, 0); if (rc!=SQLITE_OK) return -1; ''' sqlite3_has_builtin_fts5 = cc.compiles(sqlite3_builtin_fts5_test, name: 'sqlite3 has builtin FTS5 module') endif ################################################################## # Check for libtracker-common: battery/mains power detection # # By default, AUTO with this order of preference: # 1) upower # 2) hal ################################################################## have_hal = false battery_detection_library_name = '' if upower.found() if get_option('battery_detection') == 'auto' or get_option('battery_detection') == 'upower' battery_detection_library = upower battery_detection_library_name = 'upower' endif elif get_option('battery_detection') == 'upower' error('upower explicitly requested, but upower library was not found') endif if battery_detection_library_name == '' hal = dependency('hal', version: '> 0.5', required: false) if hal.found() battery_detection_library = hal battery_detection_library_name = 'hal' elif get_option('battery_detection') == 'hal' error('HAL explicitly requested, but not found') else battery_detection_library_name = '(none)' endif endif ################################################################## # Check for libtracker-data and libtracker-fts: Unicode support # # By default, AUTO with this order of preference: # 1) libunistring # 2) libicu ################################################################## have_libicu = false unicode_library_name = '' if icu_i18n.found() and icu_uc.found() have_libicu = true endif if have_libicu if get_option('unicode_support') == 'auto' or get_option('unicode_support') == 'icu' unicode_library = declare_dependency( dependencies: [icu_uc, icu_i18n] ) unicode_library_name = 'icu' endif elif get_option('unicode_support') == 'icu' error('libicu explicitly requested, but icu-i18n and icu-uc libraries were not found') endif if unicode_library_name == '' libunistring = cc.find_library('libunistring', required: false) if libunistring.found() unicode_library = libunistring unicode_library_name = 'unistring' elif get_option('unicode_support') == 'unistring' error('libunistring explicitly requested, but not found') else error('Neither libicu or libunistring were found for Unicode support.') endif endif #################################################################### # This section is for tracker-extract dependencies #################################################################### ########################################################################## # Check for tracker-extract: icu or enca for detecting Cyrillic in MP3s # # By default, AUTO with this order of preference: # 1) icu # 2) enca ########################################################################## charset_library_name = 'none' if have_libicu if get_option('charset_detection') == 'auto' or get_option('charset_detection') == 'icu' charset_library = declare_dependency( dependencies: [icu_uc, icu_i18n] ) charset_library_name = 'icu' endif else if get_option('charset_detection') == 'icu' error('libicu requested for character set detection, but it was not found') endif endif if charset_library_name == 'none' and get_option('charset_library') != 'none' enca = dependency('enca', version: '>= 1.9', required: false) if enca.found() charset_library = enca charset_library_name = 'enca' elif get_option('enca') == 'yes' error('enca support explicitly requested, but enca couldn\'t be found') endif endif #################################################################### # Check for tracker-extract: gstreamer/etc #################################################################### generic_media_handler = [] generic_media_handler_name = 'none' if get_option('generic_media_extractor') == 'auto' if gstreamer.found() and gstreamer_tag.found() generic_media_handler = [gstreamer, gstreamer_tag] generic_media_handler_name = 'gstreamer' elif avcodec.found() and avformat.found() and avutil.found() generic_media_handler = [avcodec, avformat, avutil] generic_media_handler_name = 'libav' else generic_media_handler_name = 'none' generic_media_handler = [] endif elif get_option('generic_media_extractor') == 'gstreamer' if gstreamer.found() and gstreamer_tag.found() generic_media_handler = [gstreamer, gstreamer_tag] generic_media_handler_name = 'gstreamer' else error('GStreamer media handler was enabled but required GStreamer libraries were not found') endif elif get_option('generic_media_extractor') == 'libav' if avcodec.found() and avformat.found() and avutil.found() generic_media_handler = [avcodec, avformat, avutil] generic_media_handler_name = 'libav' else error('libav media handler was enabled but required libav libraries were not found') endif endif ########################################################################### # Check for gstreamer backend: tagreadbin/decodebin2/discoverer/gupnp-dlna ########################################################################### gstreamer_backend_name = '' if generic_media_handler_name == 'gstreamer' if get_option('gstreamer_backend') == 'discoverer' if gstreamer_pbutils.found() gstreamer_backend_name = 'Discoverer' else error('GStreamer Discoverer backend requires GStreamer pbutils library') endif elif get_option('gstreamer_backend') == 'gupnp' if gupnp_dlna.found() and gupnp_dlna_gst.found() gstreamer_backend_name = 'GUPnP-DNLA' else error('GStreamer GUPnP-DNLA backend requires the gupNp and gupnp-gst libraries') endif endif endif #################################################################### # D-Bus service files #################################################################### if get_option('dbus_services') == '' dbus_services_dir = dbus.get_pkgconfig_variable('session_bus_services_dir') else dbus_services_dir = get_option('dbus_services') endif #################################################################### # systemd user services #################################################################### install_systemd_user_services = false if get_option('systemd_user_services') == 'yes' or get_option('systemd_user_services') == 'auto' systemd = dependency('systemd', required: false) if systemd.found() systemd_user_services_dir = systemd.get_pkgconfig_variable('systemduserunitdir') else systemd_user_services_dir = join_paths(get_option('libdir'), 'systemd', 'user') endif install_systemd_user_services = true elif get_option('systemd_user_services') == 'no' or get_option('systemd_user_services') == '' install_systemd_user_services = false systemd_user_services_dir = '(disabled)' else install_systemd_user_services = true systemd_user_services_dir = get_option('systemd_user_services') endif #################################################################### # bash-completion #################################################################### install_bash_completion = false if get_option('bash_completion') == 'yes' or get_option('bash_completion') == 'auto' bash_completion_package = dependency('bash-completion', required: false) if bash_completion_package.found() bash_completion_dir = bash_completion_package.get_pkgconfig_variable('completionsdir') else bash_completion_dir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('datadir'), 'bash-completion', 'completions') endif install_bash_completion = true elif get_option('bash_completion') == 'no' or get_option('bash_completion') == '' install_bash_completion = false bash_completion_dir = '(disabled)' else install_bash_completion = true bash_completion_dir = get_option('bash_completion') endif tracker_major_version = meson.project_version().split('.')[0].to_int() tracker_minor_version = meson.project_version().split('.')[1].to_int() tracker_micro_version = meson.project_version().split('.')[2].to_int() conf = configuration_data() # Config that goes in config.h conf.set('DISABLE_JOURNAL', get_option('journal') == false) conf.set('USING_UNZIPPSFILES', get_option('unzip_ps_gz_files') == false) conf.set('HAVE_TRACKER_EXTRACT', enable_extract) conf.set10('HAVE_TRACKER_FTS', enable_fts) conf.set('HAVE_TRACKER_WRITEBACK', enable_writeback) conf.set('HAVE_BUILTIN_FTS', sqlite3_has_builtin_fts5) conf.set('HAVE_ENCA', charset_library_name == 'enca') conf.set('HAVE_EXEMPI', exempi.found()) conf.set('HAVE_GSTREAMER', generic_media_handler_name == 'gstreamer') conf.set('GSTREAMER_BACKEND_DISCOVERER', gstreamer_backend_name == 'Discoverer') conf.set('GSTREAMER_BACKEND_GUPNP_DLNA', gstreamer_backend_name == 'GUPnP-DNLA') conf.set('HAVE_HAL', battery_detection_library_name == 'hal') conf.set('HAVE_LIBCUE', libcue.found()) conf.set('HAVE_LIBCUE2', libcue.version() >= '2.0.0') conf.set10('HAVE_LIBICU', unicode_library_name == 'icu') conf.set('HAVE_LIBICU_CHARSET_DETECTION', charset_library_name == 'icu') conf.set('HAVE_LIBEXIF', libexif.found()) conf.set('HAVE_LIBIPTCDATA', libiptcdata.found()) conf.set('HAVE_LIBSTEMMER', have_libstemmer) conf.set('HAVE_LIBUNISTRING', unicode_library_name == 'unistring') conf.set('HAVE_NETWORK_MANAGER', network_manager.found()) conf.set('HAVE_UPOWER', battery_detection_library_name == 'upower') conf.set('HAVE_GETLINE', cc.has_function('getline', prefix : '#include ')) conf.set('HAVE_POSIX_FADVISE', cc.has_function('posix_fadvise', prefix : '#include ')) conf.set('HAVE_STATVFS64', cc.has_header_symbol('sys/statvfs.h', 'statvfs64', args: '-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE')) conf.set('HAVE_STRNLEN', cc.has_function('strnlen', prefix : '#include ')) conf.set('LOCALEDIR', '"@0@/@1@"'.format(get_option('prefix'), get_option('localedir'))) conf.set('SHAREDIR', '"@0@/@1@"'.format(get_option('prefix'), get_option('datadir'))) conf.set('TRACKER_MINERS_DIR', '"@0@/@1@/tracker/miners"'.format(get_option('prefix'), get_option('datadir'))) conf.set('TRACKER_UI_DIR', '"@0@/@1@/tracker/"'.format(get_option('prefix'), get_option('datadir'))) conf.set('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', '"tracker"') conf.set('PACKAGE_VERSION', '"@0@"'.format(meson.project_version())) conf.set('TRACKER_VERSION', '"@0@"'.format(meson.project_version())) conf.set('TRACKER_MAJOR_VERSION', tracker_major_version) conf.set('TRACKER_MINOR_VERSION', tracker_minor_version) conf.set('TRACKER_MICRO_VERSION', tracker_micro_version) conf.set('TRACKER_INTERFACE_AGE', 0) conf.set('TRACKER_BINARY_AGE', 100 * tracker_minor_version + tracker_micro_version) # Config that goes in some other generated files (.desktop, .pc, etc) conf.set('exec_prefix', get_option('prefix')) conf.set('includedir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('includedir'))) conf.set('libdir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir'))) conf.set('libexecdir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libexecdir'))) conf.set('prefix', get_option('prefix')) conf.set('TRACKER_API_VERSION', '1.0') conf.set('VERSION', meson.project_version()) configure_file(input: '', output: 'config.h', configuration: conf) # Global compiler defines. We avoid add_global_arguments() as it breaks # when we are included by another project as a subproject. tracker_c_args = [ # Needed for O_NOATIME, and probably other stuff. '-D_GNU_SOURCE', # Needed for statvfs64, and probably other stuff '-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE', ] have_tracker_miner_fs = true have_tracker_miner_apps = true have_tracker_miner_rss = true have_tracker_extract = true have_tracker_writeback = true have_tracker_needle = true have_tracker_preferences = true configinc = include_directories('./') srcinc = include_directories('src/') tracker_internal_libs_dir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir'), 'tracker-' + tracker_api_version) tracker_extract_modules_dir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir'), 'tracker-@0@/extract-modules'.format(tracker_api_version)) # NOTE: We don't use ${TRACKER_API_VERSION} because other content like # the ontology is installed to the same location. tracker_extract_rules_dir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('datadir'), 'tracker/extract-rules') tracker_miner_services_dir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('datadir'), 'tracker/miners') tracker_writeback_modules_dir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir'), 'tracker-@0@/writeback-modules'.format(tracker_api_version)) vapi_dir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('datadir'), 'vala', 'vapi') g_ir_compiler = find_program('g-ir-compiler', gobject_introspection.get_pkgconfig_variable('g_ir_compiler')) g_ir_merge = find_program('g-ir-merge', join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'utils', 'g-ir-merge', 'g-ir-merge')) # You can use the gobject_introspection.get_pkgconfig_variable() to find these, # but then get_option('prefix') won't be honoured if it differs from the prefix # gobject-introspection is installed to. gir_dir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('datadir'), 'gir-1.0') typelib_dir = join_paths(get_option('libdir'), 'girepository-1.0') subdir('src') if get_option('docs') subdir('docs') endif subdir('examples') subdir('utils') subdir('tests') subdir('po') # Make sure we're not using versions of SQLite which cause problems. # # Avoid versions: sqlite_safe = true if sqlite.version().version_compare('>= 3.7.10') and sqlite.version().version_compare('<= 3.7.13') # See sqlite_safe = false elif sqlite.version().version_compare('3.8.1') # See sqlite_safe = false elif sqlite.version().version_compare('') # See sqlite_safe = false endif summary = [ '\nBuild Configuration:', ' Prefix: ' + get_option('prefix'), ' Source code location: ' + meson.source_root(), ' Compiler: ' + cc.get_id(), '\nFeature Support:', ' Battery/mains power detection: ' + battery_detection_library_name, ' Support for network status detection: ' + network_manager.found().to_string(), ' Unicode support library: ' + unicode_library_name, ' Build with Journal support: ' + get_option('journal').to_string(), ' Build with SQLite FTS support: @0@ (built-in FTS: @1@)'.format( get_option('fts'), sqlite3_has_builtin_fts5), ' Build with Stemming support: ' + have_libstemmer.to_string(), ' Bash completion support: ' + bash_completion_dir, '\nData Miners / Writebacks:', ' FS (File System): ' + have_tracker_miner_fs.to_string(), ' Applications: ' + have_tracker_miner_apps.to_string(), ' RSS: ' + have_tracker_miner_rss.to_string(), ' Extract (secondary extraction): ' + have_tracker_extract.to_string(), ' Writeback (writing changes back): ' + have_tracker_writeback.to_string(), ] if have_tracker_extract summary += [ '\nMetadata Extractors:', ' Support PNG: ' + libpng.found().to_string(), ' Support PDF: ' + poppler.found().to_string(), ' Support XPS: ' + libgxps.found().to_string(), ' Support GIF: @0@ (xmp: @1@)'.format(libgif.found().to_string(), exempi.found().to_string()), ' Support JPEG: @0@ (xmp: @1@, exif: @2@, iptc: @3@)'.format( libjpeg.found().to_string(), exempi.found().to_string(), libexif.found().to_string(), libiptcdata.found().to_string()), ' Support TIFF: @0@ (xmp: @1@, exif: @2@, iptc: @3@)'.format( libtiff.found().to_string(), exempi.found().to_string(), libexif.found().to_string(), libiptcdata.found().to_string()), ' Support Vorbis (ogg/etc): ' + libvorbis.found().to_string(), ' Support Flac: ' + flac.found().to_string(), ' Support MS & Open Office: ' + libgsf.found().to_string(), ' Support XML / HTML: ' + libxml2.found().to_string(), ' Support embedded / sidecar XMP: ' + exempi.found().to_string(), ' Support generic media formats: @0@ (backend: @1@)'.format( generic_media_handler_name, gstreamer_backend_name), ' Support cue sheet parsing: ' + libcue.found().to_string(), ' Support playlists (w/ Totem): ' + totem_plparser.found().to_string(), ' Support ISO image parsing: ' + libosinfo.found().to_string(), ' Support AbiWord document parsing: true', ' Support DVI parsing: true', ' Support MP3 parsing: true', ' Support MP3 tag charset detection: ' + charset_library_name, ' Support PS parsing: true', ' Support text parsing: true', ' Support icon parsing: true' ] endif if have_tracker_writeback summary += [ '\nWriteback Formats:', ' Audio files using Taglib: ' + taglib.found().to_string(), ' XMP: ' + exempi.found().to_string(), ] endif summary += [ '\nApplications:', ' Build tracker-preferences: ' + have_tracker_preferences.to_string(), ' Build tracker-needle: ' + have_tracker_needle.to_string(), '\nFrameworks / Options:', ' Support Guaranteed Metadata ' + get_option('guarantee_metadata').to_string(), ] message('\n'.join(summary)) if not sqlite_safe message('''WARNING: SQLite3 version @0@ is not safe. For detail 3.7.10 - 3.7.13: 3.8.1: ''').format(sqlite.version()) endif